# DigitAnalysis R Package
# github.com/jlederluis/digitanalysis
# Jetson Leder-Luis and Jean Ensminger
# Research assistant: Wenjun Chang
# High to Low Digit Test functions in this file
#' Computes weighted average probability of high digits across all digit places.
#' Helper function for \code{high_low_by_digit_place}.
#' @param high_and_low_total_counts The total counts for high and low digits in each digit places as a data frame
#' @inheritParams high_low_by_digit_place
#' @return Weighted average probability of high digits across all digit places.
calculate_weighted_p = function(high_and_low_total_counts, high_freq_theoretical){
#ensure same dimension
if (length(high_and_low_total_counts) != length(high_freq_theoretical)){
stop('high_and_low_total_counts and high_freq_theoretical must have same number of columns!')
#get weighted average probability of high digits
digit_place_weights = colSums(high_and_low_total_counts) / sum(high_and_low_total_counts)
weighted_p = sum(digit_place_weights * high_freq_theoretical, na.rm=TRUE)
#' Computes the high low digit binomial test by digit place for desired data columns.
#' Helper function for \code{high_low_test}
#' @param digits_table A digits table for some data columns, preferably returned by \code{grab_desired_aligned_columns}
#' @param high_freq_theoretical A table for theoratical high digit frequency in each digit place.
#' @inheritParams high_low_test
#' @return A table of p_values for input \code{digits_table} by digit place
high_low_by_digit_place = function(digitdata, digits_table, high, high_freq_theoretical, omit_05, skip_first_digit, test_type='binom'){
#intialize a table for storing total high and low digits counts for each digit place
high_and_low_total_counts = data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = 2, ncol = digitdata@max))
#name col and row for debug purpose
rownames(high_and_low_total_counts) = c('high digits counts', 'low digits counts')
colnames(high_and_low_total_counts) = digitdata@left_aligned_column_names[1:length(high_and_low_total_counts)]
#count high low digits in each column
for (name in colnames(digits_table)){
for (i in 1:length(digitdata@left_aligned_column_names)){
if (grepl(digitdata@left_aligned_column_names[i], name, fixed = TRUE)){
#i is the digit place of this column
#get frequency of each digit in each digit place
counts_obs = table(digits_table[name], useNA = 'no')
if (!(is.na(omit_05[1]))){
counts_obs = counts_obs[!names(counts_obs) %in% as.character(omit_05)]
#get total occurances of high digit places
high_counts_obs = sum(counts_obs[as.character(high)], na.rm = TRUE)
low_counts_obs = sum(counts_obs, na.rm = TRUE) - high_counts_obs
#update counts table
high_and_low_total_counts[i] = high_and_low_total_counts[i] + c(high_counts_obs, low_counts_obs)
#omit first digit place column if desired
if (skip_first_digit){
high_and_low_total_counts = high_and_low_total_counts[-1]
high_freq_theoretical = high_freq_theoretical[-1]
p_value = NA
if (test_type == 'binom'){
#get weighted values across all digit places
weighted_p = calculate_weighted_p(high_and_low_total_counts, high_freq_theoretical[1:length(high_and_low_total_counts)])
total_high_low_count = c(rowSums(high_and_low_total_counts)[1], rowSums(high_and_low_total_counts)[2])
#binomial test
p_value = binom.test(total_high_low_count, p = weighted_p, alternative = 'g')$p.value #################
else if (test_type == 'chisq'){
expected_freq = rbind(high_freq_theoretical, 1-high_freq_theoretical)[1:length(high_and_low_total_counts)] #high and low digit frequency expected
rownames(expected_freq) = c('high digits freq', 'low digits freq')
#chi square test # high_and_low_total_counts is observed table
p_value = chi_square_gof(high_and_low_total_counts, expected_freq, freq=TRUE, suppress_low_N=FALSE)$p_value
else {
stop('test_type can only be either "chisq" or "binom"!')
sample_sizes = t(as.data.frame(t(colSums(high_and_low_total_counts))))
observed_high_digits_freq = data.frame(t(high_and_low_total_counts[1, ] / colSums(high_and_low_total_counts)))
return(list(p_value=format_p_values(p_value), observed_high_digits_freq=observed_high_digits_freq, sample_sizes=sample_sizes, high_freq_theoretical=high_freq_theoretical))
#' Perform a single high low test. Helper function for \code{high_low_test}.
#' @inheritParams high_low_test
#' @return p_values table of high low test for input data from \code{digitdata}.
single_high_low_test = function(digitdata, contingency_table, data_columns, high, omit_05, skip_first_digit, skip_last_digit, category, category_grouping, test_type){
#if omit_05 in high, then should throw error
for (digit in omit_05){
if (digit %in% high){
stop('digits in high should not be omitted.')
#get table for the theoratical high to low freqency in each digit place
#drop X and Digits column of contingency table
high_freq_theoretical = contingency_table[!(colnames(contingency_table) %in% c('X', 'Digits'))]
rownames(high_freq_theoretical) = 0:9
#drop 0 and/or 5
if (!(is.na(omit_05[1]))){
high_freq_theoretical = high_freq_theoretical[-(omit_05+1), ] ### +1 since omit_05 is digits begins with 0, while indexes begins with 1
#normalize the columns after (if) dropping 0 and/or 5
for (name in colnames(high_freq_theoretical)){
high_freq_theoretical[name] = high_freq_theoretical[name] / sum(high_freq_theoretical[name])
#get the frequency for high digits in each digit place
high_freq_theoretical = data.frame(t(colSums(high_freq_theoretical[as.character(high), ])))
colnames(high_freq_theoretical) = gsub(".", " ", colnames(high_freq_theoretical), fixed=TRUE)
rownames(high_freq_theoretical) = 'high digits freq'
#handle the data_columns = 'all' situation
data_columns = get_data_columns(digitdata, data_columns)
#get the data columns desired
lst = grab_desired_aligned_columns(digitdata, data_columns, skip_first_digit=skip_first_digit, skip_last_digit=skip_last_digit, align_direction='left')
digits_table = lst$digits_table
digitdata = lst$digitdata
#perform high low test
result = high_low_by_digit_place(digitdata, digits_table, high, high_freq_theoretical, omit_05, skip_first_digit, test_type)
p_value = result$p_value
observed_high_digits_freq = result$observed_high_digits_freq
sample_sizes = result$sample_sizes
#create and update tables
p_values = data.frame(All = p_value)
high_digits_freq_table = data.frame(matrix(nrow = nrow(observed_high_digits_freq), ncol = 0)) #for plotting
rownames(high_digits_freq_table) = rownames(observed_high_digits_freq)
high_digits_freq_table['All'] = observed_high_digits_freq
sample_sizes_table = data.frame(matrix(nrow = nrow(sample_sizes), ncol = 0)) #for plotting
rownames(sample_sizes_table) = rownames(sample_sizes)
sample_sizes_table['All'] = sample_sizes
#perform a 'year effect' high low test break by category
if (!(is.na(category))){
#get indexes for each category
indexes_of_categories = break_by_category(digitdata@cleaned, category, category_grouping) #this is a list since unequal number of entries for each category
#break by category for all
for (category_name in names(indexes_of_categories)){
indexes_of_category = indexes_of_categories[[category_name]]
data_of_category = data.frame(digits_table[indexes_of_category, ])
#when do data.frame.... col names changes from A BC to A.BC
colnames(data_of_category) = gsub("."," ",colnames(data_of_category), fixed=TRUE)
#get p_values for this category ('year')
result_of_category = high_low_by_digit_place(digitdata, data_of_category, high, high_freq_theoretical, omit_05, skip_first_digit, test_type)
#update returning tables
p_values[category_name] = result_of_category$p_value
high_digits_freq_table[category_name] = result_of_category$observed_high_digits_freq
sample_sizes_table[category_name] = result_of_category$sample_sizes
if (!(TRUE %in% grepl("\\D", colnames(p_values)[-1]))){
#then it is numeric..sort them
ordered_columns = c('All', as.character(sort(as.numeric(colnames(p_values)[-1]))))
p_values = p_values[ordered_columns]
sample_sizes_table = sample_sizes_table[ordered_columns]
aggregated_observed_high_freq = data.frame(matrix(nrow=1, ncol=0))
aggregated_expected_high_freq = data.frame(matrix(nrow=1, ncol=0))
#compute aggregate expected and observed frequency for high digits
for (category in colnames(high_digits_freq_table)){
aggregated_observed_high_freq[category] = sum(high_digits_freq_table[[category]] * sample_sizes_table[[category]] / sum(sample_sizes_table[[category]], na.rm = TRUE), na.rm = TRUE)
aggregated_expected_high_freq[category] = sum(result$high_freq_theoretical[1:nrow(high_digits_freq_table)] * sample_sizes_table[[category]] / sum(sample_sizes_table[[category]], na.rm = TRUE), na.rm = TRUE)
if (ncol(aggregated_observed_high_freq) != 1 && !(TRUE %in% grepl("\\D", colnames(aggregated_observed_high_freq)[-1]))){
#then it is numeric..sort them
ordered_columns = c('All', as.character(sort(as.numeric(colnames(aggregated_observed_high_freq)[-1]))))
aggregated_observed_high_freq = aggregated_observed_high_freq[ordered_columns]
aggregated_expected_high_freq = aggregated_expected_high_freq[ordered_columns]
return(list(p_values=p_values, high_digits_freq_table=t(high_digits_freq_table), sample_sizes_table=as.data.frame(t(colSums(sample_sizes_table))), high_freq_theoretical=result$high_freq_theoretical,
aggregated_observed_high_freq=aggregated_observed_high_freq, aggregated_expected_high_freq=aggregated_expected_high_freq))
#' Performs high to low digit tests vs probability of high to low digits by Benford's Law via chi square test (default) or binomial test
#' @param high An numeric array of digits or a single number that will be classified as high digits. Defaulted to c(6,7,8,9).
#' @param test_type Specifies whether to perform a binomial test on high vs low digit frequency weighted averaged across digit places with "binom",
#' or a chi square test on high vs. low by each digit place with "chisq". Defaulted to "chisq".
#' @inheritParams all_digits_test
#' @inheritParams sector_test
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item A table of p-values for high low test on each category
#' \item A table of sample sizes for high low test on each category
#' \item Plots for each category if \code{plot = TRUE or 'Save'}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' high_low_test(digitdata, high=c(5, 6,7,8,9))
#' high_low_test(digitdata, skip_first_digit=TRUE, break_out='col_name', test_type='binom')
#' high_low_test(digitdata, high=c(5,6,9), omit_05=0, skip_last_digit=TRUE, break_out='col_name', category='category_name')
#' high_low_test(digitdata, data_columns='c(col_name1, col_name2)', high=9, break_out='col_name', category='category_name', plot='Save')
high_low_test = function(digitdata, data_columns='all', high=c(6,7,8,9), omit_05=NA, test_type='chisq', distribution='Benford', contingency_table=NA,
skip_first_digit=FALSE, skip_last_digit=FALSE, break_out=NA, break_out_grouping=NA, category=NA, category_grouping=NA, plot=TRUE,
#check input
input_check(digitdata=digitdata, contingency_table=contingency_table, data_columns=data_columns, skip_first_digit=skip_first_digit,
omit_05=omit_05, skip_last_digit=skip_last_digit, high=high, break_out=break_out, break_out_grouping=break_out_grouping,
category=category, category_grouping=category_grouping, remove_all_category_visualize=remove_all_category_visualize)
#deal with contingency table and distribution situation
if (TRUE %in% ((is.na(contingency_table)))){
#if contingency_table is not passed in, use distribution
if (tolower(distribution) == 'benford'){
contingency_table = digitanalysis::benford_table
else if (tolower(distribution) == 'uniform'){
contingency_table = digitanalysis::uniform_table
else {
stop('contingency_table is invalid, and distribution is not one of "benford" or "uniform"!')
#perform high low test on all data
result = single_high_low_test(digitdata, contingency_table, data_columns, high, omit_05, skip_first_digit, skip_last_digit, category, category_grouping, test_type)
p_values_table = data.frame(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = ncol(result$p_values))) #p values table
colnames(p_values_table) = colnames(result$p_values)
p_values_table['All', ] = result$p_values
sample_sizes_table = data.frame(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = ncol(result$sample_sizes_table))) #sample sizes table
colnames(sample_sizes_table) = colnames(result$sample_sizes_table)
sample_sizes_table['All', ] = result$sample_sizes_table
#for plotting
observed_freq_table = data.frame(All = result$aggregated_observed_high_freq)
expected_freq_table = data.frame(All = result$aggregated_expected_high_freq)
rownames(observed_freq_table) = 'All'
rownames(expected_freq_table) = 'All'
colnames(observed_freq_table) = colnames(result$aggregated_observed_high_freq)
colnames(expected_freq_table) = colnames(result$aggregated_expected_high_freq)
#perform high low test on all break out categories
if (!(is.na(break_out))){
#get indexes for each category
indexes_of_categories = break_by_category(digitdata@cleaned, break_out, break_out_grouping) #this is a list since unequal number of entries for each category
#break by category for all
for (category_name in names(indexes_of_categories)){
indexes_of_category = indexes_of_categories[[category_name]]
#create a digitdata class for this category
digitdata_of_category = make_sub_digitdata(digitdata=digitdata, indexes=indexes_of_category)
#perform high low test on this category
result_of_category = single_high_low_test(digitdata_of_category, contingency_table, data_columns, high, omit_05, skip_first_digit,
skip_last_digit, category, category_grouping, test_type)
p_values_table[category_name, ][colnames(result_of_category$p_values)] = result_of_category$p_values
sample_sizes_table[category_name, ][colnames(result_of_category$sample_sizes_table)] = result_of_category$sample_sizes_table
#for plotting #this is weird af!
if (ncol(result_of_category$aggregated_observed_high_freq) == 1){
observed_freq_table[category_name, ] = result_of_category$aggregated_observed_high_freq
expected_freq_table[category_name, ] = result_of_category$aggregated_expected_high_freq
else {
observed_freq_table[category_name, ][colnames(result_of_category$aggregated_observed_high_freq)] = result_of_category$aggregated_observed_high_freq
expected_freq_table[category_name, ][colnames(result_of_category$aggregated_expected_high_freq)] = result_of_category$aggregated_expected_high_freq
if (!(TRUE %in% grepl("\\D", rownames(p_values_table)[-1]))){
#then it is numeric..sort them
ordered_rows = c('All', as.character(sort(as.numeric(rownames(p_values_table)[-1]))))
p_values_table = p_values_table[ordered_rows, ]
sample_sizes_table = sample_sizes_table[ordered_rows, ]
observed_freq_table = observed_freq_table[ordered_rows, ]
high_low_plot = 'No plot with plot=FALSE or without break_out'
if (plot != FALSE){
plot_title = 'High Low Test \n'
if (!is.na(break_out)){
plot_title = paste(plot_title, 'Broken out by ', break_out, sep='')
if (!is.na(category)){
plot_title = paste(plot_title, ', ', category, sep='')
plot_data = observed_freq_table
if (ncol(expected_freq_table) != 1){
#remove col for 'All' if we do not want to visualize that
if (remove_all_category_visualize){
plot_data = observed_freq_table[!(colnames(observed_freq_table) %in% c('All'))]
#2D plot with variables
high_low_plot = hist_2D_variables(plot_data, data_style='col', xlab=break_out, ylab='High Digits Frequency', title=plot_title)
else {
#2D plot
dist_line = geom_line(data = data.frame(x=rownames(expected_freq_table), y=expected_freq_table[[1]]), aes(x = x, y = y, group=1, linetype='Expected High Digits Frequency'), color='red', lwd=1)
high_low_plot = hist_2D(plot_data, data_style='col', xlab=break_out, ylab='High Digits Frequency', title=plot_title, abline = dist_line)
if (plot == TRUE){
return(list(p_values=p_values_table, percent_high_digits=observed_freq_table, sample_sizes=sample_sizes_table, statistical_test=test_type, plot=high_low_plot))
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