
Defines functions simDFM

Documented in simDFM

#' Simulate data following a Dynamic Factor Model
#' @description Function to simulate data following a dynamic factor model (DFM). Two DFMs are currently available:
#' the direct autoregressive factor score model (Engle & Watson, 1981; Nesselroade, McArdle, Aggen, and Meyers, 2002) and the
#' dynamic factor model with random walk factor scores.
#' @param variab Number of variables per factor.
#' @param timep Number of time points.
#' @param nfact Number of factors.
#' @param error Value to be used to construct a diagonal matrix Q. This matrix is p x p covariance matrix Q that will
#' generate random errors following a multivariate normal distribution with mean zeros.
#' The value provided is squared before constructing Q.
#' @param dfm A string indicating the dynamical factor model to use.
#' Current options are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{\code{DAFS}} --- Simulates data using the direct autoregressive factor score model.
#' This is the default method
#' \item \strong{\code{RandomWalk}} --- Simulates data using a dynamic factor model with random walk factor scores
#' @param loadings Magnitude of the loadings.
#' @param autoreg Magnitude of the autoregression coefficients.
#' @param crossreg Magnitude of the cross-regression coefficients.
#' @param var.shock Magnitude of the random shock variance.
#' @param cov.shock Magnitude of the random shock covariance
#' @param burnin Number of n first samples to discard when computing the factor scores. Defaults to 1000.
#' @param variation Boolean.
#' Whether parameters should be varied.
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' Set to \code{TRUE} to add slight variation to all parameters
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Estimate EGA network
#' data1 <- simDFM(variab = 5, timep = 50, nfact = 3, error = 0.05,
#' dfm = "DAFS", loadings = 0.7, autoreg = 0.8,
#' crossreg = 0.1, var.shock = 0.36,
#' cov.shock = 0.18, burnin = 1000)}
#' @references
#' Engle, R., & Watson, M. (1981).
#' A one-factor multivariate time series model of metropolitan wage rates.
#' \emph{Journal of the American Statistical Association}, \emph{76}(376), 774-781.
#' Nesselroade, J. R., McArdle, J. J., Aggen, S. H., & Meyers, J. M. (2002).
#' Dynamic factor analysis models for representing process in multivariate time-series. In D. S. Moskowitz & S. L. Hershberger (Eds.),
#' \emph{Multivariate applications book series. Modeling intraindividual variability with repeated measures data: Methods and applications}, 235-265.
#' @author Hudson F. Golino <hfg9s at virginia.edu>
#' @export
# Simulate dynamic factor model
# Updated 01.11.2023
simDFM <- function(
    variab, timep, nfact, error, dfm = c("DAFS","RandomWalk"),
    loadings, autoreg, crossreg, var.shock, cov.shock, burnin = 1000,
    variation = FALSE

  # Send not refactored message (for now)
    dfm <- "DAFS"
  }else{dfm <- match.arg(dfm)}

  # Factor Scores:

  if(dfm == "DAFS"){
    # Add variation
      # B = Matrix of Bl is a nfact x nfact matrix containing the autoregressive and cross-regressive coefficients
      B <- matrix(
        # Add some variation
        crossreg + runif(nfact * nfact, -0.05, 0.05),
        ncol = nfact,
        nrow = nfact
      # Make symmetric
      B <- (t(B) + B) / 2
      # Add some varation
      diag(B) <- autoreg + runif(nfact, -0.05, 0.05)
      # Shock = Random shock vectors following a multivariate normal distribution with mean zeros and nfact x nfact q covariance matrix D
      D <- matrix(
        # Add some variation
        cov.shock + runif(nfact * nfact, -0.05, 0.05),
      # Make symmetric
      D <- (t(D) + D) / 2
      # Add some variation
      diag(D) <- var.shock + runif(nfact, -0.05, 0.05)
      # Compute shock
      Shock <- MASS_mvrnorm(
        burnin + timep, matrix(0, nfact, 1), D
      Fscores <- matrix(0, burnin + timep, nfact)
      Fscores[1,] <- Shock[1,]
      for (t in 2: (burnin+timep)){
        Fscores[t,] <- Fscores[t-1,] %*% B+ Shock[t,]
      Fscores <- Fscores[-c(1:burnin),]
      # B = Matrix of Bl is a nfact x nfact matrix containing the autoregressive and cross-regressive coefficients
      B <- matrix(
        crossreg, ncol = nfact, nrow = nfact
      diag(B) <- autoreg
      # Shock = Random shock vectors following a multivariate normal distribution with mean zeros and nfact x nfact q covariance matrix D
      D <- matrix(cov.shock, nfact, nfact)
      diag(D) <- var.shock
      Shock <- MASS_mvrnorm(burnin+timep,matrix(0,nfact,1),D)
      Fscores <- matrix(0,burnin+timep,nfact)
      Fscores[1,] <- Shock[1,]
      for (t in 2: (burnin+timep)){
        Fscores[t,] <- Fscores[t-1,] %*% B+ Shock[t,]
      Fscores <- Fscores[-c(1:burnin),]

    Fscores <- matrix(rnorm(nfact*(burnin+timep), 0, 1), nfact, burnin+timep)
    Fscores <- Fscores[,-c(1:burnin)]
    ## nfact x timep matrix of scaled latent trends
    Fscores <- scale(apply(Fscores,1,cumsum))

    loads <- lapply(rep(loadings, nfact), rep, variab)
    loads <- lapply(loads, function(x){x + runif(length(x), -0.10, 0.10)})
    LoadMat <- as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(loads))
    LoadMat <- as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(lapply(rep(loadings, nfact), rep, variab)))

  ## Error: multivariate normal distribution with mean zeros and p x p covariance matrix Q
    var <- (rep(error, variab*nfact) + runif(variab*nfact, -0.025, 0.025))^2
    Q <- diag(var,variab*nfact,variab*nfact)
    e <- t(MASS_mvrnorm(timep, matrix(0,variab*nfact,1),Q))
    var <- error^2
    Q <- diag(var,variab*nfact,variab*nfact)
    e <- t(MASS_mvrnorm(timep, matrix(0,variab*nfact,1),Q))

  ## Simulated obs data
  obs.data <- LoadMat %*% t(Fscores) + e
  obs.data <- as.data.frame(t(obs.data))
  colnames(obs.data) <- paste0("V", 1:ncol(obs.data))
  results <- list()
  results$data <- obs.data
  results$Fscores <- as.data.frame(Fscores)
    colnames(results$Fscores) <- paste0("F", 1:ncol(Fscores))  
    colnames(results$Fscores) <- "F1"
  results$LoadMat <- LoadMat
  results$Structure <- rep(1:nfact, each = variab)
hfgolino/EGA documentation built on July 14, 2024, 5:42 p.m.