
Defines functions false_detections

Documented in false_detections

#' False detection filter
#' Identify possible false detections based on "short interval" criteria (e.g.,
#' GLATOS 'min_lag') .
#' @param det A \code{glatos_detections} object (e.g., produced by
#'   \link{read_glatos_detections}). 
#'   \emph{OR:} A data frame with one column containing 'min_lag' which for each
#'   detection record, is the smallest time (in seconds) to the next closest
#'   detection (either previous or subsequent) of the same transmitter on the
#'   same receiver. The name of the column containing 'min_lag' can be specified
#'   via \code{min_lag_col}; see below).
#'   \emph{OR} (\emph{if \code{min_lag} is missing}) A data farme containing
#'   detection data with the four columns described below. In that case,
#'   \code{min_lag} will be calculated using \link{min_lag}).
#'   \describe{ 
#'   \item{detection_timestamp_utc}{Detection timestamps; MUST be of class
#'   POSIXct.}
#'   \item{transmitter_codespace}{A character string with transmitter code space
#'   (e.g., "A69-1061" for Vemco PPM coding").}
#'   \item{transmitter_id}{A character string with transmitter ID code (e.g.,
#'   "1363" for Vemco PPM coding").}
#'   \item{receiver_sn}{A character vector with unique receiver serial number.}
#'   }
#' @param tf A number indicating the time threshold (in seconds; e.g., 
#'   Pincock's (2012) "short interval") for identifying possible false 
#'   detections.
#' @param min_lag_col A character string containing the name of the column 
#'   in \code{det} that contains 'min_lag'.
#' @param show_plot Indicates if a plot should be displayed showing the 
#'   proportion of detections that exceed min_lag from min_lag = 1 to 
#'   min_lag = 5 * tf. 
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \link{plot}. 
#' @details Detections are identified as potentially false when 
#'   \code{min_lag > tf}.
#' @details A new column (\code{passed_filter}), indicating if each record (row)
#' passed the filter, is added to the input data frame.
#' @details This function was written specifically with GLATOS standard
#'   detection export in mind, but if \code{min_lag} is absent and
#'   \code{min_lag_col} is not specified, then \code{min_lag} will be calculated
#'   using \link{min_lag}.
#' @details A common rule of thumb for choosing \code{tf} for VEMCO PPM encoded
#' transmitters is 30 times the nominal delay (e.g., 3600 s for a transmitter
#' with a 120 s nominal delay) - see Pincock (2012).
#' @details When \code{show_plot = TRUE} then the plot may be used to assess
#'   sensitivity of the proportion of detections removed to the choice of
#'   \code{tf}.
#' @return A data frame consisting of \code{det} with an additional 
#'   column 'passed_filter' indicating if each detection did (1) or did not (0) 
#'   pass the criteria.
#' @author T. R. Binder, edited by A. Dini
#' @seealso \code{\link{min_lag}}
#' @references
#'   Pincock, D.G., 2012. False detections: what they are and how to remove them 
#'     from detection data. Vemco Division, Amirix Systems Inc., Halifax, 
#'     Nova Scotia.
#'     \cr \url{http://www.vemco.com/pdf/false_detections.pdf}
#' @references
#'   Simpfendorfer, C.A., Huveneers, C., Steckenreuter, A., Tattersall, K., 
#'     Hoenner, X., Harcourt, R. and Heupel, M.R., 2015. Ghosts in the data: 
#'     false detections in VEMCO pulse position modulation acoustic telemetry 
#'     monitoring equipment. Animal Biotelemetry, 3(1), p.55.
#'     \cr \url{https://animalbiotelemetry.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40317-015-0094-z}
#' @examples
#' #get path to example detection file
#' det_file <- system.file("extdata", "walleye_detections.csv",
#'                          package = "glatos")
#' det <- read_glatos_detections(det_file)
#' det <- false_detections(det, 3600)
#' head(det)
#' #plot sensitivity to tf
#' det <- false_detections(det, 3600, show_plot = TRUE)
#' @export

false_detections <- function(det, tf, min_lag_col = "min_lag", 
  show_plot = FALSE, ...){
  # Check that the min_lag column is in the detections dataframe
  # If not, add it in using min_lag function
  if (!(min_lag_col %in% names(det))){
    det <- min_lag(det) #Get min_lag column
  # Identify possible false detections by comparing "min_lag" column to 
	#  threshold defined in object "tf".
  det$passed_filter <- ifelse(!is.na(det[[min_lag_col]]) & 
		                                 det[[min_lag_col]] <= tf, 1, 0)
  nr <- nrow(det)
  message(paste0("The filter identified ",
    nr - sum(det$passed_filter), " (",
    round((nr - sum(det$passed_filter))/
        nr*100, 2), "%) of ", nr,
    " detections as potentially false."))
    cdist <- ecdf(det$min_lag) #empirical cumulative distribution function
    x <- 1:(5*tf)
    y <- 1 - cdist(x)
    # specify defaults here
    args.default <- list(type = "l", las = 2, xlab = "min_lag threshold (tf)",
                         ylab = "Proportion of min_lag > tf") 
    inargs <- list(...)
    args.default[names(inargs)] <- inargs
    do.call(plot, c(list(x=x, y=y), args.default))
    #plot(x, y, type = "l", las = 2, xlab = "min_lag threshold (tf)", 
    #  ylab = "Proportion of min_lag > tf", ...)
    abline(v = tf, col = "red", lty = 2)
jsta/glatos documentation built on July 11, 2022, 7:01 a.m.