
Defines functions nice has.intercept.default has.intercept.multinom predictor.names predictor.names.default response is.aliased df.terms df.terms.default df.terms.survreg model.matrix.survreg mfrow inv coefnames2bs showLabelsScatter outerLegend squeezeBlanks df.residual.mer df.residual.merMod df.residual.lme has.intercept.mer has.intercept.merMod model.matrix.lme exists.method plotArrayLegend termsToMf package.installed model.matrix.coxme alias.coxme has.intercept.vlm

# Utility functions (J. Fox)

# 16 March 2010 changed 'vars' argument to 'terms'
# 28 June 2010 added df.terms.surveg and model.matrix.survreg
# 15 November 2010 added squeezeBlanks
# 21 January 2011 added functions to support mixed models
# 2012-04-08 added exists.method
# 2012-06-23: added call to globalVariables(). John
# 2012-12-10: added .carEnv to avoid warnings in R > 2.16.0
# 2013-06020: added .merMod methods to df.residual() and has.intercept(). John
# 2014-05-16: added .multinom method for has.intercept(). John
# 2014-08-19: added package.installed() function, unexported. John
# 2014-11-02: termsToMf fixed, Sandy
# 2015-01-13: fixed model.matrix.lme() to work with model with formula as object. John
# 2015-01-27: .carEnv now lives in the global environment. John
# 2015-09-04: added model.matrix.coxme() and alias.coxme(). John
# 2015-09-11: added some support for VGAM::vglm objects. John

#if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1") globalVariables(c(".boot.sample", ".boot.indices"))

.carEnv <- new.env(parent=globalenv())

# function to find "nice" numbers

nice <- function(x, direction=c("round", "down", "up"), lead.digits=1){
	direction <- match.arg(direction)
	if (length(x) > 1) return(sapply(x, nice, direction=direction, lead.digits=lead.digits))
	if (x == 0) return(0)
	power.10 <- floor(log(abs(x),10))
	if (lead.digits > 1) power.10 <- power.10 - lead.digits + 1
	lead.digit <- switch(direction,

has.intercept <- function (model, ...) {

has.intercept.default <- function(model, ...) any(names(coefficients(model))=="(Intercept)")

has.intercept.multinom <- function(model, ...) {
  nms <- names(coef(model))
  any(grepl("\\(Intercept\\)", nms))
term.names <- function (model, ...) {

term.names.default <- function (model, ...) {
	term.names <- labels(terms(model))
	if (has.intercept(model)) c("(Intercept)", term.names)
	else term.names

predictor.names <- function(model, ...) {

predictor.names.default <- function(model, ...){
	predictors <- attr(terms(model), "variables")

responseName <- function (model, ...) {

responseName.default <- function (model, ...) deparse(attr(terms(model), "variables")[[2]])

response <- function(model, ...) {

response.default <- function (model, ...) model.response(model.frame(model))

is.aliased <- function(model){

df.terms <- function(model, term, ...){

df.terms.default <- function(model, term, ...){
	if (is.aliased(model)) stop("Model has aliased term(s); df ambiguous.")
	if (!missing(term) && 1 == length(term)){
		assign <- attr(model.matrix(model), "assign")
		which.term <- which(term == labels(terms(model)))
		if (0 == length(which.term)) stop(paste(term, "is not in the model."))
		sum(assign == which.term)
	else {
		terms <- if (missing(term)) labels(terms(model)) else term
		result <- numeric(0)
		for (term in terms) result <- c(result, Recall(model, term))
		names(result) <- terms

df.terms.multinom <- function (model, term, ...){
	nlev <- length(model$lev)
	if (!missing(term) && 1 == length(term)) {
		assign <- attr(model.matrix(model), "assign")
		which.term <- which(term == labels(terms(model)))
		if (0 == length(which.term))
			stop(paste(term, "is not in the model."))
		sum(assign == which.term) * (nlev - 1)
	else {
		terms <- if (missing(term))
			else term
		result <- numeric(0)
		for (term in terms) result <- c(result, Recall(model,
		names(result) <- terms

df.terms.polr <- function (model, term, ...){
	if (!missing(term) && 1 == length(term)) {
		assign <- attr(model.matrix(model), "assign")
		which.term <- which(term == labels(terms(model)))
		if (0 == length(which.term))
			stop(paste(term, "is not in the model."))
		sum(assign == which.term)
	else {
		terms <- if (missing(term))
			else term
		result <- numeric(0)
		for (term in terms) result <- c(result, Recall(model,
		names(result) <- terms

df.terms.survreg <- function(model, term, ...){
	if (is.aliased(model)) stop("Model has aliased term(s); df ambiguous.")
	if (!missing(term) && 1 == length(term)){
		assign <- attr(model.matrix(model, data=model.frame(model)), "assign")
		which.term <- which(term == labels(terms(model)))
		if (0 == length(which.term)) stop(paste(term, "is not in the model."))
		sum(assign == which.term)
	else {
		terms <- if (missing(term)) labels(terms(model)) else term
		result <- numeric(0)
		for (term in terms) result <- c(result, Recall(model, term))
		names(result) <- terms

model.matrix.survreg <- function(object, ...) model.matrix.default(object, model.frame(object))

mfrow <- function(n, max.plots=0){
	# number of rows and columns for array of n plots
	if (max.plots != 0 && n > max.plots)
		stop(paste("number of plots =",n," exceeds maximum =", max.plots))
	rows <- round(sqrt(n))
	cols <- ceiling(n/rows)
	c(rows, cols)

inv <- function(x) solve(x)

coefnames2bs <- function(g, para.names, parameterPrefix="b"){
	metas <- c("(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", ".", "*", "+", "^", "$", ":", "|")
	metas2 <- paste("\\", metas, sep="")
	metas3 <- paste("\\\\", metas, sep="")
	for (i in seq(along=metas))
		para.names <- gsub(metas2[i], metas3[i], para.names) # fix up metacharacters
	para.order <- order(nchar(para.names), decreasing=TRUE) 
	para.names <- para.names[para.order] # avoid partial-name substitution
	std.names <- if ("(Intercept)" %in% para.names)
				paste(parameterPrefix, 0:(length(para.names) - 1), sep = "")
			else paste(parameterPrefix, 1:length(para.names), sep = "")
	std.names.ordered <- std.names[para.order]
	for (i in seq(along=para.names)){
		g <- gsub(para.names[i], std.names.ordered[i], g) 
	list(g=g, std.names=std.names)

showLabelsScatter <- function(x, y, labels, id.var = NULL,
	id.method = c("mahal", "identify", "none"), log="", id.cex=.75, id.n=3, id.col=palette()[1], 
	range.x=range(.x), show=TRUE) {
	id.method <- match.arg(id.method)
	if (id.method == "none" || id.n == 0 || !show) return(invisible(NULL))
	if(id.n > 0L) {
		if (missing(labels))
			labels <- if (!is.null(id.var)) names(id.var)
				else as.character(seq(along=x))
		getPoints <- function(z) {
			names(z) <- labels
			iid <- seq(length=id.n)
			zs <- z[order(-z)[iid]]
			match(names(zs), labels)
		logged <- function(axis=c("x", "y")){
			axis <- match.arg(axis)
			0 != length(grep(axis, log))
		valid <- complete.cases(x, y)
		x <- x[valid]
		y <- y[valid]
		labels <- labels[valid]
		if (length(id.var) == length(valid)) 
			id.var <- id.var[valid]
		.x <- if (logged("x")) log(x) else x
		.y <- if (logged("y")) log(y) else y
		ind <- if (!is.null(id.var)) {
				if (length(id.var) == length(x)) order(-abs(id.var))[1L:id.n] 
				else if(is.character(id.var)) match(id.var, labels) else id.var
			else switch(id.method,
					x = getPoints(abs(.x - mean(.x))),
					y = getPoints(abs(.y - mean(.y))),
					xy = union(getPoints(abs(.x - mean(.x))),
						getPoints(abs(.y - mean(.y)))),
					mahal= getPoints(rowSums(qr.Q(qr(cbind(1, .x, .y))) ^ 2)))
		ind <- na.omit(ind)
		if (length(ind) == 0) return(invisible(NULL))
		labpos <- c(4, 2)[1 + as.numeric(.x > mean(range.x))]
		text(x[ind], y[ind], labels[ind], cex = id.cex, xpd = TRUE,
			pos = labpos[ind], offset = 0.25, col=id.col)

#  outerLegend, written by S. Weisberg Feb 2010
#  outerLegend function
#  puts a legend in the margin, either at the upper left (margin = 3)
#  the default or upper right side otherwise
#  all the args from legend are used except for x, y, and xpd which are
#  set in the function.
#  offset is a fraction of the plot width or height to locate the legend
outerLegend <- function(..., margin=3, offset=0, adjust=FALSE){
   lims <- par("usr")
   if (margin == 3) {
      x0 <- lims[1] + offset*(lims[2]-lims[1])
      y0 <- lims[4] }
   else {
      x0 <- lims[2] + offset*(lims[2]-lims[1])
      y0 <- lims[4]
   leg <- legend(x0, y0, ... , xpd=TRUE, plot=FALSE)
   if (margin == 3) {
      y0 <- y0 + leg$rect$h
      if(adjust == TRUE) x0 <- x0 - leg$text$x[1]
   legend(x0, y0, ... , xpd=TRUE)
# added by J. Fox 18 Nov 2010

squeezeBlanks <- function(text){
	gsub(" *", "",  text)

# added by J. Fox 21 Jan 2011 to support mixed models

df.residual.mer <- function(object, ...) NULL

df.residual.merMod <- function(object, ...) NULL

df.residual.lme <- function(object, ...) Inf

has.intercept.mer <- function(model){

has.intercept.merMod <- function(model){
model.matrix.lme <- function(object, ...){
	model.matrix(formula(object), eval(object$call$data))

# added by J. Fox 2012-04-08 to use in deltaMethod.default()

exists.method <- function(generic, object, default=TRUE, strict=FALSE){
	classes <- class(object)
	if (default) classes <- c(classes, "default")
	if (strict) classes <- classes[1]
	any(paste(generic, ".", classes, sep="") %in%

# Used by marginalModelPlots, residualPlots added 2012-09-24
plotArrayLegend <- function(
      location=c("top", "none", "separate"),
      items, col.items, lty.items, lwd.items, title="legend",
      pch=1:length(items)) {
   if(location== "none") return()
   n <- length(items)
   if(location == "top" ) { # add legend
      usr <- par("usr")
      coords <-list(x=usr[1], y=usr[3])
      leg <- legend( coords, items,
                col=col.items, pch=pch,
                bty="n", cex=1, xpd=NA, plot=FALSE)
      coords <- list(x = usr[1], y=usr[4] + leg$rect$h)
      legend( coords, items,
         col=col.items, pch=pch, bty="n", cex=1, xpd=NA)
  if(location == "separate") {
    plot(0:1, 0:1, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="", type="n")
    bg <- par()$bg
    legend("center", items,
          lty=lty.items, lwd=lwd.items, fill=col.items, border=col.items,,
          col=col.items, box.col=par()$bg,

termsToMf <- function(model, terms){ 
  gform <- function(formula) {
    if (is.null(formula)){
        return(list(vars=formula, groups=NULL))
    has.response <- length(formula) == 3
    rhs <- if(has.response) formula[[3]] else formula[[2]]
# either a single variable or '.' on the RHS
    if (length(rhs) == 1){
        return(list(vars=formula, groups=NULL))
    if (length(rhs) != 3) stop("incorrectly formatted 'terms' argument")
# check for "|", indicating grouping
    if(deparse(rhs[[1]] == "|")) {
      if(length(rhs[[3]]) > 1) stop("Only one conditioning variable is permitted")
      groups <- as.formula(paste("~", deparse(rhs[[3]])))
      rhs <- rhs[[2]]
    } else groups <- NULL 
    vars <- as.formula(paste("~ ", deparse(rhs)))
    list(vars=vars, groups=groups)
  terms <- gform(as.formula(terms))
  mf.vars <- try(update(model, terms$vars, method="model.frame"),
# This second test is used for models like m1 <- lm(longley) which
# fail the first test because update doesn't work
  if(class(mf.vars) == "try-error")
       mf.vars <- try(update(model, terms$vars,
               method="model.frame", data=model.frame(model)), silent=TRUE)
  if(class(mf.vars) == "try-error") stop("argument 'terms' not interpretable.")
     mf.groups <- try(update(model, terms$groups, method="model.frame"), silent=TRUE)
     if(class(mf.groups) == "try-error")
       mf.groups <- try(update(model, terms$groups,
               method="model.frame", data=model.frame(model)), silent=TRUE)
     if(class(mf.groups) == "try-error") stop("argument 'terms' not interpretable.")
  } else {mf.groups <- NULL}
  list(mf.vars=mf.vars, mf.groups=mf.groups)

# the following function isn't exported, tests for existance of a package:

package.installed <- function(package){
  package <- as.character(substitute(package))
  result <- try(find.package(package), silent=TRUE)
  !class(result) ==  "try-error"

# support for coxme objects

model.matrix.coxme <- function(object, ...){
    if (!requireNamespace("survival")) stop("survival package is missing")
    class(object) <- "coxph"

alias.coxme <- function(model){
    if(any(which <- is.na(coef(model)))) return(list(Complete=which))
    else list()

# to make linearHypothesis() work again and to make Anova() work with VGAM:"vglm" objects 

# df.residual.vglm <- function(object, ...) object@df.residual

# vcov.vglm <- function(object, ...) vcovvlm(object, ...)

# coef.vglm <- function(object, ...) coefvlm(object, ...)

has.intercept.vlm <- function(model, ...) any(grepl("^\\(Intercept\\)", names(coef(model))))

# formula.vglm <- function(x, ...) formulavlm(x = x, ...)

# model.matrix.vglm <- function(object, ...) model.matrixvlm(object, ...)
jonathon-love/car documentation built on May 19, 2019, 7:28 p.m.