
#Functions used for fitting JADE at a series of gammas based on a fit with gamma=0
#Run the full path sequentially
#This is now preferred as of Dec. 2014
#Modified to try to choose better range

#' Fit JADE at a sequence of gamma values without knowing much about where to start.
#' @description This function requires having previously fit the data at \code{gamma}=0. JADE will be fit
#' at a serries of \code{gamma} values The function tries to fit JADE at a series of \code{gamma}
#' values so that fits occur at evenly spaced values of \code{l1.total}.
#' @param fit0 Either a jade object or a file containing a jade object produced by fitting with \code{gamma=0}
#' @param out.file Name of a file to save the results to.
#' @param n.fits Desired number of fits along the path. Actual results may vary.
#' @param temp.file Name a temp file. If missing will use a default based on \code{out.file}.
#' This file will be deleted at the end.
#' @param max.it Maximum number of jade iterations.
#' @param max.fits Maximum number of fits.
#' @param log.gamma.minlog.gamma.max Smallest and largest values of \code{gamma} that are allowed.
#' @param restart.file Provide if restarting from a temporary file.
#' @param hard.stop Stop at \code{log.gamma.stop} regardless of if the path is done or not.
#' @return The output of this function is both returned and saved to a file. Partial results
#' are saved to a temporary file along the way. The path objects is a list with several components:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{\code{gammas}}{A list of length n of gamma values at which JADE was fit. The first element
#'  is always zero.}
#'   \item{\code{JADE_fits}}{A list of n JADE objects in the same order as \code{gammas}.}
#'   \item{\code{l1.total}}{Vector of length n giving the total L1 distance between pairs of profiles at each value of \code{gamma}}
#'   \item{\code{sep.total}}{Vector of length n giving the total number of separated sites between all pairs of profiles}
#'   \item{\code{sep}}{List of lists of matrices giving the pairwise separation
#'   between profiles. sep[[i]][[j-i]] is a \eqn{p \times n} matrix which describes the
#'   separation between profiles for group i and group j.}
#'   \item{\code{tol}}{The tolerance at which the seaparation in \code{sep.total} and \code{sep}
#'   were calculated}
#' }
#' @export
jade_path <- function(n.fits, out.file, fit0 = NULL, temp.file=NULL,
                            max.it=10000, log.gamma.min=-3, log.gamma.max=20,
                            start.step=0.03, tol=1e-3, max.fits= 10*n.fits,
                            buffer=0.001, restart.file=NULL, verbose=TRUE,

  if(is.null(restart.file) & is.null(fit0)) stop("Please provide either fit0 or temp.file")
    z <- unlist(strsplit(out.file, ".RData"))[1]
    temp.file <- paste(z, "_temp.RData", sep="")
	#Restarting from a temp file
			path.temp <- getobj(restart.file)
			i <- length(path.temp$JADE_fits)+1
			fit0 <- path.temp$JADE_fits[[1]]
			p <- dim(fit0$y)[1]
			K <- dim(fit0$y)[2]
			log.gammas <- log10(path.temp$gammas)
			sep <- path.temp$sep
			l1.total <- path.temp$l1.total
			l1.total0 <- l1.total[1]
			tol <- path.temp$tol
			fits <- path.temp$JADE_fits
			sep.total <- path.temp$sep.total
      converged <- path.temp$converged
      tol <- path.temp$tol
        new.gamma <- log.gammas[i]
        log.gammas <- log.gammas[-i]
			  #Find next gamma value
			  new.gamma <- find_new_gamma(l1.total, log.gammas, sep.total, n.fits,
			                              converged, start.step, tol, buffer, verbose=FALSE)
			  if(new.gamma$done) stop("Restarted but path seems to be done?")
			  l1.gap <- new.gamma$l1.gap
			  new.gamma <- new.gamma$new.gamma
      dist <- abs(log.gammas -new.gamma)
      dist[!is.finite(log.gammas) | converged==0 | l1.total > l1.total0 ] <- Inf
        closest.idx = 1
        theta0 <- fits[[closest.idx]]$fits
        closest.idx <- which.min(dist)
        theta0 <- fits[[closest.idx]]$fits
			log.gammas <- c(log.gammas, min(new.gamma, log.gamma.max))
	    fit0.file <- fit0
	    fit0 <- getobj(fit0.file)
	  sep0 <- get_sep(fit0$fits, tol)
	  #Set up for fits
	  log.gammas <- c(-Inf, log.gamma.min)

	  p <- dim(fit0$y)[1]
	  K <- dim(fit0$y)[2]
	  l1.total0 <- 0
	  sep.total0 <- sum(unlist(sep0))
	  for(j in 1:(K-1)){
	    for(l in (j+1):K){
	      l1.total0 <- l1.total0 + sum(abs(fit0$fits[,j] - fit0$fits[,l]))
	  cat("K: ", K, " p: ", p, " l1.total0: ", l1.total0, " sep.total0: ", sep.total0, "\n")

	  #Structures for path
	  sep <- list()
	  for(j in 1:(K-1)){
	    sep[[j]] <- list()
	    for(l in (j+1):K){
	      sep[[j]][[l-j]] <- matrix(NA, nrow=p, ncol=0)
	  converged <- c(TRUE)
	  l1.total <- c(l1.total0)
	  sep.total <- c(sep.total0)
	  fits <- list()
	  fits[[1]] <- fit0
	  closest.idx <- 1

	  i <- 2

	small.step.ct <- 0
	buffer.orig <- buffer
	bg.gammas <- c()
	done <- FALSE
		g <- 10^log.gammas[i]
		#cat("Gamma", g, "\n")

		fit <- jade_admm(y=fit0$y, gamma=g, pos=fit0$pos,
		                   lambda=fit0$lambda, sample.size=fit0$sample.size, ord=fit0$ord,
		                   sds=fit0$sds, fit.var=fit0$fit.var,
		                   theta0=theta0, u.alpha0=u.alpha0, u.beta0=u.beta0, rho.beta=rho.beta,
		                   rho.alpha=rho.alpha, tol=tol,  max.it=max.it,
		fits[[i]] <- fit

		#Things to keep track of: separation matrix, converged, l1.total, raw fits
		sep.total[i] <- 0
		l1.total[i] <- 0

  	for(j in 1:(K-1)){
    	for(l in (j+1):K){
				sep[[j]][[l-j]] <- cbind( sep[[j]][[l-j]], fit$sep[[j]][[l-j]])
				sep.total[i] <- sep.total[i] + sum(fit$sep[[j]][[l-j]])
				l1.total[i] <- l1.total[i] + sum(abs(fit$fits[,j] - fit$fits[,l]))
		if(verbose) cat(i, "log.gamma: ", log.gammas[i], "n rep: ", fit$n,
		                " converged: ", fit$converged, " sep.total: ", sep.total[i],
		                " l1.total: ", l1.total[i], "\n")
		converged[i] <- fit$converged
    #If not converged - go back until you are close enough to converge (experimental)
		if(!converged[i] & abs(log.gammas[closest.idx]-log.gammas[i]) >= 2*buffer & i > 6 & is.finite(log.gammas[closest.idx])){
		  bg.gammas <- c(bg.gammas, log.gammas[i])
		  new.gamma <- min(log.gammas[closest.idx], log.gammas[i]) + abs(log.gammas[closest.idx]-log.gammas[i])/2
		  cat("Backtracking: ", new.gamma, "\n")
		  while(min(abs(new.gamma-c(log.gammas[-1], bg.gammas))) < buffer/2) new.gamma <- new.gamma + buffer
		  log.gammas[i] <- new.gamma
		  l1.total[i] <- NA; sep.total[i] <- NA; converged[i] <- NA
		  for(j in 1:(K-1)){
		    for(l in (j+1):K){
		      sep[[j]][[l-j]] <-sep[[j]][[l-j]][, -i]
		}else if(!converged[i]){
		  converged[i] <- 2
		bg.gammas <- c()
		#Otherwise find the next gamma value
		new.gamma <- find_new_gamma(l1.total, log.gammas, sep.total, n.fits,
		                            converged, start.step, tol, buffer, verbose=FALSE)

		if(new.gamma$done | max(log.gammas) ==log.gamma.max | i >= max.fits){
		  if(verbose) cat("Finishing\n")
		  done <- TRUE
    l1.gap <- new.gamma$l1.gap
    new.gamma <- new.gamma$new.gamma
		#Count how many small steps we've taken. Take a big one if nesc.
		if(min(abs(log.gammas[-1]-new.gamma)) > 2*buffer| min(abs(l1.total[i]-l1.total[-i])) > l1.gap ){
		  small.step.ct <- 0
		  buffer <- buffer.orig
		  small.step.ct <- small.step.ct + 1
		#cat("small.step.ct: ", small.step.ct, " buffer: ", buffer, "\n")
		if(small.step.ct > 5 & buffer <= 1e3*buffer.orig){
		  buffer <- 10*buffer
		  small.step.ct <- 0
		#Find the fit with the closest gamma to the next value.
		#Use solutions from this fit as new theta0 value.
		dist <- abs(log.gammas -new.gamma)
		dist[!is.finite(log.gammas) | converged==0 | l1.total > 1.2*l1.total0 ] <- Inf
		  closest.idx = 1
		  theta0 <- fits[[closest.idx]]$fits
		  closest.idx <- which.min(dist)
		  theta0 <- fits[[closest.idx]]$fits
		log.gammas <- c(log.gammas, min(new.gamma, log.gamma.max))
		i <- i+1
		#cat("Next: ", log.gammas[i], " ")
		path.temp <- list("JADE_fits"=fits, "sep"=sep, "l1.total" = l1.total, "converged"=converged,
		                  "sep.total"=sep.total, "gammas"=10^(log.gammas), "tol"=tol)
		save(path.temp, file=temp.file)

	path <- list("JADE_fits"=fits, "sep"=sep, "l1.total" = l1.total, "converged"=converged,
		             #"bic"=bic[,1], "df"=bic[,2],
		             "sep.total"=sep.total, "gammas"=10^(log.gammas), "tol"=tol)

	save(path, file=out.file)
jean997/jadeTF documentation built on May 18, 2019, 11:44 p.m.