# Simulate method
#' @export
simulate_method <- function(method_num,
path = NULL,
n_dat = -1,
n_cores = 1,
resimulate = FALSE,
debug = 0){
## initialize output directory
path <- check_path(path)
## method
method <- settings$method
method_dir <- file.path(path, sprintf("%s%s", method, method_num))
dir_check(file.path(method_dir, "progress")) # create method_dir and add progress
settings$temp_dir <- file.path(method_dir, "temp")
## data_grid
data_grid <- read.table(file.path(path, "data_grid.txt"))
write.table(x = data_grid, file = file.path(method_dir, "data_grid.txt"))
## expand data.grid so one dataset per thread
dataset_grid <- do.call(
lapply(seq_len(nrow(data_grid)), function(i){
cbind(dataset = seq_len(data_grid[i, "n_dat"]),
data_grid[rep(i, data_grid[i, "n_dat"]), ])
rownames(dataset_grid) <- NULL
dataset_grid <- dataset_grid[order(dataset_grid$dataset),,
drop = FALSE]
if (n_dat < 0)
n_dat <- min(data_grid$n_dat)
dataset_grid <- dataset_grid[dataset_grid$dataset <= n_dat,,
drop = FALSE]
## set up parallel execution
if (n_cores < 1)
n_cores <- min(parallel::detectCores(), nrow(dataset_grid))
n_cores <- round(n_cores)
mclapply <- get_mclapply(n_cores = n_cores)
debug_cli(debug, cli::cli_alert_info,
"executing {method}{method_num} on {nrow(dataset_grid)} datasets using {n_cores} core(s)")
## function for simulating
sim_fn <- function(i){
error <- tryCatch({
## prepare data row and directory
data_row <- dataset_grid[i, , drop = FALSE]
data_dir <- file.path(path,
nm <- sprintf("%s%g_%s_%g",
data_row$index, data_row$id,
data_row$network, data_row$n_obs))
method_data_dir <- file.path(method_dir, nm)
j <- data_row$dataset
rounds_rds <- file.path(method_data_dir, "rds",
sprintf("rounds%g.rds", j))
## keep track of whether in progress
progressi <- file.path(method_dir, "progress",
sprintf("progress%g", i))
if (!resimulate &&
debug_cli(debug, cli::cli_alert_success,
"{i} already executed {method}{method_num} on dataset {j} of {min(data_row$n_dat, n_dat)} for network {data_row$network}",
.envir = environment())
return(NULL) # skip if in progress or complete
write.table(x = 0, file = progressi, # mark as in progress
row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
## TODO: delete doesn't always work when manually stop multi-core
on.exit(expr = { # delete if failed before completion
if (!file.exists(rounds_rds)){
if (file.exists(progressi))
} else{
write.table(x = 1, file = progressi, # mark as complete
row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
}, add = TRUE)
debug_cli(debug, "",
"{i} executing {method}{method_num} on dataset {j} of {min(data_row$n_dat, n_dat)} for network {data_row$network}",
.envir = environment())
## settings
bn.fit <- readRDS(file.path(data_dir, "bn.fit.rds"))
seed0 <- data_row$seed * data_row$n_dat
if (method == "cache"){
settings$n_obs <- min(settings$n_obs, data_row$n_obs)
seed0 <- seed0 - settings$n_obs
} else{
cache_data_dir <- gsub(sprintf("%s%s", method, method_num),
"cache", method_data_dir)
cache_file <- file.path(cache_data_dir, "rds",
sprintf("rounds%g.rds", j))
if (file.exists(cache_file))
settings$rounds0 <- readRDS(cache_file)
if (is.null(settings$target) ||
!settings$target %in% names(bn.fit)){
settings$target <- data_row$target
settings$run <- j
settings$data_dir <- data_dir
settings$data_obs <- file.path(data_dir,
sprintf("data%g.txt", j))
## ensure unique id; reset in bandit()
set.seed(round(as.numeric(Sys.time()) * 1e6) %%
settings$id <- random_id(n = 12)
## execute bandit
roundsj <- bandit(bn.fit = bn.fit, settings = settings,
seed0 = seed0, debug = debug)
## write results in folder roundsj and as roundsj.rds
# write_rounds(rounds = roundsj, where = file.path(method_data_dir, "txt",
# sprintf("rounds%g", j)))
dir_check(file.path(method_data_dir, "rds"))
write_rounds(rounds = roundsj, where = rounds_rds)
## write progress
progress <- get_progress(path = path, data_grid = data_grid)
write.table(x = progress, file = file.path(path, "progress.txt"),
quote = FALSE, row.names = TRUE, col.names = TRUE)
## print progress
k <- trimws(rownames(progress)) == sprintf("%s%s", method,
last2 <- ncol(progress) - c(1, 0)
tot <- paste(progress[k, last2], collapse = " + ")
prog <- unlist(progress[k, -last2])
names(prog) <- seq_len(length(prog))
prog <- prog[prog != "1.000"]
prog <- paste(sapply(names(prog), function(x){
sprintf("%s. %s", x, prog[x])
}), collapse = " | ")
prog <- ifelse(nchar(prog) == 0, tot,
sprintf("%s || %s", prog, tot))
debug_cli(TRUE, cli::cli_alert,
"{sprintf('%s%s || %s', method, method_num, prog)}",
.envir = environment())
error = function(err){
msg <- sprintf("error executing %s%s on dataset %s: %s",
method, method_num, i, as.character(err))
msg <- gsub("\\{", "-[", msg)
debug_cli(TRUE, cli::cli_alert_danger, msg,
.envir = environment())
## write in method error folder
method_err_dir <- file.path(method_dir, "errors")
file <- file.path(method_err_dir, sprintf("%s_%s_%s.txt", Sys.info()[["nodename"]],
i, gsub(" ", "_", Sys.time())))
write.table(x = msg, file = file,
quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
## write in path error folder
err_method_dir <- file.path(path, "errors", sprintf("%s%s", method, method_num))
file <- file.path(err_method_dir, sprintf("%s_%s_%s.txt", Sys.info()[["nodename"]],
i, gsub(" ", "_", Sys.time())))
write.table(x = msg, file = file,
quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
null <- mclapply(seq_len(nrow(dataset_grid)), mc.cores = n_cores,
mc.preschedule = FALSE, sim_fn)
## write progress
progress <- get_progress(path = path, data_grid = data_grid)
write.table(x = progress, file = file.path(path, "progress.txt"),
quote = FALSE, row.names = TRUE, col.names = TRUE)
# Simulate method grid
#' @export
sim_method_grid <- function(method,
n_dat = -1,
n_cores = 1,
resimulate = FALSE,
debug = 0){
## write method_grid
method_grid <- check_method_grid(method_grid = method_grid)
write.table(x = method_grid, file = file.path(path, "method_grid.txt"))
## execute
null <- lapply(method_nums, function(method_num){
error <- tryCatch({
settings <- as.list(method_grid[ifelse(method_num == "",
1, method_num),])
settings$method <- method
simulate_method(method_num = method_num,
settings = settings,
path = path,
n_dat = n_dat,
n_cores = n_cores,
resimulate = resimulate,
debug = debug)
error = function(err){
msg <- sprintf("error executing %s%s (%s): %s",
method, method_num, paste(method_nums, collapse = ","), as.character(err))
msg <- gsub("\\{", "-[", msg)
bcb:::debug_cli(TRUE, cli::cli_alert_danger, msg,
.envir = environment())
## write in path error folder
err_dir <- file.path(path, "errors")
file <- file.path(err_dir, sprintf("%s_%s%s_%s_%s.txt",
Sys.info()[["nodename"]], method, method_num,
paste(method_nums, collapse = ","),
gsub(" ", "_", Sys.time())))
write.table(x = msg, file = file,
quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
# Get progress
get_progress <- function(path,
method = "all",
path <- check_path(path)
methods <- list.files(path)
methods <- methods[grepl(paste(avail_methods,
collapse = "|"), methods)]
methods <- methods[!grepl("\\_",
if (method != "all"){
methods <- match.arg(method, methods)
progress <- lapply(methods, function(method){
temp <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(data_grid)), function(i){
data_row <- data_grid[i,]
method_data_dir <- file.path(path, method,
data_row$index, data_row$id,
data_row$network, data_row$n_obs))
## proportion of completed rds files
"rds"))) / data_row$n_dat
temp <- do.call(rbind,
progress <- do.call(cbind, progress)
colnames(progress) <- methods
## add average progress for each method (Total)
progress <- rbind(progress, colMeans(progress))
## add proportion of incomplete (in progress) executions
progress <- rbind(progress, sapply(methods, function(method){
progress_files <- list.files(file.path(path, method, "progress"))
progress_files <- progress_files[grepl("progress", progress_files)]
sum(sapply(progress_files, function(x)
read.table(file.path(path, method, "progress", x))) == 0)
}) / sum(data_grid$n_dat))
## add average progress for all methods
progress <- cbind(progress, rowMeans(progress))
## format
width <- 5
progress <- apply(format(progress, digits = 3, nsmall = 3), 1,
function(x) stringr::str_pad(x, width = width,
side = "right"))
progress <- as.data.frame(progress)
nc <- max(nchar(c(methods, "total")))
rownames(progress) <- stringr::str_pad(c(methods, "total"),
width = nc, side = "right")
colnames(progress) <- c(
stringr::str_pad(stringr::str_pad("1", width = nc+2,
side = "left"),
width = nc + width + 1, side = "right"),
width = width, side = "right"),
"total", "incomplete"
# Clear path
#' @export
clear_path <- function(path,
method = "all",
clear_type = c("incomplete", "all"),
match_type = c("multiple", "single"),
n_cores = -1,
debug = 1){
clear_type <- match.arg(clear_type)
match_type <- match.arg(match_type)
path <- check_path(path)
methods <- list.files(path)
methods <- methods[grepl(paste(avail_methods,
collapse = "|"), methods)]
methods <- methods[!grepl("\\_",
if (method != "all"){
methods <- switch(match_type,
multiple = methods[grepl(method, methods)],
single = match.arg(method, methods))
## set up parallel execution
if (n_cores < 1)
n_cores <- min(parallel::detectCores(), length(methods))
n_cores <- round(n_cores)
mclapply <- get_mclapply(n_cores = n_cores)
if (n_cores < 1){
debug_cli(debug, cli::cli_alert_info,
c("no methods found to clear"))
debug_cli(debug, cli::cli_alert_info,
c("clearing {clear_type} files ",
"for method(s): `{paste(methods, collapse = ', ')}` ",
"with n_cores = {n_cores}"),
.envir = environment())
err_dir <- file.path(path, "errors")
if (dir.exists(err_dir)){
debug_cli(debug, cli::cli_alert_info,
c("deleting {length(list.files(err_dir, all.files = TRUE, recursive = TRUE))} ",
"error files"),
.envir = environment())
unlink(err_dir, recursive = TRUE)
clr_fn <- function(method){
err_dir <- file.path(path, method, "errors")
if (dir.exists(err_dir)){
debug_cli(debug, cli::cli_alert_info,
c("deleting {length(list.files(err_dir, all.files = TRUE, recursive = TRUE))} ",
"error files for `{method}`"),
.envir = environment())
unlink(err_dir, recursive = TRUE)
progress_dir <- file.path(path, method, "progress")
files <- list.files(progress_dir)
files <- files[grepl("progress", files)]
for (file in files){
progressi <- file.path(progress_dir, file)
if ((method != "cache" && clear_type == "all") ||
any(read.table(progressi) == 0)){
debug_cli(debug, cli::cli_alert,
"deleting `{file}` for `{method}`",
.envir = environment())
null <- mclapply(methods, mc.cores = n_cores,
mc.preschedule = FALSE, clr_fn)
## Initialize and check
# Check method grid
#' @export
check_method_grid <- function(method_grid){
## TODO: check values
## column names
nms <- c("target", "n_run", "n_obs", "n_int", "initial_n_ess",
"n_t", "max_cache", "int_parents", "success", "epsilon", "c",
"mu_0", "nu_0", "b_0", "a_0", "delta", "ucb_criteria",
"bcb_combine", "bcb_criteria", "bcb_engine",
"plus1every", "plus1post", "plus1it", "bidag_type",
"min_iterations", "max_iterations", "stepsave", "burnin",
"score", "restrict", "alpha", "max.sx", "max_parents",
"threshold", "eta", "minimal", "unique_make")
## remove extra columns
method_grid <- method_grid[, intersect(names(method_grid), nms)]
## remove duplicates
method_grid <- method_grid[! duplicated(method_grid), , drop = FALSE]
## add missing columns
method_grid$index <- stringr::str_pad(string = seq_len(nrow(method_grid)),
width = nchar(nrow(method_grid)),
side = "left", pad = "0")
method_grid$index <- sprintf("%s_", method_grid$index)
if (is.null(method_grid$target))
method_grid$target <- ""
if (is.null(method_grid$c))
method_grid$c <- 1
if (is.null(method_grid$int_parents))
method_grid$int_parents <- 1
if (is.null(method_grid$score))
method_grid$score <- ""
if (is.null(method_grid$max_parents))
method_grid$max_parents <- 5
if (is.null(method_grid$minimal))
method_grid$minimal <- TRUE
method_grid[setdiff(nms, names(method_grid))] <- NA
## rearrange columns
method_grid <- method_grid[, nms, drop = FALSE]
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