checkOptions <- function() {
if (is.null(getOption("remind_repos"))) {
abort("No 'remind_repos' option found. Set the option 'remind_repos' in your .Rpofile to be able to download \\
input data.")
repos <- getOption("remind_repos")
# If direct paths are given (only names of NULL objects), then check if they exist
if (all(sapply(repos, is.null))) {
if (!all(sapply(names(repos), file.exists))) {
abort("Can't find remind_repos. Check that the paths in the 'remind_repos' option exist.")
# If a SCP/SSH details are provided, check if ssh setup works.
} else {
for (i in seq_along(repos)) {
h <- try(curl::new_handle(verbose = FALSE, .list = repos[[i]]), silent = TRUE)
t <- try(curl::curl_download(file.path(names(repos[i]), "fileForDownloadTest.txt"), "tmpTest.txt", handle = h))
if ("try-error" %in% class(t)) {
abort("Could not download test file from repo {names(x)}. Something went wrong")
} else {
getGitInfo <- function(remind) {
# Work in remind directory
gitInfo <- list()
gitInfo$status <- try(system("git status -uno", intern = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
gitInfo$commit <- try(system("git rev-parse --short HEAD", intern = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
gitInfo$info_str <- paste0("\n##### git info #####\n",
"Latest tag: ",
try(system("git describe --tags", intern = TRUE), silent = TRUE),
"\nLatest commit: ",
try(system("git show -s --format='%h %ci %cn'", intern = TRUE), silent = TRUE),
"\n\nChanges since then: ",
paste(gitInfo$status, collapse = "\n"),
# Gets characters (line) from the terminal of from a connection and stores it in the return object
get_line <- function() {
if (interactive()) {
s <- readline()
} else {
con <- file("stdin")
s <- readLines(con, 1, warn=FALSE)
# Function definition
copyFromList <- function(filelist, destfolder) {
# Make sure there are names
if (is.null(names(filelist))) names(filelist) <- rep("", length(filelist))
# Loop over files and copy
for (i in 1:length(filelist)) {
if (![i])) {
to <- file.path(destfolder, names(filelist)[i])
if (!file.copy(filelist[i],
to = to,
recursive = dir.exists(to),
overwrite = TRUE)) {
cat(paste0("Could not copy ", filelist[i], " to ", to, "\n"))
slurmIsAvailable <- function() {
suppressWarnings(ifelse(system2("srun", stdout = FALSE, stderr = FALSE) != 127, TRUE, FALSE))
createTmpBaseCopy <- function(remind, scenarios) {
base_copy <- paste0(file.path(dirname(remind), "tmp_remind_base"), format(Sys.time(), "_%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S"))
folder.copy(from = remind,
to = base_copy,
exclude = c("output/", "tutorials/", ".git/", "doc/"),
include = "scripts/output/")
# Setup renv in base copy
if (getOption("autoRenvUpdates", FALSE)) {
installedUpdates <- piamenv::updateRenv()
} else if ('TRUE' != Sys.getenv('ignoreRenvUpdates') && !is.null(piamenv::showUpdates())) {
cli::cli_inform("Consider updating with `make update-renv`.")
cli::cli_progress_step("Running renv::snapshot().")
## Suppress output of renv::snapshot
errorMessage <- utils::capture.output({
snapshotSuccess <- tryCatch({
## Snapshot current main renv into run folder
renv::snapshot(lockfile = file.path(base_copy, "renv.lock"), prompt = FALSE, force = TRUE)
}, error = function(error) FALSE)
}, type = "message")
if (!snapshotSuccess) {
stop(paste(errorMessage, collapse = "\n"))
# If start gdxs are given, then make sure they're copied as well
if (!identical(row.names(scenarios), "default")) {
path_gdx_list <- c("path_gdx", "path_gdx_ref", "path_gdx_refpolicycost", "path_gdx_bau", "path_gdx_carbonprice")
start_gdxs <- unique(grep("\\.gdx$", scenarios[, path_gdx_list], value = TRUE))
if (length(start_gdxs) != 0) {
lapply(start_gdxs, function(x) system(paste0("rsync -a -W --inplace -R ", x, " ", base_copy)))
# Copy a folder using the rsync command, excluding certain directories
folder.copy <- function(from, to, exclude = NULL, include = NULL) {
# (-a -> copy eveything. -W and --inplace -> do it fast because we're copying locally)
rsync_cmd <- paste0("rsync -a -W --inplace ", from, "/ ", to, "/ ")
# Add explicit includes
if (!is.null(include)) {
h <- lapply(include, function(x) paste0("--include ", x, " "))
rsync_cmd <- paste0(rsync_cmd, paste0(h, collapse = " "))
# Add explicit excludes
if (!is.null(exclude)) {
h <- lapply(exclude, function(x) paste0("--exclude ", x, " "))
rsync_cmd <- paste0(rsync_cmd, paste0(h, collapse = " "))
gitCloneRemind <- function(from = "", to = "remind") {
system(paste("git clone", from, to))
gitCloneMagpie <- function(from = "", to = "magpie") {
system(paste("git clone", from, to))
abort <- function(x) {
quietly <- function(...) {
# didremindfinish is TRUE if full.log exists with status: Normal completion
didremindfinish <- function(fulldatapath) {
logpath <- paste0(stringr::str_sub(fulldatapath, 1, -14), "/full.log")
normalCompletion <- any(grep("*** Status: Normal completion", readLines(logpath, warn = FALSE), fixed = TRUE))
file.exists(logpath) && normalCompletion
# Create the file to be used in the load mode
getLoadFile <- function(cfg, cal_itr) {
file_name <- paste0(cfg$gms$cm_CES_configuration, "_ITERATION_", cal_itr, ".inc")
ces_in <- gsub("\"", "", system("gdxdump fulldata.gdx symb=in NoHeader Format=CSV", intern = TRUE))
expr_ces_in <- paste0("(", paste(ces_in, collapse = "|"), ")")
tmp <- grep("(quantity|price|eff|effgr|xi|rho|offset_quantity|compl_coef)",
x = system("gdxdump fulldata.gdx symb=pm_cesdata", intern = TRUE)[-(1:2)],
value = TRUE)
tmp <- grep(expr_ces_in, x = tmp, value = TRUE)
write(sub("'([^']*)'.'([^']*)'.'([^']*)'.'([^']*)' (.*)[ ,][ /];?",
"pm_cesdata(\"\\1\",\"\\2\",\"\\3\",\"\\4\") = \\5;",
x = tmp),
pm_cesdata_putty <- system("gdxdump fulldata.gdx symb=pm_cesdata_putty", intern = TRUE)
if (length(pm_cesdata_putty) == 2) {
tmp_putty <- gsub("^Parameter *([A-z_(,)])+cesParameters\\).*$", '\\1"quantity") = 0;', pm_cesdata_putty[2])
} else {
tmp_putty <- grep("quantity", x = pm_cesdata_putty[-(1:2)], value = TRUE)
tmp_putty <- grep(expr_ces_in, x = tmp_putty, value = TRUE)
write(sub("'([^']*)'.'([^']*)'.'([^']*)'.'([^']*)' (.*)[ ,][ /];?",
"pm_cesdata_putty(\"\\1\",\"\\2\",\"\\3\",\"\\4\") = \\5;",
x = tmp_putty),
append = TRUE)
# delete entries in stack that contain needle and append new
.setgdxcopy <- function(needle, stack, new) {
matches <- grepl(needle, stack)
out <- c(stack[!matches], new)
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