
#' Get bins of a single chromosome.
#' This function returns a \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}} object with bins of a single
#' chromosome by given bin size.
#' @param chr Chromosome name
#' @param resolution The bin size resolution in base pairs
#' @param seqInfo A seqinfo object holding the length of each chromosome.
#' @return A GRanges object with bins
#' @keywords internal
getBinGR <- function(chr, resolution, seqInfo){

  chrLen = GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(seqInfo)[chr]
  starts = seq(1, chrLen, resolution)
  ends = starts+resolution-1
  ends = ifelse(ends < chrLen, ends, chrLen)
  n = length(starts)
  gr = GenomicRanges::GRanges(rep(chr, n),
    IRanges::IRanges(starts, ends),
    names=paste0("bin_", starts-1),


#' Get bin offset for each chromosome.
#' This function creates offset of bin indices for each chromosome.
#' @param chromosomes Character vecotr with chromosome identifiers.
#' @param resolution The bin size resolution in base pairs
#' @param seqInfo A seqinfo object holding the length of each chromosome.
#' @return A numeric vector with offset for each chromosome.
#' @keywords internal
getChrToBinOffset <- function(chromosomes, resolution, seqInfo){

	# get length of all chromosomes
	chrLen = GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(seqInfo)[chromosomes]

	# get number of bins for each chromosomes
	nBins <- ceiling(chrLen / resolution)

	# get cummulative sum for offset
	binOffset <- cumsum(c(0, nBins))[1:length(chromosomes)]

	# fix names because of offset
	names(binOffset) <- chromosomes


#' Normalize interaction matrix using normalization vector.
#' Given the raw contact matrix \eqn{M \in R^{nxn}} and normalization vecotor \eqn{v \in
#' R^{n}}, the normalized counts \eqn{M^{*}_{i,j} = M_{i,j} / (v_{i} * v_{j})} or
#' written as matrix product \eqn{M^{*} = diag(v^{-1}) * M * diag(v^{-1})}.
#' @param M a numeric \code{\link[Matrix]{Matrix}} with size n*n.
#' @param v a numeric vector of size n.
#' @return A \code{\link[Matrix]{Matrix}} with normalized counts.
normalizeMatrix <- function(M, v){

  # remove NaN values and replace it by 1 (This should not influence the normalization)
  v[is.nan(v)] <- 1

  # create a diagonal matrix of inverted normalization values
  Vinv = Matrix::Diagonal(x = 1/v)

  # normalize interaction matrix such as M*_ij = M_ij / v_i*v_j
  Mnorm = Vinv %*% M %*% Vinv



#' Parse Hi-C interactions from Rao et. al 2014 as
#' \code{\link[InteractionSet]{GInteractions}} object.
#' This function parses interactions from a single experiment by a given
#' resolution. It takes a path to a directory with uncompressed raw data and
#' subdirectories for each cell-type. The data can be manually downloaded and
#' from this url:
#' \url{https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE63525}.
#' @param cell The cell type of the input experiment
#' @param resolution The matrix resolution of the Hi-C map in bp
#' @param baseDir The path to the directory with the Hi-C data.
#' @param seqInfo A seqinfo object of the genome.
#' @param interChromosomal logical idicating whether inter-chromosomal contacts
#'   should be parsed.
#' @param normalizeByExpected Should contact frequencies be normalized by
#'   distance. Default is FALSE.
#' @param mapQual character representing the mapping quality threshold. Defualt
#'   is "MAPQGE30".
#' @param norm character representation of the normalization method to use.
#'   Default is NULL meaning that no normalization is applied. Possible values
#'   are "KR" or "VC". This is not impplemented yet.
#' @keywords Hi-C
#' @return \code{\link[InteractionSet]{GInteractions}} object with all cis- and
#'   trans-interactions
#' @export
parseRaoHiCtoGI <- function(cell, resolution, baseDir, seqInfo,
                            interChromosomal = TRUE,
                            normalizeByExpected = FALSE,
                            mapQual = "MAPQGE30",
                            norm = NULL){
  # check arguments
  if (!is.null(norm)) stop("Normalization is not implemented yet, sorry.
  See https://github.com/liz-is/readhic for an alternative approach to parse Rao data with normalization.")
  if (interChromosomal && !is.null(norm)) {
    stop("Inter-chromosomal contacts cannot be normalizd.
    Please use either 'interChromosomal = FALSE' or nrom = NULL")

  # get all the proper file paths
  # An example path is:
  # K562/100kb_resolution_intrachromosomal/chr1/MAPQGE30/chr1_100kb.RAWobserved
  # K562_interchromosomal/100kb_resolution_interchromosomal/chr1_chr2/MAPQGE30/chr1_2_100kb.RAWobserved

  # map resolution in bp to kb/mb substring:
  res2str <- data.frame(
    res = c(1000, 5000, 10000, 25000, 50000, 100000, 250000, 500000, 1000000),
    resStr = c("1kb", "5kb", "10kb", "25kb", "50kb", "100kb",
                            "250kb", "500kb", "1mb"),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  # to get proper string representation of the input resolution parameter
  resStr <- res2str$resStr[match(resolution, res2str$res)]

  if (is.na(resStr)) {
    stop("Input resolution is not supported. Input resolution: ", resolution,
         " Only the following resolutions are supported: ",
         paste(res2str$res, collapse = ", "))
  # example path for GM12878
  # OLD: /project/jgu-cbdm/andradeLab/download/flat/databases/uncompressed/muro/ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/series/GSE63nnn/GSE63525/suppl/GM12878_combined_interchromosomal/50kb_resolution_interchromosomal/chr1_chr2/MAPQGE30/chr1_2_50kb.RAWobserved
  # /project/jgu-cbdm/ibnsalem/translocations/data/Rao2014/GM12878_combined_interchromosomal/10kb_resolution_interchromosomal/chr1_chr2/MAPQGE30/chr1_2_10kb.RAWobserved

  # example for K562:
  # /project/jgu-cbdm/ibnsalem/translocations/data/Rao2014/K562/50kb_resolution_intrachromosomal/chr1/MAPQGE30/chr1_50kb.RAWobserved
  # /project/jgu-cbdm/ibnsalem/translocations/data/Rao2014/K562_interchromosomal/50kb_resolution_interchromosomal/chr1_chr2/MAPQGE30/chr1_2_50kb.RAWobserved

  # build path to directory with chromosome subdirectories
  intraDir = file.path(baseDir,
                       ifelse(cell != "GM12878", cell, paste0(cell, "_combined")),
                       paste0(resStr, "_resolution_intrachromosomal"))
  message("INFO: Start parsing from directory: ", intraDir)

  # get all available chromosome names:
  chromosomes = list.dirs(path=intraDir , full.names = FALSE,
                          recursive = FALSE)

  # throw a meaningfull error here if path is wrong
  if ( length(chromosomes) == 0 ) {
    stop("Could not find chromosomes in ", intraDir)

  # sort
	chromOrder <- match(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(seqInfo), chromosomes)
	chromosomes <- chromosomes[chromOrder[!is.na(chromOrder)]]

	# create bins for given resolution and chromosome size as GRanges object:
  chromBinGR <- lapply(chromosomes, getBinGR, resolution, seqInfo)
  names(chromBinGR) <- chromosomes

	# combine to binGR for entire genome
	binGR <- unlist(GenomicRanges::GRangesList(chromBinGR))

	# get bin offsets
	binOffset <- getChrToBinOffset(chromosomes, resolution, seqInfo)

	# parse intra-chromosomal interactions

	cisDFlist <- BiocParallel::bplapply(chromosomes, function(chr){

    message(paste("INFO: Begin to parse data for chromosome", chr, "..."))

    # get file path
	  rawInteractionFile = file.path(intraDir, chr, mapQual, paste0(chr, "_", resStr, ".RAWobserved"))

		# parse interaction file
		intData <- data.frame(data.table::fread(rawInteractionFile))

		# get anchor bins as GRanges object
		anchorIdx1 <- binOffset[chr] + (intData[,1] / resolution) + 1
		anchorIdx2 <- binOffset[chr] + (intData[,2] / resolution) + 1

		# build data.frame with indexes and score
		chrDF <- data.frame(idx1 = anchorIdx1, idx2 = anchorIdx2, raw = intData[,3])



	# parse inter-chromosomal interactions
  if( !interChromosomal ) {

    intDF <- as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(cisDFlist))


  	# build path to directory with chromosome subdirectories
  	interDir = file.path(baseDir,
  	                       ifelse(cell != "GM12878", cell, paste0(cell, "_combined")),
  	                     paste0(resStr, "_resolution_interchromosomal"))

  	message("INFO: Start parsing from directory: ", interDir)

  	# get all chromosome pair combination (ordered)
  	chromPairs <- t(utils::combn(chromosomes, 2))

  	transDFlist <- BiocParallel::bpmapply(function(chr1, chr2){

  	  message(paste("INFO: Begin to parse interactions between chromosome", chr1, "and", chr2 , "..."))

  		# get file path
  		# Example file:	#K562_interchromosomal/100kb_resolution_interchromosomal/chr1_chr2/MAPQGE30/chr1_2_100kb.RAWobserved
  	  # baseDir,
  	  # paste0(
  	  #   ifelse(cell != "GM12878", cell, paste0(cell, "_combined")),
  	  #   "_interchromosomal"
  	  # ),
  	  # paste0(resStr, "_resolution_interchromosomal")

      rawInteractionFile = file.path(
        paste0(chr1, "_", chr2),
          gsub("chr", "", chr2),

  		# parse interaction file
  		intData <- data.frame(data.table::fread(rawInteractionFile))

  		# get anchor bins as GRanges object
  		anchorIdx1 <- binOffset[chr1] + (intData[, 1] / resolution) + 1
  		anchorIdx2 <- binOffset[chr2] + (intData[, 2] / resolution) + 1

  		# build data.frame with indexes and score
  		chrPairDF <- data.frame(idx1 = anchorIdx1,
  		                        idx2 = anchorIdx2,
  		                        raw = intData[, 3])


  	}, chromPairs[,1], chromPairs[,2], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

  	# combine all data.frames into a single one
  	intDF <- as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(c(cisDFlist, transDFlist)))


	# build GI object
	gi <- InteractionSet::GInteractions(
	  intDF[, 1],
	  intDF[, 2],
	  raw = intDF[, 3],
	  mode = "strict")

# 	#--------------------------------------------------------------------
# 	# normalization of raw counts
# 	#--------------------------------------------------------------------
# 	if (!is.null(norm)) {
# 	  for (chr in chromosomes) {
#   	  normFile <- file.path(intraDir, chr, mapQual, paste0(chr, "_", resStr, ".", norm, "norm"))
#   	  # expectedfile <- file.path(intraDir, chr, mapQual, paste0(chr, "_", resStr, ".", norm, "expected"))
#   	  # if KR normalization vector file is empty, the normalization did not converge
#   	  # Rao et al suggest to take the VC or SQRTVC normalization in this case
#   	  if (file.size(normFile) == 0 & norm=="KR"){
#   	    normFile = file.path(intraDir, chr, mapQual, paste0(chr, "_", resStr, ".VCnorm"))
#   	    # expectedfile = file.path(intraDir, chr, mapQual, paste0(chr, "_", resStr, ".VCexpected"))
#   	  }
#   	  # parse normalization vector
#   	  v <- read.delim(normFile, header = FALSE, colClasses="numeric")[,1]
#   	  # get
#   	  cm <- InteractionSet::inflate(gi, chr,  chr, fill = gi$raw, sparse=TRUE)
#   	  cmNorm <- normalizeMatrix(cm, v)
#   	  chrIS <- InteractionSet::deflate(cmNorm)
#   	  chrGI <- InteractionSet::interactions(chrIS)
#   	  chrGI$norm <- InteractionSet::assay(chrIS)
#   	  intdata(hiCexp) = normalizeMatrix(intdata(hiCexp), v)
#     }
#   }

	# make user aware of object size
	  "INFO: Finished parsing of interactions. GI object has size:",
	  format(utils::object.size(gi), units = "auto")

ibn-salem/chromint documentation built on May 18, 2019, 1:29 a.m.