#' Estimate Covariance Parameters
#' Used to estimate spatial covariance parameters for a few
#' different spatial models. Estimated parameters can then be used
#' in \code{predict.slmfit()} to predict values at unobserved locations.
#' The function is a helper function used internally
#' in \code{predict.slmfit()}.
#' @param response a vector of a response variable, possibly with
#' missing values.
#' @param designmatrix is the matrix of covariates used to regress
#' the response on.
#' @param xcoordsvec is a vector of x coordinates
#' @param ycoordsvec is a vector of y coordinates
#' @param CorModel is the covariance structure. By default,
#' \code{CorModel} is \code{"Exponential"} but other options are
#' \code{"Spherical"} and \code{"Gaussian"}.
#' @param estmethod is either the default \code{"REML"} for restricted
#' maximum likelihood to estimate the covariance parameters and
#' regression coefficients or \code{"ML"} to estimate the covariance
#' parameters and regression coefficients.
#' @param covestimates is an optional vector of covariance
#' parameter estimates (nugget, partial sill, range). If these are
#' given and \code{estmethod = "None"}, the the provided vector are
#' treated as the estimators to create the covariance structure.
#' @keywords internal
#' @return a list with \itemize{
#' \item \code{parms.est}, a vector of estimated covariance parameters
#' \item \code{Sigma}, the fitted covariance matrix for all of the sites
#' \item \code{qrV}, the qr decomposition
#' \item \code{b.hat}, the vector of estimated fixed effect coefficients
#' \item \code{covbi}, the inverse of the covariance matrix for
#' the fixed effects
#' \item \code{covb}, the covariance matrix for the fixed effects
#' \item \code{min2loglik}, minus two times the log-likelihood
#' }
estcovparm <- function(response, designmatrix, xcoordsvec, ycoordsvec,
CorModel = "Exponential", estmethod = "REML",
covestimates = c(NA, NA, NA)) {
## only estimate parameters using sampled sites only
ind.sa <- !is.na(response)
designmatrixsa <- as.matrix(designmatrix[ind.sa, ])
names.theta <- c("nugget", "parsil", "range")
## eventually will expand this section to include other covariance types
if(CorModel == "Cauchy" || CorModel == "BesselK") {
names.theta <- c(names.theta, "extrap")
nparm <- length(names.theta)
n <- length(response[ind.sa])
p <- ncol(designmatrix)
## distance matrix for all of the sites
distmatall <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(designmatrix),
ncol = nrow(designmatrix))
distmatall[lower.tri(distmatall)] <- stats::dist(as.matrix(
cbind(xcoordsvec, ycoordsvec)))
distmatall <- distmatall + t(distmatall)
## constructing the distance matrix between sampled sites only
sampdistmat <- matrix(0, n, n)
sampdistmat[lower.tri(sampdistmat)] <- stats::dist(as.matrix(
cbind(xcoordsvec[ind.sa], ycoordsvec[ind.sa])))
distmat <- sampdistmat + t(sampdistmat)
if (estmethod == "None") {
possible_nug_prop <- covestimates[1] /
(covestimates[1] + covestimates[2])
possible.theta1 <- log(possible_nug_prop /
(1 - possible_nug_prop))
possible.range <- covestimates[3]
possible.theta2 <- log(possible.range)
theta <- c(possible.theta1, possible.theta2)
m2loglik <- m2LL.FPBK.nodet(theta = theta,
zcol = response[ind.sa],
XDesign = as.matrix(designmatrixsa),
distmat = distmat,
CorModel = CorModel,
estmethod = "ML")
loglik <- -m2loglik
nug_prop <- possible_nug_prop
range.effect <- possible.range
} else {
possible_nug_prop <- c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)
possible.theta1 <- log(possible_nug_prop /
(1 - possible_nug_prop))
possible.range <- c(max(distmat), max(distmat) / 2, max(distmat) / 4)
possible.theta2 <- log(possible.range)
theta <- expand.grid(possible.theta1, possible.theta2)
m2loglik <- rep(NA, nrow(theta))
for (i in seq_len(nrow(theta))) {
m2loglik[i] <- m2LL.FPBK.nodet(theta = theta[i, ],
zcol = response[ind.sa],
XDesign = as.matrix(designmatrixsa),
distmat = distmat,
CorModel = CorModel,
estmethod = estmethod)
max.lik.obs <- which(m2loglik == min(m2loglik))
## optimize using Nelder-Mead
parmest <- stats::optim(theta[max.lik.obs, ], m2LL.FPBK.nodet,
zcol = response[ind.sa],
XDesign = as.matrix(designmatrixsa),
distmat = distmat,
method = "Nelder-Mead",
CorModel = CorModel, estmethod = estmethod)
min2loglik <- parmest$value
loglik <- -min2loglik
# nugget.effect <- exp(parmest$par[1])
# parsil.effect <- exp(parmest$par[2])
# range.effect <- exp(parmest$par[3])
# parms.est <- c(nugget.effect, parsil.effect, range.effect)
nug_prop <- exp(parmest$par[1]) / (1 + exp(parmest$par[1]))
range.effect <- exp(parmest$par[2])
#get overall variance parameter
if (CorModel == "Exponential") {
Sigma <- (1 - nug_prop) *
corModelExponential(distmatall, range.effect) +
diag(nug_prop, nrow = nrow(distmatall))
} else if (CorModel == "Gaussian") {
Sigma <- (1 - nug_prop) *
(corModelGaussian(distmatall, range.effect)) +
diag(nug_prop, nrow = nrow(distmatall))
} else if (CorModel == "Spherical") {
Sigma <- (1 - nug_prop) *
corModelSpherical(distmatall, range.effect) +
diag(nug_prop, nrow = nrow(distmatall))
## diagonalization to stabilize the resulting covariance matrix
if (nug_prop < 0.0001) {
Sigma <- Sigma + diag(1e-6, nrow = nrow(Sigma))
# #get Sigma for sampled sites only
Sigma_samp <- Sigma[ind.sa, ind.sa]
qrV <- qr(Sigma_samp)
ViX <- solve(qrV, as.matrix(designmatrixsa))
covbi <- crossprod(as.matrix(designmatrixsa), ViX)
covb <- mginv(covbi, tol = 1e-21)
b.hat <- covb %*% t(as.matrix(designmatrixsa)) %*%
solve(qrV, response[ind.sa])
r <- response[ind.sa] - as.matrix(designmatrixsa) %*% b.hat
sill <- as.numeric(crossprod(r, solve(qrV, r))) / n
if (estmethod == "None") {
sill <- covestimates[1] + covestimates[2]
if(estmethod == "ML" | estmethod == "None") {
min2loglik <- n * log(sill) + sum(log(abs(diag(qr.R(qrV))))) +
as.numeric(crossprod(r, solve(qrV, r))) / sill + n * log(2 * pi)
if(estmethod == "REML") {
sill <- n * sill/(n - p)
min2loglik <- (n - p) * log(sill) +
sum(log(abs(diag(qr.R(qrV))))) +
as.numeric(crossprod(r, solve(qrV,r))) / sill +
(n - p) * log(2 * pi) +
# scale profiled quantities by the sill
covbi <- sill * covbi
covb <- sill * covb
Sigma <- sill * Sigma
parms.est <- c(nug_prop * sill, (1 - nug_prop) * sill,
return(list(parms.est = parms.est, Sigma = Sigma, qrV = qrV,
b.hat = b.hat, covbi = covbi, covb = covb,
min2loglik = min2loglik))
#' Covariance Parameter Estimation Function.
#' The primary purpose of \code{m2LL.FPBK.nodet()} is to estimate
#' the spatial covariance parameters using REML. This is a helper
#' function to \code{slmfit()}.
#' @param theta is the parameter vector of (nugget, partialsill, range)
#' @param zcol is the response vector of densities
#' @param XDesign is the design matrix containing the covariates used
#' to predict animal or plant abundance (including a column of 1's for
#' the intercept).
#' @param distmat is the distance matrix of the sampled sites
#' @param CorModel is the geostatistical spatial correlation model to
#' be used. See the \code{corModels} documentation for possible
#' models to use.
#' @param estmethod is either "REML" for restricted maximum
#' likelihood or "ML" for maximum likelihood.
#' @return A numeric output of minus 2 times the restricted log
#' likelihood to be minimized by `optim` to obtain spatial
#' parameter estimates.
m2LL.FPBK.nodet <- function(theta, zcol, XDesign, distmat,
CorModel, estmethod) {
## Exponential
n <- length(zcol)
p <- length(XDesign[1, ])
## we can use profiled likelihood to optimize likelihood,
## proportion of nugget to nugget + partial sill (overall variance)
nug_prop <- as.numeric(exp(theta[1]) / (1 + exp(theta[1])))
range <- as.numeric(exp(theta[2]))
Dismat <- distmat
## construct spatial autocorrelation matrix using
## exponential covariance structure
if (CorModel == "Exponential") {
Sigmat <- (1 - nug_prop) * corModelExponential(Dismat, range)
Cmat.nodet <- diag(nug_prop, nrow = nrow(Sigmat)) + Sigmat
} else if (CorModel == "Gaussian") {
Sigmat <- (1 - nug_prop) * (corModelGaussian(Dismat, range))
Cmat.nodet <- diag(nug_prop, nrow = nrow(Sigmat)) + Sigmat
} else if (CorModel == "Spherical") {
Sigmat <- (1 - nug_prop) * corModelSpherical(Dismat, range)
Cmat.nodet <- diag(nug_prop, nrow = nrow(Sigmat)) +
## use QR decomposition, it is more stable and faster
## ViX is the same as the slower method of directly calculating
## solve(Cmat.nodet) %*% XDesign (can verify using algebra)
if (nug_prop < 0.001) {
Cmat.nodet <- Cmat.nodet + diag(1e-6, nrow = nrow(Cmat.nodet))
qrV <- qr(Cmat.nodet)
ViX <- solve(qrV, XDesign)
## Computationally more efficient than covbi <- t(X) %*% ViX
covbi <- crossprod(XDesign, ViX)
covb <- mginv(covbi, tol = 1e-21)
## again, instead of solve(Cmat.nodet) %*% zcol
## use qr decomposition as a faster method
b.hat <- covb %*% t(XDesign) %*% solve(qrV, zcol)
## b.hat <- covb %*% t(XDesign) %*% Ci %*% zcol
r <- zcol - XDesign %*% b.hat
np <- n
if (estmethod == "REML") {
np <- n - p
## this part is in common to both REML and ML for given np
## log is taken in the first term here because we are
## profiling the variance term.
LLcommon <- np * log(crossprod(r, solve(qrV, r))) +
sum(log(abs(diag(qr.R(qrV))))) + ##log(det(Cmat.nodet))
np * (1 + log(2 * pi / np))
if(estmethod == "REML") {
## add log(det(t(X)V(theta)^-1 X)) to REML
LLcommon <- LLcommon + sum(log(svd(covbi)$d))
## OLD ML CODE: this code is slower but a bit easier to follow.
# m2LL.FPBK.nodet.ML <- function(theta, zcol, XDesign, xcoord, ycoord,
# CorModel)
# {
# n <- length(zcol)
# p <- length(XDesign[1,])
# nugget <- as.numeric(exp(theta[1]))
# parsil <- as.numeric(exp(theta[2]))
# range <- as.numeric(exp(theta[3]))
# beta <- matrix(as.numeric(theta[4:length(theta)]))
# DM <- matrix(0, n, n)
# DM[lower.tri(DM)] <- stats::dist(as.matrix(cbind(xcoord, ycoord)))
# Dismat <- DM + t(DM)
# if (CorModel == "Exponential") {
# Sigmat <- parsil * corModelExponential(Dismat, range)
# Cmat.nodet <- diag(nugget, nrow = nrow(Sigmat)) + Sigmat
# } else if (CorModel == "Gaussian") {
# Sigmat <- parsil * (corModelGaussian(Dismat, range))
# Cmat.nodet <- diag(nugget, nrow = nrow(Sigmat)) + Sigmat
# } else if (CorModel == "Spherical") {
# Sigmat <- parsil * corModelSpherical(Dismat, range)
# Cmat.nodet <- diag(nugget, nrow = nrow(Sigmat)) +
# Sigmat
# }
# Ci <- mginv(Cmat.nodet)
# minus2loglik <- log(det(Cmat.nodet)) +
# (t(as.matrix(zcol) - as.matrix(XDesign %*% beta))) %*%
# Ci %*%
# (as.matrix(zcol) - as.matrix(XDesign %*% beta)) +
# n * log(2 * pi)
# return(as.numeric(minus2loglik))
#' Constructing the generalized inverse of a matrix
#' Computes the generalized inverse of a matrix X. This function is used in
#' the \code{m2LL.FPBK.nodet} functions in order
#' to estimate the spatial covariance parameters
#' @param X The matrix to be inverted
#' @param tol The tolerance of the estimation
#' @return The generalized inverse matrix
mginv <- function(X, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
dnx <- dimnames(X)
if(is.null(dnx)) dnx <- vector("list", 2)
s <- svd(X)
nz <- s$d > tol * s$d[1]
if(any(nz)) s$v[, nz] %*% (t(s$u[, nz])/s$d[nz]) else X,
dimnames = dnx[2:1])
#' Spatial Correlation Models
#' Note that, currently, only three of these models are implemented
#' in the \code{sptotal} package: \code{corModelExponential()},
#' \code{corModelGaussian()}, and \code{corModelSpherical()}.
#' @param distance.matrix The distance matrix for sampled sites
#' @param range The range that determines how quickly covariance
#' among sites tapers
#' @return Correlation Matrix
#' @describeIn corModelExponential Exponential Correlation Structure
corModelExponential <- function(distance.matrix, range) {
exp(-distance.matrix / range)
corModelExpRadon2 <- function(distance.matrix) {
(1 + distance.matrix)*exp(-distance.matrix)
corModelExpRadon4 <- function(distance.matrix) {
(1 + distance.matrix + distance.matrix^2/3)*exp(-distance.matrix)
#' @describeIn corModelExponential Gaussian Correlation Structure
corModelGaussian <- function(distance.matrix, range) {
exp(-distance.matrix^2 / range)
corModelStable <- function(distance.matrix, extrap) {
corModelRationalQuad <- function(distance.matrix) {
corModelCauchyGrav <- function(distance.matrix) {
corModelCauchyMag <- function(distance.matrix) {
corModelCauchy <- function(distance.matrix, range, extrap) {
corModelCircular <- function(distance.matrix) {
d <- distance.matrix
d[distance.matrix > 1] <- 0
CovMat <- 2*(acos(d) - d*sqrt(1 - d^2))/pi
CovMat[distance.matrix >= 1] <- 0
#' @describeIn corModelExponential Spherical Correlation Structure
corModelSpherical <- function(distance.matrix, range) {
CovMat <- (1 - 1.5 * (distance.matrix / range) +
0.5 * (distance.matrix / range) ^ 3)
CovMat[distance.matrix / range > 1] <- 0
corModelCubic <- function(distance.matrix) {
CovMat <- (1 - 7 * distance.matrix ^ 2 +
35 * distance.matrix ^ 3 / 4 - 7 * distance.matrix ^ 5 / 2 +
3 * distance.matrix ^ 7 / 4)
CovMat[distance.matrix > 1] <- 0
corModelPenta <- function(distance.matrix) {
CovMat <- (1 - 22 * distance.matrix^2/3 +
33 * distance.matrix^4 - 77 * distance.matrix^5/2 +
33 * distance.matrix^7/2 - 11 * distance.matrix^9/2 +
5 * distance.matrix^11/6)
CovMat[distance.matrix > 1] <- 0
corModelCardinalSine <- function(distance.matrix) {
d <- distance.matrix
d[distance.matrix == 0] <- 1
CorMat <- sin(d)/d
CorMat[distance.matrix == 0] <- 1
corModelBesselJ <- function(distance.matrix, extrap) {
d <- distance.matrix
d[distance.matrix == 0] <- 1
extrap <- extrap + 2.0
CorMat <- d^(1-extrap/2) *
besselJ(d, extrap/2 - 1)*2^(extrap/2 - 1) *
CorMat[distance.matrix == 0] <- 1
corModelBesselK <- function(distance.matrix, extrap) {
d <- distance.matrix
d[distance.matrix == 0] <- 1
CorMat <- d^extrap *
besselK(d, extrap) / (2^(extrap - 1) * gamma(extrap))
CorMat[distance.matrix == 0] <- 1
#' simulate completely spatially random point patterns.
#' simulates a completely spatially random point patterns. This
#' function is only used in simulating data sets.
#' @param npoints number of points to add that are completely
#' spatially random (CSR), default = 100
#' @param lower_x_lim left limit of boundary, default = 0
#' @param upper_x_lim right limit of boundary, default = 1
#' @param lower_y_lim lower limit of boundary, default = 0
#' @param upper_y_lim upper limit of boundary, default = 1
#' @return data.frame of two columns, x-coordinate in the first,
#' and y-coordinate in the second.
#' @author Jay Ver Hoef
pointSimCSR <- function(npoints = 100, lower_x_lim = 0, upper_x_lim = 1,
lower_y_lim = 0, upper_y_lim = 1)
x_range <- upper_x_lim - lower_x_lim
y_range <- upper_y_lim - lower_y_lim
tibble::tibble(x = lower_x_lim + stats::runif(npoints) * x_range,
y = lower_y_lim + stats::runif(npoints) * y_range)
#' Creates a systematic grid of points.
#' Creates a systematic grid of points. This function is only
#' used in simulating data sets.
#' @param lower_x_lim the lower limit for x-coordinate, default is 0
#' @param upper_x_lim the upper limit for x-coordinate, default is 1
#' @param lower_y_lim the lower limit for y-coordinate, default is 0
#' @param upper_y_lim the upper limit for y-coordinate, default is 1
#' @param ncol the number of cols in the systematic grid, default is 10
#' @param nrow the number of rows in the systematic grid, default is 10
#' @return A data.frame with x- and y-coordinates of simulated locations
#' @author Jay Ver Hoef
#' @export
pointSimSyst <- function (nrow = 10, ncol = 10,
lower_x_lim = 0, upper_x_lim = 1,
lower_y_lim = 0, upper_y_lim = 1) {
x_range <- upper_x_lim - lower_x_lim
y_range <- upper_y_lim - lower_y_lim
y_mat <- lower_y_lim + y_range * (nrow - matrix(rep(seq_len(nrow),
times = ncol), nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol))/(nrow) + y_range/(2 *
x_mat <- lower_x_lim + x_range * (t(matrix(rep(seq_len(ncol),
times = nrow),
nrow = ncol, ncol = nrow)) - 1)/(ncol) + x_range/(2 *
data.frame(x = matrix(x_mat, ncol = 1), y = matrix(y_mat,
ncol = 1))
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