
Defines functions mod_cladeAnnotator_server mod_cladeAnnotator_ui

Documented in mod_cladeAnnotator_server mod_cladeAnnotator_ui

#' cladeAnnotator Function
#' @title   mod_cladeAnnotator_ui and mod_cladeAnnotator_server
#' @description  A shiny Module. This module allows the user to add or
#' remove annotations and checks for overlap between those annotations and
#' allows the addition of the heatmap. This module contains 5 functions at the 
#' end of the script that are used within (create_tip_list, make_layer,
#' add_map, add_annotations, and current_tree_out). These functions allow the
#' placement of annotations for all selected tips. This module also contains one
#' function in the golem_utils_server file (snp_anno), which gets the snps
#' for the selected tips. 
#' @rdname mod_cladeAnnotator
#' @param id shiny id
#' @param input internal
#' @param output internal
#' @param session internal
#' @param mFileMatOut - from dataDisplay module; is a dataframe
#' @param make_tree_out - from dataDisplay module; class of ggtree, gg, ggplot2 
#' @param add_tree - from pushButtons module; is an action button (Y or N)
#' @param add_anno - from pushButtons module; is an action button (Y or N)
#' @param remove_anno - from pushButtons module; is an action button (Y or N)
#' @param add_heatmap - from pushButtons module; is an action button (Y or N)
#' @param remove_heatmap - from pushButtons module; is an action button (Y or N)
#' @param geneObjectForSNP - from upload/example Data module. Is a tibble
#' @param label_off- from paramsTree module; this is numeric input from user
#' @param lab_color - from paramsTree; select input from user (multiple choice)
#' @param mat_off - from paramsTree module; this is numeric input from user
#' @param heat_color - from paramsTree; select input from user (multiple choice)
#' @param anno_text - from paramsTree; user input text (blank or any word)
#' @param median_text - from paramsTree; user input text (blank or any word)
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @importFrom shiny NS tagList
#' @importFrom ape as.phylo
#' @importFrom ggtree geom_cladelabel
#' @importFrom ggtree gheatmap
#' @importFrom stats median
mod_cladeAnnotator_ui <- function(id) {
  ns <- NS(id)
    plotOutput(ns("tree_display"), brush = ns("plot_brush"))

#' cladeAnnotator Server Function
#' @rdname mod_cladeAnnotator
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
mod_cladeAnnotator_server <-
  function(input, output, session, mFileMatOut, make_tree_out, add_tree,
           add_anno, remove_anno, add_heatmap, remove_heatmap, geneObjectForSNP,
           label_off, lab_color, mat_off, heat_col, anno_text, median_text) {

    ns <- session$ns

    #mFileMatOut - from dataDisplay module; is a dataframe
    #make_tree_out - from dataDisplay module; class of ggtree, gg, ggplot2
    #add_tree - from pushButtons module; is an action button (Y or N)
    #add_anno - from pushButtons module; is an action button (Y or N)
    #remove_anno - from pushButtons module; is an action button (Y or N)
    #add_heatmap - from pushButtons module; is an action button (Y or N)
    #remove_heatmap - from pushButtons module; is an action button (Y or N)
    #geneObjectForSNP - from upload/example Data module. Is a tibble
    #label_off- from paramsTree module; this is numeric input from user
    #lab_color - from paramsTree; select input from user (multiple choice)
    #mat_off - from paramsTree module; this is numeric input from user
    #heat_color - from paramsTree; select input from user (multiple choice)
    #anno_text - from paramsTree; user input text (can be blank or any word)
    #median_text - from paramsTree; user input text (can be blank or any word)

    # Initialize a reactive value and set to zero (count) and empty lists for
    #tip vector input and show map functionality. By placing these reactive
    #values into a function, we can use that function in a try catch for
    #allowing the user to not care about switching between already annotated
    #trees in the exmaple data tab.

    initialize_r_values <- function() {
      Values[["n"]]   <- 0
      Values[["tip_vec"]] <- list()
      Values[["show_map"]] <- 0

    Values <- reactiveValues()

    #reactive that holds the brushed points on a plot
    data_with_selection <- reactive({
      brushedPoints(make_tree_out()$data, input$plot_brush)

    #add label to tipVector if isTip == True; so subsets the data
    #and don't include selections which have zero or one tip, because
    #this can not draw an annotation
    data_with_selection_subset <- eventReactive(input$plot_brush, {
      label <- NULL
      if (length(data_with_selection()$label) == 0 |
          length(data_with_selection()$label) == 1) {

      tip_vector <- c()
      for (i in 1:length(data_with_selection()$label)) {
        if (data_with_selection()$isTip[i] == TRUE)
          tip_vector <- c(tip_vector, data_with_selection()$label[i])

    #displays the tree plot, uses output from the displayTree module
    observeEvent(add_tree(), {
      output$tree_display <- renderPlot({
        g <- make_tree_out()

    #display that user-brushed layer onto the tree
    observeEvent(add_anno(), {
      #both if statements (if and the else if) acts as a control for if the user
      #accidentally presses the add_anno button without the file loaded or
      #if there is no selected data in the data_with_selection_subset (a blank
      if (is.null(data_with_selection_subset())) {


      } else if (!is.null(geneObjectForSNP())) {

        #increase the reactive by 1
        Values[["n"]] <- Values[["n"]] + 1

        #add the tip vector (aka label) to the annotation reactive value
        #which is called Values[["tip_vec]]. The paste0 basically allows the
        #brushed tips to be placed together in lists (tips1, tips2, tips3, etc)
        Values[["tip_vec"]][[paste0("tips", Values[["n"]])]] <-

      #add to variable called tips; from the function create_tip_list
      tips <- create_tip_list()

      #render the plot using tips, make_tree_out reactive and if there is the
      #heatmap. The make_tree_out reactive allows for tree viz parameters
      #to still be changed reactively even with the placement of either
      #annotations or heatmap
      output$tree_display <- renderPlot({
        add_map(tree = add_annotations(tree_plot = make_tree_out(),
                                       tip_vector_in =  tips),
                metaFile = mFileMatOut())

    # remove the annotations one by one, when number of values equals one,
    #then display tree without annotations.
    observeEvent(remove_anno(), {

      ##if there is no selected data in the data_with_selection_subset (a blank
      #tibble) don't do anything.
      if (is.null(geneObjectForSNP())) {


      } else if (Values[["n"]] > 0) {

        #increment by -1 the values[["n"]] reactive

        Values[["n"]] <- Values[["n"]] - 1

        #assign tips in the Values[["tip_vec"]] to a temp place holder
        temp_tip <- Values[["tip_vec"]]

        #remove the last set of tips that the user selected
        Values[["tip_vec"]] <- temp_tip[-length(temp_tip)]

      tips <- create_tip_list()

      output$tree_display <- renderPlot({
        add_map(tree = add_annotations(tree_plot = make_tree_out(),
                                       tip_vector_in =  tips),
                metaFile = mFileMatOut())

    #allow user to add a heatmap to a tree; changes show_map to the value of 1
    observeEvent(add_heatmap(), {

      #both if statements (if and the else if) acts as a control for if the user
      #accidentally presses the add heatmap button without the file loaded and
      #only allow heatmap to be plotted if ncol > 0, which it should if user
      #includes a third column in the meta data file.
      if (is.null(mFileMatOut())) {


      } else if (ncol(mFileMatOut() > 0)) {

        #display that layer onto the tree; as Values[["show_map"]] > 0 is a
        #requirement of add_map function
        Values[["show_map"]] <-  1
        output$tree_display <- renderPlot({

          #render the plot using the  current_tree_out function defined below

      } else {

    #as above with add heatmap but this allows the removal of the heatmap by
    #setting show_map to 0
    observeEvent(remove_heatmap(), {

      #display that layer onto the tree
      Values[["show_map"]] <-  0
      output$tree_display <- renderPlot({

    ## cladeAnnotator server functions ##

    #function to create the tip list. list apply over the counter('n') and
    #paste the values in the tip vector (Values[["tip_vec"]]) to the
    #variable tips
    create_tip_list <- function() {
      tips <- c()
      if (Values[["n"]] < 1) {
      } else {
        tips <- lapply(1:Values[["n"]], function(i)
          Values[["tip_vec"]][[paste0("tips", i)]])

    #function to add layer, uses findMRCA to get the MRCA (node) for the
    #selected tips. The input is the base tree, user selected tips, label
    #is the bit that draws the annotation with range of snps, color and offset
    #are reactive parameters that the user can adjust
    make_layer <- function(tree, tips, label, color, offset) {
        node = phytools::findMRCA(ape::as.phylo(tree), tips),
        label = label,
        color = color,
        angle = 0,
        offset = offset

    #add map function takes in a tree and the converted meta data file.
    #only allows the inclusion of the map if the value of show_map is
    #greater than 0
    add_map <- function(tree, metaFile) {
      if (Values[["show_map"]]  > 0 & !is.null(metaFile)) {
        tree <- ggtree::gheatmap(tree,
                                 offset = mat_off(),
                                 width = 0.2,
                                 colnames_angle = 45,
                                 colnames_offset_y = -1,
                                 hjust = 0.5) +
          ggplot2::scale_fill_viridis_d(option = heat_col())

    #this functions displays the range of snps and median and adds that layer as
    #annotation. Additionally, it checks for overlap in annotations and adjusts
    #as necessary. The input is the tree and a newly brushed/highlighted region
    add_annotations <- function(tree_plot, tip_vector_in) {
      g <- tree_plot
      if (Values[["n"]] > 0) {
        #this is the i'th list, for which we are calculating the offset
        for (i in seq_along(tip_vector_in)) {
          current_tips <- Values[["tip_vec"]][[i]]

          n_overlap <- 0     # start by assuming no overlap
          if (i > 1) {         # for the first set of tips no comparisons needed
            # otherwise do comparisons

            #this is the j'th list, against which we need to compare if i
            #overlaps it
            for (j in 1:(i - 1)) {
              compare_tips <- Values[["tip_vec"]][[j]]  #tips to compare to

              # for every match, count it
              n_overlap <- n_overlap + any(current_tips %in% compare_tips)

          # set the clade label offset based on how many sets of previous tips
          #it overlaps and provide user option to adjust the position of
          #all annotations
          label_offset <- label_off() + n_overlap * 0.004

          #uses the snpAnno function to calculate the mean # of snps for
          #brushed tips
          snps <-
            snp_anno(gene_file = geneObjectForSNP(),
                     tips = current_tips)

          #generates the layer for the set of brushed tips. Trycatch here
          #will test the ability to make the layer first then if an error or
          #warning occurs the initialize reactive values function will
          #reset the counter n (Values[["n"]]), the tip vector
          #(Values[["tip_vec"]]), and show map (Values[["show_map"]]). This try
          #catch helps with the example data, so if a user just switches
          #between them with annotations drawn or added heatmap. It also helps
          #if the user uploads tree, genetic, annotates, then uploads meta data
          #In the above instance, all annotations will be lost but a cryptic
          #error message will not be produced.
          g <- tryCatch({
            g +
                tips = tip_vector_in[[i]],
                label = paste0(anno_text(), "\n",
                               paste0(min(snps), sep = ",",
                                      max(snps), "\n"),
                               paste0(median_text(), "\n"),
                color = lab_color(),
                offset = label_offset
              ) },
            warning = function(war) {
            }, error = function(err) {
              message("Unable to remember annotated clades when a meta data
                      file is added after annotation has begun")

    #function to create the tree.
    current_tree_out <- function() {
      g <- add_map(tree = add_annotations(tree_plot = make_tree_out(),
                                          tip_vector_in =  create_tip_list()),
                   metaFile = mFileMatOut())

    ## cladeAnnotator server output ##

    #reactive to send tree to downloadImage module
    tree_out <- reactive({
jennahamlin/Tinsel documentation built on Sept. 15, 2021, 9:46 a.m.