## Functions for executing bandit algorithms
#' @export
bandit <- function(bn.fit,
settings = list(),
seed0 = 0,
debug = 0){
start_time <- Sys.time()
## check arguments and initialize
bn.fit <- zero_bn.fit(bn.fit = bn.fit)
settings <- check_settings(settings = settings,
bn.fit = bn.fit, debug = debug)
set.seed(seed0 + sum(settings$run))
if (is.null(settings$data_obs)){
settings$data_obs <- ribn(x = bn.fit,
n = settings$n_obs)
on.exit(clear_temp(settings = settings),
add = TRUE) # score/support/arp/gobnilp
rounds <- initialize_rounds(settings = settings,
bn.fit = bn.fit, debug = debug)
## load settings
list2env(settings[c("n_obs", "n_int")], envir = environment())
tt <- if (settings$method == "cache"){
floor(rev(seq(n_obs, 1, length.out = min(n_obs, settings$max_cache))))
} else{
seq(match(-1, rounds$selected$reward), n_obs + n_int)
tt <- tt[tt > settings$max_parents + 2 | tt > n_obs]
if (settings$max_cache <= 1)
tt <- tt[tt >= n_obs]
debug_cli(debug, cli::cli_progress_bar,
c("t = {stringr::str_pad(string = t, width = nchar(tt[length(tt)]), side = 'left')} ",
"| {cli::pb_bar} {cli::pb_percent}"),
total = tt[length(tt)], clear = FALSE,
format_done = c("successfully executed {settings$method} in ",
"{prettyunits::pretty_sec(as.numeric(Sys.time() - start_time, unit = 'secs'))}"),
format_failed = "stopped executing {settings$method} at round {t}")
for (t in tt){
debug_cli(debug, cli::cli_progress_update, set = t)
rounds <- apply_method(t = t, bn.fit = bn.fit, settings = settings,
rounds = rounds, debug = debug)
rounds <- summarize_rounds(bn.fit = bn.fit, settings = settings,
rounds = rounds, debug = debug)
## Apply bandit policy
apply_method <- function(t,
debug = 0){
## load settings
list2env(settings[c("method")], envir = environment())
start_time <- Sys.time()
if (t <= settings$n_obs){
## update observational
rounds <- update_rounds(t = t, a = rounds$selected$arm[t],
data_t = rounds$data[t,], settings = settings,
rounds = rounds, debug = debug)
} else{
## used by most methods
n_int <- sapply(seq_len(length(rounds$arms)), function(a){
`bn.fit.gnet` = sum(rounds$selected$interventions ==
`bn.fit.dnet` = sum(rounds$selected$arm == a),
sum(rounds$selected$arm == a))
## choose arm
if (grepl("bcb", method)){
mu <- rounds$mu_est[t-1,]
se <- rounds$se_est[t-1,]
if (settings$bcb_criteria == "bucb"){
alpha <- 1 / ((t - settings$n_obs) * settings$delta)
if (settings$type == "bn.fit.gnet"){
criteria <- sapply(seq_len(length(rounds$arms)), function(a){
if (alpha == 0 || alpha == 1)
return(ifelse(alpha == 0, -Inf, Inf))
node <- rounds$arms[[a]]$node
b <- match(rounds$arms[[a]]$value,
prob <- rounds$ps[[node]][,"prob"]
df <- n_int[a] +
mu <- rounds$bda[[node]][[settings$target]][[sprintf("mu%g_est", b)]]
se <- rounds$bda[[node]][[settings$target]]$se1_est
df <- df[prob > 0]
mu <- mu[prob > 0]
se <- se[prob > 0]
prob <- prob[prob > 0]
fun <- function(par){
sum(prob * pt((par - mu) / se,
df = df)) - (1 - alpha)
bis <- pracma::bisect(fun = fun,
a = min(mu) - 1e2 * max(se),
b = max(mu) + 1e2 * max(se),
maxiter = 200)
} else if (settings$type == "bn.fit.dnet"){
criteria <- sapply(seq_len(length(rounds$arms)), function(a){
node <- rounds$arms[[a]]$node
b <- match(rounds$arms[[a]]$value,
prob <- rounds$ps[[node]][,"prob"]
ab <- n_int[a] +
rounds$bda[[node]][[settings$target]][[sprintf("n_ess%g", b)]]
mu <- rounds$bda[[node]][[settings$target]][[sprintf("mu%g_est", b)]]
ab <- ab[prob > 0]
mu <- mu[prob > 0]
prob <- prob[prob > 0]
shape1 <- ab * mu
shape2 <- ab * (1 - mu)
fun <- function(par){
sum(prob * pbeta(par, shape1 = shape1,
shape2 = shape2)) - (1 - alpha)
bis <- pracma::bisect(fun = fun, a = 0, b = 1,
maxiter = 200)
if (any(!is.finite(criteria)))
criteria <- rep(0, length(criteria))
} else if (settings$bcb_criteria == "ts"){
if (settings$method == "bcb-bma"){
## independent local sampling of parent sets
mu_se_n_ess <- t(sapply(seq_len(length(rounds$arms)), function(a){
node <- rounds$arms[[a]]$node
b <- match(rounds$arms[[a]]$value,
prob <- rounds$ps[[node]][,"prob"]
l <- sample(length(prob), size = 1, prob = prob)
rounds$bda[[node]][[settings$target]][l, c(sprintf("mu%g_est", b),
sprintf("se%g_est", b),
sprintf("n_ess%g", b))]
mu <- unlist(mu_se_n_ess[,1])
se <- unlist(mu_se_n_ess[,2])
n_ess <- unlist(mu_se_n_ess[,3])
} else{
n_ess <- rounds$n_ess[t-1,]
if (settings$type == "bn.fit.gnet"){
t_ <- sapply(unique(sapply(rounds$arms, `[[`, "node")), function(node){
a <- match(node, sapply(rounds$arms,
`[[`, "node"))
rt(n = 1, df = max(1,
n_ess[a] + n_int[a]))
criteria <- sapply(seq_len(length(rounds$arms)), function(a){
mu[a] + t_[rounds$arms[[a]]$node] * se[a] * rounds$arms[[a]]$value
} else if (settings$type == "bn.fit.dnet"){
ab <- n_int + n_ess
criteria <- sapply(seq_len(length(rounds$arms)), function(a){
rbeta(n = 1, shape1 = ab[a] * mu[a], shape2 = ab[a] * (1 - mu[a]))
} else if (settings$bcb_criteria == "greedy"){
if (runif(1) < settings$epsilon){
criteria <- rep(0, length(rounds$arms))
} else{
criteria <- mu
} else if (settings$bcb_criteria == "c"){
criteria <-
mu + settings$c * sqrt(log(t - settings$n_obs) / n_int)
## prioritize arms with n_int = 0
criteria <- ifelse(n_int > 0, criteria,
max(c(criteria[is.finite(criteria)] + 1,
rounds$mu_true), na.rm = TRUE))
} else if (settings$bcb_criteria == "tuned"){
criteria <-
mu + settings$c * se * sqrt(log(t - settings$n_obs))
} else if (settings$bcb_criteria == "csd"){
criteria <-
mu + settings$c * se
} else if (method == "random"){
criteria <- rep(0, length(rounds$arms))
} else if (method == "greedy"){
if (runif(1) < settings$epsilon){
criteria <- rep(0, length(rounds$arms))
} else{
criteria <- rounds$mu_int[t-1,]
## prioritize arms with n_int = 0
criteria <- ifelse(n_int > 0, criteria,
max(c(criteria[is.finite(criteria)] + 1,
rounds$mu_true), na.rm = TRUE))
} else if (method == "ucb"){
mu <- rounds$mu_int[t-1,]
if (settings$ucb_criteria == "c"){
criteria <-
mu + settings$c * sqrt(log(t - settings$n_obs) / n_int)
## prioritize arms with n_int = 0
criteria <- ifelse(n_int > 0, criteria,
max(c(criteria[is.finite(criteria)] + 1,
rounds$mu_true), na.rm = TRUE))
} else if (settings$ucb_criteria == "tuned"){
if (settings$type == "bn.fit.gnet"){
se <- rounds$se_int[t-1,]
v <- (se^2 * n_int) +
sqrt(2 * log(t - settings$n_obs) / n_int)
} else if (settings$type == "bn.fit.dnet"){
v <- pmin(0.25,
mu * (1 - mu) + sqrt(2 * log(t - settings$n_obs) / n_int))
criteria <-
mu + settings$c * sqrt(log(t - settings$n_obs) / n_int * v)
## prioritize arms with n_int = 0
criteria <- ifelse(n_int > 0, criteria,
max(c(criteria[is.finite(criteria)] + 1,
rounds$mu_true), na.rm = TRUE))
} else if (method == "ts"){
mu <- rounds$mu_est[t-1,]
if (settings$type == "bn.fit.gnet"){
se <- rounds$se_est[t-1,]
n_ess <- rounds$n_ess[t-1,]
## symmetric criteria
t_ <- sapply(unique(sapply(rounds$arms, `[[`, "node")), function(node){
a <- match(node, sapply(rounds$arms,
`[[`, "node"))
rt(n = 1, df = max(1,
n_ess[a] + n_int[a]))
criteria <- sapply(seq_len(length(rounds$arms)), function(a){
mu[a] + t_[rounds$arms[[a]]$node] * se[a] * rounds$arms[[a]]$value
} else if (settings$type == "bn.fit.dnet"){
list2env(settings[c("b_0", "a_0")],
envir = environment())
ab <- n_int + a_0 + b_0
criteria <- sapply(seq_len(length(rounds$arms)), function(a){
rbeta(n = 1, shape1 = ab[a] * mu[a], shape2 = ab[a] * (1 - mu[a]))
} else if (method == "bucb"){
mu <- rounds$mu_est[t-1,]
alpha <- 1 / ((t - settings$n_obs) * settings$delta)
if (settings$type == "bn.fit.gnet"){
se <- rounds$se_est[t-1,]
n_ess <- rounds$n_ess[t-1,]
t_ <- sapply(seq_len(length(rounds$arms)), function(a){
qt(1 - alpha, df = max(1, n_ess[a] + n_int[a]))
criteria <- mu + t_ * se
} else if (settings$type == "bn.fit.dnet"){
list2env(settings[c("b_0", "a_0")],
envir = environment())
ab <- n_int + a_0 + b_0
criteria <- sapply(seq_len(length(rounds$arms)), function(a){
qbeta(1 - alpha,
shape1 = ab[a] * mu[a], shape2 = ab[a] * (1 - mu[a]))
if (any(!is.finite(criteria)))
criteria <- rep(0, length(criteria))
a <- random_which.max(criteria)
rounds$criteria[t,] <- criteria
debug_cli(debug >= 1.5, cli::cli_alert,
c("{method} selected {rounds$arms[[a]]$node} = ",
"{rounds$arms[[a]]$value} with estimate ",
"{format(rounds$arms[[a]]$estimate, digits = 4, nsmall = 4)} ",
"({format(criteria[a], digits = 4, nsmall = 4)})"))
## generate data based on arm
data_t <- ribn(x = bn.fit, debug = 0,
intervene = arm2intervene(rounds$arms[[a]]))
## update rounds: posterior distribution, estimates, variances, med
rounds <- update_rounds(t = t, a = a, data_t = data_t, settings = settings,
rounds = rounds, debug = debug)
end_time <- Sys.time()
rounds$selected$time[t] <- as.numeric(end_time - start_time,
unit = "secs")
## Update and summarize
## Update arms after a round t
update_arms <- function(t,
debug = 0){
debug_cli(debug >= 2, cli::cli_alert_info,
"updating {length(rounds$arms)} arms")
## TODO: check again for int
for (a in seq_len(length(rounds$arms))){
if (t < settings$n_obs ||
settings$method == "cache" ||
grepl("bcb", settings$method)){
rounds$arms[[a]]$estimate <- rounds$mu_est[t, a]
} else{
rounds$arms[[a]]$estimate <- rounds$mu_int[t, a]
rounds$arms[[a]]$criteria <- rounds$criteria[t, a]
rounds$arms[[a]]$N <- sum(rounds$selected$arm == a)
# Perform Bayesian posterior update
update_bayes <- function(t,
list2env(settings[c("mu_0", "nu_0", "b_0", "a_0")],
envir = environment())
mu_int <- rounds$mu_int[t,]
if (settings$type == "bn.fit.gnet"){
params <- lapply(seq_len(length(rounds$arms)), function(a){
bool_int <- rounds$selected$interventions == rounds$arms[[a]]$node
x_int <- as.numeric(
sapply(rounds$selected$arm[bool_int], function(x){
) * rounds$data[bool_int, settings$target]
x_int <- x_int * rounds$arms[[a]]$value
n_int <- length(x_int)
if (n_int == 0){
return(c(mu = mu_0, nu = nu_0, b = b_0, a = a_0))
} else{
## posterior update
nu <- nu_0 + n_int
mu <- (mu_0 * nu_0 + n_int * rounds$mu_int[t, a]) / nu
a_ <- a_0 + n_int / 2
b <- b_0 + 1/2 * sum((x_int - rounds$mu_int[t, a])^2) +
n_int * nu_0 / nu * (rounds$mu_int[t, a] - mu_0)^2 / 2
return(c(mu = mu, nu = nu, b = b, a = a_))
rounds$mu_est[t,] <- sapply(params, `[[`, "mu")
rounds$se_est[t,] <- sapply(seq_len(length(rounds$arms)), function(a){
sqrt(params[[a]][["b"]] / params[[a]][["a"]] / params[[a]][["nu"]])
rounds$n_ess[t,] <- 2 * sapply(params,
`[[`, "a")
} else if (settings$type == "bn.fit.dnet"){
n_int <- sapply(seq_len(length(rounds$arms)), function(a){
sum(rounds$selected$arm == a)
params <- lapply(seq_len(length(rounds$arms)), function(a){
alpha <- a_0 + n_int[a] * mu_int[a]
beta <- b_0 + n_int[a] * (1 - mu_int[a])
return(c(alpha = alpha, beta = beta))
rounds$mu_est[t,] <- sapply(params, function(x) x[["alpha"]] / sum(x))
rounds$se_est[t,] <- sapply(params, function(x){
x[["alpha"]] * x[["beta"]] / sum(x)^2 / (sum(x) + 1)
# Average true effect of arm(s) with highest estimate(s)
get_greedy_expected <- function(settings,
ests <- sapply(rounds$arms, function(arm) arm$estimate)
chosen_arms <- which(ests == max(ests))
greedy_expected <- mean(sapply(chosen_arms, function(a){
## Update rounds after a round t
update_rounds <- function(t,
debug = 0){
debug_cli(debug >= 2, cli::cli_alert_info,
"updating rounds")
## load settings
list2env(settings[c("n_obs", "n_int", "method",
"target", "minimal", "bcb_engine")],
envir = environment())
bcb_engine <- ifelse(is.na(bcb_engine),
"exact", bcb_engine)
data <- rounds$data[seq_len(t),,drop = FALSE]
interventions <- rounds$selected$interventions[seq_len(t)]
if (a > 0){
rounds$data[t,] <- data_t
rounds$selected$arm[t] <- a
rounds$selected$estimate[t] <- rounds$arms[[a]]$estimate
rounds$selected$criteria[t] <- rounds$criteria[t, a]
rounds$selected$interventions[t] <- rounds$arms[[a]]$node
rounds$selected$reward[t] <- if (settings$type == "bn.fit.gnet"){
} else if (settings$type == "bn.fit.dnet"){
mean(data_t[[target]] == levels(data_t[[target]])[settings$success])
if (bool_ps <- !minimal || # not minimal, or
method %in% c("bcb-bma", "bcb-mpg", # need ps updates, or
"bcb-mds", "bcb-gies") ||
(grepl("bcb", method) && # need initial ps
length(rounds$ps) == 0)){
if (method == "bcb-gies" ||
settings$restrict == "gies"){
rounds$gies[t,] <- estimate_gies(rounds = rounds,
settings = settings,
interventions = interventions,
dag = FALSE, debug = debug)
rounds$blmat[t,] <- 1 - rounds$gies[t,]
if (bcb_engine == "mcmc"){
## update ps
rounds$ps <- bidag_ps(data = data,
settings = settings,
interventions = interventions,
blmat = rounds$blmat[t,],
iterative = (settings$restrict != "none") &&
is.finite(settings$plus1every) &&
(t == settings$n_obs ||
t %% settings$plus1every == 0),
debug = debug)
} else{
compute_scores(data = data, settings = settings, blmat = rounds$blmat[t,],
interventions = interventions, debug = debug)
rounds$ps <- compute_ps(data = data,
settings = settings,
interventions = interventions,
debug = debug)
rounds$bma[t,] <- ps2es(ps = rounds$ps, settings = settings)
rounds$mpg[t,] <- es2mpg(es = rounds$bma[t,], prob = 0.5)
## update blmat
if (bcb_engine == "mcmc" &&
settings$restrict != "none" &&
t < (settings$n_obs + settings$n_int)){
if (!is.null(attr(rounds$ps, "endspace"))){
## endspace from iterativeMCMC()
rounds$blmat[t+1,] <- 1 - attr(rounds$ps, "endspace")
attr(rounds$blmat, "last_endspace") <- t+1
} else{
## set search space to areas of high edge support probability
## something like a simple version of endspace
rounds$blmat[t+1,] <- 1 - es2mpg(es = rounds$bma[t,],
prob = settings$plus1post)
if (bcb_engine == "mcmc"){
rounds$mds[t,] <- as.matrix(attr(rounds$ps, "sampled"))
} else{
rounds$mds[t,] <- execute_mds(ps = rounds$ps, settings = settings,
seed = sample(t, size = 1), debug = debug)
if (bool_ps){
rounds$ps <- threshold_ps(t = t,
rounds = rounds,
settings = settings,
debug = debug)
if (t > n_obs){
post <- method2post(method = method)
dag <- switch(post,
star = bnlearn::amat(settings$bn.fit),
bma = NULL,
eg = NULL,
# eg = bnlearn::amat(bnlearn::empty.graph(settings$nodes)),
## if dag, determine arp deterministically
if (!is.null(dag) &&
all(dag %in% c(0, 1)) &&
!any((dag <- row2mat(row = dag,
nodes = settings$nodes)) * t(dag) > 0)){
rounds$arp <- dag2arp(dag = dag, nodes = settings$nodes)
} else if (minimal && !grepl("bcb", method)){
rounds$arp <- dag2arp(dag = row2mat(row = 0, nodes = settings$nodes),
nodes = settings$nodes)
} else if (bcb_engine == "mcmc" &&
settings$type == "bn.fit.gnet"){
## TODO: Gaussian MCMC arp probabilities; probably in bidag_ps()
} else{
## compute arp probabilities
rounds$arp <- compute_arp(data = data,
settings = settings,
interventions = interventions,
debug = debug)
rounds <- compute_int(t = t, settings = settings,
rounds = rounds, debug = debug)
if (length(rounds$ps)){
rounds$bda <- compute_bda(data = data, settings = settings, rounds = rounds,
# target = NULL, # to estimate pairwise effects
target = target, # focus on target
debug = debug)
## posterior mean
for (post in avail_bda){
if (minimal &&
!grepl(post, method)) next
dag <- switch(post,
star = bnlearn::amat(settings$bn.fit),
bma = NULL,
eg = bnlearn::amat(bnlearn::empty.graph(settings$nodes)),
## betas
rounds[[sprintf("beta_%s", post)]][t,] <-
expect_post(rounds = rounds, metric = "beta_est", dag = dag)
## mu and se
rounds <- compute_mu_se(t = t, rounds = rounds, target = target,
dag = dag, type = "bda", post = post, est = post)
## est
post <- method2post(method = method)
dag <- switch(post,
star = bnlearn::amat(settings$bn.fit),
bma = NULL,
eg = bnlearn::amat(bnlearn::empty.graph(settings$nodes)),
if (method %in% c("ts", "bucb")){
rounds <- update_bayes(t = t, settings = settings, rounds = rounds)
} else{ # else if (method != "ts")
if (t <= n_obs){
rounds$mu_est[t,] <- rounds[[sprintf("mu_%s", post)]][t,]
rounds$se_est[t,] <- rounds[[sprintf("se_%s", post)]][t,]
} else{ # t > n_obs
## mu and se
if (length(rounds$ps)){
rounds <- compute_mu_se(t = t, rounds = rounds, target = target,
dag = dag, type = "est", post = post, est = "est")
if (length(rounds$ps)){
rounds$n_ess[t,] <- sapply(rounds$arms, function(arm){
int_index <- match(arm$value, rounds$node_values[[arm$node]])
expect_post(rounds = rounds, dag = dag,
from = arm$node, to = target,
metric = sprintf("n_ess%g", int_index))
if (t <= n_obs){
rounds$n_bda[t,] <- t
} else if (length(rounds$ps)){
rounds$n_bda[t,] <-
sapply(rounds$bda[sapply(rounds$arms, `[[`, "node")],
function(x) max(x[[target]]$n_bda, na.rm = TRUE))
rounds$arms <- update_arms(t = t, settings = settings,
rounds = rounds, debug = debug)
rounds$selected$greedy_expected[t] <- get_greedy_expected(settings,
## Summarize rounds
summarize_rounds <- function(bn.fit,
debug = 0){
debug_cli(debug >= 2, cli::cli_alert_info,
"summarizing rounds")
## arms
rounds$arms <- do.call(rbind, lapply(rounds$arms, as.data.frame))
rounds$arms$mu_true <- rounds$mu_true
## expected reward from pulled arms
rounds$selected$expected_reward <- 0
rounds$selected$expected_reward[rounds$selected$arm != 0] <-
## simple and cumulative regret
max_reward <- max(rounds$arms$mu_true)
rounds$selected$expected_regret <- max_reward - rounds$selected$expected_reward
rounds$selected$greedy_regret <- max_reward - rounds$selected$greedy_expected
ind_obs <- rounds$selected$interventions == ""
if (rounds$selected$reward[1] == -1)
rounds$selected$reward[1] <- rounds$data[1, settings$target] # reset indicator
rounds$selected$cumulative <- 0
rounds$selected$cumulative[ind_obs] <-
cumsum((max_reward - rounds$selected$reward)[ind_obs])
rounds$selected$cumulative[!ind_obs] <-
cumsum((max_reward - rounds$selected$reward)[!ind_obs])
rounds$selected$expected_cumulative <- 0
rounds$selected$expected_cumulative[ind_obs] <-
cumsum((max_reward - rounds$selected$expected_reward)[ind_obs])
rounds$selected$expected_cumulative[!ind_obs] <-
cumsum((max_reward - rounds$selected$expected_reward)[!ind_obs])
## clear rownames
rownames(rounds$arms) <- rownames(rounds$data) <-
rownames(rounds$selected) <- NULL
## graph metrics
true <- bnlearn::amat(bn.fit)
for (graph in setdiff(avail_bda, c("star", "bma", "eg"))){
cp_dag <- apply(rounds[[graph]], 1, function(row){
est <- row2mat(row = row, nodes = settings$nodes)
list(dag = eval_graph(est = est, true = true, cp = FALSE),
cpdag = eval_graph(est = est, true = true, cp = TRUE))
rounds[[sprintf("dag_%s", graph)]] <- do.call(rbind, lapply(cp_dag,
`[[`, "dag"))
rounds[[sprintf("cpdag_%s", graph)]] <- do.call(rbind, lapply(cp_dag,
`[[`, "cpdag"))
# rounds[[sprintf("dag_%s", graph)]] <- as.data.frame(
# data.table::rbindlist(lapply(cp_dag, `[[`, "dag")))
# rounds[[sprintf("cpdag_%s", graph)]] <- as.data.frame(
# data.table::rbindlist(lapply(cp_dag, `[[`, "cpdag")))
rownames(rounds[[sprintf("dag_%s", graph)]]) <-
rownames(rounds[[sprintf("cpdag_%s", graph)]]) <- NULL
skel <- apply(1 - rounds$blmat, 1, function(row){
est <- row2mat(row = row, nodes = settings$nodes)
if (all(est == 1))
est[] <- 0
eval_graph(est = est, true = true | t(true), cp = FALSE)
rounds[["skel"]] <- do.call(rbind, skel)
rownames(rounds[["skel"]]) <- NULL
## mse of edge support (bma)
not_diag <- diag(settings$nnodes) == 0
rounds$selected$mse_bma <- apply(rounds$bma, 1, function(row){
mat <- row2mat(row = row, nodes = settings$nodes)
mean((mat - true)[not_diag]^2)
## mse of means and sum of variances
for (est in c(avail_bda, "int", "est")){
rounds$selected[[sprintf("mu_%s", est)]] <- 0
rounds$selected[[sprintf("se_%s", est)]] <- 0
for (t in seq_len(nrow(rounds$selected))){
## mse of means
rounds$selected[[sprintf("mu_%s", est)]][t] <-
mean((rounds[[sprintf("mu_%s", est)]][t,] - rounds$mu_true)^2)
## sum of variances
rounds$selected[[sprintf("se_%s", est)]][t] <-
sum(rounds[[sprintf("se_%s", est)]][t,]^2)
## mse of effects
for (est in c(avail_bda)){
rounds$selected[[sprintf("beta_%s", est)]] <- 0
for (t in seq_len(nrow(rounds$selected))){
row <- rounds[[sprintf("beta_%s", est)]][t,]
mat <- row2mat(row = row, nodes = settings$nodes)
## mse of effects
if (settings$type == "bn.fit.gnet"){
rounds$selected[[sprintf("beta_%s", est)]][t] <-
mean((mat - rounds$beta_true[,,1])[not_diag]^2, na.rm = TRUE)
} else if (settings$type == "bn.fit.dnet"){
beta_true <- rounds$beta_true[,,2] - rounds$beta_true[,,1]
rounds$selected[[sprintf("beta_%s", est)]][t] <-
mean((mat - beta_true)[not_diag]^2, na.rm = TRUE)
## TODO: discrete implementation
## fill columns for all data.frames
rounds$bda <- convert_bda(bda = convert_bda(bda = rounds$bda,
new_class = "data.frame"), "list")
## summarize each arm in decreasing order of mu_true
arms_ordering <- order(rounds$mu_true, decreasing = TRUE)
for (i in seq_len(length(arms_ordering))){
rounds[[sprintf("arm%g", i)]] <- cbind(
data.frame(arm = (a <- arms_ordering[i]),
mu_true = rounds$mu_true[a],
n_bda = rounds$n_bda[, a],
n_ess = rounds$n_ess[, a],
criteria = rounds$criteria[, a]),
do.call(cbind, sapply(
sprintf("mu_%s", c(avail_bda, "int", "est")), function(x){
rounds[[x]][, a]
}, simplify = FALSE
do.call(cbind, sapply(
sprintf("se_%s", c(avail_bda, "int", "est")), function(x){
rounds[[x]][, a]
}, simplify = FALSE
rownames(rounds[[sprintf("arm%g", i)]]) <- NULL
## delete ps and bda and add settings
# rounds <- rounds[setdiff(names(rounds), c("ps", "bda", "arp"))]
settings <- settings[setdiff(names(settings), c("rounds"))]
rounds$settings <- settings
rounds <- rounds[setdiff(names(rounds),
if (settings$method != "cache"){
nms <- setdiff(names(rounds),
c("arms", "ps", "bda", "arp",
"beta_true", "mu_true", "blmat", "settings"))
for (nm in nms){
rounds[[nm]] <- rounds[[nm]][-seq_len(settings$n_obs),]
rownames(rounds[[nm]]) <- NULL
## Write rounds to a location
write_rounds <- function(rounds, where){
if (grepl(".rds", where)){
## TODO: check
saveRDS(rounds, where)
} else{
for (nm in setdiff(names(rounds), c("settings", "ps", "bda", "bda_list"))){
write.table(rounds[[nm]], file = file.path(where, sprintf("%s.txt", nm)),
# row.names = nm %in% c("arp", "beta_true"))
row.names = TRUE)
write.table(convert_ps(ps = rounds$ps, new_class = "data.frame"),
file.path(where, "ps.txt"))
write.table(convert_bda(bda = rounds$bda, new_class = "data.frame"),
file.path(where, "bda.txt"))
rounds$settings$nodes <- paste(rounds$settings$nodes, collapse = ", ")
c("rounds0", "data_obs", "bn.fit"))]),
file.path(where, "settings.txt"))
## Read rounds from a location
read_rounds <- function(where){
if (grepl(".rds", where)){
debug_cli(! file.exists(where), cli::cli_abort,
"specified file does not exist")
rounds <- readRDS(where)
} else{
## TODO: remove .txt version
debug_cli(! dir.exists(where), cli::cli_abort,
"specified directory does not exist")
nms <- c("arms", "data", "selected", "ps", "bda", "arp", "beta_true",
vec <- c("mu_true"),
mat <- c(avail_bda[-1], sprintf("beta_%s", c(avail_bda)),
sprintf("mu_%s", c(avail_bda, "int", "est")),
sprintf("se_%s", c(avail_bda, "int", "est")),
unlist(lapply(setdiff(avail_bda, c("star", "bma", "eg")),
function(x) sprintf("%s_%s", c("dag", "cpdag"), x))),
mat <- c("arp", "beta_true", mat)
mat <- sprintf("%s.txt", mat)
vec <- sprintf("%s.txt", vec)
files <- sprintf("%s.txt", nms)
files <- files[files %in% list.files(where)]
rounds <- lapply(files, function(file){
temp <- read.table(file.path(where, file),
header = TRUE, as.is = TRUE)
rownames(temp) <- NULL
if (file %in% mat)
temp <- as.matrix(temp)
if (file %in% vec)
temp <- unname(as.vector(unlist(temp)))
if (file == "ps.txt"){
for (nm in names(temp)){
mode(temp[[nm]]) <- switch(nm, node = "character",
ordering = "integer", "numeric")
names(rounds) <- gsub(".txt", "", files)
rounds$selected$interventions <- ifelse(is.na(rounds$selected$interventions),
"", rounds$selected$interventions)
rounds$ps <- convert_ps(ps = rounds$ps, new_class = "list")
rounds$bda <- convert_bda(bda = rounds$bda, new_class = "list")
rownames(rounds$beta_true) <- colnames(rounds$beta_true)
rounds$settings <- as.list(rounds$settings)
rounds$settings$nodes <- strsplit(rounds$settings$nodes, ", ")[[1]]
## General relevant functions
# Random which.max() for randomly choosing a best arm
random_which.max <- function(x){
which_max <- which(x == max(x))
if (length(which_max) > 1)
sample(which_max, 1)
# Convert arm list element to intervene for use in ribn()
arm2intervene <- function(arm){
intervene <- arm[1]
intervene[[arm$node]] <- arm$value
## Initialize and check
## Initialize rounds
initialize_rounds <- function(settings,
debug = 0){
## load settings
list2env(settings[c("n_obs", "n_int")], envir = environment())
## borrow data from previous rounds
if (length(settings$rounds0) == 0){
rounds <- list(
arms = build_arms(bn.fit = bn.fit, settings = settings, debug = debug),
data = rbind(
settings$data_obs[seq_len(n_obs), , drop = FALSE],
function(x) integer(n_int), simplify = FALSE))
selected = data.frame(arm = integer(n_obs + n_int),
interventions = "", reward = 0,
estimate = 0, criteria = 0,
greedy_expected = 0, time = 0),
ps = list(),
bda = list(),
arp = matrix(NA, nrow = settings$nnodes, ncol = settings$nnodes),
beta_true = if (is.null(settings$data_dir)){
bn.fit2effects(bn.fit = bn.fit)
} else{
readRDS(file = file.path(settings$data_dir, "effects_array.rds"))
mu_true = numeric()
rounds$selected$reward[seq_len(n_obs)] <-
rounds$selected$reward[1] <- -1 # indicate where to begin
rownames(rounds$arp) <- colnames(rounds$arp) <- settings$nodes
## if sampling from data
if (!is.null(data <- attr(bn.fit, "data")) &&
!is.null(target <- attr(bn.fit, "target"))){
not_na <- !is.na(target)
rounds$mu_true <- sapply(rounds$arms, function(arm){
if (class(bn.fit)[2] == "bn.fit.gnet"){
## TODO: Gaussian implementation
mean(data[[settings$target]][not_na & target == arm$node])
} else if (class(bn.fit)[2] == "bn.fit.dnet"){
value <- ifelse(is.numeric(arm$value),
levels(data[[arm$node]])[arm$value], arm$value)
mean(data[[settings$target]][not_na & target == arm$node &
data[[arm$node]] == value] ==
} else{
rounds$mu_true <- sapply(rounds$arms, function(arm){
## TODO: change
if (class(bn.fit)[2] == "bn.fit.gnet"){
arm$value * rounds$beta_true[arm$node, settings$target, 1]
} else if (class(bn.fit)[2] == "bn.fit.dnet"){
rounds$beta_true[arm$node, settings$target, arm$value]
acal <- matrix(0, nrow = n_obs + n_int,
ncol = length(rounds$arms)) # one column for each arm
pxp <- matrix(0, nrow = n_obs + n_int,
ncol = settings$nnodes^2) # store a p x p matrix in each row
rounds <- c(
sprintf("beta_%s", avail_bda),
function(x) pxp,
simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE),
sapply(c(sprintf("mu_%s", c(avail_bda, "int", "est")),
sprintf("se_%s", c(avail_bda, "int", "est")),
"n_bda", "n_ess", "criteria"),
function(x) acal,
simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
## build blacklist
if (settings$restrict %in% c("none", "gies")){
rounds$blmat <- matrix(diag(settings$nnodes), ncol = ncol(rounds$beta_bma),
nrow = nrow(rounds$beta_bma), byrow = TRUE)
} else if (settings$restrict == "star"){
skel <- bnlearn::amat(settings$bn.fit) | t(bnlearn::amat(settings$bn.fit))
rounds$blmat <- matrix(1 - skel, ncol = ncol(pxp),
nrow = nrow(pxp), byrow = TRUE)
} else{
tt <- seq_len(n_obs)
tt <- tt[tt > settings$max_parents + 2]
if (settings$max_cache <= 1)
tt <- tt[tt >= n_obs]
for (t in tt){
restrict <- ifelse(settings$restrict == "pc",
"ppc", settings$restrict)
max_groups <- ifelse(settings$restrict == "pc", 1, 20)
max.sx <- min(settings$max.sx,
max(t - 5, 1)) # TODO: design better
result <- phsl::bnsl(x = rounds$data[seq_len(t),, drop = FALSE],
restrict = restrict, maximize = "",
restrict.args = list(alpha = settings$alpha,
max.sx = max.sx,
max_groups = max_groups),
undirected = TRUE, debug = debug >= 3)
skel <- bnlearn::amat(result)
if (grepl("bcb-star", settings$method)){
## activate true edges
skel[bnlearn::amat(settings$bn.fit) |
t(bnlearn::amat(settings$bn.fit))] <- 1
rounds$blmat[t,] <- 1L - skel
rounds$node_values <- bn.fit2values(bn.fit =
bn.fit) # used in estimate.R
} else{
debug_cli(all.equal(bn.fit, settings$rounds0$settings$bn.fit) != TRUE,
cli::cli_abort, "bn.fit must be identical to that of cached rounds")
nms <- names(settings$rounds0)
nms <- nms[!grepl("dag|settings", nms)]
rounds <- settings$rounds0[nms]
n_cache <- min(n_obs, settings$rounds0$settings$n_obs)
n_blank <- n_obs + n_int - n_cache
rounds$arms <- build_arms(bn.fit = bn.fit,
settings = settings, debug = debug)
rounds$arms <- update_arms(t = n_obs, settings = settings,
rounds = rounds, debug = debug)
rounds$selected <-
seq_len(7), drop = FALSE],
data.frame(arm = integer(n_blank),
interventions = "", reward = 0,
estimate = 0, criteria = 0,
greedy_expected = 0, time = 0))
rounds$selected$reward[n_cache + 1] <- -1 # indicate where to begin
nms <- c("data", avail_bda[-1],
sprintf("beta_%s", avail_bda), "blmat",
sprintf("mu_%s", c(avail_bda, "int", "est")),
sprintf("se_%s", c(avail_bda, "int", "est")),
"n_bda", "n_ess", "criteria")
rounds[nms] <- lapply(rounds[nms], function(x){
x <- x[seq_len(n_cache), , drop = FALSE]
rbind(x, matrix(0, nrow = n_blank, ncol = ncol(x)))
if (n_cache != settings$rounds0$settings$n_obs ||
## TODO: remove; temporary because of update
all(rounds$nig[n_cache,] == 0)){
rounds$ps <- list()
rounds$bda <- list()
rounds$blmat[n_cache + seq_len(n_blank),] <- rounds$blmat[rep(n_cache,
rounds$node_values <- bn.fit2values(bn.fit =
bn.fit) # used in estimate.R
if (length(rounds$arms) < nrow(settings$rounds0$arms)){
bool_arms <- Reduce(`|`, lapply(rounds$arms, function(arm){
settings$rounds0$arms$node == arm$node &
settings$rounds0$arms$value == arm$value
nms <- nms[grepl("se_|mu_|n_|criteria", nms)]
rounds[nms] <-lapply(rounds[nms], function(x){
x[, bool_arms, drop = FALSE]
rounds$mu_true <- rounds$mu_true[bool_arms]
rounds <- update_rounds(t = n_cache,
a = 0,
data_t = rounds$data[n_cache,],
settings = settings,
rounds = rounds,
debug = debug)
# Function for building arms, a list of interventions
build_arms <- function(bn.fit, settings, debug = 0){
if (is.null(settings$arms)){
debug_cli(debug >= 2, cli::cli_alert_info, "initializing default arms")
## exclude target
ex <- which(settings$nodes == settings$target)
if (settings$int_parents == 0){
## exclude parents
ex <- union(ex, which(settings$nodes %in%
} else if (settings$int_parents == 2){
## exclude all but parents
ex <- union(ex, which(!settings$nodes %in%
node_values <- bn.fit2values(bn.fit = bn.fit)
arms <- do.call(c, lapply(bn.fit[-ex], function(node){
values <- if (settings$type == "bn.fit.gnet"){
} else if (settings$type == "bn.fit.dnet"){
lapply(values, function(value){
list(n = settings$n_t, # number of trials per round
node = node$node, # node
value = value, # intervention value
N = 0, # number of times arm is pulled
estimate = 0, # current estimate
criteria = 0) # criteria
} else{
debug_cli(debug >= 2, cli::cli_alert_info, "loading arms from settings")
## TODO: check validity of arms
arms <- settings$arms
if (!is.null(data <- attr(bn.fit, "data")) &&
!is.null(target <- attr(bn.fit, "target"))){
# arms <- arms[sapply(arms, `[[`, "node") %in% unique(target)]
unique_target <- unique(target)
if (class(bn.fit)[2] == "bn.fit.gnet"){
## TODO: Gaussian implementation
} else if (class(bn.fit)[2] == "bn.fit.dnet"){
arms <- arms[sapply(arms, function(x){
value <- ifelse(is.numeric(x$value),
levels(data[[x$node]])[x$value], x$value)
x$node %in% unique_target && sum(target == x$node &
data[[x$node]] == value, na.rm = TRUE) > 1
# Function for checking settings
check_settings <- function(settings,
debug = 0){
debug_cli(debug >= 2, cli::cli_alert_info,
"checking {length(settings)} settings")
## TODO:
# simplify
# add and check blmat
bn.fit <- zero_bn.fit(bn.fit)
settings$nodes <- names(bn.fit)
settings$nnodes <- length(settings$nodes)
## check type
if (is.null(settings$type) ||
settings$type <- class(bn.fit)[2]
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "bn.fit type = {settings$type}")
## check method
if (is.null(settings$method) ||
is.na(settings$method) ||
!((settings$method <- tolower(settings$method)) %in%
settings$method <- "cache"
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default method = {settings$method}")
## check target
if (is.null(settings$target) ||
is.na(settings$target) ||
settings$target == ""){
## default to leaf which has the most parents
nodes <- rev(bnlearn::node.ordering(bn.fit))
nodes <- nodes[sapply(nodes, function(x) length(bn.fit[[x]]$children)) == 0]
settings$target <- nodes[[which.max(sapply(nodes,
function(x) length(bn.fit[[x]]$parents)))]]
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "",
"automatically selected target = {settings$target}")
## check num
if (is.null(settings$run) ||
is.na(settings$run) ||
settings$run < 1){
settings$run <- 1
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default num = {settings$run}")
## check n_obs
if (is.null(settings$n_obs) ||
is.na(settings$n_obs) ||
settings$n_obs < 1){
settings$n_obs <- 1
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default n_obs = {settings$n_obs}")
## check n_int
if (settings$method == "cache"){
settings$n_int <- 0
} else if (is.null(settings$n_int) ||
is.na(settings$n_int) ||
settings$n_int < 0){
settings$n_int <- 100
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default n_int = {settings$n_int}")
## check initial_n_ess
if (is.null(settings$initial_n_ess) ||
is.na(settings$initial_n_ess) ||
is.infinite(settings$initial_n_ess) ||
settings$initial_n_ess <- settings$n_obs + settings$n_int
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "",
c("automatically selected initial_n_ess = n_obs + n_int = ",
## check n_t
if (is.null(settings$n_t) ||
is.na(settings$n_t) ||
settings$n_t < 1 ||
settings$n_t > settings$n_int){
settings$n_t <- 1
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default n_t = {settings$n_t}")
## check max_cache
if (is.null(settings$max_cache) ||
is.na(settings$max_cache) ||
settings$max_cache < 1){
settings$max_cache <- Inf
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default max_cache = {settings$max_cache}")
## check int_parents
if (is.null(settings$int_parents) ||
is.na(settings$int_parents) ||
!settings$int_parents %in% c(0, 1, 2)){
settings$int_parents <- 1
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default int_parents = {settings$int_parents}")
## check success
if (is.null(settings$success) ||
is.na(settings$success) ||
!(settings$success %in% seq_len(2))){
settings$success <- 1
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default success = {settings$success}")
## check score
if (is.null(settings$score) ||
if (class(bn.fit)[2] == "bn.fit.gnet")
settings$score <- "bge"
else if (class(bn.fit)[2] == "bn.fit.dnet")
settings$score <- "bde"
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "selected score = {settings$score}")
## check restrict
if (is.null(settings$restrict) ||
is.na(settings$restrict) ||
!settings$restrict %in% avail_restrict ||
settings$method == "bcb-gies"){
settings$restrict <- "none"
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default restrict = {settings$restrict}")
## check alpha
if (is.null(settings$alpha) ||
is.na(settings$alpha) ||
settings$alpha <- bnlearn:::check.alpha(settings$alpha, bn.fit)
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default alpha = {settings$alpha}")
## check max.sx
if (is.null(settings$max.sx) ||
is.na(settings$max.sx) ||
settings$max.sx <- settings$nnodes - 2
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default max.sx = {settings$max.sx}")
## check max_parents
if (is.null(settings$max_parents) ||
is.na(settings$max_parents) ||
settings$max_parents < 0){
settings$max_parents <- min(5, settings$nnodes - 1)
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default max_parents = {settings$max_parents}")
settings$max_parents <- min(settings$nnodes-1, settings$max_parents)
## check threshold
if (is.null(settings$threshold) ||
is.na(settings$threshold) ||
settings$threshold < 0 || settings$threshold > 1){
settings$threshold <- ifelse(settings$method == "bcb-mds", 1, 0.999)
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default threshold = {settings$threshold} for method = {settings$method}")
settings$threshold <- ifelse(settings$method == "bcb-mds",
1, settings$threshold)
## check eta
if (is.null(settings$eta) ||
is.na(settings$eta) ||
settings$eta < 0 || settings$eta > 1){
settings$eta <- 0
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default eta = {settings$eta}")
## check cn-alg presets
if (grepl("cn-", settings$method)){
settings$method <- gsub("cn-", "", settings$method)
settings$int_parents <- 2
if (grepl("greedy", settings$method) ||
(grepl("bcb", settings$method) &&
length(settings$bcb_criteria) &&
settings$bcb_criteria == "greedy")){
## check epsilon
if (is.null(settings$epsilon) ||
is.na(settings$epsilon) ||
settings$epsilon > 1 ||
settings$epsilon < 0){
settings$epsilon <- 0.1
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default epsilon = {settings$epsilon} for greedy")
## check ucb_criteria
if (is.null(settings$ucb_criteria) ||
is.na(settings$ucb_criteria) ||
!is.character(settings$ucb_criteria) ||
!settings$ucb_criteria %in% avail_ucb_criteria){
settings$ucb_criteria <- "c"
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default ucb_criteria = {settings$ucb_criteria} for ucb")
## check delta
if (is.null(settings$delta) ||
is.na(settings$delta) ||
settings$delta <= 0){
settings$delta <- 1
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default delta = {settings$delta} for bucb")
if (settings$method == "random"){
} else if (settings$method %in% c("ucb", "cn-ucb")){
## check c
if (is.null(settings$c) ||
is.na(settings$c) ||
settings$c <= 0){
settings$c <- ifelse(settings$ucb_criteria == "tuned", 1, sqrt(2))
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default c = {settings$c} for ucb")
} else if (settings$method %in% c("ts", "bucb")){
## check mu_0
if (is.null(settings$mu_0) ||
is.na(settings$mu_0) ||
settings$mu_0 != 0){
settings$mu_0 <- 0 # TODO: remove to require symmetric criteria
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default mu_0 = {settings$mu_0} for ts")
## check nu_0
if (is.null(settings$nu_0) ||
is.na(settings$nu_0) ||
settings$nu_0 <= 0){
settings$nu_0 <- 1
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default nu_0 = {settings$nu_0} for ts")
## check b_0
if (is.null(settings$b_0) ||
is.na(settings$b_0) ||
settings$b_0 <= 0){
settings$b_0 <- 1
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default b_0 = {settings$b_0} for ts")
## check a_0
if (is.null(settings$a_0) ||
is.na(settings$a_0) ||
settings$a_0 <= 0){
settings$a_0 <- 1
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default a_0 = {settings$a_0} for ts")
} else if (grepl("bcb", settings$method)){
## TODO: figure out better names
## TODO: mcmc generally needs restrict; need better input validation
## preset: Bayes-UCB with mcmc
if (settings$method == "bcb-mcmc-bucb"){
settings$method <- "bcb-bma"
settings$bcb_combine <- "conjugate"
settings$bcb_criteria <- "bucb"
settings$bcb_engine <- "mcmc"
settings$max_parents <- min(settings$nnodes-1, 20)
settings$threshold <- 1
## preset: Thompson sampling with mcmc
if (settings$method == "bcb-mcmc-ts"){
settings$method <- "bcb-mds"
settings$bcb_combine <- "conjugate"
settings$bcb_criteria <- "ts"
settings$bcb_engine <- "mcmc"
settings$max_parents <- min(settings$nnodes-1, 20)
settings$threshold <- 1
## preset: UCB with mcmc
if (settings$method == "bcb-mcmc-ucb"){
settings$method <- "bcb-bma"
settings$bcb_combine <- "conjugate"
settings$bcb_criteria <- "tuned"
settings$bcb_engine <- "mcmc"
settings$max_parents <- min(settings$nnodes-1, 20)
settings$threshold <- 1
## preset: Bayes-UCB
if (settings$method == "bcb-bucb"){
settings$method <- "bcb-bma"
settings$bcb_combine <- "conjugate"
settings$bcb_criteria <- "bucb"
## preset: Thompson sampling with independent local sampling
if (settings$method == "bcb-ts"){
settings$method <- "bcb-bma"
settings$bcb_combine <- "conjugate"
settings$bcb_criteria <- "ts"
## preset: Thompson sampling with modular DAG sampling
if (settings$method == "bcb-mds-ts"){
settings$method <- "bcb-mds"
settings$bcb_combine <- "conjugate"
settings$bcb_criteria <- "ts"
## preset: epsilon-greedy
if (settings$method == "bcb-greedy"){
settings$method <- "bcb-bma"
settings$bcb_combine <- "conjugate"
settings$bcb_criteria <- "greedy"
## preset: UCB
if (settings$method == "bcb-ucb"){
settings$method <- "bcb-bma"
settings$bcb_combine <- "conjugate"
settings$bcb_criteria <- "tuned"
## check bcb_combine
if (is.null(settings$bcb_combine) ||
is.na(settings$bcb_combine) ||
!is.character(settings$bcb_combine) ||
!settings$bcb_combine %in% avail_bcb_combine){
settings$bcb_combine <- "conjugate"
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default bcb_combine = {settings$bcb_combine} for bcb")
## check bcb_criteria
if (is.null(settings$bcb_criteria) ||
is.na(settings$bcb_criteria) ||
!is.character(settings$bcb_criteria) ||
!settings$bcb_criteria %in% avail_bcb_criteria){
settings$bcb_criteria <- "bcb"
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default bcb_criteria = {settings$bcb_criteria} for bcb")
## check bcb_engine
if (is.null(settings$bcb_engine) ||
is.na(settings$bcb_engine) ||
!is.character(settings$bcb_engine) ||
!settings$bcb_engine %in% avail_bcb_engine){
settings$bcb_engine <- "exact"
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default bcb_engine = {settings$bcb_engine} for bcb")
## check c
if (is.null(settings$c) ||
is.na(settings$c) ||
settings$c <= 0){
settings$c <- 1
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default c = {settings$c} for bcb")
## check plus1every
if (is.null(settings$plus1every) ||
is.na(settings$plus1every) ||
settings$plus1every < 1){
settings$plus1every <- settings$n_obs + settings$n_int + 1 # only at first iteration
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default plus1every = {settings$plus1every} for bcb")
## check plus1post
if (is.null(settings$plus1post) ||
is.na(settings$plus1post) ||
settings$plus1post < 0 ||
settings$plus1post > 1){
settings$plus1post <- 0.05
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default plus1post = {settings$plus1post} for bcb")
## check plus1it
if (is.null(settings$plus1it) ||
is.na(settings$plus1it) ||
settings$plus1it < 1){
settings$plus1it <- 2
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default plus1it = {settings$plus1it} for bcb")
## check bidag_type
if (is.null(settings$bidag_type) ||
is.na(settings$bidag_type) ||
!settings$bidag_type %in% c("order", "partition")){
settings$bidag_type <- "order"
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default bidag_type = {settings$bidag_type} for bcb")
## check min_iterations
if (is.null(settings$min_iterations) ||
is.na(settings$min_iterations) ||
settings$min_iterations < 1){
settings$min_iterations <- 1e4
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default min_iterations = {settings$min_iterations} for bcb")
## check max_iterations
if (is.null(settings$max_iterations) ||
is.na(settings$max_iterations) ||
settings$max_iterations < 1){
settings$max_iterations <- 1e9
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default max_iterations = {settings$max_iterations} for bcb")
## check stepsave
if (is.null(settings$stepsave) ||
is.na(settings$stepsave) ||
settings$stepsave < 1){
settings$stepsave <- NULL
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default stepsave = {settings$stepsave} for bcb")
## check burnin
if (is.null(settings$burnin) ||
is.na(settings$burnin) ||
settings$burnin < 0 ||
settings$burnin > 1){
settings$burnin <- 0.2
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default burnin = {settings$burnin} for bcb")
for (i in c("epsilon", "c", "mu_0", "nu_0", "b_0", "a_0",
"bcb_combine", "bcb_criteria", "bcb_engine",
"plus1every", "plus1post", "plus1it", "bidag_type",
"min_iterations", "max_iterations", "burnin")){
if (is.null(settings[[i]]))
settings[[i]] <- NA
## check data_dir
if (is.null(settings$data_dir) ||
is.na(settings$data_dir) ||
!is.character(settings$data_dir) ||
settings$data_dir <- data_dir
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "data_dir not provided")
## check temp_dir
if (is.null(settings$temp_dir) ||
is.na(settings$temp_dir) ||
# settings$temp_dir <- file.path(path.expand("~"),
# "Documents/ucla/research/projects/current",
# "simulations", "temp")
settings$temp_dir <- file.path(gsub("/tests.*", "", getwd()),
"tests", "temp")
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default temp_dir = {settings$temp_dir}")
## check id
if (is.null(settings$id) ||
settings$id <- random_id(n = 12)
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "generated id = {settings$id}")
## check minimal
if (is.null(settings$minimal) ||
settings$minimal <- TRUE
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default minimal = {settings$minimal}")
## check unique_make
if (is.null(settings$unique_make) ||
settings$unique_make <- FALSE
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "default unique_make = {settings$unique_make}")
if (settings$unique_make){
## copy and recompile bida aps
settings$aps_dir <- file.path(settings$temp_dir,
sprintf("%s_aps", settings$id))
recompile_bida(aps_dir = settings$aps_dir,
aps0_dir = get_bida(dir = TRUE),
debug = debug)
## copy and recompile mds
settings$mds_dir <- file.path(settings$temp_dir,
sprintf("%s_mds", settings$id))
recompile_mds(mds_dir = settings$mds_dir,
mds0_dir = get_mds(dir = TRUE),
debug = debug)
## check aps_dir
if (is.null(settings$aps_dir)){
settings$aps_dir <- get_bida(dir = TRUE)
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "detected aps_dir = {settings$aps_dir}")
compile_bida(aps_dir = settings$aps_dir, debug = debug)
## check mds_dir
if (is.null(settings$mds_dir)){
settings$mds_dir <- get_mds(dir = TRUE)
debug_cli(debug >= 3, "", "detected mds_dir = {settings$mds_dir}")
compile_mds(mds_dir = settings$mds_dir, debug = debug)
## check rounds0
if (length(settings$rounds0)){
settings$data_obs <- settings$rounds0$data[seq_len(settings$n_obs),]
} else{
settings$rounds0 <- list()
## check data_obs
if (is.data.frame(settings$data_obs)){
## TODO: check
} else if (settings$n_obs == 0){
settings$data_obs <- ribn(settings$bn.fit, n = 0)
} else if (is.character(settings$data_obs) &&
if (file.exists(settings$data_obs) &&
(file.exists(fp <-
file.path(settings$data_obs, sprintf("data%s.txt",
settings$run)))) ||
file.exists(fp <- settings$data_obs)){
settings$data_obs <- read.table(fp)[seq_len(settings$n_obs),]
} else if (is.null(settings$data_obs) ||
settings["data_obs"] <- list(NULL)
if (is.data.frame(settings$data_obs)){
obs_means <- attr(bn.fit, "obs_means")
if (!is.null(obs_means)){ # only for gnet
cM <- colMeans(settings$data_obs)
settings$data_obs <- as.data.frame(
sapply(settings$nodes, function(node){
settings$data_obs[[node]] - obs_means[node]
if (settings$type == "bn.fit.dnet"){
settings$data_obs <- as.data.frame(lapply(settings$data_obs,
function(x) as.factor(x)))
for (node in bn.fit){
levels(settings$data_obs[[node$node]]) <- dimnames(node$prob)[[1]]
debug_cli(!is.null(settings$data_obs) && !is.data.frame(settings$data_obs),
cli::cli_abort, "data_obs is not a data.frame")
## TODO: remove; temporary for debugging
settings$bn.fit <- bn.fit
## sort settings
nms <- c("method", "target", "run", "n_obs", "n_int",
"initial_n_ess", "n_t", "max_cache", "int_parents",
"success", "epsilon", "c", "mu_0", "nu_0", "b_0", "a_0", "delta",
"ucb_criteria", "bcb_combine", "bcb_criteria", "bcb_engine",
"plus1every", "plus1post", "plus1it", "bidag_type",
"min_iterations", "max_iterations", "stepsave", "burnin",
"score", "restrict", "alpha", "max.sx", "max_parents",
"threshold", "eta", "minimal", "nodes", "nnodes", "type",
"data_dir", "temp_dir", "aps_dir", "mds_dir",
"id", "rounds0", "data_obs")
settings <- settings[union(nms, c("bn.fit"))]
# Convert policy method to posterior method
method2post <- function(method){
post <- switch(method,
`bcb-star` = "star",
`bcb-mpg` = "mpg",
`bcb-mds` = "mds",
`bcb-gies` = "gies",
`bcb-eg` = "eg",
"bma") # default bma
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