add_regulation_type: Add regulation type for each gene pair

View source: R/scRNA1.R

add_regulation_typeR Documentation

Add regulation type for each gene pair


This function calculate the Spearman's correlation for each gene pair as the regulation types. Correlation > 0 is positive regulation, Correlation < 0 is negative regulation. Then, this function add the module and gene Symbol for Kmeans_result to each gene in the gene pairs.


add_regulation_type(Kmeans_result, potential_regulation, start_column = 4)



Kmeans result data.frame, row names should be ENSEMBEL ID, and the first column should be gene Symbol ID, the second column should be KmeansGroup


First column is source gene, second column is target gene, third column is weight. Several methods are recommended to generate potential regulation: Genin3, PIDC, GRNBOOST2


numeric, indicating the start column of expression value, defalut is 3

jiang-junyao/IReNA documentation built on May 17, 2024, 12:29 a.m.