
Defines functions plot.pglmmObj plot_mcmc BIC.pglmmObj logLik.pglmmObj summary.pglmmObj prt_resids summary_ranef print.pglmmObj prt_nobsgrps prt_ranef prt_fixef prt_call prt_family residuals.pglmmObj var_hat predict.pglmmObj fitted.pglmmObj invLink etaCalc model.matrix.pglmmObj model.frame.pglmmObj formula.pglmmObj reOnly ngrps.pglmmObj nobs.pglmmObj family.pglmmObj coef.pglmmObj sigma.pglmmObj ranef.pglmmObj fixef.pglmmObj

Documented in BIC.pglmmObj coef.pglmmObj family.pglmmObj fitted.pglmmObj fixef.pglmmObj formula.pglmmObj logLik.pglmmObj model.frame.pglmmObj model.matrix.pglmmObj ngrps.pglmmObj nobs.pglmmObj plot_mcmc plot.pglmmObj predict.pglmmObj print.pglmmObj ranef.pglmmObj residuals.pglmmObj sigma.pglmmObj summary.pglmmObj

# Functions to define object's S3 methods

# Object name: pglmmObj
# Properties: 
## Reference Class object

#' @describeIn pglmmObj Provides the fixed effects coefficients
#' @importFrom lme4 fixef
#' @export
fixef.pglmmObj = function(object, ...){

#' @describeIn pglmmObj Provides the random effects posterior modes for each explanatory variable
#' for each level of the grouping factor
#' @importFrom lme4 ranef
#' @export
ranef.pglmmObj = function(object, ...){
#' @describeIn pglmmObj Provides the random effect covariance matrix. If family is Gaussian,
#' also returns the standard deviation of the residual error.
#' @importFrom stats sigma
#' @export
sigma.pglmmObj = function(object, ...){
  fam_fun = object$family
  family = fam_fun$family
  # Return covariance matrix of the random effects and any scale parameters
  group = object$data$group
  grp = names(group)
  scale = object$scale[[1]]
  out = list()
  out[[grp]] = object$sigma
  if(family == "gaussian"){
    out[["Residual StdDev"]] = sqrt(scale)
  # else if(family == "negbin"){
  #   out[["phi"]] = scale
  # }

#' @describeIn pglmmObj Computes the sum of the fixed effects 
#' coefficients and the random effect posterior modes 
#' for each explanatory variable for each level of each grouping factor.
#' @importFrom stats coef setNames
#' @export
coef.pglmmObj = function(object, ...){
  # Find combined coefficients
  ## Borrowed code elements from coef.merMod in lme4
  fixef = data.frame(rbind(object$fixef), check.names = FALSE)
  ranef = object$ranef
  group = object$data$group
  # check for variables in RE but missing from FE, fill in zeros in FE accordingly
  refnames = unlist(lapply(ranef,colnames))
  nmiss = length(missnames <- setdiff(refnames,names(fixef)))
  if (nmiss > 0) {
    fillvars = setNames(data.frame(rbind(rep(0,nmiss))),missnames)
    fixef = cbind(fillvars,fixef)
  output = lapply(ranef, function(j) fixef[rep.int(1L, nrow(j)), , drop = FALSE])
  for (i in seq(a = output)){
    refi <- ranef[[i]]
    row.names(output[[i]]) <- row.names(refi)
    nmsi <- colnames(refi)
    if (!all(nmsi %in% names(fixef))){
      stop("unable to align random and fixed effects")
    for(nm in nmsi) {
      output[[i]][[nm]] <- output[[i]][[nm]] + refi[,nm]

#' @describeIn pglmmObj Family of the fitted GLMM
#' @importFrom stats family
#' @export
family.pglmmObj = function(object, ...){

#' @describeIn pglmmObj Number of observations used in the model fit
#' @importFrom stats nobs
#' @export
nobs.pglmmObj = function(object, ...){

#' @describeIn pglmmObj Number of levels in the grouping factor
#' @importFrom lme4 ngrps
#' @export
ngrps.pglmmObj = function(object, ...){

# Copied from lme4 source code (utilities.R)
deparse1 <- function (expr, collapse = " ", width.cutoff = 500L, ...)
  paste(deparse(expr, width.cutoff, ...), collapse = collapse)

reOnly <- function(f, response=FALSE) {
  # Copied from lme4 source code (predict.R)
  reformulate(paste0("(", vapply(findbars(f), deparse1, ""), ")"),
              response = if(response && length(f)==3L) f[[2]])

#' @describeIn pglmmObj Formula used for the model fit. Can return the full
#' formula, or just the formula elements relating to the fixed effects
#' (fixed.only = TRUE) or random effects (random.only = TRUE)
#' @param random.only logical value used in \code{formula}; \code{TRUE} indicates that 
#' only the formula elements relating to the random effects should be returned
#' @importFrom stats formula
#' @export
formula.pglmmObj = function(x, fixed.only = FALSE, random.only = FALSE, ...){
  object = x
  form = object$formula
  frame = object$data$frame
  if(fixed.only && random.only){
    stop("cannot specify both 'fixed.only' and 'random.only")
    formula = nobars(form)
  }else if(random.only){
    formula = reOnly(form, response = TRUE)
    formula = form

#' @describeIn pglmmObj Returns the model frame
#' @param formula in the case of model.frame, a \code{pglmmObj} object
#' @importFrom stats model.frame terms.formula
#' @export
model.frame.pglmmObj = function(formula, fixed.only = FALSE, ...){
  object = formula
  frame = object$data$frame
  # Borrowed some code from lme4
    form = formula(object, fixed.only = TRUE)
    vars.fixed = rownames(attr(terms.formula(form), "factors"))
    frame = frame[vars.fixed]

#' @describeIn pglmmObj Returns the model matrix of either the fixed (type = "fixed") or 
#' random effects (type = "random")
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @export
model.matrix.pglmmObj = function(object, type = c("fixed", "random"), ...) {
  # select correct Z to use
    Z = object$data$Z
    Z = object$data$Z_std
         "fixed" = object$data$X,
         "random" = Matrix(Z, sparse = TRUE))

etaCalc = function(X, Z, beta, U){

  # Calculate posterior modes
  if(inherits(U, "numeric")){ # U = vector instead of matrix; highly unlikely. class(U) == "numeric"
    gamma = mean(U)
  }else{ # U is a matrix
    gamma = colMeans(U)
  # linear predictor calculated using posterior modes 'gamma'
  eta = X %*% beta + Z %*% gamma

invLink = function(family, eta){
  fam = family$family
  # Inverse link functions (canonical links only)
  if(fam == "binomial"){
    mu = exp(eta) / (1+exp(eta))
  }else if(fam == "poisson"){
    mu = exp(eta)
  }else if(fam == "gaussian"){
    mu = eta
    stop("fitted means for given family not available")

#' @describeIn pglmmObj Fitted values, i.e., the linear predictor of the model.
#' @inheritParams predict.pglmmObj
#' @importFrom stats fitted
#' @export
fitted.pglmmObj = function(object, fixed.only = TRUE, ...){
  offset = object$data$offset
    eta = object$data$X %*% matrix(object$fixef, ncol = 1) + offset
      eta = etaCalc(X = object$data$X, Z = object$data$Z, beta = object$fixef, U = object$posterior_samples) + offset
      eta = etaCalc(X = object$data$X, Z = object$data$Z_std, beta = object$fixef, U = object$posterior_samples) + offset
  mu = invLink(family = object$family, eta)
  frame = object$data$frame
  mu_out = as.numeric(mu)
    names(mu_out) = seq_len(nrow(frame))
    names(mu_out) = rownames(frame)

#' @describeIn pglmmObj Predictions for the model corresponding to 
#' the pglmmObj output object from the glmmPen package functions. The function
#' \code{predict} can predict either the linear predictor of the model or the
#' expected mean of the response, as specified by the \code{type} argument.
#' Argument \code{type}: character string for type of predictors: "link" (default), 
#' which generates the linear predictor,
#' and "response", which generates the expected mean values of the response.
#' @param object pglmmObj object output from \code{glmm}, \code{glmmPen}, or \code{glmmPen_FineSearch}
#' @param newdata optional new data.frame containing the same variables used in the model fit procedure
#' @param type See details of \code{type} options for each function under "Functions" section.
#' @param fixed.only logical value; default \code{TRUE} indicates that only the 
#' fixed effects 
#' should be used in the fitted value/prediction, while \code{FALSE} indicates that both the fixed and 
#' random effects posterior modes should be used in the fitted value/prediction
#' @param ... potentially further arguments passed from other methods
#' @importFrom stats predict drop.terms reformulate
#' @importFrom lme4 nobars
#' @export
predict.pglmmObj = function(object, newdata = NULL, type = c("link","response"),
                            fixed.only = TRUE, ...){
  ## Other arguments used by lme4: re.form, random.only = FALSE, allow.new.levels = FALSE, newparams = NULL
  if((!is.null(newdata)) & (!inherits(newdata, "data.frame"))){ # class(newdata) != "data.frame"
    stop("newdata must be a dataframe")
    # Select correct Z to use
      Z = object$data$Z
      Z = object$data$Z_std
    # Calculate prediction result for original data
    if(!fixed.only){ # fixed.only = FALSE
      pred = switch(type[1], # if unspecified, default = link output (linear predictor)
                    link = etaCalc(X = object$data$X, Z = Z, beta = object$fixef, 
                                   U = object$posterior_samples),
                    response = fitted(object, fixed.only = fixed.only))
    }else{ # fixed.only = TRUE
      eta = object$data$X %*% object$fixef
      pred = switch(type[1],
                    link = eta,
                    response = invLink(family = object$family, eta = eta))
    data = object$data$X
  }else{ # Calculate prediction for newdata
      stop("prediction using random effects not appropriate for new data")
    fixef = object$fixef
    # Make sure newdata has relevant variables needed for prediction
    # fixed_vars: names of the fixed effects used in analysis (from get_all_vars(fixed_formula[-2],data))
    fixed_vars = object$fixed_vars
    # If NA terms in var_names, this indicates that formula was specified using a matrix
    #   (e.g. formula = y ~ X + (X | group)) instead of specified using either the names of column
    #   names of a data frame or named vectors
      if(!(fixed_vars %in% colnames(newdata))){
        cat("newdata must have the following variables: \n",
            fixed_vars, "\n")
        stop("newdata must have the variables listed in 'fixed_vars' from pglmmObj object")
      formula_fixed = nobars(object$formula)
      formula_fixed = formula_fixed[-2] # remove response
      # Create model.matrix using newdata and fixed effects formula with non-zero fixed effects
      X = model.matrix(formula_fixed, data = newdata)
    }else{ # if any(is.na(fixed_vars))
      # Check that number of columns of newdata matches number of fixed effects
      cat("it is assumed that the columns of newdata match the order of the fixef coefficients")
      # Ignoring intercept (model always contains intercept), check that number of variables in
      # newdata match number of variables in the fixed effects coefficients
      if(ncol(newdata) != (length(fixef)-1)){ 
        stop("number of newdata columns ", ncol(newdata),
             " does not match the number of fixed effects coefficients in fixef (ignoring intercept) ",
    } # End if-else any(is.na(fixed_vars))
    X = cbind(1, as.matrix(newdata))
    eta = X %*% fixef
    pred = switch(type[1], 
                  link = eta,
                  response = invLink(family = object$family, eta = eta))
    data = newdata
  } # End if-else is.null(newdata)
  pred_out = as.numeric(pred)
    names(pred_out) = seq_len(nrow(data))
    names(pred_out) = rownames(data)

# Function for residuals.pglmmObj
var_hat = function(family, mu, sig2 = NULL, phi = NULL){
  if(family == "binomial"){
    v_hat = mu*(1-mu)
  }else if(family == "poisson"){
    v_hat = mu
  }else if(family == "gaussian"){
    v_hat = sig2
  # else if(family == "negbin"){
  #   v_hat = mu + phi * mu^2 
  # }

#' @describeIn pglmmObj Residuals for the pglmmObj output object from the glmmPen package functions.
#' Argument \code{type}: character string for type of residuals to report. Options include "deviance" (default), 
#' "pearson", "response", and "working", which specify the deviance residuals, Pearson residuals,
#' the difference between the actual response y and the expected mean response (y - mu), and the
#' working residuals (y - mu) / mu
#' @importFrom stats residuals
#' @inherit predict.pglmmObj
#' @export
residuals.pglmmObj = function(object, type = c("deviance","pearson","response","working"), ...){
  y = object$data$y
  mu = Matrix::as.matrix(fitted(object))
  type = match.arg(type)
  fam = family(object)
  family = fam$family
  sig2 = object$scale$Gaus_sig2 # Residual error variance only used if family = gaussian
  phi = object$scale$phi # Only used if family = negbin
  if(type == "deviance"){ # reference: mcemGLM package
    if(family == "binomial"){
      res = ifelse(y, 1, -1) * sqrt(-2*(y * log(mu) + (1 - y) * log(1 - mu)))
    }else if(family == "poisson"){
      res = sign(y - mu) * sqrt(2 * ifelse(y > 0, y * log(y/mu), 0) - 2 * (y - mu))
    }else if(family == "gaussian"){
      res = (y - mu) / sqrt(sig2)
    }else if(family == "negbin"){
      # Note: a0 from mcemGLM = 1/phi
      stop("family not available")
      # res = sign(y - mu) * sqrt(2 * (ifelse(y > 0, y * log(y/mu), 0)) - 2 * (y + 1/phi) * log((y + 1/phi)/(mu + 1/phi)))
      stop("family not available")
  }else if(type == "pearson"){
    res = (y - mu) / sqrt(var_hat(family, mu, sig2, phi))
  }else if(type == "response"){
    res = y - mu
  }else{ # working residuals
    res = (y - mu) / mu
  attr(res, "residual type") = type

# Print functions:

prt_family = function(object){
  f = object$family
  cat(" Family:", f$family, paste(" (", f$link, ")"), fill = TRUE)

prt_call <- function(object) {
  # Copied some code from lme4 source code
  call = object$call
  if (!is.null(cc <- call$formula))
    cat("Formula:", deparse(cc), fill = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(cc <- call$data))
    cat("   Data:", deparse(cc), fill = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(cc <- call$weights))
    cat("Weights:", deparse(cc), fill = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(cc <- call$offset))
    cat(" Offset:", deparse(cc), fill = TRUE)
  # if (!is.null(cc <- call$subset))
  #   cat(" Subset:", deparse(cc), fill = TRUE)

prt_fixef = function(object, digits){
  if(length(fef <- object$fixef) > 0) {
    cat("Fixed Effects:\n")
    print.default(format(fef, digits = digits),
                  print.gap = 2L, quote = FALSE)
  } else cat("No fixed effect coefficients\n")

prt_ranef = function(object, digits = 4){
  cat("Random Effects:\n")
  # Create character matrix
  cnms = c("Group","Name","Variance")
  # Assume only one group
  group = object$data$group[[1]] 
  group_name = names(object$data$group)
  ref = lapply(ranef(object), function(x) colnames(x))
  ref_names = ref[[1]]
  sigma = object$sigma
  output = matrix(0, nrow = length(ref_names), ncol = length(cnms))
  output[,2] = ref_names
  output[,1] = group_name
  output[,3] = round(diag(sigma), digits = digits)
  colnames(output) = cnms
  rownames(output) = rep("", nrow(output))
  print(output, quote = FALSE)

prt_nobsgrps = function(object){
  cat(sprintf("Number Observations: %i,  groups: %s, %i \n", 
              nobs(object), names(object$data$group), nlevels(object$data$group[[1]])))

#' @describeIn pglmmObj Prints a selection of summary information of fitted model
#' @param x an R object of class \code{pglmmObj}
#' @method print pglmmObj
#' @export
print.pglmmObj = function(x, digits = c(fef = 4, ref = 4), ...){
  object = x
  # Title
  cat("Penalized generalized linear mixed model fit by Monte Carlo Expectation Conditional Minimization (MCECM)",  
      "  algorithm", " (", object$sampling, ") ", " ['", class(object), "'] ", fill = TRUE, sep = "")
  # Family
  # Call information: formula, data, weights, offset, (subset?)
  # Fixed effects information
  prt_fixef(object, digits = digits[1])
  # Random effects information
  prt_ranef(object, digits = digits[2])
  # Number obs and groups

summary_ranef = function(object, digits = 4){
  cat("Random Effects:\n")
  # Create character matrix
  cnms = c("Group","Name","Variance","Std.Dev.")
  # Assume only one group
  group = object$data$group[[1]] 
  group_name = names(object$data$group)
  ref = lapply(ranef(object), function(x) colnames(x))
  ref_names = ref[[1]]
  sigma = object$sigma
  output = matrix(0, nrow = length(ref_names), ncol = length(cnms))
  output[,2] = ref_names
  output[,1] = group_name
  output[,3] = round(diag(sigma), digits = digits)
  output[,4] = round(sqrt(diag(sigma)), digits = digits)
  colnames(output) = cnms
  rownames(output) = rep("", nrow(output))
  print(output, quote = FALSE)

#' @importFrom stringr str_to_title
#' @importFrom stats quantile
prt_resids = function(resids, type = "Pearson", digits) {
  cat(str_to_title(type), "residuals: ", "\n", sep = " ")
  resid_quant <- setNames(zapsmall(quantile(resids, na.rm=TRUE), digits + 1L),
                          c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max"))
  print(resid_quant, digits = digits)

#' @describeIn pglmmObj Returns a list of summary statistics of the fitted model. 
#' @param digits number of significant digits for printing; default of 4
#' @param resid_type type of residuals to summarize in output. See \code{predict.pglmmObj}
#' for residual options available.
#' @export
summary.pglmmObj = function(object, digits = c(fef = 4, ref = 4), 
                            resid_type = switch(object$family$family, gaussian = "pearson", "deviance"),
  # ToDo: Add in (best) lambda values, BIC, logLik
  # Title
  cat("Penalized generalized linear mixed model fit by Monte Carlo Expectation Conditional Minimization (MCECM)",
      "  algorithm", " (", object$sampling, ") ", " ['", class(object), "'] ", fill = TRUE, sep = "")
  # Family
  # Call information: formula, data, weights, offset, (subset?)
  # Fixed effects information
  prt_fixef(object, digits = digits[1])
  # Random Effects information
  summary_ranef(object, digits = digits[2])
  # Number obs and groups
  # Residuals Summary
  prt_resids(residuals(object, type = resid_type), type = resid_type, digits = digits[1])

#' @describeIn pglmmObj Returns the log-likelihood using the Corrected Arithmetic Mean estimator
#' with importance sampling weights developed by Pajor (2017). Degrees of freedom
#' give the sum of the non-zero fixed and random effects coefficients.
#' Citation: Pajor, A. (2017). Estimating the marginal likelihood using the arithmetic mean identity. 
#' Bayesian Analysis, 12(1), 261-287.
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @importFrom stats logLik
#' @export
logLik.pglmmObj = function(object, ...){ 
  results_optim = object$results_optim
  ll_elem = which(colnames(results_optim) == "LogLik")
  ll = results_optim[ll_elem]
  names(ll) = "logLik"
  # degrees of freedom (df): number of non-zero fixed and random effects coefficients
  gamma_idx = which(str_detect(colnames(object$results_optim),"Gamma"))
  df = sum(object$fixef != 0) + sum(object$results_optim[,gamma_idx] != 0)
  attributes(ll) = list(df = df)
  structure(ll, class = c("logLik"))


#' @describeIn pglmmObj Returns BIC, BICh (hybrid BIC developed by Delattre et al., citation:
#' Delattre, M., Lavielle, M., & Poursat, M. A. (2014). A note on BIC in mixed-effects models. 
#' Electronic journal of statistics, 8(1), 456-475.), BICNgrps (BIC using N = number of groups
#' in the penalty term), and possibly BIC-ICQ (labeled as "BICq") if the argument \code{BIC_option}
#' was set to "BICq" in \code{\link{selectControl}} (citation for BIC-ICQ: 
#' Ibrahim, J. G., Zhu, H., Garcia, R. I., & Guo, R. (2011). 
#' Fixed and random effects selection in mixed effects models. Biometrics, 67(2), 495-503.) 
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @importFrom stats BIC
#' @export
BIC.pglmmObj = function(object, ...){ 
  results_optim = object$results_optim
  BIC_elem = which(str_detect(colnames(results_optim), "BIC"))
  BIC_names = colnames(results_optim[,BIC_elem, drop = FALSE])
  BIC_out = results_optim[,BIC_elem]
  names(BIC_out) = BIC_names

#' @title Plot Diagnostics for MCMC Posterior Draws of the Random Effects
#' @description Provides graphical diagnostics of the random effect posterior draws from the (best) model.
#' Availabile diagnostics include the sample path, histograms, cummulative sums, and autocorrelation.
#' @param object an object of class \code{pglmmObj} 
#' @param plots a character string or a vector of character strings specifying which graphical
#' diagnostics to provide. Options include a sample path plot (default, "sample.path"), 
#' autocorrelation plots ("autocorr"), histograms ("histogram"), cumulative sum plots ("cumsum"),
#' and all four possible plot options ("all"). While the "all" option will produce all four
#' possible plots, subsets of the types of plots (e.g. sample path plots and autocorrelation plots
#' only) can be specified with a vector of the relevant character strings 
#' (e.g. c("sample.path","autocorr"))
#' @param grps a character string or a vector of character strings specifying which groups 
#' should have diagnostics provided. The names of the groups match the input group factor levels.
#' Default is set to 'all' for all groups.
#' @param vars a character string or a vector of character strings specifying which variables
#' should have diagnostics provided. Default is set to
#' 'all', which picks all variables with non-zero random effects.
#' Tip: can find the names of the random effect variables in
#' the output sigma matrix found in the \code{pglmmObj} object, run \code{sigma(object)}. 
#' @param numeric_grp_order if TRUE, specifies that the groups factor should be converted to numeric 
#' values. This option could be used to ensure that the organization of the groups is in the 
#' proper numeric order (e.g. groups with levels 1-10 are ordered 1-10, not 1, 10, 2-9).
#' @param bin_width optional binwidth argument for \code{geom_histogram} from the \code{ggplot2} 
#' package. Default set to \code{NULL}, which specifies the default \code{geom_histogram} binwidth. 
#' This argument only applies if the "histogram" plot type is selected.
#' @return a list of ggplot graphics, each faceted by group and random effect variable. 
#' Type of plots specified in the \code{plots} argument.
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom stringr str_c str_detect str_sub str_remove str_locate
#' @importFrom stats acf lag
#' @import ggplot2 
#' @export 
plot_mcmc = function(object, plots = "sample.path", # , c("sample.path","autocorr","histogram","cumsum","all")
                     grps = "all", vars = "all", 
                     numeric_grp_order = FALSE, bin_width = NULL){ 
  # Checks
  if(!inherits(object, "pglmmObj")){ # class(object) != "pglmmObj"
    stop("'object' must be an object of class pglmmObj output from the glmmPen function")
  if(!is.vector(grps) | !is.vector(vars)){
    stop("specified grps and vars must be vectors")
  if("all" %in% plots){
    type = c("sample.path","histogram","cumsum","autocorr")
    if(any(!(plots %in% c("sample.path","histogram","cumsum","autocorr")))){
      stop("Specified plot option(s) not recognized. ",
           "Plots allowed: sample.path, histogram, cumsum, and/or autocorr")
    type = plots
  U = object$posterior_samples
  U_cols = colnames(U)
  # colnames organization = var_name:grp_name
    stop("posterior draws in pglmmObj object are NA. Use function pglmmObj_mod() on object")
  if(any(vars == "all")){
    d = nlevels(object$data$group[[1]])
    non0 = (diag(object$sigma) != 0)
    non0cols = rep(non0, each = d)
    U_non0 = U[,non0cols]
    if(ncol(U_non0) != ncol(U)){
      vars_non0 = str_sub(colnames(U_non0), start = 1, 
                          end = (str_locate(colnames(U_non0), ":")[,1]-1))
      vars_long = str_remove(str_remove(vars_non0, "[(]"), "[)]")
      vars_string = vars_long[seq(from = 1, by = d, length.out = length(vars_long) / d)]
      # Create reduced U (U_red)
      for(v in vars_string){
        if(vars_string[1] == v){
          U_red = U[,str_detect(U_cols, str_c("[(]?",v,"[)]?",":"))]
          U_red = cbind(U_red, U[,str_detect(U_cols, str_c("[(]?",v,"[)]?",":"))])
      U = U_red
      U_cols = colnames(U)
      var_names = vars_string
      vars_all = str_sub(U_cols, start = 1, end = (str_locate(U_cols, ":")[,1]-1))
      vars_all2 = str_remove(str_remove(vars_all, "[(]"), "[)]")
      var_names = vars_all2[seq(from = 1, by = d, length.out = length(vars_all2) / d)]
  } # End if(any(vars) == "all")
  # If include intercept, convert to recognized form "Intercept"
  if(any(vars != "all")){
    v_int = c("Intercept","intercept","Int","int")
    v_intTRUE = vars %in% v_int[-1]
    vars[v_intTRUE] = "Intercept"
    var_names = vars
  if((any(grps == "all")) & (any(vars == "all"))){
    d = nlevels(object$data$group[[1]])
    var_num = ncol(U) / d
    U_keep = U
    grp_names = levels(object$data$group[[1]])
    # var_names = colnames(ranef(object)[[1]])
  }else if((any(grps == "all")) & (any(vars != "all"))){
    d = nlevels(object$data$group[[1]])
    var_num = length(vars)
    # Concatenate [)]?, var_name, [)]?, and :
    var_cat = str_c("[(]?",vars,"[)]?",":")
    for(v in var_cat){
      if(v == var_cat[1]){
        U_keep = U[,str_detect(U_cols, v)]
        U_keep = cbind(U_keep, U[,str_detect(U_cols, v)])
    grp_names = levels(object$data$group[[1]])
    # var_names = vars
  }else if((any(vars == "all")) & (any(grps != "all"))){
    d = length(grps)
    var_num = ncol(U) / nlevels(object$data$group[[1]])
    # Concatenate :, grp_name, and $ to :grp_name$
    grp_cat = str_c(":",grps,"$")
    cols_U_keep0 = NULL
    for(g in grp_cat){
      if(g == grp_cat[1]){
        U_keep0 = U[,str_detect(U_cols, g)]
        cols_U_keep0 = U_cols[str_detect(U_cols, g)]
        U_keep0 = cbind(U_keep0, U[,str_detect(U_cols, g)])
        cols_U_keep0 = c(cols_U_keep0, U_cols[str_detect(U_cols, g)])
    U_keep0 = as.matrix(U_keep0)
    colnames(U_keep0) = cols_U_keep0
    grp_names = grps
    # var_names = colnames(ranef(object)[[1]])
    U_keep = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(U_keep0), ncol = ncol(U_keep0))
    cols_U_keep = character(length = ncol(U_keep0))
    for(v in 1:length(var_names)){
      U_keep[,(1+(v-1)*d):(v*d)] = U_keep0[,seq(from = v, by = var_num, length.out = d)]
      cols_U_keep[(1+(v-1)*d):(v*d)] = cols_U_keep0[seq(from = v, by = var_num, length.out = d)]
    colnames(U_keep) = cols_U_keep
  }else{ # both vars and grps != "all"
    d = length(grps)
    var_num = length(vars)
    grp_cat = str_c(":",grps,"$")
    for(g in grp_cat){
      if(grp_cat[1] == g){
        U_keep1 = U[,str_detect(U_cols, g)]
        U_keep1 = cbind(U_keep1, U[,str_detect(U_cols, g)])
    U_cols_keep1 = colnames(U_keep1)
    var_cat = str_c("[(]?",vars,"[)]?",":")
    for(v in var_cat){
      if(var_cat[1] == v){
        U_keep2 = U_keep1[,str_detect(U_cols_keep1, v)]
        U_keep2 = cbind(U_keep2, U_keep1[,str_detect(U_cols_keep1, v)])
    U_keep = U_keep2
    grp_names = grps
    # var_names = vars
    grp_names = as.numeric(grp_names)
  num_plots = d*var_num
  if(num_plots > 100){
    warning("Number plots specified will be > 100. Consider limiting the groups or variables \n",
            immediate. = TRUE)
  value = NULL
  U_t = data.frame(U_keep, t = 1:nrow(U_keep))
  colnames(U_t) = c(colnames(U_keep), "t")
  U_long = melt(U_t, id = "t", value.name = "value")
  U_plot = data.frame(U_long, var_names = rep(var_names, each = d*nrow(U_keep)),
                      grp_names = rep(rep(grp_names, each = nrow(U_keep)), times = var_num))
  plots_return = list()
  if("sample.path" %in% type){
    plot_sp = ggplot(U_plot, mapping = aes(x = t, y = value)) + geom_path() +
      facet_grid(var_names ~ grp_names) + xlab("iteration t") + ylab("draws")
    plots_return$sample_path = plot_sp
  if("histogram" %in% type){
    hist_U = ggplot(U_plot) + geom_histogram(mapping = aes(x = value), binwidth = bin_width) + 
      facet_grid(var_names ~ grp_names) + xlab("draws")
    plots_return$histogram = hist_U
  if("cumsum" %in% type){
    U_means = colMeans(U_keep)
    U_means = data.frame(rbind(U_means))[rep.int(1L, nrow(U_keep)), , drop = FALSE]
    U_tmeans = apply(U_keep, 2, cumsum) / 1:nrow(U_keep)
    U_tdiff = U_tmeans - U_means
    U_cumsum = apply(U_tdiff, 2, cumsum)
    U_t = data.frame(U_cumsum, t = 1:nrow(U_cumsum))
    colnames(U_t) = c(colnames(U_keep), "t")
    U_long = melt(U_t, id = "t", value.name = "value")
    U_plot = data.frame(U_long, var_names = rep(var_names, each = d*nrow(U_keep)),
                        grp_names = rep(rep(grp_names, each = nrow(U_keep)), times = var_num)) 
    plot_cumsum = ggplot(U_plot) + 
      geom_path(mapping = aes(x = t, y = value), color = "black") +
      geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") +
      facet_grid(var_names ~ grp_names) + xlab("iteration t") + ylab("Cumulative Sum")
    plots_return$cumsum = plot_cumsum
  if("autocorr" %in% type){
    grp_index = rep(grp_names, times = var_num)
    var_index = rep(var_names, each = d)
    for(j in 1:ncol(U_keep)){
      ACF = acf(U_keep[,j], plot=F, lag.max = 40)
      ACF_df = with(ACF, data.frame(lag,acf))
      ACF_df$grp_names = grp_index[j]
      ACF_df$var_names = var_index[j]
      if(j == 1){
        ACF_all = ACF_df
        ACF_all = rbind(ACF_all, ACF_df)
    plot_acf = ggplot(data = ACF_all, mapping = aes(x = lag, y = acf)) +
      geom_hline(mapping = aes(yintercept = 0)) + 
      geom_segment(mapping = aes(xend = lag, yend = 0)) +
      facet_grid(var_names ~ grp_names)
    plots_return$autocorr = plot_acf

#' @describeIn pglmmObj Plot residuals for the pglmmObj output object from the glmmPen package.
#' Argument \code{type}: character string for type of residuals to report. Options include "deviance" 
#' (default for non-Gaussian family), "pearson" (default for Gaussian family), 
#' "response", and "working", which specify the deviance residuals, Pearson residuals,
#' the difference between the actual response y and the expected mean response (y - mu), and the
#' working residuals (y - mu) / mu
#' @inheritParams predict.pglmmObj
#' @importFrom stringr str_c str_to_title
#' @import ggplot2 
#' @method plot pglmmObj
#' @export
plot.pglmmObj = function(x, fixed.only = FALSE, type = NULL,
  object = x
  x = fitted(object, fixed.only = fixed.only)
    y = switch(object$family$family,
               gaussian = residuals(object, type = "pearson"),
               residuals(object, type = "deviance"))
    y = residuals(object, type = type)
  if(length(x) != length(y)){
    stop("x and y need to be of same length")
  x_mat = Matrix::as.matrix(x)
  y_mat = Matrix::as.matrix(y)
  if(!is.null(attr(y, "residual type"))){
    y_label = str_c(str_to_title(attr(y, "residual type")), "Residuals", sep = " ")
    y_label = "  "
  x_label = "Fitted Values"
  data = data.frame(x = x_mat, y = y_mat)
  p = ggplot(data = data) + geom_point(mapping = aes(x = x, y = y), color = "blue") +
    ylab(y_label) + xlab(x_label) 
  if(!is.null(attr(y, "residual type"))){
    p = p + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "black")
hheiling/glmmPen documentation built on Jan. 15, 2024, 11:47 p.m.