
Defines functions blip_cv_SL fitQ fit_Q nested_blip_cv_SL method.EYd method.surlog method.probloglik refit_split marginalize_V

# currently unused functions, need to reincorporate into library

# function to construct blip dataset from fold-specific fits and then conduct superlearner to learn
# the blip function while respecting the CV V is vector of covariate names testing data
# fold=folds[[1]] Y=data$Y X=data[,c('A',W,missind)] family=binomial()
# SL.library=c('SL.glm','SL.glmnet','SL.rpart','SL.mean') id=1:nrow(X) obsWeights=1
blip_cv_SL <- function(fold, Y, X, SL.library, family, obsWeights, id, V, Q_fit, g_fit, use_full = F, 
    ...) {
    v <- fold_index()
    train_idx <- training()
    valid_idx <- validation()
    if ((all.equal(train_idx, valid_idx) == T) || use_full) {
        # we're in final resubstitution call, so let's use full Q and g fits
        splitQ_fit <- Q_fit$fullFit
        splitg_fit <- g_fit$fullFit
    } else {
        # split specific Super Learners
        splitQ_fit <- Q_fit$foldFits[[v]]
        splitg_fit <- g_fit$foldFits[[v]]
    # split specific estimates
    QAW <- predict(splitQ_fit, newdata = X)$pred
    new.data <- X
    new.data$A <- 0
    Q0W <- predict(splitQ_fit, newdata = new.data)$pred
    new.data$A <- 1
    Q1W <- predict(splitQ_fit, newdata = new.data)$pred
    # we don't want A in X from here on out glmnet gets picky if there's extra columns in the data
    A <- X$A
    X$A <- NULL
    pA1 <- predict(splitg_fit, X)$pred
    # split specific blip, class, and weights
    D1 <- (A/pA1 - (1 - A)/(1 - pA1)) * (Y - QAW) + Q1W - Q0W
    Z <- as.numeric(D1 < 0)
    K <- as.vector(abs(D1))  #D1 is a matrix somehow
    # should probably be more careful with obsWeights here fit split-specific blip based on
    # split-specific Q and g
    cv_SL(fold, Z, X[, V, drop = F], SL.library, family, obsWeights * K, id, ...)
    # cv_SL(fold, D1, X[,V,drop=F], SL.library, family, obsWeights, id, ...)

fitQ <- function(folds = folds, Y, X, SL.library = Qlibrary) {
    origami_SuperLearner(folds = folds, Y, X, family = binomial(), SL.library = SL.library, cts.num = 5, 
        nfolds = 5)

fit_Q <- function(data, folds, nodes, verbose, ...) {
    # fit Q and g
    message_verbose("Fitting Q", 1, verbose)
    # todo: add support for continuous Y
    Q_fit <- origami_SuperLearner(folds = folds, data[, nodes$Ynode], data[, c(nodes$Anode, nodes$Wnodes)], 
        family = binomial(), SL.library = SL.library$Q, cts.num = 5, .parallel = parallel, method = method.NNloglik(), 
        control = list(trimLogit = 1e-05))
    Q_fit <- drop_zero_learners(Q_fit)

# fully fits Q and g SLs in each fold of rule SL
nested_blip_cv_SL <- function(fold, Y, X, SL.library, family, obsWeights, id, V, fitQ, fitg, ...) {
    v <- fold_index()
    train_idx <- training()
    valid_idx <- validation()
    trainX <- training(X)
    trainY <- training(Y)
    AYstrata <- sprintf("%s %s", trainX$A, trainY)
    nestfolds <- make_folds(strata_ids = AYstrata, V = 10)
    splitQ_fit <- fitQ(nestfolds, trainY, trainX)
    splitg_fit <- fitg(nestfolds, trainX)
    # split specific estimates
    QAW <- predict(splitQ_fit, newdata = X)$pred
    new.data <- X
    new.data$A <- 0
    Q0W <- predict(splitQ_fit, newdata = new.data)$pred
    new.data$A <- 1
    Q1W <- predict(splitQ_fit, newdata = new.data)$pred
    # we don't want A in X from here on out glmnet gets picky if there's extra columns in the data
    A <- X$A
    X$A <- NULL
    pA1 <- predict(splitg_fit, X)$pred
    # split specific blip, class, and weights
    D1 <- (A/pA1 - (1 - A)/(1 - pA1)) * (Y - QAW) + Q1W - Q0W
    Z <- as.numeric(D1 < 0)
    K <- as.vector(abs(D1))  #D1 is a matrix somehow
    # should probably be more careful with obsWeights here fit split-specific blip based on
    # split-specific Q and g
    cv_SL(fold, Z, X[, V, drop = F], SL.library, family, obsWeights * K, id, ...)
    # cv_SL(fold, D1, X[,V,drop=F], SL.library, family, obsWeights, id, ...)

# directly optimize the rule performance (estimated using cv-tmle)
#' @export
method.EYd <- function(nuisance_preds) {
    out <- list(require = NULL, computeCoef = function(Z, Y, libraryNames, verbose, obsWeights, ...) {
        A_vals <- vals_from_factor(nuisance_preds$A)
        EYd_alpha <- function(alpha) {
            alpha <- normalize(alpha)
            dV <- A_vals[dV_from_preds(mn_pred(alpha, Z))]
            # -1 * nA * mean(factor_to_indicators(dV) * nuisance_preds$DR) #DR-IPCW
            -1 * rule_tmle(nuisance_preds$A, nuisance_preds$Y, nuisance_preds$pA, nuisance_preds$QaW, 
        num_alg <- dim(Z)[3]
        cvRisk <- sapply(seq_len(num_alg), function(i) {
            alpha <- rep(0, num_alg)
            alpha[i] <- 1
        names(cvRisk) <- libraryNames
        starts <- simplex.sample(num_alg, 30)$samples
        start_risk <- apply(starts, 1, EYd_alpha)
        optim_init <- starts[which.min(start_risk), ]
        # optimize starting in that neighborhood
        n <- dim(Z)[1]
        fit <- nloptr(x0 = optim_init, eval_f = EYd_alpha, lb = rep(0, num_alg), opts = list(algorithm = "NLOPT_LN_SBPLX", 
            ftol_rel = 1/n, maxeval = n))
        coef <- normalize(fit$solution)
        names(coef) <- libraryNames
        out <- list(cvRisk = cvRisk, coef = coef)
    }, computePred = function(predY, coef, ...) {
        out <- mn_pred(coef, predY)

# alex's log loss for weighted classification based opt tx approach
#' @export
method.surlog <- function() {
    out <- list(require = NULL, computeCoef = function(Z, Y, libraryNames, verbose, obsWeights, ...) {
        surlog <- function(wgts, Y, preds) {
            mean(wgts * (-plogis((2 * Y - 1) * (preds), log.p = TRUE)))
        # cvRisk <- apply(Z, 2, function(x) { -mean(obsWeights * ifelse(Y, log(x), log(1 - x))) })
        preds <- Z - 1/2
        wgts <- obsWeights
        cvRisk <- apply(preds, 2, function(x) {
            surlog(wgts, Y, x)
        names(cvRisk) <- libraryNames
        risk.fun <- function(b) {
            surlog(wgts, Y, c(preds %*% cbind(b)))
        num.alg <- ncol(preds)
        if (num.alg == 1) {
            coef <- 1
        } else {
            init <- rep(1/num.alg, num.alg)
            alpha.out <- optim(init, risk.fun, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = rep(0, num.alg), upper = rep(1, 
            coef <- (alpha.out/sum(alpha.out))
        out <- list(cvRisk = cvRisk, coef = coef)
    }, computePred = function(predY, coef, ...) {
        out <- predY %*% coef

method.probloglik <- function() {
    out <- list(require = NULL, computeCoef = function(Z, Y, libraryNames, verbose, obsWeights, control, 
        ...) {
        cvRisk <- apply(Z, 2, function(x) {
            -mean(obsWeights * ifelse(Y, log(x), log(1 - x)))
        names(cvRisk) <- libraryNames
        .NNloglik <- function(x, y, wt, start = rep(0, ncol(x))) {
            fmin <- function(beta, X, y, w) {
                p <- plogis(crossprod(t(X), beta))
                -sum(2 * w * (y * log(p) + (1 - y) * log(1 - p)))
            gmin <- function(beta, X, y, w) {
                eta <- X %*% beta
                p <- plogis(eta)
                -2 * t(w * dlogis(eta) * (y/p - (1 - y)/(1 - p))) %*% X
            fit <- optim(start, fmin, gmin, X = x, y = y, w = wt, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = 0, ...)
        tempZ <- trimLogit(Z, trim = control$trimLogit)
        fit.nnloglik <- .NNloglik(x = tempZ, y = Y, wt = obsWeights)
        if (verbose) {
            message(paste("Non-Negative log-likelihood convergence: ", fit.nnloglik$convergence == 
        initCoef <- fit.nnloglik$par
        initCoef[initCoef < 0] <- 0
        initCoef[is.na(initCoef)] <- 0
        if (sum(initCoef) > 0) {
            coef <- initCoef/sum(initCoef)
        } else {
            warning("All algorithms have zero weight", call. = FALSE)
            coef <- initCoef
        out <- list(cvRisk = cvRisk, coef = coef)
    }, computePred = function(predY, coef, control, ...) {
        out <- plogis(crossprod(t(trimLogit(predY, trim = control$trimLogit)), coef))

refit_split <- function(fold, fit, ...) {
    Z <- fit$Z
    Y <- fit$valY
    weights <- fit$valWeights
    train_Z <- index_dim(Z, training())
    train_Y <- training(Y)
    train_weights <- training(weights)
    valid_index <- validation()
    valid_Y <- validation(fit$valY)
    valid_Z <- index_dim(Z, valid_index)
    coef <- fit$fullFit$method$computeCoef(train_Z, train_Y, names(fit$cvRisk), T, obsWeights = train_weights, 
    pred <- fit$fullFit$method$computePred(valid_Z, coef)
    fit$coef <- coef
    fit$fullFit$coef <- coef
    for (i in 1:length(fit$foldFits)) {
        fit$foldFits[[i]]$coef <- coef
    return(list(fit = list(fit), pred = pred, valid_index = valid_index))

marginalize_V <- function() {
    V <- 1
    newdata <- data[, Vnodes]
    fit <- fits$rule_fit$QaV_fit
    dropV <- newdata[, -V, drop = F]
    V <- newdata[, V, drop = F]
    Rprof(tmp <- tempfile())
    test <- ldply(1:1, function(row) {
        combined <- merge(dropV[row, ], V)
        preds <- predict(fit, newdata = combined)$pred
    # allnew=merge(newdata[,V,drop=F],newdata[,-V])
jeremyrcoyle/opttx documentation built on May 19, 2019, 5:08 a.m.