
Defines functions merge_JAMS_SEobj

Documented in merge_JAMS_SEobj

#' Safely merges two compatible JAMS-style SummarizedExperiment objects into a single JAMS-style SummarizedExperiment object. SE objects must belong to the same analysis type, and have no Sample names in common. Ideally they should have been generated with the same version of JAMS using the same JAMS database. If the latter condition is not met, the consequences are unforseen and you are ill-advised to proceed.

#' @param ExpObj1 a JAMS-style SummarizedExperiment object

#' @param ExpObj2 a JAMS-style SummarizedExperiment object

#' @export

merge_JAMS_SEobj <- function(ExpObj1 = NULL, ExpObj2 = NULL){

    #Determine the characteristics of ExpObj
    characterize_ExpObj <- function(ExpObj = NULL){
        ExpObj_facts <- list()
        ExpObj_facts$class <- class(ExpObj)[1]
        ExpObj_facts$analysis <- metadata(ExpObj)$analysis
        ExpObj_facts$assays <- sort(names(assays(ExpObj)))
        ExpObj_facts$metadata <- sort(names(metadata(ExpObj)))
        ExpObj_facts$dimensions <- dim(ExpObj)


    ExpObj1_facts <- characterize_ExpObj(ExpObj1)
    ExpObj2_facts <- characterize_ExpObj(ExpObj2)
    Samples_in_common <- intersect(colnames(ExpObj1), colnames(ExpObj2))
    Features_union <- union(rownames(ExpObj1), rownames(ExpObj2))

    #Check we're merging the same kind of ExpObj
    if (ExpObj1_facts$analysis != ExpObj1_facts$analysis){
        stop(flog.warn(paste("ExpObj1 is a", ExpObj1_facts$analysis, "SummarizedExperimentE object, whereas ExpObj2 is a", ExpObj2_facts$analysis, "SummarizedExperiment object, and therefore cannot be merged. Please use same analysis kind as input for merging SummarizedExperiment objects.")))

    #Check we're not merging ExpObjs with the same samples
    if (length(Samples_in_common) > 0){
        stop(flog.warn(paste("ExpObj1 is and ExpObj2 have samples in common. Please use SummarizedExperiment objects with different sample names for merging.\nSamples in common are:", paste0(Samples_in_common, collapse = ", "))))

    #Merge count matrices
    merged_assays <- list()
    for (ass in intersect(ExpObj1_facts$assays, ExpObj2_facts$assays)){
        flog.info(paste("Merging", ass))
        cts1 <- as.data.frame(assays(ExpObj1)[[ass]])
        cts2 <- as.data.frame(assays(ExpObj2)[[ass]])
        cts1$FeAtUrEnAmE <- rownames(cts1)
        cts2$FeAtUrEnAmE <- rownames(cts2)
        merged_cts <- base::merge(cts1, cts2, by = "FeAtUrEnAmE", all = TRUE)
        rownames(merged_cts) <- merged_cts$FeAtUrEnAmE
        merged_cts$FeAtUrEnAmE <- NULL
        merged_cts[is.na(merged_cts)] <- 0
        merged_cts <- as.matrix(merged_cts)
        merged_assays[[ass]] <- merged_cts

    feat_order <- rownames(merged_assays[["BaseCounts"]])[order(rowSums(merged_assays[["BaseCounts"]]), decreasing = TRUE)]
    for (ass in intersect(ExpObj1_facts$assays, ExpObj2_facts$assays)){
        merged_assays[[ass]] <- merged_assays[[ass]][feat_order, ]

    #Merge feature table(s)
    flog.info("Merging feature tables")
    ftt1 <- as.data.frame(rowData(ExpObj1))
    ftt2 <- as.data.frame(rowData(ExpObj2))
    ftt1$FeAtUrEnAmE <- rownames(ftt1)
    ftt2$FeAtUrEnAmE <- rownames(ftt2)
    #Not optimal, because there could be annotation conflict, but the user is responsible for merging compatible SE objects, so will keep it like this for the time being.
    common_cols <- intersect(colnames(ftt1), colnames(ftt2))
    ftt1 <- ftt1[ , common_cols]
    ftt2 <- ftt2[ , common_cols]
    merged_ftt <- rbind(ftt1, ftt2)
    merged_ftt <- merged_ftt[!duplicated(merged_ftt), ]
    #This should be the non-redundant feature table, but check and warn if there are discrepancies
    if (is.redundant(merged_ftt$FeAtUrEnAmE)){
        numdupes <- length(which(duplicated(merged_ftt$FeAtUrEnAmE) == TRUE))
        flog.warn(paste("ATTENTION: a total of", numdupes, "out of", nrow(merged_ftt), "unique feature table rows are divergent. This can be due to different annotation of features between the merging SummarizedExperiment objects. Making the feature names unique."))
        merged_ftt <- merged_ftt[!duplicated(merged_ftt$FeAtUrEnAmE), ]
    rownames(merged_ftt) <- merged_ftt$FeAtUrEnAmE
    merged_ftt$FeAtUrEnAmE <- NULL
    #Should be the same, but enforce anyway
    merged_ftt <- merged_ftt[(rownames(merged_ftt) %in% feat_order), ]
    merged_ftt <- merged_ftt[feat_order, ]

    #Merge the metadata
    flog.info("Merging phenotable")
    pheno1 <- as.data.frame(colData(ExpObj1))
    pheno2 <- as.data.frame(colData(ExpObj2))
    pheno_merged <- base::merge(pheno1, pheno2, all = TRUE)
    rownames(pheno_merged) <- pheno_merged$Sample
    #Fill in the gaps with JAMS-style NA
    for (colm in 1:ncol(pheno_merged)){
        pheno_merged[is.na(pheno_merged[ , colm]), colm] <- "N_A"
    pheno_merged <- pheno_merged[colnames(merged_assays[["BaseCounts"]]), ]

    #Merge the remaning bells and whistles (SEobj "metadata")
    SEobjMD_merged <- list()
    metadata_in_common <- intersect(ExpObj1_facts$metadata, ExpObj2_facts$metadata)

    for (SEobjMD in metadata_in_common[!(metadata_in_common %in% c("allfeaturesbytaxa_index", "allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix"))]){
        flog.info(paste("Merging", SEobjMD))
        if (SEobjMD == "analysis"){
            #should be the same, but I am neurotic.
            SEobjMD_merged[[SEobjMD]] <- unique(metadata(ExpObj1)$analysis, metadata(ExpObj1)$analysis)[1]
        } else if (SEobjMD %in% c("TotalBasesSequenced", "TotalBasesSequencedinAnalysis")) {
            SEobjMD_merged[[SEobjMD]] <- cbind(metadata(ExpObj1)[[SEobjMD]], metadata(ExpObj2)[[SEobjMD]])
            #Ensure order, because, again, I am neurotic
            SEobjMD_merged[[SEobjMD]] <- t(SEobjMD_merged[[SEobjMD]]["NumBases", colnames(merged_assays[["BaseCounts"]])])
            rownames(SEobjMD_merged[[SEobjMD]]) <- "NumBases"
        } else if (SEobjMD == "ctable") {
            SEobjMD_merged[[SEobjMD]] <- base::merge(metadata(ExpObj1)[[SEobjMD]], metadata(ExpObj2)[[SEobjMD]], all = TRUE)
            SEobjMD_merged[[SEobjMD]] <- SEobjMD_merged[[SEobjMD]][!duplicated(SEobjMD_merged[[SEobjMD]]$Name), ]
            rownames(SEobjMD_merged[[SEobjMD]]) <- SEobjMD_merged[[SEobjMD]]$Name
        } else {
            SEobjMD_merged[[SEobjMD]] <- NULL

    #If this is a functional SEobj and contiains taxonomy stratification data, merge that.
    if (all(c("allfeaturesbytaxa_index", "allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix") %in% metadata_in_common)){
        flog.info("Merging taxonomy stratification data")
        #Ensure there are no superfluous sample or features, as the SummarizedExperiment package does not susbet metadata.
        allfeaturesbytaxa_index1 <- metadata(ExpObj1)[["allfeaturesbytaxa_index"]]
        #Eliminate from index irrelevant samples
        allfeaturesbytaxa_index1 <- subset(allfeaturesbytaxa_index1, Sample %in% colnames(ExpObj1))
        #Eliminate from index irrelevant features
        allfeaturesbytaxa_index1 <- subset(allfeaturesbytaxa_index1, Accession %in% rownames(ExpObj1))

        #Now ExpObj2
        allfeaturesbytaxa_index2 <- metadata(ExpObj2)[["allfeaturesbytaxa_index"]]
        #Eliminate from index irrelevant samples
        allfeaturesbytaxa_index2 <- subset(allfeaturesbytaxa_index2, Sample %in% colnames(ExpObj2))
        #Eliminate from index irrelevant features
        allfeaturesbytaxa_index2 <- subset(allfeaturesbytaxa_index2, Accession %in% rownames(ExpObj2))

        #Obtain the relevant sparse matrices for each ExpObj
        allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix1 <- metadata(ExpObj1)[["allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix"]][allfeaturesbytaxa_index1$RowNumber, ]
        allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix2 <- metadata(ExpObj2)[["allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix"]][allfeaturesbytaxa_index2$RowNumber, ]

        #Rename rownames of index and matrix for ExpObj2 consecutively from 1.
        allfeaturesbytaxa_index1$RowNumber <- as.character(1:nrow(allfeaturesbytaxa_index1))
        rownames(allfeaturesbytaxa_index1) <- allfeaturesbytaxa_index1$RowNumber
        rownames(allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix1) <- allfeaturesbytaxa_index1$RowNumber

        #Rename rownames of index and matrix for ExpObj2 consecutively after the last row of ExpObj1
        allfeaturesbytaxa_index2$RowNumber <- as.character((1 + nrow(allfeaturesbytaxa_index1)):(nrow(allfeaturesbytaxa_index1) + nrow(allfeaturesbytaxa_index2)))
        rownames(allfeaturesbytaxa_index2) <- allfeaturesbytaxa_index2$RowNumber
        rownames(allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix2) <- allfeaturesbytaxa_index2$RowNumber

        #Merge the matrices safely
        allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix_merged <- merge_sparse_matrix(matlist = list(allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix1, allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix2))

        #Merge the indices
        allfeaturesbytaxa_index_merged <- rbind(allfeaturesbytaxa_index1, allfeaturesbytaxa_index2)

        SEobjMD_merged[["allfeaturesbytaxa_index"]] <- allfeaturesbytaxa_index_merged
        SEobjMD_merged[["allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix"]] <- allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix_merged

    } else {
        flog.info("No feature stratification by taxonomy to merge.")

    #Build the merged SummarizedExperiment object
    merged_SEobj <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = merged_assays, rowData = as.matrix(merged_ftt), colData = as.matrix(pheno_merged), metadata = SEobjMD_merged)

johnmcculloch/JAMS_BW documentation built on April 30, 2024, 8:09 p.m.