
Defines functions rBACov ReMeDIAsymptoticVariance knChooseReMeDI ReMeDI listCholCovEstimators rSemiCov rCholCov rQuar rQPVar rTPQuar rRVar RV rThresholdCov rSVar rSV rSkew rMPVar rMPV rKurt rKernelCov rHYCov rCov rBPCov rBeta rAVGCov rMRCov rMRC rMedRVar rMedRV rMinRVar rMinRV rMinRQuar rMinRQ rMedRQuar rMedRQ listAvailableKernels

Documented in knChooseReMeDI listAvailableKernels listCholCovEstimators rAVGCov rBACov rBeta rBPCov rCholCov rCov ReMeDI ReMeDIAsymptoticVariance rHYCov rKernelCov rKurt rMedRQ rMedRQuar rMedRV rMedRVar rMinRQ rMinRQuar rMinRV rMinRVar rMPV rMPVar rMRC rMRCov rQPVar rQuar rRVar rSemiCov rSkew rSV rSVar rThresholdCov rTPQuar RV

#' @title Estimators of the integrated covariance
#' @description 
#' This documentation page functions as a point of reference to quickly look up the estimators of the integrated covariance provided in the \pkg{highfrequency} package.
#' The implemented estimators are:
#' Realized covariance \code{\link{rCov}}
#' Realized bipower covariance \code{\link{rBPCov}}
#' Hayashi-Yoshida realized covariance \code{\link{rHYCov}}
#' Realized kernel covariance \code{\link{rKernelCov}}
#' Realized outlyingness-weighted covariance \code{\link{rOWCov}}
#' Realized threshold covariance \code{\link{rThresholdCov}}
#' Realized two-scale covariance \code{\link{rTSCov}}
#' Robust realized two-scale covariance \code{\link{rRTSCov}}
#' Subsampled realized covariance \code{\link{rAVGCov}}
#' Realized semi-covariance \code{\link{rSemiCov}}
#' Modulated Realized covariance \code{\link{rMRCov}}
#' Realized Cholesky covariance \code{\link{rCholCov}}
#' Beta-adjusted realized covariance \code{\link{rBACov}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{IVar}} for a list of implemented estimators of the integrated variance.
#' @aliases ICov
#' @name ICov

#' @title Estimators of the integrated variance
#' @description 
#' This documentation page functions as a point of reference to quickly look up the estimators of the integrated variance provided in the \pkg{highfrequency} package.
#' The implemented estimators are:
#' Realized Variance \code{\link{rRVar}}
#' Median realized variance \code{\link{rMedRVar}}
#' Minimum realized variance \code{\link{rMinRVar}}
#' Realized quadpower variance \code{\link{rQPVar}}
#' Realized multipower variance \code{\link{rMPVar}}
#' Realized semivariance \code{\link{rSVar}} 
#' Note that almost all estimators in the list in \code{\link{ICov}} also work yield estimates of the integrated variance on the diagonals.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ICov}} for a list of implemented estimators of the integrated covariance.
#' @aliases IVar
#' @name IVar

#' Available kernels
#' @description Returns a vector of the available kernels.
#' @return a character vector.
#' @details The available kernels are: 
#' \itemize{
#' \item Rectangular: \eqn{K(x) = 1}.
#' \item Bartlett: \eqn{K(x) = 1 - x}.
#' \item Second-order: \eqn{K(x) = 1 - 2x - x^2}.
#' \item Epanechnikov: \eqn{K(x) = 1 - x^2}.
#' \item Cubic: \eqn{K(x) = 1 - 3 x^2 + 2 x^3}.
#' \item Fifth: \eqn{K(x) = 1 - 10 x^3 + 15 x^4 - 6 x^5}.
#' \item Sixth: \eqn{K(x) = 1 - 15 x^4 + 24 x^5 - 10 x^6}
#' \item Seventh: \eqn{K(x) = 1 - 21 x^5 + 35 x^6 - 15 x^7}.
#' \item Eighth: \eqn{K(x) = 1 - 28 x^6 + 48 x^7 - 21 x^8}.
#' \item Parzen: \eqn{K(x) = 1- 6 x^2 + 6 x^3} if \eqn{k \leq 0.5} and \eqn{K(x) = 2 (1-x)^3} if \eqn{k > 0.5}.
#' \item TukeyHanning: \eqn{K(x) = 1 + \sin(\pi/2 - \pi \cdot x))/2}.
#' \item ModifiedTukeyHanning: \eqn{K(x) = (1 - \sin(\pi/2 - \pi \ (1 - x)^2 ) / 2}.
#' }
#' @references Barndorff-Nielsen, O. E., Hansen, P. R., Lunde, A., and Shephard, N. (2008). Designing realized kernels to measure the ex post variation of equity prices in the presence of noise. \emph{Econometrica}, 76, 1481-1536.
#' @author Scott Payseur.
#' @examples
#' listAvailableKernels
#' @keywords volatility
#' @export
listAvailableKernels <- function() {
#' @description DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMedRQuar}}
#' @param rData DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMedRQuar}}
#' @param alignBy DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMedRQuar}}
#' @param alignPeriod DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMedRQuar}}
#' @param makeReturns DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMedRQuar}}
#' @export
rMedRQ <- function(rData, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE){
  .Deprecated(new = "rMedRQ has been renamed to rMedRQuar")
  return(rMedRQuar(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignBy, makeReturns = makeReturns))

#' An estimator of integrated quarticity from applying the median operator on blocks of three returns
#' @description 
#' Calculate the rMedRQ, defined in Andersen et al. (2012). Assume there are \eqn{N} equispaced returns \eqn{r_{t,i}} in period \eqn{t}, \eqn{i=1, \ldots,N}. 
#' Then, the rMedRQ is given by
#' \deqn{
#'   \mbox{rMedRQ}_{t}=\frac{3\pi N}{9\pi +72 - 52\sqrt{3}} \left(\frac{N}{N-2}\right) \sum_{i=2}^{N-1} \mbox{med}(|r_{t,i-1}|, |r_{t,i}|, |r_{t,i+1}|)^4.
#' }
#' @param rData an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object containing returns or prices, possibly for multiple assets over multiple days.
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. 
#' Possible values are: \code{"ticks"}, \code{"secs"}, \code{"seconds"}, \code{"mins"}, \code{"minutes"}, \code{"hours"}
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. For example, to aggregate
#' based on a 5-minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod} to 5 and \code{alignBy} to \code{"minutes"}.
#' @param makeReturns boolean, should be \code{TRUE} when \code{rData} contains prices instead of returns. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @return 
#' \itemize{
#' \item In case the input is an \code{xts} object with data from one day, a numeric of the same length as the number of assets.
#' \item If the input data spans multiple days and is in \code{xts} format, an \code{xts} will be returned.
#' \item If the input data is a \code{data.table} object, the function returns a \code{data.table} with the same column names as the input data, containing the date and the realized measures.
#' }
#' @author Giang Nguyen, Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @examples
#' rq <- rMedRQuar(rData = sampleTData[, list(DT, PRICE)], alignBy = "minutes",
#'             alignPeriod = 5, makeReturns = TRUE)
#' rq
#' @keywords highfrequency rMedRQ
#' @references 
#' Andersen, T. G., Dobrev, D., and Schaumburg, E. (2012). Jump-robust volatility estimation using nearest neighbor truncation. \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, 169, 75-93.
#' @importFrom zoo rollmedian
#' @export
rMedRQuar <- function(rData, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE) {

  # self-reference for multi-day input
  if (is.xts(rData) && checkMultiDays(rData)) {
    result <- apply.daily(rData, rMedRQuar, alignBy, alignPeriod, makeReturns)
  } else if (is.data.table(rData)){
    DATE <- .N <- DT <- NULL
    setcolorder(rData, "DT")
    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)

    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    # dates <- as.character(unique(as.Date(rData$DT)))
    # res <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(dates))
    # names(res) <- dates
    # for (date in dates) {
    #   res[[date]] <- rMedRQ(as.matrix(rData[as.Date(DT) == date][, !"DT"]), makeReturns = makeReturns, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL) ## aligning is done above.
    # }

    setkey(rData, "DT")
    dates <- rData[, list(end = .N), by = list(DATE = as.Date(DT))][, `:=`(end = cumsum(end), DATE = as.character(DATE))][, start := shift(end, fill = 0) + 1]
    res <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(dates))
    names(res) <- as.character(dates$DATE)
    starts <- dates$start
    ends <- dates$end
    dates <- dates$DATE
    dat <- as.matrix(rData[, !"DT"])
    for (i in 1:length(dates)) {
      res[[dates[i]]] <- rMedRQuar(dat[starts[i]:ends[i],], makeReturns = makeReturns, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL)

    res <- setDT(transpose(res))[, DT := as.Date(dates)]
    setcolorder(res, "DT")
    colnames(res) <- colnames(rData)

  } else {
    ## DO data transformations
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if (makeReturns) {
      rData <- makeReturns(rData)

    q <- abs(as.matrix(rData))
    q <- rollApplyMedianWrapper(q)
    # q <- rollmedian(q, alignPeriod = 3, align = "center")
    N <- nrow(q) + 2
    rMedRQ <- 3 * pi * N / (9 * pi + 72 - 52 * sqrt(3)) * (N / (N-2)) * colSums(q^4)


#' @description DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMinRQuar}}
#' @param rData DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMinRQuar}}
#' @param alignBy DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMinRQuar}}
#' @param alignPeriod DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMinRQuar}}
#' @param makeReturns DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMinRQuar}}
#' @export
rMinRQ <- function(rData, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE){
  .Deprecated(new = "rMinRQ has been renamed to rMinRQuar")
  return(rMinRQuar(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignBy, makeReturns = makeReturns))

#' An estimator of integrated quarticity from applying the minimum operator on blocks of two returns
#' @author Giang Nguyen, Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, and Emil Sjoerup
#' @description 
#' Calculate the rMinRQuar, defined in Andersen et al. (2012).
#' Assume there are \eqn{N} equispaced returns \eqn{r_{t,i}} in period \eqn{t}, \eqn{i=1, \ldots,N}.
#' Then, the rMinRQuar is given by
#' \deqn{
#'   \mbox{rMinRQuar}_{t}=\frac{\pi N}{3 \pi - 8} \left(\frac{N}{N-1}\right) \sum_{i=1}^{N-1} \mbox{min}(|r_{t,i}| ,|r_{t,i+1}|)^4
#' }
#' @param rData an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object containing returns or prices, possibly for multiple assets over multiple days
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. 
#' Possible values are: \code{"ticks"}, \code{"secs"}, \code{"seconds"}, \code{"mins"}, \code{"minutes"}, \code{"hours"}
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. For example, to aggregate
#' based on a 5-minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod = 5} and \code{alignBy = "minutes"}.
#' @param makeReturns boolean, should be \code{TRUE} when \code{rData} contains prices instead of returns. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @return 
#' \itemize{
#' \item In case the input is an \code{xts} object with data from one day, a numeric of the same length as the number of assets.
#' \item If the input data spans multiple days and is in \code{xts} format, an \code{xts} will be returned.
#' \item If the input data is a \code{data.table} object, the function returns a \code{data.table} with the same column names as the input data, containing the date and the realized measures.
#' }
#' @examples
#' rq <- rMinRQuar(rData = sampleTData[, list(DT, PRICE)], alignBy = "minutes",
#'             alignPeriod = 5, makeReturns = TRUE)
#' rq
#' @references
#' Andersen, T. G., Dobrev, D., and Schaumburg, E. (2012). Jump-robust volatility estimation using nearest neighbor truncation. \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, 169, 75-93.
#' @importFrom zoo rollapply
#' @export
rMinRQuar <- function(rData, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE) {

  # self-reference for multi-day input
  if (is.xts(rData) && checkMultiDays(rData)) {
    result <- apply.daily(rData, rMinRQuar, alignBy, alignPeriod, makeReturns)
  } else if (is.data.table(rData)){
    DATE <- .N <- DT <- NULL
    setcolorder(rData, "DT")
    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)

    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    setkey(rData, "DT")
    dates <- rData[, list(end = .N), by = list(DATE = as.Date(DT))][, `:=`(end = cumsum(end), DATE = as.character(DATE))][, start := shift(end, fill = 0) + 1]
    res <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(dates))
    names(res) <- as.character(dates$DATE)
    starts <- dates$start
    ends <- dates$end
    dates <- dates$DATE
    dat <- as.matrix(rData[, !"DT"])
    for (i in 1:length(dates)) {
      res[[dates[i]]] <- rMinRQuar(dat[starts[i]:ends[i], ], makeReturns = makeReturns, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL)
    res <- setDT(transpose(res))[, DT := as.Date(dates)]
    setcolorder(res, "DT")
    colnames(res) <- colnames(rData)
  } else {
    ## DO data transformations
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if (makeReturns) {
      rData <- makeReturns(rData)
    q <- abs(as.matrix(rData))
    q <- rollApplyMinWrapper(q)
    N <- nrow(q) + 1
    rMinRQuar <- pi * N/(3 * pi - 8)*(N / (N - 1)) * colSums(q^4)


#' @description DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMinRVar}} 
#' @param rData DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMinRVar}} 
#' @param alignBy DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMinRVar}} 
#' @param alignPeriod DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMinRVar}} 
#' @param makeReturns DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMinRVar}} 
#' @export
rMinRV <- function(rData, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE){
  .Deprecated(new = "rMinRV has been renamed to rMinRVar")
  return(rMinRVar(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignBy, makeReturns = makeReturns))

#' rMinRVar
#' @description 
#' Calculate the rMinRVar, defined in Andersen et al. (2009).
#' Let \eqn{r_{t,i}} be a return (with \eqn{i=1,\ldots,M}) in period \eqn{t}.
#' Then, the rMinRVar is given by
#' \deqn{
#' \mbox{rMinRVar}_{t}=\frac{\pi}{\pi - 2}\left(\frac{M}{M-1}\right) \sum_{i=1}^{M-1} \mbox{min}(|r_{t,i}| ,|r_{t,i+1}|)^2
#' }
#' @param rData an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object containing returns or prices, possibly for multiple assets over multiple days.
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. 
#' Possible values are: \code{"ticks"}, \code{"secs"}, \code{"seconds"}, \code{"mins"}, \code{"minutes"}, \code{"hours"}
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. For example, to aggregate
#' based on a 5-minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod = 5} and \code{alignBy = "minutes"}.
#' @param makeReturns boolean, should be \code{TRUE} when \code{rData} contains prices instead of returns. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param ... used internally, do not change.
#' @return 
#' \itemize{
#' \item In case the input is an \code{xts} object with data from one day, a numeric of the same length as the number of assets.
#' \item If the input data spans multiple days and is in \code{xts} format, an \code{xts} will be returned.
#' \item If the input data is a \code{data.table} object, the function returns a \code{data.table} with the same column names as the input data, containing the date and the realized measures.
#' }
#' @references
#' Andersen, T. G., Dobrev, D., and Schaumburg, E. (2012). Jump-robust volatility estimation using nearest neighbor truncation. \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, 169, 75-93.
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, Emil Sjoerup.
#' @examples
#' minrv <- rMinRVar(rData = sampleTData[, list(DT, PRICE)], alignBy = "minutes",
#'                alignPeriod = 5, makeReturns = TRUE)
#' minrv
#' @seealso \code{\link{IVar}} for a list of implemented estimators of the integrated variance.
#' @keywords volatility
#' @export
rMinRVar <- function(rData, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE, ...){

  # self-reference for multi-day input
  if (is.xts(rData) && checkMultiDays(rData)) {
    result <- apply.daily(rData, rMinRVar, alignBy, alignPeriod, makeReturns)

  } else if (is.data.table(rData)){
    DATE <- .N <- DT <- NULL
    setcolorder(rData, "DT")
    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)

    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    setkey(rData, "DT")
    dates <- rData[, list(end = .N), by = list(DATE = as.Date(DT))][, `:=`(end = cumsum(end), DATE = as.character(DATE))][, start := shift(end, fill = 0) + 1]
    res <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(dates))
    names(res) <- as.character(dates$DATE)
    starts <- dates$start
    ends <- dates$end
    dates <- dates$DATE
    dat <- as.matrix(rData[, !"DT"])
    for (i in 1:length(dates)) {
      res[[dates[i]]] <- rMinRVar(dat[starts[i]:ends[i], ], makeReturns = makeReturns, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL)
    res <- setDT(transpose(res))[, DT := as.Date(dates)]
    setcolorder(res, "DT")
    colnames(res) <- colnames(rData)

    if(ncol(rData) == 2){ ## Univariate case
      colnames(res) <- c("DT", "rMinRVar")

  } else {
    ## DO data transformations
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if (makeReturns) {
      rData <- makeReturns(rData)
    q <- abs(rData)#as.zoo(abs(as.nueric(rData))) #absolute value
    q <- rollApplyMinWrapper(q)
    # q <- rollapply(q, width = 2, FUN = min, by = 1, align = "left", by.column = TRUE, fill = NULL)
    N <- dim(q)[1] + 1 #number of obs because of fill = NULL
    colnames(q) <- names(rData)
    minrv <- (pi/(pi - 2)) * (N/(N - 1)) * colSums(q^2, na.rm = TRUE)

#' @description DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMedRVar}}
#' @param rData DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMedRVar}}
#' @param alignBy DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMedRVar}}
#' @param alignPeriod DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMedRVar}}
#' @param makeReturns DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMedRVar}}
#' @export
rMedRV <- function(rData, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE){
  .Deprecated(new = "rMedRV has been renamed to rMedRVar")
  return(rMedRVar(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignBy, makeReturns = makeReturns))

#' rMedRVar
#' @description
#' Calculate the rMedRVar, defined in Andersen et al. (2012). 
#' Let \eqn{r_{t,i}} be a return (with \eqn{i=1,\ldots,M}) in period \eqn{t}.
#' Then, the rMedRVar is given by
#' \deqn{
#'  \mbox{rMedRVar}_{t}=\frac{\pi}{6-4\sqrt{3}+\pi}\left(\frac{M}{M-2}\right) \sum_{i=2}^{M-1} \mbox{med}(|r_{t,i-1}|,|r_{t,i}|, |r_{t,i+1}|)^2
#' }
#' @param rData an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object containing returns or prices, possibly for multiple assets over multiple days
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. 
#' Possible values are: \code{"ticks"}, \code{"secs"}, \code{"seconds"}, \code{"mins"}, \code{"minutes"}, \code{"hours"}
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. For example, to aggregate
#' based on a 5-minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod = 5} and \code{alignBy = "minutes"}.
#' @param makeReturns boolean, should be \code{TRUE} when \code{rData} contains prices instead of returns. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param ... used internally, do not change.
#' @details
#' The rMedRVar belongs to the class of realized volatility measures in this package
#' that use the series of high-frequency returns \eqn{r_{t,i}} of a day \eqn{t}
#' to produce an ex post estimate of the realized volatility of that day \eqn{t}.
#' rMedRVar is designed to be robust to price jumps.
#' The difference between RV and rMedRVar is an estimate of the realized jump
#' variability. Disentangling the continuous and jump components in RV
#' can lead to more precise volatility forecasts,
#' as shown in Andersen et al. (2012)
#' @return 
#' \itemize{
#' \item In case the input is an \code{xts} object with data from one day, a numeric of the same length as the number of assets.
#' \item If the input data spans multiple days and is in \code{xts} format, an \code{xts} will be returned.
#' \item If the input data is a \code{data.table} object, the function returns a \code{data.table} with the same column names as the input data, containing the date and the realized measures.
#' }
#' @references
#' Andersen, T. G., Dobrev, D., and Schaumburg, E. (2012). Jump-robust volatility estimation using nearest neighbor truncation. \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, 169, 75-93.
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @examples
#' medrv <- rMedRVar(rData = sampleTData[, list(DT, PRICE)], alignBy = "minutes",
#'                alignPeriod = 5, makeReturns = TRUE)
#' medrv
#' @seealso \code{\link{IVar}} for a list of implemented estimators of the integrated variance.
#' @importFrom data.table setDT transpose setcolorder
#' @keywords volatility
#' @export
rMedRVar <- function(rData, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE, ...){

  # self-reference for multi-day input
  if (is.xts(rData) && checkMultiDays(rData)) {
    result <- apply.daily(rData, rMedRVar, alignBy, alignPeriod, makeReturns)
  } else if (is.data.table(rData)){
    DATE <- .N <- DT <- NULL
    setcolorder(rData, "DT")
    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)

    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    setkey(rData, "DT")
    dates <- rData[, list(end = .N), by = list(DATE = as.Date(DT))][, `:=`(end = cumsum(end), DATE = as.character(DATE))][, start := shift(end, fill = 0) + 1]
    res <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(dates))
    names(res) <- as.character(dates$DATE)
    starts <- dates$start
    ends <- dates$end
    dates <- dates$DATE
    dat <- as.matrix(rData[, !"DT"])
    for (i in 1:length(dates)) {
      res[[dates[i]]] <- rMedRVar(dat[starts[i]:ends[i],], makeReturns = makeReturns, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL)

    res <- setDT(transpose(res))[, DT := as.Date(dates)]
    setcolorder(res, "DT")
    if(ncol(res) == 2){
      colnames(res) <- c("DT", "rMedRVar")
    } else {
      colnames(res) <- colnames(rData)

    setkey(res, "DT")

  } else {
    ## DO data transformations
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if (makeReturns) {
      rData <- makeReturns(rData)

    q <- abs(as.matrix(rData))
    q <- rollApplyMedianWrapper(q)
    # q <- rollmedian(q, k = 3, align = "center")
    N <- nrow(q) + 2
    medrv <- (pi / (6 - 4 * sqrt(3) + pi)) * (N / (N - 2)) * colSums(q^2)

#' @description DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMRCov}}
#' @param pData DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMRCov}}
#' @param pairwise DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMRCov}}
#' @param makePsd DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMRCov}}
#' @param theta DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMRCov}}
#' @param ... DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMRCov}}
#' @export
rMRC <- function(pData, pairwise = FALSE, makePsd = FALSE, theta = 0.8, ...){
  .Deprecated(new = "rMRC has been renamed to rMRCov")
  return(rMRCov(pData = pData, pairwise = pairwise, makePsd = makePsd, theta = theta))

#' Modulated realized covariance
#' @description Calculate univariate or multivariate pre-averaged estimator, as defined in Hautsch and Podolskij (2013).
#' @param pData a list. Each list-item contains an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object with the intraday price data of a stock.
#' @param pairwise boolean, should be \code{TRUE} when refresh times are based on pairs of assets. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param makePsd boolean, in case it is \code{TRUE}, the positive definite version of rMRCov is returned. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param theta a \code{numeric} controlling the preaveraging horizon. Detaults to \code{0.8} as recommended by Hautsch and Podolskij (2013)
#' @param crossAssetNoiseCorrection a \code{logical} denoting whether to apply the bias correction term on the off-diagonals (covariance) terms. 
#' We set this to \code{FALSE} by default as noise is typically seen as independent across assets.
#' @param ... used internally, do not change.
#' @return A \eqn{d \times d} covariance matrix.
#' @details
#'   In practice, market microstructure noise leads to a departure from the pure semimartingale model. We consider the process \eqn{Y} in period \eqn{\tau}:
#'     \deqn{
#'       \mbox{Y}_{\tau} = X_{\tau} + \epsilon_{\tau},
#'     }
#'   where the observed \eqn{d} dimensional log-prices are the sum of underlying Brownian semimartingale process \eqn{X} and a noise term \eqn{\epsilon_{\tau}}.
#'   \eqn{\epsilon_{\tau}} is an \emph{i.i.d.} process with \eqn{X}.
#'   It is intuitive that under mean zero \emph{i.i.d.} microstructure noise some form of smoothing of the observed log-price should tend to diminish the impact of the noise.
#'   Effectively, we are going to approximate a continuous function by an average of observations of \eqn{Y} in a neighborhood, the noise being averaged away.
#'   Assume there is \eqn{N} equispaced returns in period \eqn{\tau} of a list (after refreshing data). 
#'   Let \eqn{r_{\tau_i}} be a return (with \eqn{i=1, \ldots,N}) of an asset in period \eqn{\tau}. Assume there is \eqn{d} assets.
#'   In order to define the univariate pre-averaging estimator, we first define the pre-averaged returns as
#'   \deqn{
#'     \bar{r}_{\tau_j}^{(k)}= \sum_{h=1}^{k_N-1}g\left(\frac{h}{k_N}\right)r_{\tau_{j+h}}^{(k)}
#'   }
#'   where g is a non-zero real-valued function \eqn{g:[0,1]} \eqn{\rightarrow} \eqn{R} given by \eqn{g(x)} = \eqn{\min(x,1-x)}. \eqn{k_N} is a sequence of integers satisfying  \eqn{\mbox{k}_{N} = \lfloor\theta N^{1/2}\rfloor}.
#'   We use \eqn{\theta = 0.8} as recommended in Hautsch and Podolskij (2013). The pre-averaged returns are simply a weighted average over the returns in a local window.
#'   This averaging diminishes the influence of the noise. The order of the window size \eqn{k_n} is chosen to lead to optimal convergence rates.
#'   The pre-averaging estimator is then simply the analogue of the realized variance but based on pre-averaged returns and an additional term to remove bias due to noise
#'   \deqn{
#'     \hat{C}= \frac{N^{-1/2}}{\theta \psi_2}\sum_{i=0}^{N-k_N+1}  (\bar{r}_{\tau_i})^2-\frac{\psi_1^{k_N}N^{-1}}{2\theta^2\psi_2^{k_N}}\sum_{i=0}^{N}r_{\tau_i}^2
#'   }
#'   with
#'   \deqn{
#'     \psi_1^{k_N}= k_N \sum_{j=1}^{k_N}\left(g\left(\frac{j+1}{k_N}\right)-g\left(\frac{j}{k_N}\right)\right)^2,\quad
#'   }
#'   \deqn{
#'     \psi_2^{k_N}= \frac{1}{k_N}\sum_{j=1}^{k_N-1}g^2\left(\frac{j}{k_N}\right).
#'   }
#'   \deqn{
#'     \psi_2= \frac{1}{12}
#'   }
#'   The multivariate counterpart is very similar. The estimator is called the Modulated Realized Covariance (rMRCov) and is defined as
#'   \deqn{
#'     \mbox{MRC}= \frac{N}{N-k_N+2}\frac{1}{\psi_2k_N}\sum_{i=0}^{N-k_N+1}\bar{\boldsymbol{r}}_{\tau_i}\cdot \bar{\boldsymbol{r}}'_{\tau_i} -\frac{\psi_1^{k_N}}{\theta^2\psi_2^{k_N}}\hat{\Psi}
#' }
#' where \eqn{\hat{\Psi}_N = \frac{1}{2N}\sum_{i=1}^N \boldsymbol{r}_{\tau_i}(\boldsymbol{r}_{\tau_i})'}. It is a bias correction to make it consistent.
#' However, due to this correction, the estimator is not ensured PSD.
#' An alternative is to slightly enlarge the bandwidth such that \eqn{\mbox{k}_{N} = \lfloor\theta N^{1/2+\delta}\rfloor}. \eqn{\delta = 0.1} results in a consistent estimate without the bias correction and a PSD estimate, in which case:
#'   \deqn{
#'     \mbox{MRC}^{\delta}= \frac{N}{N-k_N+2}\frac{1}{\psi_2k_N}\sum_{i=0}^{N-k_N+1}\bar{\boldsymbol{r}}_i\cdot \bar{\boldsymbol{r}}'_i
#' }
#' @references Hautsch, N., and Podolskij, M. (2013). Preaveraging-based estimation of quadratic variation in the presence of noise and jumps: theory, implementation, and empirical Evidence. \emph{Journal of Business & Economic Statistics}, 31, 165-183.
#' @author Giang Nguyen, Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library("xts")
#' # Note that this ought to be tick-by-tick data and this example is only to show the usage.
#' a <- list(as.xts(sampleOneMinuteData[as.Date(DT) == "2001-08-04", list(DT, MARKET)]),
#'           as.xts(sampleOneMinuteData[as.Date(DT) == "2001-08-04", list(DT, STOCK)]))
#' rMRCov(a, pairwise = TRUE, makePsd = TRUE)
#' # We can also add use data.tables and use a named list to convey asset names
#' a <- list(foo = sampleOneMinuteData[as.Date(DT) == "2001-08-04", list(DT, MARKET)],
#'           bar = sampleOneMinuteData[as.Date(DT) == "2001-08-04", list(DT, STOCK)])
#' rMRCov(a, pairwise = TRUE, makePsd = TRUE)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{ICov}} for a list of implemented estimators of the integrated covariance.
#' @keywords highfrequency preaveraging
#' @export
rMRCov <- function(pData, pairwise = FALSE, makePsd = FALSE, theta = 0.8, crossAssetNoiseCorrection = FALSE, ...){

  if (!is.list(pData) | is.data.table(pData)) {
    n <- 1
  } else {
    n <- length(pData)
  nm <- names(pData)
  if (n == 1) {
    if (isMultiXts(pData)) {
      stop("This function does not support having an xts object of multiple days as input. Please provide a timeseries of one day as input")
      DT <- NULL
      date <- as.Date(pData[1, DT])
      pData <- as.matrix(pData[, !"DT"])
      mrc <- data.table(DT = date, MRC = crv(pData))
    } else {
      mrc <- crv(pData)

  if (n > 1) {
    if (isMultiXts(pData[[1]])) {
      stop("This function does not support having an xts object of multiple days as input. Please provide a timeseries of one day as input")

    if (pairwise) {
      cov <- matrix(rep(0, n * n), ncol = n, dimnames = list(nm, nm))
      diagonal <- numeric(n)
      for (i in 1:n) {
        diagonal[i] <- crv(pData[[i]], theta = theta)
      diag(cov) <- diagonal

      for (i in 2:n) {
        for (j in 1:(i - 1)) {
          cov[i, j] = cov[j, i] = preavbi(pData[[i]], pData[[j]], theta = theta, crossAssetNoiseCorrection = crossAssetNoiseCorrection)

      mrc <- cov

      if (makePsd) {
        mrc <- makePsd(mrc)

    } else {
      x     <- refreshTime(pData)
      N     <- nrow(x)
      kn    <- floor(theta * sqrt(N))

      psi2 <- 1 / 12
        DT <- NULL
        x <- x[, DT := NULL]
        x <- as.matrix(x)
      preavreturn <- matrix(hatreturn(x, kn), ncol = ncol(x), dimnames = list(NULL, nm))
      S <- t(preavreturn) %*% preavreturn
      psi1kn <- kn * sum((gfunction((1:kn)/kn) - gfunction(( (1:kn) - 1 )/kn ) )^2)
      psi2kn <- 1 / kn * sum(gfunction((1:kn)/kn)^2)
        mrc <- N / (N - kn + 2) * 1/(psi2 * kn) * S - psi1kn  *(1/N) / (2 * theta^2 * psi2kn) *   1/(2 * N) * t(makeReturns(x)) %*% makeReturns(x)
      } else { ## Here we only correct the diagonals for noise
        mrc <- N / (N - kn + 2) * 1/(psi2 * kn) * S - psi1kn  *(1/N) / (2 * theta^2 * psi2kn) *   1/(2 * N) * diag(t(makeReturns(x)) %*% makeReturns(x))

      if (makePsd) {
        mrc <- makePsd(mrc)

#' Realized covariances via subsample averaging
#' @description Calculates realized variances via averaging across partially
#' overlapping grids, first introduced by Zhang et al. (2005).
#' This estimator is basically an average across different \code{\link{rCov}} estimates that start at
#' different points in time, see details below.
#' @param rData an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object containing returns or prices, possibly for multiple assets over multiple days.
#' @param cor boolean, in case it is \code{TRUE}, and the input data is multivariate, the correlation is returned instead of the covariance matrix. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. 
#' Possible values are: \code{"ticks"}, \code{"secs"}, \code{"seconds"}, \code{"mins"}, \code{"minutes"}, \code{"hours"}
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. For example, to aggregate
#' based on a 5-minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod = 5} and \code{alignBy = "minutes"}.
#' @param k numeric denoting which horizon to use for the subsambles. This can be a fraction as long as \eqn{k} is a divisor of \code{alignPeriod} default is \code{1}.
#' @param makeReturns boolean, should be \code{TRUE} when \code{rData} contains prices instead of returns. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param ... used internally, do not change.
#' @return in case the input is and contains data from one day, an \eqn{N} by \eqn{N} matrix is returned. If the data is a univariate \code{xts} object with multiple days, an \code{xts} is returned.
#' If the data is multivariate and contains multiple days (\code{xts} or \code{data.table}), the function returns a list containing \eqn{N} by \eqn{N} matrices. 
#' Each item in the list has a name which corresponds to the date for the matrix.
#' @details 
#' Suppose that in period \eqn{t}, there are \eqn{N} equispaced returns \eqn{r_{i,t}} 
#' and let \eqn{\Delta} be equal to \code{alignPeriod}. For \eqn{\ i \geq \Delta}, 
#' we define the subsampled \eqn{\Delta}-period return as
#' \deqn{
#' \tilde r_{t,i} = \sum_{k = 0}^{\Delta - 1} r_{t,i-k}, .
#' }
#' Now define \eqn{N^*(j) = N/\Delta} if \eqn{j = 0} and  \eqn{N^*(j) = N/\Delta - 1} otherwise.
#' The \eqn{j}-th component of the \code{rAVGCov} estimator is given by
#' \deqn{
#' RV_t^j = \sum_{i = 1}^{N^*(j)} \tilde r_{t, j + i \cdot \Delta}^2.
#' }
#' Now taking the average across the different \eqn{RV_t^j, \ j = 0, \dots, \Delta-1,} defines the \code{rAVGCov} estimator.
#' The multivariate version follows analogously.
#' Note that Liu et al. (2015) show that \code{rAVGCov} is not only theoretically but also empirically a more reliable estimator than rCov.
#' @references
#' Liu, L. Y., Patton, A. J., Sheppard, K. (2015). Does anything beat 5-minute RV? A comparison of realized measures across multiple asset classes. \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, 187, 293-311.
#' Zhang, L., Mykland, P. A. , and Ait-Sahalia, Y. (2005). A tale of two time scales: Determining integrated volatility with noisy high-frequency data. \emph{Journal of the American Statistical Association}, 100, 1394-1411.
#' @author Scott Payseur, Onno Kleen, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @examples
#' # Average subsampled realized variance/covariance aligned at one minute returns at
#' # 5 sub-grids (5 minutes).
#' # Univariate subsampled realized variance
#' rvAvgSub <- rAVGCov(rData = sampleTData[, list(DT, PRICE)], alignBy = "minutes",
#'                     makeReturns = TRUE)
#' rvAvgSub
#' # Multivariate subsampled realized variance
#' rvAvgCovSub <- rAVGCov(rData = sampleOneMinuteData[1:391], makeReturns = TRUE)
#' rvAvgCovSub
#' @seealso \code{\link{ICov}} for a list of implemented estimators of the integrated covariance.
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @keywords volatility
#' @export
rAVGCov <- function(rData, cor = FALSE, alignBy = "minutes", alignPeriod = 5, k = 1, makeReturns = FALSE, ...) {

  if (is.xts(rData) && checkMultiDays(rData)) {
    if (is.null(dim(rData))) {
      n <- 1
    } else {
      n <- dim(rData)[2]
    if (n == 1) {
      result <- apply.daily(rData, rAVGCov, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, k = k, makeReturns = makeReturns)
    if (n > 1) {
      result <- applyGetList(rData, rAVGCov, cor=cor, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, k = k, makeReturns = makeReturns)
      names(result) <- unique(as.Date(index(rData)))
  } else if (is.data.table(rData)){
    DATE <- .N <- DT <- NULL
    setkey(rData, "DT")
    dates <- rData[, list(end = .N), by = list(DATE = as.Date(DT))][, `:=`(end = cumsum(end), DATE = as.character(DATE))][, start := shift(end, fill = 0) + 1]
    res <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(dates))
    names(res) <- as.character(dates$DATE)
    starts <- dates$start
    ends <- dates$end
    dates <- dates$DATE
    dat <- as.matrix(rData[, lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = colnames(rData)])
    for (i in 1:length(dates)) {
      res[[dates[i]]] <- rAVGCov(dat[starts[i]:ends[i],], cor = cor, makeReturns = makeReturns, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, k = k)

    if(length(res[[1]]) == 1){ ## Univariate case
      res <- data.table(DT = names(res), rAVGCov = as.numeric(res))
    } else if(length(res) == 1){ ## Single day multivariate case
      res <- res[[1]]

  } else {

    if (is.null(dim(rData))) {
      n <- 1
    } else {
      n <- dim(rData)[2] - !is.xts(rData)


    if(alignBy == "secs" | alignBy == "seconds"){
      scaleFactor <- alignPeriod
      scaleFactorFast <- k
    if(alignBy == "mins" | alignBy == "minutes"){
      scaleFactor <- alignPeriod * 60
      scaleFactorFast <- k * 60
    if(alignBy == "hours"){
      scaleFactor <- alignPeriod * 60 * 60
      scaleFactorFast <- k * 60 * 60

    # We calculate how many times the fast alignment period divides the slow one and makes sure it is a positive integer.
    scalingFraction <- alignPeriod/k
    if(scalingFraction < 0 | scalingFraction %% 1){
      stop("alignPeriod must be greater than k, and the fraction of these must be an integer value")

    if (n == 1) {
        rdatabackup <- data.table(DT = as.numeric(index(rData), tz = tzone(rData)), RETURN = as.numeric(rData))
      } else {
        rdatabackup <- data.table(rData)
        colnames(rdatabackup) <- c("DT", "RETURN")
      rData <- rdatabackup
      rData[, FIRST_DT := min(DT)]
      if (makeReturns) {

        rData[, DT_ROUND := ifelse(DT == FIRST_DT,
                                   floor(DT/scaleFactorFast) * scaleFactorFast,
                                   ceiling(DT / scaleFactorFast) * scaleFactorFast)]

        rData[, MAXDT := max(DT), by = "DT_ROUND"]
        rData <- rData[DT == MAXDT]
        rData[, RETURN := log(RETURN) - shift(log(RETURN), n = 1, type = "lag")]
        rData <- rData[!is.na(RETURN)]
        rData <- rData[, c("DT_ROUND", "RETURN")]

      } else {
        rData[, DT_ROUND := ceiling(DT / scaleFactorFast) * scaleFactorFast]


      rvavg <- sum(rData[, DT_SUBSAMPLE := ceiling(DT_ROUND/scaleFactor) * scaleFactor][, list(RETURN = sum(RETURN)), by = list(DT_SUBSAMPLE)]$RETURN^2)

      for (ii in c(1:(scalingFraction - 1))) {
        rdatasub <- rData[-c(1:ii, (dim(rData)[1]-scalingFraction + ii + 1):dim(rData)[1]), ]
        rdatasub[, DT_ROUND := DT_ROUND - ii * scaleFactorFast]
        rvavg <- rvavg + sum(rdatasub[, DT_SUBSAMPLE := ceiling(DT_ROUND/scaleFactor) * scaleFactor][, list(RETURN = sum(RETURN)), by = list(DT_SUBSAMPLE)]$RETURN^2) * (dim(rdatasub)[1]/scalingFraction + 1) / (dim(rdatasub)[1]/scalingFraction)
      return(rvavg / scalingFraction)

    if (n > 1) {
      rdatamatrix <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n)
      for (ii in 1:n) {
        # calculate variances
          rdatamatrix[ii, ii] <- rAVGCov(rData[, ii], cor = cor, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, k = k, makeReturns = makeReturns)
        } else {
          rdatamatrix[ii, ii] <- rAVGCov(rData[, c(1, ii + 1)], cor = cor, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, k = k, makeReturns = makeReturns)
        if (ii < n) {
          for (jj in (ii+1):n) {
              rdatabackup <- data.table(DT = as.numeric(index(rData), tz = tzone(rData)), RETURN1 = as.numeric(rData[, ii]), RETURN2 = as.numeric(rData[,jj]))
            } else {
              rdatabackup <- data.table(DT = rData[,"DT"], RETURN1 = rData[, ii+1], RETURN2 = rData[, jj+1])
            rdatabackup[, FIRST_DT := min(DT)]
            if (makeReturns) {

              rdatabackup[, DT_ROUND := ifelse(DT == FIRST_DT,
                                               floor(DT/scaleFactorFast) * scaleFactorFast,
                                               ceiling(DT/scaleFactorFast) * scaleFactorFast)]
              rdatabackup[, MAXDT := max(DT), by = "DT_ROUND"]
              rdatabackup <- rdatabackup[DT == MAXDT]
              rdatabackup[, RETURN1 := log(RETURN1) - shift(log(RETURN1), n = 1, type = "lag")]
              rdatabackup[, RETURN2 := log(RETURN2) - shift(log(RETURN2), n = 1, type = "lag")]
              rdatabackup <- rdatabackup[!is.na(RETURN1)][!is.na(RETURN2)][, c("DT_ROUND", "RETURN1", "RETURN2")]
            } else {

              rdatabackup[, DT_ROUND := ceiling(DT/scaleFactorFast) * scaleFactorFast]

            returns <- rdatabackup[, DT_SUBSAMPLE := ceiling(DT_ROUND / scaleFactor) * scaleFactor][, list(RETURN1 = sum(RETURN1), RETURN2 = sum(RETURN2)), by = list(DT_SUBSAMPLE)]
            # Calculate off-diagonals
            covavg <- t(returns$RETURN1) %*% returns$RETURN2

            for (kk in c(1:(scalingFraction - 1))) {
              returns <- rdatabackup[, DT_SUBSAMPLE := ceiling(DT_ROUND/scaleFactorFast) * scaleFactorFast][, list(RETURN1 = sum(RETURN1), RETURN2 = sum(RETURN2)), by = list(DT_SUBSAMPLE)]
              rdatasub <- returns[-c(1:kk, (dim(returns)[1]-scalingFraction + kk + 1):dim(returns)[1]), ]
              rdatasub[, DT_SUBSAMPLE := DT_SUBSAMPLE - kk * scaleFactorFast]
              returns <- rdatasub[, DT_SUBSAMPLE := ceiling(DT_SUBSAMPLE/scaleFactor) * scaleFactor][, list(RETURN1 = sum(RETURN1), RETURN2 = sum(RETURN2)), by = list(DT_SUBSAMPLE)]
              covavg <- covavg + t(returns$RETURN1) %*% returns$RETURN2

            rdatamatrix[ii, jj] <- rdatamatrix[jj, ii] <- covavg / scalingFraction

      colnames(rdatamatrix) <- rownames(rdatamatrix) <- colnames(rData)[!colnames(rData) == "DT"] # So we get column names for both xts and data.table input

#' Realized beta
#' @description Depending on users' choices of estimator (realized covariance (RCOVestimator) and realized variance (RVestimator)), 
#' the function returns the realized beta, defined as the ratio between both.
#' The realized beta is given by
#' \deqn{
#' \beta_{jm} = \frac {RCOVestimator_{jm}}{RVestimator_{m}}
#' }
#' in which
#' \eqn{RCOVestimator:} Realized covariance of asset j and market index \eqn{m}.
#' \eqn{RVestimator:} Realized variance of market index \eqn{m}.
#' @param rData a \code{xts} object containing all returns in period t for one asset.
#' @param rIndex a \code{xts} object containing return in period t for an index.
#' @param RCOVestimator can be chosen among realized covariance estimators: \code{"rCov"}, \code{"rAVGCov"}, \code{"rBPCov"}, \code{"rHYCov"}, \code{"rKernelCov"}, \code{"rOWCov"}, \code{"rRTSCov"}, \code{"rThresholdCov"} and \code{"rTSCov"} \code{"rCov"} by default.
#' @param RVestimator can be chosen among realized variance estimators: \code{"rRVar"}, \code{"rMinRVar"} and \code{"rMedRVar"}. \code{"rRVar"} by default. 
#' In case of missing \code{RVestimator}, \code{RCOVestimator} function applying for \code{rIndex} will be used.
#' @param makeReturns boolean, should be \code{TRUE} when \code{rData} contains prices instead of returns. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{RCOVestimator} and \code{RVestimator}
#' @return numeric
#' @details
#' Suppose there are \eqn{N} equispaced returns on day \eqn{t} for the asset \eqn{j} and the index \eqn{m}. 
#' Denote \eqn{r_{(j)i,t}}, \eqn{r_{(m)i,t}} as the \eqn{i}th return on day \eqn{t} for asset \eqn{j} and index \eqn{m} (with \eqn{i=1, \ldots,N}).
#' By default, the RCov is used and the realized beta coefficient is computed as:
#' \deqn{
#' \hat{\beta}_{(jm)t}= \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{N} r_{(j)i,t} r_{(m)i,t}}{\sum_{i=1}^{N} r_{(m)i,t}^2}.
#' }
#' Note: The function does not support to calculate betas across multiple days.
#' @references
#' Barndorff-Nielsen, O. E. and Shephard, N. (2004). Econometric analysis of realized covariation: high frequency based covariance, regression, and correlation in
#' financial economics. \emph{Econometrica}, 72, 885-925.
#' @author Giang Nguyen, Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, Onno Kleen, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library("xts")
#' a <- as.xts(sampleOneMinuteData[as.Date(DT) == "2001-08-04", list(DT, MARKET)])
#' b <-  as.xts(sampleOneMinuteData[as.Date(DT) == "2001-08-04", list(DT, STOCK)])
#' rBeta(a, b, RCOVestimator = "rBPCov", RVestimator = "rMinRVar", makeReturns = TRUE)
#' }
#' @keywords highfrequency rBeta
#' @importFrom methods hasArg
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @export
rBeta <- function(rData, rIndex, RCOVestimator = "rCov", RVestimator = "rRVar", makeReturns = FALSE, ...) {
  if (hasArg(data)) {
    rData <- data

  if (RCOVestimator != "rRTSCov" & RCOVestimator != "rTSCov" &  makeReturns) {
    rData <- makeReturns(rData)
    rIndex <- makeReturns(rIndex)

  if(!makeReturns) {
    if (RCOVestimator == "rRTSCov" || RCOVestimator == "rTSCov"){
      if (min(rData) < 0) {
        print("when using rRTSCov, rTSCov, introduce price data - transformation to price data done")
        rData <- exp(cumsum(rData))
      if( min(rIndex) <0 ){
        print("when using rRTSCov, rTSCov, introduce price data - transformation to price data done")
        rIndex <- exp(cumsum(rIndex))

  if (isMultiXts(rData)) {
    print("No support for multiple days")
  } else {
    rcovfun <- function(rData, rIndex, RCOVestimator) {

             rCov = rCov(cbind(rData,rIndex) ,...),
             rAVGCov = rAVGCov(cbind(rData, rIndex) ,...),
             rBPCov = rBPCov(cbind(rData, rIndex) ,...),
             rHYCov = rHYCov(cbind(rData, rIndex) ,...),
             rKernelCov = rKernelCov(cbind(rData, rIndex) ,...),
             rOWCov = rOWCov(cbind(rData, rIndex) ,...),
             rRTSCov = rRTSCov(list(rData, rIndex),...),
             rThresholdCov = rThresholdCov(cbind(rData, rIndex) ,...),
             rTSCov = rTSCov(list(rData, rIndex),...))

    rcov <- rcovfun(rData,rIndex,RCOVestimator)

    if (RVestimator == RCOVestimator || is.null(RVestimator)) {
      rbeta <- rcov[1,2] / rcov[2,2]
    } else {
      rvfun <- function(rIndex, RVestimator) {

               rCov = rCov(rIndex ,...) ,
               RV = rRVar(rIndex,...),
               BV = RBPVar(rIndex,...),
               rMinRVar = rMinRVar(rIndex,... ),
               rMedRVar = rMedRVar(rIndex ,...),
               rAVGCov = rAVGCov(rIndex ,...) ,
               rBPCov = rBPCov(rIndex ,...) ,
               rHYCov = rHYCov(rIndex ,...) ,
               rKernelCov = rKernelCov(rIndex,... ) ,
               rOWCov = rOWCov(rIndex ,...) ,
               rRTSCov = rRTSCov(rIndex,...) ,
               rThresholdCov = rThresholdCov(rIndex,... ) ,
               rTSCov = rTSCov(rIndex,...),
               rRVar = rRVar(rIndex,...))
      rv <- rvfun(rIndex,RVestimator)
      rbeta <- rcov[1,2] / rv

#' Realized bipower covariance
#' @description Calculate the Realized BiPower Covariance (rBPCov),
#'  defined in Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard (2004).
#'  Let \eqn{r_{t,i}} be an intraday \eqn{N x 1} return vector and \eqn{i=1,...,M}
#'  the number of intraday returns.
#'  The rBPCov is defined as the process whose value at time \eqn{t}
#'  is the \eqn{N}-dimensional square matrix with \eqn{k,q}-th element equal to
#'  \deqn{
#'    \mbox{rBPCov}[k,q]_t = \frac{\pi}{8} \bigg( \sum_{i=2}^{M}
#'                                               \left|
#'                                                 r_{(k)t,i} + r_{(q)t,i} \right| \ \left| r_{(k)t,i-1} + r_{(q)t,i-1} \right|   \\
#'                                               - \left| r_{(k)t,i}  - r_{(q)t,i} \right| \ \left|
#'                                                 r_{(k)t,i-1} - r_{(q)t,i-1} \right|  \bigg),
#'  }
#'  where \eqn{r_{(k)t,i}} is the
#'  \eqn{k}-th component of the return vector \eqn{r_{i,t}}.
#' @param rData an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object containing returns or prices, possibly for multiple assets over multiple days
#' @param cor boolean, in case it is \code{TRUE}, and the input data is multivariate, the correlation is returned instead of the covariance matrix. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. 
#' Possible values are: \code{"ticks"}, \code{"secs"}, \code{"seconds"}, \code{"mins"}, \code{"minutes"}, \code{"hours"}
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. E.g. to aggregate
#' based on a 5-minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod} to 5 and \code{alignBy} to \code{"minutes"}.
#' @param makeReturns boolean, should be \code{TRUE} when \code{rData} contains prices instead of returns. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param makePsd boolean, in case it is \code{TRUE}, the positive definite version of rBPCov is returned. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param ... used internally, do not change.
#' @return in case the input is and contains data from one day, an \eqn{N} by \eqn{N} matrix is returned. If the data is a univariate \code{xts} object with multiple days, an \code{xts} is returned.
#' If the data is multivariate and contains multiple days (\code{xts} or \code{data.table}), the function returns a list containing \eqn{N} by \eqn{N} matrices. Each item in the list has a name which corresponds to the date for the matrix.
#' @references
#' Barndorff-Nielsen, O. E., and Shephard, N. (2004). Measuring the impact of jumps in multivariate price processes using bipower covariation. Discussion paper, Nuffield College, Oxford University.
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @examples
#' # Realized Bipower Variance/Covariance for a price series aligned
#' # at 5 minutes.
#' # Univariate:
#' rbpv <- rBPCov(rData = sampleTData[, list(DT, PRICE)], alignBy ="minutes",
#'                alignPeriod = 5, makeReturns = TRUE)
#' # Multivariate:
#' rbpc <- rBPCov(rData = sampleOneMinuteData, makeReturns = TRUE, makePsd = TRUE)
#' rbpc
#' @seealso \code{\link{ICov}} for a list of implemented estimators of the integrated covariance.
#' @keywords volatility
#' @export
rBPCov <- function(rData, cor = FALSE, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE, makePsd = FALSE, ...) {
  # self-reference for multi-day input
  if (is.xts(rData) && checkMultiDays(rData)) {
    if (is.null(dim(rData))) {
      n <- 1
    } else {
      n <- dim(rData)[2]
    if (n == 1){
      result <- apply.daily(rData, rBPCov, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = makeReturns, makePsd)
    if (n > 1) {
      result <- applyGetList(rData, rBPCov, cor = cor, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = makeReturns, makePsd)
      names(result) <- unique(as.Date(index(rData)))
  } else if (is.data.table(rData)){
    DATE <- .N <- DT <- NULL
    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)

    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    setkey(rData, "DT")
    dates <- rData[, list(end = .N), by = list(DATE = as.Date(DT))][, `:=`(end = cumsum(end), DATE = as.character(DATE))][, start := shift(end, fill = 0) + 1]
    res <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(dates))
    names(res) <- as.character(dates$DATE)
    starts <- dates$start
    ends <- dates$end
    dates <- dates$DATE

    dat <- as.matrix(rData[, !"DT"])
    for (i in 1:length(dates)) {
      res[[dates[i]]] <- rBPCov(dat[starts[i]:ends[i], ], cor = cor, makeReturns = makeReturns, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL)

    if(ncol(rData) == 2){ ## Univariate case
      res <- data.table(DT = names(res), BPV = as.numeric(res))
    } else if(length(res) == 1){ ## Single day multivariate case
      res <- res[[1]]


  } else { #single day code
    ## DO data transformations
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if (makeReturns) {
      rData <- makeReturns(rData)
    if (is.null(dim(rData))) {
      n <- 1
    } else {
      n <- dim(rData)[2]

    if (n == 1) {

    ## ACTUAL RBPCOV calculation:
    if (n > 1) {

      rData  <- as.matrix(rData)
      n <- dim(rData)[2]
      cov <- matrix(rep(0, n * n), ncol = n, dimnames = list(colnames(rData), colnames(rData)))
      diagonal <- numeric(n)
      for (i in 1:n) {
        diagonal[i] <- RBPVar(rData[, i])
      diag(cov) <- diagonal
      for (i in 2:n) {
        for (j in 1:(i - 1)) {
          cov[i, j] <- cov[j, i] <- RBPCov_bi(rData[, i], rData[, j])

      if (!cor){
        if (makePsd) {
          cov <- makePsd(cov)
      } else {
        sdmatrix <- sqrt(diag(diag(cov)))
        rcor <- solve(sdmatrix) %*% cov %*% solve(sdmatrix)
        if (makePsd) {
          rcor <- makePsd(rcor)

#' Realized covariance
#' @description Function returns the Realized Covariation (rCov).
#' Let \eqn{r_{t,i}} be an intraday \eqn{N \times M} return vector and \eqn{i=1,...,M}
#' the number of intraday returns.
#' Then, the rCov is given by
#' \deqn{
#'  \mbox{rCov}_{t}=\sum_{i=1}^{M}r_{t,i}r'_{t,i}.
#' }
#' @param rData either an \code{xts} or a \code{data.table}. In case it is one of the former \code{rData} should contain returns or prices
#' an \eqn{(M x N)} \code{xts} or data.table object containing the \eqn{N}
#' return series over period \eqn{t}, with \eqn{M} observations during \eqn{t}.
#' In case of a matrix, no multi-day adjustment is possible.
#' @param rData an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object containing returns or prices, possibly for multiple assets over multiple days.
#' @param cor boolean, in case it is \code{TRUE}, and the input data is multivariate, the correlation is returned instead of the covariance matrix. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. 
#' Possible values are: \code{"ticks"}, \code{"secs"}, \code{"seconds"}, \code{"mins"}, \code{"minutes"}, \code{"hours"}
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. For example, to aggregate
#' based on a 5-minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod = 5} and \code{alignBy = "minutes"}.
#' @param makeReturns boolean, should be \code{TRUE} when \code{rData} contains prices instead of returns. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param ... used internally, do not change.
#' @return in case the input is and contains data from one day, an \eqn{N \times N} matrix is returned. If the data is a univariate \code{xts} object with multiple days, an \code{xts} is returned.
#' If the data is multivariate and contains multiple days (\code{xts} or \code{data.table}), the function returns a list containing N by N matrices. Each item in the list has a name which corresponds to the date for the matrix.
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @examples
#' # Realized Variance/Covariance for prices aligned at 5 minutes.
#' # Univariate:
#' rv = rCov(rData = sampleTData[, list(DT, PRICE)], alignBy = "minutes",
#'           alignPeriod = 5, makeReturns = TRUE)
#' rv
#' # Multivariate:
#' rc = rCov(rData = sampleOneMinuteData, makeReturns = TRUE)
#' rc
#' @seealso \code{\link{ICov}} for a list of implemented estimators of the integrated covariance.
#' @keywords volatility
#' @export
rCov <- function(rData, cor = FALSE, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE, ...) {

  ## xts case multiday case:
  # Multiday adjustment:
  if (is.xts(rData) && checkMultiDays(rData)) {
    if (is.null(dim(rData))) {
      n <- 1
    } else {
      n <- dim(rData)[2]
    if (n == 1) {
      result <- apply.daily(rData, rCov, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = makeReturns)
    if (n > 1) {
      result <- applyGetList(rData, rCov, cor=cor, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = makeReturns)
      names(result) <- unique(as.Date(index(rData)))
  } else if (is.data.table(rData)){
    DATE <- .N <- DT <- NULL
    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)

    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)

    setkey(rData, "DT")
    dates <- rData[, list(end = .N), by = list(DATE = as.Date(DT))][, `:=`(end = cumsum(end), DATE = as.character(DATE))][, start := shift(end, fill = 0) + 1]
    res <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(dates))
    names(res) <- as.character(dates$DATE)
    starts <- dates$start
    ends <- dates$end
    dates <- dates$DATE
    dat <- as.matrix(rData[, !"DT"])
    for (i in 1:length(dates)) {
      res[[dates[i]]] <- rCov(dat[starts[i]:ends[i], ], cor = cor, makeReturns = makeReturns, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL)
    if(length(res[[1]]) == 1){ ## Univariate case
      res <- data.table(DT = names(res), RV = as.numeric(res))
    } else if(length(res) == 1){ ## Single day multivariate case
      res <- res[[1]]


  } else {
    ## DO data transformations
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if (makeReturns) {
      rData <- makeReturns(rData)
    if (is.null(dim(rData))) {
      n <- 1
    } else {
      n <- dim(rData)[2]

    if (n == 1) {
    } else {
      rData <- as.matrix(rData)
      covariance <- t(rData) %*% rData
      if (!cor) {
      if (cor){
        sdmatrix <- sqrt(diag(diag(covariance)));
        rcor <- solve(sdmatrix) %*% covariance %*% solve(sdmatrix)

#' Hayashi-Yoshida covariance
#' @description Calculates the Hayashi-Yoshida Covariance estimator
#' @param rData an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object containing returns or prices, possibly for multiple assets over multiple days.
#' @param cor boolean, in case it is \code{TRUE}, and the input data is multivariate, the correlation is returned instead of the covariance matrix. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param period Sampling period
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. 
#' Possible values are: \code{"ticks"}, \code{"secs"}, \code{"seconds"}, \code{"mins"}, \code{"minutes"}, \code{"hours"}
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. For example, to aggregate
#' based on a 5-minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod = 5} and \code{alignBy = "minutes"}.
#' @param makeReturns boolean, should be \code{TRUE} when \code{rData} contains prices instead of returns. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param makePsd boolean, in case it is \code{TRUE}, the positive definite version of rHYCov is returned. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param ... used internally. Do not set.
#' @references Hayashi, T. and Yoshida, N. (2005). On covariance estimation of non-synchronously observed diffusion processes. \emph{Bernoulli}, 11, 359-379.
#' @author Scott Payseur and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @examples
#' library("xts")
#' hy <- rHYCov(rData = as.xts(sampleOneMinuteData)["2001-08-05"],
#'              period = 5, alignBy = "minutes", alignPeriod = 5, makeReturns = TRUE)
#' @seealso \code{\link{ICov}} for a list of implemented estimators of the integrated covariance.
#' @keywords volatility
#' @export
rHYCov <- function(rData, cor = FALSE, period = 1, alignBy = "seconds", alignPeriod = 1, makeReturns = FALSE, makePsd = TRUE, ...) {

  opt <- list("INTERNALBOOLEAN" = FALSE)
  op <- list(...)
  opt[names(op)] <- op
  if (is.xts(rData) && checkMultiDays(rData)) {
    if (is.null(dim(rData))) {
      n <- 1
    } else {
      n <- dim(rData)[2]
    if (n == 1) {
      result <- apply.daily(rData, rHYCov, cor = cor, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = makeReturns, makePsd = makePsd)
    if (n > 1) {
      result <- applyGetList(rData, rHYCov, cor=cor, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = makeReturns, makePsd = makePsd)
      names(result) <- unique(as.Date(index(rData)))
  } else if (is.data.table(rData) & !opt$INTERNALBOOLEAN) {
    DATE <- .N <- DT <- NULL
    dates <- rData[, list(end = .N), by = list(DATE = as.Date(DT))][, `:=`(end = cumsum(end), DATE = as.character(DATE))][, start := shift(end, fill = 0) + 1]
    res <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(dates))
    names(res) <- as.character(dates$DATE)
    starts <- dates$start
    ends <- dates$end
    dates <- dates$DATE
    for (i in 1:length(dates)) {
      res[[dates[i]]] <- rHYCov(rData[starts[i]:ends[i], ], cor = cor, makeReturns = makeReturns, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, INTERNALBOOLEAN = TRUE, ...)
    if(length(res[[1]]) == 1){ ## Univariate case
      res <- data.table(DT = names(res), rHY = as.numeric(res))
    } else if(length(res) == 1){ ## Single day multivariate case
      res <- res[[1]]
  } else {
        rData <- fastTickAggregation(rData, alignBy = "seconds", alignPeriod = 1)
        aggrdata <- fastTickAggregation(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
      } else { 
        rData <- fastTickAggregation_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = "seconds", alignPeriod = 1)
        aggrdata <- fastTickAggregation_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    } else if (is.data.table(rData)){
        rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE(rData, alignBy = "seconds", alignPeriod = 1)
        aggrdata <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
      } else {
        rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = "seconds", alignPeriod = 1)
        aggrdata <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
      rData <- as.matrix(rData[, !"DT"])
      aggrdata <- as.matrix(aggrdata[, !"DT"])
    } else {
      stop("rHYCov only accepts xts and data.table objects")
    if (makeReturns) {
      rData <- makeReturns(rData)
      aggrdata <- makeReturns(aggrdata)
    if (is.null(dim(rData))) {
      n <- 1
    } else {
      n <- dim(rData)[2]
    if (n == 1) {
    if (n > 1) {
      n <- dim(rData)[2]
      cov <- matrix(rep(0, n * n), ncol = n)
      diagonal <- numeric(n)
      for (i in 1:n) {
        diagonal[i] <- rCov(aggrdata[, i])
      diag(cov) <- diagonal
      alignPeriod <- getAlignPeriod(alignPeriod, alignBy)
      for (i in 2:n) {
        for (j in 1:(i - 1)) {
          cov[i, j] <-
              as.double(rep(0,length(rData[, j])/(period * alignPeriod) + 1)),
              as.numeric(rData[,j]), #b
              as.double(c(1:length(rData[, j]))), #a
              as.double(rep(0, length(rData[, j])/(period * alignPeriod) + 1)), #a
              as.double(c(1:length(rData[, j]))), #b
              as.integer(length(rData[, j])), #na
              as.integer(length(rData[, j])/(period*alignPeriod)),
              as.integer(length(rData[, j])), #na
              as.integer(period * alignPeriod)))
          cov[j, i] <- cov[i, j]
      if (!cor){
        if (makePsd) {
          cov <- makePsd(cov)
      } else {
        sdmatrix <- sqrt(diag(diag(cov)))
        rcor <- solve(sdmatrix) %*% cov %*% solve(sdmatrix)
        if (makePsd) {
          rcor <- makePsd(rcor)

#' Realized kernel estimator
#' @description Realized covariance calculation using a kernel estimator. 
#' The different types of kernels available can be found using \code{\link{listAvailableKernels}}.
#' @param rData an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object containing returns or prices, possibly for multiple assets over multiple days
#' @param cor boolean, in case it is \code{TRUE}, and the input data is multivariate, the correlation is returned instead of the covariance matrix. 
#' \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. 
#' Possible values are: \code{"ticks"}, \code{"secs"}, \code{"seconds"}, \code{"mins"}, \code{"minutes"}, \code{"hours"}
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. 
#' For example, to aggregate based on a 5-minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod} to 5 and \code{alignBy} to \code{"minutes"}.
#' @param makeReturns boolean, should be \code{TRUE} when \code{rData} contains prices instead of returns. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param kernelType Kernel name.
#' @param kernelParam Kernel parameter.
#' @param kernelDOFadj Kernel degree of freedom adjustment.
#' @param ... used internally, do not change.
#' @details 
#' Let \eqn{r_{t,i}} be \eqn{N} returns in period \eqn{t}, \eqn{i = 1, \ldots, N}. The returns or prices 
#' do not have to be equidistant. The kernel estimator for \eqn{H = \code{kernelParam}} is given by
#' \deqn{
#' \gamma_0 + 2 \sum_{h = 1}^H k \left(\frac{h-1}{H}\right) \gamma_h,
#' }
#' where \eqn{k(x)} is the chosen kernel function and 
#' \deqn{
#' \gamma_h = \sum_{i = h}^N r_{t,i} \times r_{t,i-h}
#' }
#' is the empirical autocovariance function. The multivariate version employs the cross-covariances instead.
#' @return in case the input is and contains data from one day, an \eqn{N} by \eqn{N} matrix is returned. 
#' If the data is a univariate \code{xts} object with multiple days, an \code{xts} is returned.
#' If the data is multivariate and contains multiple days (\code{xts} or \code{data.table}), the function returns a list containing \eqn{N} by \eqn{N} matrices. 
#' Each item in the list has a name which corresponds to the date for the matrix.
#' @references
#' Barndorff-Nielsen, O. E., Hansen, P. R., Lunde, A., and Shephard, N. (2008). Designing realized kernels to measure the ex post variation of equity prices in the presence of noise. \emph{Econometrica}, 76, 1481-1536.
#' Hansen, P. and Lunde, A. (2006). Realized variance and market microstructure noise. \emph{Journal of Business and Economic Statistics}, 24, 127-218.
#' Zhou., B. (1996). High-frequency data and volatility in foreign-exchange rates. \emph{Journal of Business & Economic Statistics}, 14, 45-52.
#' @author Scott Payseur, Onno Kleen, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @examples
#' # Univariate:
#' rvKernel <- rKernelCov(rData = sampleTData[, list(DT, PRICE)], alignBy = "minutes",
#'                        alignPeriod = 5, makeReturns = TRUE)
#' rvKernel
#' # Multivariate:
#' rcKernel <- rKernelCov(rData = sampleOneMinuteData, makeReturns = TRUE)
#' rcKernel
#' @seealso \code{\link{ICov}} for a list of implemented estimators of the integrated covariance.
#' @keywords volatility
#' @export
rKernelCov <- function(rData, cor = FALSE,  alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL,
                       makeReturns = FALSE, kernelType = "rectangular", kernelParam = 1,
                       kernelDOFadj = TRUE, ...) {

  if (is.xts(rData) && checkMultiDays(rData)) {
    if (is.null(dim(rData))) {
      n <- 1
    } else {
      n <- dim(rData)[2]
    if (n == 1){
      result <- apply.daily(rData, rKernelCov, cor = cor, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = makeReturns,
                            kernelType = kernelType, kernelParam = kernelParam, kernelDOFadj = kernelDOFadj)
    } else {
      result <- applyGetList(rData, rKernelCov, cor = cor, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = makeReturns,
                             kernelType = kernelType, kernelParam = kernelParam, kernelDOFadj = kernelDOFadj)
      names(result) <- unique(as.Date(index(rData)))
  } else if (is.data.table(rData)){
    DATE <- .N <- DT <- NULL
    if (!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)

    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    setcolorder(rData, "DT")
    setkey(rData, "DT")
    dates <- rData[, list(end = .N), by = list(DATE = as.Date(DT))][, `:=`(end = cumsum(end), DATE = as.character(DATE))][, start := shift(end, fill = 0) + 1]
    res <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(dates))
    names(res) <- as.character(dates$DATE)
    starts <- dates$start
    ends <- dates$end
    dates <- dates$DATE
    dat <- as.matrix(rData[, !"DT"])
    for (i in 1:length(dates)) {
      res[[dates[i]]] <- rKernelCov(dat[starts[i]:ends[i], ], cor = cor, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = makeReturns,
                              kernelType = kernelType, kernelParam = kernelParam, kernelDOFadj = kernelDOFadj)

    if (ncol(rData) == 2) { ## Univariate case
      res <- data.table(DT = names(res), RK = as.numeric(res))
    } else if(length(res) == 1){ ## Single day multivariate case
      res <- res[[1]]


  } else { ## Actual calculations
    # # Aggregate:
    ## DO data transformations
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if (makeReturns) {
      rData <- makeReturns(rData)

    if (is.null(dim(rData))) {
      n <- 1
    } else {
      n <- dim(rData)[2]
    type <- kernelCharToInt(kernelType)
    if (n == 1) {
      ans <- kernelEstimator(as.double(rData),
                             as.integer(ifelse(kernelDOFadj, 1, 0)),
                             ab = double(kernelParam + 1),
                             ab2 = double(kernelParam + 1))
      if(!is.na(ans) && !is.null(ans) && ans<0){
        warning("rKernelCov produced negative variance, try to change the kernelParam argument")

    if (n > 1) {
      cov <- matrix(rep(0, n * n), ncol = n, dimnames = list(colnames(rData), colnames(rData)))
      diagonal <- numeric(n)
      for (i in 1:n) {
        diagonal[i] <- kernelEstimator(as.double(rData[, i]), as.double(rData[, i]), as.integer(NROW(rData[, i])),
                                       as.integer(kernelParam), as.integer(ifelse(kernelDOFadj, 1, 0)),
                                       as.integer(type), ab = double(kernelParam + 1),
                                       ab2 = double(kernelParam + 1))
      diag(cov) <- diagonal

      for (i in 2:n) {
        for (j in 1:(i - 1)) {
          cov[i, j] = cov[j, i] = kernelEstimator(as.double(rData[, i]), as.double(rData[, j]), as.integer(NROW(rData[, i])),
                                                  as.integer(kernelParam), as.integer(ifelse(kernelDOFadj, 1, 0)),
                                                  as.integer(type), ab = double(kernelParam + 1),
                                                  ab2 = double(kernelParam + 1))
      if (!cor) {
      if (cor) {
        invsdmatrix <- try(solve(sqrt(diag(diag(cov)))), silent = F)
        if (!inherits(invsdmatrix, "try-error")) {
          rcor <- invsdmatrix %*% cov %*% invsdmatrix


#' Realized kurtosis of highfrequency return series.
#' @description
#' Calculate the realized kurtosis as defined in Amaya et al. (2015).
#' Assume there are \eqn{N} equispaced returns in period \eqn{t}. Let \eqn{r_{t,i}} be a return (with \eqn{i=1, \ldots,N}) in period \eqn{t}.
#' Then, \code{rKurt} is given by
#' \deqn{
#'   \mbox{rKurt}_{t} = \frac{N \sum_{i=1}^{N}(r_{t,i})^4}{\left( \sum_{i=1}^N r_{t,i}^2 \right)^2}.
#'   }
#' @param rData an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object containing returns or prices, possibly for multiple assets over multiple days.
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. 
#' Possible values are: \code{"ticks"}, \code{"secs"}, \code{"seconds"}, \code{"mins"}, \code{"minutes"}, \code{"hours"}
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. For example, to aggregate
#' based on a 5-minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod = 5} and \code{alignBy = "minutes"}.
#' @param makeReturns boolean, should be \code{TRUE} when \code{rData} contains prices instead of returns. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @return 
#' \itemize{
#' \item In case the input is an \code{xts} object with data from one day, a numeric of the same length as the number of assets.
#' \item If the input data spans multiple days and is in \code{xts} format, an \code{xts} will be returned.
#' \item If the input data is a \code{data.table} object, the function returns a \code{data.table} with the same column names as the input data, containing the date and the realized measures.
#' }
#' @references
#' Amaya, D., Christoffersen, P., Jacobs, K., and Vasquez, A. (2015). Does realized skewness and kurtosis predict the cross-section of equity returns? \emph{Journal of Financial Economics}, 118, 135-167.
#' @author Giang Nguyen, Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, Onno Kleen, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @examples
#' rk <- rKurt(sampleTData[, list(DT, PRICE)], alignBy = "minutes",
#'             alignPeriod = 5, makeReturns = TRUE)
#' rk
#' @keywords highfrequency rKurt
#' @importFrom xts apply.daily
#' @importFrom data.table setcolorder setkey
#' @export
rKurt <- function(rData, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE) {

  # self-reference for multi-day input
  if (is.xts(rData) && checkMultiDays(rData)) {
    result <- apply.daily(rData, rKurt, alignBy, alignPeriod, makeReturns)
  } else if (is.data.table(rData)){
    DATE <- .N <- DT <- NULL
    setcolorder(rData, "DT")
    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)

    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)

    setkey(rData, DT)
    dates <- rData[, list(end = .N), by = list(DATE = as.Date(DT))][, `:=`(end = cumsum(end), DATE = as.character(DATE))][, start := shift(end, fill = 0) + 1]
    res <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(dates))
    names(res) <- as.character(dates$DATE)
    starts <- dates$start
    ends <- dates$end
    dates <- dates$DATE
    dat <- as.matrix(rData[, !"DT"])
    for (i in 1:length(dates)) {
      res[[dates[i]]] <- rKurt(dat[starts[i]:ends[i], ], makeReturns = makeReturns, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL)

    res <- setDT(transpose(res))[, DT := as.Date(dates)]
    setcolorder(res, "DT")
    if(ncol(res) == 2){
      colnames(res) <- c("DT", "rKurt")
    } else {
      colnames(res) <- colnames(rData)

    setkey(res, DT)
  } else {
    ## DO data transformations
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if (makeReturns) {
      rData <- makeReturns(rData)

    q <- as.matrix(rData)
    N <- nrow(q)

    rkurt <- N * colSums(q^4) / (colSums(q^2)^2)



#' @description DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rMPVar}}
#' @param rData DEPRECATED
#' @param alignBy DEPRECATED
#' @param alignPeriod DEPRECATED
#' @param makeReturns DEPRECATED
#' @export
rMPV <- function(rData, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE){
  .Deprecated(new = "rMPV has been renamed to rMPVar")
  return(rMPV(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignBy, makeReturns = makeReturns))

#' Realized multipower variation
#' @description Calculate the Realized Multipower Variation rMPVar, defined in Andersen et al. (2012).
#' Assume there are \eqn{N} equispaced returns \eqn{r_{t,i}} in period \eqn{t}, \eqn{i=1, \ldots,N}. Then, the rMPVar is given by
#'   \deqn{
#'     \mbox{rMPVar}_{N}(m,p)= d_{m,p} \frac{N^{p/2}}{N-m+1} \sum_{i=1}^{N-m+1}|r_{t,i}|^{p/m} \ldots |r_{t,i+m-1}|^{p/m}
#'   }
#' in which
#' \eqn{d_{m,p} = \mu_{p/m}^{-m}}:
#' \eqn{m}: the window size of return blocks;
#' \eqn{p}: the power of the variation;
#' and \eqn{m} > \eqn{p/2}.
#' @param rData an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object containing returns or prices, possibly for multiple assets over multiple days.
#' @param m the window size of return blocks. 2 by default.
#' @param p the power of the variation. 2 by default.
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. 
#' Possible values are: \code{"ticks"}, \code{"secs"}, \code{"seconds"}, \code{"mins"}, \code{"minutes"}, \code{"hours"}
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. For example, to aggregate
#' based on a 5-minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod = 5} and \code{alignBy = "minutes"}.
#' @param makeReturns boolean, should be \code{TRUE} when \code{rData} contains prices instead of returns. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param ... used internally, do not change.
#' @return numeric
#' @references
#' Andersen, T. G., Dobrev, D., and Schaumburg, E. (2012). Jump-robust volatility estimation using nearest neighbor truncation. \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, 169, 75-93.
#' @author Giang Nguyen, Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @examples
#' mpv <- rMPVar(sampleTData[, list(DT, PRICE)], m = 2, p = 3, alignBy = "minutes",
#'             alignPeriod = 5, makeReturns = TRUE)
#' mpv
#' @seealso \code{\link{IVar}} for a list of implemented estimators of the integrated variance.
#' @keywords highfrequency rMPVar
#' @export
rMPVar <- function(rData, m = 2, p = 2, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE, ...) {

  # self-reference for multi-day input
  if (is.xts(rData) && checkMultiDays(rData)) {
    result <- apply.daily(rData, rMPVar, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = makeReturns, m = m, p = p)

  } else if (is.data.table(rData)){
    DATE <- .N <- DT <- NULL
    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)

    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    setkey(rData, "DT")
    dates <- rData[, list(end = .N), by = list(DATE = as.Date(DT))][, `:=`(end = cumsum(end), DATE = as.character(DATE))][, start := shift(end, fill = 0) + 1]
    res <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(dates))
    names(res) <- as.character(dates$DATE)
    starts <- dates$start
    ends <- dates$end
    dates <- dates$DATE
    dat <- as.matrix(rData[, !"DT"])
    for (i in 1:length(dates)) {
      res[[dates[i]]] <- rMPVar(dat[starts[i]:ends[i], ], m = m, p = p, makeReturns = makeReturns, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL)
    res <- setDT(transpose(res))[, DT := as.Date(dates)]
    setcolorder(res, "DT")
    if(ncol(res) == 2){
      colnames(res) <- c("DT", "MPV")
    } else {
      colnames(res) <- colnames(rData)

  } else {
    ## DO data transformations
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if (makeReturns) {
      rData <- makeReturns(rData)

    if (m > p/2) {
      m <- as.numeric(m) ##m> p/2
      p <- as.numeric(p)
      q <- as.matrix(rData)

      q <- abs(rollApplyProdWrapper(q, m))
      #q <- abs(rollapply(q,width=m,FUN=prod,align="left"))
      N <- nrow(rData)

      dmp <- (2^((p/m)/2) * gamma((p/m + 1)/2) / gamma(1/2))^(-m)

      rMPVar <- dmp * N^(p/2) / (N - m + 1) * colSums(q^(p/m))
    } else{
      warning("Please supply m>p/2 for the arguments m and p")


#' Realized outlyingness weighted covariance
#' @description Calculate the Realized Outlyingness Weighted Covariance (rOWCov), defined in Boudt et al. (2008).
#' Let \eqn{r_{t,i}}, for \eqn{i = 1,..., M} be a sample
#' of \eqn{M} high-frequency \eqn{(N \times 1)} return vectors and \eqn{d_{t,i}}
#' their outlyingness given by the squared Mahalanobis distance between
#' the return vector and zero in terms of the reweighted MCD covariance
#' estimate based on these returns.
#' Then, the rOWCov is given by
#' \deqn{
#' \mbox{rOWCov}_{t}=c_{w}\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{M}w(d_{t,i})r_{t,i}r'_{t,i}}{\frac{1}{M}\sum_{i=1}^{M}w(d_{t,i})},
#' }
#' The weight  \eqn{w_{i,\Delta}} is one if the multivariate jump test statistic for \eqn{r_{i,\Delta}} in Boudt et al. (2008) is less
#' than the 99.9\% percentile of the chi-square distribution with \eqn{N} degrees of freedom and zero otherwise.
#' The scalar \eqn{c_{w}} is a correction factor ensuring consistency of the rOWCov for the Integrated Covariance,
#' under the Brownian Semimartingale with Finite Activity Jumps model.
#' @param rData a \eqn{(M x N)} \code{xts} object containing the \eqn{N}
#' return series over period \eqn{t}, with \eqn{M} observations during \eqn{t}.
#' @param cor boolean, in case it is \code{TRUE}, and the input data is multivariate, the correlation is returned instead of the covariance matrix. 
#' \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. 
#' Possible values are: \code{"ticks"}, \code{"secs"}, \code{"seconds"}, \code{"mins"}, \code{"minutes"}, \code{"hours"}
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. For example, to aggregate
#' based on a 5-minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod = 5} and \code{alignBy = "minutes"}.
#' @param makeReturns boolean, should be \code{TRUE} when \code{rData} contains prices instead of returns. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param seasadjR a \eqn{(M x N)} \code{xts} object containing
#' the seasonally adjusted returns. This is an optional argument.
#' @param wFunction determines whether
#' a zero-one weight function (one if no jump is detected based on \eqn{d_{t,i}} and 0 otherwise)
#' or
#' Soft Rejection ("SR") weight function is to be used.
#' By default a zero-one weight function (wFunction = "HR") is used.
#' @param alphaMCD a numeric parameter, controlling the size of
#' the subsets over which the determinant is minimized.
#' Allowed values are between 0.5 and 1 and
#'the default is 0.75. See Boudt et al. (2008) or the \code{covMcd} function in the
#'\pkg{\link[robustbase:covMcd]{robustbase}} package.
#' @param alpha is a parameter between 0 and 0.5,
#'that determines the rejection threshold value
#'(see Boudt et al. (2008) for details).
#' @param ... used internally, do not change.
#' @return an \eqn{N \times N} matrix
#' @details
#' Advantages of the rOWCov compared to the \code{\link{rBPCov}} include a higher statistical efficiency, positive semi-definiteness and affine equi-variance.
#' However, the rOWCov suffers from a curse of dimensionality.
#' The rOWCov gives a zero weight to a return vector
#' if at least one of the components is affected by a jump.
#' In the case of independent jump occurrences, the average proportion of observations
#' with at least one component being affected by jumps increases fast with the dimension
#' of the series. This means that a potentially large proportion of the returns receives
#' a zero weight, due to which the rOWCov can have a low finite sample efficiency in higher dimensions.
#' @references Boudt, K., Croux, C., and Laurent, S. (2008). Outlyingness weighted covariation. \emph{Journal of Financial Econometrics}, 9, 657–684.
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library("xts")
#' # Realized Outlyingness Weighted Variance/Covariance for prices aligned
#' # at 1 minutes.
#' # Univariate:
#' row <- rOWCov(rData = as.xts(sampleOneMinuteData[as.Date(DT) == "2001-08-04",
#'                                                  list(DT, MARKET)]), makeReturns = TRUE)
#' row
#' # Multivariate:
#' rowc <- rOWCov(rData = as.xts(sampleOneMinuteData[as.Date(DT) == "2001-08-04",]),
#'                makeReturns = TRUE)
#' rowc
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{ICov}} for a list of implemented estimators of the integrated covariance.
#' @keywords volatility
#' @export
rOWCov <- function (rData, cor = FALSE, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE, seasadjR = NULL,
                    wFunction = "HR" , alphaMCD = 0.75, alpha = 0.001, ...){

  if (is.null(seasadjR)) {
    seasadjR <- rData
  if (isMultiXts(rData)) {
    stop("This function does not support having an xts object of multiple days as input. Please provide a timeseries of one day as input")

  # Aggregate:
  if ((!is.null(alignBy))&&(!is.null(alignPeriod))) {
    rData <- fastTickAggregation(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    seasadjR <- fastTickAggregation(seasadjR, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
  if (makeReturns) {
    rData <- makeReturns(rData)
    if (!is.null(seasadjR)) {
      seasadjR <- makeReturns(seasadjR)

  if (is.null(dim(rData))) {
    n <- 1
  } else {
    n <- dim(rData)[2]

  if (n == 1) {
    return(ROWVar(rData, seasadjR = seasadjR, wFunction = wFunction, alphaMCD = alphaMCD, alpha = alpha ))

  if (n > 1) {
    if ((dim(rData)[2] < 2)) {
      stop("Your rData object should have at least 2 columns")

    rData <- as.matrix(rData)
    seasadjR <- as.matrix(seasadjR)
    intraT <- nrow(rData)
    N <- ncol(rData)
    perczeroes <- apply(seasadjR, 2, function(x) sum(1 * (x == 0))) / intraT
    select <- c(1:N)[perczeroes < 0.5]
    seasadjRselect <- seasadjR[, select]
    N <- ncol(seasadjRselect)
    MCDobject <- try(robustbase::covMcd(x = seasadjRselect, alpha = alphaMCD))

    if (length(MCDobject$raw.mah) > 1) {
      betaMCD  <- 1-alphaMCD
      asycor   <- betaMCD / pchisq(qchisq(betaMCD, df = N), df = N+2)
      MCDcov   <- (asycor * t(seasadjRselect[MCDobject$best,]) %*% seasadjRselect[MCDobject$best,]) / length(MCDobject$best)
      invMCDcov <- solve(MCDcov)
      outlyingness <- rep(0,intraT)
      for (i in 1:intraT) {
        outlyingness[i] = matrix(seasadjRselect[i,], ncol = N) %*% invMCDcov %*% matrix(seasadjRselect[i,],nrow=N)
    } else {
      stop("MCD cannot be calculated")
    k <- qchisq(p = 1 - alpha, df = N)
    outlierindic <- outlyingness > k
    weights <- rep(1, intraT)

    if (wFunction == "HR") {
      weights[outlierindic] = 0
      wR <- sqrt(weights) * rData
      covariance <- (conHR(di = N, alpha = alpha) * t(wR) %*% wR) / mean(weights)
      if (!cor) {
      } else {
        sdmatrix = sqrt(diag(diag(covariance)))
        inv_matrix <- solve(sdmatrix)
        rcor <- inv_matrix %*% covariance %*% inv_matrix
    if (wFunction == "SR") {
      weights[outlierindic] <- k/outlyingness[outlierindic]
      wR <- sqrt(weights) * rData
      covariance <- (conhuber(di = N, alpha = alpha) * t(wR) %*% wR) / mean(weights)
      if (!cor) {
      } else {
        sdmatrix <- sqrt(diag(diag(covariance)))
        rcor <- solve(sdmatrix) %*% covariance %*% solve(sdmatrix)

#' Realized skewness
#' @description Calculate the realized skewness, defined in Amaya et al. (2015).
#' Assume there are \eqn{N} equispaced returns in period \eqn{t}. Let \eqn{r_{t,i}} be a return (with \eqn{i=1, \ldots,N}) in period \eqn{t}. Then, \code{rSkew} is given by
#'   \deqn{
#'     \mbox{rSkew}_{t}= \frac{\sqrt{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N}(r_{t,i})^3}{\left(\sum r_{i,t}^2\right)^{3/2}}.
#'   }
#' @param rData an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object containing returns or prices, possibly for multiple assets over multiple days.
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. 
#' Possible values are: \code{"ticks"}, \code{"secs"}, \code{"seconds"}, \code{"mins"}, \code{"minutes"}, \code{"hours"}
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. For example, to aggregate
#' based on a 5-minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod = 5} and \code{alignBy = "minutes"}.
#' @param makeReturns boolean, should be \code{TRUE} when \code{rData} contains prices instead of returns. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @return 
#' \itemize{
#' \item In case the input is an \code{xts} object with data from one day, a numeric of the same length as the number of assets.
#' \item If the input data spans multiple days and is in \code{xts} format, an \code{xts} will be returned.
#' \item If the input data is a \code{data.table} object, the function returns a \code{data.table} with the same column names as the input data, containing the date and the realized measures.
#' }
#' @references
#' Amaya, D., Christoffersen, P., Jacobs, K., and Vasquez, A. (2015). Does realized skewness and kurtosis predict the cross-section of equity returns? \emph{Journal of Financial Economics}, 118, 135-167.
#' @author Giang Nguyen, Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, Onno Kleen, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @examples
#' rs <- rSkew(sampleTData[, list(DT, PRICE)],alignBy ="minutes", alignPeriod =5,
#'             makeReturns = TRUE)
#' rs
#' @keywords highfrequency rSkew
#' @export
rSkew <- function(rData, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE) {

  # self-reference for multi-day input
  if (is.xts(rData) && checkMultiDays(rData)) {
    result <- apply.daily(rData, rSkew, alignBy, alignPeriod, makeReturns)
  } else if (is.data.table(rData)){
    DATE <- .N <- DT <- NULL
    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)

    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    setkey(rData, "DT")
    setcolorder(rData, "DT")
    dates <- rData[, list(end = .N), by = list(DATE = as.Date(DT))][, `:=`(end = cumsum(end), DATE = as.character(DATE))][, start := shift(end, fill = 0) + 1]
    res <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(dates))
    names(res) <- as.character(dates$DATE)
    starts <- dates$start
    ends <- dates$end
    dates <- dates$DATE
    dat <- as.matrix(rData[, !"DT"])
    for (i in 1:length(dates)) {
      res[[dates[i]]] <- rSkew(dat[starts[i]:ends[i],], makeReturns = makeReturns, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL)

    res <- setDT(transpose(res))[, DT := as.Date(dates)]
    setcolorder(res, "DT")
    if(ncol(res) == 2){
      colnames(res) <- c("DT", "Skew")
    } else {
      colnames(res) <- colnames(rData)

    setkey(res, "DT")

  } else {
    ## DO data transformations
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if (makeReturns) {
      rData <- makeReturns(rData)

    q <- as.matrix(rData)
    N <- nrow(q)

    #rv <- RV(rData)
    rSkew <- sqrt(N)*colSums(q^3)/(colSums(q^2)^(3/2))


#' @description DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rSVar}}
#' @param rData DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rSVar}}
#' @param alignBy DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rSVar}}
#' @param alignPeriod DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rSVar}}
#' @param makeReturns DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rSVar}}
#' @export
rSV <- function(rData, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE){
  .Deprecated(new = "rSV has been renamed to rSVar")
  return(rSVar(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignBy, makeReturns = makeReturns))

#' Realized semivariance of highfrequency return series
#' @description 
#' Calculate the realized semivariances, defined in Barndorff-Nielsen et al. (2008).
#' Function returns two outcomes: 
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Downside realized semivariance 
#' \item Upside realized semivariance.
#' }
#' Assume there are \eqn{N} equispaced returns \eqn{r_{t,i}} in period \eqn{t}, \eqn{i=1, \ldots,N}.
#' Then, the \code{rSVar} is given by
#' \deqn{
#'   \mbox{rSVardownside}_{t}= \sum_{i=1}^{N} (r_{t,i})^2  \ \times \ I [ r_{t,i} < 0]
#' }
#'   \deqn{
#'   \mbox{rSVarupside}_{t}= \sum_{i=1}^{N} (r_{t,i})^2 \ \times \ I [ r_{t,i} > 0]
#' }
#' @param rData an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object containing returns or prices, possibly for multiple assets over multiple days.
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. 
#' Possible values are: \code{"ticks"}, \code{"secs"}, \code{"seconds"}, \code{"mins"}, \code{"minutes"}, \code{"hours"}
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. For example to aggregate.
#' based on a 5-minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod = 5} and \code{alignBy = "minutes"}.
#' @param makeReturns boolean, should be \code{TRUE} when \code{rData} contains prices instead of returns. 
#' \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param ... used internally
#' @return list with two entries, the realized positive and negative semivariances
#' @examples
#' sv <- rSVar(sampleTData[, list(DT, PRICE)], alignBy = "minutes",
#'           alignPeriod = 5, makeReturns = TRUE)
#' sv
#' @seealso \code{\link{IVar}} for a list of implemented estimators of the integrated variance.
#' @references
#' Barndorff-Nielsen, O. E., Kinnebrock, S., and Shephard N. (2010). \emph{Measuring downside risk: realised semivariance}. In: Volatility and Time Series Econometrics: Essays in Honor of Robert F. Engle,
#' (Edited by Bollerslev, T., Russell, J., and Watson, M.), 117-136. Oxford University Press.
#' @author Giang Nguyen, Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @keywords  highfrequency rSVar
#' @export
rSVar <- function(rData, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE, ...) {

  # self-reference for multi-day input
  if (is.xts(rData) && checkMultiDays(rData)) {
    if(ncol(rData) == 1){
      result <- apply.daily(rData, function(x){
        tmp <- rSVar(x, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = makeReturns)
        return(cbind(tmp[[1]], tmp[[2]]))
      colnames(result) = c("downside", "upside")
    } else {
      # ... is needed because applyGetList calls functions with ... if this argument is removed from rSVar we will get an unused argument error
      result <- applyGetList(rData, rSVar, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = makeReturns, ... = ...) 
      names(result) <- unique(as.Date(index(rData)))
      ## Names
  } else if (is.data.table(rData)){
    DATE <- .N <- DT <- NULL
    setcolorder(rData, "DT")
    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)

    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    setkey(rData, "DT")
    dates <- rData[, list(end = .N), by = list(DATE = as.Date(DT))][, `:=`(end = cumsum(end), DATE = as.character(DATE))][, start := shift(end, fill = 0) + 1]
    res <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(dates))
    names(res) <- as.character(dates$DATE)
    starts <- dates$start
    ends <- dates$end
    dates <- dates$DATE
    dat <- as.matrix(rData[, !"DT"])
    for (i in 1:length(dates)) {
      res[[dates[i]]] <- rSVar(dat[starts[i]:ends[i],], makeReturns = makeReturns, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL)

  } else {

    ## DO data transformations
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if (makeReturns) {
      rData <- makeReturns(rData)

    q <- as.matrix(rData)
    select.down <- rData < 0
    select.up <- rData > 0
    rSVard <- colSums((q * select.down)^2)
    rSVaru <- colSums((q * select.up)^2)

    out <- list(rSVardownside = rSVard, rSVarupside = rSVaru)

#' Threshold Covariance
#' @description
#' Calculate the threshold covariance matrix proposed in Gobbi and Mancini (2009).
#' Unlike the \code{\link{rOWCov}}, the rThresholdCov uses univariate jump detection rules to truncate the effect of jumps on the covariance
#' estimate. As such, it remains feasible in high dimensions, but it is less robust to small cojumps.
#' Let \eqn{r_{t,i}} be an intraday \eqn{N x 1} return vector of \eqn{N} assets where \eqn{i=1,...,M} and
#' \eqn{M} being the number of intraday returns.
#' Then, the \eqn{k,q}-th element of the threshold covariance matrix is defined as
#' \deqn{
#' \mbox{thresholdcov}[k,q]_{t} = \sum_{i=1}^{M} r_{(k)t,i} 1_{\{r_{(k)t,i}^2 \leq TR_{M}\}}  \ \ r_{(q)t,i} 1_{\{r_{(q)t,i}^2 \leq TR_{M}\}},
#' }
#' with the threshold value \eqn{TR_{M}} set to \eqn{9 \Delta^{-1}} times the daily realized bi-power variation of asset \eqn{k},
#' as suggested in Jacod and Todorov (2009).
#' @param rData an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object containing returns or prices, possibly for multiple assets over multiple days.
#' @param cor boolean, in case it is \code{TRUE}, and the input data is multivariate, the correlation is returned instead of the covariance matrix. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. 
#' Possible values are: \code{"ticks"}, \code{"secs"}, \code{"seconds"}, \code{"mins"}, \code{"minutes"}, \code{"hours"}
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. For example, to aggregate
#' based on a 5-minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod = 5} and \code{alignBy = "minutes"}.
#' @param makeReturns boolean, should be \code{TRUE} when \code{rData} contains prices instead of returns. 
#' \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param ... used internally, do not change.
#' @return in case the input is and contains data from one day, an \eqn{N \times N} matrix is returned. If the data is a univariate \code{xts} object with multiple days, an \code{xts} is returned.
#' If the data is multivariate and contains multiple days (\code{xts} or \code{data.table}), the function returns a list containing \eqn{N \times N} matrices. Each item in the list has a name which corresponds to the date for the matrix.
#' @references
#' Barndorff-Nielsen, O. and Shephard, N. (2004). Measuring the impact of jumps in multivariate price processes using bipower covariation. Discussion paper, Nuffield College, Oxford University.
#' Jacod, J. and Todorov, V. (2009). Testing for common arrival of jumps in discretely-observed multidimensional processes. \emph{Annals of Statistics}, 37, 1792-1838.
#' Mancini, C. and Gobbi, F. (2012). Identifying the Brownian covariation from the co-jumps given discrete observations. \emph{Econometric Theory}, 28, 249-273.
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @examples # Realized threshold  Variance/Covariance:
#' # Multivariate:
#' \dontrun{
#' library("xts")
#' set.seed(123)
#' start <- strptime("1970-01-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d", tz = "UTC")
#' timestamps <- start + seq(34200, 57600, length.out = 23401)
#' dat <- cbind(rnorm(23401) * sqrt(1/23401), rnorm(23401) * sqrt(1/23401))
#' dat <- exp(cumsum(xts(dat, timestamps)))
#' rcThreshold <- rThresholdCov(dat, alignBy = "minutes", alignPeriod = 1, makeReturns = TRUE)
#' rcThreshold
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{ICov}} for a list of implemented estimators of the integrated covariance.
#' @keywords volatility
#' @export
rThresholdCov <- function(rData, cor = FALSE, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE, ...) {

  # Multiday adjustment:
  if (is.xts(rData) && isMultiXts(rData)) {
    if (is.null(dim(rData))) {
      n <- 1
    } else {
      n <- dim(rData)[2]
    if (n == 1) {
      result <- apply.daily(rData, rThresholdCov, cor = cor, alignBy = alignBy,
                            alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = makeReturns)
    if (n > 1) {
      result <- applyGetList(rData, rThresholdCov, cor = cor, alignBy = alignBy,
                              alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = makeReturns)
      names(result) <- unique(as.Date(index(rData)))
  }  else if (is.data.table(rData)){
    DATE <- .N <- DT <- NULL
    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)

    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)

    setkey(rData, "DT")
    dates <- rData[, list(end = .N), by = list(DATE = as.Date(DT))][, `:=`(end = cumsum(end), DATE = as.character(DATE))][, start := shift(end, fill = 0) + 1]
    res <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(dates))
    names(res) <- as.character(dates$DATE)
    starts <- dates$start
    ends <- dates$end
    dates <- dates$DATE
    dat <- as.matrix(rData[, !"DT"])
    for (i in 1:length(dates)) {
      res[[dates[i]]] <- rThresholdCov(dat[starts[i]:ends[i],], cor = cor, makeReturns = makeReturns, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL)

    if(length(res[[1]]) == 1){ ## Univariate case
      res <- data.table(DT = names(res), ThresholdCov = as.numeric(res))
    } else if(length(res) == 1){ ## Single day multivariate case
      res <- res[[1]]


  } else { #single day code
    ## DO data transformations
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if (makeReturns) {
      rData <- makeReturns(rData)

    rData <- as.matrix(rData)
    n <- dim(rData)[1] # number of observations
    delta <- 1 / n
    rbpvars <- apply(rData, 2,FUN = RBPVar) # bipower variation per stock
    thresholds <- 3 * sqrt(rbpvars) * (delta^(0.49)) # treshold per stock
    tresmatrix <- matrix(rep(thresholds, n), ncol = length(thresholds), nrow = n, byrow = TRUE)
    condition <- abs(rData) > tresmatrix
    rData[condition] <- 0
    covariance <- rCov(rData)

    if (!cor) {
    if (cor) {
      sdmatrix <- sqrt(diag(diag(covariance)))
      rcor     <- solve(sdmatrix) %*% covariance %*% solve(sdmatrix)

#' Robust two time scale covariance estimation
#' @description Calculate the robust two time scale covariance matrix proposed in Boudt and Zhang (2010).
#' Unlike the \code{\link{rOWCov}}, but similarly to the \code{\link{rThresholdCov}}, the \code{rRTSCov} uses univariate jump detection rules
#' to truncate the effect of jumps on the covariance
#' estimate. By the use of two time scales, this covariance estimate
#' is not only robust to price jumps, but also to microstructure noise and non-synchronic trading.
#' @param pData a list. Each list-item i contains an \code{xts} object with the intraday price data
#' of stock \eqn{i} for day \eqn{t}.
#' @param cor boolean, in case it is \code{TRUE}, and the input data is multivariate, the correlation is returned instead of the covariance matrix. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param startIV vector containing the first step estimates of the integrated variance of the assets, needed in the truncation. Is \code{NULL} by default.
#' @param noisevar vector containing the estimates of the noise variance of the assets, needed in the truncation. Is \code{NULL} by default.
#' @param K positive integer, slow time scale returns are computed on prices that are \code{K} steps apart.
#' @param J positive integer, fast time scale returns are computed on prices that are \code{J} steps apart.
#' @param KCov positive integer, for the extradiagonal covariance elements the slow time scale returns are computed on prices that are \code{K} steps apart.
#' @param JCov positive integer, for the extradiagonal covariance elements the fast time scale returns are computed on prices that are \code{J} steps apart.
#' @param KVar vector of positive integers, for the diagonal variance elements the slow time scale returns are computed on prices that are \code{K} steps apart.
#' @param JVar vector of positive integers, for the diagonal variance elements the fast time scale returns are computed on prices that are \code{J} steps apart.
#' @param makePsd boolean, in case it is \code{TRUE}, the positive definite version of rRTSCov is returned. 
#' \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param eta positive real number, squared standardized high-frequency returns that exceed eta are detected as jumps.
#' @param ... used internally, do not change.
#' @return an \eqn{N \times N} matrix
#' @details
#' The rRTSCov requires the tick-by-tick transaction prices. 
#' (Co)variances are then computed using log-returns calculated on a rolling basis
#' on stock prices that are \eqn{K} (slow time scale) and \eqn{J} (fast time scale) steps apart.
#' The diagonal elements of the rRTSCov matrix are the variances, computed for log-price series \eqn{X} with \eqn{n} price observations
#' at times \eqn{  \tau_1,\tau_2,\ldots,\tau_n} as follows:
#' \deqn{
#' (1-\frac{\overline{n}_K}{\overline{n}_J})^{-1}(\{X,X\}_T^{(K)^{*}}-\frac{\overline{n}_K}{\overline{n}_J}\{X,X\}_T^{(J)^{*}}),
#' }
#' where \eqn{\overline{n}_K=(n-K+1)/K},  \eqn{\overline{n}_J=(n-J+1)/J} and
#' \deqn{\{X,X\}_T^{(K)^{*}} =\frac{c_\eta^{*}}{K}\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n-K+1}(X_{t_{i+K}}-X_{t_i})^2I_X^K(i;\eta)}{\frac{1}{n-K+1}\sum_{i=1}^{n-K+1}I_X^K(i;\eta)}.}
#' The constant  \eqn{c_\eta} adjusts for the bias due to the thresholding  and \eqn{I_{X}^K(i;\eta)} is a jump indicator function
#' that is one if
#' \deqn{ \frac{(X_{t_{i+K}}-X_{t_{i}})^2}{(\int_{t_{i}}^{t_{i+K}} \sigma^2_sds +2\sigma_{\varepsilon_{\mbox{\tiny X}}}^2)}  \ \ \leq  \ \    \eta }
#' and zero otherwise.  The elements in the denominator are the integrated variance (estimated recursively) and noise variance (estimated by the method in Zhang et al, 2005).
#' The extradiagonal elements of the rRTSCov are the covariances.
#' For their calculation, the data is first synchronized by the refresh time method proposed by Harris et al (1995).
#' It uses the function \code{\link{refreshTime}} to collect first the so-called refresh times at which all assets have traded at least once
#' since the last refresh time point. Suppose we have two log-price series:  \eqn{X} and \eqn{Y}. Let \eqn{ \Gamma =\{ \tau_1,\tau_2,\ldots,\tau_{N^{\mbox{\tiny X}}_{\mbox{\tiny T}}}\}} and
#' \eqn{\Theta=\{\theta_1,\theta_2,\ldots,\theta_{N^{\mbox{\tiny Y}}_{\mbox{\tiny T}}}\}}
#' be the set of transaction times of these assets.
#' The first refresh time corresponds to the first time at which both stocks have traded, i.e.
#' \eqn{\phi_1=\max(\tau_1,\theta_1)}. The subsequent refresh time is defined as the first time when both stocks have again traded, i.e.
#' \eqn{\phi_{j+1}=\max(\tau_{N^{\mbox{\tiny{X}}}_{\phi_j}+1},\theta_{N^{\mbox{\tiny{Y}}}_{\phi_j}+1})}. The
#' complete refresh time sample grid is
#' \eqn{\Phi=\{\phi_1,\phi_2,...,\phi_{M_N+1}\}}, where \eqn{M_N} is the total number of paired returns.  The
#' sampling points of asset \eqn{X} and \eqn{Y} are defined to be
#' \eqn{t_i=\max\{\tau\in\Gamma:\tau\leq \phi_i\}} and
#' \eqn{s_i=\max\{\theta\in\Theta:\theta\leq \phi_i\}}.
#' Given these refresh times, the covariance is computed as follows:
#' \deqn{
#' c_{N}( \{X,Y\}^{(K)}_T-\frac{\overline{n}_K}{\overline{n}_J}\{X,Y\}^{(J)}_T ),
#' }
#' where
#' \deqn{\{X,Y\}^{(K)}_T =\frac{1}{K} \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{M_N-K+1}c_i (X_{t_{i+K}}-X_{t_{i}})(Y_{s_{i+K}}-Y_{s_{i}})I_{X}^K(i;\eta)
#' I_{Y}^K(i;\eta)}{\frac{1}{M_N-K+1}\sum_{i=1}^{M_N-K+1}{I_X^K(i;\eta)I_Y^K(i;\eta)}},}
#' with  \eqn{I_{X}^K(i;\eta)} the same jump indicator function as for the variance and \eqn{c_N} a constant to adjust for the bias due to the thresholding.
#' Unfortunately, the rRTSCov is not always positive semidefinite.
#' By setting the argument \code{makePsd = TRUE}, the function  \code{\link{makePsd}} is used to return a positive semidefinite
#' matrix. This function replaces the negative eigenvalues with zeroes.
#' @references
#' Boudt K. and Zhang, J. 2010. Jump robust two time scale covariance estimation and realized volatility budgets. Mimeo.
#' Harris, F., McInish, T., Shoesmith, G., and Wood, R. (1995). Cointegration, error correction, and price discovery on informationally linked security markets. \emph{Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis}, 30, 563-581.
#' Zhang, L., Mykland, P. A., and Ait-Sahalia, Y. (2005). A tale of two time scales: Determining integrated volatility with noisy high-frequency data. \emph{Journal of the American Statistical Association}, 100, 1394-1411.
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(xts)
#' set.seed(123)
#' start <- strptime("1970-01-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d", tz = "UTC")
#' timestamps <- start + seq(34200, 57600, length.out = 23401)
#' dat <- cbind(rnorm(23401) * sqrt(1/23401), rnorm(23401) * sqrt(1/23401))
#' dat <- exp(cumsum(xts(dat, timestamps)))
#' price1 <- dat[,1]
#' price2 <- dat[,2]
#' rcRTS <- rRTSCov(pData = list(price1, price2))
#' # Note: List of prices as input
#' rcRTS
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{ICov}} for a list of implemented estimators of the integrated covariance.
#' @keywords volatility
#' @export
rRTSCov <- function (pData, cor = FALSE, startIV = NULL, noisevar = NULL,
                     K = 300, J = 1,
                     KCov = NULL , JCov = NULL,
                     KVar = NULL , JVar = NULL ,
                     eta = 9, makePsd = FALSE, ...){
  if (!is.list(pData)) {
    n <- 1
  else {
    n = length(pData)
    if (n == 1) {
      pData = pData[[1]]

  if (n == 1) {
    if (NROW(pData) < (10 * K) ) {
      stop("Two time scale estimator uses returns based on prices that are K ticks aways.
           Please provide a timeseries of at least 10*K" )
    if (isMultiXts(pData)) {
      stop("This function does not support having an xts object of multiple days as input. Please provide a timeseries of one day as input.")
    return(RTSRV(pData, startIV = startIV, noisevar = noisevar,
                 K = K, J = J, eta = eta))
  if (n > 1) {
    if (NROW(pData[[1]]) < (10*K)) {
      stop("Two time scale estimator uses returns based on prices that are K ticks aways.
           Please provide a timeseries of at least 10*K" )

    if (isMultiXts(pData[[1]])) {
      stop("This function does not support having an xts object of multiple days as input. Please provide a timeseries of one day as input.")

    cov <- matrix(rep(0, n * n), ncol = n)
    diagonal <- numeric(n)
    if (is.null(KCov)) {
      KCov <- K
    if (is.null(JCov)) {
      JCov <- J
    if (is.null(KVar)) {
      KVar <- rep(K,n)
    if (is.null(JVar)) {
      JVar <- rep(J,n)
    for (i in 1:n){
      diagonal[i] <- RTSRV(pData[[i]], startIV = startIV[i],
                           noisevar = noisevar[i], K = KVar[i], J = JVar[i],
                           eta = eta)
    diag(cov) <- diagonal
    if (is.null(KCov)) { KCov = K }
    if (is.null(JCov)) { JCov = J }
    for (i in 2:n) {
      for (j in 1:(i - 1)) {
        cov[i, j] = cov[j, i] = RTSCov_bi(pData[[i]],
                                          pData[[j]], startIV1 = diagonal[i], startIV2 = diagonal[j],
                                          noisevar1 = noisevar[i], noisevar2 = noisevar[j],
                                          K = KCov, J = JCov, eta = eta)
    if (!cor) {
      if (makePsd) {
        cov = makePsd(cov)
    } else {
      invsdmatrix = try(solve(sqrt(diag(diag(cov)))), silent = F)
      if (!inherits(invsdmatrix, "try-error")) {
        rcor = invsdmatrix %*% cov %*% invsdmatrix
        if (makePsd) {
          rcor = makePsd(rcor)

#' DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rRVar}}
#' @param rData DEPRECATED USE \code{\link{rRVar}}
#' @export
RV <- function(rData){
  .Deprecated(new = "RV has been renamed to rRVar")

#' An estimator of realized variance.
#' @description 
#' Calculates the daily Realized Variance.
#' Let \eqn{r_{t,i}} be an intraday return vector with \eqn{i=1,...,M} number of intraday returns.
#' Then, the realized variance is given by
#' \deqn{
#'  \mbox{RVar}_{t}=\sum_{i=1}^{M}r_{t,i}^{2}
#' }
#' @param rData an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object containing returns or prices, possibly for multiple assets over multiple days.
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. 
#' Possible values are: \code{"ticks"}, \code{"secs"}, \code{"seconds"}, \code{"mins"}, \code{"minutes"}, \code{"hours"}
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. For example, to aggregate
#' based on a 5-minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod = 5} and \code{alignBy = "minutes"}.
#' @param makeReturns boolean, should be \code{TRUE} when \code{rData} contains prices instead of returns. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param ... used internally, do not change.
#' @return 
#' \itemize{
#' \item In case the input is an \code{xts} object with data from one day, a numeric of the same length as the number of assets.
#' \item If the input data spans multiple days and is in \code{xts} format, an \code{xts} will be returned.
#' \item If the input data is a \code{data.table} object, the function returns a \code{data.table} with the same column names as the input data, containing the date and the realized measures.
#' }
#' @examples 
#' rv <- rRVar(sampleOneMinuteData, makeReturns = TRUE)
#' plot(rv[, DT], rv[, MARKET], xlab = "Date", ylab = "Realized Variance", type = "l")
#' @seealso \code{\link{IVar}} for a list of implemented estimators of the integrated variance.
#' @keywords highfrequency realized
#' @export
rRVar <- function(rData, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE, ...) {
  # self-reference for multi-day input
  if (is.xts(rData) && checkMultiDays(rData)) {
    result <- apply.daily(rData, rRVar, alignBy, alignPeriod, makeReturns)
  } else if (is.data.table(rData)){
    DATE <- .N <- DT <- NULL
    setcolorder(rData, "DT")
    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    setkey(rData, "DT")
    dates <- rData[, list(end = .N), by = list(DATE = as.Date(DT))][, `:=`(end = cumsum(end), DATE = as.character(DATE))][, start := shift(end, fill = 0) + 1]
    res <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(dates))
    names(res) <- as.character(dates$DATE)
    starts <- dates$start
    ends <- dates$end
    dates <- dates$DATE
    dat <- as.matrix(rData[, !"DT"])
    for (i in 1:length(dates)) {
      res[[dates[i]]] <- rRVar(dat[starts[i]:ends[i],], makeReturns = makeReturns, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL)
    res <- setDT(transpose(res))[, DT := as.Date(dates)]
    setcolorder(res, "DT")
    if(ncol(res) == 2){
      colnames(res) <- c("DT", "RVar")
    } else {
      colnames(res) <- colnames(rData)
    setkey(res, "DT")
  } else {
    ## DO data transformations
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if (makeReturns) {
      rData <- makeReturns(rData)
    q <- as.matrix(rData)
    rv <- colSums(q^2)

#' Realized tri-power quarticity
#' @description Calculate the rTPQuar, defined in Andersen et al. (2012).
#'  Assume there are \eqn{N} equispaced returns \eqn{r_{t,i}} in period \eqn{t}, \eqn{i=1, \ldots,N}. Then, the rTPQuar is given by
#'  \deqn{
#'    \mbox{rTPQuar}_{t}=N\frac{N}{N-2} \left(\frac{\Gamma \left(0.5\right)}{ 2^{2/3}\Gamma \left(7/6\right)} \right)^{3} \sum_{i=3}^{N} \mbox({|r_{t,i}|}^{4/3} {|r_{t,i-1}|}^{4/3} {|r_{t,i-2}|}^{4/3})
#'  }
#' @param rData an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object containing returns or prices, possibly for multiple assets over multiple days.
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. 
#' Possible values are: \code{"secs"}, \code{"seconds"}, \code{"mins"}, \code{"minutes"}, \code{"hours"}.
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. For example, to aggregate
#' based on a 5-minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod = 5} and \code{alignBy = "minutes"}.
#' @param makeReturns boolean, should be \code{TRUE} when \code{rData} contains prices instead of returns. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @return 
#' \itemize{
#' \item In case the input is an \code{xts} object with data from one day, a numeric of the same length as the number of assets.
#' \item If the input data spans multiple days and is in \code{xts} format, an \code{xts} will be returned.
#' \item If the input data is a \code{data.table} object, the function returns a \code{data.table} with the same column names as the input data, containing the date and the realized measures.
#' }
#' @references 
#' Andersen, T. G., Dobrev, D., and Schaumburg, E. (2012). Jump-robust volatility estimation using nearest neighbor truncation. \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, 169, 75-93.
#' @author Giang Nguyen, Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @examples
#' tpq <- rTPQuar(rData = sampleTData[, list(DT, PRICE)], alignBy = "minutes",
#'               alignPeriod = 5, makeReturns = TRUE)
#' tpq
#' @keywords highfrequency rTPQuar
#' @export
rTPQuar <- function(rData, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE) {

  # self-reference for multi-day input
  if (is.xts(rData) && checkMultiDays(rData)) {
    result <- apply.daily(rData, rTPQuar, alignBy, alignPeriod, makeReturns)
  } else if (is.data.table(rData)){
    DATE <- .N <- DT <- NULL
    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)

    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    setkey(rData, "DT")
    dates <- rData[, list(end = .N), by = list(DATE = as.Date(DT))][, `:=`(end = cumsum(end), DATE = as.character(DATE))][, start := shift(end, fill = 0) + 1]
    res <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(dates))
    names(res) <- as.character(dates$DATE)
    starts <- dates$start
    ends <- dates$end
    dates <- dates$DATE
    dat <- as.matrix(rData[, !"DT"])
    for (i in 1:length(dates)) {
      res[[dates[i]]] <- rTPQuar(dat[starts[i]:ends[i], ], makeReturns = makeReturns, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL)
    res <- setDT(transpose(res))[, DT := as.Date(dates)]
    setcolorder(res, "DT")
    colnames(res) <- colnames(rData)

  } else {
    ## DO data transformations
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if (makeReturns) {
      rData <- makeReturns(rData)

    q <- abs(as.matrix(rData))
    q <- rollApplyProdWrapper(q, 3)
    N <- nrow(q)+2
    rTPVar <- N * (N/(N - 2)) * ((gamma(0.5)/(2^(2/3)*gamma(7/6) ))^3) * colSums(q^(4/3))

#' Realized quad-power variation of intraday returns
#' @description Calculate the realized quad-power variation, defined in Andersen et al. (2012).
#'  Assume there are \eqn{N} equispaced returns \eqn{r_{t,i}} in period \eqn{t}, \eqn{i=1, \ldots,N}. Then, the rQPVar is given by
#'  \deqn{
#'    \mbox{rQPVar}_{t}=N*\frac{N}{N-3} \left(\frac{\pi^2}{4} \right)^{-4} \mbox({|r_{t,i}|} {|r_{t,i-1}|} {|r_{t,i-2}|} {|r_{t,i-3}|})
#'  }
#' @param rData an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object containing returns or prices, possibly for multiple assets over multiple days
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. 
#' Possible values are: \code{"ticks"}, \code{"secs"}, \code{"seconds"}, \code{"mins"}, \code{"minutes"}, \code{"hours"}
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. For example, to aggregate
#' based on a 5-minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod = 5} and \code{alignBy = "minutes"}.
#' @param makeReturns boolean, should be \code{TRUE} when \code{rData} contains prices instead of returns. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param ... used internally, do not change.
#' @return 
#' \itemize{
#' \item In case the input is an \code{xts} object with data from one day, a numeric of the same length as the number of assets.
#' \item If the input data spans multiple days and is in \code{xts} format, an \code{xts} will be returned.
#' \item If the input data is a \code{data.table} object, the function returns a \code{data.table} with the same column names as the input data, containing the date and the realized measures.
#' }
#' @references 
#' Andersen, T. G., Dobrev, D., and Schaumburg, E. (2012). Jump-robust volatility estimation using nearest neighbor truncation. \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, 169, 75-93.
#' @author Giang Nguyen, Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, and Emil Sjoerup
#' @examples
#' qpv <- rQPVar(rData= sampleTData[, list(DT, PRICE)], alignBy= "minutes",
#'               alignPeriod =5, makeReturns= TRUE)
#' qpv
#' @seealso \code{\link{IVar}} for a list of implemented estimators of the integrated variance.
#' @keywords highfrequency rQPVar
#' @export
rQPVar <- function(rData, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE, ...) {

  # self-reference for multi-day input
  if (is.xts(rData) && checkMultiDays(rData)) {
    result <- apply.daily(rData, rQPVar, alignBy, alignPeriod, makeReturns)
  } else if (is.data.table(rData)){
    DATE <- .N <- DT <- NULL
    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)

    if (!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    setkey(rData, "DT")
    dates <- rData[, list(end = .N), by = list(DATE = as.Date(DT))][, `:=`(end = cumsum(end), DATE = as.character(DATE))][, start := shift(end, fill = 0) + 1]
    res <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(dates))
    names(res) <- as.character(dates$DATE)
    starts <- dates$start
    ends <- dates$end
    dates <- dates$DATE
    dat <- as.matrix(rData[, !"DT"])
    for (i in 1:length(dates)) {
      res[[dates[i]]] <- rQPVar(dat[starts[i]:ends[i],], makeReturns = makeReturns, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL)
    res <- setDT(transpose(res))[, DT := as.Date(dates)]
    setcolorder(res, "DT")
    colnames(res) <- colnames(rData)

  } else {
    ## Do data transformations
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if (makeReturns) {
      rData <- makeReturns(rData)
    q <- abs(as.matrix(rData))
    q <- rollApplyProdWrapper(q, 4)
    #q <- rollapply(q, width = 4, FUN = prod, align = "left")
    N <- nrow(q) + 3
    rQPVar <- N * (N / (N-3)) * (pi^2 / 4) * colSums(q)

#' Realized quarticity
#' @description  Calculate the realized quarticity (rQuar), defined in Andersen et al. (2012).
#' Assume there are \eqn{N} equispaced returns \eqn{r_{t,i}} in period \eqn{t}, \eqn{i=1, \ldots,N}.
#'  Then, the rQuar is given by
#'  \deqn{
#'    \mbox{rQuar}_{t}=\frac{N}{3} \sum_{i=1}^{N} \mbox(r_{t,i}^4)
#'  }
#' @param rData an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object containing returns or prices, possibly for multiple assets over multiple days.
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. 
#' Possible values are: \code{"ticks"}, \code{"secs"}, \code{"seconds"}, \code{"mins"}, \code{"minutes"}, \code{"hours"}
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. For example, to aggregate
#' based on a 5-minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod = 5} and \code{alignBy = "minutes"}.
#' @param makeReturns boolean, should be \code{TRUE} when \code{rData} contains prices instead of returns. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @return 
#' \itemize{
#' \item In case the input is an \code{xts} object with data from one day, a numeric of the same length as the number of assets.
#' \item If the input data spans multiple days and is in \code{xts} format, an \code{xts} will be returned.
#' \item If the input data is a \code{data.table} object, the function returns a \code{data.table} with the same column names as the input data, containing the date and the realized measures.
#' }
#' @author Giang Nguyen, Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @references 
#' Andersen, T. G., Dobrev, D., and Schaumburg, E. (2012). Jump-robust volatility estimation using nearest neighbor truncation. \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, 169, 75-93.
#' @examples
#' rq <- rQuar(rData = sampleTData[, list(DT, PRICE)], alignBy = "minutes",
#'             alignPeriod = 5, makeReturns = TRUE)
#' rq
#' @keywords  highfrequency rQuar
#' @export
rQuar <- function(rData, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE) {

  # self-reference for multi-day input
  if (is.xts(rData) && checkMultiDays(rData)) {
    result <- apply.daily(rData, rQuar, alignBy, alignPeriod, makeReturns)
  }  else if (is.data.table(rData)){
    DATE <- .N <- DT <- NULL
    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)

    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    setkey(rData, "DT")
    dates <- rData[, list(end = .N), by = list(DATE = as.Date(DT))][, `:=`(end = cumsum(end), DATE = as.character(DATE))][, start := shift(end, fill = 0) + 1]
    res <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(dates))
    names(res) <- as.character(dates$DATE)
    starts <- dates$start
    ends <- dates$end
    dates <- dates$DATE
    dat <- as.matrix(rData[, !"DT"])
    for (i in 1:length(dates)) {
      res[[dates[i]]] <- rQuar(dat[starts[i]:ends[i], ], makeReturns = makeReturns, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL)
    res <- setDT(transpose(res))[, DT := as.Date(dates)]
    setcolorder(res, "DT")
    colnames(res) <- colnames(rData)

  } else {
    ## DO data transformations
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if (makeReturns) {
      rData <- makeReturns(rData)
    q <- as.matrix(rData)
    N <- nrow(q) + 1
    rQuar <- N/3 * colSums(q^4)

#' Two time scale covariance estimation
#' @description Calculate the two time scale covariance matrix proposed in Zhang et al. (2005) and Zhang (2010).
#' By the use of two time scales, this covariance estimate
#' is robust to microstructure noise and non-synchronic trading.
#' @param pData a list. Each list-item i contains an \code{xts} object with the intraday price data
#' of stock \eqn{i} for day \eqn{t}.
#' @param cor boolean, in case it is \code{TRUE}, and the input data is multivariate, the correlation is returned instead of the covariance matrix. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param K positive integer, slow time scale returns are computed on prices that are \code{K} steps apart.
#' @param J positive integer, fast time scale returns are computed on prices that are \code{J} steps apart.
#' @param KCov positive integer, for the extradiagonal covariance elements the slow time scale returns are computed on prices that are \code{K} steps apart.
#' @param JCov positive integer, for the extradiagonal covariance elements the fast time scale returns are computed on prices that are \code{J} steps apart.
#' @param KVar vector of positive integers, for the diagonal variance elements the slow time scale returns are computed on prices that are \code{K} steps apart.
#' @param JVar vector of positive integers, for the diagonal variance elements the fast time scale returns are computed on prices that are \code{J} steps apart.
#' @param makePsd boolean, in case it is \code{TRUE}, the positive definite version of \code{rTSCov} is returned. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param ... used internally, do not change.
#' @return in case the input is and contains data from one day, an N by N matrix is returned. If the data is a univariate \code{xts} object with multiple days, an \code{xts} is returned.
#' If the data is multivariate and contains multiple days (\code{xts} or \code{data.table}), the function returns a list containing N by N matrices. Each item in the list has a name which corresponds to the date for the matrix.
#' @details The rTSCov requires the tick-by-tick transaction prices. (Co)variances are then computed using log-returns calculated on a rolling basis
#' on stock prices that are \eqn{K} (slow time scale) and \eqn{J} (fast time scale) steps apart.
#' The diagonal elements of the rTSCov matrix are the variances, computed for log-price series \eqn{X} with \eqn{n} price observations
#' at times \eqn{  \tau_1,\tau_2,\ldots,\tau_n} as follows:
#' \deqn{(1-\frac{\overline{n}_K}{\overline{n}_J})^{-1}([X,X]_T^{(K)}-
#'        \frac{\overline{n}_K}{\overline{n}_J}[X,X]_T^{(J))}}
#' where \eqn{\overline{n}_K=(n-K+1)/K},  \eqn{\overline{n}_J=(n-J+1)/J} and
#' \deqn{[X,X]_T^{(K)} =\frac{1}{K}\sum_{i=1}^{n-K+1}(X_{t_{i+K}}-X_{t_i})^2.}
#' The extradiagonal elements of the rTSCov are the covariances.
#' For their calculation, the data is first synchronized by the refresh time method proposed by Harris et al (1995).
#' It uses the function \code{\link{refreshTime}} to collect first the so-called refresh times at which all assets have traded at least once
#' since the last refresh time point. Suppose we have two log-price series:  \eqn{X} and \eqn{Y}. Let \eqn{ \Gamma =\{ \tau_1,\tau_2,\ldots,\tau_{N^{\mbox{\tiny X}}_{\mbox{\tiny T}}}\}} and
#' \eqn{\Theta=\{\theta_1,\theta_2,\ldots,\theta_{N^{\mbox{\tiny Y}}_{\mbox{\tiny T}}}\}}
#' be the set of transaction times of these assets.
#' The first refresh time corresponds to the first time at which both stocks have traded, i.e.
#' \eqn{\phi_1=\max(\tau_1,\theta_1)}. The subsequent refresh time is defined as the first time when both stocks have again traded, i.e.
#' \eqn{\phi_{j+1}=\max(\tau_{N^{\mbox{\tiny{X}}}_{\phi_j}+1},\theta_{N^{\mbox{\tiny{Y}}}_{\phi_j}+1})}. The
#' complete refresh time sample grid is
#' \eqn{\Phi=\{\phi_1,\phi_2,...,\phi_{M_N+1}\}}, where \eqn{M_N} is the total number of paired returns.  The
#' sampling points of asset \eqn{X} and \eqn{Y} are defined to be
#' \eqn{t_i=\max\{\tau\in\Gamma:\tau\leq \phi_i\}} and
#' \eqn{s_i=\max\{\theta\in\Theta:\theta\leq \phi_i\}}.
#' Given these refresh times, the covariance is computed as follows:
#' \deqn{
#' c_{N}( [X,Y]^{(K)}_T-\frac{\overline{n}_K}{\overline{n}_J}[X,Y]^{(J)}_T ),
#' }
#' where
#' \deqn{[X,Y]^{(K)}_T =\frac{1}{K} \sum_{i=1}^{M_N-K+1} (X_{t_{i+K}}-X_{t_{i}})(Y_{s_{i+K}}-Y_{s_{i}}).}
#' Unfortunately, the rTSCov is not always positive semidefinite.
#' By setting the argument makePsd = TRUE, the function \code{\link{makePsd}} is used to return a positive semidefinite
#' matrix. This function replaces the negative eigenvalues with zeroes.
#' @references
#' Harris, F., McInish, T., Shoesmith, G., and Wood, R. (1995). Cointegration, error correction, and price discovery on informationally linked security markets. \emph{Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis}, 30, 563-581.
#' Zhang, L., Mykland, P. A., and Ait-Sahalia, Y. (2005). A tale of two time scales: Determining integrated volatility with noisy high-frequency data. \emph{Journal of the American Statistical Association}, 100, 1394-1411.
#' Zhang, L. (2011). Estimating covariation: Epps effect, microstructure noise. \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, 160, 33-47.
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @examples
#' # Robust Realized two timescales Variance/Covariance
#' # Multivariate:
#' \dontrun{
#' library(xts)
#' set.seed(123)
#' start <- strptime("1970-01-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d", tz = "UTC")
#' timestamps <- start + seq(34200, 57600, length.out = 23401)
#' dat <- cbind(rnorm(23401) * sqrt(1/23401), rnorm(23401) * sqrt(1/23401))
#' dat <- exp(cumsum(xts(dat, timestamps)))
#' price1 <- dat[,1]
#' price2 <- dat[,2]
#' rcovts <- rTSCov(pData = list(price1, price2))
#' # Note: List of prices as input
#' rcovts
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{ICov}} for a list of implemented estimators of the integrated covariance.
#' @keywords volatility
#' @importFrom data.table is.data.table
#' @importFrom xts as.xts
#' @export
rTSCov <- function (pData, cor = FALSE, K = 300, J = 1, KCov = NULL, JCov = NULL,
                    KVar = NULL, JVar = NULL, makePsd = FALSE, ...) {
    pData <- as.xts(pData)
  if (!is.list(pData)) {
    n <- 1
  else {
    n <- length(pData)
    if (n == 1) {
      pData <- pData[[1]]
  if (n == 1) {
    if (NROW(pData) < (10 * K)) {
      stop("Two time scale estimator uses returns based on prices that are K ticks aways.
           Please provide a timeseries of at least 10 * K." )
    if (isMultiXts(pData)) {
      stop("This function does not support having an xts object of multiple days as input. Please provide a timeseries of one day as input");
    return(TSRV(pData, K = K, J = J))
  if (n > 1) {
    if (NROW(pData[[1]]) < (10 * K)) {
      stop("Two time scale estimator uses returns based on prices that are K ticks aways.
           Please provide a timeseries of at least 10*K" )
    if (isMultiXts(pData[[1]])){
      stop("This function does not support having an xts object of multiple days as input. Please provide a timeseries of one day as input")

    cov <- matrix(rep(0, n * n), ncol = n)
    if (is.null(KCov)) {
      KCov <- K
    if (is.null(JCov)) {
      JCov <- J
    if (is.null(KVar)) {
      KVar <- rep(K,n)
    if (is.null(JVar)) {
      JVar <- rep(J,n)

    diagonal <- numeric(n)
    for (i in 1:n) {
      diagonal[i] = TSRV(pData[[i]], K = KVar[i], J = JVar[i])
    diag(cov) <- diagonal

    for (i in 2:n) {
      for (j in 1:(i - 1)) {
        cov[i, j] = cov[j, i] = TSCov_bi(pData[[i]],
                                         pData[[j]], K = KCov, J = JCov)
    if (!cor) {
      if (makePsd) {
        cov <- makePsd(cov)
    } else {
      invsdmatrix <- try(solve(sqrt(diag(diag(cov)))), silent = F)
      if (!inherits(invsdmatrix, "try-error")) {
        rcor <- invsdmatrix %*% cov %*% invsdmatrix
        if (makePsd) {
          rcor <- makePsd(rcor)

#' @title CholCov estimator
#' @description
#' Positive semi-definite covariance estimation using the CholCov algorithm.
#' The algorithm estimates the integrated covariance matrix by sequentially adding series and using `refreshTime` to synchronize the observations.
#' This is done in order of liquidity, which means that the algorithm uses more data points than most other estimation techniques.
#' @param pData a list. Each list-item i contains an \code{xts} object with the intraday price data (in levels)
#' of stock \eqn{i} for day \eqn{t}. The order of the data does not matter as it will be sorted according to the criterion specified in the \code{criterion} argument
#' @param IVest integrated variance estimator, default is \code{"rMRCov"}. For a list of implemented estimators, use \code{listCholCovEstimators()}.
#' @param COVest covariance estimator, default is \code{"rMRCov"}. For a list of implemented estimators, use \code{listCholCovEstimators()}.
#' @param criterion criterion to use for sorting the data according to liquidity. 
#' Possible values are \code{"squared duration"}, \code{"duration"}, \code{"count"}, defaults to \code{"squared duration"}.
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass to \code{IVest} and \code{COVest}. See details.
#' @return a list containing the covariance matrix \code{"CholCov"}, and the Cholesky decomposition \code{"L"} and \code{"G"} such that \eqn{\code{L} \times \code{G} \times \code{L}' = \code{CholCov}}.
#' @details
#' Additional arguments for \code{IVest} and \code{COVest} should be passed in the ... argument.
#' For the \code{rMRCov} estimator, which is the default, the \code{theta} and \code{delta} parameters can be set. These default to 1 and 0.1 respectively.
#' The CholCov estimation algorithm is useful for estimating covariances of \eqn{d} series that are sampled asynchronously and with different liquidities.
#' The CholCov estimation algorithm is as follows:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item First sort the series in terms of decreasing liquidity according to a liquidity criterion, such that series \eqn{1} is the most liquid, and series \eqn{d} the least.
#'     \item Step 1:
#'     Apply refresh-time on \eqn{{a} = \{1\}} to obtain the grid \eqn{\tau^{a}}. 
#'     Estimate \eqn{\hat{g}_{11}} using an IV estimator on  \eqn{f_{\tau^{a}_j}^{(1)}= \hat{u}_{\tau^{a}_j}^{(1)}}.
#'     \item Step 2:
#'     Apply refresh-time on \eqn{{b} = \{1,2\}} to obtain the grid \eqn{\tau^{b}}. 
#'     Estimate \eqn{\hat{h}^{b}_{21}} as the realized beta between \eqn{f_{\tau^{b}_j}^{(1)}} and \eqn{\hat{u}_{\tau^{b}_j}^{(2)}}. Set \eqn{\hat{h}_{21}=\hat{h}^{b}_{21}}.
#'     Estimate \eqn{\hat{g}_{22}} using an IV estimator on  \eqn{f_{\tau^{b}_j}^{(2)}= \hat{u}_{\tau^{b}_j}^{(2)}-\hat{h}_{21}f_{\tau^{b}_j}^{(1)}}. 
#'     \item  Step 3:
#'     Apply refresh-time on \eqn{{c} = \{1,3\}} to obtain the grid \eqn{\tau^{c}}. 
#'     Estimate \eqn{\hat{h}^{c}_{31}} as the realized beta between \eqn{f_{\tau^{c}_j}^{(1)}} and \eqn{\hat{u}_{\tau^{c}_j}^{(3)}}. Set \eqn{\hat{h}_{31}= \hat{h}^{c}_{31}}.
#'     Apply refresh-time on \eqn{{d} = \{1,2,3\}} to obtain the grid \eqn{\tau^{d}}.
#'     Re-estimate \eqn{\hat{h}_{21}^{d}} at the new grid, such that the projections \eqn{f_{\tau^{d}_j}^{(1)}} and \eqn{f_{\tau^{d}_j}^{(2)}} are orthogonal.
#'     Estimate \eqn{\hat{h}^{d}_{32}} as the realized beta between \eqn{f_{\tau^{d}_j}^{(2)}} and \eqn{\hat{u}_{\tau^{d}_j}^{(3)}}. Set \eqn{\hat{h}_{32} = \hat{h}^{d}_{32}}. 
#'     Estimate \eqn{\hat{g}_{33}} using an IV estimator on \eqn{f_{\tau^{d}_j}^{(3)}= \hat{u}_{\tau^{d}_j}^{(3)}-\hat{h}_{32}f_{\tau^{d}_j}^{(2)} -\hat{h}_{31}f_{\tau^{d}_j}^{(1)}}. 
#'     \item Step 4 to d:
#'     Continue in the same fashion by sampling over \eqn{{1,...,k,l}} to estimate \eqn{h_{lk}} using the smallest possible set. 
#'     Re-estimate the \eqn{h_{nm}} with \eqn{m<n\leq k} at every new grid to obtain orthogonal projections. 
#'     Estimate the \eqn{g_{kk}} as the IV of projections based on the final estimates, \eqn{\hat{h}}.
#' }
#' @references
#' Boudt, K., Laurent, S., Lunde, A., Quaedvlieg, R., and Sauri, O. (2017). Positive semidefinite integrated covariance estimation, factorizations and asynchronicity. \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, 196, 347-367.
#' @author Emil Sjoerup
#' @seealso \code{\link{ICov}} for a list of implemented estimators of the integrated covariance.
#' @importFrom xts xts
#' @importFrom zoo coredata
#' @export
rCholCov <- function(pData, IVest = "rMRCov", COVest = "rMRCov", criterion = "squared duration", ...){

  if (!is.list(pData)){
    pData <- list(pData)
  if (!all(as.logical(lapply(pData, is.xts)))) {
    stop("All the series in pData must be xts objects")
  if (criterion == "squared duration") {
    criterion <- function(x) sum(as.numeric(diff(index(x)))^2)
  } else if( criterion == "duration") {
    criterion <- function(x) sum(as.numeric(diff(index(x))))
  } else if( criterion == "count") {
    criterion <- function(x) length(x)
  } else {
    stop("Criterion must be either 'squared duration' or 'duration' or 'count'")

  if (!(IVest %in% listCholCovEstimators() & COVest %in% listCholCovEstimators())) {
    stop("rCholCov IVest or COVest not in the available CholCov estimators. See listCholCovEstimators() for list of implemented estimators.")

  options <- list(...)
  op <- list("delta" = 0.1, "theta" = 1, "alignBy" = NULL, "alignPeriod" = NULL, "kernelType" = "rectangular", "kernelParam" = 1, "kernelDOFadj" = TRUE,
             "startIV" = NULL, "noisevar" = NULL, "K" = 300, "J" = 1, "KCov" = NULL, "JCov" = NULL, "KVar" = NULL, "JVar" = NULL, "eta" = 9, "makePsd" = FALSE, "k" = 1)
  op[names(options)] <- options
  delta <- op[["delta"]]
  theta <- op[["theta"]]
  alignBy <- op[["alignBy"]]
  alignPeriod <- op[["alignPeriod"]]
  kernelType <- op[["kernelType"]]
  kernelParam <- op[["kernelParam"]]
  kernelDOFadj <- op[["kernelDOFadj"]]
  startIV <- op[["startIV"]]
  noisevar <- op[["noisevar"]]
  KCov <- op[["KCov"]]
  JCov <- op[["JCov"]]
  KVar <- op[["KVar"]]
  JVar <- op[["JVar"]]
  eta <- op[["eta"]]
  makePsd <- op[["makePsd"]]
  K <- op[["K"]]
  J <- op[["J"]]
  k <- op[["k"]]

  if (length(delta) != 1 | !is.numeric(delta)) {
    stop("delta must be a numeric of length one")
  if (length(theta) != 1 | !is.numeric(theta)) {
    stop("theta must be a numeric of length one")

  vec <- sort(sapply(pData, criterion), index.return = TRUE)$ix
  nameVec <- names(pData)[vec]

  D <- length(pData)

  G <- matrix(0, D, D)
  Ltemp <- L <- diag(1,D,D)

    for (d in 1:D) {

      dat <- refreshTime(lapply(vec[1:d], function(x) pData[[x]]))
      returns <- diff(log(dat))[-1,]
      f <- matrix(0, nrow(returns), d)
      f[,1] <- returns[,1]
      if(d>1){ # We shouldn't do this on the first pass.
        for (l in 2:d) {

          for (m in 1:(l-1)) {

            COV <- switch(COVest,
                   rMRCov = cholCovrMRCov(as.matrix(coredata(cbind(returns[,l], f[,m]))), delta = delta, theta = theta),
                   rCov = rCov(exp(cumsum(cbind(returns[,l], f[,m]))), alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = TRUE),
                   rAVGCov = rAVGCov(exp(cumsum(cbind(returns[,l], f[,m]))), alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, k = k, makeReturns = TRUE),
                   rBPCov = rBPCov(exp(cumsum(cbind(returns[,l], f[,m]))), alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = TRUE),
                   rHYCov = rHYCov(exp(cumsum(cbind(returns[,l], f[,m]))), alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = TRUE),
                   rKernelCov = rKernelCov(exp(cumsum(cbind(returns[,l], f[,m]))), alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod,
                                           makeReturns = TRUE, kernelType = kernelType, kernelParam = kernelParam, kernelDOFadj = kernelDOFadj),
                   rOWCov = rOWCov(exp(cumsum(cbind(returns[,l], f[,m]))), alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = TRUE),
                   rRTSCov = rRTSCov(exp(cumsum(cbind(returns[,l], f[,m]))), cor = FALSE, startIV = startIV, noisevar = noisevar, K = K, J = J,
                                     KCov = KCov, JCov=JCov, KVar=KVar, JVar = JVar, eta = eta, makePsd = makePsd ),
                   rThresholdCov = rThresholdCov(exp(cumsum(cbind(returns[,l], f[,m]))), alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = TRUE),
                   rSemiCov = rSemiCov(exp(cumsum(cbind(returns[,l], f[,m]))), alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = TRUE)[["rCov"]]

            Ltemp[l,m] <- COV[1,2]/COV[2,2]


          f[,l] <- returns[,l] - f[,1:l] %*% Ltemp[l,1:l]

      L[d ,] <- Ltemp[d,]

      # In this switch, we need to use xts on the data to get the aggregation to work
      G[d,d] <- switch(IVest,
                       rMRCov = cholCovrMRCov(as.matrix(coredata(f[,d])), delta = delta, theta = theta),
                       rCov =          rCov(xts(exp(cumsum(f[,d])), order.by = index(returns)), alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = TRUE),
                       rAVGCov =       rAVGCov(xts(exp(cumsum(f[,d])), order.by = index(returns)), alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, k = k, makeReturns = TRUE),
                       rBPCov =        rBPCov(xts(exp(cumsum(f[,d])), order.by = index(returns)), alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = TRUE),
                       rHYCov =        rHYCov(xts(exp(cumsum(f[,d])), order.by = index(returns)), alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = TRUE),
                       rKernelCov =    rKernelCov(xts(exp(cumsum(f[,d])), order.by = index(returns)), alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod,
                                                  makeReturns = TRUE, kernelType = kernelType, kernelParam = kernelParam, kernelDOFadj = kernelDOFadj),
                       rOWCov =        rOWCov(xts(exp(cumsum(f[,d])), order.by = index(returns)), alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = TRUE),
                       rRTSCov =       rRTSCov(xts(exp(cumsum(f[,d])), order.by = index(returns)), cor = FALSE, startIV = startIV, noisevar = noisevar, K = K, J = J,
                                               KCov = KCov, JCov=JCov, KVar=KVar, JVar = JVar, eta = eta, makePsd = makePsd ),
                       rThresholdCov = rThresholdCov(xts(exp(cumsum(f[,d])), order.by = index(returns)), alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = TRUE),
                       rSemiCov = rSemiCov(xts(exp(cumsum(f[,d])), order.by = index(returns)), alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = TRUE)[["rCov"]]

  CholCov <- L %*% G %*% t(L)

  colnames(L) <- rownames(L) <- colnames(G) <- rownames(G) <- colnames(CholCov) <- rownames(CholCov) <- nameVec

  out <- list("CholCov" = CholCov, "L" = L, "G" = G)


#' Realized semicovariance
#' @description Calculate the Realized Semicovariances (rSemiCov).
#' Let \eqn{ r_{t,i} } be an intraday \eqn{M x N} return matrix and \eqn{i=1,...,M}
#' the number of intraday returns. Then, let \eqn{r_{t,i}^{+} = max(r_{t,i},0)} and \eqn{r_{t,i}^{-} = min(r_{t,i},0)}.
#' Then, the realized semicovariance is given by the following three matrices:
#'  \mbox{pos}_t =\sum_{i=1}^{M} r^{+}_{t,i} r^{+'}_{t,i}
#'  \mbox{neg}_t =\sum_{i=1}^{M} r^{-}_{t,i} r^{-'}_{t,i}
#'  \mbox{mixed}_t =\sum_{i=1}^{M} (r^{+}_{t,i} r^{-'}_{t,i} + r^{-}_{t,i} r^{+'}_{t,i})
#' The mixed covariance matrix will have 0 on the diagonal.
#' From these three matrices, the realized covariance can be constructed as \eqn{pos + neg + mixed}.
#' The concordant semicovariance matrix is \eqn{pos + neg}.
#' The off-diagonals of the concordant matrix is always positive, while for the mixed matrix, it is always negative.
#' @param rData an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object containing returns or prices, possibly for multiple assets over multiple days.
#' @param cor boolean, in case it is \code{TRUE}, and the input data is multivariate, the correlation is returned instead of the covariance matrix. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. 
#' Possible values are: \code{"ticks"}, \code{"secs"}, \code{"seconds"}, \code{"mins"}, \code{"minutes"}, \code{"hours"}
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. For example, to aggregate
#' based on a 5-minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod = 5} and \code{alignBy = "minutes"}.
#' @param makeReturns boolean, should be \code{TRUE} when \code{rData} contains prices instead of returns. \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @return In case the data consists of one day a list of five \eqn{N \times N} matrices are returned. These matrices are named \code{mixed}, \code{positive}, \code{negative}, \code{concordant}, and \code{rCov}.
#' The latter matrix corresponds to the realized covariance estimator and is thus named like the function \code{\link{rCov}}.
#' In case the data spans more than one day, the list for each day will be put into another list named according to the date of the estimates.
#' @details In the case that cor is \code{TRUE}, the mixed matrix will be an \eqn{N \times N} matrix filled with NA as mapping the mixed covariance matrix into correlation space is impossible due to the 0-diagonal.
#' @examples
#' # Realized semi-variance/semi-covariance for prices aligned
#' # at 5 minutes.
#' # Univariate:
#' rSVar = rSemiCov(rData = sampleTData[, list(DT, PRICE)], alignBy = "minutes",
#'                    alignPeriod = 5, makeReturns = TRUE)
#' rSVar
#' \dontrun{
#' library("xts")
#' # Multivariate multi day:
#' rSC <- rSemiCov(sampleOneMinuteData, makeReturns = TRUE) # rSC is a list of lists
#' # We extract the covariance between stock 1 and stock 2 for all three covariances.
#' mixed <- sapply(rSC, function(x) x[["mixed"]][1,2])
#' neg <- sapply(rSC, function(x) x[["negative"]][1,2])
#' pos <- sapply(rSC, function(x) x[["positive"]][1,2])
#' covariances <- xts(cbind(mixed, neg, pos), as.Date(names(rSC)))
#' colnames(covariances) <- c("mixed", "neg", "pos")
#' # We make a quick plot of the different covariances
#' plot(covariances)
#' addLegend(lty = 1) # Add legend so we can distinguish the series.
#' }
#' @author Emil Sjoerup.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ICov}} for a list of implemented estimators of the integrated covariance.
#' @references
#' Bollerslev, T., Li, J., Patton, A. J., and Quaedvlieg, R. (2020). Realized semicovariances. \emph{Econometrica}, 88, 1515-1551.
#' @keywords volatility
#' @importFrom data.table between
#' @export
rSemiCov <- function(rData, cor = FALSE, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL, makeReturns = FALSE){

  if (is.xts(rData) && checkMultiDays(rData)) {
    if (ncol(rData) == 1) {
      result <- apply.daily(rData, rSemiCov, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = makeReturns)
    } else {
      result <- applyGetList(rData, rSemiCov, cor=cor, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, makeReturns = makeReturns)
      names(result) <- unique(as.Date(index(rData)))
  }  else if (is.data.table(rData)){
    DATE <- .N <- DT <- NULL
    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)

    if(!is.null(alignBy) && !is.null(alignPeriod) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_DATA.TABLE_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)

    setkey(rData, "DT")
    dates <- rData[, list(end = .N), by = list(DATE = as.Date(DT))][, `:=`(end = cumsum(end), DATE = as.character(DATE))][, start := shift(end, fill = 0) + 1]
    res <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(dates))
    names(res) <- as.character(dates$DATE)
    starts <- dates$start
    ends <- dates$end
    dates <- dates$DATE
    dat <- as.matrix(rData[, !"DT"])
    for (i in 1:length(dates)) {
      res[[dates[i]]] <- rSemiCov(dat[starts[i]:ends[i], ], cor = cor, makeReturns = makeReturns, alignBy = NULL, alignPeriod = NULL)


  } else {

    ## DO data transformations
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if ((!is.null(alignBy)) && (!is.null(alignPeriod)) && !makeReturns) {
      rData <- fastTickAggregation_RETURNS(rData, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod)
    if (makeReturns) {
      rData <- makeReturns(rData)
    N <- ncol(rData)
    rData <- as.matrix(rData)
    # create p and n
    pos <- pmax(rData, 0)
    neg <- pmin(rData, 0)

    # calculate the mixed covariance (variances will be 0)
    mixCov <- t(pos) %*% neg + t(neg) %*% pos

    # Calculate negative covariance
    negCov <- t(neg) %*% neg
    # Calculate positive covariance
    posCov <- t(pos) %*% pos

    # Construct the concordant covariance
    concordantCov <- negCov + posCov
    # We also return the realized covariance
    rCovEst <- mixCov + concordantCov


      ## Calculate the correlations from the covariance matrices.
      mixCor <- matrix(NA, N, N)

      sdmatrix <- sqrt(diag(diag(negCov)))
      negCor <- solve(sdmatrix) %*% negCov %*% solve(sdmatrix)

      sdmatrix <- sqrt(diag(diag(posCov)))
      posCor <- solve(sdmatrix) %*% posCov %*% solve(sdmatrix)

      sdmatrix <- sqrt(diag(diag(concordantCov)))
      concordantCor <- solve(sdmatrix) %*% concordantCov %*% solve(sdmatrix)

      sdmatrix <- sqrt(diag(diag(rCovEst)))
      rCorEst <- solve(sdmatrix) %*% rCovEst %*% solve(sdmatrix)

      return(list("mixed" = mixCor, "negative" = negCor,  "positive" = posCor, "concordant" = concordantCor, "rCov" = rCorEst))

    return(list("mixed" = mixCov, "negative" = negCov,  "positive" = posCov, "concordant" = concordantCov, "rCov" = rCovEst ))



#' Utility function listing the available estimators for the CholCov estimation
#' @return This function returns a character vector containing the available estimators.
#' @export
listCholCovEstimators <- function(){

#' ReMeDI
#' @description 
#' This function estimates the auto-covariance of market-microstructure noise
#' Let the observed price \eqn{Y_{t}} be given as \eqn{Y_{t} = X_{t} + \varepsilon_{t}}, where \eqn{X_{t}} is the efficient price and \eqn{\varepsilon_t} is the market microstructure noise
#' The estimator of the \eqn{l}'th lag of the market microstructure is defined as:
#' \deqn{
#'     \hat{R}^{n}_{t,l} = \frac{1}{n_{t}} \sum_{i=2k_{n}}^{n_{t}-k_{n}-l} \left(Y_{i+l}^n - Y_{i+l+k_{n}}^{n} \right) \left(Y_{i}^n - Y_{i- 2k_{n}}^{n} \right),
#' }
#' where \eqn{k_{n}} is a tuning parameter. In the function \code{\link{knChooseReMeDI}}, we provide a function to estimate the optimal \eqn{k_{n}} parameter.
#' @param pData \code{xts} or \code{data.table} containing the log-prices of the asset
#' @param kn numeric of length 1 determining the tuning parameter kn this controls the lengths of the non-overlapping interval in the ReMeDI estimation
#' @param lags numeric containing integer values indicating the lags for which to estimate the (co)variance
#' @param makeCorrelation logical indicating whether to transform the autocovariances into autocorrelations. 
#' The estimate of variance is imprecise and thus, constructing the correlation like this may show correlations that fall outside \eqn{(-1,1)}.
#' @references Li, M. and Linton, O. (2021). A ReMeDI for microstructure noise. Econometrica, forthcoming
#' @keywords microstructure noise autocovariance autocorrelation
#' @note We Thank Merrick Li for contributing his Matlab code for this estimator.
#' @examples
#' remed <- ReMeDI(sampleTData[as.Date(DT) == "2018-01-02", ], kn = 2, lags = 1:8)
#' # We can also use the algorithm for choosing the kn tuning parameter
#' optimalKn <- knChooseReMeDI(sampleTData[as.Date(DT) == "2018-01-02",],
#'                             knMax = 10, tol = 0.05, size = 3,
#'                             lower = 2, upper = 5, plot = TRUE)
#' optimalKn
#' remed <- ReMeDI(sampleTData[as.Date(DT) == "2018-01-02", ], kn = optimalKn, lags = 1:8)
#' @author Emil Sjoerup.
#' @export
ReMeDI <- function(pData, kn = 1, lags = 1, makeCorrelation = FALSE) {
  DT <- PRICE <- NULL #time <-
  # Check input

  if(is.data.table(pData)){ # We have a data.table

    if(!("PRICE" %in% colnames(pData))){
      stop("ReMeDI with data.table input requires a PRICE column")

    prices <- as.numeric(pData[, PRICE])

  } else if( is.xts(pData) ) { # We have an xts object
    if(ncol(pData) != 1){
      if(!("PRICE" %in% colnames(pData))){
        stop("ReMeDI with data.table input requires a PRICE column")
      prices <- as.numeric(pData[,"PRICE"])
    } else {
      prices <- as.numeric(pData)
  } else {
    stop("Error in ReMeDI: pData must be an xts or a data.table")

  if (!all(lags %% 1 == 0 )) {
    stop("lags must be contain integer values")

  res <- numeric(length(lags))
  nObs <- length(prices)
  resIDX <- 1
  if (makeCorrelation) {
    lags <- c(0, lags)
  for (lag in lags) {
    remedi <- 0
    idx <- seq(2*kn+1, (nObs - kn - lag))
    remedi <- sum(
      (prices[idx + lag] - prices[idx + lag +  kn ])*
        (prices[idx] - prices[idx - 2  * kn] ) )   
    res[resIDX] <-  remedi  
    resIDX <- resIDX + 1
  res <- res /  nObs
  if (makeCorrelation) {
    res <- res[-1]/res[1]

#' ReMeDI tuning parameter
#' @description 
#' Function to choose the tuning parameter, kn in ReMeDI estimation. 
#' The optimal parameter \code{kn} is the smallest value that where the criterion:
#' \deqn{
#'     SqErr(k_{n})^{n}_{t} = \left(\hat{R}^{n,k_{n}}_{t,0} - \hat{R}^{n,k_{n}}_{t,1} - \hat{R}^{n,k_{n}}_{t,2} + \hat{R}^{n,k_{n}}_{t,3} - \hat{R}^{n, k_{n}}_{t,l}\right)^{2}
#' }
#' is perceived to be zero. The tuning parameter \code{tol} can be set to choose the tolerance of the perception of 'close to zero', a higher tolerance will lead to a higher optimal value.
#' @param pData \code{xts} or \code{data.table} containing the log-prices of the asset.
#' @param knMax max value of \code{kn} to be considered.
#' @param tol tolerance for the minimizing value. If \code{tol} is high, the algorithm will choose a lower optimal value.
#' @param size size of the local window.
#' @param lower lower boundary for the method if it fails to find an optimal value. If this is the case, the best kn between lower and upper is returned
#' @param upper upper boundary for the method if it fails to find an optimal value. If this is the case, the best kn between lower and upper is returned
#' @param plot logical whether to plot the errors.
#' @details This is the algorithm B.2 in the appendix of the Li and Linton (2019) working paper.
#' @note We Thank Merrick Li for contributing his Matlab code for this estimator.
#' @examples
#' optimalKn <- knChooseReMeDI(sampleTData[as.Date(DT) == "2018-01-02",],
#'                             knMax = 10, tol = 0.05, size = 3,
#'                             lower = 2, upper = 5, plot = TRUE)
#' optimalKn
#' \dontrun{
#' # We can also have a much larger search-space
#' optimalKn <- knChooseReMeDI(sampleTDataEurope,
#'                             knMax = 50, tol = 0.05,
#'                             size = 3, lower = 2, upper = 5, plot = TRUE)
#' optimalKn
#' }
#' @author Emil Sjoerup.
#' @importFrom stats plot.ts
#' @references Li, M. and Linton, O. (2019). A ReMeDI for microstructure noise. Cambridge Working Papers in Economics 1908.
#' @return integer containing the optimal kn
#' @export
knChooseReMeDI <- function(pData, knMax = 10, tol = 0.05, size = 3, lower = 2, upper = 5, plot = FALSE){

  kn <- 1:(knMax + size +1)
  err <- vapply(kn, ReMeDI, FUN.VALUE = numeric(4), pData = pData, lags = 0:3)
  err <- (err[1,] - err[2,] - err[3,] + err[4,] - ReMeDI(pData, kn = 1, lags = 0))^2

    plot.ts(err, ylab = "error", xlab = "kn")

  errMax <- max(err[1:(round(knMax/2))])

  kns <- vapply(1:(knMax+1), flat, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1), err = err, errMax = errMax, size = size, tol = tol)
  kns <- kns[!is.na(kns)]
  kn <- kns[1]

    kn <- which(err == min(err[lower:upper]))



#' Asymptotic variance of ReMeDI estimator
#' @description 
#' Estimates the asymptotic variance of the ReMeDI estimator.
#' @details 
#' Some notation is needed for the estimator of the asymptotic covariance of the ReMeDI estimator.
#' Let
#' \deqn{
#'     \delta\left(n, i\right) = t_{i}^{n}-t_{t-1}^{n}, i\geq 1,
#' }
#' \deqn{
#'     \hat{\delta}_{t}^{n}=\left(\frac{k_{n}\delta\left(n,i+1+k_{n}\right)-t_{i+2+2k_{n}}^{n}+t_{i+2+k_{n}}^{n}}{\left(t_{i+k_{n}}^{n}-t_{i}^{n}\right)\vee\phi_{n}}\right)^{2},
#' }
#' \deqn{
#'     U\left(1\right)_{t}^{n}=\sum_{i=0}^{n_{t}-\omega\left(1\right)_{n}}\hat{\delta}_{i}^{n},
#' }
#' \deqn{
#'     U\left(2,\boldsymbol{j}\right)_{t}^{n}=\sum_{i=0}^{n_{t}-\omega\left(2\right)_{n}}\hat{\delta}_{i}^{n}\Delta_{\boldsymbol{j}}\left(Y\right)_{i+\omega\left(2\right)_{2}^{n}}^{n},
#' }
#' \deqn{
#'     U\left(3,\boldsymbol{j},\boldsymbol{j}'\right)_{t}^{n}=\sum_{i=0}^{n_{t}-\omega\left(3\right)_{n}}\hat{\delta}_{i}^{n}\Delta_{\boldsymbol{j}}\left(Y\right)_{i+\omega\left(3\right)_{2}^{n}}^{n}\Delta_{\boldsymbol{j}'}\left(Y\right)_{i+\omega\left(3\right)_{3}^{n}}^{n},
#' }
#' \deqn{
#'     U\left(4;\boldsymbol{j},\boldsymbol{j}'\right)_{t}^{n}=-\sum_{i=2^{q-1}k_{n}}^{n_{t}-\omega\left(4\right)_{n}}\Delta_{\boldsymbol{j}}\left(Y\right)\Delta_{\boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}}\left(Y\right)_{i+\omega\left(3\right)_{3}^{n}}^{n},
#' }
#' \deqn{
#'     U\left(5,k;\boldsymbol{j},\boldsymbol{j}'\right)_{t}^{n}=\sum_{Q_{q}\in\mathcal{Q}_{q}}\sum_{i=2^{e\left(Q_{q}\right)}k_{n}}^{n_{t}-\omega\left(5\right)_{n}}\Delta_{\boldsymbol{j}_{Q_{q}\oplus\left(\boldsymbol{j}\prime_{Q_{q'}}\left(+k\right)\right)}}\left(Y\right)_{i}^{n}\prod_{\ell:l_{\ell}\in Q_{q}^{c}}\Delta_{\left(j_{l_{\ell}},j\prime_{l_{\ell}}+k\right)\left(Y\right)_{i+\omega\left(5\right)_{\ell+1}^{n}\prime}},
#' }
#' \eqn{
#'     U\left(6,k;\boldsymbol{j},\boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}\right)=\sum_{j_{l}\in\boldsymbol{j},j_{l^{\prime}}^{\prime}\in\boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}}\sum_{i=2k_{n}}^{n_{t}-\omega\left(6\right)n}\Delta_{\left(j_{l},j_{l^{\prime}}^{\prime}+k\right)}\left(Y\right)_{i}^{n}\Delta_{\boldsymbol{j}_{-l}}\left(Y\right)_{i+\omega\left(6\right)_{2}^{n}}^{n}\Delta_{\boldsymbol{j}_{-l^{\prime}}^{\prime}}\left(Y\right)_{i+\omega\left(6\right)_{3}^{n}}^{n} \\
#'     -\sum_{j_{l}\in\boldsymbol{j}}\sum_{i=2^{q}k_{n}}^{n_{t}-\omega^{\prime}\left(6\right)_{n}}\Delta_{\left\{ j_{l}\right\} \oplus\boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}\left(+k\right)}\left(Y\right)_{i}^{n}\Delta_{\boldsymbol{j}-l}\left(Y\right)_{i+\omega^{\prime}\left(6\right)_{2}^{n}}^{n} \\
#'     -\sum_{j_{l^{\prime}\in\boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}}^{\prime}}\sum_{i=2^{q}k_{n}}^{n_{t}-\omega^{\prime\prime}\left(6\right)n}\Delta_{\left\{ j_{l^{\prime}}^{\prime}+k\right\} \oplus\boldsymbol{j}}\left(Y\right)_{i}^{n}\Delta_{\boldsymbol{j}_{-l^{\prime}}^{\prime}}\left(Y\right)_{i+\omega^{\prime\prime}\left(6\right)_{2}^{n}\prime}^{n},
#' }
#' \deqn{
#'     U\left(7,k;\boldsymbol{j},\boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}\right)_{t}^{n}=ReMeDI\left(\boldsymbol{j}\oplus\boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}\left(+k\right)\right)_{t}^{n},
#' }
#' \deqn{
#'     U\left(k;\boldsymbol{j},\boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}\right)_{t}^{n}=\sum_{\ell=5}^{7}U\left(\ell,k;\boldsymbol{j},\boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}\right)_{t}^{n},
#' } 
#' \deqn{
#'     U\left(k;\boldsymbol{j},\boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}\right)_{t}^{n}=\sum_{\ell=5}^{7}U\left(\ell,k;\boldsymbol{j},\boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}\right)_{t}^{n},
#' }
#' Where the indices are given by:
#' \deqn{
#'     \omega\left(1\right)_{n}=2+2k_{n},\ \omega\left(2\right)_{2}^{n}=2+\left(3+2^{q-1}\right)k_{n},\ \omega\left(2\right)_{n}=\omega\left(2\right)_{2}^{n}+j_{1}+k_{n},
#' }
#' \deqn{
#'     \omega\left(3\right)_{2}^{n}=2+\left(3+2^{q-1}\right)k_{n},\ \omega\left(3\right)_{3}^{n}=2+\left(5+2^{q-1}+2^{q^{\prime}-1}\right)k_{n}+j_{1},
#' }
#' \deqn{
#'     \omega\left(3\right)_{n}=\omega\left(3\right)_{3}^{n}+j_{1}^{\prime}+k_{n},\ \omega\left(4\right)_{2}^{n}=2k_{n}+q_{n}^{\prime}+j_{1},\ \omega\left(4\right)_{n}=\omega\left(4\right)_{2}^{n}+j_{1}^{\prime}+k_{n},
#' }
#' \deqn{
#'     e\left(Q_{q}\right)=\left(2\left|Q_{q}\right|+q^{\prime}-q-1\right)\vee1,\ \omega\left(5\right)_{\ell+1}^{n}=4\ell k_{n}+\sum_{\ell^{\prime}=1}^{\ell}j_{l_{\ell^{\prime}}}\vee\left(j_{l_{\ell}}^{\prime}+k\right)\textrm{for}\ell\geq 1,
#' }
#' \deqn{
#'     \omega\left(5\right)_{n}=\omega\left(5\right)_{\left|Q_{q}^{c}\right|+1}^{n}+j_{l_{\left|Q_{q}^{c}\right|}}\vee\left(j_{l_{\left|Q_{q}^{c}\right|}}+k\right)+k_{n},
#' }
#' \deqn{
#'     \omega\left(6\right)_{2}^{n}=\left(2^{q-2}+2\right)k_{n}+j_{\ell}\vee\left(j_{\ell^{\prime}}^{\prime}+k\right),\ \omega\left(6\right)_{3}^{n}=\left(2^{q-2}+2^{q^{\prime}-2}+2\right)k_{n}+j_{1}+j_{\ell}\vee\left(j_{\ell}^{\prime}+k\right),
#' }
#' \deqn{
#'     \omega^{\prime}\left(6\right)_{2}^{n}=\left(2^{q-2}+2\right)k_{n}+j_{\ell}\vee\left(j_{1}^{\prime}+k\right),\ \omega^{\prime\prime}\left(6\right)_{2}^{n}=\left(2^{q^{\prime}-2}+1\right)k_{n}+\left(j_{\ell^{\prime}}^{\prime}+k\right)\vee j_{1},
#' }
#' \deqn{
#'     \omega\left(6\right)_{n}=\omega\left(6\right)_{3}^{n}+j^{\prime}+k_{n},\ \omega^{\prime}\left(6\right)_{n}=\omega^{\prime}\left(6\right)_{2}^{n}+j_{1}+k_{n},\ \omega^{\prime\prime}\left(6\right)_{n}=\omega^{\prime\prime}\left(6\right)_{2}^{n}j_{1}^{\prime}+k_{n},
#' }
#' The asymptotic variance estimator is then given by
#' \deqn{
#'     \hat{\sigma}\left(\boldsymbol{j},\boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}\right)_{t}^{n}=\frac{1}{n_{t}}\sum_{\ell=1}^{3}\hat{\sigma}_{\ell}\left(\boldsymbol{j},\boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}\right)_{t}^{n},
#' }
#' where 
#' \deqn{
#'     \hat{\sigma}_{1}\left(\boldsymbol{j},\boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}\right)_{t}^{n}=U\left(0;\boldsymbol{j},\boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}\right)+\sum_{k=1}^{i_{n}}\left(U\left(k;\boldsymbol{j},\boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}\right)_{t}^{n}\right)+\left(2i_{n}+1\right)U\left(4;\boldsymbol{j},\boldsymbol{j}\right)_{t}^{n},
#' }
#' \deqn{
#'     \hat{\sigma}_{2}\left(\boldsymbol{j},\boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}\right)_{t}^{n}=U\left(3;\boldsymbol{j},\boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}\right),
#' }
#' \deqn{
#'     \hat{\sigma}_{3}\left(\boldsymbol{j},\boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}\right)_{t}^{n}=\frac{1}{n_{t}^{2}}\textrm{ReMeDI}\left(Y,\boldsymbol{j}\right)_{t}^{n}\textrm{ReMeDI}\left(Y,\boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}\right)_{t}^{n}U\left(1\right)_{t}^{n}\\,
#' }
#' \deqn{
#'     -\frac{1}{n_{t}}\left(\textrm{ReMeDI}\left(Y,\boldsymbol{j}\right)_{t}^{n}U\left(2,\boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}\right)_{t}^{n}+\textrm{ReMeDI}\left(Y,\boldsymbol{j}^{\prime}\right)_{t}^{n}U\left(2,\boldsymbol{j}\right)_{t}^{n}\right),
#' }
#' @param pData \code{xts} or \code{data.table} containing the log-prices of the asset
#' @param kn numerical value determining the tuning parameter kn this controls the lengths of the non-overlapping interval in the ReMeDI estimation
#' @param lags numeric containing integer values indicating the lags for which to estimate the (co)variance
#' @param phi tuning parameter phi
#' @param i tuning parameter i
#' @note We Thank Merrick Li for contributing his Matlab code for this estimator.
#' @return a list with components \code{ReMeDI} and \code{asympVar} containing the ReMeDI estimation and it's asymptotic variance respectively
#' @examples 
#' kn <- knChooseReMeDI(sampleTDataEurope[, list(DT, PRICE)])
#' remedi <- ReMeDI(sampleTDataEurope[, list(DT, PRICE)], kn = kn, lags = 0:15)
#' asympVar <- ReMeDIAsymptoticVariance(sampleTDataEurope[, list(DT, PRICE)], 
#'                                      kn = kn, lags = 0:15, phi = 0.9, i = 2)
#' @export
ReMeDIAsymptoticVariance <- function(pData, kn, lags, phi, i){

  if(is.data.table(pData)){ # We have a data.table

    if(!("PRICE" %in% colnames(pData))){
      stop("ReMeDI with data.table input requires a PRICE column")

    prices <- as.numeric(pData[, PRICE])
    timestamps <- as.numeric(pData[, DT])
  } else if( is.xts(pData) ) { # We have an xts object
    if(ncol(pData) != 1){
      if(!("PRICE" %in% colnames(pData))){
        stop("ReMeDI with data.table input requires a PRICE column")
      prices <- as.numeric(pData[,"PRICE"])
    } else {
      prices <- as.numeric(pData)

    timestamps <- as.numeric(index(pData))
  } else {
    stop("Error in ReMeDI: pData must be an xts or a data.table")

  N <- length(prices)
  timestamps <- timestamps - timestamps[1]
  timestamps <- timestamps/timestamps[N]

  diffTS <- diff(timestamps)
  diffKNTS <- timestamps[(1+kn):N] - timestamps[1:(N-kn)]

  dn1 <- kn * diffTS[(2 + kn):(N-kn-1)] - diffTS[(3 + kn):(N-kn)]
  dn2 <- dn1 / pmax(phi, diffKNTS[1:(N-2-2*kn)])
  dn <- dn2^2
  U1 <- sum(dn)

  diffKNOnce <- prices[1:(N-kn)] - prices[(kn+1):N]
  diffKNTwice <- prices[(2 * kn + 1):N] - prices[1:(N - 2 * kn)]
  diffKNThrice <- prices[(3 * kn + 1):N] - prices[1:(N - 3 * kn)]
  nLags <- length(lags)
  U2 <- S1 <- S2 <- Rj <- numeric(nLags)
  for (l in 1:nLags) {
    Rj[l] <- sum(diffKNOnce[(1 + 2 * kn + lags[l]):(N - kn)] * diffKNTwice[1:(N-lags[l]-3*kn)])

    U2[l] <- sum(diffKNTwice[(3 + 3 * kn):(N - lags[l] - 3 * kn)] * diffKNOnce[(3 + 5 * kn + lags[l]):(N - kn)] * dn[1:(N - 2 - 6 * kn - lags[l])])
    S2[l] <- sum(diffKNOnce[(3 + 5 * kn + lags[l]):(N - lags[l] - 5 * kn)] * diffKNOnce[(3 + 9 * kn + 2 * lags[l]):(N - kn)] *
                diffKNTwice[(3 + 3 * kn):(N - 7 * kn - 2 * lags[l])] * diffKNTwice[(3 + 7 * kn + lags[l]):(N - 3 * kn - lags[l])] * dn[1:(N - 10 * kn - 2 * lags[l] - 2)])

    U4 <- -sum(diffKNOnce[(1 + 2 * kn + lags[l]):(N - lags[l] - 5 * kn)] *  diffKNOnce[(1 + 6 * kn + 2 * lags[l]):(N - kn)] * diffKNTwice[1:(N - 7 * kn - 2 * lags[l])] *  diffKNTwice[(1 + 4 * kn + lags[l]):(N - 3 * kn - lags[l])])

    S1[l] <- sum(diffKNOnce[(6*kn):(N-5*kn-2*lags[l])] * diffKNOnce[(10*kn+2*lags[l]):(N-kn)] * diffKNTwice[(8*kn+2*lags[l]):(N-3*kn)] * diffKNTwice[(8*kn+lags[l]):(N-3*kn-lags[l])]) +
      sum(diffKNOnce[(1+3*kn+lags[l]):(N-kn)] * diffKNOnce[(1+3*kn):(N-kn-lags[l])] * diffKNTwice[(1+kn+lags[l]):(N-3*kn)] * diffKNThrice[1:(N-4*kn-lags[l])]) + U4

    for (k in 1:i) {
      Uk1 <- sum(diffKNOnce[(6*kn+2*k):(N-5*kn-k-2*lags[l])] * diffKNOnce[(10*kn+2*lags[l]+3*k):(N-kn)] * diffKNTwice[(8*kn+2*lags[l]+3*k):(N-3*kn)] * diffKNTwice[(8*kn+lags[l]+2*k):(N-3*kn-k-lags[l])])

      Uk2 <- sum(diffKNOnce[(1+3*kn+lags[l]+k):(N-kn)] * diffKNOnce[(1+3*kn+k):(N-kn-lags[l])] * diffKNTwice[(1+kn+lags[l]):(N-3*kn-k)] * diffKNThrice[1:(N-4*kn-k-lags[l])])

      S1[l] <- S1[l] + 2*(3*Uk1+Uk2+U4)

  Rj <- Rj / N
  S3 <- Rj^3 * U1 - 2 * Rj * U2

  asympVar <- (S1 + S2 + S3)/N
  asympVar <- pmax(-asympVar, asympVar)
  out <- list("ReMeDI" = Rj, "asympVar" = asympVar, "lags" = lags)
  class(out) <- "asympVarReMeDI"

#### #'
#### #' #' Autocorrelation of noise estimation
#### #' #' @importFrom zoo coredata
#### #' #' @export
#### #' autoCorrelationOfNoise <- function(pData, kn, lags){
#### #'   ## Make general:
#### #'   reticulate::source_python("../pickle_reader.py")
#### #'   dat <- read_pickle_file("/data/data/pickles/AIG_Tr_20140102_cleaned.pickle")
#### #'   pData <- xts(dat$price, anytime::anytime(dat$timestamp))
#### #'   colnames(pData) <- "PRICE"
#### #'   prices <- pData$PRICE
#### #'   kn <- 2
#### #'   lags <- 30
#### #'   averagedPrices <- filter(coredata(prices), rep(1, kn)/kn, sides = 1)[-seq(1, (kn-1))]
#### #'   nObs <- length(averagedPrices)
#### #'   J <- lags
#### #'   R_est <- rep(0, J + 1)
#### #'   r_est <- rep(0, J + 1)
#### #'
#### #'   U_0 <- rep(0, J + 1)
#### #'
#### #'   for (j in 0:J) {
#### #'
#### #'     ind <- seq(1, nObs + 1 - j - 2 * 2 * kn)
#### #'     U_0[(j+1)] <- sum((prices[ind] - averagedPrices[(j + kn + ind)]) * (prices[ j+ ind] - averagedPrices[(j + 3 * kn + ind)]))
#### #'     R_est[(j+1)] <- U_0[j + 1]/length(ind)
#### #'
#### #'   }
#### #'
#### #'
#### #'   UU_2 <- UU_3 <- UU_4 <- UU_1 <- matrix(0 ,nrow= kn + 1, ncol= J + 1)
#### #'
#### #'   for (m in 0:kn) {
#### #'     for (j in 0:J) {
#### #'       mu <- j + m
#### #'       ind <- seq(1, nObs + 1 - mu - 8 * kn)
#### #'
#### #'       UU_1[(m+1), (j+1)] <-
#### #'         sum((prices[ind] - averagedPrices[(mu + kn + ind)]) *
#### #'             (prices[j + ind] - averagedPrices[(mu + 3 * kn + ind)]) *
#### #'             (prices[m + ind] - averagedPrices[(mu + 5 * kn + ind)]) *
#### #'             (prices[j + m + ind] - averagedPrices[(mu + 7 * kn + ind)]))
#### #'
#### #'       UU_2[(m+1),(j+1)] <-
#### #'         sum( (prices[m + ind] - averagedPrices[(mu + kn + ind)]) *
#### #'              (prices[j + m + ind] - averagedPrices[(mu + 3 * kn + ind)] ) *
#### #'              (prices[ind] - averagedPrices[(mu + 5 * kn + ind)] ) *
#### #'              (prices[j + ind] - averagedPrices[(mu + 7 * kn + ind)] )  )
#### #'
#### #'       UU_3[(m+1),(j+1)] <-
#### #'         sum( (prices[ind] - averagedPrices[(mu + kn + ind)]) *
#### #'              (prices[j + ind] - averagedPrices[(mu + 3 * kn + ind)] ) *
#### #'              (prices[m + ind] - averagedPrices[(mu + 5 * kn + ind)] ) *
#### #'              (prices[m + ind] - averagedPrices[(mu + 7 * kn + ind)] )  )
#### #'
#### #'
#### #'       UU_4[(m+1),(j+1)] <-
#### #'         sum( (prices[m + ind] - averagedPrices[(mu + kn + ind)]) *
#### #'              (prices[j + m + ind] - averagedPrices[(mu + 3 * kn + ind)] ) *
#### #'              (prices[ind] - averagedPrices[(mu + 5 * kn + ind)] ) *
#### #'              (prices[ind] - averagedPrices[(mu + 7 * kn + ind)] ))
#### #'     }
#### #'   }
#### #'
#### #'   U_bar_1 <- rep(0, J + 1) # U_bar(0,j,0,j)
#### #'   U_bar_2 <- rep(0, J + 1) # U_bar(0,j,0,0)
#### #'
#### #'
#### #'   for (j in 0:J) {
#### #'     mu <- j
#### #'     mu_pp <- j + j
#### #'
#### #'     ind <- seq(1, nObs + 1 - mu_pp - 9 * kn)
#### #'
#### #'     U_bar_1[(j+1)] <- sum( (prices[ind] - averagedPrices[(mu + kn + ind)]) *
#### #'                            (prices[j+ ind] - averagedPrices[(mu + 3 * kn + ind)] ) *
#### #'                            (prices[mu + 5 * kn + ind] - averagedPrices[(mu_pp + 5 * kn + kn + ind)] ) *
#### #'                            (prices[mu + 5 * kn + j + ind] - averagedPrices[(mu_pp + 5 * kn + 3 * kn + ind)] ) )
#### #'
#### #'     U_bar_2[(j+1)] <- sum( (prices[ind] - averagedPrices[(mu + kn + ind)]) *
#### #'                            (prices[ j+ ind] - averagedPrices[(mu + 3*kn + ind)] ) *
#### #'                            (prices[ mu + 5*kn + ind] - averagedPrices[(mu + 5 * kn + kn + ind)] ) *
#### #'                            (prices[ mu + 5*kn + ind] - averagedPrices[(mu + 5 * kn + 3 * kn + ind)] ) )
#### #'   }
#### #'
#### #'   S <- rep(0, J + 1) # S[0,j,0,j]
#### #'   Bza <- rep(0, J + 1) # Bza[0,j,0,j]
#### #'
#### #'   S_1 <- rep(0, J + 1) # S[0,j,0,0]
#### #'   Bza_1 <- rep(0, J + 1) # Bza[0,j,0,0]
#### #'   sigma_r <- rep(1, J) #
#### #'
#### #'   j<-0
#### #'   S[(j+1)] <- (sum(UU_1[,(j+1)]) + sum(UU_2[,(j+1)]) - UU_1[1,(j+1)]) - (2*kn + 1)*U_bar_1[(j+1)]
#### #'   Bza[(j+1)] <- S[(j+1)]/nObs + U_bar_1[(j+1)]/nObs - R_est[(j+1)]^2
#### #'
#### #'   S_1[(j+1)] <- (sum(UU_3[,(j+1)]) + sum(UU_4[,(j+1)]) - UU_3[1,(j+1)] ) - (2*kn + 1)*U_bar_2[(j+1)]
#### #'   Bza_1[(j+1)] <- S_1[(j+1)]/nObs + U_bar_2[(j+1)]/nObs - R_est[1]*R_est[(j+1)]
#### #'
#### #'
#### #'   for (j in 1:J) {
#### #'     S[(j+1)] <- (sum(UU_1[,(j+1)]) + sum(UU_2[,(j+1)]) - UU_1[1,(j+1)]) - (2*kn + 1)*U_bar_1[(j+1)]
#### #'     Bza[(j+1)] <- S[(j+1)]/nObs + U_bar_1[(j+1)]/nObs - R_est[(j+1)]^2
#### #'
#### #'     S_1[(j+1)] <- (sum(UU_3[,(j+1)]) + sum(UU_4[,(j+1)]) - UU_3[1,(j+1)] ) - (2*kn + 1)*U_bar_2[(j+1)]
#### #'     Bza_1[(j+1)] <- S_1[(j+1)]/nObs + U_bar_2[(j+1)]/nObs - R_est[1]*R_est[(j+1)]
#### #'     sigma_r[j] <- (R_est[1]^2*Bza[(j+1)] + R_est[(j+1)]^2 * Bza[1] - (2 * R_est[1] * R_est[(j+1)] * Bza_1[(j+1)]))/(R_est[1]^4)
#### #'   }
#### #'
#### #'
#### #'
#### #'
#### #'
#### #'   plot.ts(R_est)
#### #'
#### #'   #plot.ts(sigma_r)
#### #'
#### #' }
#### #'
#### #'
#### #'
#### #'
#### #'
#### #'
#### #'
#### #'
#### #'
#### #'
#### #'

#' rBACov
#' @description 
#' The Beta Adjusted Covariance (BAC) equals the pre-estimator plus a minimal adjustment matrix such that the covariance-implied stock-ETF beta equals a target beta.
#' The BAC estimator works by applying a minimum correction factor to a pre-estimated covariance matrix such that a target beta derived from the ETF is reached.
#' Let 
#' \deqn{
#'     \bar{\beta}
#' } 
#' denote the implied beta derived from the pre-estimator, and
#' \deqn{
#'     \beta_{\bullet}
#' }
#' denote the target beta, then the correction factor is calculated as:
#' \deqn{
#'  L\left(\bar{\beta}-\beta_{\bullet}\right),
#' }
#' where
#' \deqn{
#'     L=\left(I_{d^{2}}-\frac{1}{2}{\cal Q}\right)\bar{W}^{\prime}\left(I_{d^{2}}\left(\sum_{k=1}^{d}\frac{\sum_{k=1}^{n_{k}}\left(w_{t_{m-1}^{k}}^{k}\right)^{2}}{n_{k}}\right)-\frac{\bar{W}{\cal Q}\bar{W}^{\prime}}{2}\right)^{-1},
#' }
#' where \eqn{d} is the number of assets in the ETF, and \eqn{n_{k}} is the number of trades in the \eqn{k}th asset, and
#' \deqn{
#'     \bar{W}^{k}=\left(0_{\left(k-1\right)d}^{\prime},\frac{1}{n_{1}}\sum_{m=1}^{n_{1}}w_{t_{m-1}^{1}}^{1},\dots,\frac{1}{n_{d}}\sum_{m=1}^{n_{d}}w_{t_{m-1}^{d}}^{d},0_{\left(d-k\right)d}^{\prime}\right),
#' }
#' where \eqn{w_{t_{m-1}^{k}}^{k}} is the weight of the \eqn{k}th asset in the ETF. 
#' and 
#' \deqn{
#'      {\cal Q}^{\left(i-1\right)d+j}
#' } 
#' is defined by the following two cases:
#' \eqn{
#'     \left(0_{\left(i-1\right)d+j-1}^{\prime},1,0_{\left(d-i+1\right)d-j}^{\prime}\right)+\left(0_{\left(j-1\right)d+i-1}^{\prime},-1,0_{\left(d-j+1\right)d-i}^{\prime}\right) \quad \textrm{if }i\neq j;
#' }
#' \eqn{
#'     0_{d^{2}}^{\prime} \quad \textrm{otherwise}.
#' }
#' \eqn{\bar{W}^k} has dimensions \eqn{d \times d^2} and \eqn{{\cal Q}^{\left(i-1\right)d+j}} has dimensions \eqn{d^2 \times d^2}.
#' The Beta-Adjusted Covariance is then 
#' \deqn{
#' \Sigma^{\textrm{BAC}} = \Sigma - L\left(\bar{\beta}-\beta_{\bullet}\right),
#' }
#' where \eqn{\Sigma} is the pre-estimated covariance matrix.
#' @param pData a named list. Each list-item contains an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object with the intraday price data of an ETF and it's component stocks. \code{xts} objects are turned into \code{data.table}s
#' @param shares a \code{numeric} with length corresponding to the number of component stocks in the ETF. The entries are the stock holdings of the ETF in the corresponding stock. The order of these entries should correspond to the order the stocks are listed in the \code{list} passed in the \code{pData} argument.
#' @param outstanding number of shares outstanding of the ETF
#' @param nonEquity aggregated value of the additional components (like cash, money-market funds, bonds, etc.) of the ETF which are not included in the components in \code{pData}.
#' @param ETFNAME a \code{character} denoting which entry in the \code{pData} list is the ETF. Default is \code{"ETF"}
#' @param unrestricted a \code{logical} denoting whether to use the unrestricted estimator, which is an extension that also affects the diagonal. Default is \code{FALSE}
#' @param targetBeta a \code{character}, one of \code{c("HY", "VAB", "expert")} (default) denoting which target beta to use, only the first entry will be used. A value \code{"HY"} means using the Hayashi-Yoshida estimator to estimate the
#' empirical beta. A value of \code{"VAB"} denotes using the variance adjusted beta. A value of \code{"expert"} denotes using a user-supplied target beta, which can be supplied in the \code{expertBeta} argument.
#' @param expertBeta a \code{numeric} containing the user supplied expert beta used when \code{targetBeta} is \code{"expert"}. The \code{expertBeta} must be of length equal to the number of assets in the ETF. Default is \code{NULL} 
#' @param preEstimator a \code{function} which estimates the integrated covariance matrix. Default is \code{\link{rCov}}
#' @param noiseRobustEstimator a \code{function} which estimates the integrated (co)variance and is robust to microstructure noise (only the diagonal will be estimated).
#'  This function is only used when \code{noiseCorrection} is \code{TRUE}. Default is \code{\link{rTSCov}}
#' @param noiseCorrection a \code{logical} which denotes whether to use the extension of the estimator which corrects for microstructure noise by using the \code{noiseRobustEstimator} function. Default is \code{FALSE}
#' @param returnL a \code{logical} which denotes whether to return the \code{L} matrix. Default is \code{FALSE}
#' @param ... extra arguments passed to \code{preEstimator} and \code{noiseRobustEstimator}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Since we don't have any data in this package that is of the required format we must simulate it.
#' library(xts)
#' library(highfrequency)
#' # The mvtnorm package is needed for this example
#' # Please install this package before running this example
#' library("mvtnorm")
#' # Set the seed for replication
#' set.seed(123)
#' iT <- 23400 # Number of observations
#' # Simulate returns
#' rets <- rmvnorm(iT * 3 + 1, mean = rep(0,4), 
#'                 sigma = matrix(c(0.1, -0.03 , 0.02, 0.04,
#'                                 -0.03, 0.05, -0.03, 0.02,
#'                                  0.02, -0.03, 0.05, -0.03,  
#'                                  0.04, 0.02, -0.03, 0.08), ncol = 4))
#' # We assume that the assets don't trade in a synchronous manner
#' w1 <- rets[sort(sample(1:nrow(rets), size = nrow(rets) * 0.5)), 1]
#' w2 <- rets[sort(sample(1:nrow(rets), size = nrow(rets) * 0.75)), 2]
#' w3 <- rets[sort(sample(1:nrow(rets), size = nrow(rets) * 0.65)), 3]
#' w4 <- rets[sort(sample(1:nrow(rets), size = nrow(rets) * 0.8)), 4]
#' w5 <- rnorm(nrow(rets) * 0.9, mean = 0, sd = 0.005)
#' timestamps1 <- seq(34200, 57600, length.out = length(w1))
#' timestamps2 <- seq(34200, 57600, length.out = length(w2))
#' timestamps3 <- seq(34200, 57600, length.out = length(w3))
#' timestamps4 <- seq(34200, 57600, length.out = length(w4))
#' timestamps4 <- seq(34200, 57600, length.out = length(w4))
#' timestamps5 <- seq(34200, 57600, length.out = length(w5))
#' w1 <- xts(w1 * c(0,sqrt(diff(timestamps1) / (max(timestamps1) - min(timestamps1)))),
#'           as.POSIXct(timestamps1, origin = "1970-01-01"), tzone = "UTC")
#' w2 <- xts(w2 * c(0,sqrt(diff(timestamps2) / (max(timestamps2) - min(timestamps2)))),
#'           as.POSIXct(timestamps2, origin = "1970-01-01"), tzone = "UTC")
#' w3 <- xts(w3 * c(0,sqrt(diff(timestamps3) / (max(timestamps3) - min(timestamps3)))),
#'           as.POSIXct(timestamps3, origin = "1970-01-01"), tzone = "UTC")
#' w4 <- xts(w4 * c(0,sqrt(diff(timestamps4) / (max(timestamps4) - min(timestamps4)))),
#'           as.POSIXct(timestamps4, origin = "1970-01-01"), tzone = "UTC")
#' w5 <- xts(w5 * c(0,sqrt(diff(timestamps5) / (max(timestamps5) - min(timestamps5)))),
#'           as.POSIXct(timestamps5, origin = "1970-01-01"), tzone = "UTC")
#' p1  <- exp(cumsum(w1))
#' p2  <- exp(cumsum(w2))
#' p3  <- exp(cumsum(w3))
#' p4  <- exp(cumsum(w4))
#' weights <- runif(4) * 1:4
#' weights <- weights / sum(weights)
#' p5 <- xts(rowSums(cbind(w1 * weights[1], w2 * weights[2], w3 * weights[3], w4 * weights[4]),
#'                    na.rm = TRUE),
#'                    index(cbind(p1, p2, p3, p4)))
#' p5 <- xts(cumsum(rowSums(cbind(p5, w5), na.rm = TRUE)), index(cbind(p5, w5)))
#' p5 <- exp(p5[sort(sample(1:length(p5), size = nrow(rets) * 0.9))])
#' BAC <- rBACov(pData = list(
#'                      "ETF" = p5, "STOCK 1" = p1, "STOCK 2" = p2, "STOCK 3" = p3, "STOCK 4" = p4
#'                    ), shares = 1:4, outstanding = 1, nonEquity = 0, ETFNAME = "ETF", 
#'                    unrestricted = FALSE, preEstimator = "rCov", noiseCorrection = FALSE, 
#'                    returnL = FALSE, K = 2, J = 1)
#' # Noise robust version of the estimator
#' noiseRobustBAC <- rBACov(pData = list(
#'                      "ETF" = p5, "STOCK 1" = p1, "STOCK 2" = p2, "STOCK 3" = p3, "STOCK 4" = p4
#'                    ), shares = 1:4, outstanding = 1, nonEquity = 0, ETFNAME = "ETF", 
#'                    unrestricted = FALSE, preEstimator = "rCov", noiseCorrection = TRUE, 
#'                    noiseRobustEstimator = rHYCov, returnL = FALSE, K = 2, J = 1)
#' # Use the Variance Adjusted Beta method
#' # Also use a different pre-estimator.
#' VABBAC <- rBACov(pData = list(
#'                      "ETF" = p5, "STOCK 1" = p1, "STOCK 2" = p2, "STOCK 3" = p3, "STOCK 4" = p4
#'                    ), shares = 1:4, outstanding = 1, nonEquity = 0, ETFNAME = "ETF", 
#'                    unrestricted = FALSE, targetBeta = "VAB", preEstimator = "rHYov", 
#'                    noiseCorrection = FALSE, returnL = FALSE, Lin = FALSE, L = 0, K = 2, J = 1)                    
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{ICov}} for a list of implemented estimators of the integrated covariance.
#' @references Boudt, K., Dragun, K., Omauri, S., and Vanduffel, S. (2021) Beta-Adjusted Covariance Estimation (working paper).
#' @author Emil Sjoerup, (Kris Boudt and Kirill Dragun for the Python version)
#' @importFrom xts is.xts
#' @importFrom data.table as.data.table merge.data.table data.table setkey setcolorder copy is.data.table
#' @export
rBACov <- function(pData, shares, outstanding, nonEquity, ETFNAME = "ETF", 
                   unrestricted = TRUE, targetBeta = c("HY", "VAB", "expert"),
                   expertBeta = NULL, preEstimator = "rCov", noiseRobustEstimator = rTSCov, noiseCorrection = FALSE, 
                 returnL = FALSE, ...){
  .N <- DT <- .SD <- NULL
  if(!is.list(pData) | is.data.table(pData)){
    stop("pData must be a list of data.tables or xts objects")
    pData <- lapply(pData,
                      dimnames(x) <- NULL # This is needed due to a bug in data.table - see https://github.com/Rdatatable/data.table/issues/4897
                      x <- as.data.table(x)
                      setnames(x, "index","DT")
  targetBeta <- targetBeta[1]
  if(noiseCorrection && !is.function(noiseRobustEstimator)){
    stop("noiseRobustEstimator must be a function when noiseCorrection is TRUE")
  nm <- names(pData)
  if(!any(ETFNAME == nm)){
    stop("ETFNAME must be present in the pData list")
  for (i in 1:length(pData)) {
    setnames(pData[[i]], new= c("DT", nm[i]))
  # backup <- Reduce(function(x,y) merge.data.table(x, y, all = TRUE, on = "DT"), pData[which(names(pData) != ETFNAME)])
  pData <- Reduce(function(x,y) merge.data.table(x, y, all = TRUE, on = "DT"), pData)
  setkey(pData, "DT")
  # setkey(backup, "DT")
  timeZone <- format(pData$DT[1], format = "%Z")
  tz <- NULL
  if(is.null(timeZone) || timeZone == ""){
      tz <- "UTC"
    if(!("POSIXct" %in% class(pData$DT))) pData[, DT := as.POSIXct(format(DT, digits = 20, nsmall = 20), tz = tz)]
  } else {
    tz <- timeZone
  nComps <- dim(pData)[2] - 2 # Number of components in the ETF - 2 because of ETF data and DT
  W <- matrix(0, nrow = nComps, ncol = nComps^2)
  Q <- matrix(0, nrow = nComps^2, ncol = nComps^2)
  shares <- shares / outstanding
  setcolorder(pData, c("DT", ETFNAME))
  missingPoints <- !is.na(pData)[-1,] # Where the inputs aren't missing
  PE <- switch(preEstimator,
               "rCov" = rCov,
               "rHYCov" = rHYCov)
    ## IF another estimator gets added, we should add them in this list
    stop("preEstimator not implemented, please choose among `rCov` and `rHYCov`")
  ## We calculate the pre-estimator
  RC2 <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(pData) - 2, nrow = ncol(pData) - 2, dimnames = list(nm[-1], nm[-1]))
  if(noiseCorrection) RC <- RC2
  noiseRobust <- rep(0, ncol(pData) - 2)
  for (i in 1:nComps) {
    for (j in i:nComps) {
      dat <- refreshTimeMatching(as.matrix(pData[, 2 + c(i, j), with = FALSE]), pData$DT)
      dat <- data.table(dat$data)[, DT := as.POSIXct(dat$indices, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = tz)]
      setkey(dat, DT)
      setcolorder(dat, "DT")
      RC2[i, j] <- RC2[j, i] <- PE(dat, makeReturns = TRUE)[1,2]
    if(noiseCorrection) RC[i, i] <- rCov(pData[c(FALSE, missingPoints[, 2+i]), c(1, 2 + i), with = FALSE], makeReturns = TRUE)[[2]]
  pData <- setnafill(copy(pData), type = "locf", cols = 2:ncol(pData))
  pData <- setnafill(pData, type = "nocb")
  set(pData, j = ETFNAME, value = pData[,ETFNAME , with = FALSE] - nonEquity/outstanding)
  returns <- pData[, lapply(.SD, function(x) makeReturns(x)), .SDcols = 3:ncol(pData)][-1,]
  etfReturns <- diff(pData[[2]])
  set(returns, j = "DT", value = pData$DT[-1])
  setcolorder(returns, "DT")
  shares <- c(0,0, shares) / outstanding
  meanWeights <- numeric(ncol(pData))
  meanSquaredWeights <- numeric(ncol(pData))
  assetWeights <- copy(pData)
  for (j in 3:ncol(pData)) {
    set(assetWeights, j = j, value = assetWeights[,j, with = FALSE] * shares[j])
    meanWeights[j] <- sum(assetWeights[c(FALSE, missingPoints[,j]), j, with = FALSE])/sum(missingPoints[,j])
    meanSquaredWeights[j] <- sum(assetWeights[c(FALSE, missingPoints[,j]), j, with = FALSE]^2)/sum(missingPoints[,j])
    for (i in 1:nComps) {
      noiseRobust[i] <- noiseRobustEstimator(pData[c(TRUE, missingPoints[, i + 2]), c(1,i + 2), with = FALSE], makeReturns = TRUE, ...)
  meanWeights <- meanWeights[-c(1,2)]
  meanSquaredWeights <- meanSquaredWeights[-c(1,2)]
  shares <- shares[-c(1,2)]
  if(preEstimator == "rCov"){
    impliedBeta <- bacImpliedBetaCpp(as.matrix(returns[, -1, with = FALSE]), missingPoints[, -c(1,2)], as.matrix(assetWeights[-1, -c(1,2), with = FALSE]))
  } else if(preEstimator == "rHYCov"){
    impliedBeta <- bacImpliedBetaHYCpp(as.matrix(returns[, -1, with = FALSE]), missingPoints[, -c(1,2)], as.matrix(assetWeights[-1, -c(1,2), with = FALSE]))
    RC2[] <- impliedBeta[["cov"]]
    impliedBeta <- impliedBeta[["impliedBeta"]]
  impliedBeta <- as.numeric(impliedBeta)
  if(targetBeta == "HY"){
    targetBeta <- numeric(ncol(returns) - 1)
    weightings <- rep(1, nrow(returns)) ## The bacHY code allows for both weighted and unweighted HY - here we don't weigh and set weights to 1
    for (i in 2:ncol(returns)) {
      targetBeta[i-1] <- bacHY(as.matrix(returns[, i, with = FALSE]), as.matrix(etfReturns), missingPoints[,i+1], missingPoints[,2], weightings)
  } else if(targetBeta == "VAB"){
    targetBeta <- numeric(ncol(returns) - 1)
    weightings <- rep(1, nrow(returns)) ## The bacHY code allows for both weighted and unweighted HY - here we don't weigh and set weights to 1
    for (i in 2:ncol(returns)) {
      targetBeta[i-1] <- bacHY(as.matrix(returns[, i, with = FALSE]), as.matrix(etfReturns), missingPoints[,i+1], missingPoints[,2], weightings)
    tempBeta <- targetBeta
    sqw <- 0
    aw <- targetBeta <- numeric(ncol(returns) - 1)
    # ETFLogReturns <- as.matrix(diff(log(pData[[ETFNAME]])))
    logw <- 1/(pData[1:(.N-1),ETFNAME, with =FALSE])^2
    for (i in 2:ncol(returns)) {
      targetBeta[i-1] <- bacHY(as.matrix(returns[, i, with = FALSE]), etfReturns,
                               missingPoints[,i+1], missingPoints[,2], as.matrix(assetWeights[-1, i + 1, with = FALSE] * logw))
      tw <- (logw* assetWeights[-1, i + 1, with = FALSE])[missingPoints[,i+1]]
      aw[i-1] <- mean(tw[[1]])
      sqw <- sqw + mean(tw[[1]]^2)
    noisyETF <- PE(pData[, c(1,2), with = FALSE], makeReturns = TRUE, ...)
    noiseFreeETF <- noiseRobustEstimator(pData[, c(1,2), with = FALSE], makeReturns = TRUE, ...)
    etfNoise <- pmax(noisyETF[[length(noisyETF)]] - noiseFreeETF[[length(noiseFreeETF)]], 0)
    targetBeta <- tempBeta + aw/sqw * (sum(diff(log(pData[[ETFNAME]]))[missingPoints[,2]]^2) - etfNoise - sum(targetBeta))
  } else if(targetBeta == "expert"){
    if(!is.numeric(expertBeta) & length(expertBeta) == (ncol(returns) - 1)){
      targetBeta <- expertBeta
    } else {
      stop("expertBeta is not a numeric with same length as the number of components in the ETF." )
    noise <- pmax(diag(RC) - noiseRobust,0)
    impliedBeta <- impliedBeta - noise * meanWeights
    NS <- noise/pmax(1, colSums(missingPoints[, -c(1,2)]))
  } else {
    NS <- 0
    noise <- numeric(nComps)
  for (i in 1:nComps){
    # If noiseCorrection is not TRUE, NS = 0, thus exp(NS * .) = 1 and we can reuse noise and no noise code
    W[i, ((i-1) * nComps + 1):(nComps * i)] <- meanWeights * exp(NS * 0.25) 
  for (i in 1:nComps){
    for (j in 1:nComps){
      if(i == j & !unrestricted){ # If unrestricted is true, we change the main diagonal too
        Q[(i-1) * nComps + i, (i-1) * nComps + i] <- 1
      } else if(j != i) {
        Q[(i-1) * nComps + j, (j-1) * nComps + i] <- -0.5
        Q[(i-1) * nComps + j, (i-1) * nComps + j] <- 0.5
  L <- (diag(nComps^2) - Q) %*% t(W)
  # If noiseCorrection is not TRUE, NS = 0, thus exp(NS * .) = 1 and we can reuse noise and no noise code
  L <- L %*% (solve(diag(nComps) * sum(meanSquaredWeights * exp(NS * 0.5)) - W %*% Q %*% t(W)))
    return(list("BAC" = RC2 - (matrix(L %*% (impliedBeta - targetBeta), ncol = nComps) + diag(noise)), "L" = L))
  } else {
    return(RC2 - (matrix(L %*% (impliedBeta - targetBeta), ncol = nComps) + diag(noise)))
jonathancornelissen/highfrequency documentation built on Jan. 10, 2023, 7:29 p.m.