
Defines functions compute_effective_range_nochecks compute_effective_range find_zeros_cross find_first_zero_cross compute_lowCurve fitLoess computeS

Documented in compute_effective_range compute_effective_range_nochecks compute_lowCurve computeS find_first_zero_cross find_zeros_cross fitLoess

# Functions in File #
# computeS
# fitLoess
# compute_lowCurve
# find_first_zero_cross
# find_zeros_cross
# compute_effective_range
# compute_effective_range_nochecks

#' @title Compute Smoothing Matrix
#' @description Calculates the smoothing (or "hat") matrix from a design matrix.
#' @param x Matrix of spline values, assumed to have full rank. A data frame is coerced into a matrix.
#' @param inds Column indices of smoothing matrix to return (corresponding to rows in \code{x}).
#' @details Given a matrix \code{X} of spline values, this computes  \code{S=X(X'X)^(-1)X'}. When \code{x} has many rows, this can be quite large. The \code{inds} argument can be used to return a subset of columns from \code{S}.
#' @return  An \eqn{N}-by-\eqn{n} matrix, where \eqn{n} is the length of \code{inds} and \eqn{N} is the number of rows in \code{x}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Simple design matrix case
#' X <- cbind(1, rep(c(0, 1), each=4))
#' S <- computeS(X)
#' # More complex example
#' xloc <- runif(n=100, min=0, max=10)
#' X <- splines::ns(x=xloc, df=4, intercept=TRUE)
#' S <- computeS(X)
#' S2 <- computeS(X, inds=1:4)
computeS <- function(x, inds=1:nrow(x)){
    if (!inherits(x, "matrix") && !inherits(x, "data.frame")) stop("'x' must be a matrix or data frame.")
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    S <- x %*% solve(crossprod(x), t(x[inds,]))

#' @title Fit a loess curve
#' @description Wrapper function for fitting and predicting from \code{loess()}.
#' @param y Dependent variable values
#' @param x Independent variable values
#' @param newx Values of x to use for prediction.
#' @param span Controls the amount of smoothing. Passed to \code{\link[stats]{loess}}; see that function for details.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{\link[stats]{loess}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats loess predict
#' @examples
#' x <- seq(0, 5, length=50)
#' y <- cos(4*x) + rnorm(50, sd=0.5)
#' xplot <- seq(0, 5, length=200)
#' lfit <- fitLoess(y=y, x=x, newx=xplot, span=0.2)
#' plot(x, y)
#' points(xplot, lfit, type="l")
fitLoess <- function(y, x, newx=x, span=0.5,...){
    lowcurve <- stats::loess(y~x, span=span,...)
    lowpred <- stats::predict(lowcurve, newdata=newx)

#' @title Compute loess curves for smoothing matrix
#' @description Calculates a loess curve for the smoothing matrix entries, as a function of distance between points.
#' @param S Smoothing matrix, or a subset of columns from a smoothing matrix.
#' @param D Distance matrix, or a subset of columns from a distance matrix.
#' @param newd Distances to use for loess prediction.
#' @param cl Cluster object, or number of cluster instances to create. Defaults to no parallelization.
#' @param span Passed to \code{\link{fitLoess}}
#' @details For each column in \code{S}, a loess curve is fit to the values as a function of the distances between points, which are taken from the columns of \code{D}. Thus, the order of rows and columns in \code{S} should match the order of rows and columns in \code{D}.
#' For a large number of locations, this procedure may be somewhat slow. The \code{cl} argument can be used to parallelize the operation using \code{\link[parallel]{clusterMap}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{computeS}} \code{\link{fitLoess}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster clusterExport clusterMap stopCluster
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @examples
#' xloc <- runif(n=100, min=0, max=10)
#' X <- splines::ns(x=xloc, df=4, intercept=TRUE)
#' S <- computeS(X)
#' d <- as.matrix(dist(xloc))
#' xplot <- 0:10
#' lC <- compute_lowCurve(S, D=d, newd=xplot)
#' matplot(xplot, lC$SCurve, type="l", col="black")
#' points(xplot, lC$SCurveMedian, type="l", col="red")
compute_lowCurve <- function(S, D, newd, cl=NULL, span=0.1){
    if (nrow(S)!=nrow(D)) stop("Rows in S must correspond to rows in D.")
    if (ncol(S)!=ncol(D)) stop("Columns in S must correspond to columns in D.")
    if (is.null(cl)){
        n <- ncol(S)
        lowCurveM <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(newd), ncol=n)
        for (i in 1:n){#nrow(S)) {
            lowCurveM[,i] <- fitLoess(y=S[,i], x=D[, i], newx=newd, span=span)
    } else  {
        stop_cluster <- FALSE
        if (is.numeric(cl) && cl>0) {
            cl <- makeCluster(cl)
            stop_cluster <- TRUE
        }  else  if (!inherits(cl, "cluster")){
            stop("'cl' should be NULL, a cluster object, or a non-negative number indicating number of cores.")
        S_list <- as.list(as.data.frame(S))
        D_list <- as.list(as.data.frame(D))
        newfitLoess <- function(s, d) fitLoess(s, d, newx=newd, span=span)
        environment(newfitLoess) <- .GlobalEnv
        clusterExport(cl=cl, varlist=c("S_list", "D_list", "fitLoess", "newd", "span"), envir=environment())
        lowCurveM <- clusterMap(cl=cl,newfitLoess , s=S_list, d=D_list, SIMPLIFY=TRUE)
        if (stop_cluster) stopCluster(cl) # Stop process, if function started it.
    lowCurveMedian <- apply(lowCurveM, 1, stats::median, na.rm = TRUE)
    lowCurveMean <- apply(lowCurveM, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
    out <- list(SCurve=lowCurveM,

# Function for getting zero via linear interpolation between
# the two points straddling zero.
#' @rdname find_zeros_cross
#' @param x Function values, assumed to be ordered
#' @return Index of first value of \code{x} that lies below 0. Decimal values will be returned using a simple interpolation of the two values straddling 0.
#' @export
find_first_zero_cross <- function(x){
    upper_ind <- min(which(x<0))
    lower_ind <- upper_ind- 1
    frac_ind <- x[lower_ind]/(x[lower_ind] - x[upper_ind])
    lower_ind + frac_ind

# Function for finding the smallest distance that has a
# negative smoothing weight for each column of the smoothing matrix
#' @title Find first zeros
#' @description For each column of smoothing matrix, determines smallest distance that corresponds with a negative smoothing weight
#' @param D Distance matrix, or a subset of columns from a distance matrix.
#' @param S Smoothing matrix, or a subset of columns from a smoothing matrix.
#' @export
find_zeros_cross <- function(D, S){
    if (nrow(S)!=nrow(D)) stop("Rows in S must correspond to rows in D.")
    if (ncol(S)!=ncol(D)) stop("Columns in S must correspond to columns in D.")

    out <- rep(0, ncol(D))

    for(i in 1:ncol(D)){
        x <- cbind(D[,i], S[,i])
        x <- x[order(x[,1]),]

        if(min(x[,2]) >= 0){
            out[i] <- NA
            upper_ind <- min(which(x[,2] < 0))
            # lower_ind <- upper_ind - 1
            # frac_dist <- x[lower_ind,2]/(x[lower_ind,2] - x[upper_ind,2])
            # cross_vals[i] <- x[lower_ind,1] + (x[upper_ind,1] - x[lower_ind,1])*frac_dist
            out[i] <- x[upper_ind,1]

#' @title Compute effective range
#' @description Calculates the effective range for a spline basis matrix.
#' @param X Matrix of spline values. See \code{namestem} for expected column names.
#' @param coords Matrix of point coordinates. Defaults to the \code{x} and \code{y} columns of \code{X}, but can have a different number of columns for settings with different dimensions.
#' @param df Degrees of freedom for which effective range should be computed.
#' @param nsamp Number of observations from \code{X} from which to sample. Defaults to minimum of 1,000 and \code{nrow(X)}.
#' @param newd Distance values at which to make loess predictions. Should correspond to distances in the same units as \code{coords}.
#' @param scale_factor Factor by which range should be scaled. Often physical distance corresponding to resolution of grid.
#' @param smoothedCurve Should a smoothed curve be fit to the relationship between the distances and the smoothed weights (TRUE), or just find the smallest distance that has a negative weight (FALSE)
#' @param returnFull Should the mean and median curves be returned (TRUE), or just the range value of where they first cross zero (FALSE).
#' @param cl Cluster object, or number of cluster instances to create. Defaults to no parallelization.
#' @param namestem Stem of names of columns of X corresponding to evaluated splines.
#' Defaults to \code{""}, meaning names of the form \code{1}, \code{2}, ...
#' @param inds Optional vector of indices to use as subset. If provided, \code{nsamp} is not used.
#' @param verbose Control message printing.
#' @param span Passed to \code{\link{fitLoess}}. If too small, then can lead to unstable loess estimates.
#' @details Using the given TPRS basis and the inputted coordinates, the effective bandwidth is computed for the given degrees of freedom. This is accomplished by computing a distance matrix from the coordinates and a smoothing matrix from the basis.
#' For each column of smoothing weights, the smallest distance that corresponds with the first negative smoothing weight is obtained and the median of the obtained distances is reported as the effective bandwidth.
#' The names of columns of \code{X} are assumed to be numeric, with an optional name stem (e.g. "s1", "s2", etc.).
#' @seealso \code{\link{compute_lowCurve}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom flexclust dist2
#' @examples
#' xloc <- runif(n=100, min=0, max=10)
#' X <- splines::ns(x=xloc, df=4, intercept=TRUE)
#' colnames(X) <- paste0("s", 1:ncol(X))
#' xplot <- 0:10
#' compute_effective_range(X=X, coords=as.matrix(xloc), df=2:4, newd=xplot, namestem="s")
#' M <- 16
#' tprs_df <- 10
#' si <- seq(0, 1, length=M+1)[-(M+1)]
#' gridcoords <- expand.grid(x=si, y=si)
#' tprsX <- computeTPRS(coords = gridcoords, maxdf = tprs_df+1)
#' compute_effective_range(X=tprsX$tprsX, coords=gridcoords, df=3:10)
compute_effective_range <- function(X, coords=X[, c("x", "y")], df=3, nsamp=min(1000, nrow(X)), smoothedCurve = FALSE, newd=seq(0, 1, 100), scale_factor=1, returnFull=FALSE, cl=NULL,namestem="", inds=NULL,verbose=TRUE, span=0.1){
    ngrid <- nrow(X)
    if (is.null(inds)){
        inds <- sample(ngrid, size=nsamp)
    D <- flexclust::dist2(coords, coords[inds,])
    if(returnFull & smoothedCurve){
        out <- vector("list", length(df))
    } else {
        out <- numeric(length(df))
    names(out) <- df
    if(!all(paste0(namestem, 1:max(df)) %in% colnames(X))) stop(paste0("Column names of X must take the form ", namestem, max(df)))
    for (k in seq_along(df)){
        cat("Df = ", df[k], "\n")
        out[[k]] <- compute_effective_range_nochecks(X=X[, paste0(namestem, 1:df[k]), drop=FALSE], inds=inds, smoothedCurve = smoothedCurve, newd=newd, D=D, scale_factor=scale_factor, returnFull=returnFull, cl=cl, span=span)

#' @rdname compute_effective_range
#' @param inds Indices of observations to use for computation. Passed to \code{\link{computeS}}.
#' @param D Distance matrix.
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
compute_effective_range_nochecks <- function(X, inds, newd, D, smoothedCurve = FALSE, scale_factor=1, returnFull=FALSE, cl=NULL, span=0.1){
    S <- computeS(X, inds=inds)
        SCurve <- compute_lowCurve(S=S, D=D, newd=newd, cl=cl, span=span)
        out <-  find_first_zero_cross(x = SCurve$SCurveMedian)*scale_factor
        zeros <-  find_zeros_cross(D = D, S = S)
        out <- stats::median(zeros, na.rm =T)
    if (returnFull){
        out <- list(range=out,
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