
Defines functions process_data

Documented in process_data

#' @title process_data
#' @description Raw MS data processing using xcms.
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' \email{shenxt1990@@163.com}
#' @param path Work directory.
#' @param polarity The polarity of data, "positive"or "negative".
#' @param ppm see xcms.
#' @param peakwidth See xcms.
#' @param snthresh See xcms.
#' @param prefilter See xcms.
#' @param fitgauss see xcms.
#' @param integrate see xcms.
#' @param mzdiff see xcms.
#' @param noise See xcms.
#' @param threads Number of threads.
#' @param binSize see xcms.
#' @param bw see xcms.
#' @param output.tic Output TIC plot or not.
#' @param output.bpc Output BPC plot or not.
#' @param output.rt.correction.plot Output rt correction plot or not.
#' @param min.fraction See xcms.
#' @param fill.peaks Fill peaks NA or not.
#' @param output.peak.eic Output some peaks EIC or not. 
#' If you want to output this, please place the 'is.xlsx' in the folder. And three columns, name, mz and rt.
#' @param is.table International standard table name.
#' @param is.mz.tolerance mz tolerance for internal standards. Default is 25 ppm.
#' @param is.rt.tolerance RT tolerance for internal standards. Default is 50 s..
#' @param group.for.figure Which group you want to use to output TIC and BPC and EIC. Default is QC.
#' @return Peak table.
#' @export

# #debug
# sxtTools::setwd_project()
# setwd("test_data/mzxml/")
# # rm(list = ls())
# library(xcms)
# library(MSnbase)
# library(mzR)
# library(tidyverse)
# processData(path = ".",
#             polarity = "positive",
#             ppm = 15,
#             peakwidth = c(5, 30),
#             snthresh = 10,
#             prefilter = c(3, 500),
#             fitgauss = FALSE,
#             integrate = 2,
#             mzdiff = 0.01,
#             noise = 500,
#             threads = 20,
#             binSize = 0.025,
#             bw = 5,
#             output.tic = FALSE,
#             output.bpc = FALSE,
#             output.rt.correction.plot = FALSE,
#             min.fraction = 0.5,
#             fill.peaks = FALSE,
#             output.peak.eic = TRUE,
#             is.table = "is.xlsx",
#             group.for.figure = "QC"
# )

# peak_table1 <- readr::read_csv("Result/Peak_table.csv")
# peak_table2 <- readr::read_tsv("results/result.tsv")
# load("Result/intermediate_data/xdata3")
# plot(peak_table1$mzmax - peak_table1$mzmin)
# plot(peak_table2$mzmax - peak_table2$mzmin)
# plot(peak_table1$rtmax - peak_table1$rtmin)
# plot(c(peak_table2$rtmax - peak_table2$rtmin)*60)
# is_table <- readxl::read_xlsx("is.xlsx")
# is_table$mz
# temp.idx <- which(abs(peak_table1$mzmed - is_table$mz[1])*10^6/is_table$mz[1] < 25 &
#                     abs(peak_table1$rtmed - 123) < 50)
# temp.idx
# peak_table1[temp.idx,]$mzmed
# peak_table1[temp.idx,]$rtmed
# peak_table1[temp.idx,c("QC1.10", "QC2.3", "QCU1", "QCU17")]
# temp.idx
# outputFeatureEIC(object = xdata3,
#                  feature.index = 11970,
#                  interactive.plot = TRUE)
# test <- extractPeaks(path = "extractPeak",
#                                ppm = 15, 
#                                threads = 10,
#                                is.table = "is.xlsx")
# metflow2::showPeak(object = test, peak.index = 6, alpha = 0)

process_data = function(path = ".",
                       polarity = c("positive", "negative"),
                       ppm = 15,
                       peakwidth = c(5, 30),
                       snthresh = 10,
                       prefilter = c(3, 500),
                       fitgauss = FALSE,
                       integrate = 2,
                       mzdiff = 0.01,
                       noise = 500,
                       threads = 6,
                       binSize = 0.025,
                       bw = 5,
                       output.tic = TRUE,
                       output.bpc = TRUE,
                       output.rt.correction.plot = TRUE,
                       min.fraction = 0.5,
                       fill.peaks = FALSE,
                       output.peak.eic = TRUE,
                       is.table = "is.table.xlsx",
                       is.mz.tolerance = 25,
                       is.rt.tolerance = 50,
                       group.for.figure = "QC"){
  polarity <- match.arg(polarity)
  output_path <- file.path(path, "Result")
  dir.create(output_path, showWarnings = FALSE)
  intermediate_data_path <- file.path(output_path, "intermediate_data")
  dir.create(intermediate_data_path, showWarnings = FALSE)
  parameters <- list(
    path = path,
    polarity = polarity,
    ppm = ppm,
    peakwidth = peakwidth,
    snthresh = snthresh,
    prefilter = prefilter,
    fitgauss = fitgauss,
    integrate = integrate,
    mzdiff = mzdiff,
    noise = noise,
    threads = threads,
    binSize = binSize,
    bw = bw,
    output.tic = output.tic,
    output.bpc = output.bpc,
    output.rt.correction.plot = output.rt.correction.plot,
    min.fraction = min.fraction,
    fill.peaks = fill.peaks
  save(parameters, file = file.path(intermediate_data_path, "parameters"))
    file = file.path(intermediate_data_path, "parameters.csv"),
    row.names = FALSE
  #peak detection
  f.in <- list.files(path = path,
                     pattern = '\\.(mz[X]{0,1}ML|cdf)',
                     recursive = TRUE)
  sample_group <-
    unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(string = f.in, pattern = "/"), function(x) {
  sample_group[grep("\\.(mz[X]{0,1}ML|cdf)", sample_group)] <- "Group0"
  if(!group.for.figure %in% sample_group){
    group.for.figure2 <- 
      plyr::count(sample_group) %>% 
      dplyr::filter(freq == min(freq) & stringr::str_to_lower(x) != "blank") %>% 
      pull(x) %>% 
      `[`(1) %>% 
    cat(crayon::yellow(group.for.figure, "is not in you directory, so set is as ", 
                       group.for.figure2), "\n")
    group.for.figure <- group.for.figure2 
  pd <-
      sample_name = sub(
        pattern = ".mzXML",
        replacement = "",
        fixed = TRUE
      sample_group = sample_group,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  ## Define colors for different groups
  group_colors <-
    paste0(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Set1")[1:length(unique(sample_group))], "60")
  # group_colors <-
  #   grDevices::colorRampPalette(ggsci::pal_npg()(10))(100)[1:length(unique(sample_group))]
  names(group_colors) <- unique(sample_group)
  cat(crayon::green("Reading raw data, it will take a while...\n"))
  if (any(dir(intermediate_data_path) == "raw_data")) {
    cat(crayon::yellow("Use old saved data in Result.\n"))
    load(file.path(intermediate_data_path, "raw_data"))
  } else{
    raw_data <- MSnbase::readMSData(
      files = f.in,
      pdata = new("NAnnotatedDataFrame", pd),
      mode = "onDisk",
      verbose = TRUE
         file = file.path(intermediate_data_path, "raw_data")
         # compress = "xz"
  cat(crayon::red(clisymbols::symbol$tick, "OK\n"))
  cat(crayon::green("Peak detecting...\n"))
  ###peak detection
  cwp <- suppressMessages(
      ppm = ppm,
      prefilter = prefilter,
      integrate = integrate,
      peakwidth = peakwidth,
      snthresh = snthresh,
      mzdiff = mzdiff,
      noise = noise, 
      fitgauss = fitgauss,
  if (any(dir(intermediate_data_path) == "xdata")) {
    cat(crayon::yellow("Use old saved data in Result.\n"))
    load(file.path(intermediate_data_path, "xdata"))
  } else{
    if(tinyTools::get_os() == "windows"){
      bpparam =
        BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = threads,
                                progressbar = TRUE)
      bpparam = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = threads,
                                             progressbar = TRUE)
    xdata <- 
          param = cwp,
          BPPARAM = bpparam
        ), silent = FALSE
    if(class(xdata) == "try-error"){
      stop("Error in xcms::findChromPeaks.\n")
         file = file.path(intermediate_data_path, "xdata")
         # compress = "xz"
  rm(list = "raw_data")
  cat(crayon::red(clisymbols::symbol$tick, "OK\n"))
  #retention time correction
  cat(crayon::green("Correcting rentention time...\n "))
  if (any(dir(intermediate_data_path) == "xdata2")) {
    cat(crayon::yellow("Use old saved data in Result.\n"))
    load(file.path(intermediate_data_path, "xdata2"))
  } else{
    xdata2 <- try(xcms::adjustRtime(xdata,
                                    param = xcms::ObiwarpParam(binSize = 0.5)),
                  silent = FALSE)
         file = file.path(intermediate_data_path, "xdata2")
         # compress = "xz"
  cat(crayon::red(clisymbols::symbol$tick, "OK\n"))
  if (class(xdata2) == "try-error") {
    xdata2 <- xdata
         file = file.path(intermediate_data_path, "xdata2")
         # compress = "xz"
  } else{
    ## Plot also the difference of adjusted to raw retention time.
    if (output.rt.correction.plot) {
      cat(crayon::green("Drawing RT correction plot..."))
      rt.correction.plot <- plotAdjustedRT(object = xdata2)
      # save(
      #   rt.correction.plot,
      #   file = file.path(intermediate_data_path, "rt.correction.plot"),
      #   compress = "xz"
      # )
        filename = file.path(output_path, "RT correction plot.pdf"),
        plot = rt.correction.plot,
        width = 20,
        height = 7
      rm(list = c("rt.correction.plot"))
      cat(crayon::red(clisymbols::symbol$tick, "OK\n"))
  rm(list = "xdata")
  if(tinyTools::get_os() == "windows"){
    bpparam =
      BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = threads,
                              progressbar = TRUE)
    bpparam = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = threads,
                                           progressbar = TRUE)
  if (output.tic) {
    cat(crayon::green("Drawing TIC plot..."))
    tic.plot <- xcms::chromatogram(object = xdata2,
                                   aggregationFun = "sum",
                                   BPPARAM = bpparam
    ## Plot all chromatograms.
    # save(tic.plot,
    #      file = file.path(intermediate_data_path, "tic.plot"),
    #      compress = "xz")
    plot <- chromatogramPlot(object = tic.plot,
                             title = "TIC", 
                             group.for.figure = group.for.figure)
        filename = file.path(output_path, "TIC.pdf"),
        plot = plot,
        width = 20,
        height = 7
    rm(list = c("plot", "tic.plot"))
    cat(crayon::red(clisymbols::symbol$tick, "OK\n"))
  if (output.bpc) {
    if(tinyTools::get_os() == "windows"){
      bpparam =
        BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = threads,
                                progressbar = TRUE)
      bpparam = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = threads,
                                             progressbar = TRUE)
    cat(crayon::green("Drawing BPC plot..."))
    bpc.plot <- xcms::chromatogram(object = xdata2,
                                   aggregationFun = "max",
                                   BPPARAM = bpparam)
    ## Plot all chromatograms.
    # save(bpc.plot,
    #      file = file.path(intermediate_data_path, "bpc.plot"),
    #      compress = "xz")
    plot <- chromatogramPlot(object = bpc.plot, title = "BPC", 
                             group.for.figure = group.for.figure)
        filename = file.path(output_path, "BPC.pdf"),
        plot = plot,
        width = 20,
        height = 7
    rm(list = c("plot", "bpc.plot"))
    cat(crayon::red(clisymbols::symbol$tick, "OK\n"))
  ## Perform the correspondence
  cat(crayon::green("Grouping peaks across samples...\n"))
  if (any(dir(intermediate_data_path) == "xdata3")) {
    cat(crayon::yellow("Use old saved data in Result.\n"))
    load(file.path(intermediate_data_path, "xdata3"))
  } else{
    pdp <- xcms::PeakDensityParam(
      sampleGroups = xdata2$sample_group,
      minFraction = min.fraction,
      bw = bw, 
      binSize = binSize, 
      minSamples = 1, 
      maxFeatures = 100
    xdata3 <- xcms::groupChromPeaks(xdata2, param = pdp)
         file = file.path(intermediate_data_path, "xdata3")
         # compress = "xz"
  cat(crayon::red(clisymbols::symbol$tick, "OK\n"))
  rm(list = "xdata2")
  if (fill.peaks) {
    ## Filling missing peaks using default settings. Alternatively we could
    ## pass a FillChromPeaksParam object to the method.
    xdata3 <- xcms::fillChromPeaks(xdata3)
         file = file.path(intermediate_data_path, "xdata3")
         # compress = "xz"
  cat(crayon::green("Outputting peak table...\n"))
  ##output peak table
  values <- xcms::featureValues(xdata3, value = "into")
  definition <- xcms::featureDefinitions(object = xdata3)
  definition <- definition[, -ncol(definition)]
  definition <- 
    definition[names(definition) != "peakidx"]
  definition <- 
    definition@listData %>% 
    do.call(cbind, .) %>% 
  peak_name <- xcms::groupnames(xdata3)
  peak_name <- paste(peak_name, ifelse(polarity == "positive", "POS", "NEG"), sep = "_")
  colnames(values) <-
      string = colnames(values),
      pattern = "\\.mz[X]{0,1}ML",
      replacement = ""
  peak_table <- data.frame(peak.name = peak_name,
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  rownames(peak_table) <- NULL
  colnames(peak_table) <-
      string = colnames(peak_table),
      pattern = "\\.mz[X]{0,1}ML",
      replacement = ""
  readr::write_csv(peak_table, path = file.path(output_path, "Peak_table.csv"))
  peak_table_for_cleaning <-
    definition %>%
    dplyr::select(-c("mzmin", 'mzmax', 'rtmin', 'rtmax', 'npeaks', unique(sample_group))) %>% 
    dplyr::rename(mz = mzmed, rt = rtmed) %>% 
    data.frame(name = peak_name, ., values, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  readr::write_csv(peak_table_for_cleaning, path = file.path(output_path, "Peak_table_for_cleaning.csv"))
  cat(crayon::red(clisymbols::symbol$tick, "OK\n"))
  rm(list = c("peak_table", "peak_table_for_cleaning"))
  ##output EIC of all peaks
  is_table <- 
    try(readxl::read_xlsx(file.path(path, is.table)), silent = FALSE)
  if(class(is_table) != "try-error")  {
    data1 <- as.matrix(is_table[,c(2,3)])
    data2 <- as.matrix(definition[,c("mzmed", "rtmed")])
    match_result <- 
      SXTMTmatch(data1 = data1, 
                 data2 = data2,
                 mz.tolerance = is.mz.tolerance,
                 rt.tolerance = is.rt.tolerance)  
    if(is.null(match_result) | nrow(match_result) == 0){
      output.peak.eic <- FALSE
    output.peak.eic <- FALSE
    cat(crayon::green("Outputting peak EICs...\n"))
    feature_EIC_path <- file.path(output_path, "feature_EIC")
    dir.create(feature_EIC_path, showWarnings = FALSE)
    temp_fun <- function(idx = 100,
                         path = ".",
                         metabolite.name) {
      # suppressMessages(require(magrittr))
      peak.name <- peak.name[idx]
      plot.name <- paste("", peak.name, sep = "")
      metabolite.name <- metabolite.name[idx]
      feature_eic_data <-
      rt_range <-
        c(min(feature_eic_data$rt, na.rm = TRUE),
          max(feature_eic_data$rt, na.rm = TRUE))
      if (nrow(feature_eic_data) != 0) {
        plot <-
                          ggplot2::aes(rt, intensity, group = sample_name)) +
          ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(color = sample_name)) +
          # ggsci::scale_color_lancet() +
            x = "Retention time",
            title = paste("RT range:", rt_range[1], rt_range[2], metabolite.name, sep = "_")
          ) +
          file = file.path(path, paste(plot.name, "pdf", sep = ".")),
          width = 10,
          height = 6
    index2 <- sort(unique(match_result[, 2]))
    metabolite_name <- is_table$name[match_result[match(index2, match_result[,2]), 1]]
    if(tinyTools::get_os() == "windows"){
      bpparam =
        BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = threads,
                                progressbar = TRUE)
      bpparam = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = threads,
                                             progressbar = TRUE)
    feature_eic <-
        x = xdata3,
        features = index2,
        expandRt = 0,
        BPPARAM = bpparam
    feature_eic_data <- feature_eic@.Data %>% 
      pbapply::pbapply(1, function(y){
        y <- lapply(y, function(x){
          if(class(x) == "XChromatogram"){
            if(nrow(x@chromPeaks) == 0){
              data.frame(rt.med = NA,
                         rt.min = NA,
                         rt.max = NA,
                         rt = NA, 
                         min.intensity = 0,
                         max.intensity = NA,
                         intensity = NA,
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 
              if(nrow(x@chromPeaks) > 1){
                x@chromPeaks <- 
                  tibble::as_tibble(x@chromPeaks) %>%
                  dplyr::filter(maxo == max(maxo)) %>% 
              data.frame(rt.med = x@chromPeaks[,4],
                         rt.min = x@chromPeaks[,5],
                         rt.max = x@chromPeaks[,6],
                         rt = x@rtime, 
                         min.intensity = 0,
                         max.intensity = x@chromPeaks[,"maxo"],
                         intensity = x@intensity,
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)  
        y <- 
          mapply(function(y, sample.group, sample.name){
                       sample_group = sample.group,
                       sample_name = sample.name,
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% 
          y = y,
          sample.group = feature_eic@phenoData@data$sample_group,
          sample.name = feature_eic@phenoData@data$sample_name
        y <- do.call(rbind, y)
    feature_eic_data <- 
      feature_eic_data %>% 
        x <- 
          x %>% 
          dplyr::filter(sample_group %in% group.for.figure)
        if(length(unique(x$sample_name)) > 8){
          idx <- which(x$sample_name %in% sort(sample(unique(x$sample_name), 18))) %>% 
          x <- x[idx, , drop = FALSE]
    if(tinyTools::get_os() == "windows"){
      bpparam =
        BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = threads,
                                progressbar = TRUE)
      bpparam = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = threads,
                                             progressbar = TRUE)
                           FUN = temp_fun,
                           BPPARAM = bpparam,
                           feature_eic_data = feature_eic_data, 
                           path = feature_EIC_path, 
                           peak.name = peak_name[index2],
                           metabolite.name = metabolite_name
  rm(list = "xdata3")
  cat(crayon::red(clisymbols::symbol$tick, "OK\n"))
  cat(crayon::bgRed(clisymbols::symbol$tick ,"All done!\n"))

#' @title processData
#' @description Raw MS data processing using xcms.
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' \email{shenxt1990@@163.com}
#' @param path Work directory.
#' @param polarity The polarity of data, "positive"or "negative".
#' @param ppm see xcms.
#' @param peakwidth See xcms.
#' @param snthresh See xcms.
#' @param prefilter See xcms.
#' @param fitgauss see xcms.
#' @param integrate see xcms.
#' @param mzdiff see xcms.
#' @param noise See xcms.
#' @param threads Number of threads.
#' @param binSize see xcms.
#' @param bw see xcms.
#' @param output.tic Output TIC plot or not.
#' @param output.bpc Output BPC plot or not.
#' @param output.rt.correction.plot Output rt correction plot or not.
#' @param min.fraction See xcms.
#' @param fill.peaks Fill peaks NA or not.
#' @param output.peak.eic Output some peaks EIC or not. 
#' If you want to output this, please place the 'is.xlsx' in the folder. And three columns, name, mz and rt.
#' @param is.table International standard table name.
#' @param is.mz.tolerance mz tolerance for internal standards. Default is 25 ppm.
#' @param is.rt.tolerance RT tolerance for internal standards. Default is 50 s..
#' @param group.for.figure Which group you want to use to output TIC and BPC and EIC. Default is QC.
#' @return Peak table.
#' @export

processData = function(path = ".",
                       polarity = c("positive", "negative"),
                       ppm = 15,
                       peakwidth = c(5, 30),
                       snthresh = 10,
                       prefilter = c(3, 500),
                       fitgauss = FALSE,
                       integrate = 2,
                       mzdiff = 0.01,
                       noise = 500,
                       threads = 6,
                       binSize = 0.025,
                       bw = 5,
                       output.tic = TRUE,
                       output.bpc = TRUE,
                       output.rt.correction.plot = TRUE,
                       min.fraction = 0.5,
                       fill.peaks = FALSE,
                       output.peak.eic = TRUE,
                       is.table = "is.table.xlsx",
                       is.mz.tolerance = 25,
                       is.rt.tolerance = 50,
                       group.for.figure = "QC"){
  cat(crayon::yellow("processData() is deprecated, please use the process_data().\n"))
  polarity <- match.arg(polarity)
  output_path <- file.path(path, "Result")
  dir.create(output_path, showWarnings = FALSE)
  intermediate_data_path <- file.path(output_path, "intermediate_data")
  dir.create(intermediate_data_path, showWarnings = FALSE)
  parameters <- list(
    path = path,
    polarity = polarity,
    ppm = ppm,
    peakwidth = peakwidth,
    snthresh = snthresh,
    prefilter = prefilter,
    fitgauss = fitgauss,
    integrate = integrate,
    mzdiff = mzdiff,
    noise = noise,
    threads = threads,
    binSize = binSize,
    bw = bw,
    output.tic = output.tic,
    output.bpc = output.bpc,
    output.rt.correction.plot = output.rt.correction.plot,
    min.fraction = min.fraction,
    fill.peaks = fill.peaks
  save(parameters, file = file.path(intermediate_data_path, "parameters"))
    file = file.path(intermediate_data_path, "parameters.csv"),
    row.names = FALSE
  #peak detection
  f.in <- list.files(path = path,
                     pattern = '\\.(mz[X]{0,1}ML|cdf)',
                     recursive = TRUE)
  sample_group <-
    unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(string = f.in, pattern = "/"), function(x) {
  sample_group[grep("\\.(mz[X]{0,1}ML|cdf)", sample_group)] <- "Group0"
  if(!group.for.figure %in% sample_group){
    group.for.figure2 <- 
      plyr::count(sample_group) %>% 
      dplyr::filter(freq == min(freq) & stringr::str_to_lower(x) != "blank") %>% 
      pull(x) %>% 
      `[`(1) %>% 
    cat(crayon::yellow(group.for.figure, "is not in you directory, so set is as ", 
                       group.for.figure2), "\n")
    group.for.figure <- group.for.figure2 
  pd <-
      sample_name = sub(
        pattern = ".mzXML",
        replacement = "",
        fixed = TRUE
      sample_group = sample_group,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  ## Define colors for different groups
  group_colors <-
    paste0(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Set1")[1:length(unique(sample_group))], "60")
  # group_colors <-
  #   grDevices::colorRampPalette(ggsci::pal_npg()(10))(100)[1:length(unique(sample_group))]
  names(group_colors) <- unique(sample_group)
  cat(crayon::green("Reading raw data, it will take a while...\n"))
  if (any(dir(intermediate_data_path) == "raw_data")) {
    cat(crayon::yellow("Use old saved data in Result.\n"))
    load(file.path(intermediate_data_path, "raw_data"))
  } else{
    raw_data <- MSnbase::readMSData(
      files = f.in,
      pdata = new("NAnnotatedDataFrame", pd),
      mode = "onDisk",
      verbose = TRUE
         file = file.path(intermediate_data_path, "raw_data")
         # compress = "xz"
  cat(crayon::red(clisymbols::symbol$tick, "OK\n"))
  cat(crayon::green("Peak detecting...\n"))
  ###peak detection
  cwp <- suppressMessages(
      ppm = ppm,
      prefilter = prefilter,
      integrate = integrate,
      peakwidth = peakwidth,
      snthresh = snthresh,
      mzdiff = mzdiff,
      noise = noise, 
      fitgauss = fitgauss,
  if (any(dir(intermediate_data_path) == "xdata")) {
    cat(crayon::yellow("Use old saved data in Result.\n"))
    load(file.path(intermediate_data_path, "xdata"))
  } else{
    if(tinyTools::get_os() == "windows"){
      bpparam =
        BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = threads,
                                progressbar = TRUE)
      bpparam = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = threads,
                                             progressbar = TRUE)
    xdata <- 
          param = cwp,
          BPPARAM = bpparam
        ), silent = FALSE
    if(class(xdata) == "try-error"){
      stop("Error in xcms::findChromPeaks.\n")
         file = file.path(intermediate_data_path, "xdata")
         # compress = "xz"
  rm(list = "raw_data")
  cat(crayon::red(clisymbols::symbol$tick, "OK\n"))
  #retention time correction
  cat(crayon::green("Correcting rentention time...\n "))
  if (any(dir(intermediate_data_path) == "xdata2")) {
    cat(crayon::yellow("Use old saved data in Result.\n"))
    load(file.path(intermediate_data_path, "xdata2"))
  } else{
    xdata2 <- try(xcms::adjustRtime(xdata,
                                    param = xcms::ObiwarpParam(binSize = 0.5)),
                  silent = FALSE)
         file = file.path(intermediate_data_path, "xdata2")
         # compress = "xz"
  cat(crayon::red(clisymbols::symbol$tick, "OK\n"))
  if (class(xdata2) == "try-error") {
    xdata2 <- xdata
         file = file.path(intermediate_data_path, "xdata2")
         # compress = "xz"
  } else{
    ## Plot also the difference of adjusted to raw retention time.
    if (output.rt.correction.plot) {
      cat(crayon::green("Drawing RT correction plot..."))
      rt.correction.plot <- plotAdjustedRT(object = xdata2)
      # save(
      #   rt.correction.plot,
      #   file = file.path(intermediate_data_path, "rt.correction.plot"),
      #   compress = "xz"
      # )
        filename = file.path(output_path, "RT correction plot.pdf"),
        plot = rt.correction.plot,
        width = 20,
        height = 7
      rm(list = c("rt.correction.plot"))
      cat(crayon::red(clisymbols::symbol$tick, "OK\n"))
  rm(list = "xdata")
  if(tinyTools::get_os() == "windows"){
    bpparam =
      BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = threads,
                              progressbar = TRUE)
    bpparam = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = threads,
                                           progressbar = TRUE)
  if (output.tic) {
    cat(crayon::green("Drawing TIC plot..."))
    tic.plot <- xcms::chromatogram(object = xdata2,
                                   aggregationFun = "sum",
                                   BPPARAM = bpparam
    ## Plot all chromatograms.
    # save(tic.plot,
    #      file = file.path(intermediate_data_path, "tic.plot"),
    #      compress = "xz")
    plot <- chromatogramPlot(object = tic.plot,
                             title = "TIC", 
                             group.for.figure = group.for.figure)
        filename = file.path(output_path, "TIC.pdf"),
        plot = plot,
        width = 20,
        height = 7
    rm(list = c("plot", "tic.plot"))
    cat(crayon::red(clisymbols::symbol$tick, "OK\n"))
  if (output.bpc) {
    if(tinyTools::get_os() == "windows"){
      bpparam =
        BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = threads,
                                progressbar = TRUE)
      bpparam = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = threads,
                                             progressbar = TRUE)
    cat(crayon::green("Drawing BPC plot..."))
    bpc.plot <- xcms::chromatogram(object = xdata2,
                                   aggregationFun = "max",
                                   BPPARAM = bpparam)
    ## Plot all chromatograms.
    # save(bpc.plot,
    #      file = file.path(intermediate_data_path, "bpc.plot"),
    #      compress = "xz")
    plot <- chromatogramPlot(object = bpc.plot, title = "BPC", 
                             group.for.figure = group.for.figure)
        filename = file.path(output_path, "BPC.pdf"),
        plot = plot,
        width = 20,
        height = 7
    rm(list = c("plot", "bpc.plot"))
    cat(crayon::red(clisymbols::symbol$tick, "OK\n"))
  ## Perform the correspondence
  cat(crayon::green("Grouping peaks across samples...\n"))
  if (any(dir(intermediate_data_path) == "xdata3")) {
    cat(crayon::yellow("Use old saved data in Result.\n"))
    load(file.path(intermediate_data_path, "xdata3"))
  } else{
    pdp <- xcms::PeakDensityParam(
      sampleGroups = xdata2$sample_group,
      minFraction = min.fraction,
      bw = bw, 
      binSize = binSize, 
      minSamples = 1, 
      maxFeatures = 100
    xdata3 <- xcms::groupChromPeaks(xdata2, param = pdp)
         file = file.path(intermediate_data_path, "xdata3")
         # compress = "xz"
  cat(crayon::red(clisymbols::symbol$tick, "OK\n"))
  rm(list = "xdata2")
  if (fill.peaks) {
    ## Filling missing peaks using default settings. Alternatively we could
    ## pass a FillChromPeaksParam object to the method.
    xdata3 <- xcms::fillChromPeaks(xdata3)
         file = file.path(intermediate_data_path, "xdata3")
         # compress = "xz"
  cat(crayon::green("Outputting peak table...\n"))
  ##output peak table
  values <- xcms::featureValues(xdata3, value = "into")
  definition <- xcms::featureDefinitions(object = xdata3)
  definition <- definition[, -ncol(definition)]
  definition <- 
    definition[names(definition) != "peakidx"]
  definition <- 
    definition@listData %>% 
    do.call(cbind, .) %>% 
  peak_name <- xcms::groupnames(xdata3)
  peak_name <- paste(peak_name, ifelse(polarity == "positive", "POS", "NEG"), sep = "_")
  colnames(values) <-
      string = colnames(values),
      pattern = "\\.mz[X]{0,1}ML",
      replacement = ""
  peak_table <- data.frame(peak.name = peak_name,
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  rownames(peak_table) <- NULL
  colnames(peak_table) <-
      string = colnames(peak_table),
      pattern = "\\.mz[X]{0,1}ML",
      replacement = ""
  readr::write_csv(peak_table, path = file.path(output_path, "Peak_table.csv"))
  peak_table_for_cleaning <-
    definition %>%
    dplyr::select(-c("mzmin", 'mzmax', 'rtmin', 'rtmax', 'npeaks', unique(sample_group))) %>% 
    dplyr::rename(mz = mzmed, rt = rtmed) %>% 
    data.frame(name = peak_name, ., values, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  readr::write_csv(peak_table_for_cleaning, path = file.path(output_path, "Peak_table_for_cleaning.csv"))
  cat(crayon::red(clisymbols::symbol$tick, "OK\n"))
  rm(list = c("peak_table", "peak_table_for_cleaning"))
  ##output EIC of all peaks
  is_table <- 
    try(readxl::read_xlsx(file.path(path, is.table)), silent = FALSE)
  if(class(is_table) != "try-error")  {
    data1 <- as.matrix(is_table[,c(2,3)])
    data2 <- as.matrix(definition[,c("mzmed", "rtmed")])
    match_result <- 
      SXTMTmatch(data1 = data1, 
                 data2 = data2,
                 mz.tolerance = is.mz.tolerance,
                 rt.tolerance = is.rt.tolerance)  
    if(is.null(match_result) | nrow(match_result) == 0){
      output.peak.eic <- FALSE
    output.peak.eic <- FALSE
    cat(crayon::green("Outputting peak EICs...\n"))
    feature_EIC_path <- file.path(output_path, "feature_EIC")
    dir.create(feature_EIC_path, showWarnings = FALSE)
    temp_fun <- function(idx = 100,
                         path = ".",
                         metabolite.name) {
      # suppressMessages(require(magrittr))
      peak.name <- peak.name[idx]
      plot.name <- paste("", peak.name, sep = "")
      metabolite.name <- metabolite.name[idx]
      feature_eic_data <-
      rt_range <-
        c(min(feature_eic_data$rt, na.rm = TRUE),
          max(feature_eic_data$rt, na.rm = TRUE))
      if (nrow(feature_eic_data) != 0) {
        plot <-
                          ggplot2::aes(rt, intensity, group = sample_name)) +
          ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(color = sample_name)) +
          # ggsci::scale_color_lancet() +
            x = "Retention time",
            title = paste("RT range:", rt_range[1], rt_range[2], metabolite.name, sep = "_")
          ) +
          file = file.path(path, paste(plot.name, "pdf", sep = ".")),
          width = 10,
          height = 6
    index2 <- sort(unique(match_result[, 2]))
    metabolite_name <- is_table$name[match_result[match(index2, match_result[,2]), 1]]
    if(tinyTools::get_os() == "windows"){
      bpparam =
        BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = threads,
                                progressbar = TRUE)
      bpparam = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = threads,
                                             progressbar = TRUE)
    feature_eic <-
        x = xdata3,
        features = index2,
        expandRt = 0,
        BPPARAM = bpparam
    feature_eic_data <- feature_eic@.Data %>% 
      pbapply::pbapply(1, function(y){
        y <- lapply(y, function(x){
          if(class(x) == "XChromatogram"){
            if(nrow(x@chromPeaks) == 0){
              data.frame(rt.med = NA,
                         rt.min = NA,
                         rt.max = NA,
                         rt = NA, 
                         min.intensity = 0,
                         max.intensity = NA,
                         intensity = NA,
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 
              if(nrow(x@chromPeaks) > 1){
                x@chromPeaks <- 
                  tibble::as_tibble(x@chromPeaks) %>%
                  dplyr::filter(maxo == max(maxo)) %>% 
              data.frame(rt.med = x@chromPeaks[,4],
                         rt.min = x@chromPeaks[,5],
                         rt.max = x@chromPeaks[,6],
                         rt = x@rtime, 
                         min.intensity = 0,
                         max.intensity = x@chromPeaks[,"maxo"],
                         intensity = x@intensity,
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)  
        y <- 
          mapply(function(y, sample.group, sample.name){
                       sample_group = sample.group,
                       sample_name = sample.name,
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% 
          y = y,
          sample.group = feature_eic@phenoData@data$sample_group,
          sample.name = feature_eic@phenoData@data$sample_name
        y <- do.call(rbind, y)
    feature_eic_data <- 
      feature_eic_data %>% 
        x <- 
          x %>% 
          dplyr::filter(sample_group %in% group.for.figure)
        if(length(unique(x$sample_name)) > 8){
          idx <- which(x$sample_name %in% sort(sample(unique(x$sample_name), 18))) %>% 
          x <- x[idx, , drop = FALSE]
    if(tinyTools::get_os() == "windows"){
      bpparam =
        BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = threads,
                                progressbar = TRUE)
      bpparam = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = threads,
                                             progressbar = TRUE)
                           FUN = temp_fun,
                           BPPARAM = bpparam,
                           feature_eic_data = feature_eic_data, 
                           path = feature_EIC_path, 
                           peak.name = peak_name[index2],
                           metabolite.name = metabolite_name
  rm(list = "xdata3")
  cat(crayon::red(clisymbols::symbol$tick, "OK\n"))
  cat(crayon::bgRed(clisymbols::symbol$tick ,"All done!\n"))
jaspershen/metflow2 documentation built on Aug. 15, 2021, 4:38 p.m.