
Defines functions package_downloads open_files extra_deps missing_deps deps_check update_wordlist_notebooks spell_check_notebooks sort_rbuildignore sort_file `%:::%`

Documented in extra_deps missing_deps open_files package_downloads sort_file sort_rbuildignore spell_check_notebooks update_wordlist_notebooks

# workaround for ::: per https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2013-August/067210.html
`%:::%` <- function(pkg, fun) {
    envir = asNamespace(pkg),
    inherits = FALSE

#' Sort file
#' Sorts a file using R [sort()].
#' @param filename file to be sorted
#' @seealso [sort_rbuildignore()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sort_file(".Rbuildignore")
#' }
#' @export
sort_file <- function(filename) {
  checkmate::assert_string(filename, min.chars = 1)

  if (!fs::file_exists(filename)) stop("cannot sort file, '", filename, "': no such file")
  writeLines(sort(readLines(filename)), filename)

#' Sort .Rbuildignore file
#' Sorts the .Rbuildignore file using [sort_file()].
#' @export
sort_rbuildignore <- function() {

#' Spell Check Notebooks
#' Perform a spell check on notebooks with [spelling::spell_check_files()].
#' If `lang` is `NULL` (the default), get language from `DESCRIPTION` using
#'   [desc::desc_get_field()].
#' @param use_wordlist ignore words in the package [WORDLIST][spelling::get_wordlist] file.
#' @inheritParams fs::dir_ls
#' @inheritParams spelling::spell_check_files
#' @export
spell_check_notebooks <- function(path = "analysis", regexp = "[.][Rq]md$", use_wordlist = TRUE,
                                  lang = NULL) {
  checkmate::assert_string(path, min.chars = 1)
  checkmate::assert_string(regexp, min.chars = 1)
  checkmate::assert_string(lang, min.chars = 1, null.ok = TRUE)

  if (is.null(lang)) {
    if (!fs::file_exists("DESCRIPTION")) {
      stop("DESCRIPTION not found")
    lang <- desc::desc_get_field("Language")
  ignore <- character()
  if (use_wordlist && fs::file_exists("inst/WORDLIST")) {
    ignore <- readLines("inst/WORDLIST")
  if (!fs::dir_exists(path)) {
    stop("'", path, "' directory not found")
  files <- fs::dir_ls(path = path, regexp = regexp)
  spelling::spell_check_files(files, ignore = ignore, lang = lang)

#' Update WORDLIST from notebooks
#' Update package `inst/WORDLIST` with words from [spell_check_notebooks()].
#' `update_wordlist_notebooks` is a customized version of [spelling::update_wordlist()] using
#'   code from [`wordlist.R`](https://github.com/ropensci/spelling/blob/master/R/wordlist.R).
#' @inheritParams spelling::update_wordlist
#' @inheritParams spell_check_notebooks
#' @export
update_wordlist_notebooks <- function(pkg = ".", vignettes = TRUE, path = "analysis",
                                      regexp = "[.][Rq]md$", confirm = TRUE) {
  # nocov start
  as_package <- "spelling" %:::% "as_package"
  get_wordfile <- "spelling" %:::% "get_wordfile"
  get_wordlist <- spelling::get_wordlist
  spell_check_package <- spelling::spell_check_package

  pkg <- as_package(pkg)
  wordfile <- get_wordfile(pkg$path)
  old_words <- sort(get_wordlist(pkg$path), method = "radix")
  # build new_words from both package and notebooks
  # this is the only non-whitespace change from spelling::update_wordlist
  new_words <- sort(
      spell_check_package(pkg$path, vignettes = vignettes, use_wordlist = FALSE)$word,
      spell_check_notebooks(path = path, regexp = regexp, use_wordlist = FALSE)$word
    method = "radix"
  # end change
  if (isTRUE(all.equal(old_words, new_words))) {
    cat(sprintf("No changes required to %s\n", wordfile))
  } else {
    words_added <- new_words[is.na(match(new_words, old_words))]
    words_removed <- old_words[is.na(match(old_words, new_words))]
    if (length(words_added)) {
        "The following words will be added to the wordlist:\n%s\n",
        paste(" -", words_added, collapse = "\n")
    if (length(words_removed)) {
        "The following words will be removed from the wordlist:\n%s\n",
        paste(" -", words_removed, collapse = "\n")
    if (isTRUE(confirm) && length(words_added)) {
      cat("Are you sure you want to update the wordlist?")
      if (utils::menu(c("Yes", "No")) != 1) {

    # Save as UTF-8
    dir.create(dirname(wordfile), showWarnings = FALSE)
    writeLines(enc2utf8(new_words), wordfile, useBytes = TRUE)
      "Added %d and removed %d words in %s\n", length(words_added), length(words_removed), wordfile
  # nocov end

deps_check <- function(type, exclude_base = TRUE) {
  checkmate::assert_choice(type, c("missing", "extra"))

  base_packages <- rownames(utils::installed.packages(priority = "base"))
  renv_deps <- renv::dependencies()
  renv_deps <- renv_deps[!endsWith(renv_deps$Source, "/DESCRIPTION"), ]
  renv_deps <- renv_deps[!renv_deps$Package == pkgload::pkg_name("."), ]
  renv_deps <-
    renv_deps[!(renv_deps$Package == "renv" & endsWith(renv_deps$Source, "/renv.lock")), ]
  desc_deps <- desc::desc_get_deps()
  # desc_get_deps() will return Depends R which is not a valid package
  desc_deps <- desc_deps[!desc_deps$package == "R", ]
  if (type == "missing") {
    writeLines("renv::dependencies() not in DESCRIPTION:")
    if (exclude_base) {
        renv_deps$Package %in% setdiff(renv_deps$Package, union(desc_deps$package, base_packages)),
    } else {
      return(renv_deps[renv_deps$Package %in% setdiff(renv_deps$Package, desc_deps$package), ])
  if (type == "extra") {
    writeLines("desc::desc_get_deps() not found by renv:")
    return(desc_deps[desc_deps$package %in% setdiff(desc_deps$package, renv_deps$Package), ])

#' Check dependencies
#' Check dependencies in DESCRIPTION.
#' `missing_deps()` reports [renv::dependencies()] not in DESCRIPTION.
#' `extra_deps()` reports [desc::desc_get_deps()] not found by renv.
#' The current package ([`pkgload::pkg_name(".")`][pkgload::pkg_name()]) and `renv` (in `renv.lock`
#'   only) are automatically removed from [renv::dependencies()], along with 'base' R packages if
#'   `exclude_base` is `TRUE` (`r sort(rownames(installed.packages(priority = "base")))`).
#' @param exclude_base exclude packages installed with R from missing dependencies
#' @return data.frame from either [renv::dependencies()] or [desc::desc_get_deps()].
#' @export
#' @rdname deps_check
missing_deps <- function(exclude_base = TRUE) {

  deps_check("missing", exclude_base)

#' @export
#' @rdname deps_check
extra_deps <- function() {

#' Open rdev files
#' Open a standard set of files for editing in RStudio.
#' By default, `open_files()` opens four documents in RStudio: `TODO.md`, `NEWS.md`, `README.Rmd`,
#'   and `DESCRIPTION`.
#' `open_files()` will stop with an error if RStudio is not running.
#' @param files vector of files to open.
#' @return named character vector of files opened.
#' @export
open_files <- function(files = c("TODO.md", "NEWS.md", "README.Rmd", "DESCRIPTION")) {
  checkmate::assert_character(files, min.chars = 1, typed.missing = TRUE)
  rstudioapi::verifyAvailable(version_needed = "0.99.719")

  writeLines(paste0("Opening files: ", toString(files)))
  invisible(vapply(files, rstudioapi::navigateToFile, character(1)))

#' Summarize package downloads
#' A wrapper for [cranlogs::cran_downloads()] that summarizes the number of package downloads from
#'   the RStudio CRAN mirror.
#' By default, the summary is for the last month.
#' @param packages A character vector of the packages to query.
#' @param when The period to summarize, one of `last-day`, `last-week` or `last-month`
#'   (the default).
#' @return A data frame containing the total number of downloads by package for the specified
#'   period, sorted by popularity.
#' @export
package_downloads <- function(packages, when = "last-month") {
  checkmate::assert_character(packages, min.chars = 1)
  if ("R" %in% packages) {
    stop("Querying downloads of R is not supported!")

  df <- cranlogs::cran_downloads(packages = packages, when = when) |>
    stats::aggregate(by = count ~ package, FUN = sum)

  df[order(df$count, decreasing = TRUE), ]
jabenninghoff/rdev documentation built on July 11, 2024, 8:21 p.m.