
Defines functions classify_16S_from_contigs

Documented in classify_16S_from_contigs

#' classify_16S_from_contigs(opt=opt)
#' Classifies taxonomically 16S features found in contig annotations using Dada2
#' @export

classify_16S_from_contigs <- function(opt = NULL){


    #Find 16S features to annotate
    #Get only rRNAs
    featuresofinterest <- opt$featuredata[(opt$featuredata$FeatType =="rRNA"), ]
    #Get only 16S features
    features16S <- featuresofinterest[grep("16S", featuresofinterest$Product), "Feature"]

    #Set 16S database to use
    db16S <- file.path(opt$dbdir, "16Sdbs")
    #make sure to only pick one if there are several different versions in the same directory.
    db16S_trainset <- sort(file.path(db16S, list.files(path = db16S, pattern = "train")))[1]
    db16S_species <- sort(file.path(db16S, list.files(path = db16S, pattern = "species")))[1]

    if (length(features16S) > 0){

        #Write 16S data to system for Dada2
        features16Ssequences <- filter_sequence_by_name(input_sequences = opt$genes, sequencenames = features16S, keep = TRUE)

        #make sure there are no ambiguous bases, else dada2 will crash.
        validbases <- c("A", "C", "T", "G")
        ambiguities <- sapply(1:length(features16Ssequences), function (x) { length(grep(paste(validbases, collapse = "|"), as.character(features16Ssequences[[x]]), ignore.case = TRUE, invert = TRUE)) })
        offenders <- which(ambiguities != 0)
        if (length(offenders) > 0){
            ambiguousseqs <- names(features16Ssequences)[offenders]
            flog.info(paste("Skipping 16S rRNA sequences", paste(ambiguousseqs, collapse = ", "), " because these contain ambiguous bases and cannot be identified by exact matches using dada2. "))
            features16Ssequences <- features16Ssequences[!(names(features16Ssequences) %in% ambiguousseqs)]

        #Only continue if there is anything left
        if (length(features16Ssequences) > 0){

            write.fasta(sequences = features16Ssequences, names = names(features16Ssequences), nbchar = 80, file.out = paste(opt$prefix, "16SrRNA.fna", sep= "_"))

            #Classify from Phylum to Genus
            flog.info(paste("Found", length(features16Ssequences), "16S rRNA sequences in contigs. Classifying them via dada2 using database", db16S_species))
            flog.info("Step 1 - Classifying down to Genus level using a Naive Bayesian Classifier")
            dadataxa <- assignTaxonomy(paste(opt$prefix, "16SrRNA.fna", sep= "_"), db16S_trainset, multithread=TRUE, minBoot=80)
            taxa_16S[] <- lapply(taxa_16S, as.character)
            colnames(taxa_16S)<-c("Domain", "Phylum", "Class", "Order", "Family", "Genus")
            taxa_16S[is.na(taxa_16S)] <- "Unclassified"

            #Classify Genus and species
            flog.info("Step 2 - Classifying down to Species level using exact matches.")
            taxa_16S_Gs<-assignSpecies(paste(opt$prefix, "16SrRNA.fna", sep= "_"), db16S_species)
            taxa_16S_Gs[] <- lapply(taxa_16S_Gs, as.character)
            colnames(taxa_16S_Gs)<-c("Genus", "Species")
            taxa_16S_Gs[is.na(taxa_16S_Gs)] <- "Unclassified"

            #Join the tables
            taxa_16S_cons$GenusGs<-taxa_16S_Gs$Genus[match(taxa_16S$Feature, taxa_16S_Gs$Feature)]
            taxa_16S_cons$Species<-taxa_16S_Gs$Species[match(taxa_16S$Feature, taxa_16S_Gs$Feature)]
            taxa_16S_cons[] <- lapply(taxa_16S_cons, as.character)

            #Keep Genus level from trainset if genus from Genus+Species db is Unclassified.
            for (g in 1:length(taxa_16S_cons$GenusGs)){
                taxa_16S_cons$GenusGs[g]<-ifelse((taxa_16S_cons$GenusGs[g] == "Unclassified") && (taxa_16S_cons$Genus[g] != "Unclassified"),  taxa_16S_cons$Genus[g], taxa_16S_cons$GenusGs[g])
            taxa_16S_cons$Genus <- NULL

            #Reorder consolidated data frame
            taxlvls <- c("Domain", "Phylum", "Class", "Order", "Family", "Genus")
            taxa_16S_cons <- taxa_16S_cons[c("Feature", taxlvls, "Species")]

            taxa_16S_cons$Genus <- unlist(lapply(1:length(taxa_16S_cons$Genus), function(x) { strsplit(taxa_16S_cons$Genus, split="_")[[x]][1] }))

            #Add level tags
            taxtags <- c("d__", "p__", "c__", "o__", "f__", "g__")

            for (t in 1:length(taxlvls)){
                taxa_16S_cons[ which(taxa_16S_cons[, which(colnames(taxa_16S_cons) == taxlvls[t])] != "Unclassified"), which(colnames(taxa_16S_cons) == taxlvls[t])] <- paste(taxtags[t], taxa_16S_cons[ which(taxa_16S_cons[, which(colnames(taxa_16S_cons) == taxlvls[t])] != "Unclassified"), which(colnames(taxa_16S_cons) == taxlvls[t])], sep = "")

            taxa_16S_cons <- infer_LKT(taxa_16S_cons)

            opt$featuredata$SixteenSid <- rep("none", nrow(opt$featuredata))
            opt$featuredata$SixteenSid[match(taxa_16S_cons$Feature, opt$featuredata$Feature)] <- taxa_16S_cons$LKT

            #Bank 16S files to project directory
            if(opt$workdir != opt$sampledir){
                #Write 16S features to system
                write.fasta(sequences = features16Ssequences, names = names(features16Ssequences), nbchar = 80, file.out = file.path(opt$sampledir, paste(opt$prefix, "16SrRNA.fna", sep= "_")))

    } else {
        flog.info("No 16S rRNA features found in contigs.")

johnmcculloch/JAMS_BW documentation built on Sept. 1, 2024, 12:48 a.m.