figure.observed.size.freq = function(regions= c("cfanorth", "cfasouth", "cfa4x"), years=NULL, outdir=NULL ) {
odb = observer.db( DS="odb")
# Remove CW's outside norms
ii = which( odb$cw > 50 & odb$cw < 170)
odb = odb[ii,]
if (years=="all") years = sort( unique( odb$fishyr ) )
for (reg in regions) {
r = polygon_inside(x=odb, region=aegis.polygons::polygon_internal_code(reg), planar=F)
for (y in years) {
# remove production (pre-sorted) samples in historical data
#if(y < 2004) odb = odb[which(odb$prodcd_id=="0"),]
out= NULL
i = which( odb$fishyr==y ) # use fishing year and not year of the actual sample
j = intersect (r, i)
breaks = seq(44, 184, by=4)
soft = which(odb$durometer<68)
cc1 = intersect( which( odb$shell==1 ), j )
cc2 = intersect( which( odb$shell==2 ), j )
cc3 = intersect( which( odb$shell==3 ), j )
cc4 = intersect( which( odb$shell==4 ), j )
cc5 = intersect( which( odb$shell==5 ), j )
histcc1= hist(odb$cw[cc1], breaks=breaks, freq=F, plot=F)
histcc2= hist(odb$cw[cc2], breaks=breaks, freq=F, plot=F)
histcc3= hist(odb$cw[cc3], breaks=breaks, freq=F, plot=F)
histcc4= hist(odb$cw[cc4], breaks=breaks, freq=F, plot=F)
histcc5= hist(odb$cw[cc5], breaks=breaks, freq=F, plot=F)
totsum = sum(histcc1$counts + histcc2$counts + histcc3$counts + histcc4$counts + histcc5$counts )
histcc1$density = histcc1$counts/totsum * 100
histcc2$density = histcc2$counts/totsum * 100
histcc3$density = histcc3$counts/totsum * 100
histcc4$density = histcc4$counts/totsum * 100
histcc5$density = histcc5$counts/totsum * 100
toplot= rbind(histcc1$density, histcc2$density, histcc3$density, histcc4$density, histcc5$density)
rowcounts = rbind(histcc1$counts, histcc2$counts, histcc3$counts, histcc4$counts, histcc5$counts)
ntot = sum( toplot)
rowtot = rowSums(toplot)
row.count.tot = rowSums( rowcounts )
ncc = round( rowtot / ntot * 100, 1)
legend.text = c( paste("CC5 - ",ncc[5],"%", "(", row.count.tot[5], ")", sep=""),
paste("CC4 - ",ncc[4],"%", "(", row.count.tot[4], ")", sep=""),
paste("CC3 - ",ncc[3],"%", "(", row.count.tot[3], ")", sep=""),
paste("CC2 - ",ncc[2],"%", "(", row.count.tot[2], ")", sep=""),
paste("CC1 - ",ncc[1],"%", "(", row.count.tot[1], ")", sep="") )
# maintitle = switch(reg,
# cfanorth = paste("Size frequency distribution in N-ENS --", y),
# cfasouth = paste("Size frequency distribution in S-ENS --", y),
# cfa4x = paste("Size frequency distribution in 4X --", y)
# )
maintitle = NULL
ylim = c(0, 18)
dir.create( outdir, recursive=T, showWarnings=F )
fn = file.path( outdir, paste("size.freq", reg, y, ".pdf", sep="") )
# Cairo( file=fn, type="png", bg="white", units="in", width=6, height=4, pointsize=50, dpi=300 )
#png( file=fn,units='in', width=15,height=12,pointsize=18, res=450,type='cairo')
pdf(file=fn, width=6, height=5, bg='white')
barplot( toplot[c(5:1),], space=0, names.arg=breaks[-1], lwd=3,
main=maintitle, legend.text=legend.text, xlab="Carapace width (mm)", ylab="Percentage", ylim=ylim,
args.legend=list(x = "topright", cex=0.8) )
abline( v=12, lty="dashed", lwd=3)
#cmd( "convert -trim -frame 10x10 -mattecolor white ", fn, fn )
print( "-------------------------------")
print( paste( reg, y, ": N total =", ntot) )
print( toplot )
} }
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