
Defines functions civet.accessorIsImplemented civet.processArgsSettings civet.processArgsOpt civet.checkVersion civet.getScanDirectoryName civet.getFilename civet.getFilenameClassify civet.getFilenameGrayMatterPve civet.getFilenameWhiteMatterPve civet.getFilenameCsfPve civet.getFilenameStxT1 civet.getFilenameCerebrumMask civet.getFilenameSkullMask civet.getFilenameNative civet.getFilenameNativeNUC civet.getFilenameSkullMaskNative civet.getFilenameGrayMatterSurfaces civet.getFilenameWhiteMatterSurfaces civet.getFilenameMidSurfaces civet.getFilenameCorticalThickness civet.getFilenameMeanSurfaceCurvature civet.getFilenameLinearTransform civet.getFilenameNonlinearTransform civet.getFilenameVbmBlurred civet.getDirname civet.getDirnameClassify civet.getDirnameFinal civet.getDirnameLogs civet.getDirnameMask civet.getDirnameNative civet.getDirnameSurfaces civet.getDirnameThickness civet.getDirnameTransforms civet.getDirnameTransformsLinear civet.getDirnameTransformsNonlinear civet.getDirnameVbm civet.getDirnameVerify civet.readCivetDatFiles civet.computeStxTissueVolumes civet.computeNativeToStxRescalingFactor civet.computeNativeTissueVolumes

Documented in civet.checkVersion civet.computeNativeTissueVolumes civet.computeNativeToStxRescalingFactor civet.computeStxTissueVolumes civet.getFilenameCerebrumMask civet.getFilenameClassify civet.getFilenameCorticalThickness civet.getFilenameCsfPve civet.getFilenameGrayMatterPve civet.getFilenameGrayMatterSurfaces civet.getFilenameLinearTransform civet.getFilenameMeanSurfaceCurvature civet.getFilenameMidSurfaces civet.getFilenameNonlinearTransform civet.getFilenameSkullMask civet.getFilenameStxT1 civet.getFilenameWhiteMatterPve civet.getFilenameWhiteMatterSurfaces civet.readCivetDatFiles

# ========================== Overall Purpose ==================================
#	Replicate the Civet access middle-ware that exists for Ruby.
#   Difference: Whereas the Ruby middle-ware is explicitly written to be used
#   within the Beagle processing pipeline, this code was written to be used
#   more broadly. 
#   Therefore, whereas the Ruby middle-ware passes a bunch of settings and
#   run options passed on from Beagle, this version, instead, needs to
#   pass settings/options explicitly. In addition, some settings, such as
#   the Civet root directory, needs to be passed as a mandatory arg, 
#   rather than knowing that it is automatically passed (via Beagle) in
#   settings.
#   At any rate, an attempt was made to try to keep the function signatures
#   as similar as possible between the Ruby/R versions.  
# ========================== Handy Function Signatures ==================================
# == Internal
#bool <- civet.accessorIsImplemented(permitted_civet_versions, civet_version)
#updated_settings$ <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings) 
#updated_opt$ <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
#civet.checkVersion(civet_version, opt)
# == Get Subject's Scan Dir Name
#rx/bool <- civet.getScanDirectoryName(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=FALSE, checkExistence=FALSE)
# == Tissue Classification
#rx/bool <- civet.getDirnameClassify(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE)
#rx/bool <- civet.getFilename <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix, settings, opt, fullpath=FALSE, checkExistence=FALSE)
#rx/bool <- civet.getFilenameClassify(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE)
#rx/bool <- civet.getFilenameGrayMatterPve(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE)
#rx/bool <- civet.getFilenameWhiteMatterPve(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE)
#rx/bool <- civet.getFilenameCsfPve(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE)
# == Final
#rx/bool <- civet.getDirnameFinal(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE)
#rx/bool <- civet.getFilenameStxT1(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE)
# == Masks (Stx Space)
#rx/bool <- civet.getDirnameMask(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE)
#rx/bool <- civet.getFilenameCerebrumMask(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE)
#rx/bool <- civet.getFilenameSkullMask(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE)
# == Native
#rx/bool <- civet.getDirnameNative(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE)
#rx/bool <- civet.getFilenameNative(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE)
#rx/bool <- civet.getFilenameNativeNUC(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE)
#rx/bool <- civet.getFilenameSkullMaskNative(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE)
# == Surfaces
#rx/bool <- civet.getDirnameSurfaces(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE)
#rx$lh,rh/bool,bool <- civet.getFilenameGrayMatterSurfaces(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE, resampled=TRUE)
#rx$lh,rh/bool,bool <- civet.getFilenameWhiteMatterSurfaces(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE, resampled=TRUE)
#rx$lh,rh/bool,bool <- civet.getFilenameMidSurfaces(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE, resampled=TRUE)
# == Thickness
#rx/bool <- civet.getDirnameThickness(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE)
#rx$lh,rh/bool,bool <- civet.getFilenameCorticalThickness(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE, resampled=TRUE)
#rx$lh,rh/bool,bool <- civet.getFilenameMeanSurfaceCurvature(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE, resampled=TRUE)
# == Transforms
#rx/bool <- civet.getDirnameTransforms(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE)
#rx/bool <- civet.getDirnameTransformsLinear(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE)
#rx/bool <- civet.getDirnameTransformsNonlinear(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE)
#rx/bool <- civet.getFilenameLinearTransform(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE)
#rx$lh,rh/bool,bool <- civet.getFilenameNonlinearTransform(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE, inverted=FALSE)
# == VBM
#rx/bool <- civet.getDirnameVbm(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE)
#rx$gm,wm,csf/bool,bool,bool <- civet.getFilenameVbmBlurred(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE, symmetrical=FALSE)
# == Assorted Civet Directories
#rx/bool <- civet.getDirname(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE)
#rx/bool <- civet.getDirnameLogs(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE)
#rx/bool <- civet.getDirnameVerify(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE)
# == Non-File-Access Auxilliary Functions
# list() <- civet.readCivetDatFiles(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt)
# list() <- civet.computeStxTissueVolumes(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt)
# list() <- civet.computeNativeToStxRescalingFactor(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt)
# list() <- civet.computeNativeTissueVolumes(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt)
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Purpose: 
#	Check to see whether this accessor function is available for the specified 
#   Civet version?
# Example:
#   permitted_civet_versions <- c('1.1.7', '1.1.9')
#	if ( !civet.accessorIsImplemented(permitted_civet_versions, '1.1.11') ) { ... error ... }
# =============================================================================
civet.accessorIsImplemented <- function(permitted_civet_versions, civet_version) {
    if ( !civet_version %in% permitted_civet_versions ) {
        cat(sprintf("\n*** Error: Civet version %s does not implement this function. Your code will likely fail. Sorry :(\n", civet_version))
        cat(sprintf("*********: Your code will likely fail. Sorry :(\n\n"))

# =============================================================================
# Purpose: 
#	Process the settings() input arg ... set defaults, etc.
# Example:
#	settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
# =============================================================================
civet.processArgsSettings <- function(settings) {
    # first, make sure that mandatory settings jave been set
    if ( is.null(settings$CIVET_PREFIX) ) {
        stop('The CIVET_PREFIX setting has not been specified. Please specify this setting before calling any rmincIO Civet accessor functions.')
    if ( is.null(settings$CIVET_ROOT_DIR) ) {
        stop('The CIVET_ROOT_DIR setting has not been specified. Please specify this setting before calling any rmincIO Civet accessor functions.')
    if ( is.null(settings$CIVET_VERSION) ) {
        stop('The CIVET_VERSION setting has not been specified. Please specify this setting before calling any rmincIO Civet accessor functions.')

    # set defaults, if unset


# =============================================================================
# Purpose: 
#	Process the opt() input arg ... set defaults, etc.
# Example:
#	opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
# =============================================================================
civet.processArgsOpt <- function(opt) {
    # set defaults, if unset
    if ( is.null(opt$verbose) ) {opt$verbose <- FALSE}
    if ( is.null(opt$debug) ) {opt$debug <- FALSE}

# =============================================================================
# Purpose: 
#	Check whether the passed Civet version is one for which we have tested.
# Example:
#	civet.checkVersion("1.1.8", list())
# =============================================================================
civet.checkVersion <- function(civet_version, opt) {

    # check/update options
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)

    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.checkVersion* ...\n"))}

    versions = c("1.1.7", "1.1.9", "1.1.11")
    if ( !civet_version %in% versions ) {
        cat(sprintf("This function has not been tested with Civet version %s. Use at your own risk.\n", civet_version))

    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.checkVersion* ...\n"))}

# =============================================================================
# Purpose: 
#	Return the Civet scan directory name for a specified keyname and scan date
# Args:
#   civet_keyname:  (string) keyname
#   civet_scanid:   (string) scan identifier -- often the scan date. NOT scan subdir name (that's what this function returns)
#   settings:       (list) various settings
#                       CIVET_PREFIX is mandatory
#                       CIVET_ROOT_DIR is mandatory
#                       CIVET_SCANID_APPEND_SCANDATE_TO_KEYNAME defaults to 'TRUE'
#                       CIVET_VERSION defaults to '1.1.11'
#   opt:            (list) various optional run options (e.g., debug, verbose, etc)
#                       opt$verbose defaults to 'FALSE'
#                       opt$debug defaults to 'FALSE'
# Example 1:
#   civet_keyname <- "0548-F-NC"
#	civet_scanid <- ""
#	civet_root_dir <- "~/tmp/ADNI/civet/pipeOut"
#   settings <- list()
#   settings$CIVET_ROOT_DIR <- "/data/raid01/adni1Data/pipeOut"
#   settings$CIVET_PREFIX <- "ADNI"
#   opt <- list()
#	filename <- civet.getScanDirectoryName(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt)
#   [[returns "0548-F-NC"]]
# Example 2:
#   civet_keyname <- "mookie"
#	civet_scanid <- "20180315"
#   settings <- list()
#   settings$CIVET_ROOT_DIR <- "/data/raid01/Civet/pipeOut"
#   settings$CIVET_PREFIX <- "HCLab"
#   opt <- list()
#   opt$verbose <- TRUE
#   opt$debug <- TRUE
#	filename <- civet.getScanDirectoryName(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt)
#   [[returns "mookie-20180315"]]
# Note: 
#   Similar to the Ruby implementation.
# =============================================================================
civet.getScanDirectoryName <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=FALSE, checkExistence=FALSE) {
    # check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getScanDirectoryName* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    # allow for the naming of the Civet output directories in 2 different ways:
    # 1. just the subjects keyname [e.g. 0640-F-NC -- used in the ADNI output]
    # 2. subject keyname and scan identifier (usually scan date) [e.g. AF008-20141027]
        civetScanDirname <- paste(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, sep='-')
    } else {
        civetScanDirname <- civet_keyname

    if ( fullpath ) {
        civetScanDirname <- file.path(settings$CIVET_ROOT_DIR, civetScanDirname)

    # check for file existence if requested
    if ( checkExistence && fullpath ) {
        if ( !file.exists(civetScanDirname) ) {
            cat(sprintf("\n*** Error: Required directory does not exist\n"))
            cat(sprintf("*********: Fullpath of directory: [%s]\n\n", civetScanDirname))
            civetScanDirname = false

    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getScanDirectoryName* ...\n"))}


# =============================================================================
# Purpose: 
#	Return the Civet scan directory name for a specified keyname and scan date
# Args:
#   civet_keyname:  (string) keyname
#   civet_scanid:   (string) scan identifier -- often the scan date. NOT scan subdir name (that's what this function returns)
#   civet_subdir:   (string) Civet subdir name (e.g., 'classify', 'thickness', 'mask', 'final')
#   civet_suffix:   (string) Civet file suffix name of volume of interest (e.g., '_t1_final.mnc')
#   settings:       (list) various optional settings
#   opt:            (list) various optional run options (e.g., debug, verbose, etc)
# Note: 
#   Similar to the Ruby implementation.
#   Mandatory args are positional, whereas optional args are placed into either settings/opt 
# =============================================================================
civet.getFilename <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix, settings, opt, fullpath=FALSE, checkExistence=FALSE) {
    # check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getFilename* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    # get the scan's directory name (not the fullpath, unless explicitly requested)
    civet_scan_dirname <- civet.getScanDirectoryName(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=FALSE, checkExistence=FALSE)
    civet_scan_dirname_fullpath <- civet.getScanDirectoryName(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=FALSE)

    # define the Civet-generated  volume name
    civet_volname = paste(settings$CIVET_PREFIX, '_', civet_scan_dirname, civet_suffix, sep="")

    # construct a full path name
    civet_volname_fullPath = file.path(civet_scan_dirname_fullpath, civet_subdir, civet_volname)

    # check for file existence if requested
    if ( checkExistence && fullpath ) {
        if ( !file.exists(civet_volname_fullPath) ) {
            cat(sprintf("\n*** Error: Required volume does not exist\n"))
            cat(sprintf("*********: Fullpath filename: [%s]\n\n", civet_volname_fullPath))
            civet_volname_fullPath <- FALSE
        msg <- if ( is.character(civet_volname_fullPath) ) "EXISTS" else "DOES NOT EXIST"
        if ( opt$debug ) {cat(sprintf("%s\n", msg))}

    # if we pass the existence check, return fullpath or not (as requested)
    if ( is.character(civet_volname_fullPath) ) {
        civet_volname_rtn <- if ( fullpath ) civet_volname_fullPath else civet_volname
    } else {
      civet_volname_rtn <- FALSE

    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Returning result: %s\n", civet_volname_rtn))}
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getScanDirectoryName* ...\n"))}
    # we ruturn either the full filename or Boolean false if file does not exist

# =============================================================================
# Purpose: 
#	Return the fully-qualified filename of the *_classify.mnc volume
# Args:
#   civet_keyname:  (string) keyname
#   civet_scanid:   (string) scan identifier -- often the scan date. NOT scan subdir name (that's what this function returns)
#   settings:       (list) various optional settings
#   opt:            (list) various optional run options (e.g., debug, verbose, etc)
# Example:
#	filename <- civet.getFilenameClassify('mookie', '20180315', settings, opt)
# =============================================================================
civet.getFilenameClassify <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getFilenameClassify* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'classify'

    # there was a name change in the name of the classify volume, *after* 
    # Civet version 1.1.9 -- so, construct the name according to the specified version
    if ( settings$CIVET_VERSION == '1.1.9' ) {
        civet_suffix <- '_classify.mnc'
    } else {
        civet_suffix <- '_pve_classify.mnc'

    rx <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getFilenameClassify* ...\n"))}

# =============================================================================
# Purpose: 
#	Return the fully-qualified filename of the *_pve_*.mnc volumes
# Example: See civet.getFilenameClassify
# Note: civet.getFilenameClassify
# =============================================================================
civet.getFilenameGrayMatterPve <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getFilenameGrayMatterPve* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'classify'
    civet_suffix <- '_pve_gm.mnc'

    rx <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getFilenameGrayMatterPve* ...\n"))}

civet.getFilenameWhiteMatterPve <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getFilenameWhiteMatterPve* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'classify'
    civet_suffix <- '_pve_wm.mnc'

    rx <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getFilenameWhiteMatterPve* ...\n"))}

civet.getFilenameCsfPve <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getFilenameCsfPve* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'classify'
    civet_suffix <- '_pve_csf.mnc'

    rx <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getFilenameCsfPve* ...\n"))}

# =============================================================================
# Purpose: 
#	Return the fully-qualified filename of the *_t1_final.mnc volumes
# Example: See civet.getFilenameClassify
# Note: civet.getFilenameClassify
# =============================================================================
civet.getFilenameStxT1 <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getFilenameStxT1* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'final'
    civet_suffix <- '_t1_final.mnc'

    rx <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getFilenameStxT1* ...\n"))}

# =============================================================================
# Purpose: 
#	Return the fully-qualified filename of the *_brain_mask.mnc or 
#	*_skull_mask.mnc volumes.
# Example: See civet.getFilenameClassify
# Note: The brain mask differentiates itself from the skull mask in that
#		the brain mask does *not* include the cerebellum.
# =============================================================================
civet.getFilenameCerebrumMask <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getFilenameCerebrumMask* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'mask'
    civet_suffix <- '_brain_mask.mnc'

    rx <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getFilenameCerebrumMask* ...\n"))}

civet.getFilenameSkullMask <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getFilenameSkullMask* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'mask'
    civet_suffix <- '_skull_mask.mnc'

    rx <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getFilenameSkullMask* ...\n"))}

# =============================================================================
# Purpose: 
#	Return the fully-qualified filename of assorted Native-space volumes
# Example: See civet.getFilenameClassify
# =============================================================================
civet.getFilenameNative <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getFilenameNative* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'native'
    civet_suffix <- '_t1.mnc'

    rx <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getFilenameNative* ...\n"))}

civet.getFilenameNativeNUC <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getFilenameNativeNUC* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'native'
    civet_suffix <- '_t1_nuc.mnc'

    rx <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getFilenameNativeNUC* ...\n"))}

civet.getFilenameSkullMaskNative <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE) {
    # Note: The skull mask DOES include the cerebellum
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getFilenameSkullMaskNative* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'mask'
    civet_suffix <- '_skull_mask_native.mnc'

    rx <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getFilenameSkullMaskNative* ...\n"))}

# =============================================================================
# Purpose: 
#	Return the fully-qualified gray/mid/white matter surface filenames 
#	(left and right).
# Example: See civet.getFilenameClassify
# Note: civet.getFilenameClassify
# =============================================================================
civet.getFilenameGrayMatterSurfaces <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE, resampled=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getFilenameGrayMatterSurfaces* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'surfaces'
    civet_suffix <- '_gray_surface'
    rsl <- ifelse(resampled, "_rsl", "")

    # get LH/RH surfaces
    civet_suffix_lh <- paste(civet_suffix, rsl, '_left', '_81920.obj', sep="")
    rxLh <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix_lh, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)
    civet_suffix_rh <- paste(civet_suffix, rsl, '_right', '_81920.obj', sep="")
    rxRh <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix_rh, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)

    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getFilenameGrayMatterSurfaces* ...\n"))}
    return(list(lh=rxLh, rh=rxRh))

civet.getFilenameWhiteMatterSurfaces <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE, resampled=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getFilenameWhiteMatterSurfaces* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'surfaces'
    civet_suffix <- '_white_surface'
    rsl <- ifelse(resampled, "_rsl", "")

    # get LH/RH surfaces
    civet_suffix_lh <- paste(civet_suffix, rsl, '_left', '_calibrated_81920.obj', sep="")
    rxLh <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix_lh, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)
    civet_suffix_rh <- paste(civet_suffix, rsl, '_right', '_calibrated_81920.obj', sep="")
    rxRh <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix_rh, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)

    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getFilenameWhiteMatterSurfaces* ...\n"))}
    return(list(lh=rxLh, rh=rxRh))

civet.getFilenameMidSurfaces <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE, resampled=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getFilenameMidSurfaces* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'surfaces'
    civet_suffix <- '_mid_surface'
    rsl <- ifelse(resampled, "_rsl", "")

    # get LH/RH surfaces
    civet_suffix_lh <- paste(civet_suffix, rsl, '_left', '_81920.obj', sep="")
    rxLh <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix_lh, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)
    civet_suffix_rh <- paste(civet_suffix, rsl, '_right', '_81920.obj', sep="")
    rxRh <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix_rh, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)

    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getFilenameMidSurfaces* ...\n"))}
    return(list(lh=rxLh, rh=rxRh))

# =============================================================================
# Purpose: 
#	Return the fully-qualified cortical thickness and mean curvature filenames 
#	(left and right).
# Example: See civet.getFilenameClassify
# Note: civet.getFilenameClassify
# =============================================================================
civet.getFilenameCorticalThickness <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE, resampled=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getFilenameCorticalThickness* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'thickness'
    civet_suffix <- '_native_rms'
    rsl <- ifelse(resampled, "_rsl", "")

    # get LH/RH surfaces
    civet_suffix_lh <- paste(civet_suffix, rsl, '_tlink_20mm_left.txt', sep="")
    rxLh <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix_lh, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)
    civet_suffix_rh <- paste(civet_suffix, rsl, '_tlink_20mm_right.txt', sep="")
    rxRh <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix_rh, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)

    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getFilenameCorticalThickness* ...\n"))}
    return(list(lh=rxLh, rh=rxRh))

civet.getFilenameMeanSurfaceCurvature <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE, resampled=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getFilenameMeanSurfaceCurvature* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    # is this accessor function available for the specified Civet version? 
    implemented_versions = c('1.1.7', '1.1.9')
    if ( !civet.accessorIsImplemented(implemented_versions, settings$CIVET_VERSION) ) {stop()}

    civet_subdir <- 'thickness'
    civet_suffix <- '_native_mc'
    rsl <- ifelse(resampled, "_rsl", "")

    # get LH/RH surfaces
    civet_suffix_lh <- paste(civet_suffix, rsl, '_20mm_left.txt', sep="")
    rxLh <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix_lh, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)
    civet_suffix_rh <- paste(civet_suffix, rsl, '_20mm_right.txt', sep="")
    rxRh <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix_rh, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)

    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getFilenameMeanSurfaceCurvature* ...\n"))}
    return(list(lh=rxLh, rh=rxRh))

# =============================================================================
# Purpose: 
#	Return the fully-qualified transform filenames (linear and nonlinear).
# Example: See civet.getFilenameClassify
# Note: The request for the nonlinear transform file, returns 2 filenames: 
#		the xfm filename and the grid volume name.
# =============================================================================
civet.getFilenameLinearTransform <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getFilenameLinearTransform* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'transforms/linear'
    civet_suffix <- '_t1_tal.xfm'

    rx <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getFilenameLinearTransform* ...\n"))}

civet.getFilenameNonlinearTransform <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE, inverted=FALSE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getFilenameNonlinearTransform* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'transforms/nonlinear'
    civet_suffix_xfm <- ifelse( inverted , '_nlfit_invert.xfm', '_nlfit_It.xfm')
    rxXfm <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix_xfm, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)

    civet_suffix_grid <- ifelse( inverted , '_nlfit_invert_grid_0.mnc', '_nlfit_It_grid_0.mnc')
    rxGrid <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix_grid, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)

    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getFilenameNonlinearTransform* ...\n"))}
    return(list(xfm=rxXfm, grid=rxGrid))

# =============================================================================
# Purpose: 
#	Return the fully-qualified VBM blurred volume filenames 
#	(gm, wm, csf).
# Example: See civet.getFilenameClassify
# Note: civet.getFilenameClassify
# =============================================================================
civet.getFilenameVbmBlurred <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE, symmetrical=FALSE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getFilenameVbmBlurred* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'VBM'
    civet_suffix <- '_smooth_8mm'
    sym <- ifelse(symmetrical, "_sym", "")

    # get gm/wm/csf volume names
    civet_suffix_gm <- paste(civet_suffix, '_gm', sym, '.mnc', sep="")
    rxGm <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix_gm, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)
    civet_suffix_wm <- paste(civet_suffix, '_wm', sym, '.mnc', sep="")
    rxWm <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix_wm, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)
    civet_suffix_csf <- paste(civet_suffix, '_csf', sym, '.mnc', sep="")
    rxCsf <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, civet_suffix_csf, settings, opt, fullpath, checkExistence)

    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getFilenameVbmBlurred* ...\n"))}
    return(list(gm=rxGm, wm=rxWm, csf=rxCsf))

# =============================================================================
# Purpose: 
#	Return the fully-qualified Civet directory names
# =============================================================================
civet.getDirname <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getDirname* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    # allow for the naming of the Civet output directories in 2 different ways:
    # 1. just the subjects keyname [e.g. 0640-F-NC -- used in the ADNI output]
    # 2. subject keyname and scan identifier (usually scan date) [e.g. AF008-20141027]
        civetScanDirname <- paste(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, sep='-')
    } else {
        civetScanDirname <- civet_keyname

    civetScanDirname <- file.path(settings$CIVET_ROOT_DIR, civetScanDirname, civet_subdir)

    # check for file existence if requested
    if ( checkExistence ) {
        if ( !file.exists(civetScanDirname) ) {
            cat(sprintf("\n*** Error: Requested Civet path does not exist\n"))
            cat(sprintf("*********: Fullpath of directory: [%s]\n\n", civetScanDirname))
            civetScanDirname = false

    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getDirname* ...\n"))}

civet.getDirnameClassify <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getDirnameClassify* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'classify'
    rx <- civet.getDirname(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, settings, opt, checkExistence)

    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getDirnameClassify* ...\n"))}

civet.getDirnameFinal <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getDirnameFinal* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'final'
    rx <- civet.getDirname(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, settings, opt, checkExistence)

    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getDirnameFinal* ...\n"))}

civet.getDirnameLogs <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getDirnameLogs* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'logs'
    rx <- civet.getDirname(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, settings, opt, checkExistence)

    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getDirnameLogs* ...\n"))}

civet.getDirnameMask <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getDirnameMask* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'mask'
    rx <- civet.getDirname(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, settings, opt, checkExistence)

    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getDirnameMask* ...\n"))}

civet.getDirnameNative <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getDirnameNative* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'native'
    rx <- civet.getDirname(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, settings, opt, checkExistence)

    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getDirnameNative* ...\n"))}

civet.getDirnameSurfaces <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getDirnameSurfaces* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'surfaces'
    rx <- civet.getDirname(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, settings, opt, checkExistence)

    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getDirnameSurfaces* ...\n"))}

civet.getDirnameThickness <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getDirnameThickness* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'thickness'
    rx <- civet.getDirname(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, settings, opt, checkExistence)

    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getDirnameThickness* ...\n"))}

civet.getDirnameTransforms <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getDirnameTransforms* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'transforms'
    rx <- civet.getDirname(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, settings, opt, checkExistence)

    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getDirnameTransforms* ...\n"))}

civet.getDirnameTransformsLinear <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getDirnameTransformsLinear* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'transforms/linear'
    rx <- civet.getDirname(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, settings, opt, checkExistence)

    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getDirnameTransformsLinear* ...\n"))}

civet.getDirnameTransformsNonlinear <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getDirnameTransformsNonlinear* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'transforms/nonlinear'
    rx <- civet.getDirname(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, settings, opt, checkExistence)

    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getDirnameTransformsNonlinear* ...\n"))}

civet.getDirnameVbm <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getDirnameVbm* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'VBM'
    rx <- civet.getDirname(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, settings, opt, checkExistence)

    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getDirnameVbm* ...\n"))}

civet.getDirnameVerify <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, checkExistence=TRUE) {
	# check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.getDirnameVerify* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    civet_subdir <- 'verify'
    rx <- civet.getDirname(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, civet_subdir, settings, opt, checkExistence)

    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.getDirnameVerify* ...\n"))}

# =============================================================================
# Purpose: 
#	Read a selection of Civet-generated *.dat files and return the
#	contents in a list.
# Note: Nothing really.
# =============================================================================
civet.readCivetDatFiles <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt) {
    # check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.readCivetDatFiles* ...\n"))}

    # check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)

    # get the scan's directory name (not the fullpath, unless explicitly requested)
    civet_scan_dirname <- civet.getScanDirectoryName(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=FALSE, checkExistence=FALSE)
    civet_scan_dirname_fullpath <- civet.getScanDirectoryName(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=FALSE)
	# init returning list
	return_list <-list()
	# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
	# load the tissue classify volume info
	# get a list of matching filenames in the classify dir, and return
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("... load *cls_volumes.dat* file ...\n"))}
    if ( !civet.accessorIsImplemented(c('1.1.9', '1.1.11'), settings$CIVET_VERSION) ) {stop()}
    filename_fullpath <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, 'classify', '_cls_volumes.dat', settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE)
	myDf <- read.table(filename_fullpath,
								row.names=c("csf", "gm", "wm"),
								col.names=c("tissueType_code", "volume"))
	return_list$native_tissue_volumes <- myDf

	# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
	# load gyrification indices
	# ... left
	if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("... load *gi_left.dat* files ...\n"))}
    if ( !civet.accessorIsImplemented(c('1.1.7', '1.1.9', '1.1.11'), settings$CIVET_VERSION) ) {stop()}
    gi_left_file_fullPath <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, 'surfaces', '_gi_left.dat', settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE)
	gi_left.df <- read.table(gi_left_file_fullPath, sep=":")
    colnames(gi_left.df) <- c("surfaceType", "gi")
    if ( opt$debug ) cat(sprintf("Debug: civet.readCivetDatFiles: gi_left_file_fullPath: %s \n", gi_left_file_fullPath))
    if ( opt$debug ) print(gi_left.df)

	# ... right
    gi_right_file_fullPath <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, 'surfaces', '_gi_right.dat', settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE)
	gi_right.df <- read.table(gi_right_file_fullPath, sep=":")
    colnames(gi_right.df) <- c("surfaceType", "gi")
    if ( opt$debug ) cat(sprintf("Debug: civet.readCivetDatFiles: gi_right_file_fullPath: %s \n", gi_right_file_fullPath))
    if ( opt$debug ) print(gi_right.df)
	return_list$gyrification_index <- c(lh=gi_left.df[1,"gi"], rh=gi_right.df[1,"gi"]) 

	# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
	# load the cerebral volume info
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("... load *cerebral_volume.dat* file ...\n"))}
    if ( !civet.accessorIsImplemented(c('1.1.9', '1.1.11'), settings$CIVET_VERSION) ) {stop()}
    cerebral_volumes_fullPath <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, 'thickness', '_cerebral_volume.dat', settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE)
    cerebral_volumes.df <- read.table(cerebral_volumes_fullPath, 
											row.names=c("extra_cerebral_csf", "cortical_gray", "wmSurface_plus_contents"),
											col.names=c("code", "volume"))
	return_list$native_cerebral_volumes <- cerebral_volumes.df

	# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
	# load the percentage values from the verify subdir
	# create containing list
	quality_control <- list()
	# (A) Load *_brainmask_qc.txt
	#	e.g., "native skull mask in stx space (11.77%)"
	# ... open file connection, read 1 line, then close()
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("... load *brainmask_qc.txt* file ...\n"))}
    if ( !civet.accessorIsImplemented(c('1.1.7', '1.1.9', '1.1.11'), settings$CIVET_VERSION) ) {stop()}
    verify_qc_fullPath <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, 'verify', '_brainmask_qc.txt', settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE)
	verify_qc.con <- file(verify_qc_fullPath, open="rt")
	txtLine <- readLines(verify_qc.con, n=1)
	# ... extract the percentage value
	ndx <- regexpr("[[:digit:]]+.[[:digit:]]+", txtLine)
	pctValue <- substr(txtLine, ndx, ndx-1+attr(ndx, "match.length"))
	pctValue <- as.numeric(pctValue)
	quality_control$brainmask_qc <- pctValue

	# (B) Load *_classify_qc.txt
	#	e.g., "classified image CSF 15.01%  GM 47.86%  WM 37.13%"
	# ... open file connection, read 1 line, then close()
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("... load *classify_qc.txt* file ...\n"))}
	if ( !civet.accessorIsImplemented(c('1.1.7', '1.1.9', '1.1.11'), settings$CIVET_VERSION) ) {stop()}
    verify_qc_fullPath <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, 'verify', '_classify_qc.txt', settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE)
    verify_qc.con <- file(verify_qc_fullPath, open="rt")
	txtLine <- readLines(verify_qc.con, n=1)
	# init receiving data.frame
	classify.df <- data.frame(pct=rep(0,3), row.names=c("csf", "gm", "wm"))
	# ... extract the indices to the percentage values
	ndx <- gregexpr("[[:digit:]]+.[[:digit:]]+", txtLine)
	csf_ndx <- c(ndx[[1]][1], 
	             ndx[[1]][1] - 1 + attr(ndx[[1]], "match.length")[1])

	gm_ndx <- c(ndx[[1]][2], 
	             ndx[[1]][2] - 1 + attr(ndx[[1]], "match.length")[2])

	wm_ndx <- c(ndx[[1]][3], 
	             ndx[[1]][3] - 1 + attr(ndx[[1]], "match.length")[3])
	# ... extract and store the values
	csf_pct <- substr(txtLine, csf_ndx[1], csf_ndx[2])
	classify.df["csf", "pct"] <- as.numeric(csf_pct)
	gm_pct <- substr(txtLine, gm_ndx[1], gm_ndx[2])
	classify.df["gm", "pct"] <- as.numeric(gm_pct)
	wm_pct <- substr(txtLine, wm_ndx[1], wm_ndx[2])
	classify.df["wm", "pct"] <- as.numeric(wm_pct)
	quality_control$classify_qc <- classify.df

	# (C) Load *_surface_qc.txt
	#	e.g., "white surface ( 8.06%), gray surface (10.03%)"
	# ... open file connection, read 1 line, then close()
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("... load *surface_qc.txt* file ...\n"))}
	if ( !civet.accessorIsImplemented(c('1.1.7', '1.1.9', '1.1.11'), settings$CIVET_VERSION) ) {stop()}
    verify_qc_fullPath <- civet.getFilename(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, 'verify', '_surface_qc.txt', settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE)
    verify_qc.con <- file(verify_qc_fullPath, open="rt")
	txtLine <- readLines(verify_qc.con, n=1)
	# init receiving data.frame
	surface.df <- data.frame(pct=rep(0,2), row.names=c("gm", "wm"))
	# ... extract the indices to the percentage values
	ndx <- gregexpr("[[:digit:]]+.[[:digit:]]+", txtLine)
	wm_ndx <- c(ndx[[1]][1], 
	             ndx[[1]][1] - 1 + attr(ndx[[1]], "match.length")[1])

	gm_ndx <- c(ndx[[1]][2], 
	             ndx[[1]][2] - 1 + attr(ndx[[1]], "match.length")[2])
	# ... extract and store the values
	gm_pct <- substr(txtLine, gm_ndx[1], gm_ndx[2])
	surface.df["gm", "pct"] <- as.numeric(gm_pct)
	wm_pct <- substr(txtLine, wm_ndx[1], wm_ndx[2])
	surface.df["wm", "pct"] <- as.numeric(wm_pct)
	quality_control$surface_qc <- surface.df
	return_list$quality_control <- quality_control

	# return final list
    if ( opt$debug) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.readCivetDatFiles* ...\n"))}


# =============================================================================
# Purpose: 
#	Return a named vector containing the tisse volumes, in stx space, derived from 
#	the final tissue classification volume.
# =============================================================================
civet.computeStxTissueVolumes <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt) {
    # check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug ) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.computeStxTissueVolumes* ...\n"))}
	# check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)
	# get classify volume name
    filename_fullpath <- civet.getFilenameClassify(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE)
	cls_vol <- mincIO.readVolume(filename_fullpath)

	# explode classify into components
	clsX <- volume.explodeLabelVolume(cls_vol, opt, civetLabels=TRUE, labels=c(1,2,3))
	# store elements into named vector
	cls_vec <- numeric(3)
	names(cls_vec) <- c("csf", "gm", "wm")
	cls_vec["csf"] <- sum(clsX$csf)
	cls_vec["gm"] <- sum(clsX$gm)
	cls_vec["wm"] <- sum(clsX$wm)
    if ( opt$debug ) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.computeStxTissueVolumes* ...\n"))}

# =============================================================================
# Purpose: 
#	XFM files contain information to transform a given volume to a model.
#	In the case of Civet and rescaling, the XFM contains the rescaling 
#	factors (x,y,z) needed to transform the Native volume to the model, which
#	currently, is usually the symmetrical icbm-152 model.
#	This functuon serves to compute a global rescaling factor by reading
#	the individual x,y,z rescales from the XFM, and returning the
#	product.
#	Interpretation of rescaling factors:
#	(a) > 1.0 = native brain is expanded to fit model
#	(b) < 1.0 = native brain is reduced to fit model
# =============================================================================
civet.computeNativeToStxRescalingFactor <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt) {
    # check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug ) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.computeNativeToStxRescalingFactor* ...\n"))}
	# check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)
	# read linear xfm file
    xfmFilename <- civet.getFilenameLinearTransform(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt, fullpath=TRUE, checkExistence=TRUE)
	xfm.df <- rmincUtil.readLinearXfmFile(xfmFilename)
	# compute global linear scaling factor
	scaling_factor <- prod(xfm.df["scale",])
	# return
    if ( opt$debug ) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.computeNativeToStxRescalingFactor* ...\n"))}

# =============================================================================
# Purpose: 
#	Return a named vector containing NATIVE space tisse volumes, derived from 
#	the final tissue classification volume.
# =============================================================================
civet.computeNativeTissueVolumes <- function(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt) {
    # check/update input settings/options
    settings <- civet.processArgsSettings(settings)
    opt <- civet.processArgsOpt(opt)
    if ( opt$debug ) {cat(sprintf("Entering method *civet.computeNativeTissueVolumes* ...\n"))}
	# check whether the Civet version has been tested
	civet.checkVersion(settings$CIVET_VERSION, opt)
	# get vector of tissue volumes in stx space first
    cls_vec <- civet.computeStxTissueVolumes(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt) 

	# compute the global rescaling factor
    scaling_factor <- civet.computeNativeToStxRescalingFactor(civet_keyname, civet_scanid, settings, opt)
	# divide the stx volumes by the scaling factor
	cls_vec <- cls_vec / scaling_factor
	# return
    if ( opt$debug ) {cat(sprintf("Exiting method *civet.computeNativeTissueVolumes* ...\n"))}
jnikelski/rmincIO documentation built on May 19, 2019, 2:58 p.m.