
Defines functions generate_uniform_inc generate_toy_inc cum_inc generate_infection_time add_noise_func error_checks overall_simulation convert_data_table_to_list convert_data_list_to_table individual_simulation multiple_strains plotSIR SIRsim generateIncCurve fluscape_data_manipulation generate_starting_ind_pars

Documented in add_noise_func convert_data_list_to_table convert_data_table_to_list cum_inc error_checks fluscape_data_manipulation generateIncCurve generate_infection_time generate_toy_inc generate_uniform_inc individual_simulation multiple_strains overall_simulation plotSIR SIRsim

#' Uniform incidence generator
#' Given an overall proportion of the population that should become infected, this function generates a uniform probability of infection between two time points.
#' @param p_inf Proportion of population that should be infected
#' @param t1 starting day
#' @param t2 end day
#' @return vector with probability of infection on each day
#' @seealso \code{\link{generate_toy_inc}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' generate_uniform_inc(0.4, 1,100)
generate_uniform_inc <- function(p_inf, t1, t2){
    time <- seq(t1,t2, by=1)
    p_day <- p_inf/length(time)
    final <- rep(p_day, length(time))

#' Toy step incidence generator
#' Given an probability of infection, generates a uniform distribution giving probability of infection on each day. From day 0 to t0, has 0 probability of infection. t0 to t1 has finite probability. t1 to end has 0 probability.
#' @param p_inf Proportion of populatino that should become infected
#' @param end final day of the vector (ie. length)
#' @param t0 first day of possible infection
#' @param t1 last day of possible infection
#' @return vector with probability of infection on each day
#' @seealso \code{\link{generate_toy_inc}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' generate_toy_inc(0.4, 200, 50, 150)
generate_toy_inc <- function(p_inf, end, t0, t1){
    if(t0 < 0 | t1 > end){
        print("Error - invalid incidence times")
    final <- rep(0, length(seq(0, t0,by=1))-1)
    tmp <- generate_uniform_inc(p_inf, t0, t1)
    final <- c(final, tmp)
    tmp <- rep(0, length(seq(t1+1, end,by=1)))
    final <- c(final, tmp)

#' Cumulative incidence conversion
#' Given an incidence vector, gives the cumulative probability of infection over the same period
#' @param inc a vector of incidence probability
#' @return cumulative incidence vector
#' @export
cum_inc <- function(inc){
    final <- numeric(length(inc))
    final[1] <- inc[1]
    for(i in 2:length(final)){
        final[i] <- final[i-1] + inc[i]

#' Random infection time sample
#' Generates a random infection time from a given incidence vector
#' @param cuminc cumulative incidence vector
#' @return a single infection time
#' @export
generate_infection_time <- function(cuminc){
    samp <- runif(1,0,1)
    j <- 1
    while(j <= length(cuminc) & samp > cuminc[j]){
        j <- j + 1

#' Adds observation error
#' Adds random noise to a given value, based on the shouldered observation error distribution.
#' @param x the value to be perturbed
#' @param params vector of parameters for the observation error matrix. params[1] should be the value for S, and params[2] should be the value for EA. Params[3] should be the maximum observable titre.
#' @return returns the given value with added observation error
#' @export
#' @examples
#' add_noise_func(5, c(0.79,0.2,15))
add_noise_func<- function(x, params){
    S <- params[1]
    EA <- params[2]
    j <- runif(1,0,1)
    MAX_TITRE <- params[3]
    obs_error <- NULL
    if(x > MAX_TITRE) x <- MAX_TITRE
    for(i in 1:(MAX_TITRE+1)){
        if((i-1) == x & x == 0){
            obs_error[i] <- S + EA/2.0 - (1.0/(MAX_TITRE-2.0))*(1.0-S-EA)
        else if(x == MAX_TITRE && (i-1) == MAX_TITRE){
            obs_error[i] <- S + EA/2.0 - (1.0/(MAX_TITRE-2.0))*(1.0-S-EA)
        else if(x == i | x == (i-2)){
            obs_error[i] <- EA/2.0
        else if(x==(i-1)){
            obs_error[i] <- S
            obs_error[i] <- (1.0/(MAX_TITRE-2.0))*(1.0-S-EA)
    cum_obs_error <- numeric(length(obs_error))
    cum_obs_error[1] <- obs_error[1]
    for(i in 2:length(cum_obs_error)){
        cum_obs_error[i] <- cum_obs_error[i-1] + obs_error[i]
    i <- 1
    while(cum_obs_error[i] < j){
        i <- i + 1

#' Checks that simulation paramters are error free
#' @export
error_checks <- function(a,b,c,d){


#' Serosurvey simulation function
#' Simulates readings from a generic serosurvey. The function can take pointers to any data generating function and noise adding function to generate values generated from a custom process. A number of bools and parameters can be passed to customise the protocol.
#' @param individuals number of individuals to simulate. Defaults to 100
#' @param strains a vector of virus strain names to label the simulation data
#' @param strainIncidences  a list of incidence vectors. Should match length of the strains vector (ie. each circulating strain has an incidence vector. Note that the range of these vectors should cover the entire study period. ie. go from 0 (the day of the first sample) to x (the day of the last sample).
#' @param processParams a generic vector of parameters to be passed to the data generating function. If using mixed effects, should also provide the distributions/parameters of the population parameters
#' @param y0s baseline readings for each individual. May simply be a matrix of zeroes.
#' @param startTime the start time of the survey. Defaults to 0
#' @param endTime the end time of the survey. Defaults to 200 (ie. 200 days)
#' @param addNoise if true, adds noise to the simulated data
#' @param noiseParams generic vector of parameters to pass to the noise generating function. Defaults to match \code{\link{add_noise}}
#' @param logTitre if TRUE, returns log transformed titre values. (5*2^y). This might be specific to HAI titre data, so might be best left to default as FALSE.
#' @param discreteData if TRUE, takes the floor of all generated data. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param PROCESS_FUNCTION a pointer to the data generating process, taking the processParams as an argument. The function should take the following arguments: "infection_times" - a vector of times of infection with each strain; "y0" - a vector of initial values for each strain; processParams - as above; t - vector of times. This function should return a matrix of serological values matching the simulation data type. The first column should be time in days, and each subsequent column should be the measurement for each strain of interest on that day. See \code{\link{multiple_strains}} for an example.
#' @param NOISE_FUNCTION pointer to a noise adding function. Should take the value to be manipulated and a vector of function specific parameters (noiseParams). See \code{\link{add_noise}} for an example.
#' @param MIXED_EFFECTS bool to indicate whether or not mixed effects should be used
#' @return a dataframe of the simulated serosurvey.
#' @seealso \code{\link{individual_simulation}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' n <- 1000
#' inc_vectors <- NULL
#' inc_vectors[[1]] <- generate_toy_inc(0.4,900,200,600)
#' inc_vectors[[2]] <- generate_toy_inc(0.1,900,500,750)
#' samplingTimes <- matrix(ncol=2, nrow=n)
#' samplingTimes[,1] <- 0
#' samplingTimes[,2] <- 150
#' y0s <- matrix(ncol=2,nrow=n)
#' y0s[,1] <- 0
#' y0s[,2] <- 0
#' processParams <- list(mu_pars, tp_pars, m_pars)
#' y <- overall_simulation(n, c("A","B"), inc_vectors, samplingTimes, processParams, y0s, 0, 200, TRUE, c(0.8,0.1),TRUE,TRUE,multiple_strains, add_noise)
overall_simulation <- function(
    addNoise = TRUE,
    PROCESS_FUNCTION = multiple_strains,
    NOISE_FUNCTION = add_noise_func,
    error_code <- error_checks(individuals, strains, strainIncidences, samplingTimes)
    if(error_code[[1]] != -1){

    tmax <- endTime + 1
    #' Create the matrix to store the data
    #' Row for each individual
    #' One column for each time point for each strain; one column for each time point.
    dat <- matrix(ncol=ncol(samplingTimes)*length(strains)+ncol(samplingTimes)+length(strains), nrow=individuals)
    #' Generate a cumulative risk of infection vector for each strain    
    infection_risks_inc <- NULL
    #' For each strain, generate a cumulative incidence vector
    for(i in 1:length(strainIncidences)){
        tmp <- strainIncidences[[i]]
        tmp <- cum_inc(tmp)
        infection_risks_inc[[i]] <- tmp

    all_data <- NULL
    all_ind_pars <- NULL
    #' For each individual, generate an infection time for each strain and simulate
    for(i in 1:individuals){
        tmp_mu <- processParams[["mu"]]
        if(MIXED_EFFECTS) tmp_mu <- max(rnorm(1,processParams[["mu"]],processParams[["mu_sigma"]]),0)
        ##if(MIXED_EFFECTS) tmp_mu <- rtruncnorm(1,a=0,b=Inf,processParams[["mu"]],processParams[["mu_sigma"]])
        tmpPars <- list("mu"=tmp_mu,"cr"=processParams[["cr"]],"tp"=processParams[["tp"]],"m"=processParams[["m"]])
        infection_times <- rep(0,length(strainIncidences))        
        #' Generate an infection time for each strain. Make sure that no two infections can occur within 21 days of each other
        (infection_times[1] != tmax && infection_times[2] != tmax && abs(infection_times[1] - infection_times[2]) <= 21) ||
        (infection_times[1] != tmax && infection_times[3] != tmax && abs(infection_times[1] - infection_times[3]) <= 21) ||
        (infection_times[2] != tmax && infection_times[3] != tmax && abs(infection_times[2] - infection_times[3]) <= 21)
            for(j in 1:length(strainIncidences)){
                infection_times[j] <- generate_infection_time(infection_risks_inc[[j]])

        all_ind_pars[[i]] <- list()

        ## Any infection times before the first sample point are assumed to be undetectable, and therefore "did not occur"
        #infection_times[infection_times < min(samplingTimes[i,])] <- tmax + 1
        all_ind_pars[[i]]$pars <- c("mu_i"=tmp_mu,"tis"=infection_times)
        all_ind_pars[[i]]$y0s <- y0s[i,]
        tmp <- individual_simulation(infection_times, y0s[i,], tmpPars, seq(min(samplingTimes[i,]),max(samplingTimes[i,]),by=1), strains, samplingTimes[i,],PROCESS_FUNCTION)
        #' If data is discrete, take floor of matrix
            tmp <- floor(tmp)
        #' Add noise and log transform if required
        tmprow <- c()
        for(row in 1:nrow(tmp)){
            #' First column in times
            for(col in 2:ncol(tmp)){
                    tmp[row,col] <- NOISE_FUNCTION(tmp[row,col],noiseParams)
            tmprow <- c(tmprow, as.numeric(tmp[row,]))
        tmprow <- c(tmprow, infection_times)
        dat[i,] <- tmprow

        #all_ind_pars[[i]]$y0s <- tmp[1,2:(nstrains+1)]
        all_data[[i]] <- tmp
    dat <- as.data.frame(dat)
    infection_labels <- NULL
    for(i in 1:length(strains)){
        infection_labels[i] <- paste(strains[i], "_ti",sep="")

    tmpColnames <- NULL
    for(i in 1:ncol(samplingTimes)){
        name1 <- paste("t",i,sep="")
        name2 <- paste(strains, "_V",i,sep="")
        tmpColnames <- c(tmpColnames, name1, name2)
    tmpColnames <- c(tmpColnames, infection_labels)
    colnames(dat) <- tmpColnames


#' Convert data to list
#' Given a table of data (like fluscape), converts this into a list for use in MCMC
#' @param dat data frame of the data to be converted
#' @param nstrains Number of strains
#' @param n_samples number of time samples
#' @param strainNames vector of strain names
#' @return a list of the data
#' @export
convert_data_table_to_list <- function(dat, nstrains=3,n_samples=2, strainNames=c("A","B","C")){
    all_data <- NULL
    for(i in 1:nrow(dat)){
        tmpDat <- NULL
        for(j in 1:n_samples){
            col <- (j-1)*nstrains + j
            tmp <- dat[i,col]
            for(q in 1:nstrains){
                tmp <- c(tmp,dat[i,col+q])
            tmpDat <- rbind(tmpDat,tmp)
        colnames(tmpDat) <- c("time",strainNames)
        row.names(tmpDat) <- NULL
        all_data[[i]] <- tmpDat

#' Converts list to table
#' Given a list as returned from simulate_and_save, converts to the data format of fluscape
#' @param all_data list of data frames for each individual
#' @param all_ind_pars list of parameter lists
#' @param strainNames vector of strain names
#' @return a data frame of formatted data
#' @export
convert_data_list_to_table <- function(all_data, all_ind_pars, strainNames=c("A","B","C")){
    nsamples <- nrow(all_data[[1]])
    nstrains <- ncol(all_data[[1]]) - 1

    allDat <- NULL
    for(i in 1:length(all_data)){
        tmpDat <- NULL
        for(j in 1:nrow(all_data[[i]])){
            tmpDat <- cbind(tmpDat,all_data[[i]][j,])
        tmpDat <- c(tmpDat, all_ind_pars[[i]]$pars[2:(nstrains+1)])
        allDat <- rbind(allDat,tmpDat)
    names <- NULL
    for(i in 1:nsamples){
        names <- c(names,paste("t",i,sep=""))
        for(j in 1:length(strainNames)){
            names <- c(names, paste(strainNames[j],"_V",i,sep=""))
    names <- c(names, paste(strainNames,"_ti",sep=""))
    colnames(allDat) <- names

#' Individual serology simulation
#' Simulates a data frame of serology measurements using the given data generating function.
#' @param infection_times a vector of infection times for each strain (index should match strain names order)
#' @param y0 vector of baseline values. eg. if three pathogens are being tested, this should be a vector of three values.
#' @param processParams a generic vector of parameters to be passed to the data generating function.
#' @param times a vector of times to return values from the simulation
#' @param strain_names a vector of strain names for data labels
#' @param PROCESS_FUNCTION pointer to a function to calculate the data at the given time points. The function should take the following arguments: "infection_times" - a vector of times of infection with each strain; "y0" - a vector of initial values for each strain; processParams - as above; t - vector of times. This function should return a matrix of serological values matching the simulation data type. The first column should be time in days, and each subsequent column should be the measurement for each strain of interest on that day. See \code{\link{multiple_strains}} for an example (and default).
#' @return a data frame with time series readings for each of the given strains
#' @seealso \code{\link{overall_simulation}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' infection_times <- c(0,50,100)
#' y0 <- c(0,0,0)
#' times <- seq(0,200,by=1)
#' strains <- c("A","B","C")
#' dat <- individual_simulation(infection_times, y0, processParams, times, strains, multiple_strains)
individual_simulation <- function(
    strain_names =c("a","b","c"),
    PROCESS_FUNCTION = multiple_strains
    #' Go through each infection and generate a trajectory
    dat <- PROCESS_FUNCTION(infection_times, y0s, processParams, times)
    #' Create column names and only return desired sample times
    final_names <- NULL
    dat <- unname(dat)
    dat <- dat[dat[,1] %in% sample_times,]
    dat <- as.data.frame(dat)
    colnames(dat) <- c("time",strain_names)

#' Wrapper for the model
#' Wrapper function for the Rcpp implementation of the multi strain boosting/waning model
#' @param infection_times vector of integer infection times
#' @param y0s vector of starting titre values
#' @param processParams list of parameters for the model
#' @param t vector of time points to be solved over
#' @return a matrix of the titre values for each time and corresponding times
#' @export
multiple_strains <- function(infection_times,y0s,processParams,t){
    mu_pars <- processParams[["mu"]]*processParams[["cr"]]
    tp_pars<- processParams[["tp"]]
    m_pars<- processParams[["m"]]

    times <- t

#' SIR plot
#' Simple plot of a 4 column SIR run - time, S, I and R values.
#' @param y 4 column data frame of the time and 3 compartments
#' @export
plotSIR <- function(y){

#' SIR simulation
#' Runs a deterministic SIR model with given times, starting population sizes and beta/gamma parameters
#' @param t vector of time points to solve ODEs over
#' @param startPops vector of initial S, I and R sizes
#' @param params vector containing values for beta and gamma
#' @return the 4 column data frame of SIR dynamics
#' @export
SIRsim <- function(t,startPops,params){
SIRode <- function(t, x, params) {
  N <- sum(x)
  S <- x[1] 
  I <- x[2]
  R <- x[3]
  beta <- params[1]
  gamma <- params[2]
  dS <- -beta*S*I/N
  dI <- beta*S*I - gamma*I/N
  dR <- gamma*I/N
y <- ode(y=startPops,times=t,SIRode,parms=params)

#' SIR inc curve
#' Generates an incidence curve from an SIR model. Same parameters as \code{\link{SIRsim}}.
#' @export
generateIncCurve <- function(t, startPops, params){

#' FluScape serology simulation
#' Simulates HAI titre readings to match the FluScape serosurvey protocol using the simplified boosting and waning model.
#' @param fluscape_data the FluScape data frame, as returned by load.and.merge.part.V1.V2()
#' @param n Number of individuals to simulate. If NULL, uses the entire population
#' @param fluscape_strains a vector of influenza strains to be used. Note that this should just be the strain ID. For example, "H3N2.2008". The function will create identifiers to access the V1 and V2 values.
#' @param mu_pars n x n matrix of boosting parameters, where n is the number of simulated strains. Each strain should provide some boost (may be 0) to each other strain.
#' @param tp_pars  n x n matrix of time to peak parameters
#' @param m_pars n x n matrix of waning parameters. Waning rate may be set to zero.
#' @param STOCHASTIC boolean value indicating whether or not boosting should be stochastic or deterministic. If stochastic, each boost is drawn from a poisson distribution.
#' @param incidenceVectors a list of incidence vectors. Should match length of fluscape_strains (ie. each circulating strain has an incidence vector. Note that the range of these vectors should cover the FluScape study period. ie. go from 0 (the day of the first sample) to x (the day of the last sample).
#' @param removeOutliers boolean value indicating whether or not sample time outliers from the fluscape data should be included. Defaults to TRUE
#' @param fluscapeT0 boolean value indicating whether or not the V1 titres should be used as t0 titres in the simulation. If not, all startnig titres are set to 0. Defaults to TRUE
#' @param addNoise boolean value indicating whether or not observation error noise should be added to the simulation. Defaults to TRUE
#' @param plotSerology boolean value indicating whether or not the FluScape data and simulation data should be plotted. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param noiseParams vector of parameters to be passed to \code{\link{add_noise}}
#' @return a dataframe of a similar format to the FluScape data frame.
#' @seealso \code{\link{overall_simulation}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fluscape_dat <- load.and.merge.V1.V2()
#' mu_pars <- matrix(ncol=2,nrow=2)
#' mu_pars[1,] <- c(5,1)
#' mu_pars[2,] <- c(1,6)
#' tp_pars <- matrix(ncol=2,nrow=2)
#' tp_pars[1,] <- tp_pars[,2] <- c(21,21)
#' m_pars <- matrix(ncol=2,nrow=2)
#' m_pars[1,] <- m_pars[2,] <- c(0,0)
#' inc_vectors <- NULL
#' inc_vectors[[1]] <- generate_toy_inc(0.4,900,200,600)
#' inc_vectors[[2]] <- generate_toy_inc(0.1,900,500,750)
#' dat <- fluscape_data_manipulation(fluscape_data,fluscape_strains,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE)
fluscape_data_manipulation<- function(

    v1_strains <- NULL
    v2_strains <- NULL
    #' Get given strains into format for fluscape data frame
    for(i in 1:length(fluscape_strains)){
        v1_strains[i] <- paste("HI.",fluscape_strains[i],".V1",sep="")
        v2_strains[i] <- paste("HI.",fluscape_strains[i],".V2",sep="")
    v1_strains <- v1_strains[v1_strains %in% colnames(fluscape_data)]
    v2_strains <- v2_strains[v2_strains %in% colnames(fluscape_data)]

    #' Get only data that we need - sampling times and titres
    dat <- fluscape_data[,c("PART_SAMPLE_TIME.V1",v1_strains, "PART_SAMPLE_TIME.V2",v2_strains)]
    #' Omit NA
    dat <- na.omit(dat)

    dat[,"PART_SAMPLE_TIME.V1"] <- as.integer(as.Date(dat[,"PART_SAMPLE_TIME.V1"]))
    dat[,"PART_SAMPLE_TIME.V2"] <- as.integer(as.Date(dat[,"PART_SAMPLE_TIME.V2"]))
        dat <- dat[!dat[,"PART_SAMPLE_TIME.V1"] %in% boxplot.stats(dat[,"PART_SAMPLE_TIME.V1"])$out,]
        dat <- dat[!dat[,"PART_SAMPLE_TIME.V2"] %in% boxplot.stats(dat[,"PART_SAMPLE_TIME.V2"])$out,]
    start <- min(dat[,c("PART_SAMPLE_TIME.V1", "PART_SAMPLE_TIME.V2")])
    dat[,"PART_SAMPLE_TIME.V1"] <-  dat[,"PART_SAMPLE_TIME.V1"] -start
    dat[,"PART_SAMPLE_TIME.V2"] <-  dat[,"PART_SAMPLE_TIME.V2"] -start
    end <- max(dat[,c("PART_SAMPLE_TIME.V1", "PART_SAMPLE_TIME.V2")])
    start <- 0

    tmpDat <- dat[,c("PART_SAMPLE_TIME.V1","HI.H3N2.2007.V1","PART_SAMPLE_TIME.V2","HI.H3N2.2007.V2")]
    tmpDat[,2] <- log(tmpDat[,2]/5,2)
    tmpDat[,4] <- log(tmpDat[,4]/5,2)

    p1 <- plot_serology(tmpDat ,"H3N2.2007",plotSerology)

    tmpDat <- dat[,c("PART_SAMPLE_TIME.V1","HI.CKH9N2.2008.V1","PART_SAMPLE_TIME.V2","HI.CKH9N2.2008.V2")]
    tmpDat[,2] <- log(tmpDat[,2]/5,2)
    tmpDat[,4] <- log(tmpDat[,4]/5,2)

    p2 <- plot_serology(tmpDat ,"H9N2.2008",plotSerology)

    tmpDat <- dat[,c("PART_SAMPLE_TIME.V1","HI.H1N1.2009.PDM.V1","PART_SAMPLE_TIME.V2","HI.H1N1.2009.PDM.V2")]
    tmpDat[,2] <- log(tmpDat[,2]/5,2)
    tmpDat[,4] <- log(tmpDat[,4]/5,2)

    p3 <- plot_serology(tmpDat ,"H1N1.2009",plotSerology)
    colnames(dat) <- c("t1",v1_strains,"t2",v2_strains)

    for(i in c(2:4,6:8)){
        dat[dat[,i]==0,i] <- 5
        dat[,i] <- log(dat[,i]/5,2)
#' @export
generate_starting_ind_pars <- function(data,pop_pars,tmax,fluscapeY0=FALSE){
    all_pars <- NULL
    mu <- pop_pars["mu_mu"]
    mu_sigma <- pop_pars["mu_sigma"]
    for(i in 1:length(data)){
        all_pars[[i]] <- list()
        all_pars[[i]]$pars <- c("mu_i"=rnorm(1,mu,mu_sigma),"tis"=as.integer(runif(3,0,tmax)))
        all_pars[[i]]$y0s <- rep(0,3)        
        if(fluscapeY0) all_pars[[i]]$y0s <- data[[i]][1,2:4]
jameshay218/serosim2 documentation built on May 18, 2019, 11:21 a.m.