
#' Feature occupancy filtering
#' @rdname occupancyFilter
#' @description Feature filtering based on class occupancy.
#' @param d S4 object of class `AnalysisData`
#' @param cls sample information column name to use for class data
#' @param occupancy feature occupancy filtering threshold, below which features will be removed
#' @return An S4 object of class `AnalysisData` containing the class occupancy filtered data.
#' @details 
#' Occupancy provides a useful metric by which to filter poorly represented features (features containing a majority zero or missing values).
#' An occupancy threshold provides a means of specifying this majority with variables below the threshold excluded from further analyses.
#' However, this can be complicated by an underlying class structure present within the data where a variable may be well represented within one class but not in another.
#' @section Methods:
#' * `occupancyMaximium`: Maximum occupancy threshold feature filtering. Where the maximum occupancy across all classes is above the threshold. Therefore, for a feature to be retained, only a single class needs to have an occupancy above the threshold.
#' * `occupancyMinimum`: Minimum occupancy threshold feature filtering. Where the minimum occupancy across all classes is required to be above the threshold. Therefore, for a feature to be retained, all classes would need to have an occupancy above the threshold.
#' @examples 
#' ## Each of the following examples shows the application 
#' ## of the feature occupancy filtering method method and 
#' ## then a Principle Component Analysis is plotted to show 
#' ## its effect on the data structure.
#' ## Initial example data preparation
#' library(metaboData)
#' d <- analysisData(abr1$neg[,200:300],abr1$fact)
#' ## Maximum occupancy threshold feature filtering
#' d %>% 
#'  occupancyMaximum(cls = 'day') %>% 
#'  plotPCA(cls = 'day')
#' ## Minimum occupancy threshold feature filtering
#' d %>% 
#'  occupancyMinimum(cls = 'day') %>% 
#'  plotPCA(cls = 'day')
#' @export

setGeneric("occupancyMaximum", function(d, cls = 'class', occupancy = 2/3)

#' @rdname occupancyFilter

setMethod('occupancyMaximum',signature = 'AnalysisData',
          function(d,cls = 'class', occupancy = 2/3){
            if (!is.numeric(occupancy)){
              stop('Argument `occupancy` is non-numeric.',
                   call. = FALSE)
            occ <- occupancy(d,cls)
            fd <- occ %>%
              group_by(Feature) %>%
              summarise(Occupancy = max(Occupancy)) %>%
              filter(Occupancy >= occupancy)
            feat <- colnames(d %>% 
                               dat())[colnames(d %>% 
                                               dat()) %in% 
            dat(d) <- d %>%
              dat() %>%

#' @rdname occupancyFilter
#' @export

setGeneric("occupancyMinimum", function(d, cls = 'class', occupancy = 2/3)

#' @rdname occupancyFilter

setMethod('occupancyMinimum',signature = 'AnalysisData',
          function(d,cls = 'class', occupancy = 2/3){
            if (!is.numeric(occupancy)){
              stop('Argument `occupancy` is non-numeric.',
                   call. = FALSE)
            occ <- occupancy(d,cls)
            fd <- occ %>%
              group_by(Feature) %>%
              summarise(Occupancy = min(Occupancy)) %>%
              filter(Occupancy >= occupancy)
            feat <- colnames(d %>% 
                               dat())[colnames(d %>% 
                                                 dat()) %in% 
            dat(d) <- d %>% 
              dat() %>%

#' Calculate feature class occupancies
#' @rdname occupancy
#' @description Calculate the class occupancies of all features in an `AnalysisData` object.
#' @param d S4 object of class `AnalysisData`
#' @param cls sample information column to use for which to compute class occupancies
#' @return A tibble containing feature class proportional occupancies.
#' @examples
#' library(metaboData)
#' d <- analysisData(abr1$neg[,200:300],abr1$fact)
#' occupancy(d,cls = 'day')
#' @export

setGeneric("occupancy", function(d, cls = 'class') 

#' @rdname occupancy
#' @importFrom dplyr ungroup full_join
#' @importFrom tidyr drop_na

setMethod('occupancy',signature = 'AnalysisData',
          function(d,cls = 'class'){
            if (nFeatures(d) == 0){
              stop('No features available on which to calculate class occupancy.',
                   call. = FALSE)
            feat <- tibble(Feature = features(d))
            d <- d %>%
              dat() %>%
              mutate(Class = clsExtract(d,cls))
            clsSize <- d %>%
              group_by(Class) %>%
              summarise(Frequency = n())
            d <- d %>%
              rowid_to_column(var = 'Sample') %>%
              gather('Feature','Intensity',-Class,-Sample) %>%
              filter(Intensity > 0)
            vars <- 'Class'
            names(vars) <- cls
            occ <- clsSize %>%
              base::split(seq_len(nrow(.))) %>%
                cla <- .
                cl <- d %>%
                  filter(Class == cla$Class) %>%
                  group_by(Class,Feature) %>%
                  summarise(N = n()) %>%
                  mutate(`Class total` = cla$Frequency,
                         Occupancy = N / cla$Frequency)
              }) %>%
              bind_rows() %>%
              rename(!!vars) %>%
            unoccupied <- feat %>%
              filter(!(Feature %in% occ$Feature)) %>%
              mutate(N = 0,Occupancy = 0,dummy = 1) %>%
              full_join(clsSize %>%
                          select(Class,Frequency) %>%
                          rename(!!cls := Class) %>%
                          mutate(dummy = 1),
                        by = 'dummy',
                        relationship = "many-to-many"
                        ) %>%
              select(!!cls,Feature,N,`Class total` = Frequency,Occupancy) %>% 
            occ <- occ %>%
              bind_rows(unoccupied) %>%
jasenfinch/metabolyseR documentation built on Sept. 18, 2023, 1:25 a.m.