
Defines functions hydroPSO2pest .modify.tpl .read_observations .read_paramfiles .read_paramranges

Documented in hydroPSO2pest

# File hydroPSO2pest.R
# Part of the hydroPSO package, http://www.rforge.net/hydroPSO/
# Copyright 2012-2012 Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini & Rodrigo Rojas
# Distributed under GPL 2 or later

##                             .read_paramrange                               ##
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini & Rodrigo Rojas                        ##
# Created: 12-Nov-2012                                                        ##
# Updates: 15-Nov-2012                                                        ##
# Purpose  : To read the 'ParamRanges.txt' hydroPSO input file                ##
.read_paramranges <- function(fname="ParamRanges.txt") {
  if (!file.exists(fname))
    stop("Invalid argument: file '", fname, "' does not exists !")
  # Reading the file
  x <- read.table(fname, header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

} # '.read_paramranges' END

##                             .read_paramfiles                               ##
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini & Rodrigo Rojas                        ##
# Created: 12-Nov-2012                                                        ##
# Updates: 15-Nov-2012                                                        ##
# Purpose  : To read the 'ParamFiles.txt' hydroPSO input file                ##
.read_paramfiles <- function(fname="ParamFiles.txt") {

  if (!file.exists(fname))
    stop("Invalid argument: file '", fname, "' does not exists !")
  # Reading the file
  x <- read.table(fname, header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

} # '.read_paramfiles' END

##                           .read_observations                               ##
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini & Rodrigo Rojas                        ##
# Created: 12-Nov-2012                                                        ##
# Updates: 15-Nov-2012 ; 28-Nov-2012                                          ##
# Purpose  : To read the 'Observations.txt' hydroPSO output file              ##
.read_observations <- function(fname="Observations.txt") {

   if (!file.exists(fname))
    stop("Invalid argument: file '", fname, "' does not exists !")
  # reading the first line of the file
  x <- read.table(fname, header=FALSE, nrows=1, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  if (NCOL(x) == 1) {
    x <- read.table(fname, header=FALSE)
  } else x <- coredata(read.zoo(fname, header=FALSE)) # zoo::coredata ;  zoo::read.zoo

} # '.read_observations' END

##                              .modify.tpl                                   ##
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini & Rodrigo Rojas                        ##
# Created: 12-Nov-2012                                                        ##
# Updates: 15-Nov-2012                                                        ##
# Purpose  : To write a .tpl PEST input file based on the 'modelin.fname'     ##
#            model input file                                                 ##
#            It identifies all the parameters that have to be changed within  ##
#            the 'modelin.fname' file, and then it replaces by the name of    ##
#            each parameter enclosed between user-defined tokens              ##
.modify.tpl <- function(tpl.fname, modelin.fname, paramfiles, token="#", verbose=TRUE) {

   if (!file.exists(tpl.fname))
    stop("Invalid argument: file '", tpl.fname, "' does not exists !")

   # Getting the line for the input file
   row.index <- which(paramfiles[,3] == basename(modelin.fname))
   # Reading the model input file
   x <- readLines(tpl.fname)
   # Writing the tpl file
   for (r in row.index ) {
     # parameter name
     ParameterName <- as.character(paramfiles[r, 2])
     # Row location
     RowNumber     <- paramfiles[r, 4]
     # Columns location
     ColStart      <- paramfiles[r, 5]
     ColEnd        <- paramfiles[r, 6]
     L       <- ColEnd - ColStart + 1
     nspaces <- L - 2  - nchar(ParameterName)
     spaces  <- paste(rep(" ", nspaces), collapse="")
     new.stg <- paste(token, ParameterName, spaces, token, sep="")
     # Replacing the line with the token and parameter name
     substr(x[RowNumber], start=ColStart, stop=ColEnd) <- new.stg
   } # FOR end
   # writing the .tpl to disk
   writeLines(x, con=tpl.fname)
   if (verbose) message("[    File '", basename(tpl.fname), "' successfully modified ]")
} # '.modify.tpl' END

##                               hydroPSO2pest                                ##
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini & Rodrigo Rojas                        ##
# Created: 12-Nov-2012                                                        ##
# Updates: 15-Nov-2012 ; 28-Nov-2012                                          ##
# Purpose  : To export the content of the hydroPSO files 'ParamRanges.txt'    ##
#            'ParamFiles.txt' to PEST, as a single .pst files with its corres-##
#            ponding .tpl and .ins files                                      ##
# 'paramfile.fname'   : character, file name (full path) of the hydroPSO      ##
#                       input file storing the location and names of the model##
#                       files that have to be modified for each parameter     ##
#                       subject to calibration.                               ##
#                       By default this file is called 'ParamFiles.txt' and   ##
#                       -if the full path it is not specified- it is searched ##
#                       for within the 'PSO.in' subdirectory of 'drty.model'  ## 
# 'param.ranges'      : character with the name of the hydroPSO input file    ##
#                       defining the minimum and maximum boundary values for  ##
#                       each one of the parameters to be calibrated.          ##
#                       By default this file is called 'ParamRanges.txt' and  ##
#                       -if the full path it is not specified- it is searched ##
#                       for within the 'PSO.in' subdirectory of 'drty.model'  ## 
# 'observations.fname': character with the name of the hydroPSO output file   ##
#                       storing the observed values used during the optimisa- ##
#                       tion.                                                 ##
#                       By default this file is called 'Observations.txt' and ##
#                       -if the full path it is not specified- it is searched ##
#                       for within the  'PSO.out'                             ##
#                       subdirectory of 'drty.model'.                         ##
# 'exe.fname'         : character, model command line arguments to be entered ##
#                       through a prompted string to execute the user-defined ##
#                       model                                                 ##
# 'drty.model'        : character, path to the executable file of the model   ##
#                       specified in \code{exe.fname}. ALL the input files    ##
#                       required to run the model have to be located within   ##
#                       this directory                                        ##
# 'pst.fname'         : character, with the name of the output .pst file      ##
hydroPSO2pest <- function(
                          ) {                     
  if (missing(exe.fname))
    stop("Missing argument: 'exe.fname'")                         
  if (!file.exists(drty.model)) stop("Invalid argument: 'drty.model' does not exist !")
  if (basename(param.files)==param.files) 
    param.files <- paste(drty.model, "/PSO.in/", param.files, sep="")
  if (basename(param.ranges)==param.ranges) 
    param.ranges <- paste(drty.model, "/PSO.in/", param.ranges, sep="")
  if (basename(observations.fname)==observations.fname) 
    observations.fname <- paste(drty.model, "/PSO.out/", observations.fname, sep="") 
  if (basename(pst.fname)==pst.fname) 
    pst.fname <- paste(drty.model, "/", pst.fname, sep="")    
  if (!file.exists(param.files)) 
    stop("Invalid argument: The file '", param.files, "' does not exist !")
  if (!file.exists(param.ranges)) 
    stop("Invalid argument: The file '", param.ranges, "' does not exist !")
  if (!file.exists(observations.fname)) 
    stop("Invalid argument: The file '", observations.fname, "' does not exist !")

  # 1) Reading ParamRanges.txt
  if (verbose) message("                                                     ]")
  if (verbose) message("[ 1) Reading '", basename(param.ranges), "' ... ]")
  x <- .read_paramranges(fname=param.ranges)
  # Param numbers
  param.nmbrs <- x[, 1]
  # Param names
  param.names <- x[, 2]
  # Param boundaries
  param.min   <- x[, 3]
  param.max   <- x[, 4]
  # Number of parameters
  nparam <- length(param.names)
  if (verbose) message("[    Number of parameters found  :", nparam, " ]")
  # 2) Reading Observations.txt
  if (verbose) message("                                                     ]")
  if (verbose) message("[ 2) Reading observations ('", basename(observations.fname), "') ... ]")
  obs <- .read_observations(fname=observations.fname)
  # Number of observations
  nobs <- length(obs)
  if (verbose) message("[    Number of observations found:", nobs, " ]")  
  # 3) Reading ParamFiles.txt
  if (verbose) message("                                                     ]")
  if (verbose) message("[ 3) Reading '", basename(param.files), "' ... ]")
  x <- .read_paramfiles(fname=param.files)
  # Param numbers
  ParameterNmbr <- x[, 1] 
  # Param names
  ParameterName <- x[, 2]
  # Model input names
  Filename      <- as.factor(x[, 3])
  # Row location
  RowNumber     <- x[, 4]
  # Columns location
  ColStart      <- x[, 5]
  ColEnd        <- x[, 6]
  # Number of decimal places
  DecimalPlaces <- x[, 7]
  # Name of single-occurrence input files to be modified
  tpl.fnames <- as.character(levels(Filename))
  # Number of tpl files
  ntpls <- length(tpl.fnames)
  if (verbose) message("[    Number of .tpl to be created:", ntpls, " ]") 
  # 4) tpl creation
  if (verbose) message("                                                     ]")
  if (verbose) message("[ 4) Creating .tpl files ... ]")  
  for (t in 1:ntpls) {  
    tmp <- t
    l <- nchar(t)
    if (l < 3) tmp <- paste(paste(rep("0", 3-l), collapse=""), t, sep="")
    tpl.fname <- paste(drty.model, "/", "file", tmp, ".tpl", sep="")
    fname.in  <- paste(drty.model, "/", tpl.fnames[t], sep="")    
    if (!file.exists(fname.in)) {
       stop("Invalid argument: The file '", fname.in, "' does not exist !")
    } else file.copy(fname.in, tpl.fname, overwrite=TRUE)
    # Reading the new .tpl
    tmp <- readLines(tpl.fname)
    # Adding a 1st line with the token
    token <- "#"
    first.line <- paste("ptf ", token, sep="")
    tmp <- c(first.line, tmp)
    # writing the .tpl to disk, with exactly the same content as the original input file
    writeLines(tmp, con=tpl.fname)
    # writing parameter names enclosed by tokens within the .tpl
    .modify.tpl(tpl.fname=tpl.fname, modelin.fname=fname.in, paramfiles=x, 
                token=token, verbose=verbose) 
  } # FOR 't' end
  # 5) ins creation
  if (verbose) message("                                                     ]")
  if (verbose) message("[ 5) Creating a basic .ins file ... ]")  
  x <- c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)
  x[2] <- "pif @ "
  x[3] <- "@***OUTPUT KEYWORD***@"
  x[4] <- "l1 (obs1)StartCol:EndCol"
  x[5] <- "..."
  # writing to disk
  fname.out <- paste(drty.model, "/ModelOut.ins", sep="")
  writeLines(x, con=fname.out)
  # 6) pst creation
  if (verbose) message("                                                     ]")
  if (verbose) message("[ 6) Creating the .pst file from template ... ]")  
  # Copying the .pst template provided with the package
  pst.template <- system.file("hydroPSO2pest.pst", package="hydroPSO")
  #pst.template <- "/dataMZB/2012/mzb_functions/R-mzb_packages/SVN/hydroPSO/trunk/inst/hydroPSO2pest.pst"
  if (!file.exists(dirname(pst.template))) 
    stop("Invalid argument: The file '", pst.template, "' does not exist !")
  if (!file.exists(dirname(pst.fname))) 
    dir.create(dirname(pst.fname), recursive=TRUE)
  file.copy(pst.template, pst.fname, overwrite=TRUE)
  # 7)  modifying the .pst
  if (verbose) message("                                                     ]")
  if (verbose) message("[ 7) Writing the .pst file ... ]")  
  x <- readLines(pst.fname)
  L <- length(x)
  # 7.1) Number of parameters
  if (verbose) message("[    Writing number of parameters ... ]")  
  tmp <- as.character(nparam)
  l <- nchar(tmp)
  if (l < 4) tmp <- paste(paste(rep(" ", 4-l), collapse=""), nparam, sep="")
  substr(x[4], start=2, stop=5) <- tmp
  # 7.2) Number of observations
  if (verbose) message("[    Writing number of observations ... ]")  
  tmp <- as.character(nobs)
  l <- nchar(tmp)
  if (l < 6) tmp <- paste(paste(rep(" ", 6-l), collapse=""), nobs, sep="")
  substr(x[4], start=7, stop=12) <- tmp
  # 7.3) Number of parameter groups
  if (verbose) message("[    Writing number of parametr groups ... ]")  
  tmp <- as.character(nparam)
  l <- nchar(tmp)
  if (l < 5) tmp <- paste(paste(rep(" ", 5-l), collapse=""), nparam, sep="")
  substr(x[4], start=14, stop=18) <- tmp
  # 7.4) Number of .tpl
  if (verbose) message("[    Writing number of .tpl files ... ]")  
  tmp <- as.character(ntpls)
  l <- nchar(tmp)
  if (l < 4) tmp <- paste(paste(rep(" ", 4-l), collapse=""), ntpls, sep="")
  substr(x[5], start=2, stop=5) <- tmp
  # Number of .ins
  #substr(x[5], start=7, stop=12) <- "1"
  # it should be changed by the user   
  # 7.5) * parameter groups
  if (verbose) message("[    Writing '* parameter groups' section ... ]")  
  x <- c(x[1:11], rep(x[12], nparam), x[13:L])  
  L <- L + nparam - 1
  for (i in 1:nparam) {
    tmp <- param.names[i]
    l <- nchar(tmp)
    if (l < 17) tmp <- paste(paste(rep(" ", 17-l), collapse=""), param.names[i], sep="")
    substr(x[11+i], start=1, stop=17) <- tmp
  } # FOR end
  # 7.6) * parameter data
  if (verbose) message("[    Writing '* parameter data' section ... ]")  
  x <- c(x[1:(13+nparam-1)], rep(x[14+nparam-1], nparam), x[(15+nparam-1):L])  
  L <- L + nparam - 1
  for (i in 1:nparam) {
    # param names
    tmp <- param.names[i]
    l <- nchar(tmp)
    if (l < 17) tmp <- paste(paste(rep(" ", 17-l), collapse=""), param.names[i], sep="")
    substr(x[13+nparam-1+i], start=1, stop=17) <- tmp
    # param ini
    tmp <- format((param.max[i] + param.min[i])/2, scientific=TRUE, digits=7)
    tmp <- as.character(tmp)
    l <- nchar(tmp)
    if (l < 13) tmp <- paste(paste(rep(" ", 13-l), collapse=""), tmp, sep="")
    substr(x[13+nparam-1+i], start=33, stop=45) <- tmp
    # param min
    tmp <- format(param.min[i], scientific=TRUE, digits=7)
    tmp <- as.character(tmp)
    l <- nchar(tmp)
    if (l < 13) tmp <- paste(paste(rep(" ", 13-l), collapse=""), tmp, sep="")
    substr(x[13+nparam-1+i], start=47, stop=59) <- tmp
    # param max
    tmp <- format(param.max[i], scientific=TRUE, digits=7)
    tmp <- as.character(tmp)
    l <- nchar(tmp)
    if (l < 15) tmp <- paste(paste(rep(" ", 15-l), collapse=""), tmp, sep="")
    substr(x[13+nparam-1+i], start=61, stop=76) <- tmp
  } # FOR end
  # 7.7) * observation data
  if (verbose) message("[    Writing '* observation data' section ... ]")  
  x <- c(x[1:(17+2*(nparam-1))], rep(x[17+2*(nparam-1)+1], nobs), x[(17+2*(nparam-1)+2):L])    
  L <- L + nobs - 1
  for (i in 1:nobs) {  
    # i-th observation name
    l <- nchar(i)
    if (l < 5) tmp <- paste("obs", paste(rep("0", 5-l), collapse=""), i, sep="")
    substr(x[17+2*(nparam-1)+i], start=1, stop=8) <- tmp
    # i-th observation value
    tmp <- format(obs[i], scientific=TRUE, digits=18)
    tmp <- as.character(tmp)
    l <- nchar(tmp)
    if (l < 23) tmp <- paste(paste(rep(" ", 23-l), collapse=""), tmp, sep="")
    substr(x[17+2*(nparam-1)+i], start=14, stop=36) <- tmp  
  } # FOR end

  # 7.8) * model command line
  if (verbose) message("[    Writing '* model command line' section ... ]")  
  x[20+2*(nparam-1)+(nobs-1)] <- exe.fname
  # 7.9) * model input/output
  if (verbose) message("[    Writing '* model input/output' section ... ]")  
  x <- c(x[1:(21+2*(nparam-1)+(nobs-1))], rep(x[21+2*(nparam-1)+(nobs-1)+1], ntpls), x[(21+2*(nparam-1)+(nobs-1)+2):L])  
  L <- L + ntpls - 1
  for (i in 1:ntpls) {  
    # i-th .tpl filename
    l <- nchar(i)
    if (l < 3) tmp <- paste("file", paste(rep("0", 3-l), collapse=""), i, sep="")
    substr(x[21+2*(nparam-1)+(nobs-1)+i], start=1, stop=11) <- tmp
    # i-th model input file
    tmp <- as.character(tpl.fnames[i])
    l <- nchar(tmp)
    if (l < 12) tmp <- paste(paste(rep(" ", 12-l), collapse=""), tpl.fnames[i], sep="")
    substr(x[21+2*(nparam-1)+(nobs-1)+i], start=13, stop=13+l+1) <- tmp  
  } # FOR end
  # writing to disk
  writeLines(x, con=pst.fname)
  # 8) Output
  message("[                                                           ]")
  message("[ hydroPSO2PEST finished !!                                 ]")
  message("[                                                           ]")
  message("[ PEST input files available in:                            ]")
  message("[ '", drty.model, "']")
  message("[                                                           ]")
  message("[ Before running PEST, you MUST check *.pst and *.ins files ]")
} # 'pest2hydroPSO' END
hzambran/hydroPSO documentation built on Feb. 3, 2024, 4:39 p.m.