
markers <- sctree::FindAllMarkers(
        features = rownames(small_5050_mix@assays$RNA@data),
        test.use = "RangerDE")

# Here we just extract the top 3 markers for each cluster
top_markers <-, lapply(split(markers, markers$cluster), head, 3))
top_markers <- top_markers$gene

Suggesting a gating strategy for the markers

A general strategy to get separate all clusters

tree_fit <- fit_ctree(small_5050_mix,
                      genes_use = top_markers,
                      cluster = "ALL")

Visualizing the tree as ... a tree ... we can see how our model is a simple series of yes/no questions.

If we wanted to classifiy a random cell: in the first node, we check if the expression of that gene is higher or lower than a given value, if it is lower, we proceed to the left, if not we go right. We keep doing that until we have no more branches. This final node will have a predicted cluster, in this plot we can also see how pure can we expect this group to be and how many of the cells in our training set clasify as part of it.


When inspecting the tree_fit, we can see a more detailed text representation of this tree.


Sometimes one might think that the proposed strategy is too complicated or not implementable in the experimental settings, in order to add constraints to the fit one can give additional arguments that will be passed to partykit::ctree_control, such as maxdepth = 2 (maximum 2 questions per cell)

tree_fit <- fit_ctree(
    small_5050_mix, genes_use = top_markers,
    cluster = "ALL", maxdepth = 2)

Since not all variables are ultimately used in our classifier, one can access the ones that were by using varimp(tree_fit)

plot_flowstyle(small_5050_mix, names(partykit::varimp(tree_fit)))

One can also request the package to suggest a specific strategy only for a given cluster. This function is not expected to give drastically different results in datasets with few clusters, but it can definitely come usefull when many clusters are present and one is interested in a specific one.

tree_fit <- fit_ctree(small_5050_mix, genes_use = top_markers, cluster = "0")

Sometimes it is useful to visualize directly the subset of cells that will be "gated" out in each rule, this can be easily achieved by using our implementation of plot_gates

plot_gates(small_5050_mix, tree_fit, "6")

We have also implemented a way to export these rules as a garnett classifier. for more detail on how the classifier is implemented please refer to the garnett documentation


jspaezp/sctree documentation built on April 30, 2020, 10:36 p.m.