
##' @title Sample caret methods to maximize dissimilarity in the algorithm
##' @description Create a subset of caret methods in an effort to maximize 
##' dissimilarity between them along the features identified in the caretTags 
##' dataset
##' @param methods a vector of character representing method names in caret
##' @param k the number of clusters
##' @param distancemethod the method used to calculate the dissimilarity
##' @param n  number methods to sample per cluster
##' @param what what to return, either "tags" for the caretTags data or "matrix" 
##' for the dissimilarity matrix
##' @return Returns either a dataframe or a matrix with the dissimilarity values 
##' for the methods sampled and the names of the methods. 
##' @importFrom proxy dist
##' @export
##' @examples
#' require(EWStools)
#' data(caretTags)
#' dissimMethod(sample(caretTags$method, 30), k = 4, distancemethod = "maximum", n = 2, what = "tags") 
dissimMethod <- function(methods, k, distancemethod, n, 
                         what = c("tags", "matrix")){
  sub <- caretTags[caretTags$method %in% methods, ]
  sub$model <- NULL
  sub$method <- NULL
  if(distancemethod %in% c("euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra", 
                           "binary", "minkowski")){
    D <- stats::dist(sub, method = distancemethod)
  } else if(distancemethod %in% c("Jaccard", "Kulczynski1", "Kulczynski2", 
                                  "Mountford", "Fager", "Russel", 
                                  "simple matching", "Hamman", "Faith", "Tanimoto", 
                                  "Dice","Phi", "Stiles", "Michael", "Mozley", "Yule", 
                                  "Yule2", "Ochiai", "Simpson", "Braun-Blanquet", 
                                  "cosine", "eJaccard", "fJaccard", "correlation", 
                                  "Chi-squared", "Phi-squared", "Tschuprow", "Cramer", 
                                  "Pearson", "Gower", "Euclidean", "Mahalanobis", "Bhjattacharyya", 
                                  "Manhattan", "supremum", "Minkowski", "Canberra", 
                                  "Wave", "divergence", "Kullback", "Bray", "Soergel", 
                                  "Levenshtein", "Podani", "Chord", "Geodesic", 
                                  "Whittaker", "Hellinger")){
    D <- proxy::dist(sub, method = distancemethod)
  } else{
    stop("I don't recognize the method to calculate the distance you provided. 
         Check pr_DB in the proxy package for available methods or to register 
         a new method.")
  mat <- as.matrix(D)
  dimnames(mat)[[1]] <- methods
  dimnames(mat)[[2]] <- methods
  clustObj <- hclust(D)
  cluster <- cutree(clustObj, k = k)
  mat <- cbind(mat, cluster)
  # choose how many records to sample per unique 'carb' value
    what <- "matrix"
  if(what == "matrix"){
    method.sample <- mat[ 
          1:nrow(mat) , 
          mat[, "cluster"] , 
          sample , 
      ) , ]
    method.sample <- method.sample[,  match(rownames(method.sample), colnames(method.sample))]
  } else if(what == "tags"){
    sub <- caretTags[caretTags$method %in% methods, ]
    sub$cluster <- cutree(clustObj, k = k)
    method.sample <- sub[ 
          1:nrow(sub) , 
          sub$cluster , 
          sample , 
      ) , ]

# data(caretTags)
# caretTags$model <- NULL
# caretTags$method <- NULL
# library(proxy)
# D <- dist(caretTags, method = "Jaccard")
# Dm <- as.matrix(D)
# sim <- Dm
# grps <- rep(NA, nrow(sim))
# grps[caretTags[,"Classification"] == 1 & caretTags[,"Regression"] == 1] <- 4
# grps[caretTags[,"Classification"] == 0 & caretTags[,"Regression"] == 1] <- 2
# grps[caretTags[,"Classification"] == 1 & caretTags[,"Regression"] == 0] <- 3

##' @title Summarize the results of modSearch
##' @description Given a dataframe produced by modSearch, identify the top and bottom n 
##' models and describe their accuracy and their efficiency of fit
##' @param df a dataframe resulting from a call to \code{\link{modSearch}}
##' @param n an integer specified by the user representing how many "best" and "worst" models to report, 
##' defaults to 5
##' @return a list with a bunch of elements
##' @details if the number of unique methods is less than n, then n defaults to the number of unique methods
##' @export
modSearchResults <- function (df, n = 5) 
  ## Define the metric to be used in order to determine the 
  ## best-performing models.
  n <- ifelse(n < length(unique(df$method)), n, length(unique(df$method)))
  if (names(df)[1] == "RMSE") {
    dv <- "RMSE"
    df$sort <- 1 - df[, dv]
  else if (names(df[1]) == "sens") {
    dv <- "auc"
    df$sort <- df[, dv]
  modSuc <- unique(df$method[!is.na(df[, dv])])
  modFail <- unique(df$method[is.na(df[, dv])])
  if (!"test" %in% df$grp == TRUE) {
    message("Rerun modSearch with option to return test data statistics using datatype = 'test'")
    message("Presenting results on training data only")
    grpvar <- "train"
  else {
    grpvar <- "test"
  teststats <- df[df$grp == grpvar, ]
  ## Calculate the performance of each individual model and
  ## rank them by that performance.
  teststats$method <- as.character(teststats$method)
  teststats$grp <- NULL
  names(teststats)[names(teststats) == dv] <- "maxdv"
  eval(parse(text=paste("temp <- aggregate(teststats, by=list(teststats$method), 
                        FUN=max, na.rm=TRUE)", sep="")))
  temp <- temp[,match(c("method", "maxdv"), names(temp))]
  topMetric <- temp[is.finite(temp$maxdv),]
  badMetric <- temp[is.finite(temp$maxdv),]
  topMetric <- topMetric[order(-topMetric$maxdv),]
  badMetric <- badMetric[order(badMetric$maxdv),]
  ## Calculate an efficiency index, which is a ratio of
  ## the performance of each model and the time it took to run.
  effDF <- df[df$grp == grpvar, c(dv, names(df)[4:7], "sort")]
  effDF <- effDF[!duplicated(effDF), ]
  effDF <- na.omit(effDF)
  if (dv == "RMSE") {
    effDF$efficiency <- round(10/(effDF$elapsedTime + effDF[, 
                                                            dv]^2), digits = 3)
  else {
    effDF$efficiency <- effDF[, "sort"]/effDF$elapsedTime
  fastMethods <- effDF$method[order(-effDF$efficiency)][1:n]
  slowMethods <- effDF$method[order(effDF$efficiency)][1:n]
  effDF[, "sort"] <- NULL
  row.names(effDF) <- NULL
  ## Return all the metrics necessary.
  TrainResults <- list(modSuc = modSuc, modFail = modFail, 
                       topMetric = topMetric$maxdv, badMetric = badMetric$maxdv, worstMethod = badMetric$method, 
                       bestMethod = topMetric$method, fastMethods = fastMethods, slowMethods = slowMethods, 
                       efficiencyResults = effDF)

##' @title Extract probabilities from various types of R models used for classification
##' @description Extracts probabilities consistently for using in confusion matrix calculations
##' @param mod an R model object either of glm, caret, or caretEnsemble class
##' @param testdata a list with two elements, a preds dataframe and a factor called class
##' @return a dataframe with yhat, the inverse of yhat, and the outcome as a factor
##' @details Only works for caretEnsemble, train, and glm objects currently. 
##' @export
probExtract <- function(mod, testdata = NULL){
  if(class(mod)[1] == "caretEnsemble"){
      yhats <- predict(mod, keepNA = TRUE) # caretEnsemble seems to predict non-reference class
      yhats <- data.frame(yhat = yhats, yhatInv = 1 - yhats, 
                          .outcome = mod$models[[1]]$trainingData$.outcome)
      names(yhats) <- c("yhatInv", "yhat", ".outcome") # hack to make prediction line up with 
                                                        # proper class
    } else {
      yhats <- predict(mod, keepNA = TRUE, newdata = testdata$preds)
      yhats <- data.frame(yhat = yhats, yhatInv = 1 - yhats, 
                          .outcome = testdata$class)
      names(yhats) <- c("yhatInv", "yhat", ".outcome") # hack to make prediction line up with 
  } else if(class(mod)[1]== "train"){
      yhats <- predict(mod, type = "prob")
      yhats <- data.frame(yhats, 
                          .outcome = mod$trainingData$.outcome)
      names(yhats) <- c("yhat", "yhatInv", ".outcome")
    } else {
      yhats <- predict(mod, newdata = testdata$preds, type = "prob")
      yhats <- data.frame(yhats, 
                          .outcome = testdata$class)
      names(yhats) <- c("yhat", "yhatInv", ".outcome")
  } else if(class(mod)[1] == "glm"){
      yhats <- predict(mod, type = "response")
      yhats <- data.frame(yhat = yhats, yhatInv = 1 - yhats, 
                          .outcome = mod$y)
      names(yhats) <- c("yhatInv", "yhat", ".outcome") # hack to make prediction line up with 
    } else {
      yhats <- predict(mod, newdata = testdata$preds, type = "response")
      yhats <- data.frame(yhat = yhats, yhatInv = 1 - yhats, 
                          .outcome =  testdata$class)
      names(yhats) <- c("yhatInv", "yhat", ".outcome") # hack to make prediction line up with 
    } else if(class(mod)[1] == "caretStack"){
        yhats <- predict(mod, type = "prob") # caretEnsemble seems to predict non-reference class
        yhats <- data.frame(yhat = yhats[, 2], yhatInv = yhats[, 1], 
                            .outcome = mod$models[[1]]$trainingData$.outcome)
        names(yhats) <- c("yhatInv", "yhat", ".outcome") # hack to make prediction line up with 
        # proper class
      } else {
        yhats <- predict(mod, type = "prob", newdata = testdata$preds)
        yhats <- data.frame(yhat = yhats[, 2], yhatInv = yhats[, 1], 
                            .outcome = testdata$class)
        names(yhats) <- c("yhatInv", "yhat", ".outcome") # hack to make prediction line up with 
    } else {
    stop("Please provide either a caretEnsemble or train object")

##' @title Convert probabilities to classifications 
##' @description For building confusion matrices
##' @param yhats a dataframe resulting from a call to \code{\link{probExtract}}
##' @param thresh a numeric from 0 to 1 representing the cutpoint for the probability
##' @return a vector the length of rows in yhats representing the conversion from a numeric 
##' probability to a factor using the threshold thresh
##' @details Only works for caretEnsemble, train, and glm objects currently. Corrects for 
##' the differential ordering in what the predicted probability is with respect to. 
##' @note If you find errors, it is likely that the probabilities are inverted. Please report this. 
##' @keywords internal
reclassProb <- function(yhats, thresh){
  if(class(yhats$.outcome) != "factor"){
    yhats$.outcome <- as.factor(yhats$.outcome)
    warning("attempting to force outcome to factor")
    if(length(levels(yhats$.outcome)) != 2){
      stop("Please ensure that .outcome is a two-class factor")
  if(class(yhats) != "data.frame"){
    yhats <- as.data.frame(yhats)
  if(class(yhats$yhat) != "numeric"){
    stop("Check predictions, yhat must be numeric")
  predLvl <- levels(yhats$.outcome)[1]
  yclass <- ifelse(yhats$yhat >= thresh, predLvl, levels(yhats$.outcome)[2])

##' @title Internal function to aide with factors in predicting new data for ROCtest
##' @keywords internal
factor_norm <- function(mod, testdata, impute=FALSE, ...){
  facnames <- names(mod$xlevels)
    for(i in facnames){
      x <- as.character(testdata[,i])
      levels <- c(unlist(mod$xlevels[i]))
      chk <- unique(x) %in% levels
      if(length(chk[isTRUE(chk)]) > 0){
        testdata[, i] <- as.character(testdata[, i])
        id <- which(!(testdata[, i] %in% levels))
        testdata[id, i] <- NA
        testdata[,i] <- factor(testdata[,i])
  } else if(impute==TRUE){
    for(i in facnames){
      x <- as.character(testdata[,i])
      levels <- c(unlist(mod$xlevels[i]))
      chk <- unique(x) %in% levels
      if(length(chk[!is.na(chk)]) > 0){
        testdata[, i] <- as.character(testdata[, i])
        id <- which(!(testdata[, i] %in% levels))
        a <- as.data.frame(mod$coefficients)
        a$name <- row.names(a)
        a <- a[grepl(i, row.names(a)), ]
        a <- a[order(a[1]) ,]
        newlevel <- a$name[nrow(a) %/% 2]
        testdata[id, i] <- gsub(i,"",newlevel)
        testdata[, i] <- as.factor(testdata[, i])

##' @title An internal function to ensure all parameters passed through \code{\link{modSearch}} 
##' are passed properly
##' @description Reevaluates the ... arguments in the global environment to extract 
##' the proper values
##' @param args a list extracted from ...
cleanArg <- function(args){
  for(i in names(args)){
    if(is.symbol(args[[i]])){ # consider using paste instead of print
      metric <- do.call(paste, list(args[[i]]), envir = .GlobalEnv)
      args[[i]] <- do.call(paste, list(args[[i]]), envir = .GlobalEnv)

##' @title Calculate a confidence interval for a vector
##' @description Given a vector, this function produces a three number summary consisting 
##' of the median, the median minus the standard deviation (multiplied by a scaling 
##' factor), and the median plus the standard deviation multiplied by a scaling factor. 
##' @param x a numeric vector, can contain missing values, if so, they are ignored
##' @param scale the factor to multiply the standard deviation by when creating the 
##' interval
##' @return a numeric vector with three elements, the low end of the confidence 
##' interval, the median, and the high end of the confidence interval
##' @export
ci_pred <- function(x, scale){
  lowCI <- median(x, na.rm=T) - (scale * sd(x, na.rm=T))
  hiCI <- median(x, na.rm=T) + (scale * sd(x, na.rm=T))
  med <- median(x, na.rm=T)
  CI <- c(lowCI, med, hiCI)
  if(hiCI > max(x)){
    warning("High value of confidence interval greater than max(x), check scale")
  if(lowCI < min(x)){
    warning("Low value of confidence interval less than min(x), check scale")

##' @title Calculate subscores from an overall score in a dataframe
##' @description Given a dataframe, specify a variable to be the overall risk field and 
##' loop through all other fields and score them on whether the observation is closest to 
##' the others on the overall risk 
##' @param df a dataframe
##' @param VAR a character representing the name of a variable in DF
##' @param RISK a character representing the name of a variable in DF
##' @export
subscores <- function(df, VAR, RISK){
  cis <- tapply(df[, match(VAR, colnames(df))], 
                df[, match(RISK, colnames(df))], 
                function(x){(ci_pred(x, 0.5))}, simplify=TRUE)
  thresh <- expand.grid(group = c("High", "Moderate", "Low"), 
                        min = rep(NA), med = rep(NA),
                        max = rep(NA) )
  thresh[thresh$group=="High", c(2:4)] <- cis$High
  thresh[thresh$group=="Moderate", c(2:4)] <- cis$Moderate
  thresh[thresh$group=="Low", c(2:4)] <- cis$Low
  df$subscore <- NA
  df$subscore[df[, match(VAR, colnames(df))] > thresh[thresh$group=="Moderate", "max"]] <- "Low"
  df$subscore[df[, match(VAR, colnames(df))] <= thresh[thresh$group=="Moderate", "max"] & 
                df[, match(VAR, colnames(df))] >= thresh[thresh$group=="Low", "max"]] <- "Moderate"
  df$subscore[df[, match(VAR, colnames(df))] < thresh[thresh$group=="Low", "max"]] <- "High"
  df$subscore[is.na(df[, match(VAR, colnames(df))])] <- "Missing"
  subscore <- list(subvec = df$subscore, thresholds = thresh)
jknowles/EWStools documentation built on May 19, 2019, 11:42 a.m.