
library(spatialHeatmap); library(ExpressionAtlas)
## Make target file/Shiny app data-human brain example.
# Select "E-GEOD-67196", which is RNA-seq data of cerebellum and frontal cortex in brain. <- '~/.cache/shm' # The path of cache.
rse.hum <- read_cache(, 'rse.hum') # Read data from cache.
if (is.null(rse.hum)) { # Save downloaded data to cache if it is not cached.
  rse.hum <- getAtlasData('E-GEOD-67196')[[1]][[1]]
  save_cache(, overwrite=TRUE, rse.hum)
# Tissue/condition metadata.
df.con <-; df.con[1:3, ]

# The matching tissues in the SVG template are "cerebellum" and "frontal_cortex" while in the expression data are "cerebellum" and "frontal cortex". The tissue names must be exactly same between the SVG and the expression matrix, so change "frontal cortex" to "frontal_cortex".
# df.con$organism_part <- sub(' ', '_', df.con$organism_part)
# Use abbreviations of the conditions ("individual", "disease", "genotype").
df.con$individual <- sub('individual', 'indi', df.con$individual)
df.con$individual <- sub('Individual ', 'indi', df.con$individual)
df.con$disease <- sub('amyotrophic lateral sclerosis', 'ALS', df.con$disease)
df.con$genotype <- sub('presence of a C9orf72 repeat expansion', 'pre.C9orf72', df.con$genotype)
df.con$genotype <- sub('absence of a C9orf72 repeat expansion', 'ab.C9orf72', df.con$genotype)
df.con$genotype <- sub('not applicable', 'NA', df.con$genotype)

target.hum <- df.con
# write.table(target.hum, 'target_human.txt', col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE, sep='\t')

colData(rse.hum) <- DataFrame(target.hum)
# Normalise.
se.nor.hum <- norm_data(data=rse.hum,'ESF', log2.trans = FALSE)

# Filter.
se.fil.hum <- filter_data(data=se.nor.hum, sam.factor='organism_part', con.factor='disease', pOA=c(0.7, 50), CV=c(0.5, 100)); se.fil.hum
# Data matrix.
# expr.hum <-

# Row metadata.
columns(; keytypes(
row.met <- select(, keys=rownames(se.fil.hum), keytype="ENSEMBL", columns=c('ENSEMBL', 'SYMBOL', 'GENENAME', 'ENTREZID'))
row.met <- row.met[!duplicated(row.met$ENSEMBL), ]
row.met$metadata <- row.met$GENENAME
# Append row metadata to data matrix.
se.fil.hum <- se.fil.hum[row.met$ENSEMBL, ]

row.met$link <- paste0('', row.met$ENSEMBL)
rowData(se.fil.hum) <- row.met[, c('metadata', 'link'), drop = FALSE]

# Convert ENSEMBL ids to Uniprot ids.
se.fil.hum <- cvt_id(db='', data=se.fil.hum,'ENSEMBL','SYMBOL')
se.fil.hum <- se.fil.hum[!grepl('^ENSG', rownames(se.fil.hum)), , drop=FALSE]
rownames(se.fil.hum) <- make.names(rownames(se.fil.hum))

cdat <- colData(se.fil.hum)
cdat$spFeature <- cdat$organism_part
cdat$organism_part <- NULL
cdat$variable <- cdat$disease
colData(se.fil.hum) <- cdat[, c(6:7, 4, 2, 5)]

df.meta <- data.frame(name=c('assay', 'aSVG file'), link=c('', ''), species=c('Mus musculus', 'Mus musculus'), technology=c('RNA-seq', 'NA'), database=c('Expression Atlas', 'EBI anatomogram'), id=c('E-GEOD-67196', 'NA'), description=c('Study on extensive alternative splicing (AS) and alternative polyadenylation (APA) defects in the cerebellum of c9ALS cases (8,224 AS, 1,437 APA), including changes in ALS-associated genes (e.g. ATXN2 and FUS), and cases of sporadic ALS (sALS; 2,229 AS, 716 APA)', 'An annotated SVG (aSVG) file.'))
metadata(se.fil.hum)$df.meta <- df.meta

# Add references.
cdat <- colData(se.fil.hum)
cdat$reference <- 'none'
cdat$reference[rownames(cdat) %in% 'cerebellum__ALS'] <- 'normal'
cdat$reference[rownames(cdat) %in% 'frontal.cortex__ALS'] <- 'normal'
colData(se.fil.hum) <- cdat[, c(1:2, 6, 3:5)]

# colnames(expr.hum) <- gsub("_", ".", colnames(expr.hum))
# write.table(expr.hum, 'expr_human.txt', col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE, sep='\t')
saveRDS(se.fil.hum, file='human_brain.rds')

## Make target file/Shiny app data-mouse organ example.

# Select "E-MTAB-2801".
rse.mus <- read_cache(, 'rse.mus') # Read data from cache.
if (is.null(rse.mus)) { # Save downloaded data to cache if it is not cached.
  rse.mus <- getAtlasData('E-MTAB-2801')[[1]][[1]]
  save_cache(, overwrite=TRUE, rse.mus)
# Tissue/condition metadata.
df.con <-; df.con[1:3, ]
df.con$organism_part <- gsub('skeletal muscle tissue', 'skeletal muscle', df.con$organism_part)
df.con$strain <- make.names(df.con$strain)

target.mus <- df.con
# write.table(target.mus, 'target_mouse.txt', col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE, sep='\t')

colData(rse.mus) <- DataFrame(target.mus)

rse.mus <- subset(rse.mus, select=colData(rse.mus)$organism_part %in% c('brain', 'lung', 'colon', 'kidney', 'liver'))

se.nor.mus <- norm_data(data=rse.mus,'ESF', log2.trans = FALSE)
se.fil.mus <- filter_data(data=se.nor.mus, sam.factor='organism_part', con.factor='strain', pOA=c(0.3, 30), CV=c(1.5, 100)); se.fil.mus
# Data matrix.
# expr.mus <-

# Row metadata.
columns(; keytypes(
row.met <- select(, keys=rownames(se.fil.mus), columns=c('ENSEMBL', 'SYMBOL', 'GENENAME'), keytype="ENSEMBL")
row.met <- row.met[!duplicated(row.met$ENSEMBL), ]
row.met$metadata <- row.met$GENENAME
row.met$GENENAME <- NULL
# Append row metadata to data matrix.
se.fil.mus <- se.fil.mus[row.met$ENSEMBL, ]

row.met$link <- paste0('', row.met$ENSEMBL)
rowData(se.fil.mus) <- row.met[, c('metadata', 'link'), drop = FALSE]
# Convert ENSEMBL ids to Uniprot ids.
se.fil.mus <- cvt_id(db='', data=se.fil.mus,'ENSEMBL','SYMBOL')
se.fil.mus <- se.fil.mus[!grepl('^ENSMUSG', rownames(se.fil.mus)), , drop=FALSE]

# Module identification.
adj.mod.mus <- adj_mod(data=se.fil.mus)
adj.mod.mus[['adj']][1:3, 1:3]
mod <- adj.mod.mus[['mod']]; mod[1:3, ]

# Place genes assigned a module on top.
idx.m0 <- mod[, '3']==0; rna.mus <- rownames(mod)
se.fil.mus <- se.fil.mus[c(rna.mus[!idx.m0], rna.mus[idx.m0]), , drop=FALSE]

# Network graphs.
nod.lin.mus <- network(ID='Cav2', data=se.fil.mus, adj.mod=adj.mod.mus, ds='3', adj.min=0.90, vertex.label.cex=0.7, vertex.cex=2, static=TRUE, return.node=TRUE)
nod.lin.mus$node[1:3, ]

# colnames(expr.mus) <- gsub("_", ".", colnames(expr.mus))
# write.table(assay(se.fil.mus), 'expr_mouse.txt', col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE, sep='\t')

se.fil.mus$spFeature <- se.fil.mus$organism_part 
se.fil.mus$organism_part <- se.fil.mus$AtlasAssayGroup <- NULL
se.fil.mus$variable <- se.fil.mus$strain
colData(se.fil.mus) <- colData(se.fil.mus)[, c(3, 4, 2, 1)]
df.meta <- data.frame(name=c('assay', 'aSVG file'), link=c('', ''), species=c('Mus musculus', 'Mus musculus'), technology=c('RNA-seq', 'NA'), database=c('Expression Atlas', 'EBI anatomogram'), id=c('E-MTAB-2801', 'NA'), description=c('This experiment contains mouse organism part samples and strand-specific RNA-seq data, which aimed at assessing tissue-specific transcriptome variation across mammals, with chicken used as an outgroup in evolutionary analyses. Each organism part (with the exception of heart) was sourced from animals from three different strains: C57BL/6, DBA/2J and CD1. (There is no data for heart from the C57BL/6 strain.)', 'An annotated SVG (aSVG) file.'))
metadata(se.fil.mus)$df.meta <- df.meta

# Add references to selected samples.
cdat <- colData(se.fil.mus); cdat$reference <- 'none'
cdat$reference[1] <- c('C57BL.6,CD1')
cdat$reference[2] <- c('C57BL.6,CD1')
cdat$reference[3] <- c('C57BL.6,CD1')
colData(se.fil.mus) <- cdat[, c(1:2, 5, 3:4)]

saveRDS(se.fil.mus, file='mouse_organ.rds')
cdat$reference[4:5] <- c('C57BL.6,CD1')

# Example reference table.
write.table(cdat[, 'reference', drop=FALSE], 'mouse_organ_reference.txt', col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE, sep='\t')

## Make target file/Shiny app data-chicken organ example.

# Select E-MTAB-6769.
rse.chk <- read_cache(, 'rse.chk') # Read data from cache.
if (is.null(rse.chk)) { # Save downloaded data to cache if it is not cached.
  rse.chk <- getAtlasData('E-MTAB-6769')[[1]][[1]]
  save_cache(, overwrite=TRUE, rse.chk)
# Tissue/condition metadata.
df.con <-; df.con[1:3, ]
df.con$age <- gsub('(.*) (.*)', '\\2\\1', df.con$age)

target.chk <- df.con
# write.table(target.chk, 'target_chicken.txt', col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE, sep='\t')

colData(rse.chk) <- DataFrame(target.chk)
se.nor.chk <- norm_data(data=rse.chk,'ESF')
# Average the tissue-condition replicates.
se.aggr.chk <- aggr_rep(data=se.nor.chk, sam.factor='organism_part', con.factor='age', aggr='mean')
se.fil.chk <- filter_data(data=se.aggr.chk, sam.factor='organism_part', con.factor='age', pOA=c(0.05, 5), CV=c(1.5, 100))
# Data matrix.
expr.chk <- assay(se.fil.chk)

# Row metadata.
columns(; keytypes(
# row.met <- select(, keys=rownames(expr.chk), columns=c('ENSEMBL', 'SYMBOL', 'GENENAME'), keytype="ENSEMBL")

# colnames(expr.chk) <- gsub("_", ".", colnames(expr.chk))
# write.table(expr.chk, 'expr_chicken.txt', col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE, sep='\t')

# Keep replicates.
colData(rse.chk) <- DataFrame(target.chk)
se.nor.chk <- norm_data(data=rse.chk,'ESF', log2.trans = FALSE)
se.fil.chk <- filter_data(data=se.nor.chk, sam.factor='organism_part', con.factor='age', pOA=c(0.3, 700), CV=c(0.5, 100)); se.fil.chk

rdat <- data.frame(link=paste0('', row.names=rownames(se.fil.chk)))
rowData(se.fil.chk) <- rdat

cdat <- colData(se.fil.chk)
cdat$spFeature <- cdat$organism_part
cdat$organism_part <- NULL
cdat$variable <- cdat$age; cdat[1:3, ]
colData(se.fil.chk) <- cdat[, c(8:9, 6, 2)]

df.meta <- data.frame(name=c('assay', 'aSVG file'), link=c('', ''), species=c('Gallus gallus', 'Gallus gallus'), technology=c('RNA-seq', 'NA'), database=c('Expression Atlas', 'EBI anatomogram'), id=c('E-MTAB-6769', 'NA'), description=c('This dataset covers the development of 7 organs (brain, cerebellum, heart, kidney, liver, ovary and testis) from day 10 post-conception to day 155 post-hatch.', 'An annotated SVG (aSVG) file.'))
metadata(se.fil.chk)$df.meta <- df.meta

# colnames(expr.hum) <- gsub("_", ".", colnames(expr.hum))
# write.table(expr.hum, 'expr_human.txt', col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE, sep='\t')
saveRDS(se.fil.chk, file='chicken_organ.rds')

# Data matrix.
# expr.chk <- assay(se.fil.chk)
# colnames(expr.chk) <- gsub("_", ".", colnames(expr.chk))
# write.table(expr.chk, 'expr_chicken.txt', col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE, sep='\t')

## Make targets file/Shiny app data for the Arabidopsis shoot example.
# Download GEO dataset GSE14502 (normalised by RMA).
gset <- read_cache(, 'gset') # Retrieve data from cache.
if (is.null(gset)) { # Save downloaded data to cache if it is not cached.
  gset <- getGEO("GSE14502", GSEMatrix=TRUE, getGPL=TRUE)[[1]]
  save_cache(, overwrite=TRUE, gset)

# Assign tissue/condition names.
se <- as(gset, "SummarizedExperiment")
se <- subset(se, rowData(se)$AGI!='')
# Targets file. <- colnames(se)
titles <- make.names(colData(se)$title)
title.factor <- sub('_rep\\d+$', '', titles)
sam <- gsub('(root|shoot)(_)(control|hypoxia)(_.*)', '\\1\\4', title.factor) 
con <- gsub('(root|shoot)(_)(control|hypoxia)(_.*)', '\\3', title.factor) 
target.geo <- data.frame(, titles=titles, row.names=2, samples=sam, conditions=con, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) 
# write.table(target.geo, 'target_arab.txt', col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE, sep='\t')

# Annotation in ath1121501.db.
library(ath1121501.db); library(genefilter)
ann <- data.frame(Locus=sapply(as.list(ath1121501ACCNUM), paste, collapse=";"), SYMBOL=sapply(as.list(ath1121501SYMBOL), paste, collapse=";"), DESC=sapply(as.list(ath1121501GENENAME), paste, collapse=";"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
ann <- subset(ann, !grepl("AFFX|s_at|a_at|x_at|r_at", rownames(ann)) & !duplicated(SYMBOL) & SYMBOL!="NA" & Locus!='NA')

# Optional: data frame for gene metadata.
mat <- assay(se); colnames(mat) <- rownames(target.geo)
int <- intersect(rownames(mat), rownames(ann))
mat <- mat[int, ]; rdat <- rowData(se)[int, ]
rownames(mat) <- rownames(rdat) <- make.names(ann[int, 'Locus']) <- SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(expr=mat), rowData=rdat, colData=target.geo)
# ffun <- filterfun(pOverA(0.03, 6), cv(0.25, 100))
# filtered <- genefilter(mat, ffun); mat <- mat[filtered, ]
# <- mat
# write.table(, 'target_arab.txt', col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE, sep='\t')

# Average the sample-condition replicates. <- aggr_rep(, sam.factor='samples', con.factor='conditions', aggr='mean') <- filter_data(, sam.factor='samples', con.factor='conditions', pOA=c(0.03, 6), CV=c(0.25, 100))
# Data matrix. <- assay(
# colnames( <- gsub("_", ".", colnames( <-, metadata=rowData([, 'Target.Description'], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# <-[c(9, 1:8, 10:230), ]
# write.table(, 'expr_arab.txt', col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE, sep='\t')

rdat <- rowData(; <- colnames(rdat)[ %in% 'Target.Description'] <- 'metadata'
colnames(rdat) <-

rdat$link <- paste0('', rdat$AGI)
rowData( <- rdat
cdat <- colData(; cdat[1:3, ]
colnames(cdat)[1] <- 'assay'
colData( <- cdat[, c(4:5)]

df.meta <- data.frame(name=c('assay', 'aSVG file'), link=c('', ''), species=c('Arabidopsis thaliana', 'Arabidopsis thaliana'), database=c('GEO', 'spatialHeatmap aSVG repo'), id=c('GSE14502', 'NA'), description=c('Transcription profiling of Arabidopsis roots and shoots in response to hypoxia using immunopurified mRNA-ribosome complexes', 'An annotated SVG (aSVG) file.'))
metadata($df.meta <- df.meta <- read_svg(system.file('extdata/shinyApp/data/arabidopsis.thaliana_shoot_shm.svg', package='spatialHeatmap'))
pat <- paste0('^', unique([, 2][[1]]$feature), collapse='|') <- subset(, , grepl(pat, spFeature))
table($spFeature) <- subset(, , !grepl('^shoot_pSultr2.2$', spFeature))
saveRDS(, file='arab_shoot.rds') <- read_svg(system.file('extdata/shinyApp/data/arabidopsis.thaliana_organ_shm.svg', package='spatialHeatmap'))
pat <- paste0('^', unique([, 2][[1]]$feature), collapse='|') <- subset(, , grepl(pat, spFeature))
saveRDS(, file='arab_organ.rds')

svg.rt <- read_svg(system.file('extdata/shinyApp/data/arabidopsis.thaliana_root.cross_shm.svg', package='spatialHeatmap'))
pat <- paste0('^', unique(svg.rt[, 2][[1]]$feature), collapse='|')
arab.rt <- subset(, , grepl(pat, spFeature))
saveRDS(arab.rt, file='arab_root.rds') <- read_svg(system.file('extdata/shinyApp/data/arabidopsis.thaliana_shoot.root_shm.svg', package='spatialHeatmap'))
pat <- paste0('^', unique([, 2][[1]]$feature), collapse='|') <- subset(, , grepl(pat, spFeature)) <-[, rev(seq_len(ncol(]
saveRDS(, file='arab_shoot_root.rds')

svg.rt.tip <- read_svg(system.file('extdata/shinyApp/data/arabidopsis.thaliana_root.roottip_shm.svg', package='spatialHeatmap'))
pat <- paste0('^', unique(svg.rt.tip[, 2][[1]]$feature), collapse='|')
arab.rt.tip <- subset(, , grepl(pat, spFeature))
saveRDS(arab.rt.tip, file='arab_root_tip.rds')

## SHM of multiple variables.
# Data source:
# Read data of 3DPI.
# dat3 <- read.table('~/Downloads/mus_time_treat/GSE163415_3DPI_samples_counts_table.txt', header=TRUE, sep='\t', row.names=NULL)
dat3 <- read.table('GSE163415_3DPI_samples_counts_table.txt', header=TRUE, sep='\t', row.names=NULL)
rownames(dat3) <- dat3$Gene; dat3 <- dat3[, -1]
cna3 <- DataFrame('rbind', strsplit(colnames(dat3), '\\.'))[, 1:4])
colnames(cna3) <- c('time', 'tissue', 'treatment', 'injury')
cna3$time <- sub('^X', '', cna3$time)
cna3 <- cna3[, c('tissue', 'time', 'treatment', 'injury')]

se3 <- SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(counts=dat3), colData=cna3)
se3$comVar <- paste(se3$time, se3$treatment, se3$injury, sep='.')
# Reduce replicates.
se3 <- se3[, seq(1, ncol(se3), 2)]

# Read data of 29DPI.
# dat29 <- read.table('~/Downloads/mus_time_treat/GSE163415_29DPI_samples_counts_table.txt', header=TRUE, sep='\t', row.names=NULL)
dat29 <- read.table('GSE163415_29DPI_samples_counts_table.txt', header=TRUE, sep='\t', row.names=NULL)
rownames(dat29) <- dat29$Gene; dat29 <- dat29[, -1]
cna29 <- DataFrame('rbind', strsplit(colnames(dat29), '\\.'))[, 1:4])
colnames(cna29) <- c('time', 'tissue', 'treatment', 'injury')
cna29$time <- sub('^X', '', cna29$time)
cna29 <- cna29[, c('tissue', 'time', 'treatment', 'injury')]

se29 <- SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(counts=dat29), colData=cna29)
se29$comVar <- paste(se29$time, se29$treatment, se29$injury, sep='.')
# Reduce replicates.
se29 <- se29[, seq(1, ncol(se29), 2)]

# Combine 3DPI and 29DPI.
se.mus.vars <- cbind(se3, se29)

se.mus.vars$tissue[grepl('Hipp', se.mus.vars$tissue)] <- 'hippocampus'
se.mus.vars$tissue[grepl('Thal', se.mus.vars$tissue)] <- 'thalamus'
se.mus.vars$tissue[grepl('Hypo', se.mus.vars$tissue)] <- 'hypothalamus'
# thalamus is not representated in mouse brain aSVG.
se.mus.vars <- subset(se.mus.vars, , tissue!='thalamus')
colnames(se.mus.vars) <- paste0('assay', seq_len(ncol(se.mus.vars)))

se.mus.vars <- cvt_id(db='', data=se.mus.vars,'SYMBOL','ENSEMBL', desc=TRUE)
rdat <- rowData(se.mus.vars)
rdat <- subset(rdat, ! & ! & !
rdat$link <- paste0('', rdat$ENSEMBL)
rdat$metadata <- rdat$desc
rdat$ <- rdat$GENENAME <- NULL
rowData(se.mus.vars) <- rdat; rownames(se.mus.vars) <- rdat$SYMBOL

# Filter raw counts.
se.mus.vars.fil <- filter_data(data=se.mus.vars, sam.factor='tissue', con.factor=NULL, pOA=c(0.05, 10), CV=c(1.5, 50)); se.mus.vars.fil
# Example data for vignette.
saveRDS(se.mus.vars.fil, file='mus_brain_vars_se.rds')
# Example data for Shiny app.
se.mus.vars.fil <- filter_data(data=se.mus.vars, sam.factor='tissue', con.factor='comVar', pOA=c(0.05, 10), CV=c(1.5, 50)); se.mus.vars.fil

cdat <- colData(se.mus.vars.fil); cdat[1:3, ]

# se.mus.vars.fil <- readRDS('../../inst/extdata/shinyApp/data/mus_brain_vars_se.rds')

df.meta <- data.frame(name=c('assay', 'aSVG file'), link=c('', ''), species=c('Mus musculus', 'Mus musculus'), database=c('GEO', 'EBI anatomogram'), id=c('GSE163415', 'NA'), description=c('Transcriptomic Analysis of mouse brain after traumatic brain injury reveals that the angiotensin receptor blocker candesartan acts through novel pathways', 'An annotated SVG (aSVG) file.'))
metadata(se.mus.vars.fil)$df.meta <- df.meta
se.mus.vars.fil <- se.mus.vars.fil[sort(rownames(se.mus.vars.fil), decreasing=TRUE), ]
# Vignette.
saveRDS(se.mus.vars.fil, file='mus_brain_vars_se.rds')

# Shiny app.
cdat <- colData(se.mus.vars.fil); cdat[1:3, ]
cdat <- cdat[, c(1, 5)]; colnames(cdat) <- c('spFeature', 'variable'); cdat[1:3, ]
colData(se.mus.vars.fil) <- cdat
saveRDS(se.mus.vars.fil, file='mus_brain_vars_se_shiny.rds')

## Toy data in help files.
# Download the chicken data.
rse.chk <- read_cache(, 'rse.chk') # Read data from cache.
if (is.null(rse.chk)) { # Save downloaded data to cache if it is not cached.
  rse.chk <- getAtlasData('E-MTAB-6769')[[1]][[1]]
  save_cache(, overwrite=TRUE, rse.chk)
# Targets file.
chk.tar <- system.file('extdata/shinyApp/data/target_chicken.txt', package='spatialHeatmap')
target.chk <- read.table(chk.tar, header=TRUE, row.names=1, sep='\t')
target.chk[1:3, ]
colData(rse.chk) <- DataFrame(target.chk)
cna <- colnames(rse.chk)
# Filter raw counts.
se.chk <- filter_data(data=rse.chk, sam.factor='organism_part', con.factor='age', pOA=c(0.05, 50), CV=c(3, 100))
count.chk <- assay(se.chk)
# Toy data1: subset 2 tissues, each under 3 times, each tissue-time has 2 replicates.
count.chk.simple <- count.chk[, grepl('brain|heart', colnames(count.chk)) & grepl('day0|day70|day155',colnames(count.chk))]
count.chk.simple <- count.chk.simple[, sort(colnames(count.chk.simple))]
count.chk.simple <- count.chk.simple[, seq(1, ncol(count.chk.simple), by=2)]
count.chk.simple[1:2, ]
write.table(count.chk.simple, 'count_chicken_simple.txt', col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE, sep='\t')

# Toy data2.
colnames(count.chk) <- cna
write.table(count.chk, 'count_chicken.txt', col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE, sep='\t')

# US map
# Data source "National, State, and Puerto Rico Commonwealth Totals Datasets: Population, population change, and estimated components of population change: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2017" (nst-est2017-alldata.csv):; "Population, population change, and estimated components of population change: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2018 (NST-EST2018-alldata)" (nst-est2018-alldata.csv):

df <- read.table("nst-est2018-alldata1.txt", header=TRUE, row.names=NULL, sep="\t", fill=TRUE); rownames(df) <- df$NAME

year <- function(year) {

  df1 <- df[, -c(1:7)]; df1 <- df1[, grep(year, colnames(df1))]
  df1 <- df1[, c(1, 3, 4, 6, 7)] 
  cna <- c("Population_estimate", "Births", "Deaths", "International_migration", "Domestic_migration"); colnames(df1) <- cna
  df2 <- df1[2:5, ]; rownames(df2) <- paste0(gsub(" ", "_", rownames(df2)), "__", year); return(t(df2))


year <- function(year) {

  df1 <- df[, -c(1:7)]
  col.idx <- !grepl("^R", colnames(df1)) & grepl(paste0(year, "$"), colnames(df1)); df1 <- df1[, col.idx]; colnames(df1) <- sub(year, "", colnames(df1)); colnames(df1) <- sub("_", "", colnames(df1))
  df2 <- df1[2:5, ]; rownames(df2) <- paste0(gsub(" ", "_", rownames(df2)), "__", year); return(t(df2)[-1, ])


y2010 <- year(2010)
y2011 <- year(2011)
y2012 <- year(2012)

all <- data.frame(y2010, y2011, y2012, Annotation=c("Numeric change in resident total population", "Births", "Deaths", "Natural increase", "Net international migration", "Net domestic migration", "Net migration"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
write.table(all, "us_population2018.txt", col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE, sep="\t")
jianhaizhang/spatialHeatmap documentation built on July 1, 2024, 12:21 a.m.