
Defines functions loadPlpFromCsv savePlpToCsv reformatCovariateSettings formatCovariateSettings loadPlpResult savePlpResult loadPrediction savePrediction updateModelLocation loadPlpModel moveHdModel savePlpModel print.summary.plpData summary.plpData print.plpData loadPlpData savePlpData getPlpData

Documented in getPlpData loadPlpData loadPlpFromCsv loadPlpModel loadPlpResult loadPrediction savePlpData savePlpModel savePlpResult savePlpToCsv savePrediction

# @file PlpSaveLoad.R
# Copyright 2020 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of CohortMethod
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

#' Get the patient level prediction data from the server
#' @description
#' This function executes a large set of SQL statements against the database in OMOP CDM format to
#' extract the data needed to perform the analysis.
#' @details
#' Based on the arguments, the at risk cohort data is retrieved, as well as outcomes
#' occurring in these subjects. The at risk cohort is identified  through
#' user-defined cohorts in a cohort table either inside the CDM instance or in a separate schema.
#' Similarly, outcomes are identified 
#' through user-defined cohorts in a cohort table either inside the CDM instance or in a separate
#' schema. Covariates are automatically extracted from the appropriate tables within the CDM.
#' If you wish to exclude concepts from covariates you will need to
#' manually add the concept_ids and descendants to the \code{excludedCovariateConceptIds} of the
#' \code{covariateSettings} argument.
#' @param connectionDetails            An R object of type\cr\code{connectionDetails} created using the
#'                                     function \code{createConnectionDetails} in the
#'                                     \code{DatabaseConnector} package.
#' @param cdmDatabaseSchema            The name of the database schema that contains the OMOP CDM
#'                                     instance.  Requires read permissions to this database. On SQL
#'                                     Server, this should specifiy both the database and the schema,
#'                                     so for example 'cdm_instance.dbo'.
#' @param oracleTempSchema             For Oracle only: the name of the database schema where you want
#'                                     all temporary tables to be managed. Requires create/insert
#'                                     permissions to this database.
#' @param cohortId                     A unique identifier to define the at risk cohort. CohortId is
#'                                     used to select the cohort_concept_id in the cohort-like table.
#' @param outcomeIds                   A list of cohort_definition_ids used to define outcomes (-999 mean no outcome gets downloaded).
#' @param studyStartDate               A calendar date specifying the minimum date that a cohort index
#'                                     date can appear. Date format is 'yyyymmdd'.
#' @param studyEndDate                 A calendar date specifying the maximum date that a cohort index
#'                                     date can appear. Date format is 'yyyymmdd'. Important: the study
#'                                     end data is also used to truncate risk windows, meaning no outcomes
#'                                     beyond the study end date will be considered.
#' @param cohortDatabaseSchema         The name of the database schema that is the location where the
#'                                     cohort data used to define the at risk cohort is available.
#'                                     Requires read permissions to this database.
#' @param cohortTable                  The tablename that contains the at risk cohort.  cohortTable has
#'                                     format of COHORT table: cohort_concept_id, SUBJECT_ID,
#'                                     COHORT_START_DATE, COHORT_END_DATE.
#' @param outcomeDatabaseSchema            The name of the database schema that is the location where
#'                                         the data used to define the outcome cohorts is available. 
#'                                         Requires read permissions to this database.
#' @param outcomeTable                     The tablename that contains the outcome cohorts. Expectation is
#'                                         outcomeTable has format of COHORT table:
#'                                         COHORT_DEFINITION_ID, SUBJECT_ID, COHORT_START_DATE,
#'                                         COHORT_END_DATE.
#' @param cdmVersion                   Define the OMOP CDM version used: currently support "4", "5" and "6".
#' @param firstExposureOnly            Should only the first exposure per subject be included? Note that
#'                                     this is typically done in the \code{createStudyPopulation} function,
#'                                     but can already be done here for efficiency reasons.
#' @param washoutPeriod                The mininum required continuous observation time prior to index
#'                                     date for a person to be included in the at risk cohort. Note that
#'                                     this is typically done in the \code{createStudyPopulation} function,
#'                                     but can already be done here for efficiency reasons.
#' @param sampleSize                   If not NULL, only this number of people will be sampled from the target population (Default NULL)
#' @param covariateSettings            An object of type \code{covariateSettings} as created using the
#'                                     \code{createCovariateSettings} function in the
#'                                     \code{FeatureExtraction} package.
#' @param excludeDrugsFromCovariates   A redundant option                                     
#' @return
#' Returns an object of type \code{plpData}, containing information on the cohorts, their
#' outcomes, and baseline covariates. Information about multiple outcomes can be captured at once for
#' efficiency reasons. This object is a list with the following components: \describe{
#' \item{outcomes}{A data frame listing the outcomes per person, including the time to event, and
#' the outcome id. Outcomes are not yet filtered based on risk window, since this is done at
#' a later stage.} \item{cohorts}{A data frame listing the persons in each cohort, listing their
#' exposure status as well as the time to the end of the observation period and time to the end of the
#' cohort (usually the end of the exposure era).} \item{covariates}{An ffdf object listing the
#' baseline covariates per person in the two cohorts. This is done using a sparse representation:
#' covariates with a value of 0 are omitted to save space.} \item{covariateRef}{An ffdf object describing the covariates that have been extracted.}
#' \item{metaData}{A list of objects with information on how the cohortMethodData object was
#' constructed.} } The generic \code{()} and \code{summary()} functions have been implemented for this object.
#' @export
getPlpData <- function(connectionDetails,
                       oracleTempSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
                       studyStartDate = "",
                       studyEndDate = "",
                       cohortDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
                       cohortTable = "cohort",
                       outcomeDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
                       outcomeTable = "cohort",
                       cdmVersion = "5",
                       firstExposureOnly = FALSE,
                       washoutPeriod = 0,
                       sampleSize = NULL,
                       excludeDrugsFromCovariates = FALSE) {
  if (studyStartDate != "" && regexpr("^[12][0-9]{3}[01][0-9][0-3][0-9]$", studyStartDate) == -1)
    stop("Study start date must have format YYYYMMDD")
  if (studyEndDate != "" && regexpr("^[12][0-9]{3}[01][0-9][0-3][0-9]$", studyEndDate) == -1)
    stop("Study end date must have format YYYYMMDD")
    if(!class(sampleSize) %in% c('numeric', 'integer'))
      stop("sampleSize must be numeric")
    stop('User must input cohortId')
    stop('Currently only supports one cohortId at a time')
    stop('User must input outcomeIds')
  #ToDo: add other checks the inputs are valid
  connection <- DatabaseConnector::connect(connectionDetails)
  dbms <- connectionDetails$dbms
  writeLines("\nConstructing the at risk cohort")
  if(!is.null(sampleSize))  writeLines(paste("\n Sampling ",sampleSize, " people"))
  renderedSql <- SqlRender::loadRenderTranslateSql("CreateCohorts.sql",
                                                   packageName = "PatientLevelPrediction",
                                                   dbms = dbms,
                                                   oracleTempSchema = oracleTempSchema,
                                                   cdm_database_schema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
                                                   cohort_database_schema = cohortDatabaseSchema,
                                                   cohort_table = cohortTable,
                                                   cdm_version = cdmVersion,
                                                   cohort_id = cohortId,
                                                   study_start_date = studyStartDate,
                                                   study_end_date = studyEndDate,
                                                   first_only = firstExposureOnly,
                                                   washout_period = washoutPeriod,
                                                   use_sample = !is.null(sampleSize),
  DatabaseConnector::executeSql(connection, renderedSql)
  writeLines("Fetching cohorts from server")
  start <- Sys.time()
  cohortSql <- SqlRender::loadRenderTranslateSql("GetCohorts.sql",
                                                 packageName = "PatientLevelPrediction",
                                                 dbms = dbms,
                                                 oracleTempSchema = oracleTempSchema,
                                                 cdm_version = cdmVersion)
  cohorts <- DatabaseConnector::querySql(connection, cohortSql)
  colnames(cohorts) <- SqlRender::snakeCaseToCamelCase(colnames(cohorts))
  metaData.cohort <- list(cohortId = cohortId,
                   studyStartDate = studyStartDate,
                   studyEndDate = studyEndDate)
    stop('Target population is empty')

  delta <- Sys.time() - start
  writeLines(paste("Loading cohorts took", signif(delta, 3), attr(delta, "units")))
  #covariateSettings$useCovariateCohortIdIs1 <- TRUE
  covariateData <- FeatureExtraction::getDbCovariateData(connection = connection,
                                                         oracleTempSchema = oracleTempSchema,
                                                         cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
                                                         cdmVersion = cdmVersion,
                                                         cohortTable = "#cohort_person",
                                                         cohortTableIsTemp = TRUE,
                                                         rowIdField = "row_id",
                                                         covariateSettings = covariateSettings)
  # add indexes for covariate summary
  RSQLite::dbExecute(covariateData, "CREATE INDEX covsum_rowId ON covariates(rowId)")
  RSQLite::dbExecute(covariateData, "CREATE INDEX covsum_covariateId ON covariates(covariateId)")
  writeLines("Fetching outcomes from server")
  start <- Sys.time()
  outcomeSql <- SqlRender::loadRenderTranslateSql("GetOutcomes.sql",
                                                  packageName = "PatientLevelPrediction",
                                                  dbms = dbms,
                                                  oracleTempSchema = oracleTempSchema,
                                                  cdm_database_schema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
                                                  outcome_database_schema = outcomeDatabaseSchema,
                                                  outcome_table = outcomeTable,
                                                  outcome_ids = outcomeIds,
                                                  cdm_version = cdmVersion)
  outcomes <- DatabaseConnector::querySql(connection, outcomeSql)
  colnames(outcomes) <- SqlRender::snakeCaseToCamelCase(colnames(outcomes))
  metaData.outcome <- data.frame(outcomeIds =outcomeIds)
  attr(outcomes, "metaData") <- metaData.outcome
    stop('No Outcomes')

  metaData.cohort$attrition <- getCounts2(cohorts,outcomes, "Original cohorts")
  attr(cohorts, "metaData") <- metaData.cohort
  delta <- Sys.time() - start
  writeLines(paste("Loading outcomes took", signif(delta, 3), attr(delta, "units")))
  } else {
    outcomes <- NULL
  # Remove temp tables:
  renderedSql <- SqlRender::loadRenderTranslateSql("RemoveCohortTempTables.sql",
                                                   packageName = "PatientLevelPrediction",
                                                   dbms = dbms,
                                                   oracleTempSchema = oracleTempSchema)
  DatabaseConnector::executeSql(connection, renderedSql, progressBar = FALSE, reportOverallTime = FALSE)
  metaData <- covariateData$metaData
  metaData$call <- match.call()
  metaData$call$connectionDetails = connectionDetails
  metaData$call$connection = NULL
  metaData$call$cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema
  metaData$call$oracleTempSchema = oracleTempSchema
  metaData$call$cohortId = cohortId
  metaData$call$outcomeIds = outcomeIds
  metaData$call$studyStartDate = studyStartDate
  metaData$call$studyEndDate = studyEndDate
  metaData$call$cohortDatabaseSchema = cohortDatabaseSchema
  metaData$call$cohortTable = cohortTable
  metaData$call$outcomeDatabaseSchema = outcomeDatabaseSchema
  metaData$call$outcomeTable = outcomeTable
  metaData$call$cdmVersion = cdmVersion
  metaData$call$firstExposureOnly = firstExposureOnly
  metaData$call$washoutPeriod = washoutPeriod
  metaData$call$covariateSettings= covariateSettings
  metaData$call$sampleSize = sampleSize
  # create the temporal settings (if temporal use)
  timeReference <- NULL
      # make sure time days populated
        timeReference = data.frame(timeId=1:length(covariateSettings$temporalStartDays),
                                               startDay = covariateSettings$temporalStartDays, 
                                               endDay = covariateSettings$temporalEndDays)

  result <- list(cohorts = cohorts,
                 outcomes = outcomes,
                 covariateData = covariateData,
                 timeRef = timeReference,
                 metaData = metaData)
  class(result) <- "plpData"

#' Save the cohort data to folder
#' @description
#' \code{savePlpData} saves an object of type plpData to folder.
#' @param plpData   An object of type \code{plpData} as generated using
#'                           \code{getDbPlpData}.
#' @param file               The name of the folder where the data will be written. The folder should
#'                           not yet exist.
#' @param envir              The environment for to evaluate variables when saving
#' @param overwrite          Whether to force overwrite an existing file
#' @details
#' The data will be written to a set of files in the folder specified by the user.
#' @examples
#' # todo
#' @export
savePlpData <- function(plpData, file, envir=NULL, overwrite=F) {
  if (missing(plpData))
    stop("Must specify plpData")
  if (missing(file))
    stop("Must specify file")
  if (!class(plpData) %in% c("plpData","plpData.libsvm"  ))
    stop("Data not of class plpData")
  if(dir.exists(file.path(file, "covariates"))){
    stop('Folder to save covariates already exists...')
  # save the actual values in the metaData
  # TODO - only do this if exists in parent or environ
  if(is.null(plpData$metaData$call$sampleSize)){  # fixed a bug when sampleSize is NULL
    plpData$metaData$call$sampleSize <- 'NULL'
  for(i in 2:length(plpData$metaData$call)){
      plpData$metaData$call[[i]] <- eval(plpData$metaData$call[[i]], envir = envir)
  #FeatureExtraction::saveCovariateData(covariateData = plpData$covariateData, file = file.path(file, "covariates"))
  Andromeda::saveAndromeda(plpData$covariateData, file = file.path(file, "covariates"), maintainConnection = T)
  saveRDS(plpData$timeRef, file = file.path(file, "timeRef.rds"))
  saveRDS(plpData$cohorts, file = file.path(file, "cohorts.rds"))
  saveRDS(plpData$outcomes, file = file.path(file, "outcomes.rds"))
  saveRDS(plpData$metaData, file = file.path(file, "metaData.rds"))

#' Load the cohort data from a folder
#' @description
#' \code{loadPlpData} loads an object of type plpData from a folder in the file
#' system.
#' @param file       The name of the folder containing the data.
#' @param readOnly   If true, the data is opened read only.
#' @details
#' The data will be written to a set of files in the folder specified by the user.
#' @return
#' An object of class plpData.
#' @examples
#' # todo
#' @export
loadPlpData <- function(file, readOnly = TRUE) {
  if (!file.exists(file))
    stop(paste("Cannot find folder", file))
  if (!file.info(file)$isdir)
    stop(paste("Not a folder", file))
  result <- list(covariateData = FeatureExtraction::loadCovariateData(file = file.path(file, "covariates")),
                 timeRef = readRDS(file.path(file, "timeRef.rds")),
                 cohorts = readRDS(file.path(file, "cohorts.rds")),
                 outcomes = readRDS(file.path(file, "outcomes.rds")),
                 metaData = readRDS(file.path(file, "metaData.rds")))
  # Open all ffdfs to prevent annoying messages later:
  class(result) <- "plpData"


#' @export
print.plpData <- function(x, ...) {
  writeLines("plpData object")
  writeLines(paste("At risk concept ID:", attr(x$cohorts, "metaData")$cohortId))
  writeLines(paste("Outcome concept ID(s):", paste(attr(x$outcomes, "metaData")$outcomeIds, collapse = ",")))

#' @export
summary.plpData <- function(object, ...) {
  people <- length(unique(object$cohorts$subjectId))
  outcomeCounts <- data.frame(outcomeId = attr(object$outcomes, "metaData")$outcomeIds,
                              eventCount = 0,
                              personCount = 0)
  for (i in 1:nrow(outcomeCounts)) {
    outcomeCounts$eventCount[i] <- sum(object$outcomes$outcomeId == attr(object$outcomes, "metaData")$outcomeIds[i])
    outcomeCounts$personCount[i] <- length(unique(object$outcomes$rowId[object$outcomes$outcomeId == attr(object$outcomes, "metaData")$outcomeIds[i]]))
  covDetails <- FeatureExtraction::summary(object$covariateData)
  result <- list(metaData = append(append(object$metaData, attr(object$cohorts, "metaData")), attr(object$outcomes, "metaData")),
                 people = people,
                 outcomeCounts = outcomeCounts,
                 covariateCount = covDetails$covariateCount,
                 covariateValueCount = covDetails$covariateValueCount)
  class(result) <- "summary.plpData"

#' @export
print.summary.plpData <- function(x, ...) {
  writeLines("plpData object summary")
  writeLines(paste("At risk cohort concept ID:", x$metaData$cohortId))
  writeLines(paste("Outcome concept ID(s):", x$metaData$outcomeIds, collapse = ","))
  writeLines(paste("People:", paste(x$people)))
  writeLines("Outcome counts:")
  outcomeCounts <- x$outcomeCounts
  rownames(outcomeCounts) <- outcomeCounts$outcomeId
  outcomeCounts$outcomeId <- NULL
  colnames(outcomeCounts) <- c("Event count", "Person count")
  writeLines(paste("Number of covariates:", x$covariateCount))
  writeLines(paste("Number of non-zero covariate values:", x$covariateValueCount))

#' Saves the plp model
#' @details
#' Saves the plp model to a user specificed folder
#' @param plpModel                   A trained classifier returned by running \code{runPlp()$model}
#' @param dirPath                  A location to save the model to
#' @export
savePlpModel <- function(plpModel, dirPath){
  if (missing(plpModel))
    stop("Must specify plpModel")
  if (missing(dirPath))
    stop("Must specify directory path")
  if (class(plpModel) != "plpModel")
    stop("Not a plpModel")
  if(!dir.exists(dirPath)) dir.create(dirPath)
  # If model is saved on hard drive move it...
  moveFile <- moveHdModel(plpModel, dirPath )
    ParallelLogger::logError('Moving model files error')

  # if deep (keras) then save hdfs
  if(attr(plpModel, 'type')%in%c('deep', 'deepMulti','deepEnsemble')){
    if(attr(plpModel, 'type')=='deepEnsemble'){
        {#saveRDS(plpModel, file = file.path(dirPath,  "deepEnsemble_model.rds"))
          for (i in seq(plpModel$modelSettings$modelParameters$numberOfEnsembleNetwork)){
          model<-keras::serialize_model(plpModel$model[[i]], include_optimizer = TRUE)
          keras::save_model_hdf5(model, filepath = file.path(dirPath, "keras_model",i))
        }},error=function(e) NULL
    if(attr(plpModel, 'type')=='deep'){
      keras::save_model_hdf5(plpModel$model, filepath = file.path(dirPath, "keras_model"))
    if(attr(plpModel, 'type')=='deepMulti'){
      saveRDS(attr(plpModel, 'inputs'), file = file.path(dirPath,  "inputs_attr.rds"))
  } else if(attr(plpModel, 'type') == "xgboost"){
    # fixing xgboost save/load issue
    xgboost::xgb.save(model = plpModel$model, fname = file.path(dirPath, "model"))
  } else {  
  saveRDS(plpModel$model, file = file.path(dirPath, "model.rds"))
  saveRDS(plpModel$predict, file = file.path(dirPath, "transform.rds"))
  saveRDS(plpModel$index, file = file.path(dirPath, "index.rds"))
  saveRDS(plpModel$trainCVAuc, file = file.path(dirPath, "trainCVAuc.rds"))
  saveRDS(plpModel$hyperParamSearch, file = file.path(dirPath, "hyperParamSearch.rds"))
  saveRDS(plpModel$modelSettings, file = file.path(dirPath,  "modelSettings.rds"))
  saveRDS(plpModel$metaData, file = file.path(dirPath, "metaData.rds"))
  saveRDS(plpModel$populationSettings, file = file.path(dirPath, "populationSettings.rds"))
  saveRDS(plpModel$trainingTime, file = file.path(dirPath,  "trainingTime.rds"))
  saveRDS(plpModel$varImp, file = file.path(dirPath,  "varImp.rds"))
  saveRDS(plpModel$dense, file = file.path(dirPath,  "dense.rds"))
  saveRDS(plpModel$cohortId, file = file.path(dirPath,  "cohortId.rds"))
  saveRDS(plpModel$outcomeId, file = file.path(dirPath,  "outcomeId.rds"))
  saveRDS(plpModel$analysisId, file = file.path(dirPath,  "analysisId.rds"))
  saveRDS(plpModel$covariateMap, file = file.path(dirPath,  "covariateMap.rds"))
  attributes <- list(type=attr(plpModel, 'type'), predictionType=attr(plpModel, 'predictionType') )
  saveRDS(attributes, file = file.path(dirPath,  "attributes.rds"))

moveHdModel <- function(plpModel, dirPath ){
  # if python then move pickle
  if(attr(plpModel, 'type') %in% c('pythonOld','pythonReticulate', 'pythonAuto') ){
    for(file in dir(plpModel$model)){   #DOES THIS CORRECTLY TRANSFER AUTOENCODER BITS?
                file.path(dirPath,'python_model'), overwrite=TRUE,  recursive = FALSE,
                copy.mode = TRUE, copy.date = FALSE)
  # if sagemaker then move pickle
  if(attr(plpModel, 'type') =='sagemaker'){
    for(file in dir(plpModel$model$loc)){
                file.path(dirPath,'sagemaker_model'), overwrite=TRUE,  recursive = FALSE,
                copy.mode = TRUE, copy.date = FALSE)
  # if knn then move model
  if(attr(plpModel, 'type') =='knn'){
    for(file in dir(plpModel$model)){
                file.path(dirPath,'knn_model'), overwrite=TRUE,  recursive = FALSE,
                copy.mode = TRUE, copy.date = FALSE)

#' loads the plp model
#' @details
#' Loads a plp model that was saved using \code{savePlpModel()}
#' @param dirPath                  The location of the model
#' @export
loadPlpModel <- function(dirPath) {
  if (!file.exists(dirPath))
    stop(paste("Cannot find folder", dirPath))
  if (!file.info(dirPath)$isdir)
    stop(paste("Not a folder", dirPath))
  hyperParamSearch <- tryCatch(readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "hyperParamSearch.rds")),
                               error=function(e) NULL)
  # add in these as they got dropped
  outcomeId <- tryCatch(readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "outcomeId.rds")),
                        error=function(e) NULL)
  cohortId <- tryCatch(readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "cohortId.rds")),
                       error=function(e) NULL)  
  dense <- tryCatch(readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "dense.rds")),
                    error=function(e) NULL)  
  covariateMap <- tryCatch(readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "covariateMap.rds")),
                           error=function(e) NULL) 
  analysisId <- tryCatch(readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "analysisId.rds")),
                           error=function(e) NULL) 
  if(file.exists(file.path(dirPath, "keras_model"))){
    model <- keras::load_model_hdf5(file.path(dirPath, "keras_model"))
  } else if(readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "attributes.rds"))$type == "xgboost"){
    # fixing xgboost save/load issue
    model <- xgboost::xgb.load(file.path(dirPath, "model"))
  } else {  
    model <- readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "model.rds"))
  result <- list(model = model,
                 modelSettings = readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "modelSettings.rds")),
                 hyperParamSearch = hyperParamSearch,
                 trainCVAuc = readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "trainCVAuc.rds")),
                 metaData = readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "metaData.rds")),
                 populationSettings= readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "populationSettings.rds")),
                 outcomeId = outcomeId,
                 cohortId = cohortId,
                 varImp = readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "varImp.rds")),
                 trainingTime = readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "trainingTime.rds")),
                 covariateMap =covariateMap,
                 predict = readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "transform.rds")),
                 index = readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "index.rds")),
                 dense = dense,
                 analysisId = analysisId)
  #attributes <- readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "attributes.rds"))
  attributes <- readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "attributes.rds"))
  attr(result, 'type') <- attributes$type
  attr(result, 'predictionType') <- attributes$predictionType
  class(result) <- "plpModel"
  # update the model location to the load dirPath
  result <- updateModelLocation(result, dirPath)
  # make this backwrds compatible for ffdf:
  result$predict <- createTransform(result)

updateModelLocation  <- function(plpModel, dirPath){
  type <- attr(plpModel, 'type')
  # if python update the location
  if( type %in% c('pythonOld','pythonReticulate', 'pythonAuto')){
    plpModel$model <- file.path(dirPath,'python_model')
    plpModel$predict <- createTransform(plpModel)
  if( type =='sagemaker'){
    plpModel$model$loc <- file.path(dirPath,'sagemaker_model')
    plpModel$predict <- createTransform(plpModel)
  # if knn update the locaiton - TODO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  if( type =='knn'){
    plpModel$model <- file.path(dirPath,'knn_model')
    plpModel$predict <- createTransform(plpModel)
  if( type =='deep' ){
    plpModel$predict <- createTransform(plpModel)
  if( type =='deepEnsemble' ){
    plpModel$predict <- createTransform(plpModel)
  if( type =='deepMulti'){
    attr(plpModel, 'inputs') <- tryCatch(readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "inputs_attr.rds")),
                                       error=function(e) NULL) 
    plpModel$predict <- createTransform(plpModel)

#' Saves the prediction dataframe to RDS
#' @details
#' Saves the prediction data frame returned by predict.R to an RDS file and returns the fileLocation where the prediction is saved
#' @param prediction                   The prediciton data.frame
#' @param dirPath                     The directory to save the prediction RDS
#' @param fileName                    The name of the RDS file that will be saved in dirPath
#' @export
savePrediction <- function(prediction, dirPath, fileName='prediction.rds'){
  #TODO check inupts
  saveRDS(prediction, file=file.path(dirPath,fileName))

#' Loads the prediciton dataframe to csv
#' @details
#' Loads the prediciton  RDS file
#' @param fileLocation                     The location with the saved prediction
#' @export
loadPrediction <- function(fileLocation){
  #TODO check inupts
  prediction <- readRDS(file=fileLocation)

#' Saves the result from runPlp into the location directory
#' @details
#' Saves the result from runPlp into the location directory
#' @param result                      The result of running runPlp()
#' @param dirPath                     The directory to save the csv
#' @export
savePlpResult <- function(result, dirPath){
  if (missing(result))
    stop("Must specify runPlp output")
  if (missing(dirPath))
    stop("Must specify directory location")
  #if (class(plpModel) != "plpModel")
  #  stop("Not a plpModel")
  if(!dir.exists(dirPath)) dir.create(dirPath, recursive = T)
  savePlpModel(result$model, dirPath=file.path(dirPath,'model') )
  saveRDS(result$analysisRef, file = file.path(dirPath, "analysisRef.rds"))
  saveRDS(result$inputSetting, file = file.path(dirPath, "inputSetting.rds"))
  saveRDS(result$executionSummary, file = file.path(dirPath, "executionSummary.rds"))
  saveRDS(result$prediction, file = file.path(dirPath, "prediction.rds"))
  saveRDS(result$performanceEvaluation, file = file.path(dirPath, "performanceEvaluation.rds"))
  #saveRDS(result$performanceEvaluationTrain, file = file.path(dirPath, "performanceEvaluationTrain.rds"))
  saveRDS(result$covariateSummary, file = file.path(dirPath, "covariateSummary.rds"))

#' Loads the evalaution dataframe
#' @details
#' Loads the evaluation 
#' @param dirPath                     The directory where the evaluation was saved
#' @export
loadPlpResult <- function(dirPath){
  if (!file.exists(dirPath))
    stop(paste("Cannot find folder", dirPath))
  if (!file.info(dirPath)$isdir)
    stop(paste("Not a folder", dirPath))
  result <- list(model = loadPlpModel(file.path(dirPath, "model")),
                 analysisRef = readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "analysisRef.rds")),
                 inputSetting = readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "inputSetting.rds")),
                 executionSummary = readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "executionSummary.rds")),
                 prediction = readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "prediction.rds")),
                 performanceEvaluation = readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "performanceEvaluation.rds")),
                 #performanceEvaluationTrain= readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "performanceEvaluationTrain.rds")),
                 covariateSummary = readRDS(file.path(dirPath, "covariateSummary.rds"))
  class(result) <- "runPlp"

formatCovariateSettings <- function(covariateSettings){
  if(class(covariateSettings) == "covariateSettings"){
    return(list(cvs = unlist(covariateSettings), fun = attr(covariateSettings,'fun')))
  } else{
    return(list(cvs = do.call(rbind, lapply(1:length(covariateSettings), function(i){
    tempResult <- data.frame(names = names(unlist(covariateSettings[[i]])),
               values = unlist(covariateSettings[[i]]))
    tempResult$settingsId <- i
    fun = unlist(lapply(covariateSettings, function(x) attr(x,'fun')))

reformatCovariateSettings <- function(covariateSettingsLocation){
  cs <- read.csv(covariateSettingsLocation, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  fun <- read.csv(gsub('.csv','_fun.csv',covariateSettingsLocation), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    covariateSettings <- cs$x
    covariateSettings <- as.list(covariateSettings)
    names(covariateSettings) <- cs$X
    attr(covariateSettings,'fun') <- fun$x
  } else {
    covariateSettings <- list()
    length(covariateSettings) <- max(cs$settingsId)
    for(i in 1:max(cs$settingsId)){
      covariateSettings[[i]] <- cs$values[cs$settingsId==i]
      covariateSettings[[i]] <- as.list(covariateSettings[[i]])
      names(covariateSettings[[i]]) <- cs$names[cs$settingsId==i]
      attr(covariateSettings[[i]],'fun') <- fun$x[i]

#' Save parts of the plp result as a csv for transparent sharing
#' @details
#' Saves the main results as a csv (these files can be read by the shiny app)
#' @param result                      An object of class runPlp with development or validation results
#' @param dirPath                     The directory the save the results as csv files
#' @export
savePlpToCsv <- function(result, dirPath){
  if(!dir.exists(file.path(dirPath, 'inputSetting'))){dir.create(file.path(dirPath, 'inputSetting'), recursive = T)}
  write.csv(result$inputSetting$modelSettings$model, file = file.path(dirPath, 'inputSetting','modelSettings_model.csv'), row.names = F)
  write.csv(result$inputSetting$modelSettings$param, file = file.path(dirPath, 'inputSetting','modelSettings_param.csv'), row.names = F)
  write.csv(result$inputSetting$modelSettings$name, file = file.path(dirPath, 'inputSetting','modelSettings_name.csv'), row.names = F)
    write.csv(formatCovariateSettings(result$inputSetting$dataExtrractionSettings$covariateSettings)$cvs, file = file.path(dirPath, 'inputSetting','dataExtrractionSettings_covariateSettings.csv'), row.names = F)
    write.csv(formatCovariateSettings(result$inputSetting$dataExtrractionSettings$covariateSettings)$fun, file = file.path(dirPath, 'inputSetting','dataExtrractionSettings_covariateSettings_fun.csv'), row.names = F)
  write.csv(result$inputSetting$populationSettings$attrition, file = file.path(dirPath, 'inputSetting','populationSettings_attrition.csv'), row.names = F)
  result$inputSetting$populationSettings$attrition <- NULL
  write.csv(result$inputSetting$populationSettings, file = file.path(dirPath, 'inputSetting','populationSettings.csv'), row.names = F)
  if(!dir.exists(file.path(dirPath, 'executionSummary'))){dir.create(file.path(dirPath, 'executionSummary'), recursive = T)}
  write.csv(result$executionSummary$PackageVersion, file = file.path(dirPath, 'executionSummary','PackageVersion.csv'), row.names = F)
  write.csv(unlist(result$executionSummary$PlatformDetails), file = file.path(dirPath, 'executionSummary','PlatformDetails.csv'))
  write.csv(result$executionSummary$TotalExecutionElapsedTime, file = file.path(dirPath, 'executionSummary','TotalExecutionElapsedTime.csv'), row.names = F)
  write.csv(result$executionSummary$ExecutionDateTime, file = file.path(dirPath, 'executionSummary','ExecutionDateTime.csv'), row.names = F)
  if(!dir.exists(file.path(dirPath, 'performanceEvaluation'))){dir.create(file.path(dirPath, 'performanceEvaluation'), recursive = T)}
  write.csv(result$performanceEvaluation$evaluationStatistics, file = file.path(dirPath, 'performanceEvaluation','evaluationStatistics.csv'), row.names = F)
  write.csv(result$performanceEvaluation$thresholdSummary, file = file.path(dirPath, 'performanceEvaluation','thresholdSummary.csv'), row.names = F)
  write.csv(result$performanceEvaluation$demographicSummary, file = file.path(dirPath, 'performanceEvaluation','demographicSummary.csv'), row.names = F)
  write.csv(result$performanceEvaluation$calibrationSummary, file = file.path(dirPath, 'performanceEvaluation','calibrationSummary.csv'), row.names = F)
  write.csv(result$performanceEvaluation$predictionDistribution, file = file.path(dirPath, 'performanceEvaluation','predictionDistribution.csv'), row.names = F)
  write.csv(result$covariateSummary, file = file.path(dirPath,'covariateSummary.csv'), row.names = F)

#' Loads parts of the plp result saved as csv files for transparent sharing
#' @details
#' Load the main results from csv files into a runPlp object
#' @param dirPath                     The directory with the results as csv files
#' @export
loadPlpFromCsv <- function(dirPath){
  result <- list()
  objects <- gsub('.csv','',dir(dirPath))
    stop('Incorrect csv results file')
  length(result) <- length(objects)
  names(result) <- objects
  result$covariateSummary <- read.csv(file = file.path(dirPath,'covariateSummary.csv'))

  result$executionSummary <- list()
  result$executionSummary$PackageVersion <- tryCatch({as.list(read.csv(file = file.path(dirPath, 'executionSummary','PackageVersion.csv')))}, error = function(e){return(NULL)})
  result$executionSummary$PlatformDetails <- tryCatch({as.list(read.csv(file = file.path(dirPath, 'executionSummary','PlatformDetails.csv'))$x)}, error = function(e){return(NULL)})
  names(result$executionSummary$PlatformDetails) <- tryCatch({read.csv(file = file.path(dirPath, 'executionSummary','PlatformDetails.csv'))$X}, error = function(e){return(NULL)})
  result$executionSummary$TotalExecutionElapsedTime <- tryCatch({read.csv(file = file.path(dirPath, 'executionSummary','TotalExecutionElapsedTime.csv'))$x}, error = function(e){return(NULL)})
  result$executionSummary$ExecutionDateTime <- tryCatch({read.csv(file = file.path(dirPath, 'executionSummary','ExecutionDateTime.csv'))$x}, error = function(e){return(NULL)})
  result$inputSetting <- list()
  result$inputSetting$modelSettings$model <- tryCatch({read.csv(file = file.path(dirPath, 'inputSetting','modelSettings_model.csv'))$x}, error = function(e){return(NULL)})
  result$inputSetting$modelSettings$param <- tryCatch({as.list(read.csv(file = file.path(dirPath, 'inputSetting','modelSettings_param.csv')))}, error = function(e){return(NULL)})
  result$inputSetting$modelSettings$name <- tryCatch({read.csv(file = file.path(dirPath, 'inputSetting','modelSettings_name.csv'))$x}, error = function(e){return(NULL)})
  result$inputSetting$dataExtrractionSettings$covariateSettings <- tryCatch({reformatCovariateSettings(file.path(dirPath, 'inputSetting','dataExtrractionSettings_covariateSettings.csv'))}, error = function(e){return(NULL)})

  result$inputSetting$populationSettings <- tryCatch({as.list(read.csv(file = file.path(dirPath, 'inputSetting','populationSettings.csv')))}, error = function(e){return(NULL)})
  result$inputSetting$populationSettings$attrition <- tryCatch({read.csv(file = file.path(dirPath, 'inputSetting','populationSettings_attrition.csv'))}, error = function(e){return(NULL)})
  result$performanceEvaluation <- list()
  result$performanceEvaluation$evaluationStatistics <- tryCatch({read.csv(file = file.path(dirPath, 'performanceEvaluation','evaluationStatistics.csv'))}, error = function(e){return(NULL)})
  result$performanceEvaluation$thresholdSummary <- tryCatch({read.csv(file = file.path(dirPath, 'performanceEvaluation','thresholdSummary.csv'))}, error = function(e){return(NULL)})
  result$performanceEvaluation$demographicSummary <- tryCatch({read.csv(file = file.path(dirPath, 'performanceEvaluation','demographicSummary.csv'))}, error = function(e){return(NULL)})
  result$performanceEvaluation$calibrationSummary <- tryCatch({read.csv(file = file.path(dirPath, 'performanceEvaluation','calibrationSummary.csv'))}, error = function(e){return(NULL)})
  result$performanceEvaluation$predictionDistribution <- tryCatch({read.csv(file = file.path(dirPath, 'performanceEvaluation','predictionDistribution.csv'))}, error = function(e){return(NULL)})
  result$model$modelSettings <- result$inputSetting$modelSettings
  result$model$populationSettings <- result$inputSetting$populationSettings
  result$model$metaData$call$covariateSettings <- result$inputSetting$dataExtrractionSettings$covariateSettings
  class(result) <- "runPlp"
hxia/plp-git-demo documentation built on March 19, 2021, 1:54 a.m.