  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

  fig.path = "man/figures/"

Travis build status Coverage status status


The goal of scTree is to provide allow biologists to identify a minimal set of genes from single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) data that can be used in downstream experiments. While there are already methods available to identify differentially expressed genes and markers that differ between subpopulations in scRNA-seqdata, there are generally too many genes in these lists to use in follow-up experiments.

Features suggesting pseudo-gating strategies to purify found populations via flow-cytometry, antibody querying and cross validations between datasets.

Please check our companion documentation website hosted at

Number of lines in roxygen comments: r system2("bash", "-c \"grep -RP '^#' ./R | wc -l\"", stdout = TRUE)

Number of lines in R code: r system2("bash", "-c \"grep -RP '^[^#]' ./R | grep -vP '^$' | wc -l \"", stdout = TRUE)


Steps down the road

  1. Address some of the TODO's in this repository
  2. Reduce dependecies by replacing functions to base equivalents.
  3. Add links to the documentation to make nicer to explore the package from inside R
  4. Implement a way to find markers for clusters exclusively upregulated
  5. Refctor the code to make the coding nomenclature same as seurat

jspaezp/sctree documentation built on April 30, 2020, 10:36 p.m.