
#' Functional Dispersion from FD package with the option to weith by biomass
#' fdisp measures the functional dispersion (FDis) of a set of communities, as described by Laliberté and Legendre (2010).
#' fdisp_w also allows to weight FDis by biomass
#' @param same as dbFD\code{}
#' @param Weigthedby character string indicating if should be weighted by `abundance`
#' or `biomassValue`. If biomassValue is in "length" units for Carabids or bees, 
#' use options `biomasCarabids` or `biomasBees` to automatically convert to mass.\code{}
#' @param  biomassValue numerical vector with body weigh (or length) values for each species
#' in the same order as species are provided. It can also be a matrix or data 
#' frame with one mass value for each community and species (both communities and species 
#' arranged like in a). \code{}
#' @return same as dbFD\code{}
#' @return FDis vector listing the FDis of each community weighted by abundance or biomass
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dummy.dist <- gowdis(dummy$trait)
#' ex1 <- fdisp_w(dummy.dist, dummy$abun, Weigthedby = "biomassValue", 
#' biomassValue = c(1.2, 2.3, 0.6, 1.0, 3.4, 0.2, 1.6, 2.2))
#' ex1

fdisp_w <- function(d, a, tol = 1e-07, Weigthedby = c("abundance", "biomasCarabids", "biomasBees", 
                                                      "biomassValue"), biomassValue = NA) {
  if (!inherits(d, "dist")) 
    stop("'d' must be a 'dist' object.")
  n <- attr(d, "Size")
  if (is.null(attr(d, "Labels"))) 
    stop("'d' must have labels.", "\n")
  else sn.d <- attr(d, "Labels")
  if (missing(a)) {
    ab.names <- list("Community1", sn.d)
    a <- matrix(1, 1, n, dimnames = ab.names)
  com <- nrow(a)
  if (!is.matrix(a)) 
    stop("'a' must be a matrix.")
  if (ncol(a) != n) 
    stop("Number of columns in 'a' must be equal to the number of objects in 'd'.")
  if (is.null(colnames(a))) 
    stop("'a' must have column names", "\n")
  else sn.a <- colnames(a)
  if (any(sn.d != sn.a)) 
    stop("Species labels in 'd' and 'a' need to be identical and ordered alphabetically (or simply in the same order).", 
  a[which(is.na(a))] <- 0
  abun.sum <- apply(a, 1, sum)
  if (any(abun.sum == 0)) 
    stop("At least one community has zero-sum abundances (no species).", 
  abun.sum2 <- apply(a, 2, sum)
  if (any(abun.sum2 == 0)) 
    stop("At least one species does not occur in any community (zero total abundance across all communities).", 
  if (any(is.na(d))) 
    stop("NA's in the distance matrix.", "\n")
  A <- matrix(0, ncol = n, nrow = n)
  A[row(A) > col(A)] <- -0.5 * d^2
  A <- A + t(A)
  G <- bicenter.wt(A)
  e <- eigen(G, symmetric = TRUE)
  vectors <- e$vectors
  eig <- e$values
  w0 <- eig[n]/eig[1]
  if (w0 > -tol) 
    r <- sum(eig > (eig[1] * tol))
  else r <- length(eig)
  vectors <- vectors[, 1:r, drop = FALSE] %*% diag(sqrt(abs(eig <- eig[1:r])), 
  dimnames(vectors) <- list(colnames(a), NULL)
  pos <- eig > 0
  avg.dist.cent <- rep(NA, nrow(a))
  names(avg.dist.cent) <- row.names(a)
  for (i in 1:com) {
    pres <- which(a[i, ] > 0)
    nb.sp <- nrow((unique(vec <- vectors[pres, , drop = F])))
    #IB added code
    #if Weigthedby is not abundance, transform weight to biomass
    if(Weigthedby != "abundance"){
      if(Weigthedby == "biomasCarabids"){
        biomassValue2 <- Jelaska(biomassValue)
      if(Weigthedby == "biomasBees"){
        biomassValue2 <- Cane(biomassValue)
        biomassValue2 <- biomassValue 
      AA <- a
      #if biomassValue2 is a marix (with a different value for each community /species)
          for(j in 1:ncol(a)) AA[,j] <- a[,j]*biomassValue2[j]
          AA <- AA * biomassValue2
    if (nb.sp >= 2) {
      if(Weigthedby != "abundance"){
        w <- AA[i, pres]
        w <- a[i, pres]  
      centroid <- apply(vec, 2, weighted.mean, w = w)
      dist.pos <- sweep(vec[, pos, drop = F], 2, centroid[pos])
      dist.pos <- rowSums(dist.pos^2)
      if (any(!pos)) {
        dist.neg <- sweep(vec[, !pos, drop = F], 2, centroid[!pos])
        dist.neg <- rowSums(dist.neg^2)
      else dist.neg <- 0
      zij <- sqrt(abs(dist.pos - dist.neg))
      avg.dist.cent[i] <- weighted.mean(zij, w)
    else avg.dist.cent[i] <- 0
  return(list(FDis = avg.dist.cent, eig = eig, vectors = vectors))
ibartomeus/fundiv documentation built on May 18, 2019, 1:29 a.m.