
Defines functions check_data raster2BIL

Documented in check_data raster2BIL

# ==============================================================================
# biodivMapR
# Lib_CheckConvertData.R
# ==============================================================================
# Jean-Baptiste FERET <jb.feret@teledetection.fr>
# Florian de Boissieu <fdeboiss@gmail.com>
# Copyright 2020/06 Jean-Baptiste FERET
# ==============================================================================
# This library checks if a raster in format expected for diversity mapping
# if not, can convert the raster into BIL format expected for diversity mapping
# ==============================================================================

#' converts a raster into BIL format as expected by biodivMapR codes
#' @param Raster_Path character. Full path for the raster to be converted
#' @param Sensor character. Name of the sensor. a .hdr template for the sensor should be provided in extdata/HDR
#' @param Convert_Integer boolean. Should data be converted into integer ?
#' @param Multiplying_Factor numeric. Multiplying factor (eg convert real reflectance values between 0 and 1 into integer between 0 and 10000).
#' @param Output_Dir character. Path to output directory.
#' @param Multiplying_Factor_Last numeric. Multiplying factor for last band.
#' @param Mask boolean is the file a mask file with 0s and 1s only?
#' @return Output_Path path for the image converted into ENVI BIL format
#' @importFrom raster brick writeRaster
#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
#' @export
raster2BIL <- function(Raster_Path, Sensor = "unknown", Output_Dir = FALSE, Convert_Integer = TRUE,
                       Multiplying_Factor = 1, Multiplying_Factor_Last = 1, Mask = FALSE) {

  # get directory and file name of original image
  Input_File <- basename(Raster_Path)
  Input_Dir <- dirname(Raster_Path)
  # define path where data will be stored
  if (Output_Dir == FALSE) {
    Output_Path <- file.path(Input_Dir, "biodivMapR_Convert_BIL", file_path_sans_ext(Input_File))
  } else {
    dir.create(Output_Dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
    Output_Path <- file.path(Output_Dir, file_path_sans_ext(Input_File))
  message("The converted file will be written in the following location:")
  Output_Dir <- dirname(Output_Path)
  dir.create(Output_Dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

  # apply multiplying factors
  message("reading initial file")
  Output_Img <- Multiplying_Factor * raster::brick(Raster_Path)
  Last_Band_Name <- Output_Img@data@names[length(Output_Img@data@names)]
  Output_Img[[Last_Band_Name]] <- Multiplying_Factor_Last * Output_Img[[Last_Band_Name]]

  # convert into integer if requested or if is Mask
  if (Convert_Integer == TRUE | Mask == TRUE) {
    Output_Img <- round(Output_Img)

  # write raster
  message("writing converted file")
  if (Convert_Integer == TRUE & Mask == FALSE) {
    r <- writeRaster(Output_Img, filename = Output_Path, format = "EHdr", overwrite = TRUE, datatype = "INT2S")
  } else if (Convert_Integer == TRUE & Mask == TRUE) {
    r <- writeRaster(Output_Img, filename = Output_Path, format = "EHdr", overwrite = TRUE, datatype = "INT1U")
  } else {
    r <- writeRaster(Output_Img, filename = Output_Path, format = "EHdr", overwrite = TRUE)
  hdr(r, format = "ENVI")

  # remove unnecessary files
  File2Remove <- paste(Output_Path, ".aux.xml", sep = "")
  File2Remove2 <- paste(file_path_sans_ext(Output_Path), ".aux.xml", sep = "")

  File2Remove <- paste(Output_Path, ".prj", sep = "")
  File2Remove2 <- paste(file_path_sans_ext(Output_Path), ".prj", sep = "")
  if (file.exists(File2Remove)) {
  } else if (file.exists(File2Remove2)) {

  File2Remove <- paste(Output_Path, ".sta", sep = "")
  File2Remove <- paste(file_path_sans_ext(Output_Path), ".sta", sep = "")
  if (file.exists(File2Remove)) {
  } else if (file.exists(File2Remove2)) {

  File2Remove <- paste(Output_Path, ".stx", sep = "")
  File2Remove2 <- paste(file_path_sans_ext(Output_Path), ".stx", sep = "")
  if (file.exists(File2Remove)) {
  } else if (file.exists(File2Remove2)) {

  File2Rename <- paste(file_path_sans_ext(Output_Path), ".hdr", sep = "")
  File2Rename2 <- paste(Output_Path, ".hdr", sep = "")
  if (file.exists(File2Rename)) {
    file.rename(from = File2Rename, to = File2Rename2)

  # change dot into underscore
  Output_Path_US <- file.path(
    gsub(basename(Output_Path), pattern = "[.]", replacement = "_")
  if (!Output_Path_US == Output_Path) {
    file.rename(from = Output_Path, to = Output_Path_US)

  Output_Path_US_HDR <- paste0(Output_Path_US, ".hdr")
  if (!Output_Path_US_HDR == paste0(Output_Path, ".hdr")) {
    file.rename(from = paste0(Output_Path, ".hdr"), to = Output_Path_US_HDR)
    ### UTILITY?? ###
    file.rename(from = Output_Path_US_HDR, to = Output_Path_US_HDR)

  if (!Sensor == "unknown") {
      HDR_Temp_Path <- system.file("extdata", "HDR", paste0(Sensor, ".hdr"), package = "biodivMapR")
    if (file.exists(HDR_Temp_Path)) {
      message("reading header template corresponding to the sensor located here:")
      # get raster template corresponding to the sensor
      HDR_Template <- read_ENVI_header(HDR_Temp_Path)
      # get info to update hdr file
      # read hdr
      HDR_input <- read_ENVI_header(get_HDR_name(Output_Path))
      if (!is.null(HDR_Template$wavelength)) {
        HDR_input$wavelength <- HDR_Template$wavelength
      if (!is.null(HDR_Template$`sensor type`)) {
        HDR_input$`sensor type` <- HDR_Template$`sensor type`
      if (!is.null(HDR_Template$`band names`)) {
        HDR_input$`band names` <- HDR_Template$`band names`
      if (!is.null(HDR_Template$`wavelength units`)) {
        HDR_input$`wavelength units` <- HDR_Template$`wavelength units`
      # define visual stretch in the VIS domain
      HDR_input$`default stretch` <- "0 1000 linear"
      # write corresponding hdr file
      write_ENVI_header(HDR_input, get_HDR_name(Output_Path))
    } else if (!file.exists(HDR_Temp_Path)) {
      message("Header template corresponding to the sensor expected to be found here")
      message("please provide this header template in order to write info in HDR file")
      message("or manually add wavelength location in HDR file, if relevant")
  } else if (Sensor == "unknown") {
    message("please make sure that the following header file contains information required")
    message("or manually add wavelength location in HDR file, if relevant")

#' Checks if the data to be processed has the format type expected
#' @param Raster_Path character. full path for the raster to be converted
#' @param Mask boolean. Set true if the raster is a mask
#' @return None
#' @export
check_data <- function(Raster_Path, Mask = FALSE) {
  HDR_Path <- get_HDR_name(Raster_Path)
  # check if the hdr file exists
  if (file.exists(HDR_Path)) {
    HDR <- read_ENVI_header(HDR_Path)
    if (Mask == FALSE ) {
      if (is.null(HDR$wavelength)) {
        message("No wavelength is associated to the image in the .hdr file")
        message("Please add wavelengths to the .hdr file")
        message("if you are processing multi or hyperspectral optical data")
        message(" Otherwise, make sure Continuum_Removal is set to FALSE  ")
      } else {
        if (!is.null(HDR$`wavelength units`)){
          if (HDR$`wavelength units` == "Unknown") {
            message("IF MULTI / HYPERSPECTRAL DATA: ")
            message("Please make sure the wavelengths are in nanometers")
            message("if not, stop processing and convert wavelengths in nanometers in HDR file")
          if ((!HDR$`wavelength units` == "Nanometers") & (!HDR$`wavelength units` == "nanometers") &
              (!HDR$`wavelength units` == "Micrometers") & (!HDR$`wavelength units` == "micrometers")) {
            message("IF MULTI / HYPERSPECTRAL DATA: ")
            message("Please make sure the wavelengths are in nanometers or micrometers")
            message("if not, stop processing and convert wavelengths in nanometers")
            message("or micrometers in HDR file")
        } else {
          message('wavelength units not provided in the header of the image')
          message('assuming wavelengths are expressed in nanometers')
          message('add wavelength units if you don t want to read this message anymore')
	  } else if (Mask == TRUE & HDR$bands > 1) {
      message("       Mask raster should contain only one layer         ")
      message("    Please produce a binary mask with a unique layer     ")
      message("             and value = 1 for pixels to keep            ")
  } else {
    message("The following HDR file was expected, but could not be found:")
jbferet/biodivMapR documentation built on May 1, 2024, 4:34 a.m.