Man pages for jeffkimbrel/jakR
jakR Miscellaneous Scripts

all_are_valid_colorsCheck if a string contains valid color strings
drep_extractExtract dRep genome results
expand_named_paletteExpanded Color Palette with Names
fastq_filter_summary_ampliconSummarize a file in amplicon mode
fastq_filter_summary_metaSummarize a file in metagenome mode
fastq_info_summarySummarize a fastq_info file
format_dtFormat DT Datatable
get_alpha_diversityAlpha-Diversity Measures
getAlphaDiversityAlpha-Diversity Measures (deprecated)
get_fts_intervalsGet intervals for a run_fts() dataframe
get_phylo_diversityPhylogenetic Diversity Measures
getPhyloDiversityPhylogenetic Diversity Measures (deprecated)
gt_themeWeb theme for GT
jak_palettesColor Palettes
jak_themeJAK ggplot theme
jak_theme_blackJAK ggplot theme
orthofinder_complete_clustersSummarize single copy and orthogroups found in all
orthofinder_summarySummarize an orthofinder TSV file
pairwiseAdonisCalculate Total and Pairwise Adonis Values
palette_jakA full-service color palette creator
permanovaPermanova (adonis) and visualization
phylo_otherCombine low-abundant taxa into a single category
plot_distancesBoxplot of Beta-diversity Distances
plotDistancesplotDistances() (deprecated)
plot_fts_intervalsPlot intervals for a run_fts() dataframe
plot_fts_pointsPlot points for a run_fts() dataframe
plotPDPlot Faith's PD
seqtab_statsExtract DADA2 seqtab statistics
show_all_color_palettesShow all color palettes in the jak_palettes object
sigCombineCombine DESeq sigtab contrasts
summarySECalculate Error Bars on a Dataframe
zeroOTUSets ASV abundance values below x to zero
jeffkimbrel/jakR documentation built on April 6, 2024, 8:48 p.m.