##' Read NAFO 21B data
##' @param path Path to which to download raw files.
##' @param year Vector of years to read (all by default).
##' @param species species name(s). Ex: 101 for Atlantic cod.
##' @param overwrite If overwrite = FALSE (default) and downloaded data is already at specified path, the function will just read the local data. If overwrite = TRUE, the function will over-write data.
##' @importFrom rvest html_nodes html_attr
##' @importFrom readr read_lines
##' @importFrom tidyr gather
##' @importFrom xml2 read_html
##' @importFrom data.table rbindlist fread
##' @details
##' Download data from https://www.nafo.int/Data/Catch-Statistics.
##' See find.species to get the species names used in the database.
##' @rdname read.nafoB
##' @export
read.nafoB <- function(path, year = NULL, species = NULL, overwrite = FALSE){
site <- 'https://www.nafo.int'
page <- read_html(paste0(site, '/Data/Catch-Statistics'))
links <- html_nodes(page, 'a') # find all links
urls <- html_attr(links, 'href') # get the urls
zips <- urls[grep('.zip', urls)] # get all zip files
# year ranges
ys <- sapply(zips, function(x){y <- gsub(".*b-(.+).zip", "\\1", tolower(x))})
ys <- cbind(start = sub("(.*)-.*", "\\1", ys), end = sub(".*-(.*)", "\\1", ys))
n <- nchar(ys)
ys[n == 2] <- format(as.Date(ys[n == 2], format = "%y"), "%Y")
ys <- type.convert(ys,as.is=TRUE)
ys[ys > 2050] <- ys[ys > 2050] - 100
id <- apply(ys, 1, function(y) any(sapply(year, function(x) x %in% y[1]:y[2])))
zips <- zips[id]
# prep
if(missing(path)) stop('The function needs a path to which to download raw files.')
dir.create(path, showWarnings = F)
mergeif <- function(x, y) if(any(colnames(x) %in% colnames(y))) merge(x, y, all.x = TRUE) else x
# get the data
nafo <- lapply(1:length(zips), function(z){
zi <- sub(".*/(.*)", "\\1", zips[z])
z <<-z
un <- paste0(path, gsub('.zip','', zi))
sh <- gsub('.zip', '', zi)
di <- paste0(path, zi)
download.file(url = paste0(site, zips[z]), destfile = di)
unzip(zipfile = di, exdir = un, junkpaths = FALSE)
fi <- list.files(un, full.names = T, recursive = T)
ma <- grep('[0-9]+-[0-9]+.txt', fi, value = T,ignore.case = TRUE)
main <-fread(ma, data.table = F, stringsAsFactors = F)
names(main) <- tolower(names(main))
names(main)[which(names(main) == 'catches')] <- 'month_nk' # some years it is catches. other files use month_nk
names(main)[which(names(main) %in% c('gearcode', 'gear'))] <- 'gear.code' # difference between files
names(main)[which(names(main) %in% c('areacode', 'divcode'))] <- 'div.code' # difference between files
names(main)[which(names(main) == 'country')] <- 'country.code' # because that's what it is
names(main)[which(names(main) %in% c('specieseffort'))] <- 'code' # difference between files
# load meta data for each file, just to be sure that there are no changes from zip file to zip file in terms of codes
# country code
co <- grep('country', fi, value = T)
test <- readLines(co, n = 1)
if (grepl(pattern = '^-+$', test)){ # si c'est un fichier vraiment mal formaté à lire.
country <- fread(input = co, sep = "|", fill = T, skip = 1, data.table = F, select = c('Code','Abbreviation','Country'))
country <- na.omit(country)
} else {
country <- fread(input = co, data.table = F, stringsAsFactors = F)
names(country) <- c('country.code', 'country.abbr', 'country')
main <- merge(main, country, all.x = TRUE)
# gear code
ge <- grep('gear', fi, value = T)
gear <- fread(input = ge, data.table = F, stringsAsFactors = F)
names(gear) <- c('gear', 'gear.code', 'gear.cat')
# tonnage
to <- grep('tonnage', fi, value = T)
tonnage <- fread(input = to, data.table = F, stringsAsFactors = F)[, c(1:2)]
names(tonnage) <- c('tonnage', 'tonnage.class')
toca <- tonnage[-4, ]
toot <- tonnage[-c(1:2), ]
idc <- grep('CAN', main$country.abbr)
main <- rbind(merge(main[idc, ], toca, all.x = TRUE), merge(main[-idc, ], toot, all.x = TRUE))
# main species
msp <- grep('main', fi,value = T)
mainsp <- fread(input = msp, data.table = F, stringsAsFactors = F)
names(mainsp) <- c('mainspecies', 'mainspecies.abbr', 'mainspecies.name')
# division code
div <- grep('division', fi, value = T)
divisions <- fread(input = div, data.table = F, stringsAsFactors = F)
names(divisions) <- c('div.code', 'nafo')
# species code
sp <- grep('/spe', fi, value = T)
spt <- read_lines(sp)
spnotab <- gsub('\t', " ", spt) # replace tabs by spaces
if(substr(spt[1], 1, 4) != 'Code'){
spl <- lapply(spnotab[-c(1:6)], function(x){ # split colun based on spaces or fixed interval width
sep <- unlist(strsplit(x, " +"))
if(length(sep) == 5) sep <- c(sep[1:2], substr(sep[3], 1, 25), substr(sep[3], 26, nchar(sep[3])), sep[4:5])
species <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(spl), nrow = length(spl), byrow = T))
spl <- lapply(spnotab[-c(1:4)],function(x){ # split colun based on spaces or fixed interval width
sep <- unlist(strsplit(x, " +"))
if(length(sep) == 6) sep <- c(sep[1:2], substr(sep[3], 1, 25), substr(sep[3], 26, nchar(sep[3])), sep[4:6])
species <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(spl), nrow = length(spl), byrow = T))[, -7]
names(species) <- c('code', 'species.name', 'species.common', 'species.lat', 'species.abbr', 'species.class')
# add NAFOB specific meta data
Reduce(function(...) mergeif(...), list(main, gear, mainsp, divisions, species))
nafo <- lapply(nafo, type.convert, as.is = TRUE) # equal attributes for binding
nafo <- rbindlist(nafo, fill = TRUE) # for speed
nafo <- as.data.frame(nafo)
if(!is.null(year)) nafo <- nafo[nafo$year %in% year, ]
if(!is.null(species)) nafo <- nafo[tolower(nafo$species.name) %in% tolower(species), ]
# reformat month so numeric column
nafo <- gather(nafo, 'month', 'catch', c('month_nk', tolower(month.abb)))
nafo <- nafo[nafo$catch > 0, ]
nafo <- nafo[rowSums(is.na(nafo)) != ncol(nafo), ]
nafo[nafo$month == 'month_nk', 'month'] <- NA
nafo$month <- match(nafo$month, tolower(month.abb))
# split country (provinces for Canada)
nafo$prov <- ifelse(grepl('Canada', nafo$country), gsub('Canada ', '', nafo$country), NA)
nafo$country <- ifelse(grepl('Canada', nafo$country), 'Canada', nafo$country)
# numeric catches
nafo$catch <- as.numeric(nafo$catch)
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