
#' Fit the N-mixture point count model

pcount <- function(formula, data, K, mixture = c("P", "NB"), starts, 
	method = "BFGS", control = list(), se = TRUE)
	mixture <- match.arg(mixture)
	if(!is(data, "unmarkedFramePCount")) 
		stop("Data is not an unmarkedFramePCount object.")

	designMats <- getDesign(data, formula)
	X <- designMats$X; V <- designMats$V; y <- designMats$y
        X.offset <- designMats$X.offset; V.offset <- designMats$V.offset
        if (is.null(X.offset)) {
          X.offset <- rep(0, nrow(X))
        if (is.null(V.offset)) {
          V.offset <- rep(0, nrow(V))

	J <- ncol(y)
	M <- nrow(y)

	lamParms <- colnames(X)
	detParms <- colnames(V)
	nDP <- ncol(V)
	nAP <- ncol(X)

	if(missing(K)) K <- max(y, na.rm = TRUE) + 20
	if(K <= max(y, na.rm = TRUE))
		stop("specified K is too small. Try a value larger than any observation")
	k <- 0:K
	M <- nrow(y)
	J <- ncol(y)
	k.ik <- rep(k, M)
	k.ijk <- rep(k, M*J)

	nP <- nAP + nDP + ifelse(identical(mixture,"NB"),1,0)
	y.ij <- as.numeric(t(y))
	y.ijk <- rep(y.ij, each = K + 1)
	navec <- is.na(y.ijk)
	nd <- ifelse(rowSums(y, na.rm=TRUE) == 0, 1, 0) # I(no detection at site i)
	ijk <- expand.grid(k = 0:K, j = 1:J, i = 1:M)
	ijk.to.ikj <- with(ijk, order(i, k, j)) 

	nll <- function(parms){
		theta.i <- exp(X %*% parms[1 : nAP] + X.offset) 
		p.ij <- plogis(V %*% parms[(nAP + 1) : (nAP + nDP)] + V.offset)
		theta.ik <- rep(theta.i, each = K + 1)
		p.ijk <- rep(p.ij, each = K + 1)

		bin.ijk <- dbinom(y.ijk,k.ijk,p.ijk)
		bin.ijk[which(is.na(bin.ijk))] <- 1
		bin.ik.mat <- matrix(bin.ijk[ijk.to.ikj], M * (K + 1), J, byrow = TRUE)
		g.ik <- rowProds(bin.ik.mat)

		if(identical(mixture,"P")) {
			f.ik <- dpois(k.ik,theta.ik)
		else if (identical(mixture,"NB")){
			f.ik <- dnbinom(k.ik, mu = theta.ik, size = exp(parms[nP]))
		dens.i.mat <- matrix(f.ik * g.ik, M, K + 1, byrow = TRUE)
		dens.i <- rowSums(dens.i.mat)  # sum over the K


	if(missing(starts)) starts <- rep(0, nP)
	fm <- optim(starts, nll, method=method, hessian = se, control = control)
	opt <- fm 

	ests <- fm$par
		nbParm <- "alpha"
		nbParm <- character(0)
	names(ests) <- c(lamParms, detParms, nbParm)
	if(se) {
		tryCatch(covMat <- solve(fm$hessian),
				error=function(x) stop(simpleError("Hessian is singular.  Try using fewer covariates.")))
	} else {
		covMat <- matrix(NA, nP, nP)
	fmAIC <- 2 * fm$value + 2 * nP
	stateName <- "Abundance"
	stateEstimates <- unmarkedEstimate(name = stateName, short.name = "lam",
		estimates = ests[1:nAP], covMat = as.matrix(covMat[1:nAP,1:nAP]), 
		invlink = "exp", invlinkGrad = "exp")

	detEstimates <- unmarkedEstimate(name = "Detection", short.name = "p",
		estimates = ests[(nAP + 1) : (nAP + nDP)], 
		covMat = as.matrix(covMat[(nAP + 1):(nAP + nDP), (nAP + 1):(nAP + nDP)]),
		invlink = "logistic", invlinkGrad = "logistic.grad")

	estimateList <- unmarkedEstimateList(list(state=stateEstimates, 
	if(identical(mixture,"NB")) {
		estimateList@estimates$alpha <- unmarkedEstimate(name = "Dispersion",
			short.name = "alpha", estimates = ests[nP],
			covMat = as.matrix(covMat[nP, nP]), invlink = "exp",
			invlinkGrad = "exp")

	umfit <- new("unmarkedFitPCount", fitType = "pcount", call = match.call(),
		formula = formula, data = data, sitesRemoved = designMats$removed.sites,
		estimates = estimateList, AIC = fmAIC, opt = opt, negLogLike = fm$value,
		nllFun = nll, K = K, mixture = mixture)
ianfiske/unmarked documentation built on May 18, 2019, 1:28 a.m.