
Defines functions model.frame.logitr model.matrix.logitr confint.logitr residuals.logitr fitted.logitr getCovarianceRobust getCovarianceNonRobust vcov.logitr se.logitr se getExitMessage getModelRun getModelSpace getModelType getRandParSummary getStatTable getCoefTable getModelInfoTable print.summary.logitr coef.summary.logitr coef.logitr terms.logitr logLik.logitr

Documented in coef.logitr coef.summary.logitr confint.logitr fitted.logitr logLik.logitr model.frame.logitr model.matrix.logitr print.summary.logitr residuals.logitr se se.logitr terms.logitr vcov.logitr

#' Methods for logitr objects
#' Miscellaneous methods for `logitr` class objects.
#' @name miscmethods.logitr
#' @aliases logLik.logitr terms.logitr coef.logitr coef.summary.logitr
#' summary.logitr print.logitr print.summary.logitr
#' @param x is an object of class `logitr`.
#' @param object is an object of class `logitr` (a model estimated using
#' the 'logitr()` function).
#' @param digits the number of digits for printing, defaults to `3`.
#' @param width the width of the printing.
#' @param ... further arguments.
#' @rdname miscmethods.logitr
#' @export
logLik.logitr <- function(object, ...) {
    df    = object$n$pars,
    null  = sum(object$freq * log(object$freq / object$n$obs)),
    class = "logLik"

#' @rdname miscmethods.logitr
#' @export
terms.logitr <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname miscmethods.logitr
#' @export
coef.logitr <- function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname miscmethods.logitr
#' @method coef summary.logitr
#' @export
coef.summary.logitr <- function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname miscmethods.logitr
#' @export
summary.logitr <- function (object, ...) {
    object$modelInfoTable <- getModelInfoTable(object)
    coefs <- stats::coef(object)
    standErr <- se(object)
    object$coefTable <- getCoefTable(coefs, standErr)
    object$statTable <- getStatTable(object)
    if (object$modelType == "mxl") {
        object$randParSummary <- getRandParSummary(object)
    class(object) <- c("summary.logitr", "logitr")

#' @rdname miscmethods.logitr
#' @export
print.logitr <- function (
  digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),
  width = getOption("width"),
) {
  cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call), "\n\n", sep = "")
  modelType <- getModelType(x)
  modelSpace <- getModelSpace(x)
  cat("A", modelType, "model estimated in the", modelSpace, "space\n\n")
  cat("Exit Status: ", x$status, ", ", getExitMessage(x), "\n\n", sep = "")
  # Print which run was "best" if a multistart was used
  if (x$n$multiStarts > 1) {
    modelRun <- getModelRun(x)
      "Results below are from run", modelRun, "multistart runs\n",
      "as it had the largest log-likelihood value\n")
  # Print coefficients & log-likelihood
  if (!any(is.na(stats::coef(x)))) {
        format(x$coefficients, digits = digits), print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
  } else {
    cat("No coefficients\n")

#' @rdname miscmethods.logitr
#' @method print summary.logitr
#' @export
print.summary.logitr <- function(
  digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),
  width = getOption("width"),
) {
  cat("=================================================", "\n", sep = "")
  if (is.null(x$date)) {x$date <- "date missing"}
  if (is.null(x$version)) {x$date <- "version missing"}
  cat("\nModel estimated on:", x$date, "\n")
  cat("\nUsing logitr version:", x$version, "\n\n")
  cat("Frequencies of alternatives:\n")
  print(prop.table(x$freq), digits = digits)
  # Print multistart summary
  if (!is.null(x$multistartSummary)) {
    cat("Summary Of Multistart Runs:\n")
    cat("Use statusCodes() to view the meaning of each status code\n")
  cat("\nExit Status: ", x$status, ", ", getExitMessage(x), "\n", sep = "")
  cat("Model Coefficients:", "\n")
  stats::printCoefmat(x$coefTable, digits = digits)
  if (x$modelType == "mxl") {
      cat("Summary of 10k Draws for Random Coefficients:", "\n")

getModelInfoTable <- function(object) {
  modelType <- getModelType(object)
  modelSpace <- getModelSpace(object)
  modelRun <- getModelRun(object)
  modelTime <- convertTime(object$time)
  algorithm <- object$options$algorithm
  modelInfoTable <- data.frame(c(
    modelType, modelSpace, modelRun, object$iterations,
    modelTime, algorithm, object$weightsUsed
  colnames(modelInfoTable) <- ""
  row.names(modelInfoTable) <- c(
    "Model Type:", "Model Space:", "Model Run:", "Iterations:",
    "Elapsed Time:", "Algorithm:", "Weights Used?:"
  panelID <- object$inputs$panelID
  if (!is.null(panelID)) {
    modelInfoTable <- rbind(modelInfoTable, panelID)
    row.names(modelInfoTable)[nrow(modelInfoTable)] <- "Panel ID:"
  if (!is.null(object$n$clusters)) {
    if (object$n$clusters > 0) {
      modelInfoTable <- rbind(modelInfoTable, object$inputs$clusterID)
      row.names(modelInfoTable)[nrow(modelInfoTable)] <- "Cluster ID:"
  robust <- object$inputs$robust
  if (!is.null(robust)) {
    modelInfoTable <- rbind(modelInfoTable, robust)
    row.names(modelInfoTable)[nrow(modelInfoTable)] <- "Robust?"

getCoefTable <- function(coefs, standErr) {
    z <- coefs / standErr
    p <- 2 * (1 - stats::pnorm(abs(z)))
    coefTable <- cbind(coefs, standErr, z, p)
    colnames(coefTable) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z-value", "Pr(>|z|)")

getStatTable <- function(object) {
  aic <- stats::AIC(object)
  bic <- round(log(object$n$obs) * object$n$pars - 2 * object$logLik, 4)
  mcR2 <- 1 - (object$logLik / object$nullLogLik)
  adjMcR2 <- 1 - ((object$logLik - object$n$pars) / object$nullLogLik)
  statTable <- data.frame(c(
    object$logLik, object$nullLogLik, aic, bic, mcR2, adjMcR2, object$n$obs
  colnames(statTable) <- ""
  row.names(statTable) <- c(
    "Log-Likelihood:", "Null Log-Likelihood:", "AIC:", "BIC:", "McFadden R2:",
    "Adj McFadden R2:" , "Number of Observations:")
  if (!is.null(object$n$clusters)) { # Added for backwards compatibility
    if (object$n$clusters > 0) {
      statTable <- rbind(statTable, object$n$clusters)
      row.names(statTable)[nrow(statTable)] <- "Number of Clusters"

getRandParSummary <- function(object) {
  parSetup <- object$parSetup
  parIDs <- object$parIDs
  n <- object$n
  n$draws <- 10^4
  standardDraws <- getStandardDraws(parIDs, n$draws, 'halton')
  betaDraws <- makeBetaDraws(
      stats::coef(object), parIDs, n, standardDraws, object$inputs$correlation)
  randParSummary <- apply(betaDraws, 2, summary)
  # Add names to summary
  nIDs <- parIDs$n
  lnIDs <- parIDs$ln
  cnIDs <- parIDs$cn
  distName <- rep("", length(parSetup))
  distName[nIDs] <- "normal"
  distName[lnIDs] <- "log-normal"
  distName[cnIDs] <- "zero-censored normal"
  summaryNames <- paste(names(parSetup), " (", distName, ")", sep = "")
  colnames(randParSummary) <- summaryNames
  randParSummary <- as.data.frame(t(randParSummary))
  # Set min and max values for unbounded distributions
  if (length(nIDs) > 0) {
      randParSummary[nIDs,]$Min. <- -Inf
      randParSummary[nIDs,]$Max. <- Inf
  if (length(lnIDs) > 0) {
      randParSummary[lnIDs,]$Min. <- 0
      randParSummary[lnIDs,]$Max. <- Inf
  if (length(cnIDs) > 0) {
      randParSummary[cnIDs,]$Max. <- Inf
  # Add names and drop fixed pars
  randParSummary <- randParSummary[parIDs$r,]
  row.names(randParSummary) <- names(parIDs$r)

getModelType <- function(x) {
  return(ifelse(x$modelType == "mnl", "Multinomial Logit", "Mixed Logit"))

getModelSpace <- function(x) {
    x$modelSpace == "pref", "Preference", "Willingness-to-Pay"))

getModelRun <- function(x) {
  return(paste(x$multistartNumber, "of", x$n$multiStarts))

getExitMessage <- function(x) {
  codes <- getStatusCodes()
  return(codes$message[which(codes$code == x$status)])

#' Extract standard errors
#' @param object is an object of class `logitr` (a model estimated using
#' the 'logitr()` function).
#' @param ... further arguments.
#' @export
se <- function(object, ...) {

#' Extract standard errors
#' @param object is an object of class `logitr` (a model estimated using
#' the 'logitr()` function).
#' @param ... further arguments.
#' @export
se.logitr <- function(object, ...) {

#' Calculate the variance-covariance matrix
#' Returns the variance-covariance matrix of the main parameters of a fitted
#' model object.
#' @param object is an object of class `logitr` (a model estimated using
#' the 'logitr()` function).
#' @param ... further arguments.
#' @export
vcov.logitr <- function(object, ...) {
  if (!is.null(object$vcov)) {
      # vcov was already computed during model estimation
  if (is.null(object$data$clusterID) | object$inputs$robust == FALSE) {

getCovarianceNonRobust <- function(hessian) {
  covariance <- hessian*NA
      covariance <- solve(-1*hessian)
    error = function(e) {}

getCovarianceRobust <- function(object) {
  numClusters <- object$n$clusters
  inputs <- object$inputs
  parSetup <- object$parSetup
  modelInputs <- list(
    logitFuncs = setLogitFunctions(object$modelSpace),
    evalFuncs  = setEvalFunctions(object$modelType, inputs$useAnalyticGrad),
    inputs     = inputs,
    modelType  = object$modelType,
    modelSpace = object$modelSpace,
    n          = object$n,
    parSetup   = parSetup,
    parIDs     = object$parIDs,
    panel      = !is.null(inputs$panelID),
    standardDraws = object$standardDraws,
    data_diff = makeDiffData(object$data, object$modelType)
  clusterID <- modelInputs$data_diff$clusterID
  clusters <- unique(clusterID)
  pars <- stats::coef(object)
  gradMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = numClusters, ncol = length(pars))
  for (i in seq_len(length(clusters))) {
    indices <- which(clusterID == i)
    tempMI <- getClusterModelInputs(indices, modelInputs, i)
    gradMat[i, ] <- -1 * modelInputs$evalFuncs$negGradLL(pars, tempMI)
  gradMeanMat <- repmat(matrix(colMeans(gradMat), nrow = 1), numClusters, 1)
  diffMat <- gradMat - gradMeanMat
  M <- t(diffMat) %*% diffMat
  M <- M * (numClusters / (numClusters - 1)) # small sample correction
  D <- getCovarianceNonRobust(object$hessian)
  if (any(is.na(D))) { return(D) } # If there are NAs the next line will error
  return(D %*% M %*% D)

getClusterModelInputs <- function (indices, mi, i) {
  X <- mi$data_diff$X[indices,]
  # Cast to matrix in cases where there is 1 independent variable
  if (length(indices) == 1) {
      X <- matrix(X, nrow = 1)
  mi$data_diff$X <- X
  mi$data_diff$scalePar <- mi$data_diff$scalePar[indices]
  obsID <- mi$data_diff$obsID[indices]
  unique_obsID <- unique(obsID)
  mi$data_diff$obsID <- obsID
  panelID <- mi$data_diff$panelID[unique_obsID]
  weights <- mi$data_diff$weights[unique_obsID]
  if (!is.null(panelID)) {
    weights <- mi$data_diff$weights[i]
  mi$data_diff$panelID <- panelID
  mi$data_diff$weights <- weights
  mi$data_diff$clusterID <- NULL
  if (isMxlModel(mi$parSetup)) {
    mi$partials <- makePartials(mi, mi$data_diff)
  mi$n$rowX <- nrow(X)

#' @rdname miscmethods.logitr
#' @export
print.logitr_wtp <- function (
  digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),
  width = getOption("width"),
) {
  stats::printCoefmat(x, digits = digits)

#' Extract Model Fitted Values
#' Returns fitted values from an object of class `logitr`.
#' @keywords logitr fitted fitted.values
#' @param object is an object of class `logitr` (a model estimated using
#' the 'logitr()` function).
#' @param probs Predicted probabilities for an object of class `logitr` to use
#' in computing fitted values Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param ... further arguments.
#' @return A data frame of the `obsID` and the fitted values extracted from
#' `object`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(logitr)
#' # Estimate a preference space model
#' mnl_pref <- logitr(
#'   data    = yogurt,
#'   outcome = "choice",
#'   obsID   = "obsID",
#'   pars    = c("price", "feat", "brand")
#' )
#' # Extract the fitted values from the model
#' fitted(mnl_pref)
fitted.logitr <- function(object, probs = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(probs)) {
    probs <- stats::predict(object, type = "prob")
  outcome <- object$data$outcome
  fitted <- probs[which(outcome == 1),]
  names(fitted)[which(names(fitted) == 'predicted_prob')] <- "fitted_value"

#' Extract Model Residuals
#' Returns model residuals from an object of class `logitr`.
#' @keywords logitr residuals resid
#' @param object is an object of class `logitr` (a model estimated using
#' the 'logitr()` function).
#' @param fitted Fitted values for an object of class `logitr` to use in
#' computing residuals. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param ... further arguments.
#' @return A data frame of the `obsID` and the residuals (response minus fitted
#' values) extracted from `object`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(logitr)
#' # Estimate a preference space model
#' mnl_pref <- logitr(
#'   data    = yogurt,
#'   outcome = "choice",
#'   obsID   = "obsID",
#'   pars    = c("price", "feat", "brand")
#' )
#' # Extract the residuals from the model
#' residuals(mnl_pref)
residuals.logitr <- function(object, fitted = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(fitted)) {
    fitted <- stats::fitted(object)
  reps <- table(object$data$obsID)
  residuals <- fitted[rep(seq_along(reps), reps),]
  resids <- object$data$outcome - residuals$fitted_value
  residuals$fitted_value <- NULL
  residuals$residual <- as.vector(resids)

#' Extract Model Confidence Interval
#' Returns confidence intervals from an object of class `logitr`.
#' @keywords logitr confint
#' @param object is an object of class `logitr` (a model estimated using
#' the 'logitr()` function).
#' @param parm A specification of which parameters are to be given confidence
#' intervals, either a vector of numbers or a vector of names.
#' If missing, all parameters are considered.
#' @param level The confidence level required.
#' @param ... further arguments.
#' @return A data frame of the confidence intervals of model coefficients.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(logitr)
#' # Estimate a preference space model
#' mnl_pref <- logitr(
#'   data    = yogurt,
#'   outcome = "choice",
#'   obsID   = "obsID",
#'   pars    = c("price", "feat", "brand")
#' )
#' # Compute a confidence interval
#' confint(mnl_pref)
confint.logitr <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...) {
    draws <- getUncertaintyDraws(object, numDraws = 10^4)
    lower <- (1 - level)/2
    upper <- 1 - lower
    df <- data.frame(
        lower = apply(draws, 2, function(x) fquantile(x, lower, na.rm = TRUE)),
        upper = apply(draws, 2, function(x) fquantile(x, upper, na.rm = TRUE))
    names(df) <- c(paste(lower*100, "%"), paste(upper*100, "%"))

#' Construct Design Matrices
#' Creates a design (or model) matrix, e.g., by expanding factors to a set of
#' dummy variables (depending on the contrasts) and expanding interactions
#' similarly.
#' @keywords logitr model.matrix
#' @param object an object of an appropriate class. For the default method,
#' a model `formula` or a `terms` object.
#' @param ... further arguments.
#' @return A design matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(logitr)
#' # Estimate a preference space model
#' mnl_pref <- logitr(
#'   data    = yogurt,
#'   outcome = "choice",
#'   obsID   = "obsID",
#'   pars    = c("price", "feat", "brand")
#' )
#' # Get the model.matrix design matrix
#' model.matrix(mnl_pref)
model.matrix.logitr <- function(object, ...) {

#' Extracting the Model Frame from a Formula or Fit
#' Returns a data.frame with the variables needed to use formula and
#' any `...` arguments.
#' @keywords logitr model.frame
#' @param formula a model `formula` or `terms` object or an R object.
#' @param ... further arguments.
#' @return A data.frame with the variables needed to use formula and
#' any `...` arguments.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(logitr)
#' # Estimate a preference space model
#' mnl_pref <- logitr(
#'   data    = yogurt,
#'   outcome = "choice",
#'   obsID   = "obsID",
#'   pars    = c("price", "feat", "brand")
#' )
#' # Get the model.frame data frame
#' model.frame(mnl_pref)
model.frame.logitr <- function(formula, ...) {
        data = eval(formula$call$data, envir = parent.frame())
jhelvy/logitr documentation built on July 25, 2024, 8:03 a.m.