# == title
# Class for a list of heatmaps
# == details
# A heatmap list is defined as a list of heatmaps and annotations.
# == methods
# The `HeatmapList-class` provides following methods:
# - `draw,HeatmapList-method`: draw the list of heatmaps and row annotations.
# - `add_heatmap,HeatmapList-method`: add heatmaps to the list of heatmaps.
# - `row_order,HeatmapList-method`: get order of rows
# - `column_order,HeatmapList-method`: get order of columns
# - `row_dend,HeatmapList-method`: get row dendrograms
# - `column_dend,HeatmapList-method`: get column dendrograms
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
HeatmapList = setClass("HeatmapList",
slots = list(
ht_list = "list",
ht_list_param = "list",
direction = "character",
row_title = "ANY",
row_title_param = "list",
column_title = "ANY",
column_title_param = "list",
annotation_legend_param = "list",
heatmap_legend_param = "list",
layout = "list"
prototype = list(
direction = "horizontal",
layout = list(
layout_annotation_legend_left_width = unit(0, "mm"),
layout_heatmap_legend_left_width = unit(0, "mm"),
layout_row_title_left_width = unit(0, "mm"),
layout_row_title_right_width = unit(0, "mm"),
layout_heatmap_legend_right_width = unit(0, "mm"),
layout_annotation_legend_right_width = unit(0, "mm"),
layout_annotation_legend_top_height = unit(0, "mm"),
layout_heatmap_legend_top_height = unit(0, "mm"),
layout_column_title_top_height = unit(0, "mm"),
layout_column_title_bottom_height = unit(0, "mm"),
layout_heatmap_legend_bottom_height = unit(0, "mm"),
layout_annotation_legend_bottom_height = unit(0, "mm"),
layout_index = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2),
graphic_fun_list = list(),
initialized = FALSE
contains = "AdditiveUnit"
# == title
# Constructor method for HeatmapList class
# == param
# -... arguments
# == details
# There is no public constructor method for the `HeatmapList-class`.
# == value
# No value is returned.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
HeatmapList = function(...) {
new("HeatmapList", ...)
# == title
# Add heatmaps and row annotations to the heatmap list
# == param
# -object a `HeatmapList-class` object.
# -x a `Heatmap-class` object or a `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object or a `HeatmapList-class` object.
# -direction direction of the concatenation.
# == details
# There is a shortcut function ``+.AdditiveUnit``.
# == value
# A `HeatmapList-class` object.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
setMethod(f = "add_heatmap",
signature = "HeatmapList",
definition = function(object, x, direction = c("horizontal", "vertical")) {
direction = match.arg(direction)[1]
if(object@direction != direction) {
stop_wrap("The heatmap list should only be all horizontal or vertical. Maybe you can move some of the row annotations to the 'left_annotation'/'right_annotation' of the heatmap if you want to make the heatmap list vertical. Or similarly, to move independent column annotations to 'top_annotation'/'bottom_annotation' if you want the heatmap list horizontal.")
if(object@layout$initialized) {
stop_wrap("The heatmap object should not be processed by draw().")
# check settings of this new heatmap
if(inherits(x, "Heatmap")) {
ht_name = x@name
x = list(x)
names(x) = ht_name
object@ht_list = c(object@ht_list, x)
} else if(inherits(x, "HeatmapAnnotation")) {
if(x@which == "row" && direction == "vertical") {
stop_wrap("Row annotations should be added to the heatmap list in horizontal direction.")
} else if(x@which == "column" && direction == "horizontal") {
stop_wrap("Column annotations should be added to the heatmap list in vertical direction.")
ht_name = x@name
x = list(x)
names(x) = ht_name
object@ht_list = c(object@ht_list, x)
} else if(inherits(x, "HeatmapList")) {
if(x@layout$initialized) {
stop_wrap("The heatmap object should not be processed by draw().")
ht_name = names(x@ht_list)
object@ht_list = c(object@ht_list, x@ht_list)
ht_name = names(object@ht_list)
which_duplicated = duplicated(ht_name)
if(any(which_duplicated)) {
warning_wrap(paste0("Heatmap/annotation names are duplicated: ", paste(ht_name[which_duplicated], collapse = ", ")))
if(direction == "horizontal") {
nr = sapply(object@ht_list, function(ht) {
if(inherits(ht, "Heatmap")) {
} else if(inherits(ht, "HeatmapAnnotation")) {
} else {
nr = nr[!is.na(nr)]
if(length(unique(nr)) > 1) {
msg = "`nrow` of all heatmaps and `nobs` of all annotations should be the same\nfor horizontal heatmap list."
for(i in seq_along(object@ht_list)) {
if(inherits(object@ht_list[[i]], "Heatmap")) {
msg = c(msg, paste(" heatmap '", object@ht_list[[i]]@name, "': ", nrow(object@ht_list[[i]]@matrix), sep = ""))
} else if(inherits(object@ht_list[[i]], "HeatmapAnnotation")) {
ha = object@ht_list[[i]]
for(j in seq_along(ha@anno_list)) {
if(!is.na(nobs(ha@anno_list[[j]]))) {
msg = c(msg, paste(" annotation '", ha@anno_list[[j]]@name, "': ", nobs(ha@anno_list[[j]]), sep = ""))
stop(paste(msg, collapse = "\n"), call. = FALSE)
} else {
nc = sapply(object@ht_list, function(ht) {
if(inherits(ht, "Heatmap")) {
} else if(inherits(ht, "HeatmapAnnotation")) {
} else {
nc = nc[!is.na(nc)]
if(length(unique(nc)) > 1) {
msg = "`ncol` of all heatmaps and `nobs` of all annotations should be the same\nfor vertical heatmap list."
for(i in seq_along(object@ht_list)) {
if(inherits(object@ht_list[[i]], "Heatmap")) {
msg = c(msg, paste(" heatmap '", object@ht_list[[i]]@name, "': ", ncol(object@ht_list[[i]]@matrix), sep = ""))
} else if(inherits(object@ht_list[[i]], "HeatmapAnnotation")) {
ha = object@ht_list[[i]]
for(j in seq_along(ha@anno_list)) {
if(!is.na(nobs(ha@anno_list[[j]]))) {
msg = c(msg, paste(" annotation '", ha@anno_list[[j]]@name, "': ", nobs(ha@anno_list[[j]]), sep = ""))
stop(paste(msg, collapse = "\n"), call. = FALSE)
# == title
# Draw a list of heatmaps
# == param
# -object a `HeatmapList-class` object.
# -newpage whether create a new page for the graphics. If you want to arrange multiple plots in one page, I suggest to use `grid::grid.grabExpr`.
# -background Background color of the whole plot.
# -row_title title on the row.
# -row_title_side will the title be put on the left or right of the heatmap.
# -row_title_gp graphic parameters for drawing text.
# -column_title title on the column.
# -column_title_side will the title be put on the top or bottom of the heatmap.
# -column_title_gp graphic parameters for drawing text.
# -heatmap_legend_side side to put heatmap legend
# -merge_legends merge heatmap legends and annotation legends to put into one column.
# -show_heatmap_legend whether show all heatmap legends
# -heatmap_legend_list use-defined legends which are put after the heatmap legends
# -annotation_legend_side side of the annotation legends
# -show_annotation_legend whether show annotation legends
# -annotation_legend_list user-defined legends which are put after the annotation legends
# -align_heatmap_legend How to align the legends to heatmap. Possible values are "heatmap_center", "heatmap_top" and "global_center". If the value is ``NULL``,
# it automatically picks the proper value from the three options.
# -align_annotation_legend How to align the legends to heatmap. Possible values are "heatmap_center", "heatmap_top" and "global_center".
# -legend_grouping How the legends are grouped. Values should be "adjusted" or "original". If it is set as
# "original", all annotation legends are grouped together.
# -gap gap between heatmaps/annotations
# -ht_gap same as ``gap``.
# -main_heatmap index of main heatmap. The value can be a numeric index or the heatmap name
# -padding padding of the whole plot. The value is a unit vector of length 4, which corresponds to bottom, left, top and right.
# -adjust_annotation_extension whether take annotation name into account when calculating positions of graphic elements.
# -auto_adjust whether apply automatic adjustment? The auto-adjustment includes turning off dendrograms, titles and row/columns for non-main heatmaps.
# -row_dend_side side of the dendrogram from the main heatmap
# -row_sub_title_side side of the row title from the main heatmap
# -column_dend_side side of the dendrogram from the main heatmap
# -column_sub_title_side side of the column title from the main heatmap
# -row_gap this modifies ``row_gap`` of the main heatmap
# -cluster_rows this modifies ``cluster_rows`` of the main heatmap
# -cluster_row_slices this modifies ``cluster_row_slices`` of the main heatmap
# -clustering_distance_rows this modifies ``clustering_distance_rows`` of the main heatmap
# -clustering_method_rows this modifies ``clustering_method_rows`` of the main heatmap
# -row_dend_width this modifies ``row_dend_width`` of the main heatmap
# -show_row_dend this modifies ``show_row_dend`` of the main heatmap
# -row_dend_reorder this modifies ``row_dend_reorder`` of the main heatmap
# -row_dend_gp this modifies ``row_dend_gp`` of the main heatmap
# -row_order this modifies ``row_order`` of the main heatmap
# -km = this modifies ``km`` of the main heatmap
# -split this modifies ``split`` of the main heatmap
# -row_km this modifies ``row_km`` of the main heatmap
# -row_km_repeats this modifies ``row_km_repeats`` of the main heatmap
# -row_split this modifies ``row_split`` of the main heatmap
# -height this modifies ``height`` of the main heatmap
# -heatmap_height this modifies ``heatmap_height`` of the main heatmap
# -column_gap this modifies ``column_gap`` of the main heatmap
# -cluster_columns this modifies ``cluster_columns`` of the main heatmap
# -cluster_column_slices this modifies ``cluster_column_slices`` of the main heatmap
# -clustering_distance_columns this modifies ``clustering_distance_columns`` of the main heatmap
# -clustering_method_columns this modifies ``clustering_method_columns`` of the main heatmap
# -column_dend_width this modifies ``column_dend_width`` of the main heatmap
# -show_column_dend this modifies ``show_column_dend`` of the main heatmap
# -column_dend_reorder this modifies ``column_dend_reorder`` of the main heatmap
# -column_dend_gp this modifies ``column_dend_gp`` of the main heatmap
# -column_order this modifies ``column_order`` of the main heatmap
# -column_km this modifies ``column_km`` of the main heatmap
# -column_km_repeats this modifies ``column_km_repeats`` of the main heatmap
# -column_split this modifies ``column_split`` of the main heatmap
# -width this modifies ``width`` of the main heatmap
# -heatmap_width this modifies ``heatmap_width`` of the main heatmap
# -use_raster this modifies ``use_raster`` of every heatmap.
# -raster_device this modifies ``raster_device`` of every heatmap.
# -raster_quality this modifies ``raster_quality`` of every heatmap.
# -raster_device_param this modifies ``raster_device_param`` of every heatmap.
# -raster_resize this modifies ``raster_resize`` of every heatmap.
# -post_fun A self-defined function will be executed after all the heatmaps are drawn.
# -save_last Whether to save the last plot?
# -heatmap_row_names_gp this set the value in `ht_opt` and reset back after the plot is done
# -heatmap_column_names_gp this set the value in `ht_opt` and reset back after the plot is done
# -heatmap_row_title_gp this set the value in `ht_opt` and reset back after the plot is done
# -heatmap_column_title_gp this set the value in `ht_opt` and reset back after the plot is done
# -legend_title_gp this set the value in `ht_opt` and reset back after the plot is done
# -legend_title_position this set the value in `ht_opt` and reset back after the plot is done
# -legend_labels_gp this set the value in `ht_opt` and reset back after the plot is done
# -legend_grid_height this set the value in `ht_opt` and reset back after the plot is done
# -legend_grid_width this set the value in `ht_opt` and reset back after the plot is done
# -legend_border this set the value in `ht_opt` and reset back after the plot is done
# -legend_gap Gap between legends. The value should be a vector of two units. One for gaps between
# vertical legends and one for the horizontal legends. If only one single unit is specified,
# the same gap set for the vertical and horizontal legends.
# -heatmap_border this set the value in `ht_opt` and reset back after the plot is done
# -annotation_border this set the value in `ht_opt` and reset back after the plot is done
# -fastcluster this set the value in `ht_opt` and reset back after the plot is done
# -simple_anno_size this set the value in `ht_opt` and reset back after the plot is done
# -show_parent_dend_line this set the value in `ht_opt` and reset back after the plot is done
# == detail
# The function first calls `make_layout,HeatmapList-method` to calculate
# the layout of the heatmap list and the layout of every single heatmap,
# then makes the plot by re-calling the graphic functions which are already recorded
# in the layout.
# == seealso
# https://jokergoo.github.io/ComplexHeatmap-reference/book/a-list-of-heatmaps.html
# == value
# This function returns a `HeatmapList-class` object for which the layout has been created.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
setMethod(f = "draw",
signature = "HeatmapList",
definition = function(object,
newpage = TRUE,
background = "white",
row_title = character(0),
row_title_side = c("left", "right"),
row_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 13),
column_title = character(0),
column_title_side = c("top", "bottom"),
column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 13),
heatmap_legend_side = c("right", "left", "bottom", "top"),
merge_legends = ht_opt$merge_legends,
show_heatmap_legend = TRUE,
heatmap_legend_list = list(),
annotation_legend_side = c("right", "left", "bottom", "top"),
show_annotation_legend = TRUE,
annotation_legend_list = list(),
align_heatmap_legend = NULL,
align_annotation_legend = NULL,
legend_grouping = c("adjusted", "original"),
gap = unit(2, "mm"),
ht_gap = gap,
main_heatmap = which(sapply(object@ht_list, inherits, "Heatmap"))[1],
adjust_annotation_extension = NULL,
auto_adjust = TRUE,
row_dend_side = c("original", "left", "right"),
row_sub_title_side = c("original", "left", "right"),
column_dend_side = c("original", "top", "bottom"),
column_sub_title_side = c("original", "top", "bottom"),
row_gap = NULL,
cluster_rows = NULL,
cluster_row_slices = NULL,
clustering_distance_rows = NULL,
clustering_method_rows = NULL,
row_dend_width = NULL,
show_row_dend = NULL,
row_dend_reorder = NULL,
row_dend_gp = NULL,
row_order = NULL,
km = NULL,
split = NULL,
row_km = km,
row_km_repeats = NULL,
row_split = split,
height = NULL,
heatmap_height = NULL,
column_gap = NULL,
cluster_columns = NULL,
cluster_column_slices = NULL,
clustering_distance_columns = NULL,
clustering_method_columns = NULL,
column_dend_width = NULL,
show_column_dend = NULL,
column_dend_reorder = NULL,
column_dend_gp = NULL,
column_order = NULL,
column_km = NULL,
column_km_repeats = NULL,
column_split = NULL,
width = NULL,
heatmap_width = NULL,
use_raster = NULL,
raster_device = NULL,
raster_quality = NULL,
raster_device_param = NULL,
raster_resize = NULL,
post_fun = NULL,
save_last = ht_opt$save_last,
### global setting
heatmap_row_names_gp = NULL,
heatmap_column_names_gp = NULL,
heatmap_row_title_gp = NULL,
heatmap_column_title_gp = NULL,
legend_title_gp = NULL,
legend_title_position = NULL,
legend_labels_gp = NULL,
legend_grid_height = NULL,
legend_grid_width = NULL,
legend_border = NULL,
legend_gap = NULL,
heatmap_border = NULL,
annotation_border = NULL,
fastcluster = NULL,
simple_anno_size = NULL,
show_parent_dend_line = NULL
) {
.ENV$IS_UNDER_JUPYTER = is_under_jupyter()
p = grid.grabExpr({
object = draw(object,
newpage = newpage,
background = background,
row_title = row_title,
row_title_side = row_title_side,
row_title_gp = row_title_gp,
column_title = column_title,
column_title_side = column_title_side,
column_title_gp = column_title_gp,
heatmap_legend_side = heatmap_legend_side,
merge_legends = merge_legends,
show_heatmap_legend = show_heatmap_legend,
heatmap_legend_list = heatmap_legend_list,
annotation_legend_side = annotation_legend_side,
show_annotation_legend = show_annotation_legend,
annotation_legend_list = annotation_legend_list,
align_heatmap_legend = align_heatmap_legend,
align_annotation_legend = align_annotation_legend,
legend_grouping = legend_grouping,
gap = gap,
ht_gap = ht_gap,
main_heatmap = main_heatmap,
padding = padding,
adjust_annotation_extension = adjust_annotation_extension,
auto_adjust = auto_adjust,
row_dend_side = row_dend_side,
row_sub_title_side = row_sub_title_side,
column_dend_side = column_dend_side,
column_sub_title_side = column_sub_title_side,
row_gap = row_gap,
cluster_rows = cluster_rows,
cluster_row_slices = cluster_row_slices,
clustering_distance_rows = clustering_distance_rows,
clustering_method_rows = clustering_method_rows,
row_dend_width = row_dend_width,
show_row_dend = show_row_dend,
row_dend_reorder = row_dend_reorder,
row_dend_gp = row_dend_gp,
row_order = row_order,
km = km,
split = split,
row_km = row_km,
row_km_repeats = row_km_repeats,
row_split = row_split,
height = height,
heatmap_height = heatmap_height,
column_gap = column_gap,
cluster_columns = cluster_columns,
cluster_column_slices = cluster_column_slices,
clustering_distance_columns = clustering_distance_columns,
clustering_method_columns = clustering_method_columns,
column_dend_width = column_dend_width,
show_column_dend = show_column_dend,
column_dend_reorder = column_dend_reorder,
column_dend_gp = column_dend_gp,
column_order = column_order,
column_km = column_km,
column_km_repeats = column_km_repeats,
column_split = column_split,
width = width,
heatmap_width = heatmap_width,
use_raster = use_raster,
raster_device = raster_device,
raster_quality = raster_quality,
raster_device_param = raster_device_param,
raster_resize = raster_resize,
post_fun = post_fun,
save_last = save_last,
### global setting
heatmap_row_names_gp = heatmap_row_names_gp,
heatmap_column_names_gp = heatmap_column_names_gp,
heatmap_row_title_gp = heatmap_row_title_gp,
heatmap_column_title_gp = heatmap_column_title_gp,
legend_title_gp = legend_title_gp,
legend_title_position = legend_title_position,
legend_labels_gp = legend_labels_gp,
legend_grid_height = legend_grid_height,
legend_grid_width = legend_grid_width,
legend_border = legend_border,
legend_gap = legend_gap,
heatmap_border = heatmap_border,
annotation_border = annotation_border,
fastcluster = fastcluster,
simple_anno_size = simple_anno_size,
show_parent_dend_line = show_parent_dend_line
}, width = getOption("repr.plot.width"), height = getOption("repr.plot.height"))
verbose = ht_opt$verbose
if(missing(cluster_rows) && !missing(row_order)) {
cluster_rows = FALSE
if(missing(cluster_columns) && !missing(column_order)) {
cluster_columns = FALSE
ovl = list()
for(opt_nm in c("heatmap_row_names_gp",
"show_parent_dend_line")) {
v = get(opt_nm, inherits = FALSE)
if(!is.null(v)) {
ovl[[opt_nm]] = ht_opt[[opt_nm]]
ht_opt[[opt_nm]] = v
if(verbose) qqcat("temporarily set the global parameter @{opt_nm}\n")
if(length(ovl)) {
direction = object@direction
if(!has_heatmap(object)) {
ob = sapply(object@ht_list, nobs)
ob = ob[!is.na(ob)]
if(length(ob) == 0) {
stop_wrap("There is no heatmap in the list and cannot infer the number of observations in the heatmap annotations, please add a zero row/column matrix by hand.")
if(direction == "horizontal") {
nr = ob[1]
max_height = max(do.call("unit.c", lapply(object@ht_list, function(ha) {
h = height(ha)
if(is_abs_unit(h)) {
convertHeight(h, "mm")
} else {
unit(0, "mm")
max_height = convertHeight(max_height, "mm")
if(unit_to_numeric(max_height[1]) == 0) {
object = object + Heatmap(matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = nr), row_title = NULL, show_heatmap_legend = FALSE)
} else {
object = object + Heatmap(matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = nr), height = max_height, row_title = NULL, show_heatmap_legend = FALSE)
} else {
nc = ob[1]
max_width = max(do.call("unit.c", lapply(object@ht_list, function(ha) {
w = width(ha)
if(is_abs_unit(w)) {
convertWidth(w, "mm")
} else {
unit(0, "mm")
max_width = convertWidth(max_width, "mm")
if(unit_to_numeric(max_width[1]) == 0) {
object = object %v% Heatmap(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = nc), column_title = NULL, show_heatmap_legend = FALSE)
} else {
object = object %v% Heatmap(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = nc), width = max_width, column_title = NULL, show_heatmap_legend = FALSE)
row_sub_title_side = "original"
row_dend_side = "original"
column_sub_title_side = "original"
column_dend_side = "original"
if(object@layout$initialized) {
if(missing(padding)) padding = object@ht_list_param$padding
if(missing(ht_gap) && missing(gap)) ht_gap = object@ht_list_param$ht_gap
if(missing(main_heatmap)) main_heatmap = object@ht_list_param$main_heatmap
if(missing(merge_legends)) merge_legends = object@ht_list_param$merge_legends
if(missing(auto_adjust)) auto_adjust = object@ht_list_param$auto_adjust
if(missing(legend_grouping)) legend_grouping = object@ht_list_param$legend_grouping
if(missing(post_fun)) post_fun = object@ht_list_param$post_fun
if(missing(heatmap_legend_side)) heatmap_legend_side = object@heatmap_legend_param$side
if(missing(show_heatmap_legend)) show_heatmap_legend = object@heatmap_legend_param$show
if(missing(annotation_legend_side)) annotation_legend_side = object@annotation_legend_param$side
if(missing(show_annotation_legend)) show_annotation_legend = object@annotation_legend_param$show
if(missing(row_title)) row_title = object@row_title
if(missing(row_title_side)) row_title_side = object@row_title_param$side
if(missing(row_title_gp)) row_title_gp = object@row_title_param$gp
if(missing(column_title)) column_title = object@column_title
if(missing(column_title_side)) column_title_side = object@column_title_param$side
if(missing(column_title_gp)) column_title_gp = object@column_title_param$gp
if(missing(background)) {
if(!is.null(object@ht_list_param$background)) {
background = object@ht_list_param$background
if(newpage) {
heatmap_legend_side = match.arg(heatmap_legend_side)
annotation_legend_side = match.arg(annotation_legend_side)
if(heatmap_legend_side == annotation_legend_side) {
if(!is.null(align_heatmap_legend) && is.null(align_annotation_legend)) {
align_annotation_legend = align_heatmap_legend
} else if(is.null(align_heatmap_legend) && !is.null(align_annotation_legend)) {
align_heatmap_legend = align_heatmap_legend
object@ht_list_param$adjust_annotation_extension = adjust_annotation_extension
object@ht_list_param$post_fun = post_fun
object@ht_list_param$background = background
object = make_layout(
row_title = row_title,
row_title_side = row_title_side,
row_title_gp = row_title_gp,
column_title = column_title,
column_title_side = column_title_side,
column_title_gp = column_title_gp,
heatmap_legend_side = heatmap_legend_side,
merge_legends = merge_legends,
show_heatmap_legend = show_heatmap_legend,
heatmap_legend_list = heatmap_legend_list,
annotation_legend_side = annotation_legend_side,
show_annotation_legend = show_annotation_legend,
annotation_legend_list = annotation_legend_list,
align_heatmap_legend = align_heatmap_legend,
align_annotation_legend = align_annotation_legend,
legend_grouping = legend_grouping,
ht_gap = ht_gap,
main_heatmap = main_heatmap,
padding = padding,
auto_adjust = auto_adjust,
row_dend_side = row_dend_side,
row_sub_title_side = row_sub_title_side,
column_dend_side = column_dend_side,
column_sub_title_side = column_sub_title_side,
row_gap = row_gap,
cluster_rows = cluster_rows,
cluster_row_slices = cluster_row_slices,
clustering_distance_rows = clustering_distance_rows,
clustering_method_rows = clustering_method_rows,
row_dend_width = row_dend_width,
show_row_dend = show_row_dend,
row_dend_reorder = row_dend_reorder,
row_dend_gp = row_dend_gp,
row_order = row_order,
row_km = row_km,
row_km_repeats = row_km_repeats,
row_split = row_split,
height = height,
heatmap_height = heatmap_height,
column_gap = column_gap,
cluster_columns = cluster_columns,
cluster_column_slices = cluster_column_slices,
clustering_distance_columns = clustering_distance_columns,
clustering_method_columns = clustering_method_columns,
column_dend_width = column_dend_width,
show_column_dend = show_column_dend,
column_dend_reorder = column_dend_reorder,
column_dend_gp = column_dend_gp,
column_order = column_order,
column_km = column_km,
column_km_repeats = column_km_repeats,
column_split = column_split,
width = width,
heatmap_width = heatmap_width,
use_raster = use_raster,
raster_device = raster_device,
raster_quality = raster_quality,
raster_device_param = raster_device_param,
raster_resize = raster_resize
padding = object@ht_list_param$padding
code = expression({
current_vp = current.viewport()$name
if(current_vp == "ROOT") {
page_size = unit(par("din"), "in")
} else {
page_size = unit.c(convertWidth(unit(1, "npc"), "mm"),
convertHeight(unit(1, "npc"), "mm"))
# adjust legend, the following have 99% duplication as in HeatmapList-layout.R
# however, it runs fast, so I just make it ugly
## heatmap legend to top, bottom, left and right
# default values
legend_grouping = object@ht_list_param$legend_grouping
ColorMappingList = list()
for(i in seq_along(object@ht_list)) {
ht = object@ht_list[[i]]
if(object@direction == "horizontal") {
if(inherits(object@ht_list[[i]], "Heatmap")) {
if(!is.null(ht@left_annotation)) {
if(object@ht_list_param$merge_legends || legend_grouping == "adjusted") {
ColorMappingList = c.list(ColorMappingList, list = get_color_mapping_list(ht@left_annotation))
if(!is.null(ht@top_annotation)) {
if(object@ht_list_param$merge_legends) {
ColorMappingList = c.list(ColorMappingList, list = get_color_mapping_list(ht@top_annotation))
if(object@ht_list[[i]]@heatmap_param$show_heatmap_legend) {
ColorMappingList = c.list(ColorMappingList, object@ht_list[[i]]@matrix_color_mapping)
if(!is.null(ht@bottom_annotation)) {
if(object@ht_list_param$merge_legends) {
ColorMappingList = c.list(ColorMappingList, list = get_color_mapping_list(ht@bottom_annotation))
if(!is.null(ht@right_annotation)) {
if(object@ht_list_param$merge_legends || legend_grouping == "adjusted") {
ColorMappingList = c.list(ColorMappingList, list = get_color_mapping_list(ht@right_annotation))
} else if(inherits(object@ht_list[[i]], "HeatmapAnnotation")) {
if(object@ht_list_param$merge_legends || legend_grouping == "adjusted") {
ColorMappingList = c.list(ColorMappingList, list = get_color_mapping_list(object@ht_list[[i]]))
} else {
if(inherits(object@ht_list[[i]], "Heatmap")) {
if(!is.null(ht@left_annotation)) {
if(object@ht_list_param$merge_legends) {
ColorMappingList = c.list(ColorMappingList, list = get_color_mapping_list(ht@left_annotation))
if(!is.null(ht@top_annotation)) {
if(object@ht_list_param$merge_legends || legend_grouping == "adjusted") {
ColorMappingList = c.list(ColorMappingList, list = get_color_mapping_list(ht@top_annotation))
if(object@ht_list[[i]]@heatmap_param$show_heatmap_legend) {
ColorMappingList = c.list(ColorMappingList, object@ht_list[[i]]@matrix_color_mapping)
if(!is.null(ht@bottom_annotation)) {
if(object@ht_list_param$merge_legends || legend_grouping == "adjusted") {
ColorMappingList = c.list(ColorMappingList, list = get_color_mapping_list(ht@bottom_annotation))
if(!is.null(ht@right_annotation)) {
if(object@ht_list_param$merge_legends) {
ColorMappingList = c.list(ColorMappingList, list = get_color_mapping_list(ht@right_annotation))
} else if(inherits(object@ht_list[[i]], "HeatmapAnnotation")) {
if(object@ht_list_param$merge_legends || legend_grouping == "adjusted") {
ColorMappingList = c.list(ColorMappingList, list = get_color_mapping_list(object@ht_list[[i]]))
heatmap_legend_list = object@heatmap_legend_param$list
annotation_legend_list = object@annotation_legend_param$list
if(length(heatmap_legend_list) != 0) {
if(inherits(heatmap_legend_list, c("Legends", "grob"))) {
heatmap_legend_list = list(heatmap_legend_list)
if(length(annotation_legend_list) != 0) {
if(inherits(annotation_legend_list, c("Legends", "grob"))) {
annotation_legend_list = list(annotation_legend_list)
if(object@ht_list_param$merge_legends) {
heatmap_legend_list = c(heatmap_legend_list, annotation_legend_list)
if(length(ColorMappingList) == 0 && length(heatmap_legend_list) == 0) {
show_heatmap_legend = FALSE
object@heatmap_legend_param$show = show_heatmap_legend
heatmap_legend_side = object@heatmap_legend_param$side
if(show_heatmap_legend) {
if(heatmap_legend_side == "top") {
object@heatmap_legend_param$padding = unit.c(ht_opt$HEATMAP_LEGEND_PADDING, unit(c(0, 0, 0), "mm")) #unit(c(2, 0, 0, 0), "mm")
size = heatmap_legend_size(object, legend_list = heatmap_legend_list, max_width = calc_legends_max_width(object, page_size))
object@heatmap_legend_param$size = size
object@layout$layout_heatmap_legend_top_height = size[2]
layout_index = heatmap_list_layout_index("heatmap_legend_top")
} else if(heatmap_legend_side == "bottom") {
object@heatmap_legend_param$padding = unit.c(unit(c(0, 0), "mm"), ht_opt$HEATMAP_LEGEND_PADDING, unit(0, "mm")) # unit(c(0, 0, 2, 0), "mm")
size = heatmap_legend_size(object, legend_list = heatmap_legend_list, max_width = calc_legends_max_width(object, page_size))
object@heatmap_legend_param$size = size
object@layout$layout_heatmap_legend_bottom_height = size[2]
layout_index = heatmap_list_layout_index("heatmap_legend_bottom")
} else if(heatmap_legend_side == "left") {
object@heatmap_legend_param$padding = unit.c(unit(c(0, 0, 0), "mm"), ht_opt$HEATMAP_LEGEND_PADDING) # unit(c(0, 0, 0, 2), "mm")
size = heatmap_legend_size(object, legend_list = heatmap_legend_list, max_height = calc_legends_max_height(object, page_size))
object@heatmap_legend_param$size = size
object@layout$layout_heatmap_legend_left_width = size[1]
layout_index = heatmap_list_layout_index("heatmap_legend_left")
} else if(heatmap_legend_side == "right") {
object@heatmap_legend_param$padding = unit.c(unit(0, "mm"), ht_opt$HEATMAP_LEGEND_PADDING, unit(c(0, 0), "mm")) # unit(c(0, 2, 0, 0), "mm")
size = heatmap_legend_size(object, legend_list = heatmap_legend_list, max_height = calc_legends_max_height(object, page_size))
object@heatmap_legend_param$size = size
object@layout$layout_heatmap_legend_right_width = size[1]
layout_index = heatmap_list_layout_index("heatmap_legend_right")
if(heatmap_legend_side %in% c("top", "bottom")) {
ind = which(object@layout$layout_index[, 1] == layout_index[1] & object@layout$layout_index[, 2] == layout_index[2])
object@layout$graphic_fun_list[[ind]] = function(object) draw_heatmap_legend(object, legend_list = heatmap_legend_list, max_width = calc_legends_max_width(object, page_size))
} else {
ind = which(object@layout$layout_index[, 1] == layout_index[1] & object@layout$layout_index[, 2] == layout_index[2])
object@layout$graphic_fun_list[[ind]] = function(object) draw_heatmap_legend(object, legend_list = heatmap_legend_list, max_height = calc_legends_max_height(object, page_size))
} else {
object@heatmap_legend_param$size = unit(c(0, 0), "mm")
## annotation legend to top, bottom, left and right
# default values
ColorMappingList = list()
if(!object@ht_list_param$merge_legends) {
for(i in seq_along(object@ht_list)) {
ht = object@ht_list[[i]]
if(object@direction == "horizontal") {
if(inherits(ht, "Heatmap")) {
if(!is.null(ht@left_annotation)) {
if(legend_grouping == "original") {
ColorMappingList = c.list(ColorMappingList, list = get_color_mapping_list(ht@left_annotation))
if(!is.null(ht@top_annotation)) {
ColorMappingList = c.list(ColorMappingList, list = get_color_mapping_list(ht@top_annotation))
if(!is.null(ht@bottom_annotation)) {
ColorMappingList = c.list(ColorMappingList, list = get_color_mapping_list(ht@bottom_annotation))
if(!is.null(ht@right_annotation)) {
if(legend_grouping == "original") {
ColorMappingList = c.list(ColorMappingList, list = get_color_mapping_list(ht@right_annotation))
} else if(inherits(ht, "HeatmapAnnotation")) {
if(legend_grouping == "original") {
ColorMappingList = c.list(ColorMappingList, list = get_color_mapping_list(ht))
} else {
if(inherits(ht, "Heatmap")) {
if(!is.null(ht@left_annotation)) {
ColorMappingList = c.list(ColorMappingList, list = get_color_mapping_list(ht@left_annotation))
if(!is.null(ht@top_annotation)) {
if(legend_grouping == "original") {
ColorMappingList = c.list(ColorMappingList, list = get_color_mapping_list(ht@top_annotation))
if(!is.null(ht@bottom_annotation)) {
if(legend_grouping == "original") {
ColorMappingList = c.list(ColorMappingList, list = get_color_mapping_list(ht@bottom_annotation))
if(!is.null(ht@right_annotation)) {
ColorMappingList = c.list(ColorMappingList, list = get_color_mapping_list(ht@right_annotation))
} else if(inherits(ht, "HeatmapAnnotation")) {
if(legend_grouping == "original") {
ColorMappingList = c.list(ColorMappingList, list = get_color_mapping_list(ht))
} else {
annotation_legend_list = list()
if(length(ColorMappingList) == 0 && length(annotation_legend_list) == 0) {
show_annotation_legend = FALSE
object@annotation_legend_param$show = show_annotation_legend
annotation_legend_side = object@annotation_legend_param$side
if(show_annotation_legend) {
if(annotation_legend_side == "top") {
object@annotation_legend_param$padding = unit.c(ht_opt$ANNOTATION_LEGEND_PADDING, unit(c(0, 0, 0), "mm")) # unit(c(2, 0, 0, 0), "mm")
size = annotation_legend_size(object, legend_list = annotation_legend_list, max_width = calc_legends_max_width(object, page_size))
object@annotation_legend_param$size = size
object@layout$layout_annotation_legend_top_height = size[2]
layout_index = heatmap_list_layout_index("annotation_legend_top")
} else if(annotation_legend_side == "bottom") {
object@annotation_legend_param$padding = unit.c(unit(c(0, 0), "mm"), ht_opt$ANNOTATION_LEGEND_PADDING, unit(0, "mm")) # unit(c(0, 0, 2, 0), "mm")
size = annotation_legend_size(object, legend_list = annotation_legend_list, max_width = calc_legends_max_width(object, page_size))
object@annotation_legend_param$size = size
object@layout$layout_annotation_legend_bottom_height = size[2]
layout_index = heatmap_list_layout_index("annotation_legend_bottom")
} else if(annotation_legend_side == "left") {
object@annotation_legend_param$padding = unit.c(unit(c(0, 0, 0), "mm"), ht_opt$ANNOTATION_LEGEND_PADDING) # unit(c(0, 0, 0, 2), "mm")
size = annotation_legend_size(object, legend_list = annotation_legend_list, max_height = calc_legends_max_height(object, page_size))
object@annotation_legend_param$size = size
object@layout$layout_annotation_legend_left_width = size[1]
layout_index = heatmap_list_layout_index("annotation_legend_left")
} else if(annotation_legend_side == "right") {
object@annotation_legend_param$padding = unit.c(unit(0, "mm"), ht_opt$ANNOTATION_LEGEND_PADDING, unit(c(0, 0), "mm")) # unit(c(0, 2, 0, 0), "mm")
size = annotation_legend_size(object, legend_list = annotation_legend_list, max_height = calc_legends_max_height(object, page_size))
object@annotation_legend_param$size = size
object@layout$layout_annotation_legend_right_width = size[1]
layout_index = heatmap_list_layout_index("annotation_legend_right")
if(annotation_legend_side %in% c("top", "bottom")) {
ind = which(object@layout$layout_index[, 1] == layout_index[1] & object@layout$layout_index[, 2] == layout_index[2])
object@layout$graphic_fun_list[[ind]] = function(object) draw_annotation_legend(object, legend_list = annotation_legend_list, max_width = calc_legends_max_width(object, page_size))
} else {
ind = which(object@layout$layout_index[, 1] == layout_index[1] & object@layout$layout_index[, 2] == layout_index[2])
object@layout$graphic_fun_list[[ind]] = function(object) draw_annotation_legend(object, legend_list = annotation_legend_list, max_height = calc_legends_max_height(object, page_size))
} else {
object@annotation_legend_param$size = unit(c(0, 0), "null")
ht_list_width = sum(component_width(object)) + padding[2] + padding[4]
ht_list_height = sum(component_height(object)) + padding[1] + padding[3]
if(is_abs_unit(ht_list_width)) {
ht_list_width = unit(convertWidth(ht_list_width, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE), "mm")
# qqcat("Since all heatmaps/annotations have absolute units, the total width of the plot is @{ht_list_width}\n")
w = ht_list_width
} else {
w = unit(1, "npc")
if(is_abs_unit(ht_list_height)) {
ht_list_height = unit(convertHeight(ht_list_height, "mm", valueOnly = TRUE), "mm")
# qqcat("Since all heatmaps/annotations have absolute units, the total height of the plot is @{ht_list_height}\n")
h = ht_list_height
} else {
h = unit(1, "npc")
layout = grid.layout(nrow = length(HEATMAP_LIST_LAYOUT_COLUMN_COMPONENT),
widths = component_width(object),
heights = component_height(object))
pushViewport(viewport(name = "global", width = w, height = h, gp = gpar(lineheight = 0.9)))
grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = object@ht_list_param$background, col = object@ht_list_param$background))
pushViewport(viewport(layout = layout, name = "global_layout", x = padding[2], y = padding[1], width = unit(1, "npc") - padding[2] - padding[4],
height = unit(1, "npc") - padding[1] - padding[3], just = c("left", "bottom")))
ht_layout_index = object@layout$layout_index
ht_graphic_fun_list = object@layout$graphic_fun_list
for(j in seq_len(nrow(ht_layout_index))) {
pushViewport(viewport(name = paste0("global-", rownames(ht_layout_index)[j]), layout.pos.row = ht_layout_index[j, 1], layout.pos.col = ht_layout_index[j, 2]))
object@ht_list_param$width = w
object@ht_list_param$height = h
for(i in seq_along(object@ht_list)) {
if(inherits(object@ht_list[[i]], "Heatmap")) {
ht = object@ht_list[[i]]
if(!is.null(ht@heatmap_param$post_fun)) {
if(!is.null(object@ht_list_param$post_fun)) {
if(run_recordGraphics) {
object <<- object
run_recordGraphics = FALSE
if(is_RStudio_current_dev() || (!dev.interactive())) {
} else {
run_recordGraphics = TRUE
grDevices::recordGraphics(eval(code), list(), as.environment(-1))
object@ht_list_param$called_arguments = list(
newpage = newpage,
row_title = row_title,
row_title_side = row_title_side,
row_title_gp = row_title_gp,
column_title = column_title,
column_title_side = column_title_side,
column_title_gp = column_title_gp,
heatmap_legend_side = heatmap_legend_side,
merge_legends = merge_legends,
show_heatmap_legend = show_heatmap_legend,
heatmap_legend_list = heatmap_legend_list,
annotation_legend_side = annotation_legend_side,
show_annotation_legend = show_annotation_legend,
annotation_legend_list = annotation_legend_list,
align_heatmap_legend = align_heatmap_legend,
align_annotation_legend = align_annotation_legend,
legend_grouping = legend_grouping,
gap = gap,
ht_gap = ht_gap,
main_heatmap = main_heatmap,
padding = padding,
adjust_annotation_extension = adjust_annotation_extension,
auto_adjust = auto_adjust,
row_dend_side = row_dend_side,
row_sub_title_side = row_sub_title_side,
column_dend_side = column_dend_side,
column_sub_title_side = column_sub_title_side,
row_gap = row_gap,
cluster_rows = cluster_rows,
cluster_row_slices = cluster_row_slices,
clustering_distance_rows = clustering_distance_rows,
clustering_method_rows = clustering_method_rows,
row_dend_width = row_dend_width,
show_row_dend = show_row_dend,
row_dend_reorder = row_dend_reorder,
row_dend_gp = row_dend_gp,
row_order = row_order,
km = km,
split = split,
row_km = row_km,
row_km_repeats = row_km_repeats,
row_split = row_split,
height = height,
heatmap_height = heatmap_height,
column_gap = column_gap,
cluster_columns = cluster_columns,
cluster_column_slices = cluster_column_slices,
clustering_distance_columns = clustering_distance_columns,
clustering_method_columns = clustering_method_columns,
column_dend_width = column_dend_width,
show_column_dend = show_column_dend,
column_dend_reorder = column_dend_reorder,
column_dend_gp = column_dend_gp,
column_order = column_order,
column_km = column_km,
column_km_repeats = column_km_repeats,
column_split = column_split,
width = width,
heatmap_width = heatmap_width,
use_raster = use_raster,
raster_device = raster_device,
raster_quality = raster_quality,
raster_device_param = raster_device_param,
raster_resize = raster_resize,
post_fun = post_fun,
### global setting
heatmap_row_names_gp = heatmap_row_names_gp,
heatmap_column_names_gp = heatmap_column_names_gp,
heatmap_row_title_gp = heatmap_row_title_gp,
heatmap_column_title_gp = heatmap_column_title_gp,
legend_title_gp = legend_title_gp,
legend_title_position = legend_title_position,
legend_labels_gp = legend_labels_gp,
legend_grid_height = legend_grid_height,
legend_grid_width = legend_grid_width,
legend_border = legend_border,
legend_gap = legend_gap,
heatmap_border = heatmap_border,
annotation_border = annotation_border,
fastcluster = fastcluster,
simple_anno_size = simple_anno_size,
show_parent_dend_line = show_parent_dend_line
if(save_last) {
.ENV$last = object
has_heatmap = function(ht_list) {
any(sapply(ht_list@ht_list, inherits, "Heatmap"))
# == title
# Draw a list of heatmaps with default parameters
# == param
# -object a `HeatmapList-class` object.
# == details
# Actually it calls `draw,HeatmapList-method`, but only with default parameters. If users want to customize the heatmap,
# they can pass parameters directly to `draw,HeatmapList-method`.
# == value
# This function returns no value.
setMethod(f = "show",
signature = "HeatmapList",
definition = function(object) {
# cat("A HeatmapList object containing", length(object@ht_list), "heatmaps:\n\n")
# for(i in seq_along(object@ht_list)) {
# cat("[", i, "] ", sep = "")
# show(object@ht_list[[i]])
# cat("\n")
# }
# == title
# Subset a HeatmapList object
# == param
# -x A `HeatmapList-class` object
# -i row indices
# -j column indices
# == details
# If the heatmap list is horizontal, ``i`` is the row indices and ``j`` corresponds to heatmap names and single annotation names.
# and if the heatlist is vertical, ``i`` corresponds to heatmap/annotation names and ``j`` is the column indices.
# == example
# ht_list = Heatmap(matrix(rnorm(100), 10), name = "rnorm") +
# rowAnnotation(foo = 1:10, bar = anno_points(10:1)) +
# Heatmap(matrix(runif(100), 10), name = "runif")
# summary(ht_list[1:5, ])
# summary(ht_list[1:5, 1])
# summary(ht_list[1:5, "rnorm"])
# summary(ht_list[1:5, c("rnorm", "foo")])
# ht_list = Heatmap(matrix(rnorm(100), 10), name = "rnorm") \%v\%
# columnAnnotation(foo = 1:10, bar = anno_points(10:1)) \%v\%
# Heatmap(matrix(runif(100), 10), name = "runif")
# summary(ht_list[, 1:5])
# summary(ht_list[1, 1:5])
# summary(ht_list["rnorm", 1:5])
# summary(ht_list[c("rnorm", "foo"), 1:5])
"[.HeatmapList" = function(x, i, j) {
direction = x@direction
if(!is.null(x@layout$initialized)) {
if(x@layout$initialized) {
stop_wrap("subsetting on HeatmapList can only be applied before `draw()`.")
if(direction == "horizontal") {
if(nargs() == 2) {
subset_heatmap_list_by_row(x, i, direction)
} else {
if(missing(i)) {
subset_heatmap_list_by_column(x, j, direction)
} else if(missing(j)) {
subset_heatmap_list_by_row(x, i, direction)
} else {
x = subset_heatmap_list_by_row(x, i, direction)
subset_heatmap_list_by_column(x, j, direction)
} else {
if(missing(i)) {
subset_heatmap_list_by_column(x, j, direction)
} else if(missing(j)) {
subset_heatmap_list_by_row(x, i, direction)
} else {
x = subset_heatmap_list_by_row(x, i, direction)
subset_heatmap_list_by_column(x, j, direction)
# there is no main heatmap yet
subset_heatmap_list_by_row = function(ht_list, ind, direction) {
if(direction == "horizontal") {
for(i in seq_along(ht_list@ht_list)) {
if(inherits(ht_list@ht_list[[i]], "Heatmap")) {
ht_list@ht_list[[i]] = ht_list@ht_list[[i]][ind, ]
} else {
ht_list@ht_list[[i]] = ht_list@ht_list[[i]][ind]
} else {
# if it is vertical heatmap list, `ind` corresponds to heatmap names and annotation names
if(is.numeric(ind)) {
ht_list@ht_list = ht_list@ht_list[ind]
} else {
hl = list()
# also check annotation names
if(!all(ind %in% names(ht_list))) {
stop_wrap("Cannot find all name indices in the heatmap list.")
for(nm in names(ht_list@ht_list)) {
if(inherits(ht_list@ht_list[[nm]], "Heatmap")) {
if(nm %in% ind) {
hl[[nm]] = ht_list@ht_list[[nm]]
} else {
anno_nm = names(ht_list@ht_list[[nm]]@anno_list)
if(any(anno_nm %in% ind)) {
hl[[nm]] = ht_list@ht_list[[nm]][, intersect(ind, anno_nm)]
ht_list@ht_list = hl
subset_heatmap_list_by_column = function(ht_list, ind, direction) {
if(direction == "horizontal") {
# if it is horizontal heatmap list, `ind` corresponds to heatmap names and annotation names
if(is.numeric(ind)) {
ht_list@ht_list = ht_list@ht_list[ind]
} else {
hl = list()
# also check annotation names
if(!all(ind %in% names(ht_list))) {
stop_wrap("Cannot find all name indices in the heatmap list.")
for(nm in names(ht_list@ht_list)) {
if(inherits(ht_list@ht_list[[nm]], "Heatmap")) {
if(nm %in% ind) {
hl[[nm]] = ht_list@ht_list[[nm]]
} else {
anno_nm = names(ht_list@ht_list[[nm]]@anno_list)
if(any(anno_nm %in% ind)) {
hl[[nm]] = ht_list@ht_list[[nm]][, intersect(ind, anno_nm)]
ht_list@ht_list = hl
} else {
for(i in seq_along(ht_list@ht_list)) {
if(inherits(ht_list@ht_list[[i]], "Heatmap")) {
ht_list@ht_list[[i]] = ht_list@ht_list[[i]][, ind]
} else {
ht_list@ht_list[[i]] = ht_list@ht_list[[i]][ind]
# == title
# Names of the heatmaps/annotations
# == param
# -x A `HeatmapList-class` object
names.HeatmapList = function(x) {
nm = NULL
for(i in seq_along(x@ht_list)) {
if(inherits(x@ht_list[[i]], "Heatmap")) {
nm = c(nm, x@ht_list[[i]]@name)
} else {
nm = c(nm, names(x@ht_list[[i]]))
# == title
# Length of the HeatmapList object
# == param
# -x A `HeatmapList-class` object
length.HeatmapList = function(x) {
# == title
# Summary of a Heatmap List
# == param
# -object A `HeatmapList-class` object.
# -... Other arguments.
summary.HeatmapList = function(object, ...) {
n_ht = length(object@ht_list)
direction = object@direction
qqcat("A @{direction} heamtap list with @{n_ht} heatmap/annotations.\n")
ht_name = names(object@ht_list)
for(i in seq_len(n_ht)) {
if(inherits(object@ht_list[[i]], "Heatmap")) {
qqcat(" @{ht_name[i]}: a matrix with @{nrow(object@ht_list[[i]]@matrix)} rows and @{ncol(object@ht_list[[i]]@matrix)} columns\n")
} else {
qqcat(" @{ht_name[i]}: a list of @{length(object@ht_list[[i]]@anno_list)} annotations\n")
for(j in seq_along(object@ht_list[[i]]@anno_list)) {
qqcat(" @{object@ht_list[[i]]@anno_list[[j]]@name}:")
if(is_simple_annotation(object@ht_list[[i]]@anno_list[[j]])) {
qqcat(" a simple annotation.\n")
} else {
qqcat(" a complex annotation.\n")
# == title
# Calculate the width and height of the heatmaps
# == param
# -ht A `Heatmap-class` or `HeatmapList-class` object.
# == value
# A list of two elements: width and height.
ht_size = function(ht) {
ht = draw(ht)
w = width(ht)
h = height(ht)
list(width = w, height = h)
which_first_ht = function(ht_list) {
which(sapply(ht_list@ht_list, inherits, "Heatmap"))[1]
which_last_ht = function(ht_list) {
max(which(sapply(ht_list@ht_list, inherits, "Heatmap")))
which_main_ht = function(ht_list) {
# remove the effect from make_layout
# return obj@ht_list
resetHeatmapList = function(ht_list) {
ht_list@ht_list = lapply(ht_list@ht_list, function(x) {
if(inherits(x, "Heatmap")) {
} else {
resetHeatmap = function(ht) {
ht@layout = list(layout_size = list(column_title_top_height = structure(0, unit = 7L, class = c("simpleUnit", "unit", "unit_v2")), column_dend_top_height = structure(0, unit = 7L, class = c("simpleUnit", "unit", "unit_v2")), column_anno_top_height = structure(0, unit = 7L, class = c("simpleUnit", "unit", "unit_v2")), column_names_top_height = structure(0, unit = 7L, class = c("simpleUnit", "unit", "unit_v2")), column_title_bottom_height = structure(0, unit = 7L, class = c("simpleUnit", "unit", "unit_v2")), column_dend_bottom_height = structure(0, unit = 7L, class = c("simpleUnit", "unit", "unit_v2")), column_anno_bottom_height = structure(0, unit = 7L, class = c("simpleUnit", "unit", "unit_v2")), column_names_bottom_height = structure(0, unit = 7L, class = c("simpleUnit", "unit", "unit_v2")), row_title_left_width = structure(0, unit = 7L, class = c("simpleUnit", "unit", "unit_v2")), row_dend_left_width = structure(0, unit = 7L, class = c("simpleUnit", "unit", "unit_v2")), row_names_left_width = structure(0, unit = 7L, class = c("simpleUnit", "unit", "unit_v2")), row_dend_right_width = structure(0, unit = 7L, class = c("simpleUnit", "unit", "unit_v2")), row_names_right_width = structure(0, unit = 7L, class = c("simpleUnit", "unit", "unit_v2")), row_title_right_width = structure(0, unit = 7L, class = c("simpleUnit", "unit", "unit_v2")), row_anno_left_width = structure(0, unit = 7L, class = c("simpleUnit", "unit", "unit_v2")), row_anno_right_width = structure(0, unit = 7L, class = c("simpleUnit", "unit", "unit_v2"))), layout_index = structure(logical(0), .Dim = c(0L, 2L)), graphic_fun_list = list(), initialized = FALSE)
# == title
# Draw heatmap
# == param
# -x A `HeatmapList-class` object.
# -... All pass to `draw,HeatmapList-method`.
plot.HeatmapList = function(x, ...) {
draw(x, ...)
# == title
# Draw heatmap
# == param
# -x A `Heatmap-class` object.
# -... All pass to `draw,Heatmap-method`.
plot.Heatmap = function(x, ...) {
draw(x, ...)
# == title
# Draw heatmap annotations
# == param
# -x A `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object.
# -... All pass to `draw,HeatmapList-method`.
plot.HeatmapAnnotation = function(x, ...) {
if(x@which == "column") {
draw(x %v% NULL, ...)
} else {
draw(x + NULL, ...)
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