#' Routine for computing the Laplace approximation of the MASSIVE posterior using
#' smart initialization points to find all the conjectured optima. This 'safe'
#' version provides a fail-safe in case no optima are found with the smart
#' initialization, in which case the "guess" strategy is used instead.
#' @param J Integer number of candidate instrumental variables.
#' @param N Integer number of observations.
#' @param SS Numeric matrix containing first- and second-order statistics.
#' @param sigma_G Numeric vector of instrument standard deviations.
#' @param prior_sd List of standard deviations for the parameter Gaussian priors.
#' @param post_fun Function for computing the IV model posterior value.
#' @param gr_fun Function for computing the IV model posterior gradient.
#' @param hess_fun Function for computing the IV model posterior Hessian.
#' @param opt_fun Function for finding the IV model posterior optima.
#' @param starting_points Character vector indicating how to pick the starting
#' points: "smart" or "guess" strategy?
#' @return A list containing the Laplace approximation.
#' \itemize{
#' \item optima - List of optima found.
#' \item num_optima - Number of optima found on the posterior surface.
#' \item evidence - Numeric value of total approximation model evidence.
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' J <- 5 # number of instruments
#' N <- 1000 # number of samples
#' parameters <- random_Gaussian_parameters(J)
#' EAF <- runif(J, 0.1, 0.9) # EAF random values
#' dat <- generate_data_MASSIVE_model(N, 2, EAF, parameters)
#' safe_Laplace_approximation(
#' J, N, dat$SS, binomial_sigma_G(dat$SS),
#' decode_IV_model(get_random_IV_model(J), 1, 0.01)
#' )
safe_Laplace_approximation <- function(J, N, SS, sigma_G, prior_sd,
post_fun = scaled_neg_log_posterior,
gr_fun = scaled_neg_log_gradient,
hess_fun = scaled_neg_log_hessian,
opt_fun = robust_find_optimum, starting_points = "smart") {
Laplace_approximation(J, N, SS, sigma_G, prior_sd, post_fun, gr_fun, hess_fun, opt_fun, starting_points),
error = function(e) {
Laplace_approximation(J, N, SS, sigma_G, prior_sd, post_fun, gr_fun, hess_fun, opt_fun, "guess")
#' Routine for computing the Laplace approximation of the MASSIVE posterior using
#' smart initialization points to find all the conjectured optima.
#' @param J Integer number of candidate instrumental variables.
#' @param N Integer number of observations.
#' @param SS Numeric matrix containing first- and second-order statistics.
#' @param sigma_G Numeric vector of instrument standard deviations.
#' @param prior_sd List of standard deviations for the parameter Gaussian priors.
#' @param post_fun Function for computing the IV model posterior value.
#' @param gr_fun Function for computing the IV model posterior gradient.
#' @param hess_fun Function for computing the IV model posterior Hessian.
#' @param opt_fun Function for finding the IV model posterior optima.
#' @param starting_points Character vector indicating how to pick the starting
#' points: "smart" or "guess" strategy?
#' @return A list containing the Laplace approximation.
#' \itemize{
#' \item optima - List of optima found.
#' \item num_optima - Number of optima found on the posterior surface.
#' \item evidence - Numeric value of total approximation model evidence.
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' J <- 5 # number of instruments
#' N <- 1000 # number of samples
#' parameters <- random_Gaussian_parameters(J)
#' EAF <- runif(J, 0.1, 0.9) # EAF random values
#' dat <- generate_data_MASSIVE_model(N, 2, EAF, parameters)
#' Laplace_approximation(
#' J, N, dat$SS, binomial_sigma_G(dat$SS),
#' decode_IV_model(get_random_IV_model(J), 1, 0.01)
#' )
Laplace_approximation <- function(J, N, SS, sigma_G, prior_sd,
post_fun = scaled_neg_log_posterior,
gr_fun = scaled_neg_log_gradient,
hess_fun = scaled_neg_log_hessian,
opt_fun = robust_find_optimum, starting_points = "smart") {
if (starting_points == "guess") {
starting_points <- list(
c(prior_sd$sd_spike, prior_sd$sd_spike),
c(prior_sd$sd_spike, -prior_sd$sd_spike),
c(2 * prior_sd$sd_slab, 2 * prior_sd$sd_slab),
c(2 * prior_sd$sd_slab, - 2 * prior_sd$sd_slab),
c(prior_sd$sd_slab, 2 * prior_sd$sd_slab),
c(prior_sd$sd_slab, -2 * prior_sd$sd_slab),
c(2 * prior_sd$sd_slab, -prior_sd$sd_slab),
c(2 * prior_sd$sd_slab, -prior_sd$sd_slab)
} else if (starting_points == "smart") {
starting_points <- derive_smart_starting_points(SS, sigma_G)
} else {
stop("Unknown value for parameter starting_points.")
results <- lapply(starting_points, function(cc) {
opt_fun(J, N, SS, sigma_G, prior_sd, cc[1], cc[2],
post_fun = post_fun, gr_fun = gr_fun, hess_fun = hess_fun)
for (i in 1:length(results)) {
# force all solutions to have positive skappa_X
if (results[[i]]$par[2*J+2] < 0) {
results[[i]]$par[c(2*J+2, 2*J+3)] <- - results[[i]]$par[c(2*J+2, 2*J+3)]
remove_duplicates <- function(results) {
if (length(results) == 1) {
return (results)
unique_results <- results[1]
for (i in 2:length(results)) {
r <- results[[i]]
unique <- TRUE
for (j in 1:length(unique_results)) {
u <- unique_results[[j]]
# Various situations could occur
diff_par <- abs(u$par - r$par)
if (mean(diff_par) < 1e-3 || mean(diff_par[1:J] < 1e-6)) {
#stopifnot(round(u$value, 3) == round(r$value, 3))
unique <- FALSE
if (unique) {
unique_results[[length(unique_results) + 1]] <- r
} else {
# choose the one with the smaller nl_post value
if (u$value > r$value) {
unique_results[[j]] <- r
is_positive_definite <- function(hessian, tol = 1e-08) {
eigenvalues <- eigen(hessian, only.values = TRUE)$values
eigenvalues <- ifelse(abs(eigenvalues) < tol, 0, eigenvalues)
all(eigenvalues > 0)
# compute the mixture of Laplace approximations
for (i in 1:length(results)) {
if(is_positive_definite(results[[i]]$hessian, 1e-8)) {
det_optim <- determinant(results[[i]]$hessian)
attr(det_optim$modulus, "logarithm") <- NULL
results[[i]]$LA <- - N * results[[i]]$value - 0.5 * (det_optim$modulus + (2 * J + 5) * log(N)) + (2 * J + 5) / 2 * log(2 * pi)
if (abs(results[[i]]$par[2*J+2]) < prior_sd$sd_spike && abs(results[[i]]$par[2*J+3]) < prior_sd$sd_spike) {
results[[i]]$origin <- TRUE # the optimum is at the origin
} else {
results[[i]]$origin <- FALSE
results[[i]]$LA <- results[[i]]$LA + log(2) # the optima are symmetric around the origin
} else {
# warning("Found saddle point!")
results[[i]] <- NA
results <- results[!is.na(results)] # remove saddle points
if (length(results) == 0) stop("No local optima found")
results <- remove_duplicates(results)
results <- results[order(sapply(results, '[[', 'value'))] # sort results by decreasing posterior value
total_evidence <- matrixStats::logSumExp(sapply(results, '[[', 'LA'))
for (i in 1:length(results)) {
results[[i]]$mixture_prob <- exp(results[[i]]$LA - total_evidence)
list(optima = results, num_optima = length(results), evidence = total_evidence)
#' Routine for computing smart starting points from the sufficient statistics.
#' @param SS Numeric matrix containing first- and second-order statistics.
#' @param sigma_G Numeric vector of instrument standard deviations.
#' @return List containing three smart starting points on the ML manifold for
#' the posterior optimization.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' J <- 5 # number of instruments
#' N <- 1000 # number of samples
#' parameters <- random_Gaussian_parameters(J)
#' EAF <- runif(J, 0.1, 0.9) # EAF random values
#' dat <- generate_data_MASSIVE_model(N, 2, EAF, parameters)
#' derive_smart_starting_points(dat$SS)
derive_smart_starting_points <- function(SS, sigma_G = binomial_sigma_G(SS)) {
J <- ncol(SS) - 3
# 1. Zero kappa solution
zero_kappa <- c(0, 0)
# 2. Zero beta solution
# Compute Cov[X, Y | G] using Schur's complement
cov_XY_G <- SS[(J+2):(J+3), (J+2):(J+3)] - SS[(J+2):(J+3), 2:(J+1)] %*% solve(SS[2:(J+1), 2:(J+1)]) %*% SS[2:(J+1), (J+2):(J+3)]
corr <- abs(cov_XY_G[1, 2] / sqrt(cov_XY_G[1, 1] * cov_XY_G[2, 2]))
skappa_X <- sqrt(corr / (1 - corr))
skappa_Y <- skappa_X * sign(cov_XY_G[1, 2])
zero_beta <- c(skappa_X, skappa_Y)
# 3. (Close to) Zero alpha solution
r_y <- solve(SS[2:(J+1), 2:(J+1)], SS[2:(J+1), J+3])
r_x <- solve(SS[2:(J+1), 2:(J+1)], SS[2:(J+1), J+2])
# instead of (X, Y), we basically work with (X, Y - beta_ML * X)
beta_ML <- sum(r_y * r_x) / sum(r_x^2)
adj_corr <- abs(
(cov_XY_G[1, 2] - beta_ML * cov_XY_G[1, 1]) /
sqrt(cov_XY_G[1, 1] * (cov_XY_G[2, 2] + beta_ML^2 * cov_XY_G[1, 1] - 2 * beta_ML * cov_XY_G[1, 2]))
skappa_X <- sqrt(adj_corr / (1 - adj_corr))
skappa_Y <- skappa_X * sign(cov_XY_G[1, 2] - beta_ML * cov_XY_G[1, 1])
min_alpha <- c(skappa_X, skappa_Y)
list(zero_kappa, zero_beta, min_alpha)
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