#' Check Venndir object
#' Check Venndir object integrity
#' ## Todo:
#' * Write additional validation checks.
#' @export
#' @family JamPolygon
#' @param object `Venndir` object
#' @export
check_Venndir <- function
# basic check to confirm all slot names exist
# all(c("jp", "jps", "label_df", "setlist") %in% slotNames(object))
is_valid <- (c("jps", "label_df", "setlist") %in% slotNames(object))
# jamba::printDebug("is_valid:", is_valid);
# new practical validation
vnames <- object@jps@polygons$venn_name;
vsets <- unique(unlist(strsplit(vnames, "&")))
onames <- object@label_df$overlap_set;
osets <- unique(unlist(strsplit(onames, "&")))
# validate venn contents
is_valid_venn <- (
all(vsets %in% names(object@setlist)) &&
all(osets %in% names(object@setlist)) &&
all(length(vnames) == 0 ||
all(object@jps@polygons$venn_name %in% object@label_df$overlap_set))
all(is_valid) && all(is_valid_venn)
#' Venndir class
#' Venndir class
#' This object is intended to contain all the required data to produce
#' a venndir figure. The components in this object can be edited.
#' Slots:
#' * **jps**: `JamPolygon` containing the set and overlap polygons.
#' * Columns `"x"`,`"y"` contain polygon coordinates, see
#' `JamPolygon-class` for details on multi-part polygons, and polygons
#' with holes.
#' * The polygon type is defined with column `type` and values
#' `"set"` or `"overlap"`.
#' * The "set" polygons are intended to be the full circle for each
#' set, but may be `NA` or `NULL` to indicate the set is empty.
#' * The "overlap" polygons are expected to be contained inside
#' "set" polygons, and each overlap polygon may be multi-polygons
#' with or without holes.
#' For example, the "set" polygon for `set_A` which is a circle fully
#' contained inside another set `set_B`.
#' The "overlap" polygon for `set_A` would be empty, since there is no
#' region unique to `set_A`.
#' However the "overlap" polygon `set_A&set_B`
#' would contain the full circle defined by "set" polygon `set_A`.
#' Lastly the "overlap" polygon for `set_B` would be a circle with a hole
#' located at "overlap" `set_A&set_B`.
#' or ellipse. The overlap polygons are polygons, possibly multi-part
#' with or without holes, or may be `NA` or `NULL` to indicate that
#' this overlap does not have a corresponding polygon.
#' * The `name` column contains set or overlap
#' names, where multiple sets are concatenated with `"&"` by default.
#' or ellipse corresponding to each set in `setlist`), and the overlap
#' polygons. Where an overlap does not exist, the polygon coordinates
#' will be empty, or will have entirely `NA` values for "x" and "y".
#' * **label_df**: `data.frame` which contains information about
#' Venn labels placement and content.
#' It should contain one row for each Venn overlap.
#' When data contains signed overlaps, each overlap is sub-divided
#' by the combination of overlap signs, with one row per overlap and
#' overlap signs.
#' Overlap signs are summarized based upon argument `overlap_type`,
#' see `signed_overlaps()`.
#' * `"overlap_sign"` represents the combination of overlap name,
#' and the overlap sign across all sets.
#' * `"text"` indicates the count label to be displayed.
#' * `"venn_counts"` indicates the numeric number of Venn overlaps
#' in each row.
#' * `"item"` should be a `list` that contains `character` vectors
#' of items in each overlap set. Column `"item"` is optional.
#' * `"nsets"` indicates the number of sets involved in the overlap.
#' * `"x"`, `"y"` represent the label coordinate to use inside
#' each polygon overlap. When the label is displayed outside the polygon,
#' the values `"x_offset"` and `"y_offset"` are added to `"x"` and `"y"`,
#' respectively. In this way, a line segment can be drawn from the outer
#' label back to the corresponding polygon.
#' * `"color"` indicates the color for each label. Note the
#' actual color may be modified based upon the background fill color
#' to maximize the contrast and visibility of the color. For example
#' blue on a dark background is displayed as light blue.
#' * `"fontsize"` indicates the base font size, prior to any
#' optional adjustment with `font_cex`.
#' * `"fill"` indicates an optional color fill behind the count
#' label. When `NULL` (default) there is no color fill. This value
#' is usually populated by argument `label_style` which is passed to
#' `venndir_label_preset()`.
#' * `"border"` indicates an optional border around count labels,
#' and is handled similar to `"fill"`.
#' * `"padding"`, `"padding_unit"`, `"r"`, and `"r_unit"` are
#' used with `gridtext::richtext_grob()` to define padding around count
#' labels, and optional rounded corners when border is displayed.
#' * Other columns are intended for internal use by `render_venndir()`
#' and are not yet fully editable.
#' * **setlist**: `list` with the `setlist` used to create the Venn overlaps.
#' Previously this data could be inferred from `label_df` which was
#' tedious, and required column `"item"` which is optional.
#' That said, `setlist` can be an empty `list()`.
#' * **metadata**: `list` with optional metadata, intended for future
#' expansion, such as plot title.
#' @family JamPolygon
# jp="JamPolygon",
#' Plot Venndir object
#' Plot Venndir object
#' @returns `Venndir` object, invisibly.
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname Venndir-methods
#' @family venndir utility
#' @export
signature=c(x="Venndir", y="ANY"),
definition=function(x, y, ...) {
if (missing(y)) {
y <- 0;
render_venndir(x, ...)
# Todo:
# * print(), summary() functions
#' Return setlist length for Venndir object
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname Venndir-methods
#' @export
definition=function(x) {
# if (!isGeneric("setlist")) {
setGeneric("setlist", function(x) standardGeneric("setlist"))
# }
#' Extract setlist from a Venndir object
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname Venndir-methods
#' @export
function(x) {
#' Extract setlist names from a Venndir object
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname Venndir-methods
#' @export
definition=function(x) {
## show a summary of a Venndir object
#' Show summary of a Venndir object
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname Venndir-methods
#' @export
setMethod("show", "Venndir",
# signature=c(x="Venndir"),
function(object) {
# number of sets, polygons (set, overlap)
sets_num <- length(object@setlist);
sets_names <- names(object@setlist);
# number of polygons
ct_polys <- table(object@jps@polygons$type)
ct_polys_set <- as.integer(ct_polys["set"])
ct_polys_ol <- as.integer(ct_polys["overlap"])
# labels
ldf <- subset(object@jps@polygons, type %in% "set");
setdf <- ldf[, c("venn_name", "venn_label",
"legend_label", "venn_color"), drop=FALSE]
colnames(setdf)[1:4] <- c("set_name",
"setlist_labels", "legend_labels", "set_colors")
setdf$size <- lengths(object@setlist[setdf$set_name])
rownames(setdf) <- match(setdf$set_name, names(object@setlist))
# overlap_type
# overlap_type needs to be inferred?? Probably a mistake not to include.
ol_type <- NULL;
# ol_type <- intersect(c("each", "overlap", "concordance", "agreement"),
# colnames(object@label_df))
## metadata
main <- NULL;
if ("metadata" %in% slotNames(object) && length(object@metadata) > 0) {
main <- object@metadata$main;
if ("overlap_type" %in% names(object@metadata)) {
ol_type <- object@metadata$overlap_type
summary_v <- c(
paste0("class: Venndir"),
paste0("slots: ", paste(slotNames(object), collapse=", ")),
paste0("number of sets: ", sets_num),
paste0("number of polygons: ", #sum(ct_polys),
"", ct_polys_set, " sets, ", ct_polys_ol, " overlaps")
if (length(ol_type) > 0) {
summary_v <- c(summary_v,
paste0("overlap_type: '", ol_type, "'"))
if (length(main) > 0) {
summary_v <- c(summary_v,
paste0("Main title: '", main, "'"))
summary_v <- c(summary_v, "");
summary_text <- jamba::cPaste(summary_v, sep="\n")
cat(summary_text, sep="");
# jamba::sdim(object)[, c("enrichIM", "geneIM", "memIM"), drop=FALSE]
# if (!isGeneric("metadata")) {
setGeneric("metadata", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("metadata"))
# }
#' Return metadata for a Venndir object
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname Venndir-methods
#' @export
function(x) {
if (is.null(x@metadata) || is.character(x@metadata)) {
list(metadata = x@metadata)
} else {
# if (!isGeneric("metadata<-")) {
function(x, ..., value) standardGeneric("metadata<-"))
# }
#' Replace metadata for a Venndir object
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname Venndir-methods
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("metadata", "Venndir",
function(x, value) {
if (!is.list(value))
stop("replacement 'metadata' value must be a list")
if (!length(value))
names(value) <- NULL # instead of character()
x@metadata <- value
setGeneric("overlaplist", function(x) standardGeneric("overlaplist"))
#' Extract overlap list from a Venndir object
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname Venndir-methods
#' @export
function(x) {
if (!"items" %in% colnames(x@label_df)) {
stop("'items' are not present in this Venndir object.")
overlaplist <- lapply(x@label_df$items, c);
names(overlaplist) <- x@label_df$overlap_sign;
keep_ol <- (lengths(overlaplist) > 0)
overlaplist <- overlaplist[keep_ol];
ol_split <- factor(x@label_df$overlap_set[keep_ol],
if (any("factor" %in% jamba::sclass(overlaplist))) {
overlaplist <- lapply(overlaplist, function(i){
if (inherits(i, "factor")) {
if (length(i) == 1) {
} else {
} else {
overlaplist_list <- split(overlaplist, ol_split)
if (any(lengths(overlaplist_list) > 1)) {
overlaplist_list <- lapply(overlaplist_list, function(i){
names(i) <- sub("^.+[|]", "", names(i));
names(overlaplist) <- gsub("[|].+", "", names(overlaplist));
setGeneric("overlapdf", function(x) standardGeneric("overlapdf"))
#' Extract overlaps as a data.frame from a Venndir object
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname Venndir-methods
#' @export
function(x) {
if (!"items" %in% colnames(x@label_df)) {
stop("'items' are not present in this Venndir object.")
ollist <- overlaplist(x)
if (inherits(ollist[[1]], "list")) {
odf <- data.frame(check.names=FALSE,
overlap=rep(names(ollist), lengths(ollist)),
sign=unlist(lapply(unname(ollist), names)),
items=I(unlist(ollist, recursive=FALSE)))
odf$sign <- jamba::cPaste(sep=" ",
lapply(strsplit(odf$sign, " "), function(i){
i[!i %in% "0"]
} else {
odf <- data.frame(check.names=FALSE,
odf$overlap <- factor(odf$overlap,
odf$count <- lengths(odf$items);
# signed_counts
setGeneric("signed_counts", function(x) standardGeneric("signed_counts"))
#' Extract signed count list from a Venndir object
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname Venndir-methods
#' @export
function(x) {
scdf <- x@label_df[, c("overlap_sign", "venn_counts",
"text", "type", "overlap_set")];
scdf$sign <- sub("^.+[|]", "", scdf$overlap_sign);
scdf$sign <- jamba::cPaste(sep="_",
lapply(strsplit(scdf$sign, " "), function(i){
i[!i %in% "0"]
scdf <- subset(scdf, venn_counts > 0);
sclist <- split(scdf,
lapply(sclist, function(idf){
if ("signed" %in% idf$type) {
idf <- subset(idf, type %in% "signed")
setNames(idf$venn_counts, idf$sign)
# im
setGeneric("im", function(x) standardGeneric("im"))
#' Extract incidence matrix (im) from a Venndir object
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname Venndir-methods
#' @export
function(x) {
sl <- setlist(x);
slim <- list2im_value(sl);
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