## Functions related to the creation of EnsDb databases.
## Separate helper function for abbreviating the genus and species name strings
## this simply makes the first character uppercase
.organismName <- function(x){
substring(x, 1, 1) <- toupper(substring(x, 1, 1))
.abbrevOrganismName <- function(organism){
spc <- unlist(strsplit(organism, "_|[[:space:]]"))
res <- paste0(substr(spc[[1]], 1, 1), spc[[2]])
if (length(spc) > 2)
res <- paste0(c(res, spc[3:length(spc)]), collapse = "_")
## x has to be the connection to the database.
.makePackageName <- function(x){
species <- .getMetaDataValue(x, "Organism")
ensembl_version <- .getMetaDataValue(x, "ensembl_version")
pkgName <- paste0("EnsDb.",.abbrevOrganismName(.organismName(species)),
".v", ensembl_version)
.makeObjectName <- function(pkgName){
strs <- unlist(strsplit(pkgName, "\\."))
paste(c(strs[2:length(strs)], strs[1]), collapse="_")
## retrieve Ensembl data
## save all files to local folder.
## returns the path where files have been saved to.
fetchTablesFromEnsembl <- function(version, ensemblapi, user="anonymous",
host="ensembldb.ensembl.org", pass="",
port=5306, species="human"){
stop("The version of the Ensembl database has to be provided!")
## setting the stage for perl:
fn <- system.file("perl", "get_gene_transcript_exon_tables.pl",
## parameters: s, U, H, P, e
## replacing white spaces with _
species <- gsub(species, pattern=" ", replacement="_")
cmd <- paste0("perl ", fn, " -s ", species," -e ", version,
" -U ", user, " -H ", host, " -p ", port, " -P ", pass)
## we should now have the files:
in_files <- c("ens_gene.txt", "ens_tx.txt", "ens_exon.txt",
"ens_tx2exon.txt", "ens_chromosome.txt", "ens_metadata.txt",
## check if we have all files...
all_files <- dir(pattern="txt")
if(sum(in_files %in% all_files)!=length(in_files))
stop("Something went wrong! I'm missing some of the txt files the perl script should have generated.")
## create a SQLite database containing the information defined in the txt files.
makeEnsemblSQLiteFromTables <- function(path=".", dbname){
## check if we have all files...
in_files <- c("ens_gene.txt", "ens_tx.txt", "ens_exon.txt",
"ens_tx2exon.txt", "ens_chromosome.txt", "ens_metadata.txt")
## check if we have all files...
all_files <- dir(path, pattern="txt")
if(sum(in_files %in% all_files)!=length(in_files))
stop("Something went wrong! I'm missing some of the txt files the",
" perl script should have generated.")
haveCounts <- file.exists(paste0(path,.Platform$file.sep, "ens_counts.txt"))
## read the counts - use these numbers to validate that we did read
## everything
if (haveCounts)
counts <- read.table(paste0(path, .Platform$file.sep, "ens_counts.txt"),
sep = "\t", as.is = TRUE, header = TRUE)
## read information
info <- read.table(paste0(path, .Platform$file.sep, "ens_metadata.txt"),
sep="\t", as.is=TRUE, header=TRUE)
if (any(info$name == "species"))
species <- .organismName(info[info$name == "species", "value"])
species <- .organismName(info[info$name == "Organism", "value"])
dbname <- paste0(
"EnsDb.", .abbrevOrganismName(species), ".v",
info[info$name == "ensembl_version", "value"], ".sqlite")
con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("SQLite"), dbname=dbname)
## write information table
dbWriteTable(con, name="metadata", info, row.names=FALSE)
## process chromosome
message("Processing 'chromosome' table ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
tmp <- read.table(paste0(path, .Platform$file.sep ,"ens_chromosome.txt"),
sep="\t", as.is=TRUE, header=TRUE)
tmp[, "seq_name"] <- as.character(tmp[, "seq_name"])
dbWriteTable(con, name="chromosome", tmp, row.names=FALSE)
message("Processing 'gene' table ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
## process genes: some gene names might have fancy names...
tmp <- read.table(paste0(path, .Platform$file.sep, "ens_gene.txt"),
sep="\t", as.is=TRUE, header=TRUE,
quote="", comment.char="" )
OK <- .checkIntegerCols(tmp)
## Check that we have the expected number of rows:
if (haveCounts)
if (nrow(tmp) != counts[1, "gene"])
stop("The data read from the 'ens_gene.txt' file does not match ",
"the expected number of entries.")
dbWriteTable(con, name="gene", tmp, row.names=FALSE)
## Check that we can read the correct number of entries
if (haveCounts) {
res <- dbGetQuery(con, "select count(*) from gene;")[1, 1]
if (res != counts[1, "gene"])
stop("The number of rows in the 'gene' database table does not ",
"match the expected number.")
if (as.numeric(info[info$name == "DBSCHEMAVERSION", "value"]) > 1) {
message("Processing 'entrezgene' table ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
## process genes: some gene names might have fancy names...
tmp <- read.table(paste0(path, .Platform$file.sep, "ens_entrezgene.txt"),
sep="\t", as.is=TRUE, header=TRUE,
quote="", comment.char="" )
dbWriteTable(con, name="entrezgene", tmp, row.names=FALSE)
message("Processing 'trancript' table ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
## process transcripts:
tmp <- read.table(paste0(path, .Platform$file.sep, "ens_tx.txt"),
sep="\t", as.is=TRUE, header=TRUE, quote = "",
comment.char = "")
## Check that we have the expected number of rows:
if (haveCounts)
if (nrow(tmp) != counts[1, "tx"])
stop("The data read from the 'ens_tx.txt' file does not match the",
" expected number of entries.")
## Fix the tx_cds_seq_start and tx_cds_seq_end columns: these should be integer!
tmp[, "tx_cds_seq_start"] <- as.integer(tmp[, "tx_cds_seq_start"])
tmp[, "tx_cds_seq_end"] <- as.integer(tmp[, "tx_cds_seq_end"])
OK <- .checkIntegerCols(tmp)
## Fix the tx_support_level column to ensure it contains only INTEGER!
if (any(colnames(tmp) == "tx_support_level")) {
tsl <- strsplit(tmp$tx_support_level, split = " ", fixed = TRUE)
tsl <- lapply(tsl, function(z) {
if (length(z) > 1)
z <- z[1]
if (is.na(z))
if (z == "NA" | z == "NULL")
z <- NA
tmp$tx_support_level <- unlist(tsl, use.names = FALSE)
if (any(colnames(tmp) == "tx_external_name"))
tmp$tx_external_name[which(tmp$tx_external_name == "")] <- NA_character_
dbWriteTable(con, name="tx", tmp, row.names=FALSE)
## process exons:
message("Processing 'exon' table ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
tmp <- read.table(paste0(path, .Platform$file.sep, "ens_exon.txt"),
sep = "\t", as.is = TRUE, header = TRUE)
if (haveCounts)
if (nrow(tmp) != counts[1, "exon"])
stop("The data read from the 'ens_exon.txt' file does not match ",
"the expected number of entries.")
OK <- .checkIntegerCols(tmp)
dbWriteTable(con, name="exon", tmp, row.names=FALSE)
message("Processing 'tx2exon' table ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
tmp <- read.table(paste0(path, .Platform$file.sep, "ens_tx2exon.txt"),
sep = "\t", as.is = TRUE, header = TRUE)
OK <- .checkIntegerCols(tmp)
dbWriteTable(con, name="tx2exon", tmp, row.names = FALSE)
## process proteins; if available.
prot_file <- paste0(path, .Platform$file.sep, "ens_protein.txt")
if (file.exists(prot_file)) {
message("Processing 'protein' table ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
tmp <- read.table(prot_file, sep = "\t", as.is = TRUE, header = TRUE)
if (haveCounts)
if (nrow(tmp) != counts[1, "protein"])
stop("The data read from the 'ens_protein.txt' file does not ",
"match the expected number of entries.")
OK <- .checkIntegerCols(tmp)
dbWriteTable(con, name = "protein", tmp, row.names = FALSE)
message("Processing 'uniprot' table ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
tmp <- read.table(paste0(path, .Platform$file.sep, "ens_uniprot.txt"),
sep = "\t", as.is = TRUE, header = TRUE)
OK <- .checkIntegerCols(tmp)
dbWriteTable(con, name = "uniprot", tmp, row.names = FALSE)
message("Processing 'protein_domain' table ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
tmp <- read.table(paste0(path, .Platform$file.sep, "ens_protein_domain.txt"),
sep = "\t", as.is = TRUE, header = TRUE)
OK <- .checkIntegerCols(tmp)
dbWriteTable(con, name = "protein_domain", tmp, row.names = FALSE)
## Create indices
message("Creating indices ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
.createEnsDbIndices(con, proteins = file.exists(prot_file))
## Check if the data could be loaded.
message("Checking validity of the database ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
msg <- validObject(EnsDb(dbname))
if (!is.logical(msg))
## done.
## Simply checking that some columns are integer
.checkIntegerCols <- function(x, columns = c("gene_seq_start", "gene_seq_end",
"tx_seq_start", "tx_seq_start",
"exon_seq_start", "exon_seq_end",
"exon_idx", "tx_cds_seq_start",
"tx_cds_seq_end", "prot_dom_start",
"prot_dom_end")) {
if (!nrow(x)) return(TRUE)
cols <- columns[columns %in% colnames(x)]
if(length(cols) > 0) {
sapply(cols, function(z) {
if(!is.integer(x[, z]))
stop("Column '", z,"' is not of type integer!")
## the function that creates the annotation package.
## ensdb should be a connection to an SQLite database, or a character string...
makeEnsembldbPackage <- function(ensdb,
stop("ensdb has to be the name of the SQLite database!")
ensdbfile <- ensdb
ensdb <- EnsDb(x=ensdbfile)
con <- dbconn(ensdb)
pkgName <- .makePackageName(con)
ensembl_version <- .getMetaDataValue(con, "ensembl_version")
## there should only be one template
template_path <- system.file("pkg-template",package="ensembldb")
## We need to define some symbols in order to have the
## template filled out correctly.
symvals <- list(
PKGTITLE=paste("Ensembl based annotation package"),
PKGDESCRIPTION="Exposes an annotation databases generated from Ensembl.",
ORGANISM=.organismName(.getMetaDataValue(con ,'Organism')),
RELEASEDATE= .getMetaDataValue(con ,'Creation time'),
SOURCEURL= .getMetaDataValue(con ,'ensembl_host'),
.organismName(.getMetaDataValue(con ,'Organism'))),
TXDBOBJNAME=pkgName ## .makeObjectName(pkgName)
## Should never happen
if (any(duplicated(names(symvals)))) {
stop("'symvals' contains duplicated symbols")
## then copy the contents of the database into the extdata dir
sqlfilename <- unlist(strsplit(ensdbfile, split=.Platform$file.sep))
sqlfilename <- sqlfilename[ length(sqlfilename) ]
dir.create(paste(c(destDir, pkgName, "inst", "extdata"),
showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE)
db_path <- file.path(destDir, pkgName, "inst", "extdata",
file.copy(ensdbfile, to=db_path)
## function to create a EnsDb object (or rather the SQLite database) from
## a Ensembl GTF file.
## Limitation:
## + There is no way to get the Entrezgene ID from this file.
## + Assuming that the element 2 in a row for a transcript represents its
## biotype, since there is no explicit key transcript_biotype in element 9.
## + The CDS features in the GTF are somewhat problematic, while we're used to
## get just the coding start and end for a transcript from the Ensembl perl
## API, here we get the coding start and end for each exon.
ensDbFromGtf <- function(gtf, outfile, path, organism, genomeVersion,
version, ...){
options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE)
message("Importing GTF file ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
## wanted.features <- c("gene", "transcript", "exon", "CDS")
wanted.features <- c("exon")
## GTF <- import(con=gtf, format="gtf", feature.type=wanted.features)
GTF <- import(con = gtf, format = "gtf")
## check what we've got...
## all wanted features?
if (any(!(wanted.features %in% levels(GTF$type))))
stop("One or more required types are not in the gtf file. Need ",
paste(wanted.features, collapse=","), " but got only ",
paste(wanted.features[wanted.features %in% levels(GTF$type)],
collapse=","), ".")
## transcript biotype?
if (any(colnames(mcols(GTF)) == "transcript_biotype")) {
txBiotypeCol <- "transcript_biotype"
} else {
## that's a little weird, but it seems that certain gtf files from Ensembl
## provide the transcript biotype in the element "source"
txBiotypeCol <- "source"
## processing the metadata:
## first read the header...
tmp <- .read_lines_compressed(gtf, n = 10)
tmp <- tmp[grep(tmp, pattern = "^#")]
haveHeader <- FALSE
if (length(tmp) > 0) {
##message("GTF file has a header.")
tmp <- gsub(tmp, pattern = "^#", replacement = "")
tmp <- gsub(tmp, pattern = "^!", replacement = "")
## Splitting by " " but be careful, if there are more than one " "!
hdr <- strsplit(tmp, split = " ", fixed = TRUE)
hdr <- lapply(hdr, function(z) {
if (length(z) > 2)
z[2] <- paste(z[2:length(z)], collapse = " ")
Header <- do.call(rbind, hdr)
colnames(Header) <- c("name", "value")
haveHeader <- TRUE
## Check parameters
Parms <- .checkExtractVersions(gtf, organism, genomeVersion, version)
ensemblVersion <- Parms["version"]
organism <- Parms["organism"]
genomeVersion <- Parms["genomeVersion"]
## Fix for issue #75: validate versions I got with versions extracted from
## the GTF header but don't stop if something is wrong, just show a warning
if (haveHeader) {
header.version <- Header[Header[, "name"] == "genome-version", "value"]
if (length(header.version)) {
if (genomeVersion != header.version)
warning("Genome version extracted from the gtf file name ('",
genomeVersion, "') and genome version specified in the",
" gtf file ('", header.version, "') do not match. ",
"Ensure you pass the correct genome version along ",
"with parameter 'genomeVersion'")
GTF <- fixCDStypeInEnsemblGTF(GTF)
## here on -> call ensDbFromGRanges.
dbname <- ensDbFromGRanges(GTF, outfile = outfile, path = path,
organism = organism,
genomeVersion = genomeVersion,
version = ensemblVersion, ...)
gtfFilename <- unlist(strsplit(gtf, split=.Platform$file.sep))
gtfFilename <- gtfFilename[length(gtfFilename)]
## updating the Metadata information...
lite <- dbDriver("SQLite")
con <- dbConnect(lite, dbname = dbname)
bla <- dbExecute(con, paste0("update metadata set value='",
gtfFilename, "' where name='source_file';"))
## fixCDStypeInEnsemblGTF
## Takes an GRanges object as input and returns a GRanges object in
## which the feature type stop_codon and start_codon is replaced by
## feature type CDS. This is to fix a potential problem (bug?) in
## GTF files from Ensembl, in which the stop_codon or start_codon for
## some transcripts is outside of the CDS.
fixCDStypeInEnsemblGTF <- function(x){
if(any(unique(x$type) %in% c("start_codon", "stop_codon"))){
x$type[x$type %in% c("start_codon", "stop_codon")] <- "CDS"
## ensDbFromAH
## Retrieve a GTF file from AnnotationHub and build a EnsDb object from that.
ensDbFromAH <- function(ah, outfile, path, organism, genomeVersion, version) {
if (!requireNamespace("AnnotationHub", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("The 'AnnotationHub' package is needed for this function to ",
"work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE)
## Input checking...
if(!is(ah, "AnnotationHub"))
stop("Argument 'ah' has to be a (single) AnnotationHub object.")
if(length(ah) != 1)
stop("Argument 'ah' has to be a single AnnotationHub resource!")
if(tolower(ah$dataprovider) != "ensembl")
stop("Can only process GTF files provided by Ensembl!")
if(tolower(ah$sourcetype) != "gtf")
stop("Resource is not a GTF file!")
## Check parameters
Parms <- .checkExtractVersions(ah$title, organism, genomeVersion, version)
ensFromAH <- Parms["version"]
orgFromAH <- Parms["organism"]
genFromAH <- Parms["genomeVersion"]
gtfFilename <- ah$title
message("Fetching data ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
gff <- ah[[1]]
message(" -------------")
message("Proceeding to create the database.")
gff <- fixCDStypeInEnsemblGTF(gff)
## Proceed.
dbname <- ensDbFromGRanges(gff, outfile = outfile, path = path,
organism = orgFromAH,
genomeVersion = genFromAH,
version = ensFromAH)
## updating the Metadata information...
lite <- dbDriver("SQLite")
con <- dbConnect(lite, dbname = dbname )
bla <- dbExecute(con, paste0("update metadata set value='",
gtfFilename, "' where name='source_file';"))
.checkExtractVersions <- function(filename, organism, genomeVersion, version){
if (isEnsemblFileName(filename)) {
ensFromFile <- ensemblVersionFromGtfFileName(filename)
orgFromFile <- organismFromGtfFileName(filename)
genFromFile <- genomeVersionFromGtfFileName(filename)
} else {
ensFromFile <- NA
orgFromFile <- NA
genFromFile <- NA
if (missing(organism) | missing(genomeVersion) | missing(version))
stop("The file name does not match the expected naming scheme",
" of Ensembl files (<organism>.<genome version>.<Ensembl ",
"version>) hence I cannot extract any information",
" from it! Parameters 'organism', 'genomeVersion' and",
" 'version' are thus required!")
## Do some more testing with versions provided from the user.
if (!missing(organism)) {
if (!is.na(orgFromFile)) {
if (organism != orgFromFile) {
warning("User specified organism (", organism,
") is different to the one extracted",
" from the file name (", orgFromFile,
")! Using the one defined by the user.")
orgFromFile <- organism
if (!missing(genomeVersion)) {
if (!is.na(genFromFile)) {
if (genomeVersion != genFromFile) {
warning("User specified genome version (", genomeVersion,
") is different to the one extracted",
" from the file name (", genFromFile,
")! Using the one defined by the user.")
genFromFile <- genomeVersion
if (!missing(version)) {
if (!is.na(ensFromFile)) {
if (version != ensFromFile) {
warning("User specified Ensembl version (", version,
") is different to the one extracted",
" from the file name (", ensFromFile,
")! Using the one defined by the user.")
ensFromFile <- version
res <- c(orgFromFile, genFromFile, ensFromFile)
names(res) <- c("organism", "genomeVersion", "version")
## ensDbFromGff
ensDbFromGff <- function(gff, outfile, path, organism, genomeVersion,
version, ...){
## Check parameters
Parms <- .checkExtractVersions(gff, organism, genomeVersion, version)
ensFromFile <- Parms["version"]
orgFromFile <- Parms["organism"]
genFromFile <- Parms["genomeVersion"]
## Reading some info from the header.
tmp <- .read_lines_compressed(gff, n = 500)
if(length(grep(tmp[1], pattern="##gff-version")) == 0)
stop("File ", gff, " does not seem to be a correct GFF file! ",
"The ##gff-version line is missing!")
gffVersion <- unlist(strsplit(tmp[1], split="[ ]+"))[2]
if(gffVersion != "3")
stop("This function supports only GFF version 3 files!")
tmp <- tmp[grep(tmp, pattern="^#!")]
if(length(tmp) > 0){
## Check if I can extract the genome-version
idx <- grep(tmp, pattern = "^#!genome-version")
if (length(idx) > 0) {
genFromHeader <- sub(tmp[idx], pattern = "^#!genome-version",
replacement = "")
genFromHeader <- gsub(genFromHeader, pattern = " ",
replacement = "", fixed = TRUE)
if (genFromHeader != genFromFile) {
warning("Genome version extracted from file name (",
genFromFile, ") does not match genome version",
" defined within the gff file (", genFromHeader,
"). Will use the version defined within the gff.")
message("Importing GFF ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
theGff <- import(gff, format=paste0("gff", gffVersion))
## Works with Ensembl 83; eventually not for updated Ensembl gff files!
## what seems a little strange: exons have an ID of NA.
## Ensembl specific fields: gene_id, transcript_id, exon_id, rank, biotype.
## GFF3 fields: type, ID, Name, Parent
## check columns and subset...
gffcols <- c("type", "ID", "Name", "Parent")
if(!all(gffcols %in% colnames(mcols(theGff))))
stop("Required columns/fields ",
paste(gffcols[!(gffcols %in% colnames(mcols(theGff)))],
" not present in the GFF file!")
enscols <- c("gene_id", "transcript_id", "exon_id", "rank", "biotype")
if(!all(enscols %in% colnames(mcols(theGff))))
stop("Required columns/fields ",
paste(enscols[!(enscols %in% colnames(mcols(theGff)))],
" not present in the GFF file!")
## Subsetting to eventually speed up further processing.
theGff <- theGff[, c(gffcols, enscols)]
## Renaming and fixing some columns:
CN <- colnames(mcols(theGff))
colnames(mcols(theGff))[CN == "Name"] <- "gene_name"
colnames(mcols(theGff))[CN == "biotype"] <- "gene_biotype"
colnames(mcols(theGff))[CN == "rank"] <- "exon_number"
theGff$transcript_biotype <- theGff$gene_biotype
## Processing that stuff...
## Replace the ID format type:ID.
ids <- strsplit(theGff$ID, split=":")
message("Fixing IDs ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
## For those that have length > 1 use the second element.
theGff$ID <- unlist(lapply(ids, function(z){
if(length(z) > 1)
## Process genes...
message("Processing genes ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
## Bring the GFF into the correct format for EnsDb/ensDbFromGRanges.
idx <- which(!is.na(theGff$gene_id))
theGff$type[idx] <- "gene"
## ## Can not use the lengths of chromosomes provided in the chromosome features!!!
## ## For whatever reasons chromosome Y length is incorrect!!!
## message("Processing seqinfo...", appendLF=FALSE)
## SI <- seqinfo(theGff)
## tmp <- theGff[theGff$ID %in% seqlevels(SI)]
## ## Check if we've got length for all.
## message("OK")
## Process transcripts...
message("Processing transcripts ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
idx <- which(!is.na(theGff$transcript_id))
## Check if I've got multiple parents...
parentGenes <- theGff$Parent[idx]
if(any(lengths(parentGenes) > 1))
stop("Transcripts with multiple parents in GFF element 'Parent'",
" not (yet) supported!")
theGff$type[idx] <- "transcript"
## Setting the gene_id for these guys...
theGff$gene_id[idx] <- unlist(sub(parentGenes, pattern="gene:",
replacement="", fixed=TRUE))
## The CDS:
idx <- which(theGff$type == "CDS")
parentTx <- theGff$Parent[idx]
if(any(lengths(parentTx) > 1))
stop("CDS with multiple parent transcripts in GFF element 'Parent'",
" not (yet) supported!")
theGff$transcript_id[idx] <- unlist(sub(parentTx, pattern="transcript:",
replacement="", fixed=TRUE))
message("Processing exons ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
idx <- which(!is.na(theGff$exon_id))
parentTx <- theGff$Parent[idx]
if(any(lengths(parentTx) > 1))
stop("Exons with multiple parent transcripts in GFF element 'Parent'",
" not (yet) supported!")
theGff$transcript_id[idx] <- unlist(sub(parentTx, pattern="transcript:",
replacement="", fixed=TRUE))
theGff <- theGff[theGff$type %in% c("gene", "transcript", "exon", "CDS")]
theGff <- keepSeqlevels(theGff, as.character(unique(seqnames(theGff))))
## Now we can proceed and pass that to the next function!
message(" -------------")
message("Proceeding to create the database.")
## Proceed.
dbname <- ensDbFromGRanges(theGff, outfile = outfile, path = path,
organism = orgFromFile,
genomeVersion = genFromFile,
version = ensFromFile, ...)
gtfFilename <- unlist(strsplit(gff, split=.Platform$file.sep))
gtfFilename <- gtfFilename[length(gtfFilename)]
## updating the Metadata information...
lite <- dbDriver("SQLite")
con <- dbConnect(lite, dbname = dbname )
bla <- dbExecute(con, paste0("update metadata set value='",
gtfFilename, "' where name='source_file';"))
#### build a EnsDb SQLite database from the GRanges.
## we can however not get all of the information from the GRanges (yet), for example,
## the seqinfo might not be available in all GRanges objects. Also, there is no way
## we can guess the organism or the Ensembl version from the GRanges, thus, this
## information has to be provided by the user.
## x: the GRanges object or file name. If file name, the function tries to guess
## the organism, genome build and ensembl version from the file name, if not
## provided.
ensDbFromGRanges <- function(x, outfile, path, organism, genomeVersion,
version, ...){
if(!is(x, "GRanges"))
stop("This method can only be called on GRanges objects!")
## check for missing parameters
stop("The organism has to be specified (e.g. using",
" organism=\"Homo_sapiens\")")
stop("The Ensembl version has to be specified!")
## checking the seqinfo in the GRanges object...
Seqinfo <- seqinfo(x)
fetchSeqinfo <- FALSE
## check if we've got some information...
fetchSeqinfo <- TRUE ## means we have to fetch the seqinfo ourselfs...
## is there a seqinfo in x that I could use???
genomeVersion <- unique(genome(Seqinfo))
if(is.na(genomeVersion) | length(genomeVersion) > 1)
stop("The genome version has to be specified as",
" it can not be extracted from the seqinfo!")
stop("The genome version has to be specified!")
## use the organism, genome version and ensembl version as the file name.
outfile <- paste0(c(organism, genomeVersion, version, "sqlite"),
path <- "."
dbname <- paste0(path, .Platform$file.sep, outfile)
warning("outfile specified, thus I will discard the path argument.")
dbname <- outfile
## that's quite some hack
## transcript biotype?
txBiotypeCol <- "transcript_biotype"
## that's a little weird, but it seems that certain gtf files from Ensembl
## provide the transcript biotype in the element "source"
txBiotypeCol <- "source"
con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("SQLite"), dbname=dbname)
## Check if we've got column "type"
if(!any(colnames(mcols(x)) == "type"))
stop("The GRanges object lacks the required column 'type', sorry.")
gotTypes <- as.character(unique(x$type))
gotColumns <- colnames(mcols(x))
## ----------------------------
## process genes
## we're lacking NCBI Entrezids and also the coord system, but these are not
## required columns anyway...
message("Processing genes ... ")
## want to have: gene_id, gene_name, entrezid, gene_biotype, gene_seq_start,
## gene_seq_end, seq_name, seq_strand, seq_coord_system.
wouldBeNice <- c("gene_id", "gene_name", "entrezid", "gene_biotype")
dontHave <- wouldBeNice[!(wouldBeNice %in% gotColumns)]
haveGot <- wouldBeNice[wouldBeNice %in% gotColumns]
## Just really require the gene_id...
reqCols <- c("gene_id")
if(length(dontHave) > 0){
mess <- paste0(" I'm missing column(s): ", paste0(sQuote(dontHave),
collapse=","), ".")
warning(mess, " The corresponding database column(s) will be empty!")
message(" Attribute availability:", appendLF=TRUE)
for(i in 1:length(wouldBeNice)){
message(" o ", wouldBeNice[i], " ... ",
ifelse(any(gotColumns == wouldBeNice[i]), yes="OK", no="Nope"))
if(!any(reqCols %in% haveGot))
stop("Missing or more required fields in the submitted GRanges object!",
" Need ", paste(sQuote(reqCols), collapse=",")," but got only ",
paste(reqCols[reqCols %in% gotColumns], collapse=","),".")
## Now gets tricky; special case Ensembl < 75: we've got NO gene type.
if(any(gotTypes == "gene")){
## All is fine.
genes <- as.data.frame(x[x$type == "gene", haveGot])
## Well, have to split by gene_id and process...
genes <- split(x[ , haveGot], x$gene_id)
gnRanges <- unlist(range(genes))
gnMcol <- as.data.frame(unique(mcols(unlist(genes))))
genes <- as.data.frame(gnRanges)
## Adding mcols again.
genes <- cbind(genes, gnMcol[match(rownames(genes), gnMcol$gene_id), ])
colnames(genes) <- c("seq_name", "gene_seq_start", "gene_seq_end", "width",
"seq_strand", haveGot)
## Add missing cols...
if(length(dontHave) > 0){
cn <- colnames(genes)
for(i in 1:length(dontHave)){
genes <- cbind(genes, rep(NA, nrow(genes)))
colnames(genes) <- c(cn, dontHave)
genes <- cbind(genes, seq_coord_system=rep(NA, nrow(genes)))
## transforming seq_strand from +/- to +1, -1.
strand <- rep(0L, nrow(genes))
strand[as.character(genes$seq_strand) == "+"] <- 1L
strand[as.character(genes$seq_strand) == "-"] <- -1L
genes[ , "seq_strand"] <- strand
## rearranging data.frame...
genes <- genes[ , c("gene_id", "gene_name", "entrezid", "gene_biotype",
"gene_seq_start", "gene_seq_end", "seq_name",
"seq_strand", "seq_coord_system")]
OK <- .checkIntegerCols(genes)
dbWriteTable(con, name="gene", genes, overwrite=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)
## Done.
## ----------------------------
## process transcripts
message("Processing transcripts ... ", appendLF=TRUE)
## want to have: tx_id, tx_biotype, tx_seq_start, tx_seq_end, tx_cds_seq_start,
## tx_cds_seq_end, gene_id
wouldBeNice <- c("transcript_id", "gene_id",
txBiotypeCol, "transcript_name")
dontHave <- wouldBeNice[!(wouldBeNice %in% gotColumns)]
if(length(dontHave) > 0){
mess <- paste0("I'm missing column(s): ", paste0(sQuote(dontHave),
collapse=","), ".")
warning(mess, " The corresponding database columns will be empty!")
haveGot <- wouldBeNice[wouldBeNice %in% gotColumns]
message(" Attribute availability:", appendLF=TRUE)
for(i in 1:length(wouldBeNice)){
message(" o ", wouldBeNice[i], " ... ",
ifelse(any(gotColumns == wouldBeNice[i]), yes="OK", no="Nope"))
reqCols <- c("transcript_id", "gene_id")
if(!any(reqCols %in% gotColumns))
stop("One or more required fields are not defined in the submitted ",
"GRanges object! Need ", paste(reqCols, collapse=","), " but got",
" only ",paste(reqCols[reqCols %in% gotColumns], collapse=","),".")
if(any(gotTypes == "transcript")){
tx <- as.data.frame(x[x$type == "transcript" , haveGot])
tx <- split(x[, haveGot], x$transcript_id)
txRanges <- unlist(range(tx))
txMcol <- as.data.frame(unique(mcols(unlist(tx))))
tx <- as.data.frame(txRanges)
tx <- cbind(tx, txMcol[match(rownames(tx), txMcol$transcript_id), ])
## Drop columns seqnames, width and strand
tx <- tx[, -c(1, 4, 5)]
## Add empty columns, eventually
if(length(dontHave) > 0){
cn <- colnames(tx)
for(i in 1:length(dontHave)){
tx <- cbind(tx, rep(NA, nrow(tx)))
colnames(tx) <- c(cn, dontHave)
## Add columns for UTR
tx <- cbind(tx, tx_cds_seq_start=rep(NA, nrow(tx)),
tx_cds_seq_end=rep(NA, nrow(tx)))
## Process CDS...
if(any(gotTypes == "CDS")){
## Only do that if we've got type == "CDS"!
## process the CDS features to get the cds start and end of the transcript.
CDS <- as.data.frame(x[x$type == "CDS", "transcript_id"])
startByTx <- split(CDS$start, f=CDS$transcript_id)
cdsStarts <- unlist(lapply(startByTx,
function(z){return(min(z, na.rm=TRUE))}))
endByTx <- split(CDS$end, f=CDS$transcript_id)
cdsEnds <- unlist(lapply(endByTx,
function(z){return(max(z, na.rm=TRUE))}))
idx <- match(names(cdsStarts), tx$transcript_id)
areNas <- is.na(idx)
idx <- idx[!areNas]
cdsStarts <- cdsStarts[!areNas]
cdsEnds <- cdsEnds[!areNas]
tx[idx, "tx_cds_seq_start"] <- cdsStarts
tx[idx, "tx_cds_seq_end"] <- cdsEnds
mess <- paste0(" I can't find type=='CDS'! The resulting database",
" will lack CDS information!")
message(mess, appendLF = TRUE)
colnames(tx) <- c("tx_seq_start", "tx_seq_end", "tx_id", "gene_id",
"tx_biotype", "tx_external_name",
"tx_cds_seq_start", "tx_cds_seq_end")
## rearranging data.frame:
tx <- tx[ , c("tx_id", "tx_external_name", "tx_biotype", "tx_seq_start",
"tx_seq_end", "tx_cds_seq_start", "tx_cds_seq_end",
## Add transcript name.
## write the table.
OK <- .checkIntegerCols(tx)
dbWriteTable(con, name="tx", tx, overwrite=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)
## ----------------------------
## process exons
message("Processing exons ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
## Fix for issue #72: seems there are GTFs without an exon_id!
if (!any(gotColumns == "exon_id") & any(gotColumns == "exon_number")) {
mcols(x)$exon_id <- paste0(x$transcript_id, ":", x$exon_number)
warning("No column 'exon_id' present, created artificial exon IDs by ",
"concatenating the transcript ID and the exon number.")
gotColumns <- c(gotColumns, "exon_id")
reqCols <- c("exon_id", "transcript_id", "exon_number")
if (!all(reqCols %in% gotColumns))
stop("One or more required fields are not defined in the submitted ",
"GRanges object! Need ", paste(reqCols, collapse=","), " but got",
" only ",paste(reqCols[reqCols %in% gotColumns], collapse=","),".")
exons <- as.data.frame(x[x$type == "exon", reqCols])[, -c(1, 4, 5)]
## for table tx2exon we want to have:
## tx_id, exon_id, exon_idx
t2e <- unique(exons[ , c("transcript_id", "exon_id", "exon_number")])
colnames(t2e) <- c("tx_id", "exon_id", "exon_idx")
## Force exon_idx to be an integer!
t2e[, "exon_idx"] <- as.integer(t2e[, "exon_idx"])
## Cross-check that we've got the corresponding tx_ids in the tx table!
## for table exons we want to have:
## exon_id, exon_seq_start, exon_seq_end
exons <- unique(exons[ , c("exon_id", "start", "end")])
colnames(exons) <- c("exon_id", "exon_seq_start", "exon_seq_end")
## writing the tables.
dbWriteTable(con, name="exon", exons, overwrite=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)
dbWriteTable(con, name="tx2exon", t2e, overwrite=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)
## ----------------------------
## process chromosomes
message("Processing chromosomes ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
if (fetchSeqinfo) {
## problem is I don't have these available...
chroms <- data.frame(seq_name = unique(as.character(genes$seq_name)))
chroms <- cbind(chroms, seq_length = rep(NA, nrow(chroms)),
is_circular = rep(NA, nrow(chroms)))
rownames(chroms) <- chroms$seq_name
## Try to get sequence lengths from Ensembl or Ensemblgenomes.
sl <- tryGetSeqinfoFromEnsembl(organism, version,
seqnames = chroms$seq_name)
if (nrow(sl) > 0) {
sl <- sl[sl[, "name"] %in% rownames(chroms), ]
chroms[sl[, "name"], "seq_length"] <- sl[, "length"]
} else {
## have seqinfo available.
chroms <- data.frame(seq_name = seqnames(Seqinfo),
seq_length = seqlengths(Seqinfo),
is_circular = isCircular(Seqinfo))
## write the table.
dbWriteTable(con, name="chromosome", chroms, overwrite=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)
## ----------------------------
## metadata table:
message("Processing metadata ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
Metadata <- buildMetadata(organism, version, host="unknown",
sourceFile="GRanges object",
schema = "1.0")
dbWriteTable(con, name="metadata", Metadata, overwrite=TRUE,
message("Generating index ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
## generating all indices...
message(" -------------")
message("Verifying validity of the information in the database:")
## helper function that checks that the gene, transcript and exon data in the
## EnsDb database is correct (i.e. transcript within gene coordinates, exons within
## transcript coordinates, cds within transcript)
checkValidEnsDb <- function(x){
message("Checking transcripts ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
tx <- transcripts(x, columns=c("gene_id", "tx_id", "gene_seq_start",
"gene_seq_end", "tx_seq_start",
"tx_seq_end", "tx_cds_seq_start",
"tx_cds_seq_end"), return.type="DataFrame")
## check if the tx are inside the genes...
isInside <- tx$tx_seq_start >= tx$gene_seq_start &
tx$tx_seq_end <= tx$gene_seq_end
stop("Start and end coordinates for ", sum(!isInside),
"transcripts are not within the gene coordinates!")
## check cds coordinates
notInside <- which(!(tx$tx_cds_seq_start >= tx$tx_seq_start &
tx$tx_cds_seq_end <= tx$tx_seq_end))
if(length(notInside) > 0){
stop("The CDS start and end coordinates for ", length(notInside),
" transcripts are not within the transcript coordinates!")
message("OK\nChecking exons ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
ex <- exons(x, columns=c("exon_id", "tx_id", "exon_seq_start", "exon_seq_end",
"tx_seq_start", "tx_seq_end", "seq_strand", "exon_idx"),
## check if exons are within tx
isInside <- ex$exon_seq_start >= ex$tx_seq_start &
ex$exon_seq_end <= ex$tx_seq_end
stop("Start and end coordinates for ", sum(!isInside),
" exons are not within the transcript coordinates!")
## checking the exon index...
extmp <- ex[ex$seq_strand==1, c("exon_idx", "tx_id", "exon_seq_start")]
extmp <- extmp[order(extmp$exon_seq_start), ]
extmp.split <- split(extmp[ , c("exon_idx")], f=factor(extmp$tx_id))
Different <- unlist(lapply(extmp.split, FUN=function(z){
return(any(z != seq(1, length(z))))
stop("Provided exon index in transcript does not match with ordering ",
"of the exons by chromosomal coordinates for ", sum(Different),
" of the ", length(Different), " txs encoded on the + strand!")
extmp <- ex[ex$seq_strand==-1, c("exon_idx", "tx_id", "exon_seq_end")]
extmp <- extmp[order(extmp$exon_seq_end, decreasing=TRUE), ]
extmp.split <- split(extmp[ , c("exon_idx")], f=factor(extmp$tx_id))
Different <- unlist(lapply(extmp.split, FUN=function(z){
return(any(z != seq(1, length(z))))
stop("Provided exon index in transcript does not match with",
" ordering of the exons by chromosomal coordinates for ",
sum(Different), " of the ", length(Different),
" transcripts encoded on the - strand!")
##' Fetch chromosome sequence lengths from Ensembl.
##' @param organism The organism. Has to be in the form "Homo sapiens"
##' @param ensemblVersion The Ensembl version.
##' @param seqnames The names of the chromosomes/sequences; optional.
##' @return A matrix with two columns name and seq_length.
##' @noRd
tryGetSeqinfoFromEnsembl <- function(organism, ensemblVersion, seqnames,
skip = FALSE){
if (skip)
return(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2))
message("Fetch seqlengths from ensembl ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
tmp <- try(
.getSeqlengthsFromMysqlFolder(organism = organism,
ensembl = ensemblVersion,
seqnames = seqnames)
, silent = TRUE)
if (is(tmp, "try-error") | is.null(tmp)) {
warning("Unable to retrieve sequence lengths from Ensembl.")
return(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2))
colnames(tmp) <- c("name", "length")
buildMetadata <- function(organism="", ensemblVersion="", genomeVersion="",
host="", sourceFile="", schema = "1.0"){
MetaData <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=2, nrow=11))
colnames(MetaData) <- c("name", "value")
MetaData[1, ] <- c("Db type", "EnsDb")
MetaData[2, ] <- c("Type of Gene ID", "Ensembl Gene ID")
MetaData[3, ] <- c("Supporting package", "ensembldb")
MetaData[4, ] <- c("Db created by", "ensembldb package from Bioconductor")
MetaData[5, ] <- c("script_version", "0.0.1")
MetaData[6, ] <- c("Creation time", date())
MetaData[7, ] <- c("ensembl_version", ensemblVersion)
MetaData[8, ] <- c("ensembl_host", host)
MetaData[9, ] <- c("Organism", organism )
MetaData[10, ] <- c("genome_build", genomeVersion)
MetaData[11, ] <- c("DBSCHEMAVERSION", schema)
MetaData[12, ] <- c("source_file", sourceFile)
## compare the contents of the EnsDb sqlite database generated from a GTF (file name submitted
## with x ) with the one provided by package "lib".
compareEnsDbs <- function(x, y){
## compare two EnsDbs...
stop("Well, at least the organism should be the same for both databases!")
Messages <- rep("OK", 5)
names(Messages) <- c("metadata", "chromosome", "gene", "transcript", "exon")
## comparing metadata.
metadataX <- metadata(x)
metadataY <- metadata(y)
rownames(metadataX) <- metadataX[, 1]
rownames(metadataY) <- metadataY[, 1]
metadataY <- metadataY[rownames(metadataX),]
cat("\nComparing metadata:\n")
idx <- which(metadataX[, "value"]!=metadataY[, "value"])
Messages["metadata"] <- "NOTE"
## check ensembl version
if(metadataX["ensembl_version", "value"] ==
metadataY["ensembl_version", "value"]){
cat(" Ensembl versions match.\n")
cat(" WARNING: databases base on different Ensembl versions!",
" Expect considerable differences!\n", sep = "")
Messages["metadata"] <- "WARN"
## genome build
if(metadataX["genome_build", "value"] == metadataY["genome_build", "value"]){
cat(" Genome builds match.\n")
cat(" WARNING: databases base on different Genome builds!",
" Expect considerable differences!\n", sep = "")
Messages["metadata"] <- "WARN"
cat(" All differences: <name>: <value x> != <value y>\n")
for(i in idx){
cat(paste(" - ", metadataX[i, "name"], ":", metadataX[i, "value"],
" != ", metadataY[i, "value"], "\n"))
cat(paste0("Done. Result: ", Messages["metadata"],"\n"))
## now comparing chromosomes
Messages["chromosome"] <- compareChromosomes(x, y)
## comparing genes
Messages["gene"] <- compareGenes(x, y)
## comparing transcripts
Messages["transcript"] <- compareTx(x, y)
## comparing exons
Messages["exon"] <- compareExons(x, y)
## If we've got protein data in one of the two:
if (hasProteinData(x) | hasProteinData(y)) {
Messages <- c(Messages, protein = "OK")
Messages["protein"] <- compareProteins(x, y)
compareChromosomes <- function(x, y){
Ret <- "OK"
cat("\nComparing chromosome data:\n")
chromX <- as.data.frame(seqinfo(x))
chromY <- as.data.frame(seqinfo(y))
## compare seqnames
inboth <- rownames(chromX)[rownames(chromX) %in% rownames(chromY)]
onlyX <- rownames(chromX)[!(rownames(chromX) %in% rownames(chromY))]
onlyY <- rownames(chromY)[!(rownames(chromY) %in% rownames(chromX))]
if(length(onlyX) > 0 | length(onlyY) > 0)
Ret <- "WARN"
cat(paste0( " Sequence names: (", length(inboth), ") common, (",
length(onlyX), ") only in x, (", length(onlyY),
") only in y.\n" ))
## seqlengths:
if (!all.equal(chromX[inboth, "seqlengths"],
chromY[inboth, "seqlengths"])) {
same <- length(which(chromX[inboth, "seqlengths"] ==
chromY[inboth, "seqlengths"]))
different <- length(inboth) - same
} else {
same <- length(inboth)
different <- 0
cat(paste0( " Sequence lengths: (",same, ") identical, (",
different, ") different.\n" ))
if(different > 0)
Ret <- "WARN"
cat(paste0("Done. Result: ", Ret,"\n"))
compareGenes <- function(x, y){
cat("\nComparing gene data:\n")
Ret <- "OK"
genesX <- genes(x)
genesY <- genes(y)
inboth <- names(genesX)[names(genesX) %in% names(genesY)]
onlyX <- names(genesX)[!(names(genesX) %in% names(genesY))]
onlyY <- names(genesY)[!(names(genesY) %in% names(genesX))]
if(length(onlyX) > 0 | length(onlyY) > 0)
Ret <- "WARN"
cat(paste0(" gene IDs: (", length(inboth), ") common, (",
length(onlyX), ") only in x, (", length(onlyY), ") only in y.\n"))
## seq names
same <- length(
which(as.character(seqnames(genesX[inboth])) ==
different <- length(inboth) - same
if(different > 0)
Ret <- "ERROR"
cat(paste0( " Sequence names: (",same, ") identical, (",
different, ") different.\n" ))
## start
same <- length(
which(start(genesX[inboth]) == start(genesY[inboth]))
different <- length(inboth) - same
if(different > 0)
Ret <- "ERROR"
cat(paste0( " Gene start coordinates: (",same,
") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
## end
same <- length(
which(end(genesX[inboth]) == end(genesY[inboth]))
different <- length(inboth) - same
if(different > 0)
Ret <- "ERROR"
cat(paste0( " Gene end coordinates: (",same,
") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
## strand
same <- length(
== as.character(strand(genesY[inboth])))
different <- length(inboth) - same
if(different > 0)
Ret <- "ERROR"
cat(paste0( " Gene strand: (",same,
") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
## name
same <- length(
which(genesX[inboth]$gene_name == genesY[inboth]$gene_name)
different <- length(inboth) - same
if(different > 0 & Ret!="ERROR")
Ret <- "WARN"
cat(paste0( " Gene names: (",same,
") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
## entrezid
funny <- function(z) {
if (all(is.na(z))) ""
else paste(sort(z))
eidsX <- unlist(lapply(genesX[inboth]$entrezid, funny))
eidsY <- unlist(lapply(genesY[inboth]$entrezid, funny))
same <- length(which(eidsX == eidsY))
different <- length(inboth) - same
if(different > 0 & Ret!="ERROR")
Ret <- "WARN"
cat(paste0( " Entrezgene IDs: (",same,
") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
## gene biotype
same <- length(
which(genesX[inboth]$gene_biotype == genesY[inboth]$gene_biotype)
different <- length(inboth) - same
if(different > 0 & Ret!="ERROR")
Ret <- "WARN"
cat(paste0( " Gene biotypes: (",same,
") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
cat(paste0("Done. Result: ", Ret,"\n"))
compareTx <- function(x, y){
cat("\nComparing transcript data:\n")
Ret <- "OK"
txX <- transcripts(x)
txY <- transcripts(y)
inboth <- names(txX)[names(txX) %in% names(txY)]
onlyX <- names(txX)[!(names(txX) %in% names(txY))]
onlyY <- names(txY)[!(names(txY) %in% names(txX))]
if(length(onlyX) > 0 | length(onlyY) > 0)
Ret <- "WARN"
cat(paste0(" transcript IDs: (", length(inboth), ") common, (",
length(onlyX), ") only in x, (", length(onlyY),
") only in y.\n"))
## start
same <- length(
which(start(txX[inboth]) == start(txY[inboth]))
different <- length(inboth) - same
if(different > 0)
Ret <- "ERROR"
cat(paste0( " Transcript start coordinates: (",same,
") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
## end
same <- length(
which(end(txX[inboth]) == end(txY[inboth]))
different <- length(inboth) - same
if(different > 0)
Ret <- "ERROR"
cat(paste0( " Transcript end coordinates: (",same,
") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
## tx biotype
same <- length(
which(txX[inboth]$tx_biotype == txY[inboth]$tx_biotype)
different <- length(inboth) - same
if(different > 0 & Ret!="ERROR")
Ret <- "WARN"
cat(paste0( " Transcript biotypes: (",same,
") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
## cds start
## Makes sense to just compare for those that have the same tx!
txXSub <- txX[inboth]
txYSub <- txY[inboth]
txCdsX <- names(txXSub)[!is.na(txXSub$tx_cds_seq_start)]
txCdsY <- names(txYSub)[!is.na(txYSub$tx_cds_seq_start)]
cdsInBoth <- txCdsX[txCdsX %in% txCdsY]
cdsOnlyX <- txCdsX[!(txCdsX %in% txCdsY)]
cdsOnlyY <- txCdsY[!(txCdsY %in% txCdsX)]
if((length(cdsOnlyX) > 0 | length(cdsOnlyY)) & Ret!="ERROR")
Ret <- "ERROR"
cat(paste0(" Common transcripts with defined CDS: (", length(cdsInBoth),
") common, (", length(cdsOnlyX), ") only in x, (",
length(cdsOnlyY), ") only in y.\n"))
same <- length(
which(txX[cdsInBoth]$tx_cds_seq_start == txY[cdsInBoth]$tx_cds_seq_start)
different <- length(cdsInBoth) - same
if(different > 0 & Ret!="ERROR")
Ret <- "ERROR"
cat(paste0( " CDS start coordinates: (",same,
") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
## cds end
same <- length(
which(txX[cdsInBoth]$tx_cds_seq_end == txY[cdsInBoth]$tx_cds_seq_end)
different <- length(cdsInBoth) - same
if(different > 0 & Ret!="ERROR")
Ret <- "ERROR"
cat(paste0( " CDS end coordinates: (",same,
") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
## gene id
same <- length(
which(txX[inboth]$gene_id == txY[inboth]$gene_id)
different <- length(inboth) - same
if(different > 0)
Ret <- "ERROR"
cat(paste0( " Associated gene IDs: (",same,
") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
cat(paste0("Done. Result: ", Ret,"\n"))
compareProteins <- function(x, y){
cat("\nComparing protein data:\n")
Ret <- "OK"
if (!hasProteinData(x) | !hasProteinData(y)) {
Ret <- "WARN"
cat(paste0("No protein data available for one or both EnsDbs."))
X <- proteins(x)
Y <- proteins(y)
inboth <- X$protein_id[X$protein_id %in% Y$protein_id]
onlyX <- X$protein_id[!(X$protein_id %in% Y$protein_id)]
onlyY <- Y$protein_id[!(Y$protein_id %in% X$protein_id)]
if(length(onlyX) > 0 | length(onlyY) > 0)
Ret <- "WARN"
cat(paste0(" protein IDs: (", length(inboth), ") common, (",
length(onlyX), ") only in x, (", length(onlyY),
") only in y.\n"))
X <- X[X$protein_id %in% inboth, ]
Y <- Y[Y$protein_id %in% inboth, ]
## sorting both by protein_id should be enough.
X <- X[order(X$protein_id), ]
Y <- Y[order(Y$protein_id), ]
## tx_id
same <- length(which(X$tx_id == Y$tx_id))
different <- length(inboth) - same
if(different > 0)
Ret <- "ERROR"
cat(paste0( " Transcript IDs: (",same,
") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
## sequence
same <- length(which(X$protein_sequence == Y$protein_sequence))
different <- length(inboth) - same
if(different > 0)
Ret <- "ERROR"
cat(paste0( " Protein sequence: (",same,
") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
cat(paste0("Done. Result: ", Ret,"\n"))
compareExons <- function(x, y){
cat("\nComparing exon data:\n")
Ret <- "OK"
exonX <- exons(x)
exonY <- exons(y)
inboth <- names(exonX)[names(exonX) %in% names(exonY)]
onlyX <- names(exonX)[!(names(exonX) %in% names(exonY))]
onlyY <- names(exonY)[!(names(exonY) %in% names(exonX))]
if(length(onlyX) > 0 | length(onlyY) > 0)
Ret <- "WARN"
cat(paste0(" exon IDs: (", length(inboth), ") common, (",
length(onlyX), ") only in x, (", length(onlyY), ") only in y.\n"))
## start
same <- length(
which(start(exonX[inboth]) == start(exonY[inboth]))
different <- length(inboth) - same
if(different > 0)
Ret <- "ERROR"
cat(paste0( " Exon start coordinates: (",same,
") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
## end
same <- length(
which(end(exonX[inboth]) == end(exonY[inboth]))
different <- length(inboth) - same
if(different > 0)
Ret <- "ERROR"
cat(paste0( " Exon end coordinates: (",same,
") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
## now getting also the exon index in tx:
exonX <- exons(x, columns=c("exon_id", "tx_id", "exon_idx"),
rownames(exonX) <- paste(exonX$tx_id, exonX$exon_id, sep=":")
exonY <- exons(y, columns=c("exon_id", "tx_id", "exon_idx"),
rownames(exonY) <- paste(exonY$tx_id, exonY$exon_id, sep=":")
inboth <- rownames(exonX)[rownames(exonX) %in% rownames(exonY)]
onlyX <- rownames(exonX)[!(rownames(exonX) %in% rownames(exonY))]
onlyY <- rownames(exonY)[!(rownames(exonY) %in% rownames(exonX))]
## tx exon idx
same <- length(
which(exonX[inboth, ]$exon_idx == exonY[inboth, ]$exon_idx)
different <- length(inboth) - same
if(different > 0 )
Ret <- "ERROR"
cat(paste0( " Exon index in transcript models: (",same,
") identical, (", different, ") different.\n" ))
cat(paste0("Done. Result: ", Ret,"\n"))
## isEnsemblFileName
## evaluate whether the file name is "most likely" corresponding
## to a file name from Ensembl, i.e. following the convention
## <organism>.<genome version>.<ensembl version>.[chr].gff/gtf.gz
## The problem is that the genome version can also be . separated.
isEnsemblFileName <- function(x){
x <- basename(x)
## If we split by ., do we get at least 4 elements?
els <- unlist(strsplit(x, split=".", fixed=TRUE))
if(length(els) < 4)
## Can we get an Ensembl version?
ensVer <- ensemblVersionFromGtfFileName(x)
## If we got one, do we still have enough fields left of the version?
idx <- which(els == ensVer)
idx <- idx[length(idx)]
if(idx < 3){
## No way, we're missing the organism and the genome build field!
## Well, can not think of any other torture... let's assume it's OK.
organismFromGtfFileName <- function(x){
return(elementFromEnsemblFilename(x, 1))
## ensemblVersionFromGtfFileName
## Tries to extract the Ensembl version from the file name. If it
## finds a numeric value it returns it, otherwise it returns NA.
ensemblVersionFromGtfFileName <- function(x){
x <- basename(x)
els <- unlist(strsplit(x, split=".", fixed=TRUE))
## Ensembl version is the last numeric value in the file name.
for(elm in rev(els)){
## genomeVersionFromGtfFileName
## the genome build can also contain .! thus, I return everything which is not
## the first element (i.e. organism), or the ensembl version, that is one left of
## the gtf.
genomeVersionFromGtfFileName <- function(x){
x <- basename(x)
els <- unlist(strsplit(x, split=".", fixed=TRUE))
ensVer <- ensemblVersionFromGtfFileName(x)
stop("Can not extract the genome version from the file name!",
" The file name does not follow the expected naming convention from Ensembl!")
idx <- which(els == ensVer)
idx <- idx[length(idx)]
if(idx < 3)
stop("Can not extract the genome version from the file name!",
" The file name does not follow the expected naming convention from Ensembl!")
return(paste(els[2:(idx-1)], collapse="."))
## Returns NULL if there was a problem.
elementFromEnsemblFilename <- function(x, which=1){
tmp <- unlist(strsplit(x, split=.Platform$file.sep, fixed=TRUE))
splitty <- unlist(strsplit(tmp[length(tmp)], split=".", fixed=TRUE))
if(length(splitty) < which){
warning("File ", x, " does not conform to the Ensembl file naming convention.")
## Utilities to fetch sequence lengths from Ensembl's ftp server, more
## specifically from the MySQL tables there.
## These replace the (unexported) functions from GenomicFeatures used thus far.
.ENSEMBL_URL <- "ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/"
.ENSEMBLGENOMES_URL <- "ftp://ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/pub/"
##' Get the base url containing the mysql database for the specified host,
##' orgnism and Ensembl version.
##' @details The function will first build an approximate database name (without
##' the trailing <_genome version number> as this is not easy to guess).
##' Next all directories in the base MySQL folder will be scanned for the best
##' matching folder.
##' @param type Either "ensembl" or "ensemblgenomes"
##' @param organism Character specifying the organism. Has to be the full name,
##' i.e "homo_sapiens" or "Homo sapiens".
##' @param ensembl The Ensembl version.
##' @param genone The Genome version.
##' @noRd
.getEnsemblMysqlUrl <- function(type = "ensembl", organism, ensembl, genome) {
type <- match.arg(type, c("ensembl", "ensemblgenomes"))
if (type == "ensembl") {
my_url <- paste0(.ENSEMBL_URL, "release-", ensembl, "/mysql/")
db_name <- .guessDatabaseName(organism, ensembl)
## List folders; GenomicFeatures does it without 'dirlistonly',
## eventually that's what breaks on Windows?
## res <- getURL(my_url, dirlistonly = TRUE)
res <- readLines(curl(my_url))
res <- gsub(res, pattern = "\r", replacement = "", fixed = TRUE)
if (length(res) > 0) {
## dirs <- unlist(strsplit(res, split = "\n"))
## ## Remove the \r on Windows.
## dirs <- sub(dirs, pattern = "\r", replacement = "", fixed = TRUE)
## idx <- grep(dirs, pattern = db_name)
idx <- grep(res, pattern = db_name)
if (length(idx) > 1)
stop("Found more than one database matching '", db_name,
"' in Ensembl's ftp server!")
if (length(idx) == 0)
stop("No database matching '", db_name, "' found in Ensembl's",
" ftp server.")
db_dir <- unlist(strsplit(res[idx], split = " ", fixed = TRUE))
db_dir <- db_dir[length(db_dir)]
return(paste0(my_url, db_dir))
} else {
## That's tricky! Have to find out whether the species is in plants,
## fungi, bacteria etc.
## List dirs of bacteria, fungi, metazoa, plants, protists
sub_folders <- c("bacteria", "fungi", "metazoa", "plants", "protists")
db_name <- .guessDatabaseName(organism, ensembl)
for (fold in sub_folders) {
my_url <- paste0(.ENSEMBLGENOMES_URL, "release-", ensembl, "/",
fold, "/mysql/")
res <- try(readLines(curl(my_url)))
if (is(res, "try-error")| length(res) == 0)
if (length(res) > 0) {
res <- gsub(res, pattern = "\r", replacement = "", fixed = TRUE)
idx <- grep(res, pattern = db_name)
if (length(idx) > 1)
stop("Found more than one database matching '", db_name,
"' in Ensemblgenomes' ftp server!")
if (length(idx) == 1) {
db_dir <- unlist(strsplit(res[idx], split = " ",
fixed = TRUE))
db_dir <- db_dir[length(db_dir)]
return(paste0(my_url, db_dir))
## ## Catch eventual errors
## res <- try(getURL(my_url, dirlistonly = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
## if (is(res, "try-error") | length(res) == 0)
## next
## if (length(res) > 0) {
## dirs <- unlist(strsplit(res, split = "\n"))
## ## Remove the \r on Windows.
## dirs <- sub(dirs, pattern = "\r", replacement = "", fixed = TRUE)
## idx <- grep(dirs, pattern = db_name)
## if (length(idx) == 1)
## return(paste0(my_url, dirs[idx]))
## if (length(idx) > 1)
## stop("Found more than one database matching '", db_name,
## "' in Ensembl's ftp server!")
## ## Well, then let's go to the next one.
## }
stop("No database matching '", db_name, "' found in Ensembl's",
" ftp server")
## .guessDatabaseName
##' build the database name from species, ensembl version and genome version.
##' The latter is specifically difficult, as it is not quite clear how Ensembl
##' defines the Genome version number.
##' @param organism Character specifying the organism. Has to be in the format
##' "homo_sapiens" or "Homo sapiens", i.e. the full name.
##' @param ensembl The Ensembl version number.
##' @param genome The Genome version, e.g. GRCh38 (optional!).
##' @return A character representing the guessed database name in Ensembl.
##' @noRd
.guessDatabaseName <- function(organism, ensembl, genome) {
if (missing(organism) & missing(ensembl))
stop("'organism' and 'ensembl' are required!")
## Organism: all lower case, replace . with _
organism <- tolower(gsub(organism, pattern = ".", replacement = "_",
fixed = TRUE))
organism <- gsub(organism, pattern = " ", replacement = "_",
fixed = TRUE)
dbname <- paste0(organism, "_core_", ensembl)
## Genome: remove all letters and keep just the numbers.
if (!missing(genome)) {
genome <- gsub(genome, pattern = "[a-zA-Z]", replacement = "")
## replace .0 at the end
genome <- gsub(genome, pattern = ".0$", replacement = "")
genome <- gsub(genome, pattern = ".", replacement = "", fixed = TRUE)
genome <- gsub(genome, pattern = "_", replacement = "", fixed = TRUE)
dbname <- paste0(dbname, "_", genome)
## .getSeqlengthsFromMysqlFolder
##' Fetch the coord_system.txt.gz and seq_region.txt.gz and extract the
##' seqlengths from there.
##' @noRd
.getSeqlengthsFromMysqlFolder <- function(organism, ensembl, seqnames) {
## Test whether we have the database in ensembl
mysql_url <- try(.getEnsemblMysqlUrl(type = "ensembl", organism = organism,
ensembl = ensembl), silent = TRUE)
if (is(mysql_url, "try-error")) {
mysql_url <- try(.getEnsemblMysqlUrl(type = "ensemblgenomes",
organism = organism,
ensembl = ensembl), silent = TRUE)
if (is(mysql_url, "try-error")) {
warning("Can not get the sequence lengths from Ensembl or",
" Ensemblgenomes. Seqinfo will lack the sequence lengths.")
## Get the coord_system table
coord_syst <- .getReadMysqlTable(mysql_url, "coord_system.txt.gz",
colnames = c("coord_system_id",
"species_id", "name",
"version", "rank", "attrib"))
## Subset to the ones with "default" in "attrib"
coord_syst <- coord_syst[grep(coord_syst$attrib, pattern = "default"),
, drop = FALSE]
rownames(coord_syst) <- as.character(coord_syst$coord_system_id)
## Get the seq_region table
seq_region <- .getReadMysqlTable(mysql_url, "seq_region.txt.gz",
colnames = c("seq_region_id", "name",
"coord_system_id", "length"))
## Sub-set to the ones matching the coord_syst_ids and from these, select
## the one entry with the smallest rank, if more than one present.
seq_region <- seq_region[seq_region$coord_system_id %in%
, drop = FALSE]
seq_region <- cbind(seq_region,
rank = coord_syst[as.character(seq_region$coord_system_id),
## Sub-set to the seqlevels we've got.
if (!missing(seqnames)) {
seq_region <- seq_region[seq_region$name %in% seqnames, , drop = FALSE]
if (!all(seqnames %in% seq_region$name))
warning("Could not determine length for all seqnames.")
sr <- split(seq_region, f = seq_region$name)
if (length(sr) == 0)
sr <- lapply(sr, function(z) {
if (nrow(z) == 1)
z <- z[order(z$rank), ]
return(z[1, , drop = FALSE])
sr <- do.call(rbind, sr)
rownames(sr) <- sr$name
return(sr[, c("name", "length")])
##' Download and read a table from Ensembl
##' @param base_url the base url to the mysql folder on the server.
##' @param file_name the file name of the table.
##' @param colnames the column names.
##' @return A data.frame with the table's content.
##' @noRd
.getReadMysqlTable <- function(base_url, file_name, colnames) {
tmp_file <- tempfile()
download.file(url = paste0(base_url, "/", file_name), destfile = tmp_file,
quiet = TRUE)
tmp <- read.table(tmp_file, sep = "\t", quote = "", comment.char = "",
as.is = TRUE)
colnames(tmp) <- colnames
#' Utility function to read lines from a compressed file. While pure `readLines`
#' works on local files it fails on remote files.
#' @noRd
.read_lines_compressed <- function(x, n = 10) {
if (length(grep(".gz$", x, ignore.case = TRUE)))
con <- gzcon(file(x, open = "rb"))
else con <- file(x, open = "rb")
readLines(con, n = n)
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