
Defines functions re_cell_type change_nonascii download_mophologies process_lhn_name capitalise_cell_type_name

Documented in capitalise_cell_type_name download_mophologies process_lhn_name

#' Capitalise cell type names
#' @description Capitalise the first two letters of the cell type names
#' @param x Cell type names
#' @param inverse If TRUE, makes the first two letters lowercase
#' @export
capitalise_cell_type_name  <- function(x, inverse = FALSE){
  f <- function(y,inverse){
      y = unlist(strsplit(y,split=""))
        y[1:2] = tolower(y[1:2])
        y[1:2] = toupper(y[1:2])

#' Get primary neurite tract name and anatomy group from cell types
#' @description Get primary neurite tract name and anatomy group from cell types
#' @param x Cell type names
#' @export
process_lhn_name <- function(x) {
  res=stringr::str_match(x, "([AP][DV][1-9][0-9]{0,1})([a-z])([1-9][0-9]{0,2})")
  df=data.frame(pnt=res[,2], anatomy.group=paste0(res[,2], res[,3]), cell.type=res[,1],stringsAsFactors = F)
  isna=is.na(res[,2]) | is.na(res[,3])

#' Download neuronal skeletons and associated meta-data
#' @description Download neuronal morphologies as SWC files, compressed into a .zip file along with a CSV for their meta-data
#' @param nl the neuronlist to download
#' @param dir directory to which to download data
#' @param format unique abbreviation of one of the registered file formats for neurons including 'swc', 'hxlineset', 'hxskel'
#' @param subdir string naming field in neuron that specifies a subdirectory OR expression to evaluate in the context of neuronlist's df attribute
#' @param INDICES character vector or expression specifying output filenames. See examples and nat::write.neuron for details
#' @param files character vector or expression specifying output filenames. See examples and nat::write.neuron for details
#' @param Force whether to overwrite an existing file
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to nat::write.neuron
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils zip
downloadskeletons <- function (nl, dir, format = "swc", subdir = NULL, INDICES = names(nl), files = NULL, Force = FALSE, ...){
  if (grepl("\\.zip", dir)) {
    zip_file = dir
    if (file.exists(zip_file)) {
      if (!Force)
        stop("Zip file: ", zip_file, "already exists")
    zip_dir = tools::file_path_as_absolute(dirname(zip_file))
    zip_file = file.path(zip_dir, basename(zip_file))
    dir <- file.path(tempfile("user_neurons"))
  } else {
    zip_file = NULL
  if (!file.exists(dir)){
  df = attr(nl, "df")
  ee = substitute(subdir)
  subdirs = NULL
  if (!is.null(ee) && !is.character(ee)) {
    if (!is.null(df))
      df = df[INDICES, ]
    subdirs = file.path(dir, eval(ee, df, parent.frame()))
    names(subdirs) = INDICES
  ff = substitute(files)
  if (!is.null(ff)) {
    if (!is.character(ff))
      files = eval(ff, df, parent.frame())
    if (is.null(names(files)))
      names(files) = INDICES
  written = structure(rep("", length(INDICES)+1), .Names = c(INDICES,"metadata"))
  for (nn in INDICES) {
    n = nl[[nn]]
    thisdir = dir
    if (is.null(subdirs)) {
      if (!is.null(subdir)) {
        propval = n[[subdir]]
        if (!is.null(propval))
          thisdir = file.path(dir, propval)
    else {
      thisdir = subdirs[nn]
    if (!file.exists(thisdir))
      dir.create(thisdir, recursive = TRUE)
    written[nn] = write.neuron(n, dir = thisdir, file = files[nn],
                               format = format, Force = Force)
  # Save metadata
  utils::write.csv(df,file = paste0(dir,"/neurons_metadata.csv"),row.names = FALSE)
  written["metadata"] = paste0(dir,"_metadata.csv")
  if (!is.null(zip_file)) {
    owd = setwd(dir)
    zip(zip_file, files = dir(dir, recursive = TRUE))
    unlink(dir, recursive = TRUE)
    written <- zip_file

#' Download all the LH neuronal skeletons in this package
#' @description Download all the neurons in the LH library as SWC files, compressed into a .zip
#' @param dir path to directory into which to download the LH library
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{nat::write.neuron}
#' @export
download_mophologies <- function(dir = paste0(getwd(),"/"),...){
  file = paste0(dir,"LH_library.zip")
  most.lhins.pnt  = lhns::most.lhins
  most.lhins.pnt[,"pnt"] = lhns::most.lhins[,"tract"]
  neurons = c(lhns::most.lhns,lhns::lh.fafb,most.lhins.pnt)
  attr(neurons,"df") = neurons[,c("cell.type", "anatomy.group", "pnt", "tract","type", "skeleton.type", "coreLH", "id")]
  neurons[,"skeleton.type_pnt"] = paste0(neurons[,"skeleton.type"],"_",neurons[,"pnt"])
  downloadskeletons(neurons,dir = file,subdir = neurons[,]$skeleton.type_pnt,format="swc",files = paste0(neurons[,]$cell.type,"_",neurons[,]$id),Force = TRUE, ...)

# hidden
change_nonascii <- function(df){
  df.orig = df
  df =  t(apply(df.orig,1, function(r) stringi::stri_trans_general(r,"latin-ascii")))
  df = as.data.frame(df)
  colnames(df) = colnames(df.orig)
  rownames(df) = rownames(df.orig)

# hidden
## Re-name Frechter et al. names, based on hemibrain naming and matching
re_cell_type <-function(df, lhn = TRUE, hemibrain_lhns = lhns::hemibrain_lhns){

  # Stop if no IDs
  if(is.null(df$id) & is.null(df$file) & is.null(df$cell)){
    stop("Data frame must have id column")

  # Get matches
  lm.matches = hemibrainr::lm_matches()
  lm.matches = subset(lm.matches, ! lm.matches$quality %in% c("none","n"))
  lm.matches.1 = subset(lm.matches, lm.matches$dataset == "lm")
  lm.matches.2 = subset(lm.matches, lm.matches$dataset == "hemibrain")
  in.other = setdiff(lm.matches.2$match, lm.matches.1$id)
  in.other = in.other[in.other!="none"]
    warning("Matched LM IDs unmathed in LM Gsheet: ", paste(in.other,sollapse = ", "))

  # Which IDs to consider
  nams = rownames(df)
  ids = as.character(lm.matches.1$id[toupper(lm.matches.1$id)%in%toupper(nams)])
  mids = match(toupper(ids),toupper(nams))

  # Record old cell type
    df$frechter.cell.type = df$cell.type
    df$cell.type = df$anatomy.group
    df$frechter.cell.type =  df$anatomy.group

  # Record new
  df$cell.type[mids] = lm.matches.1[ids,"cell.type"]
  notfound = is.na(df$cell.type) | df$cell.type=="uncertain"
  notfound[is.na(notfound)] = TRUE
  df$cell.type[notfound] = NA # type not found, have NA

  # Process the rest of the name
  df$connectivity.type = df$hemibrain.match = df$hemibrain.match.quality = "uncertain"
  df$connectivity.type[mids] = lm.matches.1[ids,"connectivity.type"]
  df$hemibrain.match[mids] = lm.matches.1[ids,"match"]
  df$hemibrain.match.quality[mids] = lm.matches.1[ids,"quality"]
  df$classic.transmitter = hemibrain_lhns[as.character(df$hemibrain.match),"classic.transmitter"]
  df$ct.layer = hemibrain_lhns[as.character(df$hemibrain.match),"ct.layer"]
  df$name.change = !gsub("LH","",df$cell.type)==gsub("LH","",df$frechter.cell.type)

  # Use old name if not new one
  df$cell.type[is.na(df$cell.type)] = df$frechter.cell.type[is.na(df$cell.type)]

  # Name
    lh = grepl("^LH",df$cell.type)
    df[lh,"cell.type"] = capitalise_cell_type_name(df[lh,"cell.type"])
    df[lh,"pnt"] = process_lhn_name(df[lh,"cell.type"])$pnt
    df[lh,"anatomy.group"] = process_lhn_name(df[lh,"cell.type"])$anatomy.group
    for(i in 1:nrow(df)){
        df[i,"pnt"] = hemibrain_lhns[as.character(df[i,"hemibrain.match"]),"pnt"]

jefferislab/lhns documentation built on Aug. 20, 2020, 10:10 p.m.