
Defines functions initializeBioMatrixPlot setBioMatrixPlotParameters setBioMatrixBaseCoordinates setBioMatrixPlotArea getBioMatrixGeneNumber getBioMatrixSampleNumber getBioMatrixPhenotypeNumber getBioMatrixSampleWidth getBioMatrixSampleHeight getBioMatrixColumnPadding getBioMatrixRowPadding getBioMatrixGeneLabelWidth getBioMatrixRemarkWidth getBioMatrixSummaryWidth getBioMatrixDataAreaWidth getBioMatrixBasePositions getBioMatrixSampleIDHeight getBioMatrixLegendHeight getBioMatrixPlotAreaHeigth getBioMatrixPlotAreaWidth getBioMatrixDataRowTop plotBioMatrixSampleNames plotBioMatrixRowNames plotBioMatrixSampleData showBioMatrixPlotLayout plotBioMatrixHeatmap plotBioMatrixCategoryData plotBioMatrixBinaryData plotBioMatrixBars

Documented in getBioMatrixDataRowTop initializeBioMatrixPlot plotBioMatrixBars plotBioMatrixBinaryData plotBioMatrixCategoryData plotBioMatrixHeatmap plotBioMatrixRowNames plotBioMatrixSampleData plotBioMatrixSampleNames setBioMatrixBaseCoordinates setBioMatrixPlotArea setBioMatrixPlotParameters showBioMatrixPlotLayout

#    caOmicsV.bioMatrixPlot
#    Prerequisites: 
#    All datasets or arguments passed to functions have to have same samples, 
#    i.e., number of samples and order of samples must be same
#    Data types supported and desired graphic patterns:
#    Continuous data:
#        Gene/RNA expression: log2, plotted as heatmap or colored rectangle
#        miRNA expression:    log2, plotted as heatmap or colored rectangle
#     Categorical data:
#        Phenotypes: tumor, normal, ...,  plotted as colored rectangle  
#        CNVs: deletion, normal, amplification, plotted as colored points
#        Methylation: high, low, none, plotted as colored outline
#    Binary data:
#        Mutations/SNPs: plotted as colored points, positive only 
#        DNA indels:     plotted as colored points, positive only 
#        Gene fusions:   plotted as colored points, positive only 
#    Useful graphic parameters:
#    cex    number indicating the amount by which plotting text and symbols   
#            should be scaledrelative to the default. 1=default, 1.5 is 50% 
#            larger, 0.5 is 50% smaller, etc.
#    ps    font point size (roughly 1/72 inch),  text size will be ps*cex
#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Initialize matrix plot. Call this function when new layout is needed. 
#    Arguments:
#    numOfGenes:       non-negative integer, number of genes
#    numOfSamples:     non-negative integer, number of samples
#    numOfPhenotypes:  non-negative integer, number of phenotypes
#    sampleHeight:     non-negative numeric, height of rectangle for each 
#                      sample in inch, default is 0.4
#    sampleWidth:      non-negative numeric, width of rectangle for each 
#                      sample in inch, default is 0.1
#    columnPadding:    non-negative numeric, padding between two samples 
#                      in inch, default is 0.025
#    rowPadding:       non-negative numeric, padding between two rows in 
#                      inch, default is 0.1
#    geneNameWith:    non-negative numeric, width of gene labelling in inch, 
#                      default is 1
#    remarkWidth:     non-negative numeric, width of remark area in inch, 
#                      default is 1
#    sampleNameHeight: non-negative numeric, height of column label area
#    legendHeight:     non-negative numeric, height of legend in inch   
#    Returned value:    None
#    Example: caOmicsV.InitializeBioMatrixPlot(numOfGenes=100,  
#                    numOfSamples=100, numOfPhenotypes=1, sampleHeight=0.4, 
#                    sampleWidth=0.1, columnPadding=0.025, rowPadding=0.1, 
#                    geneNameWidth=1, remarkWidth=1, 
#                    sampleNameHeight=1,legendHeight=1)
#    Last revised on September 3, 2014

initializeBioMatrixPlot <- function(numOfGenes=100, numOfSamples=100,
        numOfPhenotypes=1, sampleHeight=0.4, sampleWidth=0.1, 
        columnPadding=0.025, rowPadding=0.1, geneNameWidth=1,
        remarkWidth=1, summaryWidth=1, sampleNameHeight=1, legendHeight=1) {

    if(is.numeric(numOfGenes) == FALSE || 
        is.numeric(numOfSamples) == FALSE || 
        is.numeric(numOfPhenotypes) == FALSE || 
        is.numeric(sampleHeight) == FALSE || 
        is.numeric(sampleWidth) == FALSE || 
        is.numeric(columnPadding) == FALSE ||
        is.numeric(rowPadding) == FALSE  || 
        is.numeric(geneNameWidth) == FALSE || 
        is.numeric(remarkWidth) == FALSE || 
        is.numeric(summaryWidth) == FALSE ||
        is.numeric(sampleNameHeight) == FALSE || 
        is.numeric(legendHeight) == FALSE ) {
            stop("All arguments must be non-negative numeric.\n") 

    if(numOfGenes<0 || numOfSamples<0 || numOfPhenotypes<0 || 
        sampleHeight<0 || sampleWidth<0 || columnPadding<0 || 
        rowPadding<0 || geneNameWidth<0 || remarkWidth<0 || 
        sampleNameHeight<0 || legendHeight<0 || summaryWidth<0)  {
            stop("Negative value is not allowed for argument(s)") 

    setBioMatrixPlotParameters(numOfGenes, numOfSamples, 
            numOfPhenotypes, sampleHeight, sampleWidth, columnPadding, 
            rowPadding, geneNameWidth, remarkWidth, sampleNameHeight, 
            summaryWidth, legendHeight)
    setBioMatrixBaseCoordinates(numOfSamples, sampleWidth, columnPadding, 
            sampleHeight, geneNameWidth)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Put biomatrix plot parameters to CA_OMICS_ENV environment. This function
#    is for internal use only and all arguments are validated outside first.
#    Arguments:
#        numOfGenes:      non-negative integer, number of genes to plot
#        numOfSamples:    non-negative integer, number of samples to plot
#        numOfPhenotypes: non-negative integer, number of phenotypes to plot
#        sampleHeight:     non-negative numeric, height of rectangle for each
#                          sample in inch, default 0.4
#        sampleWidth:      non-negative numeric, width of rectangle for each
#                          sample in inch, default 0.1
#        columnPadding:    non-negative numeric, padding between two samples
#                          in inch, default 0.025
#        rowPadding:       non-negative numeric, padding between two samples
#                          in inch, default 0.1
#        geneNameWith:     non-negative numeric, width of gene labelling in
#                          inch, default 1
#        remarkWidth:      non-negative numeric, width of remark area in inch
#                          default 1
#        sampleNameHeight: non-negative numeric, height of rectangle for
#                          sample names in inch, default 1
#        legendHeight:      non-negative numeric, height of legend in inch
#    Example:   Internal use.
#    Last updated on September 4, 2014

setBioMatrixPlotParameters <- function(numOfGenes, numOfSamples, 
    numOfPhenotypes, sampleHeight, sampleWidth, columnPadding, rowPadding,
    geneNameWidth, remarkWidth, summaryWidth, sampleNameHeight, legendHeight) {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_Total_Genes"]]      <- numOfGenes
    caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_Total_Samples"]]    <- numOfSamples
    caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_Total_Phenotypes"]] <- numOfPhenotypes

    caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_Sample_Height"]]    <- sampleHeight
    caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_Sample_Width"]]     <- sampleWidth
    caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_Column_Padding"]]   <- columnPadding
    caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_Row_Padding"]]      <- rowPadding

    caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_Label_Width"]]      <- geneNameWidth
    caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_Remark_Width"]]     <- remarkWidth
    caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_Summary_Width"]]    <- summaryWidth
    caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_SampleID_Height"]]  <- sampleNameHeight
    caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_Legend_Height"]]    <- legendHeight

    dataAreaWidth  <- numOfSamples*(sampleWidth+columnPadding)
    caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_DataArea_Width"]]   <- dataAreaWidth


#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Set up x and y coordinates for one row of phenotype or omics data value  
#    plot. The x-coordinates will have no change at any time and y coordinates 
#    will be modified based on the row number before plot. This function is 
#    for internal use only and all arguments are validated outside in advance.
#    Arguments:
#        numOfSamples:  non-negative integer, number of samples to be plotted
#        sampleWidth:   non-negative numeric, width of rectangle for each 
#                       sample in inch, default 0.1
#        columnPadding: non-negative numeric, padding between two samples in 
#                       inch, default 0.025
#        sampleHeight:  non-negative numeric, height of rectangle for each  
#                       sample in inch, default 0.4
#        geneNameWith:  non-negative numeric, width of gene labelling in inch, 
#                       default 1
#   Example:    Internal use
#   Last updated on September 4, 2014

setBioMatrixBaseCoordinates <- function(numOfSamples, sampleWidth, 
            columnPadding, sampleHeight, geneNameWidth) {

    lastLeft  <- geneNameWidth + (numOfSamples-1)*(sampleWidth+columnPadding)
    lastRight <- lastLeft + sampleWidth
    sampleAreaWidth <- sampleWidth+columnPadding

    xleft   <- seq(from=geneNameWidth, to=lastLeft, by=sampleAreaWidth)
    xright  <- seq(from=geneNameWidth+sampleWidth, to=lastRight, 
    ytop    <- rep(0, numOfSamples)
    ybottom <- rep(sampleHeight, numOfSamples)

    basePositions <- cbind(xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop)
    colnames(basePositions) <- c("xleft", "ybottom", "xright", "ytop")

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())
    caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_Base_Positions"]] <- basePositions

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Set up plot area including of sample name area (sampleHeight), phenotype 
#    area, gene label area (geneNameWidth), and remark area (remarkWidth, for 
#    legend and other descriptions). The sampleHeight,  geneNameWidth, and 
#    remarkWidth could be increased by user to make more space for additional
#    item plot
#    Prerequisite: InitializeBioMatrixPlot(...) must be called first
#    Argument:  None
#    Returned value:    None
#    Example:
#        InitializeBioMatrixPlot(numOfGenes=100, numOfSamples=100, 
#                numOfPhenotypes=1, sampleHeight=0.4, sampleWidth=0.1, 
#                columnPadding=0.025, rowPadding=0.1, geneNameWidth=1, 
#                remarkWidth=1, sampleNameHeight=1)
#        setBioMatrixPlotArea()
#    Last updated on: September 5, 2014

setBioMatrixPlotArea <- function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    totalGenes     <- getBioMatrixGeneNumber()
    totalPhenotypes <- getBioMatrixPhenotypeNumber()

    geneNameWith   <- getBioMatrixGeneLabelWidth()
    dataAreaWidth  <- getBioMatrixDataAreaWidth()
    remarkWidth    <- getBioMatrixRemarkWidth()
    summaryWidth   <- getBioMatrixSummaryWidth()

    sampleHeight   <- getBioMatrixSampleHeight()
    rowPadding     <- getBioMatrixRowPadding()
    nameHeight     <- getBioMatrixSampleIDHeight()
    legendHeight   <- getBioMatrixLegendHeight()

    plotWidth  <- geneNameWith + dataAreaWidth + remarkWidth + summaryWidth
    rowHeight  <- sampleHeight + rowPadding
    plotHeight <- (totalGenes+totalPhenotypes)*rowHeight + 
                            nameHeight + legendHeight

    plot.window(xlim=c(0, plotWidth), ylim=c(0, plotHeight))

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Methods to retrieving of bioMatrixPlot objects in CA_OMICS_ENV environment

getBioMatrixGeneNumber <- function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    return (caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_Total_Genes"]])

getBioMatrixSampleNumber <- function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    return (caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_Total_Samples"]])

getBioMatrixPhenotypeNumber <- function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    return (caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_Total_Phenotypes"]])

getBioMatrixSampleWidth <- function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    return (caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_Sample_Width"]])

getBioMatrixSampleHeight <- function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    return (caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_Sample_Height"]])

getBioMatrixColumnPadding <- function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    return (caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_Column_Padding"]])

getBioMatrixRowPadding <- function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    return (caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_Row_Padding"]])

getBioMatrixGeneLabelWidth <- function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    return (caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_Label_Width"]])

getBioMatrixRemarkWidth <- function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    return (caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_Remark_Width"]])

getBioMatrixSummaryWidth <- function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    return (caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_Summary_Width"]])

getBioMatrixDataAreaWidth<-function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    return (caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_DataArea_Width"]])

getBioMatrixBasePositions<-function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    return (caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_Base_Positions"]])

getBioMatrixSampleIDHeight<-function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    return (caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_SampleID_Height"]])

getBioMatrixLegendHeight<-function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    return (caOmicsVEnvironment[["BioMatrix_Legend_Height"]])

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Calculate total height of bioMatrixPlot area. 
#    Argument:          None
#    Returned value:    Total height of plot area in inch.
#    Example:   areaWidth <- getBioMatrixPlotAreaHeigth()
#    Last revised on September 6, 2013

getBioMatrixPlotAreaHeigth<-function() {

    totalGenes      <- getBioMatrixGeneNumber()
    totalPhenotypes <- getBioMatrixPhenotypeNumber()

    sampleHeight <- getBioMatrixSampleHeight()
    rowPadding   <- getBioMatrixRowPadding()
    nameHeight   <- getBioMatrixSampleIDHeight()
    legendHeight <- getBioMatrixLegendHeight()

    rowHeight      <- sampleHeight + rowPadding
    plotAreaHeight <- (totalGenes+totalPhenotypes)*rowHeight + 
                            nameHeight + legendHeight

    return (plotAreaHeight)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Calculate total width of bioMatrixPlot area. 
#    Argument:  None
#    Returned value:    Total width of plot area in inch.
#    Example:   figureWidth <- getBioMatrixPlotAreaWidth()
#    Last revised on November 10, 20143

getBioMatrixPlotAreaWidth<-function() {

    leftNameWidth <- getBioMatrixGeneLabelWidth()
    dataAreaWidth <- getBioMatrixDataAreaWidth()
    remarkWidth    <- getBioMatrixRemarkWidth()
    summaryWidth  <- getBioMatrixSummaryWidth()
    plotAreaWidth <- leftNameWidth + dataAreaWidth + 
                        remarkWidth + summaryWidth

    return (plotAreaWidth)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#   Calculate the top y coordinate for a row.
#   Arguments:
#       rowNumber:  non-negative integer, which row to plot 
#       area:       character vector, which area to plot
#   Returned value: integer, top location of a row to plot
#   Example: rowTop <- getBioMatrixDataRowTop(1, areaName="omicsData")
#   Last revised on September 5, 2014

getBioMatrixDataRowTop <- function(rowNumber, 
                areaName=c("omicsData", "phenotype")) {

    if(is.numeric(rowNumber) == FALSE || rowNumber<0)
        stop("Row number must be non-negative numeric.")

    areaName <- tolower(areaName)
    if(!areaName %in% c("omicsdata","phenotype"))
        stop("Incorrect plot area name.") 

    plotAreaTop     <- getBioMatrixPlotAreaHeigth()
    nameHeight      <- getBioMatrixSampleIDHeight()
    totalPhenotypes <- getBioMatrixPhenotypeNumber()

    sampleHeight <- getBioMatrixSampleHeight()
    rowPadding   <- getBioMatrixRowPadding()
    rowHeight    <- sampleHeight+rowPadding

    samplePositions <- getBioMatrixBasePositions()

    if(areaName == "phenotype") {   
        skipHeight <- (rowNumber-1)*rowHeight
    } else {  
        totalRows  <- totalPhenotypes+rowNumber-1
        skipHeight <- totalRows*rowHeight + rowPadding*2 

    yStart  <- plotAreaTop-nameHeight-rowPadding-skipHeight

    return (yStart)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Plot sample names on the top of biomatrixplot area
#    Argument:
#        sampleNames:  character vector, sample names to be plotted
#        sampleColors: character vector or R color name(s) for text color(s)
#    Returned value:    None
#    Example:   sampleNames <- colnames(exprData)
#             plotBioMatrixSampleNames(sampleNames)
#    Last revised on September 5, 2014

plotBioMatrixSampleNames <- function(sampleNames, sampleColors)
    totalSamples <- getBioMatrixSampleNumber()
    nameHeight   <- getBioMatrixSampleIDHeight()
    sampleWidth  <- getBioMatrixSampleWidth()
    plotHeight   <- getBioMatrixPlotAreaHeigth()

    samplePositions <- getBioMatrixBasePositions()

    xLeft <- samplePositions[,1]
    yTop  <- rep(plotHeight-nameHeight, totalSamples)

    text(xLeft-sampleWidth/2, yTop, sampleNames, pos=4, 
                srt=90, col=sampleColors)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Plot row names on the left or right side of biomatrix plot area. Penotype
#    names, gene names, and remarks are all plotted with this function.
#    Argument: 
#        rowNames:  character vector, row names to be plotted
#        areaName:  character vector, either "omicsData" or "phenotype"
#        colors:      vector of character or R color  names
#        side:        character vector, either "left" or "right"
#        skipPlotRow: non-negative integer, total rows on plot area that 
#                     should be skipped, default 0 (means start plot from the
#                     first row)
#        skipColumns: non-negative integer, columns (sampleWidth) will be 
#                     skipped when items on remark area
#    Returned value:    None
#    Example:   geneNames <- rownames(exprData)
#               textColors <- rep("black", length(geneNames))
#               plotBioMatrixRowNames(sampleNames, colors=textColors)
#   Last revised on September 5, 2014

plotBioMatrixRowNames <- function(geneNames, areaName, colors, side="left",
                skipPlotRows=0, skipPlotColumns=0) {

    areaName <- tolower(areaName)
    if(!areaName %in% c("omicsdata","phenotype"))
        stop("Incorrect plot area name.") 

    side <- tolower(side)
    if(!side %in% c("left","right")) stop("Incorrect side definition.")

    totalGenes   <- getBioMatrixGeneNumber()
    sampleHeight <- getBioMatrixSampleHeight()

    rowNameX <- getBioMatrixGeneLabelWidth()
    position <- 2 

    if(side == "right") {
        sampleWidth   <- getBioMatrixSampleWidth()
        dataAreaWidth <- getBioMatrixDataAreaWidth()
        rowNameX <- rowNameX + dataAreaWidth + sampleWidth*skipPlotColumns
        position <- 4

    for(aRow in seq_along(geneNames)) {

        yStart <- getBioMatrixDataRowTop(aRow+skipPlotRows, 
        text(rowNameX,  yStart-sampleHeight/2, geneNames[aRow], 
                        pos=position, col=colors[aRow])

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Plot one row of rectangles. This could be used for phenotype plot , 
#    (different background), sample layout (same background), ans heatmap 
#    (different background). 
#    Arguments:
#        rowNumber:    non-negative integer, index of the row to be plotted
#        areaName:     character vector, either "phenotype" or "omicsdata"
#        fillColor:    character vector for color names or vector of R color 
#                      specification for rectangle fill
#        borderColor:  character vector or R colors specification for border
#        topAdjust:   non-negative numeric, height that will be reduced 
#                      from row top
#        bottomAdjust: non-negative numeric, height that will be reduced 
#                      from row bottom
#    Return value:  None
#    Example:   plotBioMatrixSampleData(rowNumber=1, areaName="phenotype")
#    Last revised on September 5, 2014

plotBioMatrixSampleData <- function(rowNumber, areaName, fillColor=NA, 
                borderColor=NA, topAdjust=0, bottomAdjust=0) {

    if(is.numeric(rowNumber) == FALSE || is.numeric(topAdjust) == FALSE || 
        is.numeric(bottomAdjust) == FALSE || rowNumber<0 || topAdjust<0 || 
        bottomAdjust<0) {  
        stop("RowNumber/topAdjust/bottomAdjust must be non-negative numeric.")

    areaName <- tolower(areaName)
    if(!areaName %in% c("omicsdata","phenotype"))
        stop("Incorrect plot area name.") 

    samplePositions <- getBioMatrixBasePositions()
    sampleHeight    <- getBioMatrixSampleHeight()
    totalSamples    <- getBioMatrixSampleNumber()

    yStart  <- getBioMatrixDataRowTop(rowNumber, areaName)

    xLeft   <- samplePositions[, 1]
    xRight  <- samplePositions[, 3]
    yTop    <- rep(yStart, totalSamples) - topAdjust
    yBottom <- yTop - sampleHeight + topAdjust + bottomAdjust

    rect(xLeft, yBottom, xRight, yTop, col=fillColor, border=borderColor)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Show biomatrix layout before plot data values.
#    Arguments:
#    geneNames:     character vector, row names at most left of each data row 
#    sampleNames:   character vector, column names at top of each data 
#                   column
#    phenotypes:    character vector, name(s) of each phenotype row
#    sampleColors:  character vector of color names or vector of R color 
#    geneColors:    character vector of color names or vector of R color 
#    phenoColors:   character vector of color names or vector of R color 
#    Returned value:    None
#    Example:    geneNames <- rownames(exprData)
#                sampleNames <- colnames(exprData)
#                showBioMatrixPlotLayout(geneNames, sampleNames, "Tissue type")
#    Last updated on September 4, 2014

showBioMatrixPlotLayout <- function(geneNames, sampleNames, phenotypes,
        secondGeneNames=NULL, sampleColors=NULL, 
        geneColors=NULL, phenoColors=NULL) {  

    if(is.character(geneNames) == FALSE || 
        is.character(sampleNames) == FALSE ||
        is.character(phenotypes) == FALSE)
            stop("Arguments must be character vector.")
    totalGenes      <- getBioMatrixGeneNumber()
    totalSamples    <- getBioMatrixSampleNumber()
    totalPhenotypes <- getBioMatrixPhenotypeNumber()

    if(length(geneNames)!= totalGenes || 
            length(sampleNames)!=totalSamples ||
            length(phenotypes)!= totalPhenotypes)
        stop("Incorrect number of gene names/sample names/phenotypes.")

    if(is.null(secondGeneNames)==FALSE) { 
        if(is.character(secondGeneNames) == FALSE )
            stop("secondGeneNames must be character vector.")
        if(length(secondGeneNames) != totalGenes)
            stop("Length of gene names and second gene names differ.")


    if(is.null(sampleColors)) sampleColors <- rep("black", totalSamples)
    plotBioMatrixSampleNames(sampleNames, sampleColors)

    if(is.null(phenoColors)) phenoColors <- rep("black", totalPhenotypes)
    plotBioMatrixRowNames(phenotypes, "phenotype", phenoColors, "left")

    if(is.null(geneColors)) geneColors <- rep("black", totalGenes)
    plotBioMatrixRowNames(geneNames, "omicsData", geneColors, "left")

           plotBioMatrixRowNames(secondGeneNames, "omicsData", geneColors, 
                side="right", skipPlotColumns=0)

    sampleColors <- rep("lightskyblue", totalSamples)
    for(aPheno in seq_along(phenotypes)) {
        plotBioMatrixSampleData(aPheno, areaName="phenotype", 

    sampleColors <- rep("lightcyan", totalSamples)
    for(aGene in seq_along(geneNames)) {

        plotBioMatrixSampleData(aGene, areaName="omicsData", 

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Plot heatmaps with expression data. Color scales must be user defined or  
#    based on whole dataset (NULL for max and min values). This plot all rows 
#    of input data. For single row, make color vector and call function
#    plotBioMatrixSampleData()
#    Arguments:
#    exprData:     numeric matrix (log2 values)
#    topAdjust:    non-negative numeric, height of top y coordinate should 
#                  be reduced to show different layers, default 0
#    bottomAdjust: non-negative numeric, height of bottom y coordinate should 
#                  be reduced for a small rectangle, default 0
#    maxValue:     numeric, maximum value for highest color in heatmap, set  
#                  to NULL to use the maximum value in expression dataset
#    minValue:     numeric, minimum value for lowest color in heatmap, set to  
#                  NULL to use the minimum value in expression dataset
#    heatmapColor: character vector, either "BlueWhiteRed", "GreenWhiteRed", 
#                  "GreenYellowRed", "GreenBlackRed" , or "YellowToRed"
#    skipPlotRow:  non-negative integer, total rows on plot area that should 
#                  be skipped, default 0 (start plot from the first row)
#    Returned value:    None
#    Example:   plotBioMatrixHeatmap(log2(exprValues))
#    Last revised on September 10, 2014

plotBioMatrixHeatmap <- function(exprData, topAdjust=0, bottomAdjust=0, 
            maxValue=NULL, minValue=NULL, heatmapColor="BlueWhiteRed", 
            skipPlotRow=0) {

    errMSG <- "Heatmap colors should be one from: ,

        Please redefine the plotColors."

    if(length(heatmapColor)>1)  stop(errMSG)

    totalGenes <- getBioMatrixGeneNumber()
    if(skipPlotRow<0 || skipPlotRow>=totalGenes) 
            stop("Incorrect row number to be skipped.")

    if(is.null(minValue) == FALSE && is.null(maxValue) == FALSE) { 
        dataRange <- c(minValue, maxValue)  
    } else {
        dataRange <- c(min(exprData), max(exprData))

    colorRamp <- getHeatmapColorScales(heatmapColor)
    colorLevel <- seq(dataRange[1], dataRange[2], length=length(colorRamp))

    sampleColors <- rep("white", ncol(exprData))
    for(aRow in seq_len(nrow(exprData))) {

         for(aSample in seq_along(sampleColors)) {

            if(is.na(exprData[aRow, aSample])) {
                sampleColors[aSample] <- "grey"; next 

            the.level <- which(colorLevel>=exprData[aRow, aSample])
            sampleColors[aSample] <- colorRamp[min(the.level)]

        plotBioMatrixSampleData(aRow+skipPlotRow, areaName="omicsData", 
            sampleColors, topAdjust=topAdjust, bottomAdjust=bottomAdjust)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Draw rectangle outline for one row of samples to represent categorical 
#    values. This function highlight all samples on each row.
#    Argument:
#        categoryData: vector or matrix of categorical values, e.g., "High", 
#                      '"low", and "No"
#        areaName:     character vector, either "omicsData", or "phenotype"
#        sampleColors: character vector for color names or vector of R color 
#                      specification, if defined, its length must be same as
#                      number of categories
#        lineWidth:    graphic parameter for lwd (line width), default 1
#        skipPlotRow:  non-negative integer, total rows on plot area that 
#                      should be skipped, default 0 (start from the first row)
#    Returned value:    None
#    Example:   plotBioMatrixCategoryData(categoryData, areaName="omicsData")
#    Last revised on September 10, 2014

plotBioMatrixCategoryData <- function(categoryData, 
                    areaName=c("omicsData", "phenotype"), 
                    sampleColors=palette(), lineWidth=1, skipPlotRow=0) {

    if(is.numeric(lineWidth) == FALSE || lineWidth<0)
        stop("LineWidth must be non-negatice nemeric.") 

    areaName <- tolower(areaName)
    if(!areaName %in% c("omicsdata","phenotype"))
        stop("Incorrect plot area name.") 

    categoryNames <- unique(as.vector(categoryData))
    categoryNames <- sort(categoryNames)

        categoryNames   <- categoryNames[-which(is.na(categoryNames))]
    totalcategories <- length(categoryNames)

        stop("Length of sample colors is less than total categories.")

    areaName <- tolower(areaName)
    if(!areaName %in% c("omicsdata","phenotype"))
        stop("Incorrect plot area name.") 

    samplePositions <- getBioMatrixBasePositions()
    sampleHeight    <- getBioMatrixSampleHeight()

    for(aRow in seq_len(nrow(categoryData))) {
        yStart  <- getBioMatrixDataRowTop(aRow+skipPlotRow, areaName)

        xLeft   <- samplePositions[, 1]
        xRight  <- samplePositions[, 3]
        yTop    <- rep(yStart, length(xLeft))
        yBottom <- yTop - sampleHeight

        plotData <- categoryData[aRow, ]
        for(aCategory in seq_len(totalcategories) ) {
            sampleIndex <- which(plotData == categoryNames[aCategory])
            rect(xLeft[sampleIndex], yBottom[sampleIndex], 
                xRight[sampleIndex], yTop[sampleIndex], 
                col=NA, border=sampleColors[aCategory], lwd=lineWidth)

                rect(xLeft[sampleIndex], yBottom[sampleIndex], 
                    xRight[sampleIndex], yTop[sampleIndex], 
                    col=NA, border="white", lwd=1)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Plot binary data as points in the inside of each rectangle(sample). The
#    point type and colors can be defined by user. This function plot all rows
#    on omics data area and only the positive samples will be shown with 
#    colored points. For one row plot, pass data as vector and supply correct
#    skipPlotRow parameter to define where to plot.
#    Arguments:
#        binaryData:  integer vector or matrix with 0/1 only 
#        areaName:    character vector, either "omicsData" or "phenotype" 
#        scatterType: non-negative integer, same as pch, default 19 
#        scatterSize: non-negative numeric, same as cex 
#        totalSubRow: non-negative integer, how many sub-rows in a sample area
#        subRowIndex: non-negative integer, which subrow will be plotted 
#        sampleColor: character vector for color name or R color specification
#        skipPlotRow: non-negative integer, total rows on plot area that 
#                     should be skipped, default 0 (start from the first row)
#    Returned value:    None
#    Example:   plotBioMatrixBinaryData(binaryData, areaName="omicsData")
#    Last revised on September 10, 2014

plotBioMatrixBinaryData <- function(binaryData, areaName="omicsData", 
        scatterType=19, scatterSize=1, totalSubRow=1, subRowIndex=1, 
        sampleColor="black", skipPlotRow=0) {

    binaryValues <- unique(as.vector(binaryData))
    if(length(binaryValues)!=2) stop("Input data is not binary.")

    if(!scatterType %in% 1:25 ) stop("Incorrect scatter type.") 
    if(!scatterSize %in% 1:3)   stop("Incorrect scatter size.") 

    if(totalSubRow>4 || totalSubRow<1) stop("Incorrect sub row size.")
    if(subRowIndex<1 || subRowIndex>totalSubRow) 
        stop("Incorrect sub row location.") 

    totalGenes <- getBioMatrixGeneNumber()
        stop("Incorrect row number to be skipped.")

    samplePositions <- getBioMatrixBasePositions()
    sampleHeight    <- getBioMatrixSampleHeight()

    subRowHeight <- sampleHeight/totalSubRow
    pointHeight <- subRowHeight*subRowIndex - subRowHeight/2

    pointX <- (samplePositions[, 1] + samplePositions[, 3]) / 2
    for(aRow in seq_len(nrow(binaryData)))  {
        rowTop  <- getBioMatrixDataRowTop(aRow+skipPlotRow, areaName)
        pointY <- rep(rowTop - pointHeight, length(pointX))

        sampleIndex <- which(binaryData[aRow,] == 1)
        points(pointX[sampleIndex], pointY[sampleIndex], pch=scatterType, 
                    cex=scatterSize, col=sampleColor[1])

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Plot bars with frequency data such as RNASeq read coverage. This function
#    plots all rows on omics data area or one column on remark area. For single
#    row plot, pass data as vector and supply desired skipPlotRow parameter to
#    define where to plot
#    Arguments:
#        barData:   numeric matrix or vector with values in range of 0 ~ 1
#        barColor:  character vector for color name or R color specification
#        areaName:  character vector, name of plot area, currently use
#                   "omicsData" only
#        byRow:     logic, whether plot bars for each row or not
#        skipPlotRow: non-negative integer, how many row(s) to be skipped from
#                       the first row
#        skipColumns: non-negative integer, how many column(s) to be skipped
#                       from the first column
#    Returned value:    None
#    Example:   plotBioMatrixBars(barData, areaName="omicsData")
#    Last revised on September 10, 2014

plotBioMatrixBars <- function(barData, barColor="red", areaName="omicsData",
                byRow=TRUE, skipPlotRow=0, skipPlotColumns=0) {

    if(is.numeric(barData) == FALSE || max(barData)>1 || min(barData)<0)
            stop("Input data must be numeric in range of 0 ~ 1.") 

    if(byRow == FALSE) { 
        if(is.vector(barData) == FALSE) stop("Input data should be a vector.")

        totalRows  <- length(barData) 
        barsPerRow <- 1

        if(totalRows != getBioMatrixGeneNumber()) 
            stop("Incorrect input data length.")
    } else {
        if(is.vector(barData)) {
            totalRows <- 1 
            barsPerRow <- length(barData)
            barData <- matrix(barData, ncol=barsPerRow)
        } else if(is.matrix(barData)) { 
            totalRows <- nrow(barData)
            barsPerRow <- ncol(barData)
        } else { stop("Bar data should be numeric vector or matrix") }

    samplePositions <- getBioMatrixBasePositions()
    sampleHeight    <- getBioMatrixSampleHeight()
    barData <- barData*sampleHeight

    barXLeft  <- samplePositions[,1]
    barXRight <- samplePositions[,3]

    if(byRow == FALSE) {
        rowNameX <- getBioMatrixGeneLabelWidth()
        dataAreaWidth <- getBioMatrixDataAreaWidth()
        sampleWidth   <- getBioMatrixSampleWidth()
        samplePadding <- getBioMatrixColumnPadding()
        columnWidth   <- sampleWidth+samplePadding

        barXLeft <- rowNameX + dataAreaWidth
        barXLeft <- barXLeft + columnWidth*skipPlotColumns
        barXRight <- barXLeft + sampleWidth

    for(aRow in seq_len(totalRows)) {

        yStart  <- getBioMatrixDataRowTop(aRow+skipPlotRow, areaName)
        yBottom <- yStart - sampleHeight

        if(byRow == FALSE) { #  only one bar for this row
            rect(barXLeft, yBottom, barXRight, 
                yBottom+barData[aRow], col= barColor)
        } else {
            for(aBar in seq_len(barsPerRow)) {
                rect(barXLeft[aBar], yBottom, barXRight[aBar],
                    yBottom+barData[aRow, aBar], col=barColor)

#   Last revised on May 18, 2015
#   ______________________________________________________________________
hzhanghenry/caOmicsV documentation built on May 17, 2019, 10:07 p.m.