
Defines functions turboqq

Documented in turboqq

#' QQ plots
#' @param input_data_path Path of the input association data.
#' @param plot_title Plot title to be displayed on top of the plot.
#' @param plot_resolution a fixed number of points (pixels) to be plotted vertically and horizontally.
#' @export
#' @return No direct return value. The script generates QQ plots as output.
#' @details
#' The method uses the kth order statistic from a sample of n i.i.d. U(0,1) statistics has a Beta(k,n+1-k) distribution as in
#' \insertCite{quesenberry80;textual}{pQTLtools} and Coded by  Weale M, Price T.
#' \href{https://sites.google.com/site/mikeweale/software}{https://sites.google.com/site/mikeweale/software}
#' **Input association data file / input_data_path**
#' Define path of the input association data. The input data needs to be a file that has:
#' 1. Spaces as field separators.
#' 2. One header line.
#' 3. Option I. (no extreme p-values present): 3 columns, being chromosome, position, pvalue in order, column names are not important.
#'    Option II. (extreme p-values present): 5 columns, being chromosome, position, pvalue, beta, se in order, column names are not important.
#' **Plot title / plot_title**
#' Define plot title which will be displayed on top of the plot.
#' **Resolution of plot / plot_resolution**
#' Define a fixed number of points (pixels) to be plotted vertically and horizontally.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' png('test_qq.png', height = 1800, width = 1800, pointsize = 12, res = 450)
#' par(mar = c(4, 4, 3, 1))
#' require(gap.datasets)
#' test <- mhtdata[c('chr','pos','p')]
#' write.table(test,file='test.txt',row.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE)
#' input_data_path <- 'test.txt'
#' plot_title <- 'gap.datasets example'
#' turboqq(input_data_path, plot_title)
#' dev.off()
#' }
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Bram Prins, \href{https://github.com/bpprins/turboqq}{https://github.com/bpprins/turboqq}.

turboqq <- function(input_data_path, plot_title, plot_resolution = 1800) {

    # Verbose printing status bars
    fat_status_bar <- "============================================================================================================"
    skinny_status_bar <- "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

    cat("\n", fat_status_bar, "\n 1. Read in arguments from the command line\n",
        fat_status_bar, "\n\n")
    cat(paste0("  Data file path : ", input_data_path), "\n")

    # Assign variable classes
    input_data_path <- as.character(input_data_path)
    plot_title <- as.character(plot_title)

    # Reading in association plot data with scan
    cat("\n", fat_status_bar, "\n 2. Reading in association plot data with scan\n",
        fat_status_bar, "\n\n")

    initial_data_dims <- dim(as.data.frame(read.table(input_data_path, header = TRUE,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE, nrows = 10)))[2]

    if (initial_data_dims == 3) {
        initial_data <- data.frame(scan(input_data_path, what = list(chromosome = 0,
            position = 0, pvalue = 0), skip = 1, sep = " ", quiet = TRUE))
        initial_data_contains_beta_se <- FALSE
    } else if (initial_data_dims == 5) {
        initial_data <- data.frame(scan(input_data_path, what = list(chromosome = 0,
            position = 0, pvalue = 0, beta = 0, se = 0), skip = 1, sep = " ", quiet = TRUE))
        initial_data_contains_beta_se <- TRUE
    } else {
        stop("Input data does not have expected dimensions")

    cat("\n", fat_status_bar, "\n 3. Calculate log P values\n", fat_status_bar, "\n\n")

    # Check if p-values are already logged
    if (length(which(initial_data$pvalue > 1)) > 0) {
        initial_data$log_pvalue <- initial_data$pvalue
        # Get only the complete data
        initial_data <- initial_data[complete.cases(initial_data), ]
        # Remove the original pvalues
        initial_data$pvalue <- NULL
    } else {
        # Calculate the -log10 p-value for the input data
        initial_data$log_pvalue <- -log10(initial_data$pvalue)
        # If beta/SE are provided, and pvalues are missing (because they are
        # extreme), log10 P recalculate from beta/SE
        missing_pvalues_index <- which((is.na(initial_data$log_pvalue) | initial_data$log_pvalue ==

        if (initial_data_contains_beta_se & (length(missing_pvalues_index) > 0)) {
            # Calculate expected p-values for missing data
            missing_pvalues <- (-log(2, base = 10) - pnorm(-abs(initial_data$beta[missing_pvalues_index]/initial_data$se[missing_pvalues_index]),
                log.p = T)/log(10))
            # Only replace if indeed they were below the smallest non-zero
            # normalized floating-point number
            initial_data[missing_pvalues_index, c("log_pvalue")] <- ifelse(missing_pvalues >
                -log10(.Machine$double.xmin), missing_pvalues, NA)
        # Get only the complete data
        initial_data <- initial_data[complete.cases(initial_data), ]
        # Remove the original pvalues
        initial_data$pvalue <- NULL

    # For calculating concentration bands
    alpha <- 0.05
    df <- 1
    one.sided <- FALSE

    # Calculate plotting parameters
    cat("\n", fat_status_bar, "\n 4. Calculate plotting points\n", fat_status_bar,

    # Sort pvals and calculate expected pvals
    log_obspval_sorted <- sort(initial_data$log_pvalue, decreasing = TRUE)
    exppval <- c(1:length(log_obspval_sorted))
    log_exppval <- -(log10((exppval - 0.5)/length(exppval)))
    cat(unique(sort(round(log_exppval, 0))), "\n")

    # Get the maxima
    ymax <- max(na.omit(log_obspval_sorted))
    xmax <- max(na.omit(log_exppval))

    # Calculate the lambda
    lambda <- median(qchisq(na.omit((-log_obspval_sorted * log(10))), df = 1, lower.tail = FALSE,
        log.p = TRUE))/qchisq(0.5, 1)
    if (!is.null(initial_data$beta) & !is.null(initial_data$se))
        lambda <- median((initial_data$beta/initial_data$se)^2, na.rm = TRUE)/qchisq(0.5,

    # Set resolution, allowing a fixed number of points to be plotted
    # vertically and horizontally
    vertical_resolution <- plot_resolution
    horizontal_resolution <- plot_resolution

    # Scale the resolution for the p-values
    obs_log_pvalue_break_size <- ymax/vertical_resolution
    exp_log_pvalue_break_size <- xmax/horizontal_resolution

    # Create a vector from 0 to the vertical resolution, which we will use to
    # bin pvalues
    obs_log_pvalue_scaling_vector <- seq(0, vertical_resolution, by = obs_log_pvalue_break_size)
    exp_log_pvalue_scaling_vector <- seq(0, horizontal_resolution, by = exp_log_pvalue_break_size)

    # Bin the pvals and get only unique pairs
    obs_log_pvalue_binned <- .bincode(log_obspval_sorted, obs_log_pvalue_scaling_vector,
        right = TRUE, include.lowest = FALSE) * obs_log_pvalue_break_size
    exp_log_pvalue_binned <- .bincode(log_exppval, exp_log_pvalue_scaling_vector,
        right = TRUE, include.lowest = FALSE) * exp_log_pvalue_break_size
    plot_data_binned <- as.data.frame(cbind(exp_log_pvalue_binned, obs_log_pvalue_binned))
    plot_data_reduced <- unique(plot_data_binned)

    # Truncate the maxima and use these to make nice ticks
    pretty_ymax = trunc(ymax + 1)
    pretty_bigymax = trunc(ymax)
    pretty_xmax = trunc(xmax + 1)

    y4Ly <- switch(
      pretty_ymax = c(0:pretty_ymax),
      (pretty_ymax <= 15) ~ c(seq(0, pretty_bigymax + 10, 10)),
      (pretty_ymax <= 100) ~ c(seq(0, pretty_bigymax + 20, 20)),
      (pretty_ymax <= 200) ~ c(seq(0, pretty_bigymax + 30, 30)),
      (pretty_ymax <= 300) ~ c(seq(0, pretty_bigymax + 40, 40)),
      (pretty_ymax <= 400) ~ c(seq(0, pretty_bigymax + 50, 50)),
      (pretty_ymax <= 500) ~ c(seq(0, pretty_bigymax + 60, 60)),
      (pretty_ymax <= 600) ~ c(seq(0, pretty_bigymax + 70, 70)),
      (pretty_ymax <= 700) ~ c(seq(0, pretty_bigymax + 80, 80)),
      (pretty_ymax <= 800) ~ c(seq(0, pretty_bigymax + 90, 90)),
      (pretty_ymax <= 900) ~ c(seq(0, pretty_bigymax + 100, 100)),
      TRUE ~ c(seq(0, pretty_bigymax + 200, 200))

    x4Lx = c(0:pretty_xmax)
    xnums = (x4Lx)
    ynums = (y4Ly)
    Lx <- parse(text = paste(x4Lx, sep = ""))
    Ly <- parse(text = paste(y4Ly, sep = ""))

    # Use the maxima for making x and y limits for plotting function
    x.lim = xmax
    y.lim = max(y4Ly)

    # Start the actual plotting
    cat("\n", fat_status_bar, "\n 5. Start the actual plotting\n", fat_status_bar,

    # Create empty plot Just plots the outside box
    plot(0, main = plot_title, xlab = "Expected p-value", ylab = "Observed p-value",
        type = "n", xlim = c(0, x.lim), ylim = c(0, y.lim), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
    # Draw axes
    axis(1, at = xnums, labels = unique(sort(round(log_exppval, 0)))[1:length(xnums)],
        las = 2)
    axis(2, at = ynums, labels = Ly, las = 2)

    # Define and draw the concentration bands Note that conc band won't draw if
    # x has too many datapoints
    n <- length(log_exppval)
    frac = 1
    starti = floor((n - 1) * (1 - frac)) + 1
    lena = n - starti + 1
    a2 = (1:lena)
    b <- n + 1 - a2

    cat("\n", fat_status_bar, "\n  a. Calculate and plot concentration band points\n",
        fat_status_bar, "\n\n")

    # Define and draw the concentration bands Note that conc band won't draw if
    # x has too many datapoints
    if (one.sided == FALSE) {
        upper <- -log10(qbeta(1 - alpha/2, a2, b))  # Exp. upper CL for 'a'th U(0,1) order statistic (becomes 'lower')
        lower <- -log10(qbeta(alpha/2, a2, b))  # Exp. lower CL for 'a'th U(0,1) order statistic (becomes 'upper')
    } else {
        upper <- rep(1, length(log_exppval))  # Exp. upper CL for 'a'th U(0,1) order statistic (becomes 'lower')
        lower <- qbeta(alpha, a2, b)  # Exp. lower CL for 'a'th U(0,1) order statistic (becomes 'upper')

    polygon(c(log_exppval, rev(log_exppval)), c(upper, rev(log_exppval)), col = "grey",
        border = NA)  # 'lower' band
    polygon(c(log_exppval, rev(log_exppval)), c(lower, rev(log_exppval)), col = "grey",
        border = NA)  # 'upper' band

    # Draw the diagonal
    lines(c(0, xmax), c(0, xmax), col = "blue", lty = 2, lwd = 0.5)

    # Print the lambda
    legend("topleft", legend = substitute(paste(lambda[GC], "=", x), list(x = formatC(round(lambda,
        3), 3, format = "f"))), text.col = ifelse(lambda > 1.1, "red", "black"),
        bty = "n")

    cat("\n", skinny_status_bar, "\n  b. Plot points P values\n", skinny_status_bar,

    # Plot points
    points(plot_data_reduced[, 1], plot_data_reduced[, 2], pch = 19, cex = 0.5, col = "dodgerblue4")
jinghuazhao/pQTLtools documentation built on May 18, 2024, 12:14 p.m.