
Defines functions ggparallel

Documented in ggparallel

#' Variations of parallel coordinate plots
#' \code{\link{ggparallel}} implements and combines different types of parallel
#' coordinate plots for categorical data: hammock plots,  parallel sets plots,
#' common angle plots, and common angle plots with a hammock-like adjustment
#' for line widths.
#' Parallel sets have been suggested by \cite{kosara:2006} as a visualization
#' technique to incorporate categorical variables into a parallel coordinate
#' plot introduced by \cite{wegman:1990} and \cite{inselberg:1985}. The parallel
#' sets implemented here are reduced to representations of neighboring
#' two-dimensional relationships only rather than the hierarchical version
#' originally suggested.
#' Both versions, however, show perceptual problems with interpreting line
#' widths, leading to potentially wrong conclusions about the data. The hammock
#' display, introduced by \cite{schonlau:2003}, and the common angle plots are
#' two approaches at fixing this problem: in Hammock plots the linewidth is
#' adjusted by a factor countering the strength of the illusion, in the common
#' angle plot all lines are adjusted to show the same angle - making line widths
#' again comparable across ribbons.
#' Additionally, we can also adjust ribbons in the common angle display for the
#' angle, to make them appear having the same width (or height) across the
#' display. We refer to this method as \code{adj.angle}.
#' @param vars list of variable names to be included in the plotting. Order of
#'  the variables is preserved in the display
#' @param data data frame
#' @param weight weighting variable - use character string
#' @param method plotting method to use - one of \code{angle},
#'    \code{adj.angle}, \code{parset},  or \code{hammock}, for a hammock plot
#'    the aspect ratio needs to be fixed.
#' @param alpha level of alpha blending for the fill color in ribbons, value
#'    has to be between 0 and 1, defaults to 0.5.
#' @param width width of variables
#' @param order flag variable with three levels -1, 0, 1 for levels in
#'    decreasing order, levels in increasing order and levels unchanged. This
#'    variable can be either a scalar or a vector
#' @param ratio  used for methods with angle adjustments (method =
#'   \code{'hammock', 'adj.angle'}): specifies the height (width for horizontal
#'   displays) of the widest line as ratio of the overall display height (width
#'   for horizontal displays).
#' @param label binary variable (vector), whether labels should be shown.
#' @param label.size numeric value to determine the size in which labels are shown, defaults to 4
#' @param label.colour character of colour in which the label should be shown. Ignored, if `label` is FALSE.
#' @param text.angle numeric value to determine the angle under which labels are shown.
#' @param text.offset (vector) of values for offsetting the labels
#' @param asp aspect ratio of the plot - it will be set to a default of 1 in
#'   the case of hammock plots.
#' @param same.level are all variables using the same levels? If yes, simplify the labelling
#' @param ... passed on directly to all of the ggplot2 commands
#' @return returns a  ggplot2 object that can be plotted directly or used as base
#'  layer for additional modifications.
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2 plyr reshape2
#' @example inst/examples/ggparallel-ex.R
ggparallel <- function(vars=list(), data, weight=NULL, method="angle",
                       alpha=0.5, width = 0.25, order = 1,  ratio=NULL,
                       asp = NULL, label = TRUE, label.colour="grey90", label.size=4, text.angle=90,
                       text.offset=NULL, same.level=FALSE, ...) {
  ### error checking
  vars <- unlist(vars)
  k = length(vars)
  if (k < 2) message("Error: ggparallel needs at least two variables. Use vars=list('X', 'Y')")

  ## if user doesn't specify the weight, assign value of 1.
  data$weight <- weight
  if (is.null(weight)) data$weight <- 1
  if (is.character(weight)) data$weight <- data[,weight]
  if (is.null(ratio)) ratio <- nrow(data)/sum(data$weight)

  ## if ordering is selected, organize x and y axis by weight
  ## make order a vector of length length(vars)
  order <- rep(order, length=length(vars))
  for (i in 1:length(vars)){
	if (! is.factor(data[,vars[i]]))
  		data[,vars[i]] <- factor(data[,vars[i]])

    if (order[i] != 0)
      data[,vars[i]] <- stats::reorder(data[,vars[i]], data$weight,
                             function(x) if (order[i] > 0) sum(x)
                             			 else -sum(x)

  llist <- NULL
  for (i in unique(vars)) {
  	if (!same.level) levels(data[,i]) <- paste(i, levels(data[,i]), sep=":")
    llist <- c(llist, levels(data[,i]))
  if ((method=="hammock"))# | (method=="adj.angle"))
    if (is.null(asp)) asp <- 1

  ## helper function
  getRibbons <- function(xid,yid) {
    ## get the names of the x and y variables
    x <- vars[xid]
    y <- vars[yid]

    xname <- x
    yname <- y

    ## introduce new variables as fail-safe, if local binding fails:
    variable <- NULL
    value <- NULL
    Freq <- NULL
    Nodeset <- NULL
    tangens <- NULL
    dx2 <- NULL
    midx <- NULL
    midy <- NULL
    ypos <- NULL
    varn <- NULL
    ymax <- NULL
    ymin <- NULL
    ymid <- NULL
    xoffset <- NULL

    ## create the data table, x, y, and weight
    dfxy <- as.data.frame(stats::xtabs(data$weight~data[,x] + data[,y]))
    dfxy <- subset(dfxy, Freq > 0)

    names(dfxy)[1:2] <- c(xname, yname)

    ## get the ordering for data according to x-axis categories
    idx <- order(dfxy[,x], dfxy[,y], decreasing = TRUE)

    ## find the position of X-axis connector
    dfxy$X[idx] <- sum(dfxy$Freq[idx]) - cumsum(dfxy$Freq[idx])
    dfxy$X[idx] <- dfxy$X[idx] + dfxy$Freq[idx]

    ## get the ordering for data according to y-axis categories
    idx <- order(dfxy[,y], dfxy[,x], decreasing = TRUE)

    ## find the position of the Y-axis connector
    dfxy$Y[idx] <- sum(dfxy$Freq[idx]) - cumsum(dfxy$Freq[idx])
    dfxy$Y[idx] <- dfxy$Y[idx] + dfxy$Freq[idx]

    ## assign row number as id
    dfxy$id <- 1:nrow(dfxy)
    dfm <- melt(dfxy, measure.var=c("X", "Y"))
    levels(dfm$variable) <- c(x,y)

    dfxy$XX <- dfxy[,xname]
    dfxy$YY <- dfxy[,yname]
    dfm$Nodeset <- dfm[,xname]
    dfm$Nodeset <- factor(dfm$Nodeset, levels=llist)

    dfm$xoffset <- c(width/2,-width/2)[as.numeric(dfm$variable)]
    dfm$xid <- xid - 1
    dfm$yid <- yid

    if (method=="parset") {
      r <- geom_ribbon(aes(x=as.numeric(variable)+xoffset+xid,
                           ymax= value, group=id,
                      fill=Nodeset, colour=Nodeset),	alpha=alpha, data=dfm)
    if (method == "angle") {
      dfm$x <- with(dfm, as.numeric(variable)+xoffset+xid)
      dfm<- ddply(dfm, .(id), transform,
                  dy=max(value) -min(value)
      dfm$tangens = dfm$dy/dfm$dx
      maxslope <- 1.3*max(dfm$tangens) # add 15% of offset on each end of each variable
      dfm$newdx <- with(dfm, dy/maxslope)

      dfm2 <- dfm
      dfm2$xoffset <- with(dfm, (abs(xoffset) + (dx-newdx)/2) * sign(xoffset))
      dfm2$x <- with(dfm2, as.numeric(variable)+xoffset+xid)
      dfm3 <- ddply(dfm2, names(dfm2)[2], transform,
                    dx2 = max(x[which(tangens==max(tangens))])
      dfm3 <- ddply(dfm3, .(id), transform, shiftx = max(x)-dx2)
      dfm3$x <- dfm3$x - dfm3$shiftx
      dfm <- rbind(dfm, dfm3[,-(16:17)])
      r <- geom_ribbon(aes(x=x,ymin=value -Freq, ymax= value, group=id,
                            fill=Nodeset, colour=Nodeset), alpha=alpha, data=dfm)
    if (method == "adj.angle") {
      dfm$x <- with(dfm, as.numeric(variable)+xoffset+xid)
      dfm<- ddply(dfm, .(id), transform,
                  dy=max(value) -min(value)
      dfm$tangens = dfm$dy/dfm$dx
      maxslope <- 1.3*max(dfm$tangens) # add 15% of offset on each end of each variable
      dfm$newdx <- with(dfm, dy/maxslope)

      dfm2 <- dfm
      dfm2$xoffset <- with(dfm, (abs(xoffset) + (dx-newdx)/2) * sign(xoffset))
      dfm2$x <- with(dfm2, as.numeric(variable)+xoffset+xid)
      dfm3 <- ddply(dfm2, names(dfm2)[2], transform,
                    dx2 = max(x[which(tangens==max(tangens))])
      dfm3 <- ddply(dfm3, .(id), transform, shiftx = max(x)-dx2)
      dfm3$x <- dfm3$x #- dfm3$shiftx
      dfm <- rbind(dfm, dfm3[,-(16:17)])
      dfm <- transform(dfm, ymin=value-Freq, ymax=value)
      dfm <- transform(dfm, ymid=(ymax+ymin)/2)
#      plot.asp <- length(vars)/(1.1*sum(data$weight))*asp
#      qplot(x, ymid, data=dfm, geom=c("line"), alpha=I(0.5), group=id, colour=factor(gear), size=Freq)+scale_size(range=4.2*c(min(dfm$Freq),max(dfm$Freq))) + scale_colour_discrete() + theme(legend.position="none") + ylim(c(0, 1.05*sum(data$weight)))
      r <- list(geom_line(
        aes(x=x,y=ymid, group=id, colour=Nodeset, linewidth=Freq),
        alpha=alpha, data=dfm), range=c(min(dfm$Freq),max(dfm$Freq)))
      #      r <- list(geom_line(aes(x=x,y=ymid, group=id, colour=Nodeset, size=Freq), alpha=alpha, data=dfm),
#        scale_size(guide="none", range=ratio*max(dfm$Freq)*c(min(dfm$Freq),max(dfm$Freq)))) #+ scale_colour_discrete()
    if (method=="hammock") {
      maxwidth = ratio/2*sum(data$weight)
      xtab <- ddply(dfxy, xname, summarise, value=sum(Freq))
      xtab$midx <- with(xtab, cumsum(value)- value/2)
      dfm <- merge(dfm, xtab[,c(xname, "midx")], by=xname)
      ytab <- ddply(dfxy, yname, summarise, value=sum(Freq))
      ytab$midy <- with(ytab, cumsum(value)- value/2)
      dfm <- merge(dfm, ytab[,c(yname, "midy")], by=yname)
      plot.asp <- length(vars)/(1.1*sum(data$weight))*asp

      dfm$varn <- as.numeric(dfm$variable)
      dfm <- transform(dfm,
                       x = min(varn+xoffset+xid),
                       xend = max(varn+xoffset+xid)
      dfm <- ddply(dfm , .(id), transform,
        tangens = max(midy)-min(midx)
      dfm$tangens <- with(dfm, tangens/max(xend-x)*plot.asp)
      dfm$width <- with(dfm, Freq/cos(atan(tangens)))
      dfm$width <- with(dfm, width*maxwidth/max(width))
      dfm <- ddply(dfm, .(id), transform,
                   y=c(midx[1], midy[1])[varn]

      r <- geom_ribbon(aes(x=as.numeric(variable)+xoffset+xid,
                           ymin=y-width, ymax=y+width, group=id,
                           fill=Nodeset, colour=Nodeset),  alpha=alpha, data=dfm) #, drop=FALSE)
  ## end helper function

  ## local variables
  variable <- NULL
  Freq <- NULL
  Nodeset <- NULL
  ypos <- NULL

  gr <- list()
  for (i in 1:(length(vars)-1))
    gr[[i]] <- getRibbons(i,i+1)

  if (method=="adj.angle") {
    prange <- c(NA,NA)
    for (i in 1:(length(vars)-1)) {
      prange <- range(c(prange, gr[[i]][[2]]), na.rm=T)
      gr[[i]] <- gr[[i]][[1]]
    gr[[1]] <-  list(gr[[1]], scale_size(guide="none", range=ratio*prange))

  subdata <- data[,c("weight", unlist(vars))]
  for (i in unlist(vars)) subdata[,i] <- as.character(subdata[,i])
  dfm <- melt(subdata, id.var="weight")
  names(dfm)[3] <- "Nodeset"
  dfm$Nodeset <- factor(dfm$Nodeset, levels=llist)

  llabels <- NULL
  if (label) {
	  label.stats <- ddply(dfm, .(variable, Nodeset), summarize,
	                       n = length(weight),
	  maxWeight <- sum(label.stats$weight)/length(unique(label.stats$variable))
	  label.stats$ypos <- cumsum(label.stats$weight)-(as.numeric(label.stats$variable)-1)*maxWeight
	  label.stats$ypos <- label.stats$ypos-label.stats$weight/2

    if (is.null(text.offset)) text.offset <- 0
  	label.stats$text.offset <- rep(text.offset, length=nrow(label.stats))

	  varnames <- paste(unlist(vars), sep="|", collapse="|")
	  label.stats$labels <- gsub(sprintf("(%s):(.*)",varnames),"\\2", as.character(label.stats$Nodeset))
    llabels <- list(#geom_text(aes(x=as.numeric(variable)+text.offset, y=ypos, label=labels),
	                  #    colour = "grey20", data=label.stats, angle=text.angle, size=label.size),
	                  geom_text(aes(x=as.numeric(variable)+0.01+text.offset, y=ypos-0.01, label=labels),
	                      colour = label.colour, data=label.stats, angle=text.angle, size=label.size))
  theme.layer <- NULL
  if (!is.null(asp)) theme.layer <- theme(aspect.ratio=asp)
  dfm$Nodeset <- factor(dfm$Nodeset, levels = rev(levels(dfm$Nodeset)))
  ggplot() + xlab("")  + gr + theme.layer +
    geom_bar(aes(weight=weight, x=variable, fill=Nodeset, colour=Nodeset),  width=width, data=dfm) +
            llabels +
             scale_x_discrete(expand=c(0.1, 0.1))
  # theme(drop=FALSE)
heike/ggparallel documentation built on March 13, 2024, 9:36 p.m.