
Defines functions getSeasonFromDate getPartOfDayFromDate getFinancialWeekFromDate getFinancialYearFromDate extractDateFeatures generateOHE generateFactorEncoding rsImputeValue rsImputeMean rsImputeMedian rsImputeFactor rsRemove rsPrint rsGetColumnNames rsClass rsapply

Documented in extractDateFeatures generateFactorEncoding generateOHE getFinancialWeekFromDate getFinancialYearFromDate getPartOfDayFromDate getSeasonFromDate rsapply rsClass rsGetColumnNames rsImputeFactor rsImputeMean rsImputeMedian rsImputeValue rsPrint rsRemove

#' Get the season for a particular Date
#' This is used for the extractDateFeatures default function for retrieving a season. This is currently using Australian-based seasons.
#' It will assume the following mapping:
#'  Dec - Feb: Summer
#'  Mar - May: Autumn
#'  Jun - Aug: Winter
#'  Sep - Nov: Spring
#' @param date A date containing a vector of dates to compute the seasons for.
#' @return The season (Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring) as a character vector.
#' @examples
#' getSeasonFromDate(Sys.Date())
#' @export
getSeasonFromDate <- function(date) {
    m = floor((month(date) %% 12) / 3)
    return (ifelse(is.na(m),"None",ifelse(m==0,"Summer",ifelse(m==1,"Autumn",ifelse(m==2,"Winter","Spring")))))

#' Get the Part of Day for a particular Date
#' This is used for the extractDateFeatures default function for retrieving the part of day. This is currently using a user-specified time range. Can be modified and substituted
#' for use in the extractDateFeatures if required.
#' It will assume the following mapping:
#'  5am -< 12pm Morning
#'  12pm -< 5pm Afternoon
#'  5pm -< 9pm Evening
#'  9pm -< 5am Night
#'  @param date A date containing a vector of dates to compute the part of day for.
#'  @return The part of day associated to each date (Morning, Afternoon, Evening or Night).
#'  @examples
#'  getPartOfDayFromDate(Sys.Date())
#'  @export
getPartOfDayFromDate <- function(date) {
    hr = hour(date)
    return (ifelse(is.na(hr),"None",ifelse(hr < 5 | hr >= 21, "Night", ifelse(hr < 12 & hr >= 5, "Morning", ifelse(hr < 17 & hr >= 12, "Afternoon", "Evening")))))

#' Get the Financial Week from a particular Date
#' (Not working yet!)
#' This is used for the extractDateFeatures default function for retrieving the financial year. Based on the financial year starting on 1st July of every year.
#' @param date A date containing a vector of dates to compute the financial year for.
#' @return The financial year associated to each date.
#' @examples
#' getFinancialWeekFromDate(as.Date("01/07/2016","%d/%m/%Y"))
#' getFinancialWeekFromDate(as.Date("26/06/2016","%d/%m/%Y"))
#' @export
getFinancialWeekFromDate <- function(date) {
    yr = year(date)
    m = month(date)
    firstWk = lubridate::floor_date(as.Date(paste0("01/07/", ifelse(m<7,yr-1,yr)), format = "%d/%m/%Y"), "week") # start on the Sunday of the 1st July week.
    curWk = lubridate::floor_date(date)
    return (ifelse(is.na(date),NA,floor(as.numeric(curWk - firstWk, units = "weeks"))))

#' Get the Financial Year from a particular Date
#' This is used for the extractDateFeatures default function for retrieving the financial year. Based on the financial year starting on 1st July of every year.
#' @param date A date containing a vector of dates to compute the financial year for.
#' @return The financial year associated to each date.
#' @examples
#' getFinancialYearFromDate(as.Date("26/06/2016","%d/%m/%Y"))
#' getFinancialYearFromDate(as.Date("26/07/2016","%d/%m/%Y"))
#' @export
getFinancialYearFromDate <- function(date) {
    yr = year(date)
    m = month(date)
    return (ifelse(is.na(date), NA, ifelse(m >= 7, yr + 1, yr)))

#' Extract Date Features from a data.frame or data.table
#' This function is used to construct new date features by decomposing the elements of a date/time.
#' Currently it supports decomposing second, minute, hour, day, week day, week number, month, year, day in year, season, part of day, financial year.
#' It is designed to be flexible via the use of functions being passed into the function. So if there is a requirement to calculate the dates differently, these can be plugged in
#' via user-defined functions without the need to change the function.
#' @param d A data.frame or data.table containing the data set.
#' @param features A character vector containing a list of features to process. If left NULL, will choose ALL the date fields within the data set. Can optionally use regular
#' expression matching to derive the list of features by prepending it with a ~ (refer to Examples).
#' @param decompose A character vector containing the list of features to decompose within the date.
#' @return A data.frame or data.table containing an augmented list of processed decomposed date features.
#' @examples
#' sample.df <- data.frame(ID = runif(100, 0, 10000), EFF_DATE = Sys.time() + runif(100, 0, 24*60*60*100), EFF_TO = Sys.time() + runif(100, 24*60*60*100+1, 24*60*60*1000))
#' sample.extract <- extractDateFeatures(sample.df) # All date features get decomposed with all the attributes
#' sample.extract <- extractDateFeatures(sample.df, features = "~*DATE", decompose = c("season","partofday","fyear"))
#' @export
extractDateFeatures <- function(d, features = NULL, exclude = NULL, remove.original = FALSE, decompose = c("second", "minute", "hour", "day", "wday", "week", "month", "year", "yday", "season", "partofday", "fyear"),
                                season = getSeasonFromDate, partofday = getPartOfDayFromDate, fyear = getFinancialYearFromDate) {

    data.class <- class(d)

    if (!("data.frame" %in% data.class)) {
        stop("Cannot process non-data frame/data table datasets.")

    bDF <- FALSE
    if (data.class[1] == "data.frame") {
        bDF <- TRUE

    data <- data.table(d)
    all.features <- colnames(data)

    if (is.null(features)) {
        # transform all date features if left NULL
        date.features <- colnames(data)[which(sapply(data, function(x) class(x)[1]) %in% c("POSIXct"))]
    } else {
        # transform the features if regexp is applied
        date.features <- vector()
        for (f in features) {
            if (grepl("^~.*", f)) {
                f.features <- all.features[grep(substring(f, 2), all.features)]
            } else {
                f.features <- all.features[grep(f, all.features, fixed = TRUE)]
            date.features <- c(date.features, f.features)

    if (!is.null(exclude)) {
        # remove these from potential features
        date.features <- date.features[!(date.features %in% exclude)]

    # Generate some new date features
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(date.features)+1, initial = 0, char = "=", style = 3)
    iter <- -1

    if (length(date.features) > 0) {
        for (feat in decompose) {
            iter <- iter + 1
            setTxtProgressBar(pb, value = iter)
            # check if a direct application of lubridate + customised functions
            if (feat %in% c("second", "minute", "hour", "day", "wday", "week", "month", "year", "yday", "season", "partofday", "fyear")) {
                data[, paste0(date.features,"_",feat) := lapply(.SD, eval(parse(text = feat))), .SDcols = date.features]

    setTxtProgressBar(pb, value = length(date.features)+1)

    if (remove.original) {
        rsapply(data, date.features, rsRemove)

    if (bDF) {

    return (data)

#' Generate One Hot Encoding
#' This function applies one hot encoding to factors and/or character based columns in a data frame or data table.
#' In addition, it has the ability to impute character columns that are missing or will be empty after conversion.
#' @param d A data frame or data table containing the data set.
#' @param features A character vector containing a list of features to process. If left NULL, will choose ALL the factor or character fields within the data set. Can optionally use regular
#' expression matching to derive the list of features by prepending it with a ~ (refer to Examples).
#' @param max.levels An integer containing the maximum number of unique levels to consider to generate a OHE for. For example, it might not make sense to OHE a column containing 10,000 unique values for sparsity reasons.
#' @param convert.na A character string to impute missing character values to. Default: "NA"
#' @param convert.empty A character string to impute empty character values to (trim operation is applied beforehand). Default: "Empty"
#' @param remove.original A logical dictating whether or not we want to remove the original column that we have applied OHE on. Default: FALSE
#' @param full.rank A logical dictating whether or not we want to make the OHE features linearly dependent or independent. The value will depend on the type of model being built. For tree-based methods it can be valuable
#' to keep it FALSE, for linear models it may be better to set it to TRUE. Default: FALSE
#' @return A data frame or data table containing the transformed data set with the OHE features augmented.
#' @examples
#' sample.df <- data.frame(ID = floor(runif(100, 0, 10000)),
#' EFF_DATE = Sys.time() + runif(100, 0, 24*60*60*100),
#' EFF_TO = Sys.time() + runif(100, 24*60*60*100+1, 24*60*60*1000),
#' CUST_SEGMENT_CHR = as.character(floor(runif(100,0,10))),
#' STATE_NAME = ifelse(runif(100,0,1) < 0.56, 'VIC', ifelse(runif(100,0,1) < 0.44,'NSW', 'QLD')),
#' REVENUE = floor(rnorm(100, 500, 200)),
#' NUM_FEAT_1 = rnorm(100, 1000, 250),
#' NUM_FEAT_2 = rnorm(100, 20, 2),
#' NUM_FEAT_3 = floor(rnorm(100, 3, 0.5)),
#' NUM_FEAT_4 = floor(rnorm(100, 100, 10)),
#' RFM_SEGMENT = factor(x = letters[floor(runif(100,1,6))], levels = c("a","b","c","d","e")))
#' generateOHE(sample.df) # generate OHE on all characters or factors
#' generateOHE(sample.df, features = c("~CUST*", "~*SEGMENT*")) # generate only on those matching the regex
#' generateOHE(sample.df, features = c("~CUST*", "~*SEGMENT*"), convert.na = "Missing") # convert missing values to 'Missing' before OHE
#' generateOHE(sample.df, features = "~*SEGMENT*", convert.na = "Missing", full.rank = TRUE) # satisfy full rank requirements
#' @export
generateOHE <- function(d, features = NULL, exclude = NULL, max.levels = 100, convert.na = "NA", convert.empty = "Empty", remove.original = FALSE, full.rank = FALSE) {

    data.class <- class(d)

    if (!("data.frame" %in% data.class)) {
        stop("Cannot process non-data frame/data table datasets.")

    # make sure convert.na and convert.empty are characters
    convert.na <- as.character(convert.na)
    convert.empty <- as.character(convert.empty)

    bDF <- FALSE
    if (data.class[1] == "data.frame") {
        bDF <- TRUE

    data <- data.table(d)
    all.features <- colnames(data)

    if (is.null(features)) {
        # transform all factor or character features if left NULL
        ohe.features <- colnames(data)[which(sapply(data, function(x) class(x)[1]) %in% c("factor","character"))]
    } else {
        # transform the features if regexp is applied
        ohe.features <- vector()
        for (f in features) {
            if (grepl("^~.*", f)) {
                f.features <- all.features[grep(substring(f, 2), all.features)]
            } else {
                f.features <- all.features[grep(f, all.features, fixed = TRUE)]
            ohe.features <- c(ohe.features, f.features)

    if (!is.null(exclude)) {
        # remove these from potential features
        ohe.features <- ohe.features[!(ohe.features %in% exclude)]

    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(ohe.features)+1, initial = 0, char = "=", style = 3)

    # Process the one hot encoding
    iter <- -1
    for (col in ohe.features) {
        iter <- iter + 1
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, value = iter)
        if (!class(data[[col]]) %in% c("factor","character")) {
            warning(paste0(col, " is not a factor or character. Skipping this feature."))

        # Convert the NA's to something more meaningful (this will be converted into a separate factor level)
        if (!is.null(convert.na) & sum(is.na(data[[col]])) > 0) {
            set(data, which(is.na(data[[col]])), col, convert.na)

        # Convert the blanks to something more meaningful (this will be converted into a separate factor level)
        # We only convert character types
        if (!is.null(convert.empty) & class(data[[col]]) == "character" & sum(sapply(trimws(data[[col]]), nchar) == 0) > 0) {
            set(data, which(sapply(trimws(data[[col]]), nchar) == 0), col, convert.empty)

        # Create the dummy variables if required
        dummy <- as.data.frame(data[, lapply(.SD, unique), .SDcols = col])[,1]

        if (class(dummy)[1] == "factor") {
            # change it to chracter for processing
            dummy <- as.character(dummy)

        # Filter out the NA column if any
        dummy <- dummy[!is.na(dummy)]

        if (length(dummy) > max.levels) {
            warning(paste0(col, " contains more than ", max.levels, " factor levels. Skipping the one-hot encoding of this feature."))
        } else if (length(dummy) <= 1) {
            warning(paste0(col, " contains exactly 1 factor level. Skipping the one-hot encoding of this feature."))

        if (full.rank) {
            dummy <- dummy[-length(dummy)]

        print(paste0(trimws(gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", ".", gsub("[[:space:]]",".",col))), '_', trimws(gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", ".", gsub("[[:space:]]",".", dummy)))))
        data[, paste0(trimws(gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", ".", gsub("[[:space:]]",".",col))), '_', trimws(gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", ".", gsub("[[:space:]]",".", dummy)))) :=
                 lapply(dummy, function(x) ifelse(data[, col, with = F] == x, 1, 0))]

        # remove the original factor
        if (remove.original) {
            suppressWarnings(data[, col := NULL, with = F])

    setTxtProgressBar(pb, value = length(ohe.features)+1)

    if (bDF) {

    return (data)

#' Convert Factor features to Numeric features
#' A function to convert the factor levels to a numeric value. It will take the ordering of the factor into account, so if the factor is ordinal then
#' the resulting numeric value will also capture this relationship. If suffix is set to an empty string or NULL, then an in-place operation occurs such
#' that the original feature will be overwritten. Otherwise the default behaviour is to have the numeric feature in a different column (appended with _enc).
#' @param d A data frame or data table containing the data set.
#' @param features A character vector containing a list of features to process. If left NULL, will choose ALL the factor fields within the data set. Can optionally use regular
#' expression matching to derive the list of features by prepending it with a ~ (refer to Examples). Default: NULL.
#' @param suffix A character string containing what to append to each converted feature. If set to NULL or an empty string then an in-place operation occurs. Default: _enc.
#' @return A data frame or data table containing the transformed data set with the factor features converted to numeric features.
#' @examples
#' sample.df <- data.frame(ID = floor(runif(100, 0, 10000)),
#' EFF_DATE = Sys.time() + runif(100, 0, 24*60*60*100),
#' EFF_TO = Sys.time() + runif(100, 24*60*60*100+1, 24*60*60*1000),
#' CUST_SEGMENT_CHR = as.character(floor(runif(100,0,10))),
#' STATE_NAME = ifelse(runif(100,0,1) < 0.56, 'VIC', ifelse(runif(100,0,1) < 0.44,'NSW', 'QLD')),
#' REVENUE = floor(rnorm(100, 500, 200)),
#' NUM_FEAT_1 = rnorm(100, 1000, 250),
#' NUM_FEAT_2 = rnorm(100, 20, 2),
#' NUM_FEAT_3 = floor(rnorm(100, 3, 0.5)),
#' NUM_FEAT_4 = floor(rnorm(100, 100, 10)),
#' RFM_SEGMENT = factor(x = letters[floor(runif(100,1,6))], levels = c("a","b","c","d","e")))
#' generateFactorEncoding(sample.df) # push all the converted factors as _enc
#' generateFactorEncoding(sample.df, suffix = NULL) # in-place conversion
#' generateFactorEncoding(sample.df, features = "~*") # do all features regardless of type (may not make sense!)
#' @export
generateFactorEncoding <- function(d, features = NULL, exclude = NULL, suffix = "_enc", verbose = FALSE) {
    data.class <- class(d)
    if (is.null(suffix)) {
        suffix = ""

    if (!("data.frame" %in% data.class)) {
        stop("Cannot process non-data frame/data table datasets.")

    bDF <- FALSE
    if (data.class[1] == "data.frame") {
        bDF <- TRUE

    data <- data.table(d)
    all.features <- colnames(data)

    if (is.null(features)) {
        # transform all factor features to numeric if left NULL
        conv.features <- colnames(data)[which(sapply(data, function(x) class(x)[1]) %in% c("factor"))]
    } else {
        # transform the features if regexp is applied
        conv.features <- vector()
        for (f in features) {
            if (grepl("^~.*", f)) {
                f.features <- all.features[grep(substring(f, 2), all.features)]
            } else {
                f.features <- all.features[grep(f, all.features, fixed = TRUE)]
            conv.features <- c(conv.features, f.features)

    if (!is.null(exclude)) {
        # remove these from potential features
        conv.features <- conv.features[!(conv.features %in% exclude)]

    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(conv.features)+1, initial = 0, char = "=", style = 3)
    iter <- -1
    # Check if we need to convert from categorical to numerical variables
    # Note that this could potentially make disparate sets of factor levels incomparable
    for (col in conv.features) {
        iter <- iter + 1
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, value = iter)
        col.class <- class(data[[col]])[1]
        if (col.class != "factor") {
            convert <- as.numeric(factor(data[[col]]))
        } else {
            convert <- as.numeric(data[[col]])
        data[, (paste0(col, suffix)) := convert]

    setTxtProgressBar(pb, value = length(conv.features)+1)

    if (bDF) {

    return (data)

#' Clean Numeric Features
#' This function performs some data cleansing on numeric fields. It currently supports centering, scaling, imputation (via mean, median or value).
#' @param d A data frame or data table containing the data set.
#' @param features A character vector containing a list of features to process. If left NULL, will choose ALL the numeric fields within the data set. Can optionally use regular
#' expression matching to derive the list of features by prepending it with a ~ (refer to Examples). Default: NULL.
#' @param num.transform A character vector containing the type of numeric transformation to perform. Can be a combination of SCALE, CENTER or IMPUTE.
#' @param num.impute.method A character string containing the imputation method to select. Can be VALUE, MEAN or MEDIAN.
#' @param num.impute A numeric containing the imputation value to impute (used for value-based imputation).
#' @return A data frame or data table containing the transformed data set with the transformed numeric values.
#' @examples
#' Features use ~ to use regexp, else leave NULL if all numeric else specify exactly the attribute
#' sample.df <- data.frame(ID = floor(runif(100, 0, 10000))),
#' EFF_DATE = Sys.time() + runif(100, 0, 24*60*60*100),
#' EFF_TO = Sys.time() + runif(100, 24*60*60*100+1, 24*60*60*1000),
#' CUST_SEGMENT_CHR = as.character(floor(runif(100,0,10))),
#' STATE_NAME = ifelse(runif(100,0,1) < 0.56, 'VIC', ifelse(runif(100,0,1) < 0.44,'NSW', 'QLD')),
#' REVENUE = floor(rnorm(100, 500, 200)),
#' NUM_FEAT_1 = rnorm(100, 1000, 250),
#' NUM_FEAT_2 = rnorm(100, 20, 2),
#' NUM_FEAT_3 = floor(rnorm(100, 3, 0.5)),
#' NUM_FEAT_4 = floor(rnorm(100, 100, 10)),
#' RFM_SEGMENT = factor(x = letters[floor(runif(100,1,6))], levels = c("a","b","c","d","e")))
#' # Introduce some missing values
#' sample.df$NUM_FEAT_1 <- ifelse(sample.df$NUM_FEAT_1 > 1150, NA, sample.df$NUM_FEAT_1)
#' sample.df$NUM_FEAT_2 <- ifelse(sample.df$NUM_FEAT_2 < 17, NA, sample.df$NUM_FEAT_2)
#' sample.df$NUM_FEAT_3 <- ifelse(sample.df$NUM_FEAT_3 > 3, NA, sample.df$NUM_FEAT_3)
#' sample.df$NUM_FEAT_4 <- ifelse(sample.df$NUM_FEAT_4 > 110 | sample.df$NUM_FEAT_4 < 88, NA, sample.df$NUM_FEAT_4)
#' sample.df$CUST_SEGMENT_CHR <- ifelse(sample.df$CUST_SEGMENT_CHR == '8', NA, sample.df$CUST_SEGMENT_CHR)
#' # Impute all missing numeric features to -1
#' (cleanNumericFeatures(sample.df, num.transform = "IMPUTE", num.impute = -1))
#' # Only choose the CUST_SEGMENT_CHR - will convert it to a numeric
#' (cleanNumericFeatures(sample.df, features = "CUST_SEGMENT_CHR", num.transform = "NONE"))
#' (str(cleanNumericFeatures(sample.df, features = "CUST_SEGMENT_CHR", num.transform = "NONE")))
#' # Supports regular expressions to choose columns, so doing the exact same thing but using a regex:
#' (cleanNumericFeatures(sample.df, features = "~*CHR", num.transform = "NONE"))
#' # Supports mean-valued imputation. If features not supplied, takes all numeric features into consideration.
#' (cleanNumericFeatures(sample.df, num.transform = "IMPUTE", num.impute.method = "MEAN"))
#' # Can also do SCALE/CENTER:
#' (cleanNumericFeatures(sample.df, features = "~*", num.transform = c("SCALE","CENTRE")))
#' # Can also do SCALE/CENTER + combine with imputing values. Note that imputation is ALWAYS done first before SCALE/CENTRE.
#' (cleanNumericFeatures(sample.df, features = "~*", num.transform = c("SCALE","CENTRE", "IMPUTE"), num.impute.method = "MEDIAN"))
#' @export
cleanNumericFeatures <- function (d, features = NULL, exclude = NULL, num.transform = c("SCALE","CENTER","IMPUTE"), num.impute.method = "VALUE", num.impute = -1, verbose = FALSE) {
    # standardise variables for easier comparison
    num.impute.method = toupper(num.impute.method)
    num.transform = toupper(num.transform)
    data.class <- class(d)

    bDF <- FALSE

    if (!("data.frame" %in% data.class)) {
        stop("Cannot process non-data frame/data table datasets.")

    if (data.class[1] == "data.frame") {
        bDF <- TRUE

    # Create a copy as we don't want to modify by reference
    data <- data.table(d)
    all.features <- colnames(data)

    if (is.null(features)) {
        # transform all numeric values if left NULL
        num.features <- colnames(data)[which(sapply(data, function(x) class(x)[1]) %in% c("numeric", "integer"))]
    } else {
        # transform the features if regexp is applied
        num.features <- vector()
        for (f in features) {
            if (grepl("^~.*", f)) {
                f.features <- all.features[grep(substring(f, 2), all.features)]
            } else {
                f.features <- all.features[grep(f, all.features, fixed = TRUE)]
            num.features <- c(num.features, f.features)

    if (!is.null(exclude)) {
        # remove these from potential features
        num.features <- num.features[!(num.features %in% exclude)]

    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(num.features)+1, initial = 0, char = "=", style = 3)
    iter <- -1
    num.processed <- 0
    num.skipped <- 0
    num.cast <- 0
    for (col in num.features) {
        iter <- iter + 1

        # test whether or not we can cast it to numeric (if character)
        col.class <- class(data[[col]])[1]
        bTest <- suppressWarnings(sum(!is.na(as.numeric(data[[col]]))) == sum(!is.na(data[[col]])))
        if (!bTest || (col.class %in% c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"))) {
            # failed
            warning(paste0("Could not properly cast ", col, " to numeric. Skipping..."))
            num.skipped <- num.skipped + 1

        if (!(col.class %in% c("integer","numeric"))) {
            # convert it to integer/numeric (should pass if it passed the above test)
            data[, col := lapply(.SD, function(x) as.numeric(x)), with = F, .SDcols = col]
            num.cast <- num.cast + 1

        setTxtProgressBar(pb, value = iter)
        # Determine if we need to scale +/- center the variables
        data[, col := scale(data[[col]], scale = ("SCALE" %in% num.transform), center = ("CENTER" %in% num.transform | "CENTRE" %in% num.transform)), with = F]

        if ("IMPUTE" %in% num.transform) {
            # Need to do some imputation
            if (is.null(num.impute.method) | !(num.impute.method %in% c("VALUE","MEAN","MEDIAN"))) {
                # Default method is VALUE based imputation
                # Set to this method if the supplied method is missing and/or invalid
                num.impute.method = "VALUE"
            if (num.impute.method == "VALUE") {
                set(data, which(is.na(data[[col]])), col, num.impute)
            } else if (num.impute.method == "MEAN") {
                impute.mean <- mean(data[[col]], na.rm=TRUE)
                set(data, which(is.na(data[[col]])), col, impute.mean)
            } else if (num.impute.method == "MEDIAN") {
                impute.median <- median(data[[col]], na.rm=TRUE)
                set(data, which(is.na(data[[col]])), col, impute.median)
        num.processed <- num.processed + 1

    setTxtProgressBar(pb, value = length(num.features)+1)

    if (verbose) {
        message(paste0("Finished processing with ", num.processed, " numeric features processed (with ", num.cast, " casted from character types). ", num.skipped, " features skipped due to conversion failures."))

    if (bDF) {
    return (data)

#' Helper function for rsapply to do Value-based Imputation.
#' Not meant to be used as-is.
#' @export
rsImputeValue <- function(x, v = -1) {
    ifelse(is.na(x), v, x)

#' Helper function for rsapply to do Mean Imputation.
#' Not meant to be used as-is.
#' @export
rsImputeMean <- function(x) {
    ifelse(is.na(x), mean(x, na.rm=TRUE), x)

#' Helper function for rsapply to do Median Imputation.
#' Not meant to be used as-is.
#' @export
rsImputeMedian <- function(x) {
    ifelse(is.na(x), median(x, na.rm=TRUE), x)

#' Helper function for rsapply to do Factor Imputation.
#' Not meant to be used as-is.
#' @export
rsImputeFactor <- function(x) {
    # best used for categorical values
    common <- names(sort(table(x))[1])
    ifelse(is.na(x), common, x)

#' Helper function for rsapply to do remove an element.
#' Not meant to be used as-is.
#' @export
rsRemove <- function(x) {

#' Helper function for rsapply to do print an element.
#' Not meant to be used as-is.
#' @export
rsPrint <- function(x) {

#' Helper function for rsapply to do retrieve column names.
#' Not meant to be used as-is.
#' @export
rsGetColumnNames <- function(x) {

#' Helper function for rsapply to do determine features in a class.
#' Not meant to be used as-is.
#' @export
rsClass <- function(dt, c) {
    colnames(dt)[dt[, lapply(.SD, function(x) class(x)) %in% c]]

#' Regular Expression Apply Function for data.table
#' This function allows you to match columns to input into an lapply function based on a regular expression.
#' @usage rsapply(X, M, FUN, ..., assign = NULL, by)
#' @param X a data.table or data.frame object.
#' @param M a character vector containing regular expressions prepended with tilde (~) and/or a fixed string (without the tilde).
#' @param FUN the function to be applied to each element of X. This can be a value if assign is supplied.
#' @param ... optional arguments to FUN.
#' @param assign a character string containing what column name to prepend each assignment to. Can be left an empty string "" for in-place transformation.
#' @param by a character vector of column names to group the operation by.
#' @examples
#' data(iris)
#' iris.dt <- data.table(iris)
#' rsapply(iris.dt, "~*Sepal", as.character, assign = "ch") # build new features with a character conversion, each column prepended with 'ch'
#' rsapply(iris.dt, "~*ch$", 1, assign = "") # different type: will have data.table warning
#' rsapply(iris.dt, "~*ch$", "2", assign = "") # same type: no data.table warning
#' rsapply(iris.dt, "~*ch$", NULL, assign = "") # remove all the columns that end in 'ch'
#' str(rsapply(iris.dt, "~*Sepal", as.character))
#' rsapply(iris.dt, c("~Sepal","~Petal"), quantile, probs = 1:3/4) # calculate the first 3 quantiles for all columns that have Sepal or Petal
#' rsapply(iris.dt, c("~Sepal","~Petal"), quantile, probs = 1:3/4, by = "Species") # calculate the first 3 quantiles for all Sepal or Petal grouped by Species
#' # Find the mean difference between 1st and 3rd quantile of all species for all Length only columns
#' rsapply(
#'   rsapply(
#'     rsapply(iris.dt, c("~Sepal","~Petal"), quantile, probs = c(1,3)/4, by = "Species"),
#'     c("~Sepal","~Petal"), function(x) max(x) - min(x), by = "Species"),
#'   c("~Length"), mean
#' )
#' rsapply(iris.dt, c("~Sepal","~Petal"), mean, by = "Species")[, .(ratio = Sepal.Length / Sepal.Width)] # Chain a new column called ratio which computes the ratio of Sepal Length and Width
#' melt(rsapply(iris.dt, c("~Sepal","~Petal"), mean, by = "Species"), id.vars = "Species") # Naturally can use melt and dcast for pivoting
#' rsapply(rsapply(dt, "~*SEGMENT*", function(x) ifelse(is.na(x), -1, x), assign = "_NEW"), "~*SEGMENT", print) # imputation
#' rsapply(rsapply(dt, "~*SEGMENT*", function(x) ifelse(is.na(x), -1, x), assign = ""), "~*SEGMENT", print) # in place imputation
#' num.col <- colnames(dd)[dd[, lapply(.SD, function(x) class(x)[1]) == "numeric"]] # only get the numeric attributes
#' rsapply(dd, num.col, print) # Print the columns
#' rsapply(dd, num.col, function(x) ifelse(is.na(x),-1,x), assign = "") # in place imputation for numeric only attributes
#' rsapply(dd, rsClass(dd, "numeric"), rsPrint) # fetch only the numeric attributes utilising rsClass
#' @export
rsapply <- function(X, M, FUN, ..., assign = NULL, by, in.place = TRUE) {
    # force it to match a function if it's not an assignment
    if (is.null(assign) || class(FUN) == "function") {
        FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
    # do not change by reference if it's not an assignment
    if (is.null(assign) || !in.place) { X <- data.table(X) } else { setDT(X) }
    cols = colnames(X)
    matched <- unlist(lapply(M, function(x) { if (grepl("^~.*", x)) { cols[grep(substring(x,2), cols)]} else { cols[grep(x, cols, fixed = T)]} }))
    if (length(matched) == 0) {
        warning("Failed to match to the supplied matching pattern.")
        return (invisible(0))
    if (is.null(assign)) {
        return (X[, lapply(.SD, FUN, ...), by = by, .SDcols = matched])
    # assign by value (useful for removing elements)
    if (class(FUN) != "function") {
        # does not use SD/by for this kind of value-based assignment
        return (X[, paste0(matched, assign) := FUN])
    return (X[, paste0(matched, assign) := lapply(.SD, FUN, ...), by = by, .SDcols = matched])
ivanliu1989/RQuant documentation built on Sept. 13, 2019, 11:53 a.m.