
Defines functions .read_lines_compressed .getReadMysqlTable .getSeqlengthsFromMysqlFolder .guessDatabaseName .getEnsemblMysqlUrl elementFromEnsemblFilename genomeVersionFromGtfFileName ensemblVersionFromGtfFileName organismFromGtfFileName isEnsemblFileName compareExons compareProteins compareTx compareGenes compareChromosomes compareEnsDbs buildMetadata tryGetSeqinfoFromEnsembl checkValidEnsDb ensDbFromGRanges ensDbFromGff .checkExtractVersions ensDbFromAH fixCDStypeInEnsemblGTF ensDbFromGtf makeEnsembldbPackage .checkIntegerCols makeEnsemblSQLiteFromTables fetchTablesFromEnsembl .makeObjectName .makePackageName .abbrevOrganismName .organismName

Documented in ensDbFromAH ensDbFromGff ensDbFromGRanges ensDbFromGtf fetchTablesFromEnsembl makeEnsembldbPackage makeEnsemblSQLiteFromTables

## Functions related to the creation of EnsDb databases.

## Separate helper function for abbreviating the genus and species name strings
## this simply makes the first character uppercase
.organismName <- function(x){
    substring(x, 1, 1) <- toupper(substring(x, 1, 1))

.abbrevOrganismName <- function(organism){
  spc <- unlist(strsplit(organism, "_|[[:space:]]"))
  res <- paste0(substr(spc[[1]], 1, 1), spc[[2]])
  if (length(spc) > 2)
      res <- paste0(c(res, spc[3:length(spc)]), collapse = "_")

## x has to be the connection to the database.
.makePackageName <- function(x){
    species <- .getMetaDataValue(x, "Organism")
    ensembl_version <- .getMetaDataValue(x, "ensembl_version")
    pkgName <- paste0("EnsDb.",.abbrevOrganismName(.organismName(species)),
                      ".v", ensembl_version)

.makeObjectName <- function(pkgName){
  strs <- unlist(strsplit(pkgName, "\\."))
  paste(c(strs[2:length(strs)], strs[1]), collapse="_")

## retrieve Ensembl data
## save all files to local folder.
## returns the path where files have been saved to.
fetchTablesFromEnsembl <- function(version, ensemblapi, user="anonymous",
                                   host="ensembldb.ensembl.org", pass="",
                                   port=5306, species="human"){
        stop("The version of the Ensembl database has to be provided!")
    ## setting the stage for perl:
    fn <- system.file("perl", "get_gene_transcript_exon_tables.pl",
    ## parameters: s, U, H, P, e
    ## replacing white spaces with _
    species <- gsub(species, pattern=" ", replacement="_")

    cmd <- paste0("perl ", fn, " -s ", species," -e ", version,
                  " -U ", user, " -H ", host, " -p ", port, " -P ", pass)

    ## we should now have the files:
    in_files <- c("ens_gene.txt", "ens_tx.txt", "ens_exon.txt",
                  "ens_tx2exon.txt", "ens_chromosome.txt", "ens_metadata.txt",
    ## check if we have all files...
    all_files <- dir(pattern="txt")
    if(sum(in_files %in% all_files)!=length(in_files))
        stop("Something went wrong! I'm missing some of the txt files the perl script should have generated.")

## create a SQLite database containing the information defined in the txt files.
makeEnsemblSQLiteFromTables <- function(path=".", dbname){
    ## check if we have all files...
    in_files <- c("ens_gene.txt", "ens_tx.txt", "ens_exon.txt",
                  "ens_tx2exon.txt", "ens_chromosome.txt", "ens_metadata.txt")
    ## check if we have all files...
    all_files <- dir(path, pattern="txt")
    if(sum(in_files %in% all_files)!=length(in_files))
        stop("Something went wrong! I'm missing some of the txt files the",
             " perl script should have generated.")

    haveCounts <- file.exists(paste0(path,.Platform$file.sep, "ens_counts.txt"))
    ## read the counts - use these numbers to validate that we did read
    ## everything
    if (haveCounts)
        counts <- read.table(paste0(path, .Platform$file.sep, "ens_counts.txt"),
                             sep = "\t", as.is = TRUE, header = TRUE)
    ## read information
    info <- read.table(paste0(path, .Platform$file.sep, "ens_metadata.txt"),
                       sep="\t", as.is=TRUE, header=TRUE)
    if (any(info$name == "species"))
        species <- .organismName(info[info$name == "species", "value"])
        species <- .organismName(info[info$name == "Organism", "value"])
        dbname <- paste0(
            "EnsDb.", .abbrevOrganismName(species), ".v",
            info[info$name == "ensembl_version", "value"], ".sqlite")
    con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("SQLite"), dbname=dbname)
    ## write information table
    dbWriteTable(con, name="metadata", info, row.names=FALSE)
    ## process chromosome
    message("Processing 'chromosome' table ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
    tmp <- read.table(paste0(path, .Platform$file.sep ,"ens_chromosome.txt"),
                      sep="\t", as.is=TRUE, header=TRUE)
    tmp[, "seq_name"] <- as.character(tmp[, "seq_name"])
    dbWriteTable(con, name="chromosome", tmp, row.names=FALSE)
    message("Processing 'gene' table ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
    ## process genes: some gene names might have fancy names...
    tmp <- read.table(paste0(path, .Platform$file.sep, "ens_gene.txt"),
                      sep="\t", as.is=TRUE, header=TRUE,
                      quote="", comment.char="" )
    OK <- .checkIntegerCols(tmp)
    ## Check that we have the expected number of rows:
    if (haveCounts)
        if (nrow(tmp) != counts[1, "gene"])
            stop("The data read from the 'ens_gene.txt' file does not match ",
                 "the expected number of entries.")
    dbWriteTable(con, name="gene", tmp, row.names=FALSE)
    ## Check that we can read the correct number of entries
    if (haveCounts) {
        res <- dbGetQuery(con, "select count(*) from gene;")[1, 1]
        if (res != counts[1, "gene"])
            stop("The number of rows in the 'gene' database table does not ",
                 "match the expected number.")

    if (as.numeric(info[info$name == "DBSCHEMAVERSION", "value"]) > 1) {
        message("Processing 'entrezgene' table ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
        ## process genes: some gene names might have fancy names...
        tmp <- read.table(paste0(path, .Platform$file.sep, "ens_entrezgene.txt"),
                          sep="\t", as.is=TRUE, header=TRUE,
                          quote="", comment.char="" )
        dbWriteTable(con, name="entrezgene", tmp, row.names=FALSE)

    message("Processing 'trancript' table ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
    ## process transcripts:
    tmp <- read.table(paste0(path, .Platform$file.sep, "ens_tx.txt"),
                      sep="\t", as.is=TRUE, header=TRUE, quote = "",
                      comment.char = "")
    ## Check that we have the expected number of rows:
    if (haveCounts)
        if (nrow(tmp) != counts[1, "tx"])
            stop("The data read from the 'ens_tx.txt' file does not match the",
                 " expected number of entries.")
    ## Fix the tx_cds_seq_start and tx_cds_seq_end columns: these should be integer!
        tmp[, "tx_cds_seq_start"] <- as.integer(tmp[, "tx_cds_seq_start"])
        tmp[, "tx_cds_seq_end"] <- as.integer(tmp[, "tx_cds_seq_end"])
    OK <- .checkIntegerCols(tmp)
    ## Fix the tx_support_level column to ensure it contains only INTEGER!
    if (any(colnames(tmp) == "tx_support_level")) {
        tsl <- strsplit(tmp$tx_support_level, split = " ", fixed = TRUE)
        tsl <- lapply(tsl, function(z) {
            if (length(z) > 1)
                z <- z[1]
            if (is.na(z))
            if (z == "NA" | z == "NULL")
                z <- NA
        tmp$tx_support_level <- unlist(tsl, use.names = FALSE)
    if (any(colnames(tmp) == "tx_external_name"))
        tmp$tx_external_name[which(tmp$tx_external_name == "")] <- NA_character_
    dbWriteTable(con, name="tx", tmp, row.names=FALSE)

    ## process exons:
    message("Processing 'exon' table ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
    tmp <- read.table(paste0(path, .Platform$file.sep, "ens_exon.txt"),
                      sep = "\t", as.is = TRUE, header = TRUE)
    if (haveCounts)
        if (nrow(tmp) != counts[1, "exon"])
            stop("The data read from the 'ens_exon.txt' file does not match ",
                 "the expected number of entries.")
    OK <- .checkIntegerCols(tmp)
    dbWriteTable(con, name="exon", tmp, row.names=FALSE)
    message("Processing 'tx2exon' table ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
    tmp <- read.table(paste0(path, .Platform$file.sep, "ens_tx2exon.txt"),
                      sep = "\t", as.is = TRUE, header = TRUE)
    OK <- .checkIntegerCols(tmp)
    dbWriteTable(con, name="tx2exon", tmp, row.names = FALSE)

    ## process proteins; if available.
    prot_file <- paste0(path, .Platform$file.sep, "ens_protein.txt")
    if (file.exists(prot_file)) {
        message("Processing 'protein' table ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
        tmp <- read.table(prot_file, sep = "\t", as.is = TRUE, header = TRUE)
        if (haveCounts)
            if (nrow(tmp) != counts[1, "protein"])
                stop("The data read from the 'ens_protein.txt' file does not ",
                     "match the expected number of entries.")
        OK <- .checkIntegerCols(tmp)
        dbWriteTable(con, name = "protein", tmp, row.names = FALSE)
        message("Processing 'uniprot' table ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
        tmp <- read.table(paste0(path, .Platform$file.sep, "ens_uniprot.txt"),
                          sep = "\t", as.is = TRUE, header = TRUE)
        OK <- .checkIntegerCols(tmp)
        dbWriteTable(con, name = "uniprot", tmp, row.names = FALSE)
        message("Processing 'protein_domain' table ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
        tmp <- read.table(paste0(path, .Platform$file.sep, "ens_protein_domain.txt"),
                          sep = "\t", as.is = TRUE, header = TRUE)
        OK <- .checkIntegerCols(tmp)
        dbWriteTable(con, name = "protein_domain", tmp, row.names = FALSE)

    ## Create indices
    message("Creating indices ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
    .createEnsDbIndices(con, proteins = file.exists(prot_file))
    ## Check if the data could be loaded.
    message("Checking validity of the database ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
    msg <- validObject(EnsDb(dbname))
    if (!is.logical(msg))
    ## done.

## Simply checking that some columns are integer
.checkIntegerCols <- function(x, columns = c("gene_seq_start", "gene_seq_end",
                                             "tx_seq_start", "tx_seq_start",
                                             "exon_seq_start", "exon_seq_end",
                                             "exon_idx", "tx_cds_seq_start",
                                             "tx_cds_seq_end", "prot_dom_start",
                                             "prot_dom_end")) {
    if (!nrow(x)) return(TRUE)
    cols <- columns[columns %in% colnames(x)]
    if(length(cols) > 0) {
        sapply(cols, function(z) {
            if(!is.integer(x[, z]))
                stop("Column '", z,"' is not of type integer!")

## the function that creates the annotation package.
## ensdb should be a connection to an SQLite database, or a character string...
makeEnsembldbPackage <- function(ensdb,
        stop("ensdb has to be the name of the SQLite database!")
    ensdbfile <- ensdb
    ensdb <- EnsDb(x=ensdbfile)
    con <- dbconn(ensdb)
    pkgName <- .makePackageName(con)
    ensembl_version <- .getMetaDataValue(con, "ensembl_version")
    ## there should only be one template
    template_path <- system.file("pkg-template",package="ensembldb")
    ## We need to define some symbols in order to have the
    ## template filled out correctly.
    symvals <- list(
        PKGTITLE=paste("Ensembl based annotation package"),
        PKGDESCRIPTION="Exposes an annotation databases generated from Ensembl.",
        ORGANISM=.organismName(.getMetaDataValue(con ,'Organism')),
        RELEASEDATE= .getMetaDataValue(con ,'Creation time'),
        SOURCEURL= .getMetaDataValue(con ,'ensembl_host'),
        ORGANISMBIOCVIEW=gsub(" ","_",
                              .organismName(.getMetaDataValue(con ,'Organism'))),
        TXDBOBJNAME=pkgName ## .makeObjectName(pkgName)
    ## Should never happen
    if (any(duplicated(names(symvals)))) {
        stop("'symvals' contains duplicated symbols")
    ## then copy the contents of the database into the extdata dir
    sqlfilename <- unlist(strsplit(ensdbfile, split=.Platform$file.sep))
    sqlfilename <- sqlfilename[ length(sqlfilename) ]
    dir.create(paste(c(destDir, pkgName, "inst", "extdata"),
               showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE)
    db_path <- file.path(destDir, pkgName, "inst", "extdata",
    file.copy(ensdbfile, to=db_path)

## function to create a EnsDb object (or rather the SQLite database) from
## a Ensembl GTF file.
## Limitation:
## + There is no way to get the Entrezgene ID from this file.
## + Assuming that the element 2 in a row for a transcript represents its
##   biotype, since there is no explicit key transcript_biotype in element 9.
## + The CDS features in the GTF are somewhat problematic, while we're used to
##   get just the coding start and end for a transcript from the Ensembl perl
##   API, here we get the coding start and end for each exon.
ensDbFromGtf <- function(gtf, outfile, path, organism, genomeVersion,
                         version, ...){
    options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE)
    message("Importing GTF file ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
    ## wanted.features <- c("gene", "transcript", "exon", "CDS")
    wanted.features <- c("exon")
    ## GTF <- import(con=gtf, format="gtf", feature.type=wanted.features)
    GTF <- import(con = gtf, format = "gtf")
    ## check what we've got...
    ## all wanted features?
    if (any(!(wanted.features %in% levels(GTF$type))))
        stop("One or more required types are not in the gtf file. Need ",
             paste(wanted.features, collapse=","), " but got only ",
             paste(wanted.features[wanted.features %in% levels(GTF$type)],
                   collapse=","), ".")
    ## transcript biotype?
    if (any(colnames(mcols(GTF)) == "transcript_biotype")) {
        txBiotypeCol <- "transcript_biotype"
    } else {
        ## that's a little weird, but it seems that certain gtf files from Ensembl
        ## provide the transcript biotype in the element "source"
        txBiotypeCol <- "source"
    ## processing the metadata:
    ## first read the header...
    tmp <- .read_lines_compressed(gtf, n = 10)
    tmp <- tmp[grep(tmp, pattern = "^#")]
    haveHeader <- FALSE
    if (length(tmp) > 0) {
        ##message("GTF file has a header.")
        tmp <- gsub(tmp, pattern = "^#", replacement = "")
        tmp <- gsub(tmp, pattern = "^!", replacement = "")
        ## Splitting by " " but be careful, if there are more than one " "!
        hdr <- strsplit(tmp, split = " ", fixed = TRUE)
        hdr <- lapply(hdr, function(z) {
            if (length(z) > 2)
                z[2] <- paste(z[2:length(z)], collapse = " ")
        Header <- do.call(rbind, hdr)
        colnames(Header) <- c("name", "value")
        haveHeader <- TRUE
    ## Check parameters
    Parms <- .checkExtractVersions(gtf, organism, genomeVersion, version)
    ensemblVersion <- Parms["version"]
    organism <- Parms["organism"]
    genomeVersion <- Parms["genomeVersion"]
    ## Fix for issue #75: validate versions I got with versions extracted from
    ## the GTF header but don't stop if something is wrong, just show a warning
    if (haveHeader) {
        header.version <- Header[Header[, "name"] == "genome-version", "value"]
        if (length(header.version)) {
            if (genomeVersion != header.version)
                warning("Genome version extracted from the gtf file name ('",
                        genomeVersion, "') and genome version specified in the",
                        " gtf file ('", header.version, "') do not match. ",
                        "Ensure you pass the correct genome version along ",
                        "with parameter 'genomeVersion'")

    GTF <- fixCDStypeInEnsemblGTF(GTF)
    ## here on -> call ensDbFromGRanges.
    dbname <- ensDbFromGRanges(GTF, outfile = outfile, path = path,
                               organism = organism,
                               genomeVersion = genomeVersion,
                               version = ensemblVersion, ...)

    gtfFilename <- unlist(strsplit(gtf, split=.Platform$file.sep))
    gtfFilename <- gtfFilename[length(gtfFilename)]
    ## updating the Metadata information...
    lite <- dbDriver("SQLite")
    con <- dbConnect(lite, dbname = dbname)
    bla <- dbExecute(con, paste0("update metadata set value='",
                                 gtfFilename, "' where name='source_file';"))

##  fixCDStypeInEnsemblGTF
##  Takes an GRanges object as input and returns a GRanges object in
##  which the feature type stop_codon and start_codon is replaced by
##  feature type CDS. This is to fix a potential problem (bug?) in
##  GTF files from Ensembl, in which the stop_codon or start_codon for
##  some transcripts is outside of the CDS.
fixCDStypeInEnsemblGTF <- function(x){
    if(any(unique(x$type) %in% c("start_codon", "stop_codon"))){
        x$type[x$type %in% c("start_codon", "stop_codon")] <- "CDS"

##  ensDbFromAH
##  Retrieve a GTF file from AnnotationHub and build a EnsDb object from that.
ensDbFromAH <- function(ah, outfile, path, organism, genomeVersion, version) {
    if (!requireNamespace("AnnotationHub", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("The 'AnnotationHub' package is needed for this function to ",
             "work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
    options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE)
    ## Input checking...
    if(!is(ah, "AnnotationHub"))
        stop("Argument 'ah' has to be a (single) AnnotationHub object.")
    if(length(ah) != 1)
        stop("Argument 'ah' has to be a single AnnotationHub resource!")
    if(tolower(ah$dataprovider) != "ensembl")
        stop("Can only process GTF files provided by Ensembl!")
    if(tolower(ah$sourcetype) != "gtf")
        stop("Resource is not a GTF file!")
    ## Check parameters
    Parms <- .checkExtractVersions(ah$title, organism, genomeVersion, version)
    ensFromAH <- Parms["version"]
    orgFromAH <- Parms["organism"]
    genFromAH <- Parms["genomeVersion"]
    gtfFilename <- ah$title
    message("Fetching data ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
        gff <- ah[[1]]
    message("  -------------")
    message("Proceeding to create the database.")

    gff <- fixCDStypeInEnsemblGTF(gff)
    ## Proceed.
    dbname <- ensDbFromGRanges(gff, outfile = outfile, path = path,
                               organism = orgFromAH,
                               genomeVersion = genFromAH,
                               version = ensFromAH)
    ## updating the Metadata information...
    lite <- dbDriver("SQLite")
    con <- dbConnect(lite, dbname = dbname )
    bla <- dbExecute(con, paste0("update metadata set value='",
                                 gtfFilename, "' where name='source_file';"))

.checkExtractVersions <- function(filename, organism, genomeVersion, version){
    if (isEnsemblFileName(filename)) {
        ensFromFile <- ensemblVersionFromGtfFileName(filename)
        orgFromFile <- organismFromGtfFileName(filename)
        genFromFile <- genomeVersionFromGtfFileName(filename)
    } else {
        ensFromFile <- NA
        orgFromFile <- NA
        genFromFile <- NA
        if (missing(organism) | missing(genomeVersion) | missing(version))
            stop("The file name does not match the expected naming scheme",
                 " of Ensembl files (<organism>.<genome version>.<Ensembl ",
                 "version>) hence I cannot extract any information",
                 " from it! Parameters 'organism', 'genomeVersion' and",
                 " 'version' are thus required!")
    ## Do some more testing with versions provided from the user.
    if (!missing(organism)) {
        if (!is.na(orgFromFile)) {
            if (organism != orgFromFile) {
                warning("User specified organism (", organism,
                        ") is different to the one extracted",
                        " from the file name (", orgFromFile,
                        ")! Using the one defined by the user.")
        orgFromFile <- organism
    if (!missing(genomeVersion)) {
        if (!is.na(genFromFile)) {
            if (genomeVersion != genFromFile) {
                warning("User specified genome version (", genomeVersion,
                        ") is different to the one extracted",
                        " from the file name (", genFromFile,
                        ")! Using the one defined by the user.")
        genFromFile <- genomeVersion
    if (!missing(version)) {
        if (!is.na(ensFromFile)) {
            if (version != ensFromFile) {
                warning("User specified Ensembl version (", version,
                        ") is different to the one extracted",
                        " from the file name (", ensFromFile,
                        ")! Using the one defined by the user.")
        ensFromFile <- version
    res <- c(orgFromFile, genFromFile, ensFromFile)
    names(res) <- c("organism", "genomeVersion", "version")

##  ensDbFromGff
ensDbFromGff <- function(gff, outfile, path, organism, genomeVersion,
                         version, ...){

    ## Check parameters
    Parms <- .checkExtractVersions(gff, organism, genomeVersion, version)
    ensFromFile <- Parms["version"]
    orgFromFile <- Parms["organism"]
    genFromFile <- Parms["genomeVersion"]
    ## Reading some info from the header.
    tmp <- .read_lines_compressed(gff, n = 500)
    if(length(grep(tmp[1], pattern="##gff-version")) == 0)
        stop("File ", gff, " does not seem to be a correct GFF file! ",
             "The ##gff-version line is missing!")
    gffVersion <- unlist(strsplit(tmp[1], split="[ ]+"))[2]
    if(gffVersion != "3")
        stop("This function supports only GFF version 3 files!")
    tmp <- tmp[grep(tmp, pattern="^#!")]
    if(length(tmp) > 0){
        ## Check if I can extract the genome-version
        idx <- grep(tmp, pattern = "^#!genome-version")
        if (length(idx) > 0) {
            genFromHeader <- sub(tmp[idx], pattern = "^#!genome-version",
                                 replacement = "")
            genFromHeader <- gsub(genFromHeader, pattern = " ",
                                  replacement = "", fixed = TRUE)
            if (genFromHeader != genFromFile) {
                warning("Genome version extracted from file name (",
                        genFromFile, ") does not match genome version",
                        " defined within the gff file (", genFromHeader,
                        "). Will use the version defined within the gff.")

    message("Importing GFF ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
        theGff <- import(gff, format=paste0("gff", gffVersion))
    ## Works with Ensembl 83; eventually not for updated Ensembl gff files!

    ## what seems a little strange: exons have an ID of NA.
    ## Ensembl specific fields: gene_id, transcript_id, exon_id, rank, biotype.
    ## GFF3 fields: type, ID, Name, Parent
    ## check columns and subset...
    gffcols <- c("type", "ID", "Name", "Parent")
    if(!all(gffcols %in% colnames(mcols(theGff))))
        stop("Required columns/fields ",
             paste(gffcols[!(gffcols %in% colnames(mcols(theGff)))],
             " not present in the GFF file!")
    enscols <- c("gene_id", "transcript_id", "exon_id", "rank", "biotype")
    if(!all(enscols %in% colnames(mcols(theGff))))
        stop("Required columns/fields ",
             paste(enscols[!(enscols %in% colnames(mcols(theGff)))],
             " not present in the GFF file!")
    ## Subsetting to eventually speed up further processing.
    theGff <- theGff[, c(gffcols, enscols)]
    ## Renaming and fixing some columns:
    CN <- colnames(mcols(theGff))
    colnames(mcols(theGff))[CN == "Name"] <- "gene_name"
    colnames(mcols(theGff))[CN == "biotype"] <- "gene_biotype"
    colnames(mcols(theGff))[CN == "rank"] <- "exon_number"
    theGff$transcript_biotype <- theGff$gene_biotype

    ## Processing that stuff...
    ## Replace the ID format type:ID.
    ids <- strsplit(theGff$ID, split=":")
    message("Fixing IDs ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
    ## For those that have length > 1 use the second element.
    theGff$ID <- unlist(lapply(ids, function(z){
        if(length(z) > 1)
    ## Process genes...
    message("Processing genes ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
    ## Bring the GFF into the correct format for EnsDb/ensDbFromGRanges.
    idx <- which(!is.na(theGff$gene_id))
    theGff$type[idx] <- "gene"

    ## ## Can not use the lengths of chromosomes provided in the chromosome features!!!
    ## ## For whatever reasons chromosome Y length is incorrect!!!
    ## message("Processing seqinfo...", appendLF=FALSE)
    ## SI <- seqinfo(theGff)
    ## tmp <- theGff[theGff$ID %in% seqlevels(SI)]
    ## ## Check if we've got length for all.
    ## message("OK")

    ## Process transcripts...
    message("Processing transcripts ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
    idx <- which(!is.na(theGff$transcript_id))
    ## Check if I've got multiple parents...
    parentGenes <- theGff$Parent[idx]
    if(any(lengths(parentGenes) > 1))
        stop("Transcripts with multiple parents in GFF element 'Parent'",
             " not (yet) supported!")
    theGff$type[idx] <- "transcript"
    ## Setting the gene_id for these guys...
    theGff$gene_id[idx] <- unlist(sub(parentGenes, pattern="gene:",
                                      replacement="", fixed=TRUE))
    ## The CDS:
    idx <- which(theGff$type == "CDS")
    parentTx <- theGff$Parent[idx]
    if(any(lengths(parentTx) > 1))
        stop("CDS with multiple parent transcripts in GFF element 'Parent'",
             " not (yet) supported!")
    theGff$transcript_id[idx] <- unlist(sub(parentTx, pattern="transcript:",
                                            replacement="", fixed=TRUE))

    message("Processing exons ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
    idx <- which(!is.na(theGff$exon_id))
    parentTx <- theGff$Parent[idx]
    if(any(lengths(parentTx) > 1))
        stop("Exons with multiple parent transcripts in GFF element 'Parent'",
             " not (yet) supported!")
    theGff$transcript_id[idx] <- unlist(sub(parentTx, pattern="transcript:",
                                            replacement="", fixed=TRUE))

    theGff <- theGff[theGff$type %in% c("gene", "transcript", "exon", "CDS")]
    theGff <- keepSeqlevels(theGff, as.character(unique(seqnames(theGff))))
    ## Now we can proceed and pass that to the next function!

    message("  -------------")
    message("Proceeding to create the database.")

    ## Proceed.
    dbname <- ensDbFromGRanges(theGff, outfile = outfile, path = path,
                               organism = orgFromFile,
                               genomeVersion = genFromFile,
                               version = ensFromFile, ...)

    gtfFilename <- unlist(strsplit(gff, split=.Platform$file.sep))
    gtfFilename <- gtfFilename[length(gtfFilename)]
    ## updating the Metadata information...
    lite <- dbDriver("SQLite")
    con <- dbConnect(lite, dbname = dbname )
    bla <- dbExecute(con, paste0("update metadata set value='",
                                 gtfFilename, "' where name='source_file';"))

#### build a EnsDb SQLite database from the GRanges.
## we can however not get all of the information from the GRanges (yet), for example,
## the seqinfo might not be available in all GRanges objects. Also, there is no way
## we can guess the organism or the Ensembl version from the GRanges, thus, this
## information has to be provided by the user.
## x: the GRanges object or file name. If file name, the function tries to guess
##    the organism, genome build and ensembl version from the file name, if not
##    provided.
ensDbFromGRanges <- function(x, outfile, path, organism, genomeVersion,
                             version, ...){
    if(!is(x, "GRanges"))
        stop("This method can only be called on GRanges objects!")
    ## check for missing parameters
        stop("The organism has to be specified (e.g. using",
             " organism=\"Homo_sapiens\")")
        stop("The Ensembl version has to be specified!")

    ## checking the seqinfo in the GRanges object...
    Seqinfo <- seqinfo(x)
    fetchSeqinfo <- FALSE
    ## check if we've got some information...
        fetchSeqinfo <- TRUE   ## means we have to fetch the seqinfo ourselfs...
        ## is there a seqinfo in x that I could use???
            genomeVersion <- unique(genome(Seqinfo))
            if(is.na(genomeVersion) | length(genomeVersion) > 1)
                stop("The genome version has to be specified as",
                     " it can not be extracted from the seqinfo!")
            stop("The genome version has to be specified!")
        ## use the organism, genome version and ensembl version as the file name.
        outfile <- paste0(c(organism, genomeVersion, version, "sqlite"),
            path <- "."
        dbname <- paste0(path, .Platform$file.sep, outfile)
            warning("outfile specified, thus I will discard the path argument.")
        dbname <- outfile

    ## that's quite some hack
    ## transcript biotype?
        txBiotypeCol <- "transcript_biotype"
        ## that's a little weird, but it seems that certain gtf files from Ensembl
        ## provide the transcript biotype in the element "source"
        txBiotypeCol <- "source"

    con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("SQLite"), dbname=dbname)
    ## Check if we've got column "type"
    if(!any(colnames(mcols(x)) == "type"))
        stop("The GRanges object lacks the required column 'type', sorry.")
    gotTypes <- as.character(unique(x$type))
    gotColumns <- colnames(mcols(x))
    ## ----------------------------
    ## process genes
    ## we're lacking NCBI Entrezids and also the coord system, but these are not
    ## required columns anyway...
    message("Processing genes ... ")
    ## want to have: gene_id, gene_name, entrezid, gene_biotype, gene_seq_start,
    ##               gene_seq_end, seq_name, seq_strand, seq_coord_system.
    wouldBeNice <- c("gene_id", "gene_name", "entrezid", "gene_biotype")
    dontHave <- wouldBeNice[!(wouldBeNice %in% gotColumns)]
    haveGot <- wouldBeNice[wouldBeNice %in% gotColumns]
    ## Just really require the gene_id...
    reqCols <- c("gene_id")
    if(length(dontHave) > 0){
        mess <- paste0(" I'm missing column(s): ", paste0(sQuote(dontHave),
                                                          collapse=","), ".")
        warning(mess, " The corresponding database column(s) will be empty!")
    message(" Attribute availability:", appendLF=TRUE)
    for(i in 1:length(wouldBeNice)){
        message("  o ", wouldBeNice[i], " ... ",
                ifelse(any(gotColumns == wouldBeNice[i]), yes="OK", no="Nope"))
    if(!any(reqCols %in% haveGot))
        stop("Missing or more required fields in the submitted GRanges object!",
             " Need ", paste(sQuote(reqCols), collapse=",")," but got only ",
             paste(reqCols[reqCols %in% gotColumns], collapse=","),".")
    ## Now gets tricky; special case Ensembl < 75: we've got NO gene type.
    if(any(gotTypes == "gene")){
        ## All is fine.
        genes <- as.data.frame(x[x$type == "gene", haveGot])
        ## Well, have to split by gene_id and process...
        genes <- split(x[ , haveGot], x$gene_id)
        gnRanges <- unlist(range(genes))
        gnMcol <- as.data.frame(unique(mcols(unlist(genes))))
        genes <- as.data.frame(gnRanges)
        ## Adding mcols again.
        genes <- cbind(genes, gnMcol[match(rownames(genes), gnMcol$gene_id), ])
    colnames(genes) <- c("seq_name", "gene_seq_start", "gene_seq_end", "width",
                         "seq_strand", haveGot)
    ## Add missing cols...
    if(length(dontHave) > 0){
        cn <- colnames(genes)
        for(i in 1:length(dontHave)){
            genes <- cbind(genes, rep(NA, nrow(genes)))
        colnames(genes) <- c(cn, dontHave)
    genes <- cbind(genes, seq_coord_system=rep(NA, nrow(genes)))

    ## transforming seq_strand from +/- to +1, -1.
    strand <- rep(0L, nrow(genes))
    strand[as.character(genes$seq_strand) == "+"] <- 1L
    strand[as.character(genes$seq_strand) == "-"] <- -1L
    genes[ , "seq_strand"] <- strand
    ## rearranging data.frame...
    genes <- genes[ , c("gene_id", "gene_name", "entrezid", "gene_biotype",
                        "gene_seq_start", "gene_seq_end", "seq_name",
                        "seq_strand", "seq_coord_system")]
    OK <- .checkIntegerCols(genes)
    dbWriteTable(con, name="gene", genes, overwrite=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)
    ## Done.

    ## ----------------------------
    ## process transcripts
    message("Processing transcripts ... ", appendLF=TRUE)
    ## want to have: tx_id, tx_biotype, tx_seq_start, tx_seq_end, tx_cds_seq_start,
    ##               tx_cds_seq_end, gene_id
    wouldBeNice <- c("transcript_id", "gene_id",
                     txBiotypeCol, "transcript_name")
    dontHave <- wouldBeNice[!(wouldBeNice %in% gotColumns)]
    if(length(dontHave) > 0){
        mess <- paste0("I'm missing column(s): ", paste0(sQuote(dontHave),
                                                         collapse=","), ".")
        warning(mess, " The corresponding database columns will be empty!")
    haveGot <- wouldBeNice[wouldBeNice %in% gotColumns]
    message(" Attribute availability:", appendLF=TRUE)
    for(i in 1:length(wouldBeNice)){
        message("  o ", wouldBeNice[i], " ... ",
                ifelse(any(gotColumns == wouldBeNice[i]), yes="OK", no="Nope"))
    reqCols <- c("transcript_id", "gene_id")
    if(!any(reqCols %in% gotColumns))
        stop("One or more required fields are not defined in the submitted ",
             "GRanges object! Need ", paste(reqCols, collapse=","), " but got",
             " only ",paste(reqCols[reqCols %in% gotColumns], collapse=","),".")
    if(any(gotTypes == "transcript")){
        tx <- as.data.frame(x[x$type == "transcript" , haveGot])
        tx <- split(x[, haveGot], x$transcript_id)
        txRanges <- unlist(range(tx))
        txMcol <- as.data.frame(unique(mcols(unlist(tx))))
        tx <- as.data.frame(txRanges)
        tx <- cbind(tx, txMcol[match(rownames(tx), txMcol$transcript_id), ])
    ## Drop columns seqnames, width and strand
    tx <- tx[, -c(1, 4, 5)]
    ## Add empty columns, eventually
    if(length(dontHave) > 0){
        cn <- colnames(tx)
        for(i in 1:length(dontHave)){
            tx <- cbind(tx, rep(NA, nrow(tx)))
        colnames(tx) <- c(cn, dontHave)
    ## Add columns for UTR
    tx <- cbind(tx, tx_cds_seq_start=rep(NA, nrow(tx)),
                tx_cds_seq_end=rep(NA, nrow(tx)))
    ## Process CDS...
    if(any(gotTypes == "CDS")){
        ## Only do that if we've got type == "CDS"!
        ## process the CDS features to get the cds start and end of the transcript.
        CDS <- as.data.frame(x[x$type == "CDS", "transcript_id"])
        startByTx <- split(CDS$start, f=CDS$transcript_id)
        cdsStarts <- unlist(lapply(startByTx,
                                   function(z){return(min(z, na.rm=TRUE))}))
        endByTx <- split(CDS$end, f=CDS$transcript_id)
        cdsEnds <- unlist(lapply(endByTx,
                                 function(z){return(max(z, na.rm=TRUE))}))
        idx <- match(names(cdsStarts), tx$transcript_id)
        areNas <- is.na(idx)
        idx <- idx[!areNas]
        cdsStarts <- cdsStarts[!areNas]
        cdsEnds <- cdsEnds[!areNas]
        tx[idx, "tx_cds_seq_start"] <- cdsStarts
        tx[idx, "tx_cds_seq_end"] <- cdsEnds
        mess <- paste0(" I can't find type=='CDS'! The resulting database",
                       " will lack CDS information!")
        message(mess, appendLF = TRUE)
    colnames(tx) <- c("tx_seq_start", "tx_seq_end", "tx_id", "gene_id",
                      "tx_biotype", "tx_external_name",
                      "tx_cds_seq_start", "tx_cds_seq_end")
    ## rearranging data.frame:
    tx <- tx[ , c("tx_id", "tx_external_name", "tx_biotype", "tx_seq_start",
                  "tx_seq_end", "tx_cds_seq_start", "tx_cds_seq_end",
    ## Add transcript name.
    ## write the table.
    OK <- .checkIntegerCols(tx)
    dbWriteTable(con, name="tx", tx, overwrite=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)
    ## ----------------------------
    ## process exons
    message("Processing exons ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
    ## Fix for issue #72: seems there are GTFs without an exon_id!
    if (!any(gotColumns == "exon_id") & any(gotColumns == "exon_number")) {
        mcols(x)$exon_id <- paste0(x$transcript_id, ":", x$exon_number)
        warning("No column 'exon_id' present, created artificial exon IDs by ",
                "concatenating the transcript ID and the exon number.")
        gotColumns <- c(gotColumns, "exon_id")
    reqCols <- c("exon_id", "transcript_id", "exon_number")
    if (!all(reqCols %in% gotColumns))
        stop("One or more required fields are not defined in the submitted ",
             "GRanges object! Need ", paste(reqCols, collapse=","), " but got",
             " only ",paste(reqCols[reqCols %in% gotColumns], collapse=","),".")
    exons <- as.data.frame(x[x$type == "exon", reqCols])[, -c(1, 4, 5)]
    ## for table tx2exon we want to have:
    ##    tx_id, exon_id, exon_idx
    t2e <- unique(exons[ , c("transcript_id", "exon_id", "exon_number")])
    colnames(t2e) <- c("tx_id", "exon_id", "exon_idx")
    ## Force exon_idx to be an integer!
    t2e[, "exon_idx"] <- as.integer(t2e[, "exon_idx"])
    ## Cross-check that we've got the corresponding tx_ids in the tx table!
    ## for table exons we want to have:
    ##    exon_id, exon_seq_start, exon_seq_end
    exons <- unique(exons[ , c("exon_id", "start", "end")])
    colnames(exons) <- c("exon_id", "exon_seq_start", "exon_seq_end")
    ## writing the tables.
    dbWriteTable(con, name="exon", exons, overwrite=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)
    dbWriteTable(con, name="tx2exon", t2e, overwrite=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)
    ## ----------------------------
    ## process chromosomes
    message("Processing chromosomes ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
    if (fetchSeqinfo) {
        ## problem is I don't have these available...
        chroms <- data.frame(seq_name = unique(as.character(genes$seq_name)))
        chroms <- cbind(chroms, seq_length = rep(NA, nrow(chroms)),
                        is_circular = rep(NA, nrow(chroms)))
        rownames(chroms) <- chroms$seq_name
        ## Try to get sequence lengths from Ensembl or Ensemblgenomes.
        sl <- tryGetSeqinfoFromEnsembl(organism, version,
                                       seqnames = chroms$seq_name)
        if (nrow(sl) > 0) {
            sl <- sl[sl[, "name"] %in% rownames(chroms), ]
            chroms[sl[, "name"], "seq_length"] <- sl[, "length"]
    } else {
        ## have seqinfo available.
        chroms <- data.frame(seq_name = seqnames(Seqinfo),
                             seq_length = seqlengths(Seqinfo),
                             is_circular = isCircular(Seqinfo))
    ## write the table.
    dbWriteTable(con, name="chromosome", chroms, overwrite=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)
    ## ----------------------------
    ## metadata table:
    message("Processing metadata ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
    Metadata <- buildMetadata(organism, version, host="unknown",
                              sourceFile="GRanges object",
                              schema = "1.0")
    dbWriteTable(con, name="metadata", Metadata, overwrite=TRUE,
    message("Generating index ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
    ## generating all indices...
    message("  -------------")
    message("Verifying validity of the information in the database:")

## helper function that checks that the gene, transcript and exon data in the
## EnsDb database is correct (i.e. transcript within gene coordinates, exons within
## transcript coordinates, cds within transcript)
checkValidEnsDb <- function(x){
    message("Checking transcripts ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
    tx <- transcripts(x, columns=c("gene_id", "tx_id", "gene_seq_start",
                                   "gene_seq_end", "tx_seq_start",
                                   "tx_seq_end", "tx_cds_seq_start",
                                   "tx_cds_seq_end"), return.type="DataFrame")
    ## check if the tx are inside the genes...
    isInside <- tx$tx_seq_start >= tx$gene_seq_start &
        tx$tx_seq_end <= tx$gene_seq_end
        stop("Start and end coordinates for ", sum(!isInside),
             "transcripts are not within the gene coordinates!")
    ## check cds coordinates
    notInside <- which(!(tx$tx_cds_seq_start >= tx$tx_seq_start &
                         tx$tx_cds_seq_end <= tx$tx_seq_end))
    if(length(notInside) > 0){
        stop("The CDS start and end coordinates for ", length(notInside),
             " transcripts are not within the transcript coordinates!")
    message("OK\nChecking exons ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
    ex <- exons(x, columns=c("exon_id", "tx_id", "exon_seq_start", "exon_seq_end",
                             "tx_seq_start", "tx_seq_end", "seq_strand", "exon_idx"),
    ## check if exons are within tx
    isInside <- ex$exon_seq_start >= ex$tx_seq_start &
        ex$exon_seq_end <= ex$tx_seq_end
        stop("Start and end coordinates for ", sum(!isInside),
             " exons are not within the transcript coordinates!")
    ## checking the exon index...
    extmp <- ex[ex$seq_strand==1, c("exon_idx", "tx_id", "exon_seq_start")]
    extmp <- extmp[order(extmp$exon_seq_start), ]
    extmp.split <- split(extmp[ , c("exon_idx")], f=factor(extmp$tx_id))
    Different <- unlist(lapply(extmp.split, FUN=function(z){
                                   return(any(z != seq(1, length(z))))
        stop("Provided exon index in transcript does not match with ordering ",
             "of the exons by chromosomal coordinates for ", sum(Different),
             " of the ", length(Different), " txs encoded on the + strand!")
    extmp <- ex[ex$seq_strand==-1, c("exon_idx", "tx_id", "exon_seq_end")]
    extmp <- extmp[order(extmp$exon_seq_end, decreasing=TRUE), ]
    extmp.split <- split(extmp[ , c("exon_idx")], f=factor(extmp$tx_id))
    Different <- unlist(lapply(extmp.split, FUN=function(z){
                                   return(any(z != seq(1, length(z))))
        stop("Provided exon index in transcript does not match with",
             " ordering of the exons by chromosomal coordinates for ",
             sum(Different), " of the ", length(Different),
             " transcripts encoded on the - strand!")

##' Fetch chromosome sequence lengths from Ensembl.
##' @param organism The organism. Has to be in the form "Homo sapiens"
##' @param ensemblVersion The Ensembl version.
##' @param seqnames The names of the chromosomes/sequences; optional.
##' @return A matrix with two columns name and seq_length.
##' @noRd
tryGetSeqinfoFromEnsembl <- function(organism, ensemblVersion, seqnames,
                                     skip = FALSE){
    if (skip)
        return(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2))
    message("Fetch seqlengths from ensembl ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
    tmp <- try(
        .getSeqlengthsFromMysqlFolder(organism = organism,
                                      ensembl = ensemblVersion,
                                      seqnames = seqnames)
    , silent = TRUE)
    if (is(tmp, "try-error") | is.null(tmp)) {
        warning("Unable to retrieve sequence lengths from Ensembl.")
        return(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2))
    colnames(tmp) <- c("name", "length")

buildMetadata <- function(organism="", ensemblVersion="", genomeVersion="",
                          host="", sourceFile="", schema = "1.0"){
    MetaData <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=2, nrow=11))
    colnames(MetaData) <- c("name", "value")
    MetaData[1, ] <- c("Db type", "EnsDb")
    MetaData[2, ] <- c("Type of Gene ID", "Ensembl Gene ID")
    MetaData[3, ] <- c("Supporting package", "ensembldb")
    MetaData[4, ] <- c("Db created by", "ensembldb package from Bioconductor")
    MetaData[5, ] <- c("script_version", "0.0.1")
    MetaData[6, ] <- c("Creation time", date())
    MetaData[7, ] <- c("ensembl_version", ensemblVersion)
    MetaData[8, ] <- c("ensembl_host", host)
    MetaData[9, ] <- c("Organism", organism )
    MetaData[10, ] <- c("genome_build", genomeVersion)
    MetaData[11, ] <- c("DBSCHEMAVERSION", schema)
    MetaData[12, ] <- c("source_file", sourceFile)

## compare the contents of the EnsDb sqlite database generated from a GTF (file name submitted
## with x ) with the one provided by package "lib".
compareEnsDbs <- function(x, y){
    ## compare two EnsDbs...
        stop("Well, at least the organism should be the same for both databases!")
    Messages <- rep("OK", 5)
    names(Messages) <- c("metadata", "chromosome", "gene", "transcript", "exon")
    ## comparing metadata.
    metadataX <- metadata(x)
    metadataY <- metadata(y)
    rownames(metadataX) <- metadataX[, 1]
    rownames(metadataY) <- metadataY[, 1]
    metadataY <- metadataY[rownames(metadataX),]
    cat("\nComparing metadata:\n")
    idx <- which(metadataX[, "value"]!=metadataY[, "value"])
        Messages["metadata"] <- "NOTE"
    ## check ensembl version
    if(metadataX["ensembl_version", "value"] ==
       metadataY["ensembl_version", "value"]){
        cat(" Ensembl versions match.\n")
        cat(" WARNING: databases base on different Ensembl versions!",
            " Expect considerable differences!\n", sep = "")
        Messages["metadata"] <- "WARN"
    ## genome build
    if(metadataX["genome_build", "value"] == metadataY["genome_build", "value"]){
        cat(" Genome builds match.\n")
        cat(" WARNING: databases base on different Genome builds!",
            " Expect considerable differences!\n", sep = "")
        Messages["metadata"] <- "WARN"
        cat(" All differences: <name>: <value x> != <value y>\n")
        for(i in idx){
            cat(paste("  - ", metadataX[i, "name"], ":", metadataX[i, "value"],
                      " != ", metadataY[i, "value"], "\n"))
    cat(paste0("Done. Result: ", Messages["metadata"],"\n"))
    ## now comparing chromosomes
    Messages["chromosome"] <- compareChromosomes(x, y)
    ## comparing genes
    Messages["gene"] <- compareGenes(x, y)
    ## comparing transcripts
    Messages["transcript"] <- compareTx(x, y)
    ## comparing exons
    Messages["exon"] <- compareExons(x, y)
    ## If we've got protein data in one of the two:
    if (hasProteinData(x) | hasProteinData(y)) {
        Messages <- c(Messages, protein = "OK")
        Messages["protein"] <- compareProteins(x, y)

compareChromosomes <- function(x, y){
    Ret <- "OK"
    cat("\nComparing chromosome data:\n")
    chromX <- as.data.frame(seqinfo(x))
    chromY <- as.data.frame(seqinfo(y))
    ## compare seqnames
    inboth <- rownames(chromX)[rownames(chromX) %in% rownames(chromY)]
    onlyX <- rownames(chromX)[!(rownames(chromX) %in% rownames(chromY))]
    onlyY <- rownames(chromY)[!(rownames(chromY) %in% rownames(chromX))]
    if(length(onlyX) > 0 | length(onlyY) > 0)
        Ret <- "WARN"
    cat(paste0( " Sequence names: (", length(inboth), ") common, (",
               length(onlyX), ") only in x, (", length(onlyY),
               ") only in y.\n" ))
    ## seqlengths:
    if (!all.equal(chromX[inboth, "seqlengths"],
                   chromY[inboth, "seqlengths"])) {
        same <- length(which(chromX[inboth, "seqlengths"] ==
                             chromY[inboth, "seqlengths"]))
        different <- length(inboth) - same
    } else {
        same <- length(inboth)
        different <- 0
    cat(paste0( " Sequence lengths: (",same, ") identical, (",
               different, ") different.\n" ))
    if(different > 0)
        Ret <- "WARN"
    cat(paste0("Done. Result: ", Ret,"\n"))

compareGenes <- function(x, y){
    cat("\nComparing gene data:\n")
    Ret <- "OK"
    genesX <- genes(x)
    genesY <- genes(y)
    inboth <- names(genesX)[names(genesX) %in% names(genesY)]
    onlyX <- names(genesX)[!(names(genesX) %in% names(genesY))]
    onlyY <- names(genesY)[!(names(genesY) %in% names(genesX))]
    if(length(onlyX) > 0 | length(onlyY) > 0)
        Ret <- "WARN"
    cat(paste0(" gene IDs: (", length(inboth), ") common, (",
               length(onlyX), ") only in x, (", length(onlyY), ") only in y.\n"))
    ## seq names
    same <- length(
        which(as.character(seqnames(genesX[inboth])) ==
    different <- length(inboth) - same
    if(different > 0)
        Ret <- "ERROR"
    cat(paste0( " Sequence names: (",same, ") identical, (",
               different, ") different.\n" ))
    ## start
    same <- length(
        which(start(genesX[inboth]) == start(genesY[inboth]))
    different <- length(inboth) - same
    if(different > 0)
        Ret <- "ERROR"
    cat(paste0( " Gene start coordinates: (",same,
               ") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
    ## end
    same <- length(
        which(end(genesX[inboth]) == end(genesY[inboth]))
    different <- length(inboth) - same
    if(different > 0)
        Ret <- "ERROR"
    cat(paste0( " Gene end coordinates: (",same,
               ") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
    ## strand
    same <- length(
              == as.character(strand(genesY[inboth])))
    different <- length(inboth) - same
    if(different > 0)
        Ret <- "ERROR"
    cat(paste0( " Gene strand: (",same,
               ") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
    ## name
    same <- length(
        which(genesX[inboth]$gene_name == genesY[inboth]$gene_name)
    different <- length(inboth) - same
    if(different > 0 & Ret!="ERROR")
        Ret <- "WARN"
    cat(paste0( " Gene names: (",same,
               ") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
    ## entrezid
    funny <- function(z) {
        if (all(is.na(z))) ""
        else paste(sort(z))
    eidsX <- unlist(lapply(genesX[inboth]$entrezid, funny))
    eidsY <- unlist(lapply(genesY[inboth]$entrezid, funny))
    same <- length(which(eidsX == eidsY))
    different <- length(inboth) - same
    if(different > 0 & Ret!="ERROR")
        Ret <- "WARN"
    cat(paste0( " Entrezgene IDs: (",same,
               ") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
    ## gene biotype
    same <- length(
        which(genesX[inboth]$gene_biotype == genesY[inboth]$gene_biotype)
    different <- length(inboth) - same
    if(different > 0 & Ret!="ERROR")
        Ret <- "WARN"
    cat(paste0( " Gene biotypes: (",same,
               ") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
    cat(paste0("Done. Result: ", Ret,"\n"))

compareTx <- function(x, y){
    cat("\nComparing transcript data:\n")
    Ret <- "OK"
    txX <- transcripts(x)
    txY <- transcripts(y)
    inboth <- names(txX)[names(txX) %in% names(txY)]
    onlyX <- names(txX)[!(names(txX) %in% names(txY))]
    onlyY <- names(txY)[!(names(txY) %in% names(txX))]
    if(length(onlyX) > 0 | length(onlyY) > 0)
        Ret <- "WARN"
    cat(paste0(" transcript IDs: (", length(inboth), ") common, (",
               length(onlyX), ") only in x, (", length(onlyY),
               ") only in y.\n"))
    ## start
    same <- length(
        which(start(txX[inboth]) == start(txY[inboth]))
    different <- length(inboth) - same
    if(different > 0)
        Ret <- "ERROR"
    cat(paste0( " Transcript start coordinates: (",same,
               ") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
    ## end
    same <- length(
        which(end(txX[inboth]) == end(txY[inboth]))
    different <- length(inboth) - same
    if(different > 0)
        Ret <- "ERROR"
    cat(paste0( " Transcript end coordinates: (",same,
               ") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
    ## tx biotype
    same <- length(
        which(txX[inboth]$tx_biotype == txY[inboth]$tx_biotype)
    different <- length(inboth) - same
    if(different > 0 & Ret!="ERROR")
        Ret <- "WARN"
    cat(paste0( " Transcript biotypes: (",same,
               ") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
    ## cds start
    ## Makes sense to just compare for those that have the same tx!
    txXSub <- txX[inboth]
    txYSub <- txY[inboth]
    txCdsX <- names(txXSub)[!is.na(txXSub$tx_cds_seq_start)]
    txCdsY <- names(txYSub)[!is.na(txYSub$tx_cds_seq_start)]
    cdsInBoth <- txCdsX[txCdsX %in% txCdsY]
    cdsOnlyX <- txCdsX[!(txCdsX %in% txCdsY)]
    cdsOnlyY <- txCdsY[!(txCdsY %in% txCdsX)]
    if((length(cdsOnlyX) > 0 | length(cdsOnlyY)) & Ret!="ERROR")
        Ret <- "ERROR"
    cat(paste0(" Common transcripts with defined CDS: (", length(cdsInBoth),
               ") common, (", length(cdsOnlyX), ") only in x, (",
               length(cdsOnlyY), ") only in y.\n"))
    same <- length(
        which(txX[cdsInBoth]$tx_cds_seq_start == txY[cdsInBoth]$tx_cds_seq_start)
    different <- length(cdsInBoth) - same
    if(different > 0 & Ret!="ERROR")
        Ret <- "ERROR"
    cat(paste0( " CDS start coordinates: (",same,
               ") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
    ## cds end
    same <- length(
        which(txX[cdsInBoth]$tx_cds_seq_end == txY[cdsInBoth]$tx_cds_seq_end)
    different <- length(cdsInBoth) - same
    if(different > 0 & Ret!="ERROR")
        Ret <- "ERROR"
    cat(paste0( " CDS end coordinates: (",same,
               ") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
    ## gene id
    same <- length(
        which(txX[inboth]$gene_id == txY[inboth]$gene_id)
    different <- length(inboth) - same
    if(different > 0)
        Ret <- "ERROR"
    cat(paste0( " Associated gene IDs: (",same,
               ") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
    cat(paste0("Done. Result: ", Ret,"\n"))

compareProteins <- function(x, y){
    cat("\nComparing protein data:\n")
    Ret <- "OK"
    if (!hasProteinData(x) | !hasProteinData(y)) {
        Ret <- "WARN"
        cat(paste0("No protein data available for one or both EnsDbs."))
    X <- proteins(x)
    Y <- proteins(y)
    inboth <- X$protein_id[X$protein_id %in% Y$protein_id]
    onlyX <- X$protein_id[!(X$protein_id %in% Y$protein_id)]
    onlyY <- Y$protein_id[!(Y$protein_id %in% X$protein_id)]
    if(length(onlyX) > 0 | length(onlyY) > 0)
        Ret <- "WARN"
    cat(paste0(" protein IDs: (", length(inboth), ") common, (",
               length(onlyX), ") only in x, (", length(onlyY),
               ") only in y.\n"))
    X <- X[X$protein_id %in% inboth, ]
    Y <- Y[Y$protein_id %in% inboth, ]
    ## sorting both by protein_id should be enough.
    X <- X[order(X$protein_id), ]
    Y <- Y[order(Y$protein_id), ]

    ## tx_id
    same <- length(which(X$tx_id == Y$tx_id))
    different <- length(inboth) - same
    if(different > 0)
        Ret <- "ERROR"
    cat(paste0( " Transcript IDs: (",same,
               ") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
    ## sequence
    same <- length(which(X$protein_sequence == Y$protein_sequence))
    different <- length(inboth) - same
    if(different > 0)
        Ret <- "ERROR"
    cat(paste0( " Protein sequence: (",same,
               ") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
    cat(paste0("Done. Result: ", Ret,"\n"))

compareExons <- function(x, y){
    cat("\nComparing exon data:\n")
    Ret <- "OK"
    exonX <- exons(x)
    exonY <- exons(y)
    inboth <- names(exonX)[names(exonX) %in% names(exonY)]
    onlyX <- names(exonX)[!(names(exonX) %in% names(exonY))]
    onlyY <- names(exonY)[!(names(exonY) %in% names(exonX))]
    if(length(onlyX) > 0 | length(onlyY) > 0)
        Ret <- "WARN"
    cat(paste0(" exon IDs: (", length(inboth), ") common, (",
               length(onlyX), ") only in x, (", length(onlyY), ") only in y.\n"))
    ## start
    same <- length(
        which(start(exonX[inboth]) == start(exonY[inboth]))
    different <- length(inboth) - same
    if(different > 0)
        Ret <- "ERROR"
    cat(paste0( " Exon start coordinates: (",same,
               ") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
    ## end
    same <- length(
        which(end(exonX[inboth]) == end(exonY[inboth]))
    different <- length(inboth) - same
    if(different > 0)
        Ret <- "ERROR"
    cat(paste0( " Exon end coordinates: (",same,
               ") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
    ## now getting also the exon index in tx:
    exonX <- exons(x, columns=c("exon_id", "tx_id", "exon_idx"),
    rownames(exonX) <- paste(exonX$tx_id, exonX$exon_id, sep=":")
    exonY <- exons(y, columns=c("exon_id", "tx_id", "exon_idx"),
    rownames(exonY) <- paste(exonY$tx_id, exonY$exon_id, sep=":")
    inboth <- rownames(exonX)[rownames(exonX) %in% rownames(exonY)]
    onlyX <- rownames(exonX)[!(rownames(exonX) %in% rownames(exonY))]
    onlyY <- rownames(exonY)[!(rownames(exonY) %in% rownames(exonX))]

    ## tx exon idx
    same <- length(
        which(exonX[inboth, ]$exon_idx == exonY[inboth, ]$exon_idx)
    different <- length(inboth) - same
    if(different > 0 )
        Ret <- "ERROR"
    cat(paste0( " Exon index in transcript models: (",same,
               ") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
    cat(paste0("Done. Result: ", Ret,"\n"))

##  isEnsemblFileName
##  evaluate whether the file name is "most likely" corresponding
##  to a file name from Ensembl, i.e. following the convention
##  <organism>.<genome version>.<ensembl version>.[chr].gff/gtf.gz
##  The problem is that the genome version can also be . separated.
isEnsemblFileName <- function(x){
    x <- basename(x)
    ## If we split by ., do we get at least 4 elements?
    els <- unlist(strsplit(x, split=".", fixed=TRUE))
    if(length(els) < 4)
    ## Can we get an Ensembl version?
    ensVer <- ensemblVersionFromGtfFileName(x)
    ## If we got one, do we still have enough fields left of the version?
    idx <- which(els == ensVer)
    idx <- idx[length(idx)]
    if(idx < 3){
        ## No way, we're missing the organism and the genome build field!
    ## Well, can not think of any other torture... let's assume it's OK.

organismFromGtfFileName <- function(x){
    return(elementFromEnsemblFilename(x, 1))

##  ensemblVersionFromGtfFileName
##  Tries to extract the Ensembl version from the file name. If it
##  finds a numeric value it returns it, otherwise it returns NA.
ensemblVersionFromGtfFileName <- function(x){
    x <- basename(x)
    els <- unlist(strsplit(x, split=".", fixed=TRUE))
    ## Ensembl version is the last numeric value in the file name.
    for(elm in rev(els)){

##  genomeVersionFromGtfFileName
## the genome build can also contain .! thus, I return everything which is not
## the first element (i.e. organism), or the ensembl version, that is one left of
## the gtf.
genomeVersionFromGtfFileName <- function(x){
    x <- basename(x)
    els <- unlist(strsplit(x, split=".", fixed=TRUE))
    ensVer <- ensemblVersionFromGtfFileName(x)
        stop("Can not extract the genome version from the file name!",
             " The file name does not follow the expected naming convention from Ensembl!")
    idx <- which(els == ensVer)
    idx <- idx[length(idx)]
    if(idx < 3)
        stop("Can not extract the genome version from the file name!",
             " The file name does not follow the expected naming convention from Ensembl!")
    return(paste(els[2:(idx-1)], collapse="."))

## Returns NULL if there was a problem.
elementFromEnsemblFilename <- function(x, which=1){
    tmp <- unlist(strsplit(x, split=.Platform$file.sep, fixed=TRUE))
    splitty <- unlist(strsplit(tmp[length(tmp)], split=".", fixed=TRUE))
    if(length(splitty) < which){
        warning("File ", x, " does not conform to the Ensembl file naming convention.")

## Utilities to fetch sequence lengths from Ensembl's ftp server, more
## specifically from the MySQL tables there.
## These replace the (unexported) functions from GenomicFeatures used thus far.
.ENSEMBL_URL <- "ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/"
.ENSEMBLGENOMES_URL <- "ftp://ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/pub/"
##' Get the base url containing the mysql database for the specified host,
##' orgnism and Ensembl version.
##' @details The function will first build an approximate database name (without
##' the trailing <_genome version number> as this is not easy to guess).
##' Next all directories in the base MySQL folder will be scanned for the best
##' matching folder.
##' @param type Either "ensembl" or "ensemblgenomes"
##' @param organism Character specifying the organism. Has to be the full name,
##' i.e "homo_sapiens" or "Homo sapiens".
##' @param ensembl The Ensembl version.
##' @param genone The Genome version.
##' @noRd
.getEnsemblMysqlUrl <- function(type = "ensembl", organism, ensembl, genome) {
    type <- match.arg(type, c("ensembl", "ensemblgenomes"))
    if (type == "ensembl") {
        my_url <- paste0(.ENSEMBL_URL, "release-", ensembl, "/mysql/")
        db_name <- .guessDatabaseName(organism, ensembl)
        ## List folders; GenomicFeatures does it without 'dirlistonly',
        ## eventually that's what breaks on Windows?
        ## res <- getURL(my_url, dirlistonly = TRUE)
        res <- readLines(curl(my_url))
        res <- gsub(res, pattern = "\r", replacement = "", fixed = TRUE)
        if (length(res) > 0) {
            ## dirs <- unlist(strsplit(res, split = "\n"))
            ## ## Remove the \r on Windows.
            ## dirs <- sub(dirs, pattern = "\r", replacement = "", fixed = TRUE)
            ## idx <- grep(dirs, pattern = db_name)
            idx <- grep(res, pattern = db_name)
            if (length(idx) > 1)
                stop("Found more than one database matching '", db_name,
                     "' in Ensembl's ftp server!")
            if (length(idx) == 0)
                stop("No database matching '", db_name, "' found in Ensembl's",
                     " ftp server.")
            db_dir <- unlist(strsplit(res[idx], split = " ", fixed = TRUE))
            db_dir <- db_dir[length(db_dir)]
            return(paste0(my_url, db_dir))
    } else {
        ## That's tricky! Have to find out whether the species is in plants,
        ## fungi, bacteria etc.
        ## List dirs of bacteria, fungi, metazoa, plants, protists
        sub_folders <- c("bacteria", "fungi", "metazoa", "plants", "protists")
        db_name <- .guessDatabaseName(organism, ensembl)
        for (fold in sub_folders) {
            my_url <- paste0(.ENSEMBLGENOMES_URL, "release-", ensembl, "/",
                             fold, "/mysql/")
            res <- try(readLines(curl(my_url)))
            if (is(res, "try-error")| length(res) == 0)
            if (length(res) > 0) {
                res <- gsub(res, pattern = "\r", replacement = "", fixed = TRUE)
                idx <- grep(res, pattern = db_name)
                if (length(idx) > 1)
                    stop("Found more than one database matching '", db_name,
                         "' in Ensemblgenomes' ftp server!")
                if (length(idx) == 1) {
                    db_dir <- unlist(strsplit(res[idx], split = " ",
                                              fixed = TRUE))
                    db_dir <- db_dir[length(db_dir)]
                    return(paste0(my_url, db_dir))
            ## ## Catch eventual errors
            ## res <- try(getURL(my_url, dirlistonly = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
            ## if (is(res, "try-error") | length(res) == 0)
            ##     next
            ## if (length(res) > 0) {
            ##     dirs <- unlist(strsplit(res, split = "\n"))
            ##     ## Remove the \r on Windows.
            ##     dirs <- sub(dirs, pattern = "\r", replacement = "", fixed = TRUE)
            ##     idx <- grep(dirs, pattern = db_name)
            ##     if (length(idx) == 1)
            ##         return(paste0(my_url, dirs[idx]))
            ##     if (length(idx) > 1)
            ##         stop("Found more than one database matching '", db_name,
            ##              "' in Ensembl's ftp server!")
            ##     ## Well, then let's go to the next one.
            ## }
        stop("No database matching '", db_name, "' found in Ensembl's",
             " ftp server")

## .guessDatabaseName
##' build the database name from species, ensembl version and genome version.
##' The latter is specifically difficult, as it is not quite clear how Ensembl
##' defines the Genome version number.
##' @param organism Character specifying the organism. Has to be in the format
##' "homo_sapiens" or "Homo sapiens", i.e. the full name.
##' @param ensembl The Ensembl version number.
##' @param genome The Genome version, e.g. GRCh38 (optional!).
##' @return A character representing the guessed database name in Ensembl.
##' @noRd
.guessDatabaseName <- function(organism, ensembl, genome) {
    if (missing(organism) & missing(ensembl))
        stop("'organism' and 'ensembl' are required!")
    ## Organism: all lower case, replace . with _
    organism <- tolower(gsub(organism, pattern = ".", replacement = "_",
                             fixed = TRUE))
    organism <- gsub(organism, pattern = " ", replacement = "_",
                     fixed = TRUE)
    dbname <- paste0(organism, "_core_", ensembl)
    ## Genome: remove all letters and keep just the numbers.
    if (!missing(genome)) {
        genome <- gsub(genome, pattern = "[a-zA-Z]", replacement = "")
        ## replace .0 at the end
        genome <- gsub(genome, pattern = ".0$", replacement = "")
        genome <- gsub(genome, pattern = ".", replacement = "", fixed = TRUE)
        genome <- gsub(genome, pattern = "_", replacement = "", fixed = TRUE)
        dbname <- paste0(dbname, "_", genome)

## .getSeqlengthsFromMysqlFolder
##' Fetch the coord_system.txt.gz and seq_region.txt.gz and extract the
##' seqlengths from there.
##' @noRd
.getSeqlengthsFromMysqlFolder <- function(organism, ensembl, seqnames) {
    ## Test whether we have the database in ensembl
    mysql_url <- try(.getEnsemblMysqlUrl(type = "ensembl", organism = organism,
                                         ensembl = ensembl), silent = TRUE)
    if (is(mysql_url, "try-error")) {
        mysql_url <- try(.getEnsemblMysqlUrl(type = "ensemblgenomes",
                                             organism = organism,
                                             ensembl = ensembl), silent = TRUE)
    if (is(mysql_url, "try-error")) {
        warning("Can not get the sequence lengths from Ensembl or",
                " Ensemblgenomes. Seqinfo will lack the sequence lengths.")
    ## Get the coord_system table
    coord_syst <- .getReadMysqlTable(mysql_url, "coord_system.txt.gz",
                                     colnames = c("coord_system_id",
                                                  "species_id", "name",
                                                  "version", "rank", "attrib"))
    ## Subset to the ones with "default" in "attrib"
    coord_syst <- coord_syst[grep(coord_syst$attrib, pattern = "default"),
                           , drop = FALSE]
    rownames(coord_syst) <- as.character(coord_syst$coord_system_id)
    ## Get the seq_region table
    seq_region <- .getReadMysqlTable(mysql_url, "seq_region.txt.gz",
                                     colnames = c("seq_region_id", "name",
                                                  "coord_system_id", "length"))
    ## Sub-set to the ones matching the coord_syst_ids and from these, select
    ## the one entry with the smallest rank, if more than one present.
    seq_region <- seq_region[seq_region$coord_system_id %in%
                           , drop = FALSE]
    seq_region <- cbind(seq_region,
                        rank = coord_syst[as.character(seq_region$coord_system_id),
    ## Sub-set to the seqlevels we've got.
    if (!missing(seqnames)) {
        seq_region <- seq_region[seq_region$name %in% seqnames, , drop = FALSE]
        if (!all(seqnames %in% seq_region$name))
            warning("Could not determine length for all seqnames.")
    sr <- split(seq_region, f = seq_region$name)
    if (length(sr) == 0)
    sr <- lapply(sr, function(z) {
        if (nrow(z) == 1)
        z <- z[order(z$rank), ]
        return(z[1, , drop = FALSE])
    sr <- do.call(rbind, sr)
    rownames(sr) <- sr$name
    return(sr[, c("name", "length")])

##' Download and read a table from Ensembl
##' @param base_url the base url to the mysql folder on the server.
##' @param file_name the file name of the table.
##' @param colnames the column names.
##' @return A data.frame with the table's content.
##' @noRd
.getReadMysqlTable <- function(base_url, file_name, colnames) {
    tmp_file <- tempfile()
    download.file(url = paste0(base_url, "/", file_name), destfile = tmp_file,
                  quiet = TRUE)
    tmp <- read.table(tmp_file, sep = "\t", quote = "", comment.char = "",
                      as.is = TRUE)
    colnames(tmp) <- colnames

#' Utility function to read lines from a compressed file. While pure `readLines`
#' works on local files it fails on remote files.
#' @noRd
.read_lines_compressed <- function(x, n = 10) {
    if (length(grep(".gz$", x, ignore.case = TRUE)))
        con <- gzcon(file(x, open = "rb"))
    else con <- file(x, open = "rb")
    readLines(con, n = n)
jorainer/ensembldb documentation built on Aug. 23, 2024, 1:16 p.m.