Man pages for jmonlong/sveval
SV evaluation

aldistAlign sequences and compute edit distance
annotateOlAnnotate the overlap between SVs
annotateOl.bipartiteAnnotate the overlap between SVs using reciprocal overlap and...
annotateOl.coverageAnnotate the overlap between SVs using the reciprocal...
annotateOl.reciprocalAnnotate the overlap between SVs using the reciprocal overlap...
clusterSVsCluster SVs based on overlap/similarity
countAllelesCount alleles in SV sites across samples
evalOlCompute FP, FN, TP
explore_eval_svsInteractive exploration of FP/FN/TP SVs
extendSVwithSimpRepExtend SV coordinates using simple repeat annotation
filterSVsFilter SVs for size and regions of interest
findNocallsFind no-calls variants
freqAnnotateAnnotate SVs with frequency in catalog
ivg_svInteractive exploration of SVs in a variation graph
merge_ac_svsites_cppCount alleles in SV sites across samples
merge_gq_svsites_cppGenotype quality in SV sites across samples
mergeHetsMerge heterozygous variants
plot_perregionRecall, precision, F1 per region
plot_persizeRecall, precision, F1 per SV size
plot_prcurveCreate precision-recall graphs
plot_rangesPlot variants in a region
prepareOlPrepare SV overlaps before annotation
prfCompute precision, recall and F1 score
readSVvcfRead SVs from a VCF file
readSVvcf.multisampsRead SVs from a VCF file
read_vcf_cppRead VCF using CPP reader
read_vcf_multisamps_cppRead VCF using CPP reader
rmskAnnotateAnnotate REF/ALT sequence with RepeatMasker
stitchMergeHetsStitch and merge heterozygous SVs
stitchSVsStitch fragmented SVs
subset_evalCompute evaluation results on a subset of the calls
svevalOlSV evaluation based on overlap and variant size
sveval-packageSV evaluation
svOverlapOverlap SVs
wrapperWrapper function to use sveval as a command line tool
wrapper_mergetsvsInternal wrapper function to merge TSVs as a command line...
wrapper_svevalInternal wrapper function to run sveval as a command line...
jmonlong/sveval documentation built on July 31, 2023, 7:50 p.m.