#' @title Function to obtain quasi-correlation estimates given
#' @details Function requires univariate effect size estimates, standard errors, and sample sizes, candidate polygenic risk score estimates, and a reference panel.
#' @param testBetas Univariate effect sizes for the out-of-sample data
#' @param testSes Univariate standard errors for the effect sizes of the out-of-sample data
#' @param N Sample sizes corresponding to the testBetas. Can be a constant or a vector.
#' @param penalizedBetas The polygenic risk scores to be tested on the out-of-sample data. May be a matrix.
#' @param refPanel PLINK stem for binary file to be used as the reference panel
#' @param allele1 Vector of effect alleles for the penalizedBetas. Corresponds to the fifth column of a PLINK .bim file.
#' @param allele2 Vector of reference alleles for the penalizedBetas. Corresponds to the sixth column of a PLINK .bim file.
#' @param standardized Set to true if the coefficient estimates for penalizedBetas are standardized. Note that elastSum and tlpSum output standardized estimates.
#' @param trainVar Phenotypic variance for data used to estimate the penalizedBetas. Only necessary if standardized = TRUE
#' @param allele1.test Vector of effect alleles for the testBetas. Corresponds to the fifth column of a PLINK .bim file.
#' @param allele2.test Vector of reference alleles for the testBetas. Corresponds to the sixth column of a PLINK .bim file.
#' @param ldBlocks Location of file specifying independent LD Blocks to be used. File should be in the BED file format. If null, estimation is done by chromosome.
#' @export
quasicors <- function(testBetas, testSes, N, penalizedBetas, refPanel, allele1 = NULL, allele2 = NULL, standardized = TRUE, trainVar = NULL, allele1.test = NULL, allele2.test = NULL){
if(length(N) == 1) N = rep(N, length(betas))
penalizedBetas = as.matrix(penalizedBetas)
bim = read.table(paste0(refPanel,".bim"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
flippedInd = which(bim$V5==allele2 & bim$V6==allele1)
penalizedBetas[flippedInd,] = penalizedBetas[flippedInd,] * -1
flippedIndTest = which(bim$V5==allele2.test & bim$V6==allele1.test)
testBetas[flippedIndTest] = testBetas[flippedIndTest] * -1
p = nrow(bim)
fam = read.table(paste0(refPanel,".fam"))
nFam = nrow(fam)
#If LD blocks are specified, format the file and proceed
ldDat = read.table(ldBlocks, header = TRUE)
ldDat[,1] = as.character(sub("^chr","",ldDat[,1], ignore.case = TRUE))
#if the LD blocks file is null, do estimation by chromosome
vec1 = c(1:22)
vec2 = rep(0, 22)
vec3 = rep(Inf, 22)
ldDat = cbind.data.frame(vec1,vec2,vec3)
matList = vector("list")
matListInd = 1
for(i in 1:nrow(ldDat)){
curChr = substring(ldDat[i,1],4)
curMin = ldDat[i,2]
curMax = ldDat[i,3]
curSnps = bim$V2[bim$V4 > curMin & bim$V4 <= curMax & bim$V1 == curChr]
tempInd = which(bim$V2%in%curSnps)
if(length(tempInd) > 0){
matList[[matListInd]] = cov(genoMat[,tempInd, drop = FALSE])
matListInd = matListInd+1
V = bdiag(matList)
sds = normalize(genoMat)
#estimate yty for the test data
tempEstTest = rep(0, length(testSes))
for(i in 1:length(testSes)){
tempEstTest = N[i] * sds[i]^2 * testSes[i]^2 + sds[i]^2*testBetas[i]^2
ytyEstTest = median(tempEstTest,na.rm = TRUE)
quasicorrelations = rep(0, ncol(penalizedBetas))
num = rep(0, ncol(penalizedBetas))
denom = rep(0, ncol(penalizedBetas))
for(i in 1:length(quasicorrelations)){
penalizedBetasTemp = penalizedBetas[,i]
if(standardized) penalizedBetasTemp = penalizedBetas[,i]*sqrt(trainVar)/sds
num[i] = sum((sds^2)*testBetas*penalizedBetasTemp)
denom[i] = sqrt(t(penalizedBetasTemp)%*%V%*%penalizedBetasTemp)
quasicorrelations[i] = num[i]/(denom[i]*sqrt(ytyEstTest))
toReturn = structure(list(quasicorrelations = quasicorrelations, bxy = num, bxxb = denom^2))
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