
Defines functions rsquared.gam rsquared.Sarlm rsquared.glmmPQL rsquared.glmmTMB rsquared.negbin rsquared.glmerMod rsquared.lme rsquared.merMod rsquared.glm rsquared.gls rsquared.lm rsquared

Documented in rsquared rsquared.gam rsquared.glm rsquared.glmerMod rsquared.glmmPQL rsquared.gls rsquared.lm rsquared.lme rsquared.merMod rsquared.negbin rsquared.Sarlm

#' R-squared for linear regression
#' Returns (pseudo)-R^2 values for all linear, generalized linear, and
#' generalized linear mixed effects models.
#' For mixed models, marginal R2 considers only the variance by the fixed
#' effects, and the conditional R2 by both the fixed and random effects.
#' For generalized additive models fit to gaussian distribution, the function
#' returns ths adjusted-R2. For all other distributions, it returns the proportion
#' of deviance explained.
#' For GLMs (\code{glm}), supported methods include: \itemize{
#' \item\code{mcfadden} 1 - ratio of likelihoods of full vs. null models
#' \item\code{coxsnell} McFadden's R2 but raised to 2/N. Upper limit is < 1
#' \item\code{nagelkerke} Adjusts Cox-Snell R2 so that upper limit = 1. The
#' DEFAULT method
#' } For GLMERs fit to Poisson, Gamma, and negative binomial distributions
#' (\code{glmer}, \code{glmmPQL}, \code{glmer.nb}), supported methods include
#' \itemize{ \item\code{delta} Approximates the observation variance based on
#' second-order Taylor series expansion. Can be used with many families and
#' link functions
#' \item\code{lognormal} Observation variance is the variance of the log-normal
#' distribution
#' \item\code{trigamma} Provides most accurate estimate of the observation
#' variance but is limited to only the log link. The DEFAULT method
#' } For GLMERs fit to the binomial distribution (\code{glmer},
#' \code{glmmPQL}), supported methods include: \itemize{
#' \item\code{theoretical} Assumes observation variance is pi^2/3
#' \item\code{delta} Approximates the observation variance as above. The
#' DEFAULT method
#' }
#' @param modelList a regression, or a list of structural equations.
#' @param method The method used to compute the R2 value (See Details)
#' @return Returns a \code{data.frame} with the response, its family and link,
#' the method used to estimate R2, and the R2 value itself. Mixed models also
#' return marginal and conditional R2 values.
#' @author Jon Lefcheck <lefcheckj@@si.edu>
#' @references Nakagawa, Shinichi, Paul CD Johnson, and Holger Schielzeth. 
#' "The coefficient of determination R 2 and intra-class correlation coefficient 
#' from generalized linear mixed-effects models revisited and expanded." 
#' Journal of the Royal Society Interface 14.134 (2017): 20170213.
#' @examples
#'   \dontrun{
#'     # Create data
#'     dat <- data.frame(
#'       ynorm = rnorm(100),
#'       ypois = rpois(100, 100),
#'       x1 = rnorm(100),
#'       random = letters[1:5]
#'     )
#'     # Get R2 for linear model
#'     rsquared(lm(ynorm ~ x1, dat))
#'     # Get R2 for generalized linear model
#'     rsquared(glm(ypois ~ x1, "poisson", dat))
#'     rsquared(glm(ypois ~ x1, "poisson", dat), method = "mcfadden") # McFadden R2
#'     # Get R2 for generalized least-squares model
#'     rsquared(gls(ynorm ~ x1, dat))
#'     # Get R2 for linear mixed effects model (nlme)
#'     rsquared(nlme::lme(ynorm ~ x1, random = ~ 1 | random, dat))
#'     # Get R2 for linear mixed effects model (lme4)
#'     rsquared(lme4::lmer(ynorm ~ x1 + (1 | random), dat))
#'     # Get R2 for generalized linear mixed effects model (lme4)
#'     rsquared(lme4::glmer(ypois ~ x1 + (1 | random), family = poisson, dat))
#'     rsquared(lme4::glmer(ypois ~ x1 + (1 | random), family = poisson, dat), method = "delta")
#'     # Get R2 for generalized linear mixed effects model (glmmPQL)
#'     rsquared(MASS::glmmPQL(ypois ~ x1, random = ~ 1 | random, family = poisson, dat))
#'     # Get R2 for generalized additive models (gam)
#'     rsquared(mgcv::gam(ynorm ~ x1, dat))
#'   }
#' @export
rsquared <- function(modelList, method = NULL) {

  if(!all(class(modelList) %in% c("psem", "list"))) modelList = list(modelList)

  modelList <- removeData(modelList, formulas = 1)


  ret <- lapply(modelList, function(i) {

    if(all(class(i) %in% c("lm", "pgls"))) r <- rsquared.lm(i) else

    if(all(class(i) %in% c("gls"))) r <- rsquared.gls(i) else

    if(all(class(i) %in% c("glm", "lm", "negbin"))) r <- rsquared.glm(i, method) else

    # if(any(class(i) %in% c("phylolm", "phyloglm"))) r <- rsquared.phylolm(i)

    if(all(class(i) %in% c("lme"))) r <- rsquared.lme(i) else

    if(all(class(i) %in% c("lmerMod", "merModLmerTest", "lmerModLmerTest"))) r <- rsquared.merMod(i) else

    if(any(class(i) %in% c("glmerMod"))) r <- rsquared.glmerMod(i, method) else
    if(any(class(i) %in% c("glmmTMB"))) r <- rsquared.glmmTMB(i) else

    if(any(class(i) %in% c("glmmPQL"))) r <- rsquared.glmmPQL(i, method) else
    if(any(class(i) %in% c("Sarlm"))) r <- rsquared.Sarlm(i) else
    if(any(class(i) %in% c("gam"))) r <- rsquared.gam(i) else
      r <- list(family = "gaussian", link = "identity", method = "none", R.squared = NA)

    ret <- do.call(data.frame, r)

    ret <- data.frame(Response = all_vars_merMod(formula(i))[1], ret)

    # if(ncol(ret) != 5) ret[, ncol(ret) + 1] <- NA


  } )

  if(length(unique(sapply(ret, ncol))) != 1) {

    nc <- max(sapply(ret, ncol))

    ret <- lapply(ret, function(i)

      if(ncol(i) == nc) i else {

          Response = i$Response,
          family = i$family,
          link = i$link,
          method = i$method,
          Marginal = i$R.squared,
          Conditional = NA




  ret <- do.call(rbind, ret)

  # ret[, which(sapply(ret, is.numeric))] <- round(ret[, which(sapply(ret, is.numeric))], 2)

  rownames(ret) <- NULL



#' R^2 for lm objects
#' @keywords internal
rsquared.lm <- function(model)

  list(family = "gaussian", link = "identity", method = "none", R.squared = summary(model)$r.squared)

#' R^2 for gls objects
#' @keywords internal
rsquared.gls <- function(model) {

  X <- model.matrix(eval(model$call$model[-2]), GetData(model))

  sigmaF <- var(as.vector(model$coefficients %*% t(X)))

  sigmaE <- var(resid(model))

  list(family = "gaussian", link = "identity", method = "none", R.squared = sigmaF / (sigmaF + sigmaE))


#' R^2 for glm objects
#' @keywords internal
rsquared.glm <- function(model, method = "nagelkerke") {
  if(is.null(method)) method <- "nagelkerke"
  link <- family(model)$link
  family. <- family(model)$family
  family. <- gsub("(.*)\\(.*\\)", "\\1", family.)
  if(family. == "gaussian") {
    method <- "none"
    r <- summary(lm(model$formula, model$data))$r.squared
  if(method == "mcfadden") {
    r <- 1 - (model$deviance / model$null.deviance)
  if(method %in% c("coxsnell", "nagelkerke")) {
    n <- nobs(model)
    r <- 1 - exp((model$deviance - model$null.deviance) / n)
    if(method == "nagelkerke")
      r <- r / (1 - exp(-1 * model$null.deviance / n))
  list(family = family., link = link, method = method, R.squared = r)

#' R^2 for phylolm objects
#' @keywords internal
# rsquared.phylolm <- function(model) {
#   family. <- ifelse(class(model) == "phylolm", "gaussian", model$method)
#   link <- ifelse(class(model) == "phylolm", "identity", "?")
#   list(family = family., link = NA, method = "none", R.squared = NA)
# }

#' R^2 for merMod objects
#' @keywords internal
rsquared.merMod <- function(model) {

  X <- model.matrix(model)

  sigmaF <- var(as.vector(lme4::fixef(model) %*% t(X)))

  sigma <- unclass(lme4::VarCorr(model))

  sigmaL <- sum(sapply(1:length(sigma), function(i) {

    sigma. <- sigma[[i]]
    if(all(rownames(sigma.) %in% colnames(X))) X. <- X else
      X. <- do.call(cbind, model.matrix(model, type = "randomListRaw")) 

    Z <- as.matrix(X.[, rownames(sigma.), drop = FALSE])

    sum(rowSums((Z %*% sigma.) * Z))/nrow(X.)

  } ) )

  sigmaE <- attr(lme4::VarCorr(model), "sc")^2

  mar <- (sigmaF) / (sigmaF + sigmaL + sigmaE)

  con <- (sigmaF + sigmaL) / (sigmaF + sigmaL + sigmaE)

  list(family = "gaussian", link = "identity", method = "none", Marginal = mar, Conditional = con)


#' R^2 for lme objects
#' @keywords internal
rsquared.lme <- function(model) {

  X <- model.matrix(eval(model$call$fixed)[-2], droplevels(model$data))

  sigmaF <- var(as.vector(nlme::fixef(model) %*% t(X)))

  sigma <- GetVarCov(model)

  sigmaL <- sum(sapply(sigma, function(i) {
    if(all(rownames(i) %in% colnames(X))) X. <- X else
      X. <- model.matrix(model$modelStruct$reStruct,
                         data = model$data[rownames(model$fitted), , drop = FALSE]) 
    Z <- as.matrix(X.[, rownames(i), drop = FALSE])

    sum(rowSums((Z %*% i) * Z))/nrow(X.)

  } ) )

  sigmaE <- summary(model)$sigma^2

  mar <- (sigmaF) / (sigmaF + sigmaL + sigmaE)

  con <- (sigmaF + sigmaL) / (sigmaF + sigmaL + sigmaE)

  list(family = "gaussian", link = "identity", method = "none", Marginal = mar, Conditional = con)


#' R^2 for glmer objects
#' @keywords internal
rsquared.glmerMod <- function(model, method = "trigamma") {

  if(is.null(method)) method <- "trigamma"

  link <- family(model)$link

  family. <- family(model)$family

  family. <- gsub("(.*)\\(.*\\)", "\\1", family.)

  if(family. == "Negative Binomial") rsquared.negbin(model, method) else {

    X <- model.matrix(model)

    sigmaF <- var(as.vector(lme4::fixef(model) %*% t(X)))

    sigma <- unclass(lme4::VarCorr(model))

    data <- GetData(model)
    if(family. == "poisson") {

      if(!method %in% c("delta", "lognormal", "trigamma")) stop("Unsupported method!")

      sigmaL <- sum(GetOLRE(sigma, model, X, data, RE = "RE"))
      sigmaE <- sum(GetOLRE(sigma, model, X, data, RE = "OLRE"))
      rand <- onlyBars(formula(model))
      f <- paste(all_vars_trans(formula(model))[1], " ~ 1 + ", onlyBars(formula(model), slopes = TRUE))
      nullmodel <- suppressWarnings(lme4::glmer(formula(f), family = poisson(link = link), data = data))
      # lambda <- attr(VarCorr(model), "sc")^2
      lambda <- exp(fixef(nullmodel)[1] + (sigmaL + sigmaE)/2)

      omega <- 1

      if(link == "mu^0.5") sigmaD <- 0.25 * omega else {

        if(link == "log") {

          nu <- omega / lambda

          if(method == "delta") sigmaD <- nu

          if(method == "lognormal") sigmaD <- log(1 + nu)

          if(method == "trigamma") sigmaD <- trigamma(1/nu)

        } else if(link == "sqrt") {
          method <- "delta"
          if(method == "delta") sigmaD <- 0.25*omega else stop("Unsupported method!")
        else stop("Unsupported link function!")


    } else

      if(family. == "binomial") {

        if(method == "trigamma") method <- "theoretical"

        if(!method %in% c("theoretical", "delta")) stop("Unsupported method!")
        sigmaL <- sum(GetOLRE(sigma, model, X, data, RE = "all"))
        sigmaE <- 0

        if(method == "theoretical") sigmaD <- pi^2/3

        if(method == "delta") {
          rand <- onlyBars(formula(model))
          f <- paste(all_vars_trans(formula(model))[1], " ~ 1 + ", onlyBars(formula(model), slopes = FALSE))
          nullmodel <- suppressWarnings(lme4::glmer(formula(f), family = binomial(link = link), data = data))
          vt <- sum(unlist(lme4::VarCorr(nullmodel)))

          pmean <- plogis(as.numeric(fixef(nullmodel)) - 0.5 * vt *
                            tanh(as.numeric(fixef(nullmodel)) * (1 + 2 * exp(-0.5 * vt))/6))

          sigmaD <- 1/(pmean * (1 - pmean))


        } else

          if(family. == "Gamma") {

            if(!method %in% c("delta", "lognormal", "trigamma")) stop("Unsupported method!")

            sigmaL <- sum(GetOLRE(sigma, model, X, data, RE = "all"))
            sigmaE <- 0
            lambda <- attr(lme4::VarCorr(model), "sc")^2

            omega <- 1

            if(link == "log") {

              nu <- omega / lambda

              if(method == "delta") sigmaD <- 1/nu

              if(method == "lognormal") sigmaD <- log(1 + 1/nu)

              if(method == "trigamma") sigmaD <- trigamma(nu)

              } else

                if(link == "inverse") {
                  if(method != "delta") method <- "delta"
                  nu <- omega / lambda
                  sigmaD <- 1/(nu * lambda^2)

                  } else stop("Unsupported link function!")

          } else stop("Unsupported family!")

    mar <- (sigmaF) / (sigmaF + sigmaL + sigmaD + sigmaE)
    con <- (sigmaF + sigmaL) / (sigmaF + sigmaL + sigmaD + sigmaE)

    list(family = family., link = link, method = method, Marginal = mar, Conditional = con)



#' R^2 for negbin objects
#' @keywords internal
rsquared.negbin <- function(model, method = "trigamma") {

  if(is.null(method)) method <- "trigamma"

  link <- family(model)$link

  family. <- family(model)$family

  family. <- gsub("(.*)\\(.*\\)", "\\1", family.)

  X <- model.matrix(model)

  sigmaF <- var(as.vector(fixef(model) %*% t(X)))

  sigma <- unclass(lme4::VarCorr(model))

  rand <- sapply(lme4::findbars(formula(model)), function(x) as.character(x)[3])

  rand <- rand[!duplicated(rand)]

  data <- GetData(model)

  idx <- sapply(strsplit(rand, "\\:"), function(x) {

    length(unique(data[, x])) == nrow(data)

  } )

  sigma.names <- strsplit(names(sigma), "\\.")

  idx. <- sapply(sigma.names, function(x) !any(x %in% rand[idx]))

  sigmaL <- sum(sapply(sigma[idx.], function(i) {

    Z <- as.matrix(X[, rownames(i), drop = FALSE])

    sum(rowSums((Z %*% i) * Z))/nrow(X)

  } ) )

  if(family. == "Negative Binomial") {

    rand <- onlyBars(formula(model))

    f <- paste(all_vars_trans(formula(model))[1], " ~ 1 + ", onlyBars(formula(model), slopes = FALSE))

    nullmodel <- suppressWarnings(lme4::glmer.nb(formula(f), family = negative.binomial(link = link), data))

    # nullmodel <- update(model, formula(paste(". ~ 1 +", onlyBars(formula(model)))))

    lambda <- as.numeric(exp(fixef(nullmodel) + 0.5 * sum(unlist(lme4::VarCorr(nullmodel)))))

    theta <- lme4::getME(model, "glmer.nb.theta")

    if(link == "log") {

      if(!method %in% c("delta", "lognormal", "trigamma")) stop("Unsupported method!")

      nu <- (1/lambda) + (1/theta)

      if(method == "delta") sigmaE <- nu

      if(method == "lognormal") sigmaE <- log(1 + nu)

      if(method == "trigamma") sigmaE <- trigamma(nu^(-1))

    } else if(link == "sqrt") {
      method <- "delta"
      if(method == "delta") sigmaE <- 0.25*(1 + (lambda / theta)) else stop("Unsupported method!")
    } else stop("Unsupported link function!")


  mar <- (sigmaF) / (sigmaF + sigmaL + sigmaE)

  con <- (sigmaF + sigmaL) / (sigmaF + sigmaL + sigmaE)

  list(family = family., link = link, method = method, Marginal = mar, Conditional = con)


# R^2 for glmmTMB
# @keywords internal
rsquared.glmmTMB <- function(model) {
  list(family = family(model)$family, 
       link = family(model)$link, 
       method = "none", 
       Marginal = performance::r2(model)$R2_marginal, 
       Conditional = performance::r2(model)$R2_conditional)

#' R^2 for glmmPQL objects
#' @keywords internal
rsquared.glmmPQL <- function(model, method = "trigamma") {

  if(is.null(method)) method <- "trigamma"

  link <- model$family$link

  family. <- model$family$family

  X <- model.matrix(eval(model$call$fixed)[-2], droplevels(model$data))

  sigmaF <- var(as.vector(nlme::fixef(model) %*% t(X)))

  sigma <- nlme::VarCorr(model)

  sigmaL <- sum(as.numeric(sigma[!grepl("=|Residual", rownames(sigma)), 1]))

  data <- GetData(model)

  if(family. %in% c("gaussian")) l <- rsquared.lme(model) else {
    if(family. %in% c("poisson", "quasipoisson")) {
      f <- paste(all_vars_trans(formula(model))[1], " ~ 1")
      if(family. == "poisson")
        nullmodel <- suppressWarnings(MASS::glmmPQL(formula(f), random = model$call$random, family = poisson(link = link), data = data, verbose = FALSE)) else
          nullmodel <- suppressWarnings(MASS::glmmPQL(formula(f), random = model$call$random, family = quasipoisson(link = link), data = data, verbose = FALSE))
      lambda <- as.numeric(exp(fixef(nullmodel) + 0.5 * sum(unlist(GetVarCov(nullmodel)))))
      if(family. == "poisson") omega <- 1 else omega <- as.numeric(sigma[nrow(sigma), 1])
      if(link == "mu^0.5") sigmaE <- 0.25 * omega else {
        if(link == "log") {
          if(!method %in% c("delta", "lognormal", "trigamma")) stop("Unsupported method!")
          nu <- omega / lambda
          if(method == "delta") sigmaE <- nu
          if(method == "lognormal") sigmaE <- log(1 + (nu))
          if(method == "trigamma") sigmaE <- trigamma(1/nu)
        } else stop("Unsupported link function!")
    } else if(family. %in% c("binomial", "quasibinomial")) {
      if(method == "trigamma") method <- "delta"
      if(!method %in% c("theoretical", "delta")) stop("Unsupported method!")
      if(method == "theoretical") sigmaE <- sigmaD <- pi^2/3
      if(method == "delta") {
        f <- paste(all_vars_trans(formula(model))[1], " ~ 1")
        if(family. == "binomial")
          nullmodel <- suppressWarnings(MASS::glmmPQL(formula(f), random = model$call$random, family = binomial(link = link), data = data, verbose = FALSE)) else
            nullmodel <- suppressWarnings(MASS::glmmPQL(formula(f), random = model$call$random, family = quasibinomial(link = link), data = data, verbose = FALSE))
        vt <- sum(unlist(GetVarCov(nullmodel)))
        pmean <- plogis(as.numeric(fixef(nullmodel)) - 0.5 * vt *
                          tanh(as.numeric(fixef(nullmodel)) * (1 + 2 * exp(-0.5 * vt))/6))
        sigmaE <- 1/(pmean * (1 - pmean))
      } else if(family. %in% c("Gamma")) {
        if(link == "log") {
          if(!method %in% c("delta", "lognormal", "trigamma")) stop("Unsupported method!")
          nu <- 1 / as.numeric(nlme::VarCorr(model)[nrow(nlme::VarCorr(model)), 1])
          if(method == "delta") sigmaE <- 1 / nu
          if(method == "lognormal") sigmaE <- log(1 + 1/nu)
          if(method == "trigamma") sigmaE <- trigamma(nu)
          } else stop("Unsupported link function!")
        } else stop("Unsupported family!")
    mar <- (sigmaF) / (sigmaF + sigmaL + sigmaE)
    con <- (sigmaF + sigmaL) / (sigmaF + sigmaL + sigmaE)
    l <- list(family = family., link = link, method = method, Marginal = mar, Conditional = con)


#' R^2 for Sarlm objects
#' @keywords internal
rsquared.Sarlm <- function(model) {
  list(family = "gaussian", link = "identity", method = "none", 
       R.squared = summary(model, Nagelkerke = TRUE)$NK)

#' R^2 for gam objects
#' @keywords internal
rsquared.gam <- function(model) {

  link <- family(model)$link
  family. <- family(model)$family
  if(family. == "gaussian") r <- summary(model)$r.sq else r <- summary(model)$dev.expl
  list(family = family., link = link, method = "none", R.squared = r)
jslefche/piecewiseSEM documentation built on June 13, 2024, 2:19 p.m.