
Defines functions align.plots

Documented in align.plots

#' Adapted from ggExtra package which is no longer available. This is related to
#' an experimental mlpsa plot that will combine the circular plot along with
#' the two individual distributions.
#' @param gl grid.layout
#' @param ... graphic elements to combine.
align.plots <- function(gl, ...) {
	#With ggplot2 version .9.2 these functions were removed. This is a bit of
	#a hack copying them from an older version, but seems to still work!
	ggplotGrob <- function (x) {
	gtable_gTree <- function (x, ...) {
		children <- gtable_gList(x)
		vp <- gtable_viewport(x)
		gTree(children = children, childrenvp = vp, ...)
	gtable_gList <- function (x) {
		names <- with(x$layout, paste(name, t, l, sep = "-"))
		grobs <- llply(seq_along(names), function(i) {
			editGrob(x$grobs[[i]], vp = vpPath(x$name, names[i]), 
					 name = names[i])
		do.call("gList", grobs)
	gtable_viewport <- function (x) {
		layout_vp <- viewport(layout = gtable_layout(x), name = x$name)
		vp <- function(i) {
			vp <- x$layout[i, ]
			viewport(name = paste(vp$name, vp$t, vp$l, sep = "-"), 
					 layout.pos.row = vp$t:vp$b, layout.pos.col = vp$l:vp$r, 
					 clip = vp$clip)
		children_vp <- do.call("vpList", llply(seq_along(x$grobs), 
		vpTree(layout_vp, children_vp)
	gtable_layout <- function (x) {
		grid.layout(nrow = nrow(x), heights = x$heights, ncol = ncol(x), 
					widths = x$widths, respect = x$respect)
	# Obtained from http://groups.google.com/group/ggplot2/browse_thread/thread/1b859d6b4b441c90
	# Adopted from http://ggextra.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/R/align.r
	# BUGBUG: Does not align horizontally when one has a title.
	#    There seems to be a spacer used when a title is present.  Include the
	#    size of the spacer.  Not sure how to do this yet.
	stats.row <- vector( "list", gl$nrow )
	stats.col <- vector( "list", gl$ncol )
	lstAll <- list(...)
	dots <- lapply(lstAll, function(.g) {
		ggplotGrob(.g[[1]]) })
	plottitles <- lapply(dots, function(.g) {
		if(!is.null(getGrob(.g, 'plot.title.text', grep=TRUE)))
			editGrob(getGrob(.g, "plot.title.text", grep=TRUE), vp=NULL) 
		else ggplot2:::.zeroGrob
	xtitles <- lapply(dots, function(.g) {
		#.g <- ggplotGrob(.g)
		if(!is.null(getGrob(.g, "axis.title.x.text", grep=TRUE)))
			editGrob(getGrob(.g,"axis.title.x.text",grep=TRUE), vp=NULL) 
		else ggplot2:::.zeroGrob
	xlabels <- lapply(dots, function(.g) {
		#.g <- ggplotGrob(.g)
		if(!is.null(getGrob(.g, "axis.text.x.text",grep=TRUE)))
			editGrob(getGrob(.g,"axis.text.x.text",grep=TRUE), vp=NULL) 
		else ggplot2:::.zeroGrob
	ytitles <- lapply(dots, function(.g) {
		#.g <- ggplotGrob(.g)
			editGrob(getGrob(.g,"axis.title.y.text",grep=TRUE), vp=NULL) 
		else ggplot2:::.zeroGrob
	ylabels <- lapply(dots, function(.g) {
		#.g <- ggplotGrob(.g)
			editGrob(getGrob(.g,"axis.text.y.text",grep=TRUE), vp=NULL) 
		else ggplot2:::.zeroGrob
	legends <- lapply(dots, function(.g) {
			editGrob(.g$children$legends, vp=NULL) 
		else ggplot2:::.zeroGrob
	widths.left <- mapply(`+`, e1=lapply(ytitles, grobWidth),
						  e2= lapply(ylabels, grobWidth), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
	widths.right <- lapply(legends, grobWidth)
	#  heights.top <- lapply(plottitles, grobHeight)
	heights.top <- lapply( plottitles, function(x) unit(0,"cm") )
	heights.bottom <- mapply(`+`, e1=lapply(xtitles, grobHeight), 
							 e2=lapply(xlabels, grobHeight), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
	for ( i in seq_along( lstAll ) ) {
		lstCur <- lstAll[[i]]
		# Left
		valNew <- widths.left[[ i ]]
		valOld <- stats.col[[ min(lstCur[[3]]) ]]$widths.left.max
		if ( is.null( valOld ) ) valOld <- unit( 0, "cm" )
		stats.col[[ min(lstCur[[3]]) ]]$widths.left.max <- 
			max( do.call( unit.c, list(valOld, valNew) ) )
		# Right
		valNew <- widths.right[[ i ]]
		valOld <- stats.col[[ max(lstCur[[3]]) ]]$widths.right.max
		if ( is.null( valOld ) ) valOld <- unit( 0, "cm" )
		stats.col[[ max(lstCur[[3]]) ]]$widths.right.max <- 
			max( do.call( unit.c, list(valOld, valNew) ) )
		# Top
		valNew <- heights.top[[ i ]]
		valOld <- stats.row[[ min(lstCur[[2]]) ]]$heights.top.max
		if ( is.null( valOld ) ) valOld <- unit( 0, "cm" )
		stats.row[[ min(lstCur[[2]]) ]]$heights.top.max <- 
			max( do.call( unit.c, list(valOld, valNew) ) )
		# Bottom
		valNew <- heights.bottom[[ i ]]
		valOld <- stats.row[[ max(lstCur[[2]]) ]]$heights.bottom.max
		if ( is.null( valOld ) ) valOld <- unit( 0, "cm" )
		stats.row[[ max(lstCur[[2]]) ]]$heights.bottom.max <- 
			max( do.call( unit.c, list(valOld, valNew) ) )
	for(i in seq_along(dots)){
		lstCur <- lstAll[[i]]
		nWidthLeftMax <- stats.col[[ min( lstCur[[ 3 ]] ) ]]$widths.left.max
		nWidthRightMax <- stats.col[[ max( lstCur[[ 3 ]] ) ]]$widths.right.max
		nHeightTopMax <- stats.row[[ min( lstCur[[ 2 ]] ) ]]$heights.top.max
		nHeightBottomMax <- stats.row[[ max( lstCur[[ 2 ]] ) ]]$heights.bottom.max
		pushViewport( viewport( layout.pos.row=lstCur[[2]],
								layout.pos.col=lstCur[[3]], just=c("left","top") ) )
			x=unit(0, "npc") + nWidthLeftMax - widths.left[[i]],
			y=unit(0, "npc") + nHeightBottomMax - heights.bottom[[i]],
			width=unit(1, "npc") - nWidthLeftMax + widths.left[[i]] -
				nWidthRightMax + widths.right[[i]],
			height=unit(1, "npc") - nHeightBottomMax + heights.bottom[[i]] -
				nHeightTopMax + heights.top[[i]],
jbryer/retention documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:03 p.m.