#' Check and normalise distributions
#' @concept utility_private
#' @description
#' Check if the given .data is a distribution and normalise it if necessary with an optional Laplace correction.
#' @param .data Numeric vector of values.
#' @param .do.norm One of the three values - NA, TRUE or FALSE. If NA then checks for distrubution (sum(.data) == 1)
#' and normalises if needed with the given laplace correction value. if TRUE then does the normalisation and laplace
#' correction. If FALSE then doesn't do either normalisaton or laplace correction.
#' @param .laplace Value for the laplace correction.
#' @param .na.val Replace all NAs with this value.
#' @param .warn.zero if TRUE then the function checks if in the resulted vector (after normalisation)
#' are any zeros, and prints a warning message if there are some.
#' @param .warn.sum if TRUE then the function checks if the sum of resulted vector (after normalisation)
#' is equal to one, and prints a warning message if not.
#' @return Numeric vector.
#' @section Developer Examples:
#' immunarch:::check_distribution(c(1, 2, 3))
#' immunarch:::check_distribution(c(1, 2, 3), TRUE)
#' immunarch:::check_distribution(c(1, 2, 3), FALSE)
check_distribution <- function(.data, .do.norm = NA, .laplace = 1, .na.val = 0, .warn.zero = FALSE, .warn.sum = TRUE) {
if (sum(is.na(.data)) == length(.data)) {
warning("Error! Input vector is completely filled with NAs. Check your input data to avoid this. Returning a vector with zeros.\n")
return(rep.int(0, length(.data)))
if (is.na(.do.norm)) {
.data[is.na(.data)] <- .na.val
if (sum(.data) != 1) {
.data <- .data + .laplace
.data <- prop.table(.data + .laplace)
} else if (.do.norm) {
.data[is.na(.data)] <- .na.val
.data <- prop.table(.data + .laplace)
.warn.sum <- FALSE
if (.warn.zero && (0 %in% .data)) {
warningText <- paste("Warning! There are", sum(which(.data == 0)), "zeros in the input vector. Function may produce incorrect results.\n")
if (.laplace != 1) {
warningText <- paste(warningText, "To fix this try to set .laplace = 1 or any other small number in the function's parameters\n")
} else {
warningText <- paste(warningText, "To fix this try to set .laplace to any other small number in the function's parameters\n")
if (.warn.sum && sum(.data) != 1) {
if (abs(sum(.data) - 1) < 1e-14) {
# message("Note: difference between the sum of the input vector and 1 is ", (sum(.data) - 1), ", which may be caused by internal R subroutines and may not affect the result at all.\n")
# Just skip this case - it means all is OK
} else {
warningText <- "Warning! Sum of the input vector is NOT equal to 1. Function may produce incorrect results.\n"
if (!isTRUE(.do.norm)) warningText <- paste(warningText, "To fix this try to set .do.norm = TRUE in the function's parameters.\n")
#' Add a new class attribute
#' @concept utility_private
#' @param .obj R object.
#' @param .class String with the desired class name.
#' @return
#' Input object with additional class \code{.class}.
#' @section Developer Examples:
#' tmp <- "abc"
#' class(tmp)
#' tmp <- immunarch:::add_class(tmp, "new_class")
#' class(tmp)
add_class <- function(.obj, .class) {
class(.obj) <- c(.class, class(.obj))
#' Check for the specific class
#' @concept utility_private
#' @description
#' A function to check if an input object has a specific class name.
#' @param .data Any R object.
#' @param .class Character vector. Specifies a class name to check against.
#' @return
#' Logical value.
#' @section Developer Examples:
#' tmp <- "abc"
#' immunarch:::has_class(tmp, "new_class")
#' tmp <- immunarch:::add_class(tmp, "new_class")
#' immunarch:::has_class(tmp, "new_class")
has_class <- function(.data, .class) {
.class %in% class(.data)
get_empty_object_with_class <- function(.class) {
add_class(NA, .class)
#' Set and update progress bars
#' @concept utility_private
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @aliases set_pb add_pb
#' @usage
#' set_pb(.max)
#' add_pb(.pb, .value = 1)
#' @param .max Integer. Maximal value of the progress bar.
#' @param .pb Progress bar object from \code{set_pb}.
#' @param .value Numeric. Value to add to the progress bar at each step.
#' @return
#' An updated progress bar.
#' @section Developer Examples:
#' pb <- immunarch:::set_pb(100)
#' immunarch:::add_pb(pb, 25)
#' immunarch:::add_pb(pb, 25)
#' immunarch:::add_pb(pb, 25)
#' immunarch:::add_pb(pb, 25)
#' close(pb)
set_pb <- function(.max) {
txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = .max, style = 3)
add_pb <- function(.pb, .value = 1) {
setTxtProgressBar(.pb, .pb$getVal() + .value)
#' Get a column's name using the input alias
#' @concept utility_private
#' @param x Character vector of length 1.
#' @return
#' A string with the column name.
#' @section Developer Examples:
#' immunarch:::.quant_column_choice("count")
#' immunarch:::.quant_column_choice("freq")
.quant_column_choice <- function(x) {
x <- switch(x[1],
count = IMMCOL$count,
Count = IMMCOL$count,
prop = IMMCOL$prop,
Prop = IMMCOL$prop,
proportion = IMMCOL$prop,
Proportion = IMMCOL$prop,
freq = IMMCOL$prop,
message("You have specified an invalid column identifier. Active column: Clones")
#' Copy the upper matrix triangle to the lower one
#' @concept utility_private
#' @param .mat Matrix.
#' @return
#' Matrix with its upper tri part copied to the lower tri part.
#' @section Developer Examples:
#' mat <- matrix(0, 3, 3)
#' mat
#' mat[1, 3] <- 1
#' mat <- immunarch:::matrixdiagcopy(mat)
#' mat
matrixdiagcopy <- function(.mat) {
.mat[lower.tri(.mat)] <- t(.mat)[lower.tri(.mat)]
#' Nucleotide to amino acid sequence translation
#' @concept preprocessing
#' @aliases bunch_translate translate_bunch
#' @param .seq Vector or list of strings.
#' @param .two.way Logical. If TRUE (default) then translate from the both ends (like MIXCR).
#' @param .ignore.n Logical. If FALSE (default) then return NA for sequences that have N, else parse triplets with N as ~
#' @return
#' Character vector of translated input sequences.
#' @examples
#' data(immdata)
#' head(bunch_translate(immdata$data[[1]]$CDR3.nt))
#' @export
bunch_translate <- function(.seq, .two.way = TRUE, .ignore.n = FALSE) {
.seq <- toupper(.seq)
if (!.ignore.n) {
.seq[grepl("N", .seq)] <- NA
sapply(.seq, function(y) {
if (!is.na(y)) {
ny <- nchar(y)
ny3 <- ny %/% 3
tmp <- ""
if (.two.way) {
if (ny %% 3 != 0) {
tmp <- paste0(rep("N", times = 3), collapse = "")
y <- paste0(substr(y, 1, 3 * ((ny3 %/% 2) + (ny %% 2))),
substr(y, 3 * ((ny3 %/% 2) + (ny3 %% 2)) + (ny %% 3) + 1, ny),
collapse = ""
} else {
y <- substring(y, seq(1, nchar(y) - 2, 3), seq(3, nchar(y), 3))
aa <- AA_TABLE[unlist(strsplit(gsub("(...)", "\\1_", y), "_"))]
aa %<>% replace(is.na(aa), "~")
paste0(aa, collapse = "")
} else {
translate_bunch <- bunch_translate
check_group_names <- function(.meta, .by) {
if (is.null(.by)) {
names_to_check <- .by
} else {
names_to_check <- names(.by)
for (i in seq_along(names_to_check)) {
if (!(names_to_check[i] %in% colnames(.meta))) {
message("Check failed: '", names_to_check[i], "' not in the metadata table!")
#' Get a character vector of samples' groups from the input metadata file
#' @concept utility_private
#' @importFrom stringr str_sort str_order
#' @param .by Character vector. Specify a column or columns in the input metadata to group by.
#' @param .metadata Metadata object.
#' @param .sep Character vector. Defines a separator between groups if more than one group passed in \code{.by}.
#' @return
#' Character vector with group names.
#' @section Developer Examples:
#' immunarch:::group_from_metadata("Status", data.frame(Status = c("A", "A", "B", "B", "C")))
group_from_metadata <- function(.by, .metadata, .sep = "; ") {
if (length(.by) == 1) {
collect(select(.metadata, .by))[[1]]
} else {
do.call(paste, c(list(sep = .sep), lapply(seq_along(.by), function(i) {
collect(select(.metadata, .by[i]))[[1]]
# .meta == NA => .by is a vector of values to group by
# .meta != NA => .by is a name of the column in the metadata file
# .meta == NA & .by == NA => just choose the default column .data.sample.col for grouping
process_metadata_arguments <- function(.data, .by, .meta = NA, .data.sample.col = "Sample",
.meta.sample.col = "Sample") {
.data[[.data.sample.col]] <- as.character(.data[[.data.sample.col]])
if (!is.na(.by)[1]) {
if (!is.na(.meta)[1]) {
data_groups <- group_from_metadata(.by, .meta)
group_name <- paste0(.by, collapse = "; ")
is_grouped <- TRUE
data_group_names <- .meta[[.meta.sample.col]]
} else {
if (length(.by) == length(.data[[.data.sample.col]])) {
data_groups <- as.character(.by)
data_group_names <- .data[[.data.sample.col]]
group_name <- "Group"
is_grouped <- TRUE
} else {
stop("Error: length of the input vector '.by' isn't the same as the length of the input data. Please provide vector of the same length.")
} else {
data_groups <- unique(.data[[.data.sample.col]])
group_name <- .data.sample.col
is_grouped <- FALSE
data_group_names <- unique(.data[[.data.sample.col]])
if (length(data_groups) != length(data_group_names)) {
stop("Error: number of samples doesn't equal to the number of samples in the metadata")
names(data_groups) <- data_group_names
group_vec <- data_groups[.data[[.data.sample.col]]]
group_vec_sorted <- stringr::str_sort(group_vec, numeric = TRUE)
group_column <- factor(group_vec, levels = unique(group_vec_sorted))
list(groups = data_groups, group_column = group_column, group_names = data_group_names, name = group_name, is_grouped = is_grouped)
rename_column <- function(.data, .old, .new) {
colnames(.data)[match(.old, colnames(.data))] <- .new
#' Apply function to each pair of data frames from a list.
#' @concept utility_public
#' @aliases apply_symm apply_asymm
#' @description
#' Apply the given function to every pair in the given datalist. Function either
#' symmetrical (i.e. fun(x,y) == fun(y,x)) or assymmetrical (i.e. fun(x,y) != fun(y,x)).
#' @usage
#' apply_symm(.datalist, .fun, ..., .diag = NA, .verbose = TRUE)
#' apply_asymm(.datalist, .fun, ..., .diag = NA, .verbose = TRUE)
#' @param .datalist List with some data.frames.
#' @param .fun Function to apply, which return basic class value.
#' @param ... Arguments passsed to .fun.
#' @param .diag Either NA for NA or something else != NULL for .fun(x,x).
#' @param .verbose if TRUE then output a progress bar.
#' @return Matrix with values M[i,j] = fun(datalist[i], datalist[j])
#' @examples
#' data(immdata)
#' apply_symm(immdata$data, function(x, y) {
#' nrow(x) + nrow(y)
#' })
#' @export apply_symm apply_asymm
apply_symm <- function(.datalist, .fun, ..., .diag = NA, .verbose = TRUE) {
res <- matrix(0, length(.datalist), length(.datalist))
if (.verbose) pb <- set_pb(length(.datalist)^2 / 2 + length(.datalist) / 2)
for (i in seq_along(.datalist)) {
for (j in i:length(.datalist)) {
if (i == j && is.na(.diag)) {
res[i, j] <- NA
} else {
res[i, j] <- .fun(.datalist[[i]], .datalist[[j]], ...)
if (.verbose) add_pb(pb)
if (.verbose) close(pb)
row.names(res) <- names(.datalist)
colnames(res) <- names(.datalist)
apply_asymm <- function(.datalist, .fun, ..., .diag = NA, .verbose = TRUE) {
res <- matrix(0, length(.datalist), length(.datalist))
if (.verbose) pb <- set_pb(length(.datalist)^2)
for (i in seq_along(.datalist)) {
for (j in seq_along(.datalist)) {
if (i == j && is.na(.diag)) {
res[i, j] <- NA
} else {
res[i, j] <- .fun(.datalist[[i]], .datalist[[j]], ...)
if (.verbose) add_pb(pb)
if (.verbose) close(pb)
row.names(res) <- names(.datalist)
colnames(res) <- names(.datalist)
#' Return a column's name
#' @concept utility_private
#' @aliases switch_type process_col_argument
#' @usage
#' switch_type(type)
#' process_col_argument(.col)
#' @param .col A string that specifies the column(s) to be processed. Select one of the
#' following strings, separated by the plus sign: "nt" for nucleotide sequences,
#' "aa" for amino acid sequences, "v" for V gene segments, "j" for J gene segments.
#' @param type Character. Specifies the column to choose:
#' "nt" chooses the CDR3 nucleotide column,
#' "aa" chooses the CDR3 amino acid column,
#' "v" chooses the V gene segment column,
#' "j" chooses the J gene segment column.
#' @return
#' A column's name.
#' @section Developer Examples:
#' immunarch:::switch_type("nuc")
#' immunarch:::switch_type("v")
switch_type <- function(type) {
nuc = IMMCOL$cdr3nt, # "nuc" left for the compatability with older versions
nt = IMMCOL$cdr3nt,
v = IMMCOL$v,
j = IMMCOL$j,
aa = IMMCOL$cdr3aa,
stop("Error: unknown column identifier ", type, '. Please pass one of the following: "nt", "aa", "v" or "j".')
process_col_argument <- function(.col) {
.col <- unlist(strsplit(gsub("nuc", "nt", .col), split = "\\+"))
sapply(names(sort(c(nt = 1, aa = 2, v = 3, j = 4)[.col])), switch_type, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
return_segments <- function(.gene) {
stringr::str_replace_all(.gene, "\\*[[:digit:]]+", "")
return_families <- function(.gene) {
stringr::str_replace_all(return_segments(.gene), "\\-[[:digit:]]+", "")
load_segments <- function(.path, .alias, .gene_df = GENE_SEGMENTS, .filter = NA) {
segm <- readr::read_tsv(.path)
setnames(segm, "#species", "species", skip_absent = TRUE)
if (!is.na(.filter)) {
segm <- segm %>% filter(species == .filter)
# print(table(segm$species))
# print(segm %>% filter(gene == "trdv", species == "BosTaurus"))
setnames(segm, "id", "allele_id", skip_absent = TRUE)
segm$gene <- tolower(paste0(segm$gene, substr(segm$segment, 1, 1)))
segm$family_id <- return_families(segm$allele_id)
segm$segment_id <- return_segments(segm$allele_id)
segm$alias <- .alias
segm <- segm[c("alias", "species", "gene", "family_id", "segment_id", "allele_id", "reference_point", "sequence")]
segm <- segm[order(segm$gene, segm$allele_id), ]
new_gs <- rbind(segm, .gene_df[.gene_df$alias != .alias, ])
as_numeric_or_fail <- function(.string) {
result <- as.numeric(.string)
if (is.na(result)) {
stop(paste0("\"", .string, "\" is not a valid number."))
sort_string <- function(.string, .delim) {
map_chr(strsplit(.string, .delim), ~ paste(sort(.x), collapse = .delim))
has_no_data <- function(.data) {
any(sapply(list(NA, NULL, NaN), identical, .data)) | all(is.na(.data))
# variant of group_by that takes column names as strings
group_by_colnames <- function(.data, ...) {
group_by_at(.data, vars(one_of(...)))
# apply function to .data if it's a single sample or to each sample if .data is a list of samples
apply_to_sample_or_list <- function(.data, .function, .with_names = FALSE, .validate = TRUE, ...) {
if (has_no_data(.data)) {
stop("Expected non-empty data; found: ", .data)
if (inherits(.data, "list")) {
if (.validate) {
if (.with_names) {
.data %<>%
purrr::imap(function(sample_data, sample_name) {
sample_data %>%
as_tibble() %>%
.function(..., sample_name = sample_name)
} else {
.data %<>%
lapply(function(sample_data) {
sample_data %>%
as_tibble() %>%
} else {
.data %<>%
as_tibble() %>%
# return TRUE if target column doesn't exist, otherwise FALSE; stop if original column doesn't exist
validate_columns <- function(.data, .original_colname, .target_colname = NA) {
if (!(.original_colname %in% colnames(.data))) {
"Trying to get data from missing column ",
", available columns: ",
if (is.na(.target_colname)) {
# skip target check if target column is not specified
} else {
# FALSE return value means that the column was previously added and no need to add it again
return(!(.target_colname %in% colnames(.data)))
# get genes from original column, remove alleles and write to target column
add_column_without_alleles <- function(.data, .original_colname, .target_colname) {
if (validate_columns(.data, .original_colname, .target_colname)) {
.data[[.target_colname]] <- gsub(
", ", ",",
.data[[.target_colname]] <- gsub(
"([*][[:digit:]]*)([(][[:digit:]]*[.,]*[[:digit:]]*[)])", "",
.data[[.target_colname]] <- gsub(
",", ", ",
.data[[.target_colname]] <- sapply(
strsplit(.data[[.target_colname]], ", ", useBytes = TRUE),
# No sorting because MiXCR outputs segments in a specific order
function(x) paste0(unique(x), collapse = ", ")
.data[[.target_colname]] <- gsub(
"[*][[:digit:]]*", "",
# if .target_colname is not set, it will overwrite the original column
add_column_with_first_gene <- function(.data, .original_colname, .target_colname = NA) {
.data %<>% apply_to_sample_or_list(.validate = FALSE, .function = function(df) {
if (validate_columns(df, .original_colname, .target_colname)) {
if (is.na(.target_colname)) {
.target_colname <- .original_colname
df[[.target_colname]] <- df[[.original_colname]] %>% sapply(function(genes_string) {
# first gene is substring until first ',', '(' or '*'
unlist(strsplit(genes_string, ",|\\(|\\*"))[1]
# add columns filled with NA
add_empty_columns <- function(.data, .colnames) {
if (length(.colnames) > 0) {
new_columns <- rep(list(NA), length(.colnames))
names(new_columns) <- .colnames
return(do.call(cbind, c(list(.data), new_columns)))
} else {
# used to add sample name to error/warning messages when sample name is available
optional_sample <- function(prefix, sample_name, suffix) {
if (is.na(sample_name) || (sample_name == "")) {
} else {
paste0(prefix, sample_name, suffix)
# executable_names can contain 1 name or vector of multiple options how it can be named
require_system_package <- function(executable_names,
.nofail = FALSE,
.prev_failed = FALSE) {
if (.nofail & .prev_failed) {
package_not_exist <- all(unlist(purrr::map(Sys.which(executable_names), identical, "")))
if (package_not_exist) {
if (.nofail) {
} else {
convert_seq_list_to_dnabin <- function(seq_list) {
dnabin <- seq_list %>%
function(sequence) {
sequence %>%
stringr::str_extract_all(stringr::boundary("character")) %>%
) %>%
# capture_output() suppresses stdout, but also drops returned value
quiet <- function(procedure, capture_output = FALSE) {
if (capture_output) {
procedure %>%
capture.output() %>%
invisible() %>%
suppressMessages() %>%
} else {
procedure %>%
invisible() %>%
suppressMessages() %>%
# call normal or parallel apply, depending on existence of parallelization cluster
par_or_normal_apply <- function(cluster, ...) {
if (has_no_data(cluster)) {
} else {
return(parApply(cluster, ...))
# call normal or parallel lapply, depending on mc.cores
par_or_normal_lapply <- function(mc.preschedule, mc.cores, ...) {
if (mc.cores == 1) {
} else {
return(mclapply(..., mc.preschedule = mc.preschedule, mc.cores = mc.cores))
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